• Published 11th May 2014
  • 9,578 Views, 416 Comments

The Shimmer of Magic - Hakuno

Sunset Shimmer is stuck again in the human world. Struggling with the consequences of her actions, she must redeem herself with the help of five girls and a very interested magician.

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12. Fast Track to Hell (Part 1)

Chapter 12. Fast Track to Hell (Part 1)

Sunset laughed. She opened her eyes and looked at the ground. Where moments ago Twilight Sparkle and her friends had stood against her, was now a small crater of burnt dirt and concrete. Sunset grinned from ear to ear as the pain she felt in her body quickly faded. The Element of Magic finally had accepted her as its new owner, and all she had to do was kill Twilight.

She laughed again, and this time it sounded like a howl of victory. And she felt her blood flood with adrenaline and her heart beat faster, only this time it was with thrill. She turned around and saw her little army already gathered in front of the portal. She showed her teeth in a grin and felt her grown fangs against the back of her lips. "You gonna turn 'em into demons like us?" Snips asked, looking as excited as her.

"No. That would be a waste of energy." She answered and then turned to face the portal. She pressed her right hand into a fist in an attempt to stop herself for bursting into maniacal laughter. "They will serve only as a meat shield. While the guards are busy with them, I will take down the princesses." If she could smile wider, she'd do it. And she saw from the corner of her eyes her two loyal minions grinning like her. "I will go first. You two make them pass right after me. But be quick, or I'll be done by the time you cross the portal and will miss the action."

Snips and Snails nodded, and she prepared herself to cross the portal. Adopting a posture that resembled a predator about to bounce on its pray, Sunset breathed deeply, and with a jump she shortened the distance and crossed the portal.

The travel was as she remembered. A turmoil of colors and the feeling of being sucked from inside out and put together in a different form. But she was prepared this time, and she quickly got in her hooves at the moment she landed. She looked around; the mirror was still in the same room in the Crystal Palace. She had expected to meet guards or any pony for that matter, but she only saw trophies and other crystal jewelry she wasn't interested in.

She felt a little strange, a weird feeling of vertigo as she stood up, but it was probably due to the travel, so she ignored it. She gave a couple of steps and found herself in front of a mirror. Not like the portal, whose surface seemed like a silver plate, but an actual normal, full sized mirror. And she quickly understood the vertigo.

Like in the human world, the Element of Magic had also transformed her in Equestria. She was tall, and not only a few inches tall, but Celestia's height tall. Her fur was red, and her Cutie Mark, although remained the same in shape, was of darker hues of yellow and red. Her eyes were also very different: The sclera was of a dirty yellow, the irises were dark red and the pupils had shrunk into thin lines, resembling a dragon's. She even had wings, albeit they were like a dragon's wings, and they were of a red so dark that almost seemed black. But what impressed her the most was her mane and tail. Instead of hair or even ethereal waves of magic like the princesses', she had opaque, live fire going from her head, back neck and tail to the sky.

Sunset smiled again, and then heard the sound of hooves near the portal. She turned to see the humans arriving and being transformed into ponies. She waited until at least a few dozens had crossed and clumsily but decidedly got to their hooves, admiring the empty stares in all of them. With a triumphant smile she turned around, ready to take over Equestria and claim her righteous place as a ruler.

She lit her horn and saw living sparks of green dancing in front of her as she concentrated her magic. After but a couple of seconds, she released that magic into a wall, effectively turning it into dust and pebbles. "Attack! Kill anypony using armor!" She shouted, and all her slaves gave guttural shouts as they charged to the unknown, running through the thick wall of smoke that formed when she destroyed the wall.

Sounds of fight could be heard, and Sunset knew that her army wouldn't last too long. She had only minutes to find and slay the princesses. She grinned and cast a barrier around her, and then charged with all her might, crossing the smoke wall and pushing away anyone in her way. When she crossed the smoke, she saw Princess Celestia standing there, right in front of her.

All around Sunset became silent as she laid her eyes on the princess and time seemed to slow down. Celestia had her horn lit and fully charged of energy. Sunset felt a chill ran down her spine as sparks of yellow ignited from her former teacher's horn. And after what seemed like an eternity, she realized that Celestia's stare was nothing she had ever seen before. It wasn't a disappointed stare, it wasn't even angry or sad; it was filled with disgust, the kind of stare someone makes before killing a big and repugnant bug.

