• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 1,086 Views, 92 Comments

A Series of Unlikely Occurrences - XYZDreadnought

Sometimes its through the strangest of happenings that we meet those dearest to us.

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Chapter Seven - Socially Awkward, meet Ice Queen


That is what filled the room, though a different silence for different people. For Snowy it was a mere absence of sound as she sat in her thoughts and musings while lying on the bed, that, until further notice, was hers. For Paradox, it was an awkward silence, as he had a million questions, and no idea how to ask any of them, he fidgeted on his seat as he attempted to will his thoughts into co-operation, with little success. For Walter, it was a professional silence, as he waited for either his young charge, or the as-yet unnamed pony to speak, both of which seemed content to remain silent for the time being.

This continued for a minute or so, and would have inevitably continued to do so, if not Snowy had unintentionally ended it.

A low growl disturbs Snowys thoughts, and She looks around for the source, only to hear it again. She looked down, it was her stomach.

'Oh right,' she thought, 'I haven't eaten since the night before the Presentation.'

She cleared her throat "Excuse me, can I have some food? Kinda starving here."

Paradox eyes shot open, "Oh, of course," he turned to Walter "could you get her something to eat?"

Walter turned to Snowy "Certainly is there anything you would like in particular?"

Snowy considered the question, thinking, 'well its worth a shot,' before saying aloud "Got any chocolate milk?"

Walter seems to be mildly confused by the answer "Yes I believe so, why do..."

Snowy cut him off "Then I'll take that and whatever else your offering, thanks."

Walter sighed internally 'Oh dear, one of those people. As short on patience as she is on temper I'll wager.' he thought. Aloud he said "Very well miss, I will only be a moment." he left.

'Hmm, professional,' Snowy thought, 'This Stallion must be loaded to afford this kind of help, even if it is a... whatever he is.'

"Umm... wasn't that kind of rude?" said a rather hesitant voice to his left, belonging to the rather nervous Stallion she had yet to identify. He had a very slight Trottingham inflection to his voice, other than that it was unremarkable.

Snowy gave him a lopsided look, halfway between quizzical and her usual one of mild condescension. "Well he is a butler right?"

Paradox shifted uncomfortably "Umm, sort of, but..."

Snowy pressed on "and he is paid for this?"

"Well, yes," Paradox conceded "but...

"And I was asked for what I wanted." Snowy once again interrupted.

"Yeah, Bu..." Paradox, trying yet again to get a word in sideways.

"Then I fail to see what the Problem is." Snowy states crossing her hooves and lying back on her pillow, making it clear that the argument was closed.

Paradox considered pushing on, but years of having a younger sister gave him the wisdom that some battles were not worth fighting, so he dropped it.

There was some more silence, though not as awkward or thoughtful as the one before.

"Soo..." Paradox said, trying to break the ice in a less confrontational manner.

The mare Paradox had yet to identify turned to face him giving a look, that said: yes, I see you, now I'm waiting to see what you do, this was not helping Paradox think. Paradox searched for something, anything to say to someone you have never met. The mare raised her eyebrow, sending him into a cold sweat, whoever this mare was, she was a pro at making people uncomfortable. Eventually he got it, something that was bound to work.

"Your name!" he blurted out.

"Excuse me?" said the mystery mare, somehow managing to raise her eyebrow further.

"What's your name, we haven't introduced each other yet." he said grinning awkwardly.

The mare considered his proposition for a moment, before saying "Yours first."

Paradox inwardly hoof pumped 'Yes I'm getting somewhere'. He grinned for a bit before remembering that he is supposed to be saying something, then said out loud. "Oh, uh, Names Paradox, Paradox Millar" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

The Mare considered this for a moment, as if running it past an internal list, before shaking her head and stating simply " My name is Snowy."

"Snowy?" Said Paradox.

"Snowy Bitterfrost," Snowy affirmed "Why, is there a problem?" She wielded the question like a threat.

Paradox leaned back, holding his hooves defensively "What! No! I mean, it just... Suits you is all."

Snowy gave him a another lopsided look, before giving a "whatever," and apparently decided not to press the issue, much to Paradox's relief.

'This is not going well,' Thought Paradox 'Did I offend her somehow? oh that would be just typical, first pony I meet and she hates me.'

'Hmm no reaction to the Bitterfrost name,' Thought Snowy 'So either not noble or not from Canterlot. Judging from the house, I'm more willing to bet on the latter. On the other hoof, he could be the son of an noble who didn't go to Canterlot High and hasn't got into Canterlot politics yet. Being a pegasus, that is not surprising, some old pegasus families tend to send their children to Cloudsdale for an education. Then again I have never heard of the name Millar, meaning that This Family, if it is noble, does not come from Canterlot. Trottingham, maybe, considering his accent.'

