• Published 8th May 2014
  • 8,424 Views, 439 Comments

Falling in Love Quietly - Calm Wind

Big Macintosh and Fluttershy are both very interested in each other after the incident in the mountains. But is it possible for a relationship, or even just friendship to begin if neither have the guts to say a single word to the other?

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Chapter 5

Falling in Love Quietly
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 5:

“ARE YOU DREAMING?! WHAT'S IT ABOUT!?” Fluttershy jumped as Pinkie was on the table in front of Dash beside her.

“Wha—” Dash blinked as Fluttershy edged slightly away to avoid getting caught in Pinkie’s goofiness.

“Oh you’re awake! I couldn’t tell if you were asleep or awake and asleep!” Pinkie bounced away. Fluttershy slowly moved back into her seat and looked at Dash with concern. The Wonderbolts had just finished their new show over Ponyville. Dash had forced Fluttershy to sit on the roof of the town center with her. It was scary, but the Wonderbolts were very impressive.

They had all gone to Sugar Cube Corner afterward along with many other ponies. The Wonderbolt show was the talk of every conversation, including Fluttershy and her friends. She was surprised that Dash was so quiet. It was very uncharacteristic of her. Fluttershy was about to ask her what was wrong, but she was cut off.

“I’m sorry everyone, but something’s come up and we have to close.” All turned to Mr. Cake standing on the counter who was already shaking his head at the reactions. “I apologize, but please make your way out in an orderly fashion. We’ll have a half price sale tomorrow so no complaining, now move along.” After the generous next day offer the complaining subsided and they all began to leave. Fluttershy watched as Dash sighed and got up, she started up as well, but Mrs. Cake stopped them.

“Oh no, you six can stay, in fact we insist!” She said with a smile on her face. Fluttershy watched Dash slump back down. Maybe she could ask now, she hated seeing Dash distraught.

“Okay, the coast is clear!” Mr. Cake yelled up the stairs. Fluttershy perked up as all of her friends glanced towards the stairs. Fluttershy blinked as four sets of hooves showed from the stairwell.

It was the four Wonderbolts from their lead squad all out of uniform. Fluttershy tried to recall their names from all the times Dash freaked out about them. They were… Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Rapidfire, and Soarin.

“Oh my! This is a surprise!” Rarity spoke up first as all their faces lit up. Save for Rainbow Dash who sat still with her jaw nearly on the floor.

“Heyyyyy!” Pinkie appeared between all of them. “That was an awesome show! Can you do it again?!”

“Sure.” Spitfire smirked.


“We’ll do it again next week in Canterlot.”

“OKAY!” Pinkie sat there smiling at her. “Heyyyyyy wait a minute.” The rest of the Wonderbolts chuckled.

Fluttershy was intrigued. Four famous pegasi here in Ponyville. She obviously didn’t know them well, so she kept quiet and let the others do the talking. The yellow mare was Spitfire. Fluttershy had actually seen and heard a lot about her. She had to be real hard working and tough, but her mannerisms made her seem friendly. The light blue mare with a white mane… Fleetfoot. Fluttershy knew nothing about her, but she looked cheerful. The Light blue stallion? That was Soarin. He was kind of big. The concept of a big pony was skewed for Fluttershy for obvious reasons, but he was still much bigger than her. He had a very gentle warm smile though, so he seemed pretty nice too. Then just one more…

“Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked and slightly ducked down. The last one, an orange stallion with a red mane… Rapidfire? He was looking directly at her. He was smiling too, but… something was off. His eyes… they were different. He only smirked when Fluttershy caught him looking. He took his eyes off her and started eyeing up the rest of her friends.

The other three seemed nice, but something didn’t feel right about him. It felt like he was checking them all out in a very forward, perverted way. He wasn’t big, or scary looking, but the cocky confidence that surrounded him made her uncomfortable. He was across the room and it made her feel uncomfortable.

“I thought I saw the Wonderbolts fly off after the show,” said Twilight, “what are you four still doing here?” Fleetfoot tossed her sparkling silver mane over her shoulder and stepped away as Pinkie continued to hassle the other three.

“As the lead squad of the Wonderbolts, we’re expected to perform at every single show. The other squads get mixed and matched from show to show.” She explained. Soarin and Rapidfire broke away, leaving Spitfire to deal with Pinkie’s assault of weird questions. Rapidfire took over.

“We decided it was time to take a couple weeks off, I can’t even remember the last time we got to relax.” He was cut off by a heavy sigh from Soarin.

“We thought Ponyville would be a good place, but even in a small town like this we get mobbed by ponies.”

Now she had heard them all speak. Fleetfoot and Soarin both had very pleasant tones to their voices, just like Spitfire. But when Rapidfire spoke… his voice had a certain tone in it that made her ears twitch and her body shiver. Rarity glanced at her in confusion.

