• Published 11th May 2014
  • 9,580 Views, 416 Comments

The Shimmer of Magic - Hakuno

Sunset Shimmer is stuck again in the human world. Struggling with the consequences of her actions, she must redeem herself with the help of five girls and a very interested magician.

  • ...

29. Just Friends

Chapter 29. Just Friends

A muffled alarm clock started beeping in the distance, startling Trixie out of her torpor. She looked towards the window and noticed that the sky was slowly becoming a bright blue. She blinked a few times, realizing that she had been staring at the pink ceiling all night, not having had any rest at all.

She sat up, feeling numb and dizzy. The sight of an unknown room was strange at best. She had barely glanced at it when she entered last night, but now that she actually looked at it, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she shouldn’t be there.

She heavily got out of the bed, tiredly gazing at everything in the room. The little mountain of stuffed animals in a corner, the television and the dancing platform and microphone, the posters of famous bands and singers… It was, in all senses, the room of a girl that had just hit puberty.

Trixie decided to make the bed very carefully, not wanting Sweetie Belle to find her room any different from how she had left it. If Trixie had to stay at Rarity’s for some time, the last thing she wanted was to have any problems with her family.

Once she finished, she decided to get out of the room. She supposed Rarity would appear at some point to get ready for school, and she wanted to thank her once more for letting her stay.

The smell of eggs being made drew her to the kitchen, where she found Rarity sporting a white apron upon her dark blue night gown, and making some scrambled eggs. Rarity was humming an oddly familiar tune before she noticed Trixie standing at the door frame.

“Oh, good morning, darling!” Rarity greeted her with a bright smile. “I bet you’re hungry. But worry not, this share is for you.”

“Thanks…” Trixie replied as she sat down on a chair. “Have you told your parents?”

Rarity nodded as she turned to pay attention to the eggs. “Yes. Of course they were a little, let’s say hesitant, at first. But once I explained the situation, they were more than happy to lend a helping hand.”

“So they’re not…”

“Oh, No. Heaven’s no.” Rarity answered immediately. “They might be pretty traditional, but they are also very open minded. So, don’t you worry.”

Trixie breathed out and smiled a little bit. “And… where are they?”

“They’re both out of the city. But they’ll return tomorrow night.”

“I see… I’ll have to personally thank them.”

After a few minutes, Rarity served breakfast, and Trixie couldn’t help the smile forming on her face at the sight of some scrambled eggs with ham, toast, bacon, and orange juice; the most cliché breakfast ever.

“So…” Rarity said, smoothly breaking the silence. “What are you going to do today?”

Trixie sighed. “I was supposed to return to school today, but… I want to talk to Sunset.”

“Alright,” Rarity answered. “One more question. Are you planning to go out like that?”

Trixie didn’t need to look at herself to know what Rarity was talking about. She was very self-aware that the only thing she had to wear was her pajamas. She sighed heavily. “Can you lend me something to wear?”

“Oh, not to worry. I’ll fix you something quick now, and I’ll work on more attires for you to wear.”

“Rarity, I’m well aware that fabric isn’t exactly cheap... I don’t know when I’d be able to-”

“Nonsense, darling! Don’t even think of repaying me anything! This is what friends are for!”

Trixie bit her lip. Rarity obviously meant well, but this was too much, even for her. She crossed her arms. “No, it might not be for a while, but you either let me repay you, or… or I’ll only wear green for the rest of my life!”

Somehow, the already snow-white Rarity managed to pale at that. “You wouldn’t dare! Green? With your eyes? Absolutely not!”

Trixie grinned deviously. “I’m pretty sure green would look amazing in a magic show.”

“Fine! Ok!” Rarity cried. “I-I’ll let you pay it back, but you at least cannot refuse your first attire for free!”

Trixie still didn’t like the idea of taking even more advantage of Rarity’s generosity than she already had, but she decided to stop tormenting her host and nodded. “Fair enough.”


Trixie did not expect that Rarity would be so meticulous with that first attire, even less so with the fact that she only had one hour to do it.

It was a simple dark blue sleeveless blouse with a collar, a dark blue knee-length skirt with golden borders and a star pattern, and a pair of flat sneakers. Rarity had also given her a moon shaped barrette, to replace the star shaped one she usually used.

