• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 7,651 Views, 11 Comments

Horrors of the Hallowvale - Mazzyrazzy

Ponyville's biggest Halloween party ever! But what will happen when weird stuff starts to happen?

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Chapter 1 - Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy

Rainbow Dash continued to roll around the ground in self-gratified hysterics, pleased with her own ingenious story telling. After a short while, she began to notice the silence and cold stares of the ponies around her. After wiping a tear from her eye, she cleared her throat with a cautious cough, hoping that it would stir some emotion from her friends. It didn't.

"Oh come on, I was only joking." Rainbow said defensively.

"Ya well you know good 'n well that Fluttershy has ah low tolerance for that sort'a thing." Applejack said quietly, though there was ice in her tone.

"She asked you not to tell the story, yet you told it anyway." Rarity added.

Rainbow was getting more defensive by the second. "Hey, I'm not the one who wanted to the story. Twilight and Spike had never heard it before, so why shouldn't I tell it to them? Excuse me for trying to dish out a tiny bit of fright on Halloween," she ended with a sarcastic edge.

"Be that as it may, you should find her and apologize. If anything, it'll make the poor dear feel better. If you won't do it for us, do it for Fluttershy." Rarity concluded. Her voice was non-judgmental yet compassionate. Even though Rainbow Dash was stubborn mare, she saw the sense in Rarity's words. Right now Fluttershy was somewhere without her friends, most likely scared to death. She couldn't deny her own basic instincts; the element of loyalty coursed through her veins providing ample motivation, and it inevitably was enough to cave in.

The cyan pegasus sighed. "Yah…I hear ya. Alright I'm gonna go find her." As Rainbow rose to her feet, the others nodded with smiles on their faces, proud that she was able to see reason.

Pinkie Pie bounce over, "good luck, Dashie! I know you'll do a super duper great job!"

Rainbow gave an apologetic smile, then as hard as she could, kicked off from the ground. Unfurling her wings and giving a few powerful flaps, the rainbow mare shot off into the direction her frightened friend had gone. It looked like Fluttershy had run straight into the field that contained all the assorted Halloween games. The crowd of ponies was sure to make the cream colored pegasus as hard to spot as finding a needle in a haystack.

Flying low, Rainbow quickly searched through the parade of ponies, marching every which way. The mass of ghoulish ponies buzzed with excitement; those who weren't participating in the simple games looked and cheered on with great interest and enthusiasm. The festiveness that pierced the night pulled at her greedily. All those games…those competitions… were waiting to be won… Of course, she would easily win anything the fair had to offer. I mean really, what chance do any of them have against the best athlete in Ponyville?

She shook her head, remembering why she was flying in the first place. "Right - Fluttershy first, games second." She repeated it over and over again until she finally pushed on to find her friend.

It took Rainbow some time, but eventually she caught a flash of white color in an otherwise dreary canvas. A fluffy white tail was protruding from under a picnic table, and as the pegasus descended, she was able to see Fluttershy hiding underneath it. Her hood had been pulled down, and she was now cut off from the outside world. For a few moments, Dash just sat at the bench without making a noise, waiting for Fluttershy to realize that she was there. She eventually got bored of waiting and tapped her hoof on top of the wooden surface.

Fluttershy squeaked in fear and shot a glance upwards, coming in full view of Rainbow. "Oh…H-hi Rainbow Dash."

"Look Flutts, I didn't mean to scare you…well okay, I did mean to scare you, but I didn't mean to scare you this badly."

Fluttershy hesitantly met Dash's stare. They held eye contact for a split second before the conversation resumed.

"What I'm trying to say is…I'm sorry," Rainbow said awkwardly. She wasn't used to admitting she was wrong, or apologizing for one of her pranks.

Fluttershy sniffled. "It's o-okay Rainbow Dash. I forgive you." Their eyes fell in on each other as Rainbow Dash helped the tentative mare out from under the table. Fluttershy shook the dust off her costume while Rainbow Dash chuckled at the display, noticing Fluttershy's hood once again sliding down over her face. She walked over and fixed it for her.

"Come on, I'm itching to play some of those games!"

Fluttershy smiled. "That sounds fun and safe. Count me in."