“Darling, are you alright?” She whispered. Fluttershy swallowed and nodded, looking away from Rapidfire.

“I’m… fine… just nervous.” She half admitted. The others seemed fine, but she made a mental note to avoid Rapidfire at all costs. Nothing about him seemed right.

“Well shucks it sounds like you four could use a nice, quiet, wide open place!” All eyes turned to Applejack. “Y’all can stay at sweet apple acres for a while as long as y’don’t disrupt our harvest.”

Oh no. Fluttershy had been spending a lot of time at Sweet Apple Acres recently with Big Mac. Now the Wonderbolts would be there. She didn’t mind the other three, but that meant Rapidfire would be there. Maybe she would say something to Mac. Something wasn’t right about Rapidfire, she couldn’t place it, but as long as she had Mac near, she would have nothing to fear. She hoped.

“If you don’t mind the four of us slouching around.” Spitfire said as she shoved a hoof into Pinkies mouth. Pinkie’s muffled questions kept coming regardless.

“Ain’t nothing sugarcube, I promise you’ll be comfy and never eat better meals in yer life!” She puffed out her chest with pride.

“Then it’s a deal,” Spitfire smirked, “but I gotta warn you, Soarin here has quite an oversized appetite.” Applejack smirked right back.

“Y’all never met Big Macintosh.” She winked.

Yes, Macintosh. Fluttershy decided she had to go find him. She was feeling so uncomfortable.

“Eek!” She squeaked again as Rapidfire’s eyes locked on her. She looked away from him and held her breath, praying he wouldn’t do anything. She saw him start moving in her peripheral vision, but he veered off and approached Dash a few feet away from her instead. Fluttershy watched carefully out of the corner of her eye.

“Hey there, I’ve seen you before. You’ve been frozen like that since we came down.” He spoke to Dash. Fluttershy wanted to stop him, but she was stuck in place. Dash looked so vulnerable. It was mostly because a Wonderbolt was talking to her, but Rapidfire’s movements suggested advancement, as if he would corner Dash if he had the chance.

“What? Uh, I mean, um, omigosh,” Dash put her hooves on her head, staring wide eyed at him. Her flustered state made Rapidfire chuckle. It was a sly chuckle, it made Fluttershy’s spine tingle.

“Whoa there, I don’t bite, I know I’m a Wonderbolt,” he slowly bent his head down to hers, “but at the end of the day I’m just a stallion and you’re just a mare, riiiiiiight?” He smoothly slurred. Dash nearly did a full pigment change from blue to red.

Fluttershy couldn’t take it. Rapidfire just sealed it. The forwardness, the confidence, the slyness, the smugness, and especially his snake like voice. It all stabbed into Fluttershy, and he wasn’t even talking to her. She ducked beneath the table and tucked her legs to her body. She wanted to save Dash, but Rapidfire frightened her. He frightened her so much. Not even the confident, empowered Rainbow Dash could handle him.

“I, I, I, I, Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, GOTTA USE THE BATHROOM!” Dash zipped from her chair and crashed right through the mare’s bathroom door. The other Wonderbolts all looked up in surprise and confusion, but Rarity stepped in front and waved them off.

“Oh nothing to worry about, Rainbow Dash is quite a fan of yours. This is perfectly normal.”

“Even when we get away we still really can’t” Fleetfoot sighed.

Fluttershy wished she could get away. Sure Dash was nervous, but it was terrifying how quickly Rapidfire made her cave like that. She flinched as Rapidfire turned and started walking towards the table she was under. Could somepony save her? They were all very distracted, she was sure none of them knew she was under the table. She was very good at hiding after all. She bit her lip and shut her eyes as his hooves grew closer and closer, but then the noise of his walking stopped. Fluttershy opened her eyes slowly to see Soarin had stepped up to Rapidfire between them. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Then Soarin confronted him.

“Rapid, I know this is going to be our vacation,” he glanced over at the bathroom again, “but that doesn’t mean go chasing mares, could you just try to sit still and relax?”

“Oh loosen up Soarin. I’ll be relaxing alright, especially with these six beautiful mares around.” Soarin grunted and shook his head.

The difference between the two of them was staggering. Fluttershy instantly felt she could trust Soarin, the way he tried to put Rapidfire in his place for his inappropriate behavior.

“Just don’t break any hearts.” He put clearly.

“Have I ever?” Rapidfire smirked.

“Want me to get the list?”

“Hey it’s their fault for getting attached.”

“And you just eat them alive don’t you.” Soarin glared.