When it was time for Rarity to go to school, they left the house together, but their paths split at central park. Trixie was going to search for Sunset. She’d try the emporium first, and if she wasn’t there, she was going to go to her house. Fortunately, Rarity had given lent her enough money for that, and then some more, in case she failed to find Sunset.

Trixie felt bad, having to rely so heavily on someone that wasn’t her family, but she had to swallow her pride and just accept the help.

Before she knew it, she was in front of the emporium. The sign greeted her with friendly colors, and she cursed it for being so happy and welcoming. Trixie took a deep, calming breath and stepped inside. The interior was the same as she remembered, except for a few missing things here and there, and some new things occupying those places.

Silver Shill was attending some clients, so she waited until he finished to talk to him. For some reason, they gave her strange looks throughout the conversation. Trixie just assumed it had to be Rarity’s over the top design. Nobody this well-dressed would be anywhere near a thrift store like this.

“Morning, Miss Trixie,” Silver Shill greeted her with a smile once the clients left.

Trixie wasn’t in the mood for formalities. “Is Sunset here?”

Silver Shill hummed for a moment. “I honestly don’t know. I usually see her only twice: When she goes out during her break, and when she leaves.”

Before Trixie could reply, one of the brothers, whom she believed to be Flam, came out of the back door. “Trixie Lulamoon! Our dear business partner! I hear you ask for Sunset, yes?” When Trixie nodded, his smile disappeared, replaced by a frown of concern. “She called in sick, can you believe it? Why my poor brother and I are up to our armpits in paperwork and she’s not here! What to do, what to do. Ah! What say we bend the rules of confidentiality a little bit? I’ll tell you where she lives! While you’re there, tell her to come in won’t you? Once she gets some work done she’ll feel better! Or at least we’ll feel better! It’s a win-win. What do you say?”

“No need, Trixie already knows,” Trixie said. Flam smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. Trixie only rolled her eyes. “Ugh, get over it.” And with that, she exited the emporium without even saying goodbye.

She briefly thought it was a bad idea to be so rude to her sponsors, but her life was falling apart anyway, and she had more important matters at hand to take care of.

A bus ride later, Trixie found herself in Hollow Shades once more. Thanks to all the times she had come, she felt more confident walking through the streets, specially because everyone was always nice to her. Still, she was very focused on avoiding any chit chat with anyone. She really wasn’t in the mood for banal greetings.

After expertly navigating the streets, Trixie arrived to Sunset’s apartment building. She quickly entered, feeling her heartbeat quicken. She had been so sure about this just a moment ago, but now she was having doubts. What if Sunset reacted aggressively again? What if instead of making things better, it all turned out worse?

She sucked in a breath and sighed slowly. She couldn’t falter, not now. Forcing herself to go upstairs three stories, she finally got to Sunset’s door. Her stomach felt heavy, and she thought she was going to throw up. Her arms shivered like crazy, but she managed to knock on the door.


Trixie knocked again, but there was no answer. She was starting to think that Sunset wasn’t home when she heard a faint scratch, like someone sliding a foot on the floor. Trixie gulped and took a shuddering breath.

“Sunset,” she said, hoping that her ears hadn’t deceived her. “Please, open the door. We need to talk…” There was no answer, but she continued. “I’m sorry… I did something very stupid… I hurt you, and I can’t even begin to forgive myself, but… if you just… give me an opportunity to… to show how sorry I am…” She hiccuped, but managed to refrain herself from crying.

Still there was no answer.

Trixie took a sharp, quivery breath and placed her forehead on the door. “Please, Sunset… Open the door…”

“Go home…” Sunset replied from the other side. Her voice was low, guttural and shaky, and it stung in Trixie’s heart.

She gritted her teeth. She knew that if she told her about her situation, Sunset would let her in, and while she thought it was a low blow to do it, she didn’t want to unnecessarily extend the drama.

“I can’t,” she replied, working silent words before continuing. “I was kicked out…” She sobbed, and a tear made its way down her cheek.

“... What happened?” Sunset’s voice was soft, but very close. Trixie supposed she was leaning on the door, like her.

“My dad found out about us…,” she answered barely above a whisper. “He shoved me outside and told me to not come back…”

Trixie heard the door being unlocked, and she leaned back a little. Sunset opened the door, and they finally looked at each other’s eyes. They both had red, swollen eyes, but unlike Trixie, who had been practically forced to pretty up by Rarity, Sunset’s hair was messy, and she was using the same clothes as yesterday; she hadn’t even bothered to change.