Celestia grimaced, and seemed like she was about to vomit. "Monster." She only said that one word, and then focused all the magic in her horn in a fine ray of gold light. Sunset didn't had a chance to react, for in just the moment she took to blink, Celestia's laser beam made a clean hole through her magic shield with ease and crossed her heart.


Sunset screamed in terror and jumped, sitting on her bed. Her heart ached and throbbed as if it had been stabbed with an electrified knife, and for a moment she thought that it would stop beating. She put a hand on her chest and let out a heavy and quivery sigh of relief at the feeling of her unharmed body. After but a couple of seconds, she felt her hand wet, and she realized that she was fully covered in sweat. She instinctively moved her shoulders and promptly cursed at the cold breeze that met her back and only felt colder because of the hot sweat. She took a few deep breathes and passed her other hand over her messy hair, taking it to the back to cool her head with the rather fresh air.

When she finally calmed herself enough so that she didn't feel her heart bumping furiously against her chest, she dropped her hand on the side of her bed and spun to her left, throwing the blanket away with her other hand and letting her legs fall freely until they reached the floor. The cold surface of fake wood sent a small shiver through her body, but she ignored it and stood up with a lazy swing of her arms.

With the loose parts of her pajama falling freely, she finally realized just how profusely she was sweating. She felt as if she had stood under heavy rain, only that it was hot and sticky. Her hair felt as if it was glued against her skin, and the parts of her body where her skin was a little longer like her neck and the opposite part of her elbows and knees felt disgustingly wet and tacky.

She looked at the glowing red numbers of her alarm clock. It was two in the morning. Sunset had thought to only get a glass of water even if her mouth wasn't particularly dry and then go back to sleep, but for some reason she didn't feel sleepy. In fact, she felt very awake, probably due to the fact that her veins were filled with adrenaline because of her resent nightmare.

"Nightmare…" She whispered, lifting both hands in front of her and staring at them. "It was a nightmare…" Her voice was even, but she felt a weird feel of emptiness in her stomach every time she said that word.

She stood there for the longest time, only staring at her hands. With her perception of time severed for only the moment she spent there, she didn't know, nor did she specially care, how much time she had been in that position. It was until another cold breeze made her shiver that she snapped out of her trance.

A little headache was starting to build up at the right side of her head. She frowned at the throbbing pain, taking deep breathes again in an attempt to relax her body. It didn't work that well, and she let out an exasperated sigh.

She absentmindedly looked around her room. It was small, probably smaller than the storage room she slept in her first year in the human world. But there was enough space to fit the only furniture she required: Her individual bed made of thick, dark wood with a rather tall and hard mattress; the kit of blankets, pillow cases and blanket were of different shades of teal, resembling the color of her eyes. Next to the bed was a rustic night table of light brown wood, upon which laid her black alarm clock. Placed against the east wall was a short, white dresser that occupied almost the entire length of the wall. There was a mirror with a plain, black frame on the dresser, along with a very small amount of beauty products. And finally, on the opposite wall were a small, brown desk and a black swivel chair, and on top of the desk rested a lone, white laptop.

Sunset's teeth shivered as yet another cold breeze met her body, and the fact that the sweat was cooling down didn't help either. She resisted the urge to embrace herself as the idea of feel the sticky moist disgusted her. She eyed the door, remembering what was beyond, and smiled as an idea popped up in her mind.

She decided that a hot shower at two in the morning didn't sound so bad. She opened one of the drawers of the dresser and took a big, pink towel and went straight to the bathroom, not even bothering to take her feet away from the floor, thus sliding them, which proved quite easy on the smooth surface.

It didn't took her more than a few seconds to open the water tap that would quickly heat up the falling water and take off her clothes, tossing them into a plastic basket near the door. She decided to lean on the sink and look at her reflection in the mirror while the water warmed up. Her face and body had several white spots there where the light interacted with the sweat, and she frowned, already wanting to clean herself. But aside of that little -and quite disgusting- detail, and the fading red and purple colors on her nose, she didn't find anything unusual. For some reason she had thought that she'd have bloodshot eyes, or bags of tiredness beneath them, or any other sign of her going crazy.

She gave herself a weak smile and leaned back, getting a better view of her naked body. She preferred a thousand times her pony form over the human one, but even if the first months in this world she had hated it, over the years she had come to see its appeal and actually like it.

