• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 7,651 Views, 11 Comments

Horrors of the Hallowvale - Mazzyrazzy

Ponyville's biggest Halloween party ever! But what will happen when weird stuff starts to happen?

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Chapter 4 - Come Out Come Out Where Ever You Are

The entire scene was pure chaos. Most ponies didn't know whether the scaring was a purposeful prank or the actual Spirit of the Hallowvale, but they didn't want to take their chances. They scurried off away from the farm to seek the safety of their homes, the nightmarish events proved to be too much fright for one night. Some ponies remained; mostly it was the braver or curious ones, or the ones who believed it was some prank.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had taken to the skies soon after their brush with the supernatural. It took some coaxing from Rainbow, but Fluttershy eventually saw reason and flew through the fear that nearly dominated her every muscle. She had to unzip the back portion of her bunny costume so that her wings could escape.

Looking down, the two friends witnessed the scattered pandemonium of the party below. The ponies who remained stuck together in groups in the common ground, waiting for some form of announcement. Some of the braver ponies were helping find the source of what had happened, most notably Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity, who Dash and Fluttershy saw walking around the barn. They both flew down, eager to be reunited with their friends.

"Holy cow, I'm so happy that you guys are alright!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Both she and Fluttershy landed next to the three other friends, not yet noticing the absence of a certain purple unicorn and her dragon.

"RD! Boy howdy, are you and Fluttershy okay?" asked Applejack.

"Ya, but Flutts is a little shaken up. Some weird stuff went down over in the field."

Rarity and Pinkie Pie walked over to either side of Fluttershy and comforted her. Now that she had landed, and the full realization of what just happened settled in, the petrified pegasus was shaking more than ever in a fetal position on the ground. Pinkie nuzzled the frightened mare while Rarity stroked her mane motherly. While they set out to make Fluttershy normal again, Rainbow Dash pulled Applejack aside.

"What the hay is going on?" Rainbow Dash whispered. "If this is some prank…"

Applejack scowled. "What!? Ya think that Ah'd ruin my own party?"

Rainbow put a hoof up defensively. "Alright, alright, I was just making sure…" There was an awkward pause, "…So what're we gonna do?"

"Ah don't know," sighed Applejack, hopelessness slowly creeping into the tone of her voice, "Ah just can't believe this happened. So much for having ah successful party, huh? So much work…" She shook her head clear. "But that's not important now. We gotta make sure everypony's safe. Ah sure do wish Twilight was here… She'd know what to do."

Rainbow's eyes widened as she looked around, finally noticing the absenteeism of her purple friends. "Oh colt, where are they?"

"They…went off to ride the hay ride…" Applejack's eyes widened in terror. "RD, what if something happened to them?"

The rainbow pegasus didn't even want to think about the possibility of something happening to Twilight and Spike. "I gotta go get them!"

Into the sky, Rainbow flew as fast as she could in the direction of the haunted hay ride. Although it was a short distance comparatively, her pestilent thoughts of 'please be okay, please be okay, please be okay' made it feel twice as long. Flying just high enough over the apple trees gave her the perfect view of the path below. It was completely empty, to Rainbow Dash's worry. She had hoped that Twilight and Spike would make it easy for her and they'd be on the path heading back to Haunted Apple Acres.

No such luck, so Dash flew on. Finally she came to the end of the path and landed with a hard thud, jarring he legs and sent her teeth chattering. She easily shook it off though; she was far more eager to find her friends.

"Twilight? Spike?" she called out. The barren lot made an ominous pit grow in her stomach. The tire tracks on the ground were a clear indication that the tractor was off doing its tour into the forest. She wondered if they maybe ran into any complications on the way. She was about to rush off in the direction when in the distance, she saw something that made her heart flutter lightly.

Oh thank Celestia, Dash thought as she saw the tractor coming in the distance. She quickly flew over to her and silently cheered when she saw Twilight and Spike inside, both looking a bit worse for ware, but unharmed. She couldn't contain her happiness, and she flew down and embraced both of them.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh… You have no idea how happy I am to see you're both okay," Rainbow said, clutching them tightly.

Twilight and Spike were still a bit jumpy and shell-shocked, but they returned her hug. Finally, Twilight got her bearings. "Rainbow, what's wrong? Is bad stuff happening all over the farm too?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "What happened here?"

Spike and Twilight shared an uneasy glance, partly unwillingly to relive it. "There…there was something following us in the woods…" Twilight trailed off, unable to say more.

Rainbow looked at her two friends apologetically. "Fluttershy and I were at the game field when weird stuff started happening. Entire booths and games started flying up in the air. Then this creepy fog rolled in and this voice….this voice said…" she too trailed off, unable to finish the thought. "B-but anyway, something weird also happened in the barn, though I'm not sure what. Whatever it was, it managed to scare off almost everypony who was at the party."

