• Published 11th May 2014
  • 9,580 Views, 416 Comments

The Shimmer of Magic - Hakuno

Sunset Shimmer is stuck again in the human world. Struggling with the consequences of her actions, she must redeem herself with the help of five girls and a very interested magician.

  • ...

31. Mutual Trust

Chapter 31. Mutual Trust.

“And now, look closely!” Trixie said to the one guy that had volunteered from the crowd that had gathered around her. “Your card is not at the bottom, nor at the top of the deck!” She revealed both cards to the whole crowd. She grinned as they tried to make heads or tails of what she was doing. She then stared at the guy. “Now, snap your fingers, and your card shall teleport to the top!” The guy did as was told, and true to Trixie’s words, the top card magically jumped and bent, and she revealed it to the crowd, who cheered loudly.

Bills and coins were thrown into the bag Sunset carried around once the performance was over.

For the past days, they had been going to the most crowded places in Canterlot, doing street performances for tips. At first, Trixie had thought such a venue was merely scraping the bottom of the barrel, but after all the money they were getting, she started working double and coming up with new variations of her tricks, sometimes even using Sunset as her attention-grabbing assistant, or as a ‘random volunteer’. In any case, they had earned so much money in so little time that they had started discussing about increasing the money Trixie charged for formal performances.

“Now I can buy some new clothes on my own,” Trixie said as she finished counting the money. She and Sunset were sitting at the bench of a small park, resting before going to the next location for the last performance of the day. “And heels. I miss my heels.”

Sunset cleared her throat. “Not before next year, remember the deal.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

Giggling, Sunset gave Trixie a quick kiss on the cheek and circled her shoulders with an arm. She looked up to the sky and sighed. “You know, I’ve been thinking…” She crossed her legs and waited for Trixie to look up at her. “Christmas is in two days… Would you want to spend it with me?”

Trixie grinned. “Are you inviting me on a date? How bold of you.”

“There’s a coffee shop a few bus stops from here that I think you’ll love, and they’ll be open on Christmas.”

“You don’t have to convince me,” Trixie said, snuggling closer to Sunset. She placed a hand on Sunset’s cheek to turn her head and give her a tender kiss on the lips. “Of course I want to spend Christmas with you.”

“And what about Rarity?”

Trixie shrugged. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate being with just her family. And I could certainly use a good night’s sleep on a bed.”

“Oh?” Sunset raised an eyebrow and grinned.

Trixie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure you won’t mind using a sleeping bag.”

Sunset groaned, but immediately after smiled and kissed Trixie’s cheek. “Of course I won’t.”


Trixie hummed a happy tune as she carefully folded some clothes and put them inside a dark gray bag.

“Are you sure you don’t want to spend Christmas here?” Rarity asked. She was sitting on the couch that had come to serve as Trixie’s bed for the past weeks. “You and Sunset are more than welcome.”

“I know, and I’m grateful,” Trixie replied. “But Sunset planned a full romantic evening and I don’t want to wake you guys up if I come home late.”

Rarity heaved a sigh. “Very well, just call if you need me, ok?”

“Sure,” Trixie said and stood up. “Now, can I borrow your sleeping bag?”

“Why do you need it?” Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Because Sunset’s bed is tiny, and I know she won’t let me sleep on the couch, so I at least want her to use the sleeping bag.”

“Very well,” Rarity said and went to retrieve her sleeping bag.

A few hours later, the doorbell of the boutique rang, and when Rarity opened the door, Sunset came in. Her jacket was closed and a fiery red scarf rested nicely around her neck, and she was wearing a pair of black gloves with orange stripes.

“Merry Christmas, Sunset,” Rarity greeted her and stepped aside.

“You too,” Sunset replied as she walked in. She went to the living room, finding a suspiciously out-of-place-looking couch with two bags on it. “Where’s Trixie?”

“Taking a shower. She should be here shortly,” Rarity said with a smile. “Meanwhile, do you want a cup of tea?”

“Sure,” Sunset said as she sat down on the couch. Rarity disappeared in her kitchen, just to return almost immediately with a kettle and a pair of cups on a tray. “How do you make tea so fast?”

Rarity set the tray on a tall round table and started serving. “Puh-lease. A lady is always prepared for a guest’s visit.” She offered a cup to Sunset. “Especially if that visit is expected.”