"Hey Sunny-girl! Looking good!" She said to her reflection and turned her hands to look like guns pointing at the mirror while closing one eye. After but a moment she returned to a normal position and let out a calmed sigh. She stretched her arms in front of her, hearing a few pops. The warm feeling of steam claimed her attention, and she happily bounced to the shower, sliding the plastic curtain after her and accepting the embrace of hot water over her body.

She couldn't help but sigh and moan at the pleasure that gave taking a hot shower, and for a moment she just stood there, closing her eyes and lifting her head, letting the water fall directly on her face.


She frowned as the image of Celestia appeared behind her eyelids. The princess' eyes were cold, empty of emotions except for the clear repulsion towards her. Sunset opened her eyes and hung her head, looking at her toes. It had been the first time in her life that she had a nightmare, and not only that, it was very rare that she could remember a dream well after waking up. Yet there she was, being able to remember with frightening clarity every detail of said nightmare.

But what unsettled her the most was the time.

She had expected to start having nightmares right after the Fall Formal debacle, but every night since then had been dreamless. So why was it starting until now? She closed her eyes in a frown and extended her arms in front of her, using her hands to rest her weight on the wall and letting the water fall on her neck. The dream replayed once again in her mind, forcing her to snap open her eyes.

"Yep, I'm losing it…" She said and groaned. Just when she thought her life was getting a little brighter, there was a big step back. She forced herself back under the water and proceeded to clean her body with monotonous, almost robotic movements, and had to press tight her jaw when she washed her hair and had to close her eyes for that moment. She quickly finished cleaning herself, but decided to enjoy the wonderful feeling of hot water drops running down her body for a little while longer.

For minutes she just stood there under the water, staring at nothing in particular, trying to think of anything, but her mind was completely blank. And after what seemed like a lot of time, she finally forced a blink and a heavy sigh, deciding that she had spent enough time there. She closed the water tap and stepped out of the shower. The cold air at the other side of the curtain made her shiver a little, but she didn't pay it too much attention, as she lazily took the towel and started to dry herself.

When she was sure that she stopped dripping water, she casually stepped out of the bathroom, welcoming the even colder air of her hall. It was actually quite refreshing to feel the sudden drop of temperature in her body after a good hot shower. She smiled at the heavenly feeling and put the towel over her shoulders, letting it fall in front of her as a scarf.

Even if she had been surrounded by water only moments ago, and still was far from being completely dry, she felt her lips a little rough, especially in the corner of her mouth. She shrugged and walked to the kitchen without turning on any light, as she knew very well how to navigate through her apartment, though it wasn't really that hard, since she was very organized and never had anything thrown on the way.

She reached one of the cabinets and retrieved a glass, already licking her dry lips in anticipation. She quickly filled the glass with tap water and gave a long sip, only that it wasn't what she had expected; it was hot, and it tasted like metal and dirt. She spat everything on the sink and looked at the glass, and she felt that it was warm against the skin of her hand. She blinked in confusion and spilled the water on the sink. "So weird…" She whispered and then refilled the glass, this time double checking that it was the right tap water; the cold one.

When she made sure that it was indeed cold water, she drank the whole glass in one go. When she finished, she let out a loud sigh of satisfaction and placed the glass in the sink, deciding that she'd care for it the next day.

And with that, a refreshed and rehydrated Sunset returned to her bedroom, finishing drying her hair on the way. She tossed the towel on her bed after closing the door of her room and proceeded to get dressed with only panties and another set of pajamas, this one being dark blue and consisting of long pants and a shirt with buttons. Once she felt comfortable, she took the towel and placed it on the back of the swivel chair. She sighed again and sat down on her bed, looking at the ceiling.

She stood there for a couple of minutes, her eyes occasionally wandering through the room. She inhaled deeply through her nose and closed her eyes. This time she didn't recall the nightmare, which was a good thing, considering that she was feeling slumber return to her body. With a triumphant smile, she lay down and in a single move took the blanket over her, adopting a fetal position and making herself comfortable before her tired eyes closed and she was dragged to the dream world once again.


"Hey, Sunset! Earth to Sunset!"

Sunset blinked, and Trixie suddenly appeared in front of her, wearing an amused smile. "Hey, Trix." She said with a lazy voice. Since she had gotten forty minutes early to school, she had decided to sit down against the portal, and she was lost in her own mind, not really thinking anything, and for Celestia-knows how much time.

"Are you alright?" Trixie asked with concern and squatted down, leveling the height of her eyes with Sunset's. "You look kinda sick."

"I'm good." Sunset shifted awkwardly and rested her head on the statue, offering a smile. "I was just thinking about the show, we only got today and a couple of hours on Monday to get ready."

Trixie gave her a knowing smile. "You sure? 'Cause Principal Celestia is willing to let us practice on weekend days."

Sunset's eyes flickered and a small grin formed in her face. "You know, if I had to do more than just press buttons behind the scenes, I'd actually be a bit worried."

"Just a bit?" Trixie teased. "You really can't do one single magic trick to save your life."

Sunset huffed with a single laugh. "Well, I can make you melt for me."

"That's just a weird phrase."

"Still true, though."

Trixie made a sound between a laugh and a cough. "Anyway, classes are about to begin. See you at lunch?"

Sunset looked at the sky as a white sky just covered the sun, barely making a faint shadow beneath it. "Sure, I'll be in the cafeteria."

Giving a weak smile, Trixie stood up and walked to the school, where the students were starting to gather as the entrance didn't provide enough space for the lot of them, and a few little groups on the way, chatting carelessly, reducing the available space even more. Sunset sighed and relaxed her body. She knew that she'd have to attend classes eventually; she just didn't feel like doing it immediately.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we've got here." A girl suddenly appeared in Sunset's field of view. She had a soft pink skin and curly, purple hair tied up in a messy ponytail, and her voice was nasal and toned with forced sarcasm. "If it isn't Sunset Monster in person."

Sunset looked up with an annoyed stare, and saw a girl standing a little behind the one who spoke up, though she couldn't quite see her from her angle. "Do I know you?" She asked with a lazy voice and raising an eyebrow.

"I hope, for your own good, that you're not planning to run for princess of the Winter Dance this time around, 'kay?" The girl asked with a devious grin, ignoring the question.

Sunset rolled her eyes and just put her arms on her lap. "If that's a threat, you're not doing it well enough. You need to be more assertive, to impose your presence…" She then grinned slyly. "But above all, you need to know your place." The girl frowned, but Sunset didn't let her speak. "You sure have guts to dare to threaten me, Suri."

Suri opened her eyes as plates and gave a step back, but her frown remained. "Hah, you don't scare me, 'kay?" She said, but her voice quivered, and Sunset decided to slowly stand up. "You don't rule the school anymore, everyone openly hates you, and those girls are with you only because they pity you! You can't do anything to me, m'kay?"

"Oh, really?" Sunset walked over her with very slow steps, hiding her hands inside the pockets of her jacket. "Then I suppose the magazine you work for already knows about your… 'misadventures' with the police." She said, and a wave of both satisfaction and guilt ran through her body as Suri's face turned into one of horror, but she managed to produce an evil smile. "What? You thought that I ruled the school only by being a bitch with everyone? Yeah, I don't rule it anymore, and also yes, everyone can now openly insult me; they've been doing it for the whole week. But, please, don't be so stupid as to come and think you can threaten me with lame talking, because you're the one that will lose at the end."

There was a moment where they just stood there in silence, and Sunset could see that the other girl had light amber skin and two-tone grayish cyan, straight hair. She recognized her as always being following Suri, but she couldn't put a name on her in that moment.

Suri made a noise between a cough and a growl, and Sunset decided that she had grown bored of her. "Look, I'm not interested in winning any other event in this school, so feel free to run for princess of whatever you want. Just don't try to insult me anymore, and I might forget your little mishap, ok?" She didn't even wait for a reaction and decided to walk to the school. It never had felt good to treat people like that, but while she knew that she deserved everyone's hate, she wasn't going to allow any sort of humiliation. She still had a bit of her pride left.

Sunset walked past the students, which proved easy since all them got out of her way, only that instead of it being out of fear, it was out of hatred. She didn't mind, though, as long as she didn't have to struggle to pass like everyone else. But before she could even finish walking through the main door, she saw Twilight, standing in the middle of the foyer and being surrounded by at least fifty students. Sunset could see that Twilight was trying her best not to be there, and judging by the nervous movements of her body and the awkward and clumsy tone of her voice, it was obvious that she didn't like being in the spotlight.