Fluttershy felt like crying. Rapidfire was just plain evil. EVIL. So selfish and crass. A mare chaser and a sly one. Avoid him at all costs. Avoid him at all costs. Soarin on the other hand, seemed like another she could run to if Mac was nowhere to be found. He clearly disagreed with Rapidfire’s manner.

Spitfire stepped between Soarin and Rapidfire, crossing arms and placing her hooves on their mouths.

“Gentlemen, I’d prefer to avoid escapades of testosterone while we’re on vacation. Understand?”

“Yes captain.” They replied in unison, Rapidfire with much more gusto than Soarin.

Fluttershy slowly tried to sneak out from under the table, but bumped into Twilight.

“Fluttershy, what were you doing under there?” She asked. Fluttershy glanced at the others, all still focused on the Wonderbolts.

“Um… I have to go.” She said quickly and galloped out.

They all turned and looked as she left.

“What’s up with her?” Fleetfoot asked. “She didn’t say a word the whole time.”

“Oh that’s just how Fluttershy is,” Twilight smiled and waved her hoof, “she’s just very timid, she’ll open up when she gets used to you.”

Fleetfoot nodded and turned back to the rest. Spitfire decided to follow Rarity into the bathroom as she went to check on Dash. Soarin set a wary eye on Rapidfire, who was looking towards the exit and smirking.

Unfortunately for Fluttershy, two days went by and she was unable to speak to Big Mac. She no longer had trouble approaching him or saying a few words to him, but she NEVER wanted to disturb him while he was working. He had spent the last two days pulling carts to and from town. After delivery days, he was always back in the orchard gathering apples. She would talk to him there as soon as she could.

She was dragged to Sweet Apple Acres by Rarity the day before. She was frightened that Rapidfire would try something, but she was relieved when he wasn’t there. The other three Wonderbolts were present, so she felt comfortable. She didn’t say anything. She was still a little nervous around these new ponies, but they didn’t force her to talk. Just by listening to Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin, she could tell they were all kind souls. They all seemed to dislike Rapidfire as well. When Applejack asked where he was, they all shrugged, scoffed, or rolled their eyes.

But now today she could get to Mac. She wanted to warn him about Rapidfire. She wasn’t sure how much Mac could do, but she felt she’d be safer if Mac was keeping an eye on him. Maybe all of her friends would be safer too.

She flew low between the trees of the orchard. Normally she’d walk, but she wanted to find Mac quickly. She’d fly higher, but she didn’t want to take any risks. It was already just afternoon, she knew exactly where he would be at this time on an apple picking day.

It didn’t take long to spot something big and red slowly moving about the tree trunks. She smiled brightly and angled herself so she would be in his line of sight. She didn’t want to startle him. She never yelled out to get his attention because she’s Fluttershy and she never yells unless something coaxes her into it.

Of course Mac easily spotted something yellow moving among the apple trees. His face went from its usual stoic expression to a bright smile in seconds. He reached out an arm as she flew close. She perched her back hooves on it and reached her arms around his large neck to give him a big hug. He nuzzled the side of her head with his cheek. This had been their typical greeting since the picnic. He was about three times the size of her, so in order to get her at hugging level she either had to hover up to him or he had to pick her up. She couldn’t hug much of him because he was so big, but she usually just ended up latching to his neck. Mac didn’t care. It was absolutely adorable to him.

“Howdy Fluttershy.” He smiled happily before gently setting her down on the ground.

“Hello, Macintosh… um… sorry if you’re busy… I just… wanted to let you know something.” She got right to the point. Mac tipped his head to the side in concern. Her demeanor had quickly shifted. She now looked a little distraught. “So… um… you know the Wonderbolts staying at your house… right?” She grabbed part of her mane with her front hooves and began stroking it nervously.

“Eeyup.” Mac nodded. He had yet to interact with any of them, but he was aware they were there. The past two days he had gotten up long before them, been in town all day, and gone to bed before any of them got back t the house. He was hoping to at least see them at some point, but he wasn’t gonna put off his work.

“Well… um…” Fluttershy ceased stroking her mane and instead squeezed it. “One of them… um… Rapidfire, the orange stallion… he’s…” She gulped, “He scares me.” She squeaked. Mac blinked, his eyes widening slightly. “He’s very forward and not very… polite. Um… he didn’t do anything to me, but… I don’t know… I got such a bad vibe from him.” She shivered.

Mac pondered her words. He nodded to himself in agreement. Fluttershy was an expert at handling animals. This meant she was very good at reading signs and sensing moods of living creatures, ponies even. If she got such a bad impression from this “Rapidfire” it wasn’t just a coincidence.

“The other stallion,” she continued while looking up at Mac with wide worried eyes, “The blue one… Soarin. He seems nice, and he tries to keep Rapidfire in line… but… I just wanted to tell you… just in case…” She finished.

