• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 7,651 Views, 11 Comments

Horrors of the Hallowvale - Mazzyrazzy

Ponyville's biggest Halloween party ever! But what will happen when weird stuff starts to happen?

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Author's Note: It's time to get into the Halloween spirit everypony! Turn out the lights, grab a jack-o-lantern (because I know you have one around), and munch on some of that candy. It's time for a very pony-fied Halloween night. I just wanted to note for future readers that this fan-fiction was made specifically for the Halloween season. Also, I don't know particularly what 'Slice of Life' means, but I'll assume it means a normal fic.

Horrors of the Hallowvale – Prologue

By Mazzyrazzy

"Come on Twilight, we're going to be late!"

Twilight was peering into her mirror, using her magic to adjust her fangs just right. It wasn't every day that she got to dress up like a vampony, and she wanted it to look convincing. Around her shoulders she draped a black cape, completing her full spooky transformation. She opened her mouth wide to admire her handy work; the plastic white fangs stuck out of her mouth no matter if her jaw was closed or not. Overall she was very pleased with how her costume turned out. Finally, she turned to Spike, who was dressed in a matching vampony getup, though in his case it would be a vamdragon. He was glaring at Twilight, and impatiently tapping his foot.

"Keep your scales on, Spike. We'll be there before you know it. I know you're excited about Applejack's and Pinkie's Halloween party, but we still have a few minutes before we need to go, and the party will most likely be there all night. So there's no need to rush."

Spike paced, brimming with excitement. "I wonder what games they'll have. Do you think there will be candy at the costume party? Ooh, I hope they have those candy corn treats I like! I wonder how many ponies are coming… I bet it's a lot, right? I mean, everypony in Ponyville is invited so it should be a huge turnout! Oh and don't even get me started about how excited I am for this 'haunted hay ride' that Applejack told me about…"

Twilight giggled and let him ramble on for a bit. Honestly she was pretty excited herself. Applejack and Pinkie Pie have been working together for the past week to turn Sweet Apple Acres into Haunted Apple Acres. It's been incredibly secretive, and only the usual farm staff was allowed anywhere near the farm. Supposedly the project got so enormous that the mayor herself was invited down near the completion of the farm's transformation, and she was so impressed that she made it official party central for this year's Halloween festival.

Stepping outside in the cool October air, Spike hopped on Twilight's back. "Let's get going already!" He pleaded impatiently.

The light outside was already starting to dim as the sun set on the horizon. The purple vampony closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the autumn air. She couldn't think of anytime she enjoyed more than the days leading up to Halloween. There was always an excited buzz running through the town. Little fillies and colts painted pumpkins and played games, while the older ponies hung all sorts of decorations. The scent of pumpkins filled the cool breeze; pumpkin pies were an especially enticing aroma that always hovered over the town like a warm blanket. And, of course, who could forget the mastery of the traditional Jack-O-Lanterns?

Spike poked her side. "Eh, Twilight? You okay?"

She let out the breath she held in as a content sigh. "I'm perfect."

Twilight began walking down the road, joined my various members of the community who all seemed to be headed for Haunted Apple Acres. Ponies were dressed in all sorts of costumes. She saw a magician, an eerie ghost, and several little fillies dressed up as princesses. The whole street was bustling with conversation, everypony excited to see what the party looked like. The younger ones were trying to guess what games and activities would be available, each idea setting them off as they bounced around enthusiastically.

Spike chattered just as energetically on her back. "What do you want to do first Twi? How about the games? I'm sure they have all types! OH, what about the costume dance party? I bet the barn looks amazing inside… WAIT! We have to go on the hayride first!"

Twilight giggled. "Calm down Spike, we'll be able to do everything, I promise."

"Sorry, I'm just so excited! What are you looking forward to?" Spike asked.

Twilight thought on it. "Really, I'm pretty curious to see how great Sweet App – I mean, Haunted Apple Acres is. I know it's going to be incredible." They were getting nearer to the farm, walking up a hill with several other ponies. The younger ones sprinted forward, eager to get to the crest of the hill and look over at the farm below. The young ones finally got there, and froze, gasping loudly.

"Oh wwwoooooowwww!" One exclaimed. Twilight and Spike shared a glance, after which she immediately picked up the pace, eager to get a look herself. Finally they reached the crest of the hill, and overlooked the region below. Both Twilight and Spike shared a gasp.