Together they began walking back towards the mass of ponies and out of the barren picnic area. Now on the ground, Rainbow found that it was much harder to move at a decent pace. The crowd packed the narrow 'streets' marked with more bales of hay. On either side were Halloween-colored tents and displays, hosting a wide variety of quick, flashy competitions and challenges. Rainbow's eyes flashed with all the possibilities. A wide grin spread across her face as she eyed the games. It took a profuse amount of self-restraint to not rush away from Fluttershy's side.

Fluttershy eventually noticed how hungrily Dash was eyeing the games. "Umm… you can play them if you want to… I mean I don't mind…"

Rainbow's eyes softened. "No, let's find a game we can play together."

They moved their way through the crowd, enjoying the festive atmosphere. A candied apple stall proved to be too much for either of their self-control, and they spent a few bits each to indulge in the sweet treat. Dash was already half way through her's when she looked over to Fluttershy, who had barely taken a nibble.

"Hey… is everything alright?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy kept her gaze on the ground. She remained quiet for several seconds until she finally spoke up. "Umm…t-the Hallowvale spirit… d-do you think it really umm… eats ponies?"

Rainbow glanced apologetically over at Fluttershy. "Horse apples, Fluttershy… I didn't mean to scare you this much. Of course it doesn't eat ponies… the Hallowvale is only an old pony's tale."

Fluttershy grew solemn. "Just like the Mare in the Moon?"

Rainbow Dash paused mid-bite. She couldn't help but consider how good of a point it was. She decided to use the 'play it cool' card.

"It's not like that Fluttershy, we're safe. And besides," Rainbow gave Fluttershy a supportive nudge, "even if that thing did exist, he'd have to go through me first. I'd never leave one of my friends hangin!"

Relief spread across Fluttershy's soft features. Finally comforted, she took another bite of her candied apple.

They continued to search for a fun game, stopping every few seconds to watch a game already in process. It was especially gratifying when stopping by a bean-bag toss game just in time to see Scootaloo hit the bulls-eye. The orange filly was especially proud when she found out Dash had been watching. A short while after, Rainbow grew a devious grin. Fluttershy grew apprehensive.

"Hey Fluttershy, you should try that game."

Before she even knew what was going on, Fluttershy was dragged towards the "test your bucking skills" challenge. "Oh, but um, I don't want… I mean- c-can we play something else?"

"Come on Fluttershy, this is all you! Just kick the target as hard as you can. If you ring the bell at the top you get a fuzzy stuffed animal. That doesn't sound so bad, does it?"

"I…I guess not… but-"

"But you'll do great! You got this Fluttershy. You just have to get mad first."

The mare running the attraction giggled softly. "You can do it sweet heart. The pressure plate isn't set too high." A small crowd began to gather around the parameter. The cream-colored pegasus hid beneath her fluffy veil and slowly began to trudge over to the target.

"Ok, I just need to get mad. Think mad thoughts," Fluttershy whispered to herself. After a few moments of hesitation, she reared back her hind legs and kicked with all her might.

Five inches. The weight lifted five inches off the target.

Once again, Rainbow Dash couldn't hold in her laughter at the pitiful albeit adorable display. Fluttershy galloped over to her, a smile blossomed on her face.

Fluttershy was glowing with pride. "Rainbow Dash, did you see it! I made it rise in the air! Oh my, I did so much better than I thought I was going to do."

Rainbow attempted to hold in her giggles. "You sure did! What did you think about to get you…angry?"

"Oh, umm, I thought about how angry at myself I'd be if Angel ever got a tummy ache and I wasn't there to help."

A few giggles leaked out through Rainbow's pursed lips. "Well it seemed to do the trick. Let's go find more games to play!"

The next half hour was a fantastic bonding experience for both friends. Together they laughed, played games, and cheered each other on as the other competed for prizes. The cool night did nothing to subdue the festive fire that burst from everypony's spirit. The little fillies and colts were especially hyper; no doubt the result from consuming so many sugary delights.

Rainbow Dash's eyes fell on a classic festival game. She pulled Fluttershy over, and they both heard the colt running the stall advertising his game.

"Which pony thinks themselves skilled enough to knock down all three milk bottles? Simple enough ladies and gentlecolts! Three bits for three tries! Knock them all down and win a prize!"