"There she is!" A random guy shouted, and everyone was suddenly staring at Sunset. She decided to only raise an eyebrow and look at them with a bored expression.

"I don't know what you did to her, but you better apologize!" Yelled a girl Sunset couldn't even see.

"We all are with Twilight! You better know your place!"

"You're nothing but a monster!"

"Leave the school! We don't want to see you ever again!"

"Learn when to give up, you demon!"

Sunset did her best to maintain her stoic expression, and even though she wouldn't ever admit it, every single word stung in her heart like poisoned daggers. She saw Twilight, who was looking everywhere with a terrified expression in her face, and for some reason, that made her let out an unnoticeable sigh. She mentally counted from one to ten, and then made a little jump forward, taking her hands out of her jacket and grinning deviously. Everyone fell silent and stepped back, and Sunset quickly regained her nonchalant posture. She then looked directly at Twilight's eyes and offered her a faint smile. "Must be nice to know that everyone loves you." She said, struggling to keep a calm tone. And not even waiting for a response, she turned to her side and quietly disappeared in one of the hallways.

"Sunset-" Twilight tried to call her, but the students around her started to shout insults and threats again, and she could only stand there.


Sunset ran through the empty hallways. Her heart was pounding in her chest as a migraine was growing at the right side of her head, throbbing louder in her ears with every step she made.

She made her way to the throne room and opened the door before the guards even realized what was going on. "Celestia!" She yelled, feeling anger boiling in her veins and heat rising in her face. "Who's this Twilight Sparkle and why everypony's saying she's your personal student?!"

In just the moment she took to say those words, she was already mere feet away from the throne, where Princess Celestia looked at her with a surprised expression in her face. Sunset lifted her head and pressed her jaw, but didn't let her answer right away. "Are you getting rid of me? Is that so? Did I not match your expectations? What is it, Celestia?! Am I no longer needed in your scheme? Tell me!" Her eyes were filled with fury, and she allowed herself to give a heavy and quick huff through her nose, feeling the heat of her own breath.

But Celestia only gazed in pure confusion, and after but a couple of seconds, she lowered her head a little. "Who are you?" She asked, and Sunset felt her heart stop for a moment and then sink down to her stomach. "Why are you disturbing me with senseless questions?" She paused and narrowed her eyes, as if trying to understand a very difficult equation. "And why do you think I'd ever take as a student such disgusting monster like you?"

Sunset opened her eyes as plates and stepped back. And she realized that she had stopped being a pony and instead was a biped, furless, red and ape-like creature with featherless wings and claws at the end of her arms and legs. "I'm sorry, did I interrupt anything?" A voice came from behind her, and as she turned around, she saw Princess Twilight Sparkle, wearing her full royal regalia with the Element of Magic shining behind her horn. She began circling Sunset with a graceful gait and looking at her with a smug grin until she was at Celestia's side.

"It is nothing important, my dear Twilight." Celestia assured with a motherly voice and then looked up directly at Sunset's eyes, and when she spoke up, her voice was cold and void of any emotion. "She was already leaving."

"How can you do this to me?" Sunset cried and fell on her knees, looking at Celestia with pleading eyes. "I thought you loved me!"

"Love you?" Celestia spat the words as if they were poison. She stood up, and her sole presence was enough to make Sunset feel tiny, as an ant facing a dragon's wrath. "Who could possibly love a heartless, pitiful and disgusting monster like you? No, no. What you need is punishment." She declared, injecting every word with so much hatred that Sunset felt as if she was being stabbed with swords embedded in frozen fire.

Celestia charged her horn and sparks danced in front of her face as she prepared a spell. "Wait!" Sunset begged, but Celestia ignored her, and with a smooth movement of her head, she pointed her horn towards Sunset and released an overheated and blinding ball of energy.


Sunset felt a violent chill ran through her spine as she made a little jump, producing a very loud and quivery gasp. Her heart pounded furiously and cold sweat ran down the sides of her forehead. She pressed a fist against her chest and let out a heavy sigh. "Miss Sunset? Are you alright?" A low, hoarse voice snapped her out, and she saw Professor Doodle looking at her with an eyebrow raised and his well-known frown.

She realized just then that she had fallen asleep in the middle of the class, and now everyone was staring at her with different levels of surprise in their eyes. Sunset mumbled something before looking at the professor with tired eyes. "I'm feeling sick," she lied, "can I go to the infirmary?"