Snowy was pleased with her deductive skills, before her hind-brain reminded her 'Or you could just ask him, you idiot.' She hated her brain sometimes.

She turned to her current host, she asks "Excuse me Mr. Millar, but would you mind informing me to my location? I was recently involved in a magical accident and I would like to know my my whereabouts, so I can organize transportation home to Canterlot." She kept her voice formal in order to convey an air of importance, and included the location of her home, as ponies tended to be more helpful if they hear that you are from the nations capital...

...The reaction she received was not what she expected.

At the mention of Canterlot, Paradoxs face lit up like dragonfire. Gone was the nervousness and awkwardness that Snowy had already come to expect from him, and was replaced with a look of amazement and glee.

"Are you really from Canterlot?" He said, his eyes shimmering with excitement.

"Ummmm, yes?" She said, slightly unnerved by this change of demeanor.

As in The Canterlot?" Paradox persisted.

"...Yeeeah?" Snowy said slowly, wondering where he was going with this.

"As in Canterlot, where Princess Celestia and Luna Live?"

"Is there another one?" Snowy asked, her usual expression of irritated deadpan gone, replaced by one of complete befuddlement.

"The original home of Twilight Sparkle?" He went on.

"Well, her brother lived there, so I assume so, why?" Said Snowy, still lost.

"And the capital of Equestria?" He said, His excitement peaking.

"YES, and all of the above, why in Tatarus are you asking?" She said exasperated and desperate for an explanation.

An explanation that she apparently wasn't going to get, as after this last question the stallion jumped up from his seat and started bouncing around the room in a quite frankly embarrassing manner.

"Ohmagosh-Ohmagosh-Ohmagosh!" He sang gleefully, his eyes shut in euphoria "A real pony from Equestria, a unicorn even, from Canterlot, I knew it!

This deceleration set off all kinds of alarm bells in Snowys head, not least of all that this stallion was crazy, but most importantly but judging by his reaction, she was the first pony he had ever seen...

There was the sound of someone clearing her throat, she turned to see, standing in the doorway, the butler from earlier, and more importantly, carrying a tray.

Paradox seemed to have noticed too, as he stopped his little dance of joy, and gave a embarrassed chuckle, rubbing the back of head.

Snowy ignored this, her eyes locked on the tray, 'Worry about where you are later, food now.'

"I have your requested beverage miss," Walter said calmly filing away his laughter for later enjoyment. "I have also got you a salad sandwich, I hope this is to your liking."

"Yes thank you, that will be sufficient." She said as he put down the tray down on the bedside table.

As soon as he removed his hands, Snowy's hoof moved at a speed that would make a snake jealous, and snatched up the carton of chocolate milk, and was about to drink it, before remembering she was in company.

She paused for a moment before looking at the other pony plus butler in the room, who were looking at her quizzically. She said "I'm about to do something weird, okay?"

Social obligations now fulfilled, she put the carton to her lips, ignoring the glass on the tray, and began to slowly, but continuously drink the one litre carton.

Paradox and Walter shared a look, before looking back at their guest. Their confusion turned to surprise, as the mares horn began to glow with a golden light.

Another thing to be said about chaos affinity, is that while chaos is the main way to charge it, there are other ways, The most predominate way being sugar. Scientists have often puzzled over the connection between sugar and chaos, chaos mages however generally just roll with it, and use it as a convenient way of empowering themselves without inconveniencing nearby pedestrians. Coupled with the fact that replenishing themselves in this manor comes with a mild euphoric feeling, its no wonder most chaos users are sugar addicts. This fact, coupled with with the similar effect of coco, and the actual health benefits of calcium, makes chocolate milk ideal, and is recommended by nine out of ten ponies with chaos affinity, including Discord himself.

While this was usually a rather subtle process, Snowy was depleted, and carrying some rather severe injuries. The golden energy cascaded down her body, enveloping her in a light aura, lights flickered around her, focusing around her chest and horn. it shimmered around her like a veil of sunlight.

Then she finished the carton, and just as soon as it had come, the light vanished.

Snowy removed her lips with a sigh of pleasure, and gave a little shiver. She then calmly put the empty carton down, picked up the sandwich with her magic, and took a bite.

"Mmm, cucumber and avocado," she said with her mouth full. She then looked at the rooms other two occupants, and more specifically, there shocked faces "whuht?"she asked, still chewing.

Author's Note:

Merry slightly belated Christmas everypony!