Stepping inside, Trixie refrained herself from tackling Sunset into a hug, and instead folded her hands over her belly, fumbling for a phandom deck of cards, if only she had brought it with her.


Trixie leaned forward, but when Sunset flinched, she stepped aside. Sunset closed the door and walked up around her sofa, keeping it between them. She brushed her fingers on the back and took a deep breath. “How did it happen?”

Trixie fidgeted as she looked down to her feet. “My dad had a photo of us kissing… He went crazy and… you can imagine…”

Sunset gripped the back of her couch, stabbing it with her nails. “I’m sorry to hear that… I didn’t know-”

“It’s not your fault,” Trixie said. “Someone sent that photo to my dad. They obviously wanted this to happen…” She gritted her teeth and turned her hands into fists. “But… I didn’t come to discuss this…”

It didn’t take Sunset long to realize what Trixie meant. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s about what I said in the message? I stand by it… I do think we should end it… End us.”

Trixie felt her heart stop for a moment, and her legs began to shiver like crazy. “I know I did you wrong, but-”

“It’s not that!” Sunset yelled, and immediately after covered her mouth with a hand. She stepped back and mouthed silent words for a moment. “I can tell you’re sorry, I’m not stupid, but…” A sob escaped her mouth as tears formed in her eyes. “The way I reacted to it… I don’t want to hurt you again…”

“What?” Trixie blinked. “You had the right to be angry, Sunset.”

“Don’t you realize what I was about to do?!” Sunset yelled as tears ran down her cheeks. “I thought I was a better person, but one moment of anger and I almost…” she refused to continue, so she looked down and closed her eyes, trying, and failing, to stop crying.


“I’m afraid I’ll hurt you again…” Sunset shook her head. “I don’t think I can forgive myself if I ever do it again…”

Trixie swayed back and forth for a moment, taking a deep breath. “So you want us to… break up?” She said the last words barely above a whisper. “Just so you won’t hurt me?”

Sunset didn’t answer right away, staring down at her hands. “I…” She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, Trixie took a deep, noisy breath, calling Sunset’s attention. “Listen, I-I won’t lie… My life is falling apart, and you ditching me isn’t making it better…” When Sunset was about to say something, Trixie held a hand in front of her to silence her. “I… I understand if you want t-to think about it, or to clear your head, or whatever… But… Please…” She looked directly into Sunset’s eyes just as her vision became blurry. “I really need you right now…”

Without another word, Trixie walked up to Sunset, and when she was close enough, she rested her head on her left shoulder. She felt Sunset wrapping her in a tight hug, it felt so warm, so safe. Like, for at least a little while, she didn’t need to keep fighting back her own feelings anymore. Just then, she realized how much she had been holding the tears back, and she cried.

They stood there in complete silence, sans Trixie’s sobs and hiccups. Sunset waited patiently until Trixie finally managed to calm down.

Trixie stepped back a bit, using the back of her hands to clear the tears away.

“Feeling better?”

“A little…” Trixie answered with a hoarse voice. “Thanks…”

“No problem,” Sunset said with an almost imperceptible smile. “What are friends for?”

Sunset’s last words stung worse than when she was stabbed. It dawned on Trixie that Sunset really wanted to go through with breaking up. She breathed sharply and looked down. “Friends, huh…?” She went up to the couch and sat down.

Sunset followed her and sat next to her. “I’m sorry, Trixie, but... I think this is the best for you…” She looked down at her knees. “What happened yesterday… I was terrible… I misunderstood what you wanted, and in an incredibly stupid attempt to give it to you, I… crossed the line…”

Trixie looked at Sunset, wanting to place a hand on her shoulder, but stopping herself from doing so. “For a moment there… I thought you were punishing me… It was really…” She took a deep, trembling breath. “... scary…”

Sunset lowered her head. “I’m sorry.”

“But you stopped yourself,” Trixie said. “You realized it and-”

“And what if I hadn’t?!” Sunset yelled, grabbing her head with both hands. “What if I had continued?! Why aren’t you mad at me?!”