Sunset sipped on her tea and leaned back on the couch. “It’s hard to imagine now that you’re young, but I believe you’ll be an amazing grandma.”

“Err, I’ll just take that as a compliment.”

They chatted for a few minutes before Trixie arrived. She was wearing jeans, white sneakers, and a purple turtleneck sweater.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said when she gazed at Sunset.

“No worries.” Sunset stood up and greeted Trixie with a hug and a kiss. “Ready to go?”

“You know I am,” Trixie answered, then grabbed the bags from the couch and looked at Rarity. “Well, see you tomorrow.”

Rarity smiled and hugged Trixie. “Merry Christmas,” she said, and proceeded to do the same with Sunset. She then stepped back and looked at both girls. “Take care of yourselves.”

“Sure thing,” Sunset said, helping Trixie carry one of the bags.

Trixie threw a dark blue coat around herself before they went out. The days had been getting colder, and snow started to fall earlier each day. And Trixie just loved it. The cold was always a good and never-gets-old excuse to snuggle, and she wanted to do just that, no matter how difficult it made for them to walk.

“Someone’s snuggly today,” Sunset joked as they got on the bus. “Not that I’m complaining, of course.”

“Shut up and just enjoy it,” Trixie said, and to her comfort, Sunset did as she was told.

The bus ride was silent, not a single word was spoken, but Trixie didn’t mind at all. With her head resting on Sunset’s shoulder, she listened intently to her breathing, feeling the soft and lulling movements of her body. She wanted to stay like this forever.

But, at some point, the bus stopped and Sunset moved to stand up. They must have reached their destination.

Trixie vaguely recognized some buildings, as she had passed through these streets to get to Hollow Shades many times. Small apartment complexes filled the landscape, and the streets were wide and well maintained.

Sunset lead her through a couple of blocks until they arrived at the coffee house, a small, one story high building with an inviting shade of maroon in the facade, and black letters that read “Cuadrante Coffee Shop” just above the main door. Upon entrance, Trixie noticed that there were no chairs, but small sofas of one or two seats, and the tables were a little shorter than normal. It indeed gave the place a different feeling than other coffee shops.

They went to one of the unoccupied tables. Sunset ordered an espresso and a chocolate biscuit, while Trixie ordered a cappuccino and a slice of orange cake.

“Well, this place isn’t bad,” Trixie said as she looked around. “If the food is better than Joe Dough’s then you might earn a kiss.”

“Oh, what a reward,” Sunset joked. “Had I known you traded tasty food for kisses I would’ve taken you to an all-you-can-eat buffet instead.”

Trixie gave a halfway smile. “Next time, maybe.”

Time passed, and they talked about various things, like Trixie’s performances and her career, her plans after high school, then about Sunset’s job and how she had a lot of free time and had been killing it by watching videos or scheduling more performances for Trixie. And before they knew it, they were just talking about very unimportant stuff, things that they wouldn’t remember, but at the time, they made jokes and laughed.

Overall, they were having a great time.

But, while they were still enjoying themselves, the waitress came to their table and cleared her throat.

“Excuse me, but we’re closing for the night,” she said.

“Already?” Sunset asked and took out her phone to check the hour. “It’s almost eleven o’clock.”

“Whoa, really?” Trixie turned to the waitress, who only nodded before walking away. “How did we spend six hours just talking?”

Sunset shrugged as she placed some money on the table and grabbed her bag. “This is what happens when you have fun. You travel to the future.”

“Wish we traveled all the way to when I’m already the most famous magician in the world.”

“And miss all the times we kiss? No thanks.”

They walked to the bus stop, still talking and joking and laughing. Trixie didn’t mind if the time flew by or not, she just cared that she was with Sunset, and they both were happy.

As they got on the bus, Trixie noticed that snow had started to fall. It always was a beautiful sight, how the tiny white dots would eventually cover the streets and transform them into seas and rivers of white. Winter was, indeed, her favorite season of the year.

The arrival at Hollow Shades was met with a sudden change in street lighting. The lamp posts basked the streets in a dim, yellow light that gave the already scary place an ever more eerie look. Trixie realized that it was the first time she was there past sundown, and even though she knew she was safe, especially with Sunset at her side, she still felt anxious during their walk to Sunset’s apartment.