She didn’t give Mac much of an explanation, but he could read her intentions well. Forward, impolite, and gave off a vibe of selfish intent? He sounded like a scumbag. He knew exactly why Fluttershy was telling him this. Fluttershy valued feeling safe and secure above all else. This stallion made her feel nervous and scared. She would feel better if she knew Mac was looking out for her. He would do anything for Fluttershy.

“I’ll keep an eye on him.” Mac nodded and smiled. “I promise.” He added. He could almost hear Fluttershy’s heart lift in her chest.

“Oh thank you Macintosh!” She sprang up and gave him another hug. She felt like she hadn’t explained it well either, but she and Mac had come to understand each other well without words. She knew the way he thought and vice versa. “I’ll let you get back to work.” She smiled brightly as she pulled away. Mac blushed, if only she knew how much she could control him with that smile.

“Thanks.” He smiled back before he picked up a saddle basket of apples twice the size of Fluttershy and moved along. Fluttershy watched him go, smiling as he began to move among the trees again. She broke into a happy trot back towards the path, feeling safer now that Mac was aware, but then she heard voices from the clouds above.

“Oh Spitfire there he is!”


“I told you I saw a huge stallion by the tree’s yesterday! C’mon! Trust me he’s an eyeful!”

Fluttershy blinked, and then looked up to see Spitfire and Fleetfoot drop through the clouds and glide towards the trees. She replayed what they just said and something clicked in her brain. Oh no they don’t!

Fluttershy turned back towards Big Mac and galloped between the trees, keeping a careful eye on where the two Wonderbolts were landing. Fluttershy ducked behind a tree. She peered around it to see Spitfire and Fleetfoot looking towards Big Mac from behind another tree.

“See? What a hunk!” Fleetfoot giggled.

“Whoa,” Spitfire’s eyes widened “look at those muscles! He looks like he could move a house!”

“And he’s huge! So stallionly!”

Fluttershy bit her lip and glared. They had ten seconds to back off before she made them. Suddenly Rainbow Dash touched down in front of them.

“That would be Big Macintosh. Applejack’s older brother.” Dash put herself in front of them. “Yes, he’s big, hunky, and quite a stallion,” they tried to look around her.

Dash was trying to stop them, but Fluttershy had already had enough. She walked right out to them as Dash kept trying.

“But you should probably leave him be. He pretty much works around the clock. Plus he’s a bit shy, doesn’t talk much, but most of all,”

“Um, excuse me.” Fluttershy stomped her little hooves as she placed herself behind them. Spitfire and Fleetfoot turned to face her.

“Oh, Fluttershy! So you do talk,” Spitfire smiled, “After how quiet you were at the barn—,”

“Please don’t bother Big Macintosh, he’s very busy and has a lot of responsibilities on this farm.” Fluttershy cut off Spitfire, earning a surprised look from them both.

“What’s the deal? We were just admiring the sights.” Fleetfoot turned back to look at Mac. Fluttershy huffed and stomped around them, placing herself in their way next to Dash.

“Please. Don’t. Bother. Big. Macintosh.” She said sternly. Spitfire and Fleetfoot glanced at each other.

“Look honey, can you blame us? I mean look at that fl—” As Spitfire spoke, Fluttershy was losing control. She began glaring harshly. She didn’t want to use the stare, but if these two wouldn’t back off from her stallion, she would be more than happy to give them a full dose. Luckily for them, Dash quickly grabbed both of them.

“Hey! we were just walking around and came across Mac, he’s very busy so we decided not to bother him! See you around Fluttershy!” Dash forced them to turn around with her and started dragging them away.

Fluttershy watched as Dash pulled them along and huffed. Dash saved them from a world of disapproval. As soon as Dash had them out of sight she exhaled and began worrying.

“Oh my goodness… that may have been a bit much.” She fretted, but then looked towards Mac, who had been oblivious to the entire scene. This was going to be an interesting few weeks with the Wonderbolts here. She was scared of Rapidfire and the two mares had eyes for her stallion. Hopefully Dash could explain that to them and they’d leave him alone. At least one of them, Soarin, wouldn’t cause any problems for her and her friends.

“Well I don’t blame ‘em!” Pinkie rose up from nowhere beside Fluttershy, making her squeak. “I mean Mac IS pretty damn sexy after all!” She smiled. Fluttershy suddenly turned sharply and glared at Pinkie.

“Pinkie…” She growled.

“Oh.” Pinkie shut her mouth, put one of her hooves over it, and put her other hoof around her neck before pulling herself away while saying “Shhhhhhhh…..”

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Okay i feel a little cheap ass because a lot of this was cut and pasted from Head in the Clouds then edited and shifted perspective. The next two chapters will have a bit like that too.

Oh well, it made it easy to write xD

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :)