• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 1,086 Views, 92 Comments

A Series of Unlikely Occurrences - XYZDreadnought

Sometimes its through the strangest of happenings that we meet those dearest to us.

  • ...

Chapter One - A Pony out of Place

Many years later...

The dew on the grass glittered in the early morning sunlight as it slowly emerged from the distant hills, spreading it's light across the country estate and settling on the proud old structure that was Evergreen Manor... meeting closed curtains on one particular bedroom window.

As is the rule of nature, a tiny sliver of light shone through a crack in the curtains and with pinpoint precision, settled rather uncomfortably on the eyes of the room's only occupant, disturbing his slumber.

Paradox Miller shifted uncomfortably, his eyes flickering open for a fraction of a second, before shutting them tight, stung by the sudden brightness. He groaned at the sudden intrusion, offering silent curses to his mortal enemy...


An attempt to roll over and resume snoozing was hampered by his wings that had splayed out overnight. With another groan, he rolled forward and buried his head in his pillows in an attempt to stave off awareness for another precious few minutes. This worked fine for a few seconds, until he had to breathe. He rolled back on his side and sighed in resignation that he would have to wake up.

Slowly opening his eyes, he lifted a hoof in order to shield them from the bright light. With a swift but sluggish movement, he rolled out of bed, landing on all fours. He wobbled for a bit, as his balance re-asserted itself, before slouching to the window to let his nemesis in.

Grabbing the edge of the curtain with his teeth, he squinted in the sudden sunlight, before dropping the curtain and letting out a sneeze. Wiping his snout with his left hoof, before grabbing the curtain and continuing his previous task of opening the curtains.
His mind strayed back to bed as he tried to remember what dream he had, it was something to do with a princess, a dinosaur, and liberal amounts of maple syrup...

He tried to make sense of his slowly disintegrating recollections as he trotted out his bedroom door and made a beeline for the bathroom. His sister was out at boarding school, so that meant he got free reign of their shared bathroom. His hoofsteps rung on the tiles as he went directly for the shower.

After about 20 minutes of watery bliss he regrettably turned the water off.

After clambering out of the shower and giving himself a quick shake to dislodge any loose droplets, he walked over and clambered into the oversized custom doggy dryer.

Setting the fan up to high, he pressed down the pedal, spread his wings and enjoyed the sensation of the warm air under his feathers for a moment before leaving the chamber and giving himself a quick toweling.

A brush of his mane, a brush of his teeth, and he was ready to go. He took a look in the mirror, and took stock to see if anything had been misplaced in the night (you never know) and found that as far as he could see, he was 100% present and accounted for.
'Hooves? Check. Wings? Check. Fur? Check. Eyes? Obviously. Red, messy-no-matter-what-I-do-with-it-hair? Definitely check.'

"Looking good there," he said to his refection. "With looks like that you'll have the girls running." Snickering at his own joke, leaving his refection to his own devices as he trotted down the hall to the kitchen for some breakfast. "Yeah, like any girl would be interested in a 21 year-old who lives with his parents, or more importantly a small winged red-and-purple pony..."

He stopped for a moment, thinking about what he had just thought.

'...At least no girl over twelve, at any rate.'

"Morning, Son."

Paradox looked up from his breakfast cereal to the smiling face of Arthur Miller as he sat down opposite Paradox on the kitchen table. The family usually ate in the kitchen, the dining room being too large and ornate to be used for anything except special occasions. Arthur was carrying a plate of honey on toast.

Paradox gave him a small wave of his hoof, before turning his attention back to his food in front of him, not having moved his head for the entire exchange.

Arthur gave a look of mock hurt before saying. "Don't I even dignify a proper response?"

Paradox rolled his eyes, before lifting his snout of the cereal that he'd been half-eating, half-drinking, before rubbing the surplus milk of his face with a tea-towel he had prepared for just this purpose.

Technically he could use cutlery (somehow), but it wasn't easy, and he preferred this method for cereal, it was strangely satisfying, especially when his little sis tried to imitate him.

Clearing the milk off, he finally said, "Mornin', Dad," with all his usual morning pep, which is to say, none.

This drew a chuckle from Arthur. "Still not a morning person, huh?" It was more of a statement, than a question.

"What do you think?" said Paradox, finally returning his father's grin.

With nothing more to say, the two returned to their meals, Paradox once again submerging his mouth into his bowl.

The amicable silence continued for a few moments longer, until another figure walked in, taking off her large summer hat and gardening gloves.

"Morning, boys," said Rachelle.

"Good morning," said Arthur in reply. Paradox just grunted, not taking a break from his breakfast.

"That's a fine hello," said Rachelle passing by his seat and giving his mane a quick stroke.

Paradox closed his eyes at the sensation. 'Damn, why does that feel so good?'

She giggled at his expression, before continuing on to the kitchen counter.

"Have fun in the garden?" said Arthur, before taking another bite out of his toast.

"Oh, so-so," she said while cutting up some peaches.

"So, you ready for this afternoon?" he asked.

"All packed and ready to go," she said.