With the moon beginning to rise behind it, the barn house let off an eerie fog which rolled from the barn itself. Cobwebs decorated every inch of it, spreading out and branching onto trees and the ground. Dozens of Jack-O-Lanterns and candles lit every window and dotted the entrance. In front of the barn was a make-shift common area, with a stage and big enough to hold nearly the whole town by the looks of it. The stage itself was decorated with black and orange streamers and balloons, no doubt Pinkie Pie's creation. In the distance, which used to be just a barren field, was now a vast variety of carnivalesque games with seasonal flare. Hay bales lined certain areas of the field creating walkways.

Most of the town had come out; the common area was packed full of ponies. It was far away, but Twilight could make out three mares on the stage: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and the Mayor. Twilight followed the crowd down the hill and walked towards the stage, casting her gaze around her. The apple trees were decorated with more cobwebs, fake spiders, and orange streamers. As they were walking, Twilight heard a small voice.

"Oh, hey Twilight," the voice said timidly. Twilight turned to her right and her eyes lit up when she saw her friend and what she was wearing. Fluttershy walked over, wearing a white, fuzzy bunny outfit. It was slightly too big for her and dropped slightly in her face, hiding her eyes. She lifted it out of the way once she was standing next to Twilight.

"Aw, your costume is adorable, Fluttershy!" Twilight giggled softly.

"Thanks Twilight, it was," Fluttershy began but the hood fell in her face once again, "umm, it was Angel's idea." She once again uncovered her face. The display made Twilight and Spike giggle.

"Well, it suits you very well Fluttershy." Twilight added courteously. The pegasus's eyes sparkled as she smiled with gratitude. Together, they began walking towards the common ground. Twilight tried to start a conversation, but as the crowd around her began to get denser, her own voice was drowned out in the noise. Eventually after repeating herself many times, she finally gave up, refusing to compete with the pandemonium.

As they scooted closer to the stage, uttering many apologies along the way as they bumped into other ponies, Twilight could see the Major approach the stand, no doubt preparing to make her speech. They were close enough to get a decent view, so they halted in their place. From the stage, Pinkie Pie finally caught a glimpse of them. Her face lit up as she waved furiously. After Twilight and Fluttershy shared a glance, they returned her wave though not as enthusiastic as Pinkie's. Next to her, Applejack looked oddly and Pinkie, then looked in the same direction she was. Twilight and Applejack made eye contact, and a big grin spread across the earth pony's face. It was a smile that said, "Hey, this is pretty nice, huh?"

Twilight admired her friends' costumes. AJ was dressed up as an old fashion scarecrow, which looked incredibly uncomfortable. She wore blue overalls stuffed to the brim with hay, and her usual cowmare hat was replaced with a straw replica. Twilight wondered if the costume itched at all… it sure looked it. Pinkie Pie was wearing… a circle. To be more specific, she was encased in a pink sphere; the only thing that could be seen were her legs, head, and fluffy tail. Twilight was a bit confused about this, though she decided not to dwell on it. Knowing Pinkie Pie, she probably had a half-decent, if not completely moon mad, reason.

The crowd hushed as the Mayor hit center stage. There were a few luminescent decorations that lit up on the stage, bringing natural "ooo"'s and "aahhh"'s. With Luna's moon rising behind her, the Mayor finally began to speak. "Good evening ladies and gentlecolts, ghasts and ghouls, princesses and parasprites, and every sort of creature that goes bump in the night! Welcome to a very special Halloween celebration! I can tell by the look in your eyes that you're all eager to get this party underway. I would just like to thank the ponies responsible for what is sure to be the most spectacular Halloween ever! Let's give it up for our party hostesses, Pinkie Pie and the Applejack!"

Thunderous applauses and cheers erupted from the crowd as the wave of ponies stomped their hooves. Twilight and Fluttershy joined in, though the cream-colored pegasus was partying a bit more softly. AJ waved at the crowd while Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly. After nearly half a minute of chaos, the crowd died down once again.

"Now," the Mayor restarted, "there are several rules that I could bring to light, but I'm sure you're all tired of hearing them by now. You all are perfectly aware of how to have fun without sending the entire evening into chaos. However, I feel I must warn you of one thing…"

The crowd was deadly silent, as the inflection of the Mayor's voice sent apprehensive tingles down their spines. They listened with complete focus.

The Mayor allowed her voice to slipper into a darker, spookier tone. "Do not, I repeat: DO NOT, do anything to anger the Spirit of the Hallowvale, on this - the one night he has free reign upon our world."

Twilight froze in fear; that didn't sound too good. Why was everypony around her still so relaxed? Even Fluttershy looked unmoved! Before Twilight could ask about it, twin jets of fireworks rocketed into the sky, bursting into different shapes. One was a jack-o-lantern, and the other burst into the projection of different treats. Although the display lightened the mood for Twilight, she was still a bit unnerved. What was this 'Spirit of the Hallowvale'? Was it dangerous? If it wasn't, why had the Mayor warned everypony about it?

