• Published 10th May 2014
  • 554 Views, 9 Comments

The Disgruntled Butler and Other Random Tales - ADRNEL

An anthology of random stories and ideas that flow through my head.

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Strawberry crepes with powdered sugar


Orange Juice

and Espresso for Mr. Rich

I happily made the breakfast for Mr. Rich and his daughter, as usual for breakfast, I leave the espresso and newspaper on the table for when Mr. Rich comes down and takes his seat.

"Good morning Alistair." greeted Mr. Rich as he trotted in fully dressed in his suit and took his seat at the table. "Espresso smells great, and thanks for the newspaper."

"You're welcome Mr. Rich." I respond as I plate the crape.

"When you're done, will you mind if you wake Diamond Tiara up and have her ready for school?" he asked, eyes glued to the newspaper.

As a butler, you must always put the needs of your employer first beyond all else. "Certainly." I take the plate of crepe and place it in front of Mr. Rich. "Your grapefruit is waiting for you on the kitchen counter along with the sugar."

"Looks delicious." he placed the newspaper off to the side and began to eat his crepe.

I trotted up the stairs to Diamond Tiara's room. It was obvious that it was her's since there is a crayon drawing of a tiara tapped to the door. I gently knock on it. "Oh Miss Tiara...time to wake up and get ready for school."

No answer.

"Miss Tiara?"

"Five more minutes!" she yelled from inside.

"Your father wants you up and ready for school this instant." I explained to her.

"Ugh fine! Just get the bath ready for me THEN I'll come out...it has to be at the right temperature or I will refuse to bathe." she demanded.

"I will get on that Miss Tiara." I said before I trotted to the bathroom. I read through the instructions that were given to me to set up the perfect Diamond Tiara approved bath.

"Hmmm....bath filled, check. Shampoo and conditioner, check. High thread towels, check. Water temperature at 35 Celsius..." I take a mercury thermometer and place it in the water. "Double check, and rubber duckie...check, okay, bath is ready."

I return back to the her room and knock. "Bath is ready."

After a minute of silence, the door opened to reveal a tiara-less Diamond Tiara, she wore a purple robe, slippers on her forelegs and her mane was not styled and free-flowing. "About time." she yawned. "Now carry me there." She looked a lot better with her mane free and without that gaudy tiara.

"Carry you?" I was confused by that demand.

"I'm too tired to walk, so carry me."

I sighed. "Climb on." I let her climb onto my back and I carried her to the bathroom.

Once we reached the tub, Diamond Tiara removed her robe and slippers and climbed into the tub. "Oooh..." she gave a relaxed sigh. "...good work Alistair...for a amateur." she giggled. "Now leave me to my privacy butler...unless you are into that kind of stuff." she gave a sinister chuckle.

"Yes Miss Tiara." I did as told and left her to her bathing. "There's something not quite right with that filly." I said to myself.

While she took her bath, my next task was to polish her gaudy and tasteless tiara. Why she always wore that is a mystery to me, maybe it just reminds her that she's the princess of the house or something, I don't really care, it is not my job to question the habits of my employers, just go along with them.

Just as I finished polishing the tiara, the filly walked in, towel around her mane and back in her robe. "I just finished the polishing Miss Tiara."

She came up to me to inspect that I did a good job. "Well...at least I can see myself...so it will have to do." she sighed. "You are free to do whatever you butlers do when not servicing others...I can take it from here."

"Yes Miss Tiara." I walked out of the room.

Once I made it back downstairs, I saw Mr. Rich get his suitcase ready. "Anyways Alistair...I'll be off at work. Make sure my daughter arrives at school on time and make sure the house stays in ship shape and keep the domestic workers in check."

"Yes sir."

"Good." he then walked upstairs, presumably to say goodbye to his precious daughter. I sometimes wonder if I will ever have a family...but I am a butler, the family I work for is my family, and always will be.

Mr. Rich returned back downstairs a minute later, grabbed his suitcase and left for work without a single word.

Diamond Tiara followed shortly afterwards, her mane back to its usual style, complete with tiara. "Breakfast is waiting for you Miss Tiara."

"Thanks butler." she said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Uh...I have a name you know..."

"You're a butler...you don't need a name." bluntly responded the filly. "Also, I need a tutor and I want you to be one for me."

"Yes Miss Tiara." I responded. Elementary education and tutoring was one of my specialties during my training.

Since it was just me and her, the filly proceeded to pig-out on her food. "At least this food was edible and digestible." she commented as she cleaned her face after eating. I was slightly annoyed that she did not see my good work so highly, either that, or she was saying those things on purpose.

"Anyways, off to boring old school, but I want you to get all the pool toys fully inflated by the time I get back, I am having a friend over..see you later amateur." she said as she chugged her orange juice and trotted out the front door to school.

After I picked up the dirty plates and placed them on the sink so the domestic workers can do them, I go out back to the pool shed to inflate the pool toys as told. I opened the shed door to find an unpleasant surprise...there were about two dozen fully deflated pool toys...and no air pump to fill them up. "This could take a while..."