Paradox finally picked up his bowl and downed the rest of his Sultana Bran. Wiping the remains of the milk off his snout he said, "I hope you two enjoy your anniversary." He gave them a sincere smile.

"Oh we will, don't you worry about that," she said, walking over to her husband and giving him a kiss on the cheek. She then turned to Paradox and asked, "But what about you, honey, will you be all right on your own?"

Paradox gave a good-natured roll of his eyes. "I'll be fine mum, I've been alone before!" he said, and added, "Besides, Walter's not going anywhere, so if I have any troubles he'll be here."

As if on cue, Walter entered the room, carrying a small bundle of envelopes and a rolled up newspaper.

"Anything interesting Walter?" asked Arthur, accepting the mail.

"Nothing major sir, just some advertisements, a postcard from your sister, and a letter from the school board," he stated professionally.

Grabbing the postcard from the stack and setting down the rest, he took a brief look at the cover, chuckling at the image of his sister halfway up a cliff, before flicking it around to read the message.

"Auntie May sends her love from Peru," said Arthur, smiling at his sister's antics.

Paradox snickered, his aunt had always been strangely affectionate toward a nephew that she had never seen face-to-face, or at all really.

"What's she doing now?" said Rachelle, sharing the table-wide smile.

"Searching for the lost tomb of Ayar Auca," he said.

"Who's that?" asked Paradox.

His father shrugged. "Ask May, she's the archaeologist."

"It has been a long time hasn't it?" said Rachelle. "I don't think I've seen her since our honeymoon."

They both had a laugh at a joke that only they knew. Paradox crossed his hooves and scrunched his snout up in a pout, he had wanted to hear that story for ages, but it was always, "When your older," or "Not the right time," or his least favourite "Maybe when you find a girl of your own." He was being teased, he knew, and there was probably no big story anyway, but it didn't stop it from being annoying.

"Dear, you do know you're adorable when you do that?" said Rachelle, grinning at her sons pout, which only intensified from the comment.

Later that day...

"Paradox, sir," said Walter from the door of Paradox's 'Stallion Cave' (as his mother called it), as Paradox was fiddling with a semi-dismantled computer.

"Yes, Walter?" replied Paradox, not looking up from his work.

"Your Mother and Father are ready to depart, I thought you might want to see them off," he stated.

"Thank you, Walter," Paradox said, pulling himself away and leaving it for later.

He set off at a brisk pace out of the house, Walter following discretely behind. They left the front porch and made their way down the hill to the gate, his parents where were waiting down by the car.

"Now are you sure you are OK with us leaving for the week?" said Rachelle. concern on her face.

"I'm twenty-one Mom, I'll be just fine. I'm capable of existing for a few days without spontaneously combusting," said Paradox, chuckling.

His mother laughed with him. "Sometimes I forget just how grown up you are," she said fondly, tousling his mane.

"Come on honey, we have to go, otherwise we will miss our flight," said Arthur from the other side of the car.

She bent down and gave him a small kiss on his forehead before hopping into the car. "Love you, be safe!" she said.

"And be careful not to have too much fun!" called his dad from the other side of the car.

"You too!" said Paradox as the car started up.

He waved them off as the car drove out the gate and onto the road, the brick wall obscuring them from view. the cast iron gates swung shut behind.

With a sigh, Paradox lowered his hoof. 'Welp, now what?' he thought. Nobody around, no one except himself and Walter.

"Problem, sir?" said Walter from his position nearby, a note of concern in his voice.

Sighing again, Paradox said, "Not really Walter, just wondering what I'm going to do with my time this weekend."

After a thoughtful silence, Paradox asked, "What did you do when you were young and your parents were out?"

Walter seemed to think about this for a moment, before answering. "Well... I would usually say I'll be good, wait twenty minutes after they're gone to make sure they haven't forgotten anything, then call all of my friends, tell them to bring drinks, have a party, get thoroughly pissed, and regret it in the morning, especially when I had to clean up the mess with a hangover." He thought some more. "While not all of those options are open, I do have the keys to the wine cellar if you're interested."

Paradox stared at Walter incredulously, Walter looked back passively, before they both broke out laughing, Paradox's being loud and unrestrained, While Walter's was soft and genteel, but no less genuine.

"How 'bout no?" said Paradox, after the laughter had died down.

"Wouldn't blame you, sir," he said smiling. "Barely touch the stuff."

His mood greatly improved, Paradox turned his thoughts back to how he should occupy his time. "I could go flying, but it's probably not dark enough, besides those clouds on the horizon don't look too friendly either." He thought some more, out of all the hundred hobbies he had picked up over the years surely one could be of use in his hour of need...

...Actually, there was one he hasn't done in a while.

"Walter?" he said.

"Yes sir?" Walter said patiently.

Paradox grinned. "Break out the drinks and snack food, I've got an idea."

Author's Note:

This chapter was initially proofread by: Non-Brony Gamer

This chapter is now part of my crusade to improve the quality of my writing.

[2/11/2015]Edit: General improvements, I'm starting to think I need a crash course on punctuation.

[20/11/2015]Edit: Proofread and edited by m2pt5