Once Sunset opened the door and Trixie stepped inside the warm interior, she let out a shivery sigh.

“How is your apartment so cold?” Trixie asked as she closed the door behind her. She hugged herself and began brushing her arms.

Sunset shrugged. “Old, unkept building. I already got used to it. Fortunately, my bedroom is somewhat warm. It’s like they only bothered to insulate that one room. I dunno, maybe they thought it would be cheaper. Or they used the other walls to stash poison joke.”

“Stash what?”


Trixie huffed and rubbed her upper arms for warmth. “Let’s just go there already.”

They tossed the bags on the couch and walked to Sunset’s bedroom, where it was at least somewhat above freezing. It got even more manageable once they sat on the bed and Sunset pulled the blanket over their shoulders. Trixie took her knees to her chin and leaned on Sunset, who circled her with an arm.

Silence fell upon them as they enjoyed each other’s warmth, looking out the window to the falling snowflakes that slowly danced with the wind.

“Who would’ve thought, a year ago, that things would end up like this?” Trixie said with a low voice.

“What do you mean?”

Trixie shrugged so softly that Sunset thought she imagined it. “You and me being a couple, spending Christmas together like this…”

Sunset sighed through her nose. “It sure was a surprise when you said you wanted to be my girlfriend.”

“And it was a bigger surprise for me that you accepted just like that,” Trixie replied, and her voice was calm. “I know it’s mean to think or say this, but… I’m kind of grateful for what happened at the Fall Formal… I know it’s been difficult for you, but if it hadn’t happened, I’d still be alone, with no friends, no girlfriend, no job, and still strictly repressed…”

“Nah, you’d be one of my mindless drones getting marched around Equestria.” Sunset gave a faltering chuckle. “I can’t say I’m totally grateful, but…” Sunset’s voice became a little shaky. “But seriously, had I succeeded with that part of my plan, I’d be in jail right now, or worse: dead.” She felt Trixie flinch at that, and she turned to smile at her. “But instead, I’m here with you… I never thought I’d be so happy with just being close to someone…”

“Neither did I,” Trixie said. She noticed Sunset raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“What about your ex?”

Trixie snorted. “Really? You want to talk about her?”

Sunset shook her head. “Not really, but I find weird that you agree with me. I never had a real relationship before, but you did.”

“Well, in hindsight, it wasn’t a real relationship what I had with Maud. Obsession is a really toxic feeling, you know? Thinking that if you don’t talk to each other every second you’re together, you might lose that person… It felt terrible, but it’s exactly what happens with addictions. They’re bad, and you know it, but you can’t just stop.”

Sunset looked forward with a small frown. “Do you think she’ll try to bother you again?”

“Not really,” Trixie replied offhandedly. “And if she does, I can just talk to Pinkie about it.”

“And if Pinkie can’t help,” Sunset said, grinning deviously. “Then I’ll make sure she doesn’t try anything again.”

Trixie snickered. “Sure you will.” She snuggled closer and closed her eyes. “But, can we stop talking about her?”

“Alright,” Sunset said, idly wrapping and unwrapping two fingers with a tuft of Trixie’s hair. “What do you want to talk about?”

“I don’t know.”

Sunset hummed for a moment. “Oh, I know. Who of our friends you think are going to get together?”

Trixie blinked and frowned. “What?”

“You know, make romantic pairs out of our friends? Just for fun.” She gave an unsure smile. “For example, I think Applejack and Speedy make a nice couple.”

Trixie went silent for a moment, and then looked up at Sunset with a shocked expression. “Applejack and Rainbow Dash?” She asked with a higher pitch voice than usual. “That’s stupid.” Sunset slumped down. “Rainbow and Fluttershy are better together.”

Sunset looked at her, a little surprised, and then smiled. “Why? Because they’re childhood friends? That’s a very old cliché.”

“It’s logical,” Trixie insisted. “I mean, why else do they spend so much time in the other’s house? Just to hang out? Hah! You and me know they can’t do their normal activities indoors!”

“Wrong,” Sunset said. “Rainbow and Applejack are better together. They both got strong personalities and are competitive but in a good way. They’re very similar, but different. Whilst Rainbow is impulsive and hot-headed, Applejack is controlled and mature. Besides, Fluttershy is better off with Rarity.”