Twilight mind was working in overdrive. If only she could get back to her library; she was sure she could find some book or spell that would help in this situation. It was obvious though that she didn't have enough time to head all the way back to her house, so they all had to think on their hooves.

"Macintosh, make sure everypony gets back safely, okay?" Twilight called up just as the tractor came to a halt at the spot they began.


Twilight nodded. "Okay, there's no time to lose." In one swift motion, she jumped down from the cart following up Spike who landed on her back. Dash hovered above her. Together they sprinted off down the path, racing towards the barn like somepony's life was at stake. For all they knew it was a very real, grim possibility.

Finally they made it back to the point where Dash departed near the barn, with an obvious change – their friends were gone.

"I don't understand it… they were right here," Rainbow Dash said with a confused inflection.

"Rainbow? Is that you?" called a familiar voice. Rarity head peaked around the corner on the other side of the barn. "Oh there you are! I'm so relieved to see you all unharmed." She rushed over and gave both Spike and Twilight a hug.

"Uh, Rarity? What were you doing behind the barn?" Rainbow asked.

"Pinkie Pie found something. Here, come look."

They followed Rarity behind the barn where the rest of the group was. Fluttershy appeared to be doing much better than last time Rainbow say her. She was now on her feet and only slightly shaking. They all looked relieved when they rounded the corner and saw Spike and Twilight join the group. After making sure everypony was alright, Twilight got down to business.

"Okay everypony, it's obvious that something really strange is happening here on the farm, and it's our job to find out what. First of all… why are we back here?"

Pinkie walked over to Twilight with something in her mouth. "I fwond swumfing in da grass," she mumbled through the object, eventually laying it down at Twilight's feet. She was about to glance down for a closer look when Applejack called for her attention.

"Hey everypony," AJ called for a few feet away, "Looky here; these are the wires that hooked up the lights and sound system." The group walked over to see the exposed wires running underground, monetarily lifting above ground to fit through two holes in the barn. The wires were cleaned cut.

"Well at least we know how the spirit turned off our power," AJ commented.

Twilight shook her head. "But that doesn't make sense…" she went and retrieved the object and showed it to everypony. It was a small pair of scissors. "Tell me, why would a spirit need help cutting through the wires? Seems a little suspicious if you ask me."

The group shared curious glances as Fluttershy stepped forward hopefully. "D-does this mean we're not going to be eaten?"

Twilight put a supportive hoof on the pegasus's shoulder. "Of course not Fluttershy. But this requires some investigation." The group leaned in to hear Twilight's plan.

"Applejack, why don't you, Rarity, and Pinkie take another look through the barn to see if you can find anything. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spike and I will go back to the field and do the same."

They all nodded, though Fluttershy was a bit hesitant. Rarity noticed and walked over to her. "Are you going to be okay, sweetie?"

Futtershy gulped, and then nodded in response. "As long as I'm with somepony, I think I'll be okay."

After a few short, parting words, the two teams split up. Twilight led Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike towards the field while AJ led Rarity and Pinkie towards the barn. During the short walk to the area, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy filled her in on the specific details of what went down. While she listened silently, she began forming ideas on what might have actually occurred. To her, the event sounded more magical than supernatural. Finally, the breached the first layer of stalls, which had been abandoned. A few ponies still walked the grounds, but for the most part the girls – and Spike – were alone.

"It was those stalls over there," Rainbow Dash gestured towards a few damaged pavilions. "I don't know how it all happened so fast…"

Twilight approached one of the stalls. It was made of cheap wood that sprung back slightly when she knocked on it. It should be light enough to…

Focusing her magic, she used a simple levitation spell to raise it a few feet in the air to proof to herself how easy it was. "Like this?" she asked.

Rainbow was hesitant to reply, so Fluttershy cut in. "Well, um… yah b-but there were a lot more of then floating around. Not to mention the fog that managed to roll in at the same time. And that voice…"

Twilight needed more specific details. "How many stalls floated? Think girls – it could be the difference between magic and supernatural." Although Twilight was certain that lifting one could be easily done, she admitted that at a certain point, even she wouldn't be able to lift them all, let alone call up fog at the same time. She didn't want to sound pompous, but if she couldn't do it, then it was likely that no pony in Ponyville could have.

After a short moment of indecision, both Rainbow and Fluttershy came to a verdict. "Uh, we think like eight floated," Rainbow answered.

Eight stalls. That was really pushing it; Twilight didn't know how long she'd be able to maintain eight stalls simultaneously. It could be done… but it would require great focus, not to mention a talented unicorn. She began to lose hope that it was feasible for it to have occurred by magic.