With the festivities underway, the crowd began to disperse in all directions. Some head for the field, some for the barn, and the remaining to get in line for the haunted hay ride. AJ and Pinkie hopped down from the stage and trotted over to Twilight and Fluttershy. Spike was shaking slightly on Twilight's back; perhaps she wasn't the only one who found the Mayor's speech to be particularly scary.

"Hey gals! Ain't this something?" Applejack said, clearly elated.

"It sure is! I'm impressed you managed to do this all in a week!" Twilight replied truthfully. The whole thing made for one massive project.

"We made a great team, right Applejack?" Pinkie Pie chirped, still bouncing. Before AJ could respond, she continued as if it was a rhetorical question. "Oh my gosh, we're going to have so much fun!!"

Fluttershy shot a curious glance to Pinkie, after re-adjusting her hood for the 5oth time. "Umm, Pinkie…. Not that I don't like your costume – I do – but… what are you?"

Pinkie petted Fluttershy on the head. "Silly Fluttershy! I'm a gumball, of course! Watch!!" In one quick motion, Pinkie Pie retreated into her ball, like a turtle retreating into its shell. Moments later, she resurfaced with a mouth full of gum, which she was chewing furiously, making loud 'nom nom nom' sounds. Just as Twilight was about to question the absurdity of having actual gumballs inside her costume, a voice called out.

"Hey hey everypony. What's crackin'?"

The group turned to see Rainbow Dash walking over to them, accompanied by Rarity. Twilight's mouth hung open, impressed with what the two were wearing. Rainbow had on full-on Wonderbolts gear. Seriously, if this was any other day, she would definitely be mistaken for a member of the flying team. It was so realistic, and the patterns so intricately done, that the professionalism involved in it would fool anypony.

"Ain't it awesome?" Rainbow Dash struck a pose. "Rarity here made it for me."

"Oh, it was my pleasure darling. You look absolutely fantastic." Rarity complimented, in doing so praising her own skill.

"You do too, Rarity." Fluttershy said sweetly. She was right of course; Rarity of course using any opportunity to appear regal. She was dressed up as a princess, with a silver tiara and flowing black gown. On her hooves, she wore matching laced black slippers. She was a proper princess of the night.

Spike gave the gag sign as they all exchanged compliments. "Okay enough with the mushy stuff, let's get talking about something that's actually interesting. Like what's the deal with the Hallowvale thingy?"

Rainbow Dash burst through, bolting closer to Spike. "You mean you don't know the story of the Spirit of the Hallowvale!?" Spike could only shake his head in reponse.

"I'm a bit curious as well," Twilight added. "Why haven't I ever heard of this before?"

Fluttershy was on the ground, shaking while covering her head. "Oh please, I-I don't like this story. How about we go play some nice, quiet games?" It was too late. Rainbow has already thrust herself into the air, hovering a few feet above them.

"Legends have it," she began, wavering her voice in a spooky tone, "there was once a immortal creature called the Hallowed Vale, long ago before ponies came here to Equestria…" Twilight's ears perked up. How strange… she could've sworn she was aware of all the folklore when it came to before pony times. She'd never read about this creature though. She leaned forward in interest, though Spike was shivering slightly, now standing and gripping Twilight foreleg.

"The Hallowed Vale was a monster of such incredible power that nothing in the land could stop its nightmarish pranks. It soon became bored with the lessor life forms; having nothing more substantial to scare than bunnies and other animals, he came up with a devious plan. You see, it grew so powerful that it was able to transform himself out of physical form. It was the first conscious creature ever to not have a body."

Fluttershy was cowering by this point. Rarity moved to comfort her. Relentless, Rainbow continued with growing volume.

"In spirit form, the creature could monitor everything; be everywhere; see everything. To the monster's own surprise, the procedure had horrible consequences. It was trapped in spirit form for every single day of the year… except on its birthday. On this one faithful day, the creature would be able to summon the energy needed to squeeze back into its original, horrifying physical form. It just so happens that today is that day. We wear costumes to hide from the monster, because his favorite snack…"

Rainbow Dash crept closer to Fluttershy as a devilish smile shot across her face "… is ponies!"

"Eep!!" Fluttershy bolted upright, and in a cloud of smoke sprinted off in a random direction.

"Bahahahaha!" Rainbow Dash flung herself to the ground in fits of laughter. The others looked on disapprovingly.

"Tonight's going to be one wild night!" Rainbow grinned.