Trixie leaned away and crossed her arms, doing a very convincing expression of being offended. “You really have problems. Rarity is Applejack’s. Because, while Rarity is all prissy and elegant, Applejack doesn’t really care about looking fancy. But that doesn’t mean she can’t wear a pretty dress, or that Rarity can’t get dirty if the situation requires it.”

“I’m the one with problems? You’re leaving Pinkie with Twilight.”

“So what? I think they look cute together.”

“They’re complete opposites!” Sunset threw her arms to the air. “Twilight is an introvert bookworm that cares too much about science, while Pinkie is an extreme extrovert! They may get along, but a relationship between people like that is just plain impossible!”

Trixie hummed for a moment. “You’re right, that’s pretty difficult to imagine, but they’re still totally cute together.”

“If by cute you mean Twilight will be in the nut house after a week.”

Trixie turned to glare at Sunset with a frown. “Now you would be an excellent partner for Twilight.”

Sunset gaped, and her pupils shrank for the impression. “What?!”

“Yeah. You two are the biggest nerds I know.” She snickered. “I can already imagine all the nerdy ways you can flirt with each other!” She then tried to make her best impression of Sunset. “‘Hey, Twilight, you must have ten isotopes, because you’re tungsten hot!’”

Trixie burst out laughing at her own joke. Sunset, on her part, only crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow, making a face.

“You ok there? It wasn’t that funny,” Sunset said, but Trixie kept laughing. Then, an idea occurred to her. “Ok, you wanna laugh? I’ll give you something to laugh about!” And with that, she pounced, pushing Trixie down and attacking her sides with wiggling fingers.

Trixie screamed in protest, but soon found herself unable to stop laughing like a maniac. She tried to push Sunset away, but Sunset was stronger than her, so all she managed to do was miserably fail to stop the onslaught. After a while, Sunset stopped and straightened up, looking amusedly at a spasming Trixie.

“You ok there?” Sunset asked, giggling.

Trixie took her time to recover, breathing deep and sharp as she tried to regain control. She sat up and breathed heavily. “I hate you so much! Don’t ever do that again!”

“Hm, I don’t know. I just found out you’re awfully ticklish, and I can’t just pass out this information,” she replied with a sideway grin. Trixie glared at her, and she sighed. “Alright, I’ll try to not do it again.”

“Thank you.”

Sunset leaned over and used a finger to put a white tuft away from Trixie’s face. “Can I at least say how cute you look all red and sweaty?”


“Aw don’t be a party pooper,” Sunset said as she kissed Trixie’s cheek. “What’s so wrong about complimenting you?”

“You always make fun of Trixie.”

“That’s not true,” Sunset said with a low voice. “When I say you’re cute, I mean it.” She used to fingers to lift Trixie’s chin. “And you’re also very beautiful.”

Trixie smiled softly, and she leaned in to give Sunset a tender kiss. But when Sunset tried to lean back, Trixie grabbed the back of her head and stopped her. She looked at Trixie in confusion, but said nothing, as Trixie was looking down and biting her lower lip in a thoughtful expression.

“Are you ok?” Sunset whispered.

Trixie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Sunset, I… I want to tell you something... “ She paused as she gathered the strength and courage she required. “It’s something I’ve had in mind for a while, but… I wanted to be one hundred percent sure…” She took a few breaths again, still looking down. “I’ve known you since freshman, and I always thought you were really hot, but you were evil, and, while that was kind of a turn on too, I knew enough to stay away from you… It was until we started hanging out that I got to know the real you, and I liked what I saw…

“It’s been a little over three months since we started dating, but it feels like much more…” She sighed. “I remember our first conversation. I wanted to learn magic for my shows… And you never actually taught me anything, not even about how it works in Equestria.” She then smiled. “I didn’t get what I wanted… But I got something better…I’ve pondered my feelings, trying to be as objective as possible, but one can’t really be objective with these things, right?” She giggled nervously. “What I’m trying to say is…” She inhaled deeply and, ever so slowly, looked up at Sunset, sporting a frown of conviction.

“Sunset, I love you.”

Sunset blinked, taken aback. “What?”

“I love you,” Trixie repeated, finding out that it was much easier to say than the first time. “After everything that happened, I’ve done a lot of thinking, and… I know I’m not obsessed with you. I don’t want to be with you because I need it, but because I want it.” She placed her hands on Sunset’s shoulders and smiled, waiting for a response.

Sunset’s heart was furiously beating inside her, and her whole body shivered. For a moment, they stared into each other’s eyes in silence, and finally, ever so slightly, she smiled and placed a hand on Trixie’s cheek.

“I’ve been waiting to hear that,” she said, pausing for just a moment. “I love you, too, Trixie.”

Trixie hadn’t realized she had a knot in the stomach until it disappeared. She leaned closer and kissed Sunset. A spark ignited from their lips and ran all throughout her body, making her shiver in excitement. She grabbed the back of Sunset’s head, twisting and twirling her fingers through the silky-like hair, and threw her other arm around Sunset’s back, reaching her opposite shoulder and holding onto it.

She felt Sunset’s arms surround her in a tight embrace, and her hands moving with each heavy breath they took, caressing her back along the way, brushing her fingertips over the soft surface of the sweater.

The world stopped being important, the only thing that mattered to them was the other, and the only time that mattered was right then. They lost and found themselves into each other many times, and they loved each and every second of it.

Trixie leaned back, and only then could she feel her hammering heart. She gazed into Sunset’s eyes, and once again, she could see a wild fire in them, wanting to sear her and consume her. And this time, she was willing to let it.

Trixie caressed Sunset’s shoulder, gently passing her fingers down along Sunset’s arm. She circled Sunset’s hand with hers and, after just a second of hesitation, led it towards herself, placing it upon her bust. Sunset flinched slightly, but Trixie looked up at her, gazing into the burning flame in her eyes, and with a quivering sigh, she nodded.

Sunset didn’t need a second confirmation, as she immediately kissed Trixie again and swiftly pushed her down, leaning over her.

Trixie circled Sunset’s neck, letting Sunset sneak her hands below her sweater and blouse. As Sunset lifted them to explore more and more of her body, Trixie shivered.

She felt a tug, and straightened up to help Sunset take off her sweater and blouse in one go, leaving just her bra to brave the cold. The cool air bit into her exposed skin as though to turn it to ice. Grabbing Sunset by the shoulders and holding on to them for dear life, Trixie collapsed backwards, pulling Sunset over top of her. While Sunset locked lips with her once more, Trixie reveled in her newfound warmth.

Sunset shifted above her, but Trixie didn’t understand why until Sunset leaned back just enough to take off her own blouse; her jacket lay long forgotten on the floor. When Sunset came upon her again, the warmth of her skin surprised her, and she slid her hands through her sides and up to her back, where something, or rather, the lack of something, left her breathless.

She had forgotten that Sunset had once told her she did not wear brassieres.

Her heartbeat only quickened as she explored Sunset’s naked back, tracing her fingertips through the contours of her soft, firm, and burning muscles. She flinched when her bra was unhooked, but didn’t let Sunset hesitate, digging a hand in her now moistened hair and locking her in place. And when Sunset tossed the garment away and leaned over again, the feeling of their exposed bodies made her gasp.

And they kissed as if they were trying to break free of the chains that had been holding them, as if they were drowning and could only breath through the other.

Sunset broke the kiss and used her arms to lift herself. Trixie gazed into her eyes, and could see the effort of being away in them, it was almost painful. Sunset straightened up and tenderly placed two fingers on Trixie’s belly, right there where her scar was; small, white, almost unnoticeable, but it was there, and Sunset looked hurt, guilty, even. But Trixie grabbed Sunset’s cheeks and stroked, waiting for her to look her in the eye, and when she did, Trixie flashed her a reassuring smile.

Sunset made a sound that was both relief and gratitude, and there was no more hesitation. She let herself fall in Trixie’s embrace, finding her mouth with hers. Trixie trapped her body with her knees and calves, and tangled her hands into Sunset’s hair.

All her body blazed with passion and desire. And Sunset traced the outline of her mouth and her chin, she explored every inch of her with her lips, and her hands were only assisting, aiding in the stripping of both girls. It felt as if every nerve in Trixie’s body had awoken, and all her being seemed to spark and come alight.

And they merged into each other with the inevitability of the rising sun. Trixie felt fire running through her veins, and she tried to remember every single second; Sunset’s hands pampering every inch of her body, her breath against her skin as she moaned her name time and time again, as if all the other words were unimportant; and they were. And Trixie thought that this is how it was supposed to be, this is how it was supposed to feel love like.