"We can totally do this!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly. She didn't allow Fluttershy to get a word in before she pulled her along towards the stall, and slapped three bits down on the table. "Three balls, please! Prepare to give over one of those prizes." Dash said confidently.

"Oh, we have some takers! Very well, good luck girls!" The colt said enthusiastically, putting three rubber balls.

Rainbow eagerly bent down and gripped one of the rubber balls in her teeth. Narrowing her eyes, she pinpointed the exact center of the triangular tower of milk bottles. After she was satisfied that the target was in her sights, she reared back and snapped her head forward, releasing the ball at a high speed.

Thud. The ball bounced off the matting that was behind the bottle tower; a clear miss.

Dash became downtrodden with disappointment. "I missed?" She felt tapping on her back that made her turn. Fluttershy was patting her.

"There, there… It's okay, Dash. It's only a game."

"Heh, yah I guess. It's your turn now." Rainbow took a step sideward to give room for Fluttershy to walk up to the table. She hesitantly moved forward and grasped the rubber ball in her teeth.

Like Rainbow, Fluttershy tried her best to line up the shot. The loud bustle of the crowd behind her didn't help her concentration. Still, she did as best as she could. She took a deep breath in through her nose as she rose onto her hind legs, gearing up for a powerful shot. Rainbow was impressed; she saw the fire in Fluttershy's eyes and the determination in her step. Maybe she misjudged the timid pony's athletic ability. This shot was building up to be one hay of a throw. She could do this; she could actually do this! Then suddenly with surprising swiftness, Fluttershy snapped her head forward and released the ball.

It made it halfway before gracefully sloping down, pattering on the ground.

A few seconds on silence followed. "Oops…" Fluttershy mumbled quietly, "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash… I guess I'm not very good at this…"

Dash hated to see her friend so low with self-esteem. "Aw, that was just a practice shot. I know you'll do better if you give it another try!"

Fluttershy glanced questionably over to her, before accepting the motivation with a quick nod. "Are you sure you don't want to? I mean, this is our last ball and I don't want to waste it…"

"Nah, I know you'll do great! And if you don't, so what? It'll join the long list of games we've already failed." Both ponies shared a giggle, especially since it wasn't in Dash's nature to admit to failure, even jokingly. It actually gave Fluttershy the strength to give it one last shot…literally.

Rainbow took a step back, giving her some room to work with. From behind, she saw Fluttershy lean down to pick up the third ball and then…

Clank! The ball rocketed forward with staggering speed, smashing through the very center of the bottles, sending them each in separate directions. Rainbow looked on astonished. "Oh my gosh Fluttershy, you did it!" She reached around and hugged her friend, who was just as shocked as she was. After moments of a blank expression, Fluttershy squeaked something out.

"Huh? Sorry Fluttershy, I can't understand; can you speak up?"

Fluttershy turned to face Rainbow; her eyes were alight with fear. "I d-didn't do that."

That didn't compute for Dash. "Umm…what do you mean you didn't-"

Both ponies caught their breath when from inside the stall, the basket of balls began to rise. It hovered in the air, unaffected by the curious and slightly fearful glance it was receiving from the colt working the booth. "Heh heh," he laughed nervously, "must be some little ones trying to do a prank. Luckily it doesn't-"

The whole structure began to shake, causing the owner to abandon it almost instantly. The crowds around began to fall silent at the sudden intrusion. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy started to back away in apprehension. The colt running the booth made it out just in time; the whole structure was ripped from the supports holding it to the ground and rose in the air as well.

Fluttershy huddled close to Dash as if to hide from the scariness. Rainbow put a protective wing over the poor pegasus, even though what she was witnessing sent shivers of fear down her spine.

"W-what's going on?" Fluttershy whispered.

"I…don't know."

A heavy fog rolled in from nowhere, sending panicked cries of protest throughout the crowd. Several more stalls lifted into the air, nearly injuring the ponies inside. Luckily they all seemed to escape in time. Then… everything was still.

Both the stalls in the air and the fog itself froze as if time itself had stopped. The entire field was completely silent, except for a few mares whose whimpers were audible from several feet away, Fluttershy included, who was shaking like a leaf.

Time passed without and inclination on what was happening. After two long, grueling minutes, a voice came that startled everypony. Its tone was dark and amused.

"So…there are some who still believe they can hide from me…"