Trixie sighed heavily. “Honestly? I don’t have the energy…” Sunset looked at her, but Trixie just played idly with her fingers. “I was kicked out… Rarity is helping me, but I can’t live with her forever… I need to start making money on my own, and… I don’t know, be able to sustain myself.”

Sunset slowly shook her head. “I can’t just go unpunished for what I did…”

Pressing the bridge of her nose with two fingers, Trixie groaned a little bit. “Ok, you know what? I need money, badly. And you’re still my manager, so how about you get me some performances? And if that’s not enough for you, then you can also carry my luggage.”

Sunset leaned back and looked up thoughtfully. “Well, I guess that’s a start…”

“Freaking masochist…” Trixie muttered under her breath.

“Now that you mention it, I asked Pinkie to promote you… You didn’t bring the folder with you, right?”

“No, I only have my phone and my pajamas. These clothes,” she motioned to herself, “are Rarity’s generosity, but I can’t consider them mine.”

Sunset looked at Trixie. “I knew there was something different. You’re not using heels.” She put a hand on her mouth and hummed. “I’ll call Pinkie, see if she can send me the info again.”

“Thank you…”

“So, what are you going to do now?”

Trixie blinked. “What do you mean?”

“I mean… Your dad kicked you out, I don’t suppose you want to return?” When Trixie shook her head, Sunset continued. “And you want to be the world’s best illusionist, so you’re still going to perform and get fame and stuff, but what about school? Are you continuing it?”

Trixie hummed and leaned back on the couch. “I do want to finish High School at least… I suppose I can stay with Rarity for a while, and hope to have enough money to find an apartment of my own… But, as of today? I just want to do nothing...”

Sunset placed a hand on Trixie’s shoulder and smiled. “Well, you know I’ll support you, as your manager and…” she inhaled sharply, “as your friend.”


Lyra Heartstrings was lazily lying on the couch, feet raised upon the armrest, browsing on the internet with a laptop. She reached a bowl of popcorn located upon the coffee table and shoved them into her mouth, dropping a few of them on her chest.

She heard the sound of keys tingling, then the front door opening. Bonbon walked in, tossing her backpack on the floor.

“Hey, Bonnie,” Lyra greeted. “How was school?”

“Scoot,” Bonbon said, moving Lyra’s feet away so she could sit down. “It was a very strange day, today.”

“What do you mean?” Lyra asked, straightening up and crossing her legs to rest the laptop on them. “Another random musical?”

“No, no, thank goodness, no,” Bonbon replied. “It’s just… Remember we got a new statue after you broke the last one? Well, some people arrived at lunch and removed it. It was pretty weird…” She looked at Lyra. “You don’t know anything about it, do you?”

“No, I haven’t done anything!” Lyra said with a higher voice pitch than usual. Bonbon glared at her, and she sighed in defeat, but immediately after giggled giddily. “Fine, but I really didn’t mess with the statue again... I didn’t want to tell you until I was sure, but… I outed Sunset!”

Bonbon blinked. “You outed Sunset,” she repeated with a deadpan.

Lyra grinned proudly as she made a few clicks on the laptop. “Not only that, I did to her what she did to me. I took photos and uploaded them to MyStable.” She spun the laptop to let Bonbon see a post with a clear-cut photo of Sunset and Trixie kissing at the mall. “Apparently, Sunset has two profiles, goodness knows what the hell she does with them, but I can’t see them, so I used a software to make my post trending, so it would reach the biggest amount of people possible.”

“Except me,” Bonbon mentioned under her breath.

“Don’t be like that, Bonnie! I already told you it was a surprise!”

Bonbon groaned. “When are you going to stop this quarrel? You already got expelled just to get back at her! Don’t you think it’s time to just… stop?”

“No,” Lyra said. “Well, if things turn out as I want with this, then maybe.”

“That’s another thing. What exactly do you expect will happen? All the school already knew they are dating. They weren’t exactly subtle.”

“It’s not about the school knowing or not,” Lyra answered. “I want the picture to reach Sunset’s family. With any luck they’ll be as bad as mine.”

Bonbon hummed at that as she analyzed the post. “And what about Trixie?”

“What about her?”

Bonbon’s eyes widened. “Idiot! Don’t you remember when Sunset did that to you? It wasn’t just you; those pictures got me in trouble with my family too!” She stood up and started walking in circles. “Trixie may be obnoxious and annoying, but she never did anything wrong to anyone, and you go and out her for the world to see?!”

