• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 1,085 Views, 92 Comments

A Series of Unlikely Occurrences - XYZDreadnought

Sometimes its through the strangest of happenings that we meet those dearest to us.

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Chapter Ten - Without a paddle

Snowy's eye twitched as he scanned the table of contents, the impudent book continuing to defy her.

"What Kind of Geology book doesn't have a section on Mana stones!" she exclaimed angrily, throwing the book at the wall, before slumping on the admittedly very comfy couch.

Snowy was currently sitting in the lounge room of Evergreen Manor, with a pile of books next to her and a very irritated expression as she brooded at the unhelpfulness of books.

Her host had been 'kind' enough to give her some books when she asked for them, mostly geology and mineralogy. While this was not a normal subject for her, if she wanted to get home, she was going to need to get familiar with the local magic crystals. She needed to construct her window, and then modify it, after all, now she knew that it had the capacity for cross dimensional travel, so all she needed was to redesign it to induce it less... violently. But to build her window, she needed void stones, or this words nearest equivalent, so here she was, equating herself with the local precious stones.

Her plan was sound, except for one tiny problem...

"oh come on, this doesn't have anything either!" She nearly shouted, tossing yet another behind the couch.

She slumped back on the couch, so far none of the books she had read didn't even bother mention them, the lazy bastards! Would it have been so hard to include a section on the blasted eldritch rocks, but nooo, I bet they wrote a separate book just for mana stones, the bloody bit misers!

There was a small niggling doubt at the back of Snowy's head, but she chose to ignore it.

"No... No... No..." She said irritably, quickly checking the table of contents of several books, before tossing them into the steadily increasing pile of books behind her, "NO... NO!... NO-ARG FORGET IT!" she said tossing the last book in frustration, before attempting to slam her head into the couch in frustration. Unfortunately this offered her no relief, as the cushions were far too soft, absorbing the blow from her forehead like a giant marshmallow, giving her a feeling of dissatisfaction, on top of just being annoyed.

"Excuse me, Miss Bitterfrost," said Walter, suddenly behind the couch, causing Snowy to jump into an upright position, "I would ask you to be more careful with these books, they belong to Paradoxs father, and he does not appreciate people mistreating them." Walter then went to pick up the books.

Snowy went to make a bitter retort, but managed to choke it back 'Remember Snowy, you are a guest in someone elses home, and this is the only butler on the premises, and he seems quite close to the family. Do not antagonise him, he has done nothing wrong, and it doesn't pay to make enemies in this situation. After all, you don't know how long you will be here.' She thought.

Snowy took a calming breath before saying, "I Apologise, I must have let my frustration get the better of me, here let me clean it up."

Igniting her horn, she picked up every book on the floor, to Walters general surprise, before straitening up any pages that were bent and placing them back into a pile, as always resisting the temptation to disorganize them. She then went back to her brooding.

Walter considered just leaving her to her business, but politeness drove him to speak, "Is there a problem Miss Bitterfrost? Something I could assist you with?"

'...And float away, on myself because I am also the river and... Oh he's speaking' Thought Snowy. She took a calming breath, trying to keep her still bubbling anger in check, before turning to face him, "Oh, nothing its just these books are refusing to be helpful," she said trying to sound less irritated than she actually was.

Walter raised his eyebrow, "The books? were these not the books you requested?" he said.

Snowy sighed. "Yes, I did ask for books on mineralogy and geology, but it seems like non of these books seem to have the information I was looking for." She said her eyebrows creasing in annoyance.

Walter sat down opposite her. "And what is it you were looking for exactly? Perhaps I might be able to assist you in locating the information," he said.

Snowy considered this, before deciding that it couldn't hurt, "I'm trying to find the means of returning home." She said plainly.

Walters eyebrows were raised again, "In a geology book?" he said.

Snowy had to admit that sounded stupid when he said it like that, but admitting that wouldn't help her temper much, so instead she clarified. "I already know how to get back, I just need to find the means to do it."

"And what is that precisely?" said Walter.

"The same way I came here," said Snowy, trying to drop the subject.

No such luck as Walter then said, "Unless I am mistaken you have yet explain that to us, how did you arrive here? I might be able to render some assistance you in this, but only if you inform me as to how you intend on returning."

Snowy couldn't help but emit a low growl at this, 'he was going to make me do this wasn't he? I'm going to have explain how I screwed up', she thought her irritation rising. Yet Snowy conceded that he had a point, she probably needed help if she was to get home, and they couldn't help if she didn't tell them anything. So swallowing her pride she said. "I was sent here by one of my own inventions, designed to view other planes on reality. And it worked too, until something broke it, it violently malfunctioned, and sent me here."

"And you intend to recreate your invention to somehow recreate the incident that sent you here, in order to send you back?" said Walter tactfully, noting Snowy's rising irritation.

Snowy rubbed her forehead. 'I really need to vent soon, getting pent up,' she thought, aloud she said, "Yes but Device requires certain materials with unusual properties, in order to function, hence the books."

"I see," said Walter, "So what seems to be the trouble?"

This time Snowy really did growl. "I can't find references to the blasted rocks anywhere!" she very nearly shouted, throwing her hooves into the air. She then straitened herself and took some deep breaths before saying more calmly, "That is to say none of the books contained any useful information, I found it rather infuriating to say the least."

'Hmm, a short temper, but a lot of self control, an unusual combination' thought Walter. Aloud he said, "Maybe you could describe these materials to me, perhaps they are called something else here, if I have not heard of them I could surely help you in your search."

Snowy eyed him suspiciously, "That's quite generous of you."