The thought worried her. If it wasn't magic, what else could possibly have done it? She didn't want to give validity to the Spirit of the Hallowvale, but a cold chill crept up her spine as the possibility became more real. Still, she didn't want to frighten Fluttershy or Dash, so she gave it a shot anyway.

"Okay, I'm going to attempt to re-create the scene," Twilight informed the group. She closed her eyes and focused her mind. Through her horn, she sent out the invisible tendrils of magic to lift the structures. Right as she got a firm grasp on them, she felt something she didn't expect. Twilight had no idea what it was; usually when viewing stuff with magic, nothing was hidden. The magic could go anywhere and through anything. This was different for this one area however; it was impenetrable, as if the spot didn't actually exist. It was quite ingenious… the magic would touch one side and come out the other. Any lesser magician wouldn't have noticed it because of how subtle a change it was, but Twilight felt it. After scrambling her mind, she suddenly came to the best possible explanation.

"Somepony has a shielding spell up," Twilight informed her friends. Both of them glanced at her curiously.

"Umm… not to be rude but… what?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ya, what do you mean shielding spell? What does it do?" Rainbow added.

"A shielding spell," Twilight described as if it was a lecture, "is a rather complex form of magic that is specifically design to hide something. Honestly it could be a shield from anything… sound, sight, smell, even magic."

It took a few seconds to sink in. "So what you're saying is… something's invisible, and you can find it?" Rainbow asked.

"I… I don't know. Maybe," Twilight shrugged.

"Well give it a shot then!" Rainbow asked excitedly. Fluttershy seemed a bit more apprehensive, but kept silent.

In all of her experience, Twilight never once ever attempted to pinpoint the location of a spell. She didn't even know if it was possible, but it was worth as shot. Using her invisible magic wisps as sort of a sonar device, she soon began walking in the general direction of the disturbance.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy followed close behind, keeping quiet for fear that they'd ruin her concentration. They both eyed their surroundings suspiciously, knowing that there could be something hidden anywhere. Rainbow noticed that Twilight was walking towards the picnic area that she found Fluttershy in after she scared her. They entered the ground, and with an eerie wind blowing, stopped.

"This is where I can't see through with magic," Twilight whispered.

Fluttershy kicked the dirt underneath her nervously. "Well, umm… d-do you think there's something here?"

"There's only one way to find out." Twilight knew it was going to be hard, but the only option was to disassemble the shield spell, something that required her magic to be stronger than the original caster's. She closed her eyes and began to work.

Motionless she stood for several minutes. On the surface, her face was expressionless and nothing could be revealed from her body language. Spike looked on worriedly, pacing back and forth. The two mares sat on one of the benches that littered the area. Their curious stares did not give justice to the furious mental battle that Twilight was enduring.

Her brain started to hurt as she attempted over and over again to hammer away at the wall, looking for any sign of degradation or weakness. She couldn't believe how powerful the wall was; it was obviously done by a professional. It only made her more determined to see what was so important to hide.

Finally, with an audible pop, the illusion shattered.

Twilight collapsed to the ground, surprised by the shear amount of energy it took from her. The toll was heavy, and Spike needed to help her get back up onto her hooves.

"Twilight! Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm…fine Spike. Just a little tired…" she reassured him.

"Oh, my…" Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight finally looked forward to see her handiwork. What she saw raised more questions than they answered. She had expected to find maybe a small box, or some strange contraption. Defying all odds, before then was a light blue, plush tent. A lantern inside flickered shadows across the thin fabric, giving shape to a pony inside.

Rainbow was the first to move, eager to get some form of revenge from the pony that nearly scared Fluttershy to death. "Alright, I don't know who you think you are, but you can't just come into my town, and expect to get away with something like this!" she shouted. The figure inside the tent froze, the silhouetted head slowly turned towards the door to the tent, which remained closed. They all heard a scowl come from inside, followed by a familiar voice.

"You foalish ponies!" the voice protested, the figure then bravely pushed past the entrance and into the full light of the glaring moon.

Everypony gasped.

"Trixie? Is that you!?" Twilight was dumbfounded.

Indeed it was; standing just as confidently and arrogantly as she did when she first entered the town months before was the light blue magical mare, cape and hat still worn like medals of honor.

"Yes, it is I, the Great and Powerful Trixie. And you all, of course, found a way to be a pain in my side once again!"

Twilight couldn't comprehend it. "It…it was you? YOU scared everypony off? But…why?"

"WHY!?" She asked, genuinely surprised. "Isn't it obviously? This town, this retched place, is the only reason my reputation has fallen so low. Do you know how hard it's been to find any town that gives me credibility after YOU stole my rightful thunder?"

"Trixie, I didn't steal your thunder. I had to protect the town from the Ursa Minor!"