“Come on, Bonny. I just took a snapshot of them kissing. Real tame stuff. This is nothing like those picture Sunset got of us. In retrospect we probably should have closed the bedroom curtains before we-”

“What if her parents are as homophobic as yours?!” Bonbon interrupted, blushing.

Lyra gaped for a moment. “I… No, Bonnie, like you said, right? They weren’t being careful or subtle about it in the first place. Sunset is not from around here, but Trixie’s folks are, so they must be fine with it.”

“The only thing I know is that Trixie hasn’t been in the school for a while now.”

“But isn’t that because she had an accident or something?”

“Yes, but-” She was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. “I hope your little revenge scheme only affected Sunset,” she said as she walked up to the front door.

“It’s not little!” Lyra yelled, returning to look at her laptop.

Bonbon opened the door, and was surprised to see Sunset standing there. She immediately tried to close the door, but Sunset already had a foot in the door, using her weight to stop Bonbon’s attempts to push her away.

“Good afternoon,” Sunset said with a low, harsh voice.

“What are you doing here?!” Bonbon said, still trying to close the door.

“I am ‘picking up pizza’, as far as Trixie knows, anyway.” Sunset leaned closer, sliding forward a foot to have a better balance. “A little bird told me one Lyra Heartstrings lives at this address. I want to have a word with her.”

Bonbon felt an icy chill run down her spine. Sunset looked even more dangerous as before, as though the entire fiasco of the Fall Formal never happened. She had to lie! “She’s out. Uhm, getting her lyre tuned.” It wasn’t great, but anything she could to tell her to get Sunset out of her house before she heard Lyra would do. But just at that moment, Lyra peeked in.

While Bonbon let go of the door with one hand to try and shoo her back toward the living room, Lyra walked up the door. “What is this bitch doing here?!” Lyra said.“I’ll call the poli-”

Seeing her chance, Sunset shoved against the door with all her strength, pushing Bonbon away, and hitting her with the corner of the door in the process. Before Lyra could react, Sunset punched her in the face. Lyra fell with a thud, moaning in pain into her hands.

That is for Trixie!” Sunset yelled, her stoic expression changed to a furious one. “I let you have your revenge on me already. That should’ve been it, but no! You had to get greedy!” She kicked Lyra in the side, getting a cry in response. “You dare ruin Trixie’s life just to get at me,” she kicked her again. “Did you think I would do nothing?!” She gave Lyra a few more kicks before Bonbon managed to shake off her daze and ran up to her.

“Please, stop!” Bonbon pleaded, grabbing Sunset by the shoulders and getting between the girls. “You’re going to kill her!”

Panting, Sunset was about to push Bonbon away, but then she noticed a nasty gash across Bonbon’s left eyebrow. Confused at first, she glanced back at the front door. The bloodstain on it robbed the righteous right out of her rage. She then looked back at Lyra, clutching her sides in a fetal position with her face covered in blood.

Sunset took a deep breath while Bonbon took a careful step back, still clearly wary.

“This is what you’re going to do,” Sunset said after a moment of silence, glaring down at Lyra. “Tomorrow, at school, you’re going to find a nice public place, you’re going to find Trixie and then you’re going to give her the biggest apology your pathetic mind can come up with. You’re going to bow, you’re going to kneel, you’re going to kiss her feet, and you’re going to beg her to forgive you. Then, you are going to stop pushing my patience with these stupid little schemes of yours to ruin my life, or I swear you’re going to be begging me to kill you next time.”

Lyra didn’t answer, curling into a ball as Sunset spoke.

“Uhm, I don’t want to antagonize you, but…” Bonbon started, stepping closer to Lyra. “She got expelled, I don’t think she can go to CHS…”

Sunset clicked her tongue. “Did you forget who you’re talking to? I already spoke with Principal Celestia before coming here.” Technically, that part was true, even if it was several days earlier for a completely different reason. She took a folded sheet of paper out from one of the pockets of her jacket and tossed it towards Lyra’s head, making the girl flinch. “I got her suspension lifted just so she can apologize. If she does a good job, I might even allow her finish high school.” And with that, she turned around and walked away.

Author's Note:

The return of bad Sunset? Stay tuned and find out!