"Not at all,you are our guest here, it be bad form in deed if I did not assist you in returning home." said Walter, who had noticed the suspicious glare, but decided not to comment.

Snowy considered that proposition, and decided that her paranoia wasn't getting her anywhere, she was probably going to need his help in this matter, especially considering that the only other option was Paradox, and he looked like a complete nut.

"I'm looking for a certain kind of gemstone," she finally said, "we call them voidstones, and they have some unusual properties."

Walter's gave a quizzical look, "Unusual?"

"it is generally uncertain as to what they do, but the common consensus is that they have the ability to render the fabric of space, and possibly time, malleable," said Snowy, causing Walters eyebrows to raise in surprise. Snowy continued with "They are also incredibly volatile, as when they are struck, or come into direct contact with magic, they tend to... annihilate the direct vicinity."

"Despite this, there was no reference to them anywhere," said Snowy, scowling, "My guess is that they must have published a separate book for magic gems."

Walter's eye brows creased slightly with worry. 'Oh dear, I don't think she has fully come to terms with her situation.'

"And I find that entirely irresponsible," said Snowy, her irritation rising again, along with her voice. "Mana stones can be incredibly dangerous, and information about them should easily obtainable, not hidden away in a separate book!" the little niggling doubt was back again, trying to catch her attention.

"Excuse me, Miss Bitterfrost..." said Walter, cautiously.

"I mean honestly, what if some amateur geologist only had one of these books, and then stumbled across a voidstone," said Snowy, who was ranting now, "he wouldn't know how to safely handle it, it could get him killed!"

"Miss Bitterfrost!" said Walter, in a slightly harder tone, causing Snowy to stop in mid rant. "I think I realise the problem..."

"The Problem?" said Snowy still annoyed "What problem, I've just been looking in the wrong books... right?" The niggling doubt was stronger now, who had given up asking nicely and had went to fetch a sledge hammer.

"Well, I'm afraid there is no easy way to put this, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to be strait with you." said Walter, carefully in order to gauge her reaction.

Snowys doubt hefted the large hammer, raising it way above its head.

"In this world, magic is considered a myth, if you cannot find it in there, it is probably because it doesn't exist" said Walter.

The hammer came down.

After a long pause, Walter said, "Miss Bitterfrost, are you quite well?"

Snowys doubt looked down confused, something should have broke it was sure of it.

"I'm Fine, everythings fine," she said, her voice a few octaves higher than it should be.

Snowys doubt brought the hammer down again, Snowy twitched.

"Are you sure?" said Walter carefully, something seemed off.

"certainly," she said, her face locked in a calm smile, "but I think I need some fresh air, excuse me."

Snowy got up and walked out of the room.

Snowys doubt tried jumping up and down on it a few times.

She walked out the front door and down the path, trying to find a clear space among the greenery and flower-beds.

Snowys doubt scratched its head at the still intact thing.

when she found a nice piece of lawn, she got of the path, and positioned herself right the centre.

"Wheres the Kaboom?" thought Snowys doubt "there was supposed to be an earth shattering Kaboo..."

And then Snowy let her rage break.

Paradox, who was out on his morning flight, became dimly aware of a distant rumbling noise.

"What the..."

'...My word' thought Walter as the tremors stopped, 'She a great deal more self control than I originally thought if she was holding all that in.'

Snowy sat there panting.

'I needed that,' thought Snowy. Calming exercises were all very well, but in Snowys opinion, nothing beats a good hard vent.

After climbing out of the oddly shaped crater and giving herself a vigorous dust off, she turned to observe the damage her 'venting' had caused.

Looking around surreptitiously, she conjured a few rocks to lay around the edge, filled it with water, and grew a few lilies, reeds and a small cherry tree. As an after-thought summoned a few koi fish, who, after the startling moment of suddenly coming into existence, proceeded to do what all fish do in such situations, and that is to swim in circles and hope to be fed.

Nodding at her handiwork, she headed back inside.

Walter greeted her in the entrance hall. "Are you feeling... Better Miss Bitterfrost?" he said Carefully.

"Very much so," she said, her voice slightly raspy from screaming, "but could you please direct me to were you keep the chocolate milk?"

Walter stood to one side. "The kitchen is right next to dining room, there should be some in more in the larder."

"Thank you," she rasped, before plodding pass him.

Walter watched her go, 'I've got a feeling that life is going to be... interesting with Miss Bitterfrosts presence'

Walters musings were interrupted by the front door opening again.

"Welcome back Sir, how was your flight?" said Walter, turning around.

Paradox stood there in the door, wiping sweat from his forehead, and wearing a rather bemused expression.

Noticing the expression, Walter asked, "Is anything wrong sir?"

"No, not really..." said Paradox, expression not changing, "its just that... since when did we have a fish pond?"

Walter sighed, 'Very interesting.'

Author's Note:

I'm Sorry:raritydespair:

I'm Sorry This took so long, I'm sorry there's barely any Paradox in this chapter, even when I said there was going to be, I'm sorry for any small spelling mistakes and capitalization errors there most probably is, and I'm sorry I'm such an awful author:raritycry:

And I'm super sorry that the next chapter will probably take forever too as my year twelve exams are coming up, so I won't be able to do much until the end of this year.

I'll try and squeeze as much as in as much work on this as I can, when I can, but I'm not hopeful.

Please be patient and bear with me.:pinkiesad2:

In the meantime, if anyone is interested, there is a few little things I have written in the little free time I've had this term. If anyone is interested, I could upload them on Fimfiction as they are.