"Semantics!" Trixie waved it off. "Fool the others if you wish, Twilight Sparkle, but you cannot fool the Great and Powerful Trixie, in all her beauty and wisdom."

Rainbow Dash was seething mad. "Oh, I've been waiting to do this for a long time." She started to take off to Trixie in a run, but Twilight stopped her with magic.

"No, she's not worth it," Twilight said. Dash still struggled against the magic momentarily, but eventually she sighed and nodded. The purple unicorn released the magical hold.

In the distance, Twilight saw her other friends that were scouting the barn walking over to her. "Twilight!" Rarity Applejack called. "We weren't able t'find nothin' in the barn. Did ya have any more luck?" She didn't need an answer, for in the next instant, the three of them saw Trixie. Their jaws dropped in amazement.

"What is she doing here?" Rarity asked.

"Behold the Great and Powerful Spirit of the Hallowvale," Rainbow Dash introduced with disrespect etched in her voice. Trixie was fuming by this point, but kept her silence.

"There's still a way this can work out for you Trixie." Twilight offered quietly.

Trixie perked up an eyebrow. "Oh really? And how exactly is that?" The whole group was leaned in, interested in what plan Twilight was formulating.

"You have a chance at redemption here. If the ponies of this town forgive you, it might help you regain some of your lost credibility. First we need to go to the mayor, and you need to tell her what you've done."

Trixie scoffed at the idea. "Turn myself in? What do I look like, a moron?"

"Second," Twilight continued, choosing to ignore Trixie, "You give a public apology to everypony you scared last night. It's your choice really; tonight could either be seen as the failed revenge plot of a bitter pony, or the best prank every pulled on Halloween. It's up to decide which it is."

Awkward silence crept up onto the entire group. The gentle wind stirred the small layer of dust and dirt that caked the ground. "If," Trixie started with deliberate authority, "I go along with this 'public apology'… what would I have to do?"

Twilight sighed in relief at the notion that Trixie was going to be cooperative. "Well first you should say sorry to the mares and colts running the stalls. They were quite frightened and you nearly hurt them."

"An unintended side-effect, but very well."

Twilight continued. "Also you need to apologize to those who you scared in the barn with your red light tricks. They need to be informed that it was all in good fun, and nopony got harmed."

Trixie sighed, sounding almost bored. "Fine, if Trixie must."

"Finally you need to apologize to the passengers of the haunted hay ride. You really scared everypony, and you were out of line going as far as to touch-"

"What?" Trixie interrupted. "What are you talking about?"

Twilight hesitated, confused by the response. "Uhh… The haunted hay ride. You used your magic to scare us."

Trixie gave a dry laugh. "Honestly Twilight, they call you smart? You know very well that even Trixie, in all her magical prowess, could not hope to perform such magic over that distance."

Everything was still. Twilight's heartbeat skyrocketed, as the fear returned to her heart. "If it wasn't you… then was following us in the woods?"

Everypony looked around questionably, doubt and fear creeping into their demeanors. The air around them suddenly picked up with a mild gust that rustled the leaves and dirt at their hooves. It blew past them with untamed velocity; the ominous question remained unanswered as the moon's position above them signaled midnight, and the gust of wind died down to nothing more than fearful stillness.

Comments ( 9 )

ooooh delicious mystery, but,in all fairness, that had trixie written all over it, brilliant none the less

When they were getting ready to go investigate, I was hoping you were going to make a joke about "would you do it for a Fluttershy snack?" but it's still good without that.


If I was going to reference Scooby Doo, I was going to do a "I would've gotten away with it too, if it wern't for you meddling ponies - and your dragon!" But I decided against it. lol


You're the first to say that actually, most people tell me it wasn't obviously until a little into chapter five. That makes you more aware then most. Bravo :P

Definitely wouldn't have been surprised at a "Let's split up, gang!"
Also, that was some good misdirection, I almost forgot about the 'swumfing in da grass'.

Well I liked this story, it was pretty cute and I appreciate its lighthearted style. There were some typos, a few too many to ignore, but it was a fun read.

246170 I didn't have a proof reader for this story, and it wasn't one I put my usual effort into. But I'm glad you enjoyed :rainbowkiss:

Oh wow, that was a spooky ending! :pinkiegasp:
This was great, I wish it had more viewers!

A new review for an old story; when I originally read and reviewed this story I didn't think too highly of it, sure I liked it back then but I focused too much on the few minor typos to truly appreciate it, now after having just (a few days ago on Halloween) re-read it I feel like it was much better than I had though.

The story is very in character feeling and pulls off being both cute and, slightly, scary very well. I really like 'everyone' rated horror stories and this one is pretty endearing, I guess it just took a few years for that to sink in.

I can't give the story another 'like' and it’s not quite good enough for a favorite so, if nothing else, this review will have to do.

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