Like this.


Rays of sunlight filtered through the thin curtain, bathing the room with dim yellow light, warming it up. Trixie moaned sleepily as her face was illuminated and the brightness became too much for her to ignore. She opened her eyes and groggily blinked the blurriness away. She could only see the white wall beside the bed and the edge of the curtain.

She sighed and attempted to move, but stopped when she realized that there was something on her. She looked down and found an arm surrounding her naked torso. Her heart skipped a beat and she blushed furiously as memories of the night replayed in her mind; the kissing, the touching, the feeling of loving and being loved.

A hot breeze in her nape distracted her, and she slowly rolled around, careful not to disturb the sleeping girl nor make her arm fall away from her body. She basked in the sight of a sleeping Sunset, how her face was half covered by some messy red and yellow tufts, and how she breathed softly through her slightly open mouth. She was so beautiful, and Trixie thought she was very lucky that she was hers.

She gently placed a hand on Sunset’s cheek and stroked. Sunset frowned and puffed softly before opening her eyes ever so slightly.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Trixie said with a smile.

Sunset narrowed her eyes and grabbed the hand Trixie had on her cheek. She breathed deeply and smiled. “I can see your boobs.”

Trixie blushed quickly sat up, folding her arms over her chest with a frown. “Is that seriously the first thing you’re going to tell me?”

Sunset looked up at her then let her gaze drop down Trixie’s body, “Well, now I can also see your-”

“Alright that’s enough,” Trixie interrupted her, dropping back down and rolling around to her other side, as far from Sunset as she could get.

Sunset straightened up and placed a hand on Trixie’s shoulder. “Oh, come on, Trix. It’s a joke.” Trixie didn’t reply, so she leaned in and planted a tender kiss on her neck.

“Don’t talk to me. I’m mad at you.”

“And I deserve it,” Sunset said, tracing the outline of Trixie’s neck with her lips and to her shoulder. “But I know how to make it up to you.” She grabbed Trixie’s hand and took it towards her to kiss it. “I’ll make you breakfast in bed. Sounds good?”

Trixie rolled to get on her back and pulled Sunset in a kiss. “If you wear only an apron, we’re even.”

Sunset snickered. “Deal.” And with that, she got up the bed, stretching her limbs before walking up to the door, where she paused and turned back. “I love you, Trixie.”

“I love you, too, Sunset.”

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading.

Please take a look at my blog to know more about the sequel!

Comments ( 34 )

Will there be a sequel?

7863601 Please read my blog to know about the sequel! =P

any chance for a sequel? maybe a visit to ponyland?

Did you seriously play the shipping game with Trixie and Sunset!?!?!?

In that cause I hope you realize you made someone's day worse by losing the game.

Also, Trixie where did you get the idea of putting Sunset with Twilight that is soooo incomparable. A better choice would have been Rainbow Dash and Twilight. :twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

7863662 The shipping game is always fun!

Thanks for the read. Loved the story. :pinkiehappy:


I just got through reading the whole story, and I have to say you did a great job here. It was well thought out, well written, and well managed. I know 3 years seems like a long time, but it's best you take your time to make sure the story is of great quality.

I cannot wait for the sequel and I'm looking forward to reading what you have in store!

Well, I was lucky to found your story a few months ago. It was a delight! :pinkiehappy:

The choice to separate the next part of this is ok, I guess. I just want to see more of this amazing ship, in the sequel.

Thank you very much for writing this amazing fanfiction! :twilightsmile:

“You know, make romantic pairs out of our friends? Just for fun.” She gave an unsure smile. “For example, I think Applejack and Speedy make a nice couple.”

We all know Sunset is the smarter of the two. She's 100% right here! :ajsmug::rainbowkiss:

Trixie is a rarijacker... for shame. SHAME.

I loved this story. Great job and I look forward to the sequel. Keep up the great work.

Well that was a steamy scene! :rainbowwild:

Thank you for your kind words! I really hope you like the sequel when it's ready!

Why not a love triangle?