Fortunately enough, Professor Doodle hadn't been at the Fall Formal, and since Sunset had always been an excellent student, he didn't have reasons to be mad at her. And what made it even better was that he either ignored what the students said about her, or he just didn't care. "Yes, you can go." He said, and since the class was about to end, he didn't complain when Sunset took all her things and burst out the classroom.

The moment Sunset closed the door behind her and started to walk, she felt her muscles relax. She quickly got to her locker, ignoring the new set of insults painted on the door, and tossed her small backpack inside. With a heavy sigh, she closed the door and turned around, resting her body on the locker and looking at nothing in particular.

Having a nightmare was one thing, but having two nightmares the same day, both being completely different from each other, yet ending with her being killed by Celestia, was another thing. She didn't know why she was having those dreams all of a sudden, and the more thought she put into it, the less she could come with a reasonable answer.

Taking a deep breath, Sunset decided to go outside for a moment. Maybe some fresh air would help her clear her mind. She hurried to the main door, but stopped when she saw the very familiar form of Twilight Sparkle carrying a small stack of books against her chest. And when Flash appeared from a nearby hallway and turned to look at Twilight with confusion and surprise, Sunset decided to sneak on them and eavesdrop. Perhaps something fun would happen.

"Hey Twilight!" Flash called from behind, but almost immediately past her and stood in front of her, offering a warm smile. "I thought you weren't going to return. Glad to know I was wrong."

Twilight shifted awkwardly and leaned back. "Uhm, hold on." She used only one arm to keep holding the books while reaching a pocket of her skirt with the other, producing a small piece of paper. With an expert movement of her fingers she unfolded the paper and started to read. "Even though it may sound unbelievable, I assure you that the following is the truth: I am not the same Twilight Sparkle you know. So while I do appreciate your kindness, I'd like you to treat me as a normal new-student in Canterlot High." She sighed, folding the paper again and hiding it in her pocket, and then gave Flash an awkward smile, stretching her arm in front of him, offering a polite shake of hands. "Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Pleased to make your acquaintance, uh…"

"Flash," he said after a moment of hesitation and shaking her hand, "Flash Sentry." He chuckled nervously as Twilight limited herself to keep smiling. "Whoa this is… I mean, you are just like her. It's like-"

"Magic?" Twilight said promptly and leaned back a little. "Yes, I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen the photos of the Fall Formal."

"Yeah…" For a moment they just stood there with awkward smiles, and Flash kept looking everywhere. At last he finally broke the silence. "So, uh, nice to meet you. See you around?"


Twilight looked at Flash disappearing around a corner and let out the breath she didn't even know she was holding. She stood there, staring at the spot where Flash had been moments ago. It was weird, but she seemed to be getting used to talk with strangers; most likely due to them trying to talk to her first.

"That's my ex-boyfriend."

Twilight yelped and turned around in mid air, struggling to avoid her books from falling. Sunset was resting her body on one of the lockers and looking at her with an amused smile. "Uh, is that so?" Twilight asked with a quivery voice, suddenly realizing that they were alone in the hallway. Her heart started to beat faster and her throat suddenly felt very dry.

"Yup." Sunset replied. "And if you want a friendly advice: be careful around him."


Sunset shifted and leaned her head on the arm she was using to rest on the locker. "Because Princess Twilight and him fell in love." A small wave of satisfaction ran through her body at Twilight's confused gaze. "You happen to be her dimensional twin, so he might want to approach you in a romantic way." She took a small breath and then gave her a weary smile. "He may develop honest feelings, but he's a helpless idiot, so you just keep an eye on that."

Twilight blinked and gave a step back. "Uh, he seems nice, but I just met him. Don't you think it's a little early to be thinking about that?"

"The princess didn't waste a minute." Sunset shrugged. "But I suppose everyone is different, even if they're your dimensional counterpart." Twilight felt her heart flinch and she gave Sunset a nervous smile. Sunset then offered her a serious gaze with a little amount of sadness. "Anyway, I'll get going. See you around, Sparky."

Just as Sunset was going to turn around, Twilight stepped forward. "Wait." She said, and almost instantly tried to make herself smaller. "I just wanted to say that…" She breathed and looked at Sunset's eyes with forced determination. "I don't think you're a monster."

To her surprise, Sunset gave Twilight a small, warm smile. "Thanks." And with that, she walked away.