7864477 Because the "third" in here does not balance out the other two :P. Rarijack + Dash? Not a balancing. AppleDash + Rarity? Neither is that. And I don't see any RariDash happening here at all :P

Now, if it was AppleDashTwi, we could talk... :twilightsheepish::ajsmug::rainbowkiss:

Dont suppose there will be a chance for a one shot expanding on sunset and trixies night together?

They finally frickle frackled!!!!!!!!

Well what I want to know is....now that these two are FINALLY together forever and this story is marked "Complete", what do you have in store for the Sequel? Will it still be focused on Trixie x Sunset, or....?

7867017 I'll try not to spoiler, but yes, the Sequel will still be focused on Trixie and Sunset.

This was a grate end to one of my favorite ship fics and I'm very happy that this isn't the end of this duo. I like how me and Trixie seem to love the "Apron only" look. I do hope that in the future you do exsplor the romantic lives of the other girls (especially if we can get some flashlight shipping on the side but I digress)

This was a fun fanfic that introduced me to one of my favorite ships in mlp and I can't wait to see more

7876192 It sucked for me, and I wrote it!

Huh, so that's all's well that ends well, I guess, with some happy romance moments and a bit of shipper-on-deck while they try to ship their friends.

Hopefully they at least remembered to close the curtains so no voyeurs could see them :twilightblush:

In any event, that was an enjoyable run going through this fic, odd moments aside as I've mentioned in my comments before. Can't say I'll be too interested in the sequel until you've got several chapters on it first, though (and I know you've got a lot of other incompletes to either put on hiatus, cancel, or work towards updating as well).

Thank you for such a nice story! Some moments were really funny, some were sad, there was always this tension, I felt like something would happen at some point. I've been woried the whole time. Don't even get me started with Trixie being hesitant towards love word, I was seriously screaming to the end "just get over it already" or "are you going to f*ck or not?", I'm sorry, just couldn't help myself :p. I really liked that this story was not going to be at some point to the Rainbow Rocks, a totally different and unexpected alternate reality, especially with Lyra smashing the portal, I thought Sunset would go to Equestria with Trixie in tow and they will meet pony-Trixie, that would have been hilarious :D. Thanks again, had fun with your story, my heart was broken several times in a row, so... Good job!

Hmm, I forgot to mention all the things I liked in your story: I really liked how you showed Trixie, it felt so so like her, unlike many other writers who make her different, I would say Trixie in your story is more canonical than the one in the show :D, whatever that means. Anyways, really enjoyed the tiny Trixie moments, always laughed at these, with Equestria Girls movie couldn't really tell a difference of heights, so I was very pleased. Tiny Trixie moments were the best. Though, while reading your story I felt that Trixie was kinda vulnerable and insecure, like she wore a mask of confidence, but underneath it was a small little girl. Though, one moments showed that even though Trixie is kinda weak, she is strong at the same time, especially when she argued with Selene, that moment was really sad and annoying, homophobia is just the worst thing ever.

Anyways, nice story, even though I already said this, it wouldn't hurt to say it thrice or more. :heart:

This story was great!

And that picture at the end made it even better!

I love the Shipping Conversation they had, and both had valid points for each of them.
But personally I prefer the air Flutter-Dash over Apple-Dash, though, I have seen some pretty adorable stuff of that ship.Angels still makes me tear up

Shipping aside, this story was really good and I can't wait to see the sequel. Bravo to you!

Just watched The Forgotten friendship. Talk about Trixie Sunset moments. Great stuff. Great story glad I found it

Oh course those two start the Shipping war.

super-duper, outstandingly, fabulously, romantically, obviously, ADORABLE!!!!!! :heart:

Thank you!! ^^ Can't believe people are still reading this

I'm going back through shimmer of magic before I go into the sequel. A lot of the sunset and trixie ship I would probably write would have a similar canon to this. Of course differences vary, but I really dig that Trixie is more than an annoying loudmouth. She's actually pretty down to earth and shows her flaws without it being overtly for comedic purposes. Little traits that you have for her here I've adopted into my Headcanon. The shuffling cards when she's nervous for example. I like their dynamic as well.

You have no idea how happy this makes me! Thanks a lot!

Thanks for the fic!


Sorry, never usually this person, but as it's one I know I've done a million times, I'd like to helpfully point it out. Nevermind is a Nirvana album, never mind is what is used in writing. Again, just trying to help as I've done it a million times.

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