• Published 8th May 2014
  • 8,424 Views, 439 Comments

Falling in Love Quietly - Calm Wind

Big Macintosh and Fluttershy are both very interested in each other after the incident in the mountains. But is it possible for a relationship, or even just friendship to begin if neither have the guts to say a single word to the other?

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Chapter 7

Falling in Love Quietly
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 7:

Mac’s internal alarm clock roused him from his slumber. The dim light of the sunrise was glowing through the pulled shades across the room. He yawned and smacked his lips as he lifted his head from off his hooves. Two sparrows landed on his head and chirped quietly as he moved.

After what happened the day before, Mac refused to leave Fluttershy’s side. He got a good yelling from both Granny and Applejack about not finishing his chores. But whatever, he could plough the fields today while he ate lunch or something, he had to make sure Fluttershy was okay. He ended up taking her home and spent the rest of the day and long into the night comforting her.

He didn’t even feel comfortable leaving her alone. She had finally fallen asleep on the couch, which Mac had recently fixed, so he had curled up on the floor beside it so she wouldn’t be alone.

He didn’t go to sleep as early as he usually did for work, but he was so used to rising at 4:30 in the morning that he woke up regardless of only getting 5 hours. He readied to straighten out and stand, but he froze when he heard a tiny inhale and sigh directly above him.

He turned his neck around slowly so see Fluttershy, asleep on his back, and curled up like a kitten. She was so light he didn’t even feel her there. Had she moved on top of him during the night? She shifted slightly and nestled herself further into a ball.

Mac thought his heart was gonna explode into confetti. How did she keep getting cuter?

Unfortunately he now had a dilemma. He really had to get home to start work, but he didn’t want to wake her. He contemplated his options while viewing the surroundings and chose his best course of action. He could slowly tip her towards the couch so she would slide off and land softly. He had to be REALLY gentle though if she were to stay asleep.

He slowly straightened out, making sure she stayed nestled comfortably between his back and shoulders as he softly pressed his hooves to the floor. She remained asleep as he eventually stood all the way up.

So far so good. Now he had to slide her off.

He slowly tipped towards the couch, leaning his left side a little further down. She began to slide very slightly. Just a little more.

When she hit his shoulder blade she toppled over it and rolled off very suddenly. Mac winced as she bounced off his back and plopped onto the couch with a soft “Whoop!” As she woke mid fall.

“Dang it.” Mac grimaced as Fluttershy rolled over and yawned. Her tiny yawn was so high pitched it squeaked halfway through. She remained curled up, but she opened her eyes slowly and smiled when she saw Mac.

“Good morning.” She said with a smile before sighing and closing her eyes again.

Mac was glad she seemed happier, but the events yesterday wouldn’t go away so easily. He was sure she’d still want him near as often as possible. He also still felt bad about both “breaking” his promise to her and losing control in front of her.

He didn’t want to bother or worry her with it right now. He really had to get home anyway.

“Mornin’” He lightly nuzzled the top of her head, making her smile wider. “I gotta get to work.” He reminded her.

“I know.” She said while keeping her eyes closed. She nestled herself tighter before slowly opening her eyes again. “Thanks for staying the night.” She sighed and closed her eyes. Mac planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, making her giggle lightly as he got up and made his way to the door. A few of the animals present followed him as he moved.

He gave one last look towards Fluttershy curled up on the couch before turning and making his exit.

As soon as Mac left, Fluttershy shivered.

Was it cold in her house? No that wasn’t it. Was Mac just that much warmer than the couch? He was, but that wasn’t it either. Fluttershy opened her eyes and looked straight out from the couch. It was early and she was tired, but without Mac there she suddenly felt very alone.

What a silly thought, she had 50+ darling little animals nearby that she took care of. It had to be what happened yesterday. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Rapidfire wasn’t on her mind like a plague anymore, but his advances had scarred her. She didn’t want to go near Sweet Apple Acres until the Wonderbolts were gone. But if she couldn’t go to Sweet Apple Acres, she couldn’t see Mac.

Forget it. She wasn’t falling back asleep. Not anymore. She uncurled and sat up on the couch. A finch landed on her head and a squirrel bounced up onto her hooves. It was promptly kicked off by Angel Bunny.

“Angel! That wasn’t very nice!” She scolded him. Angel paid no mind and gave her a “talk to the paw” gesture before nestling on her hooves. One of these days she’d get him to behave.

She thought about getting up and getting an early start, but most of the animals were still sleeping. She didn’t want to start feeding time too early. With nothing else to do besides think, she thought about Mac. Specifically how he seemed a little uneasy when he left.

He was such a sweetheart to stay with her all night and help her feel better, but she didn’t want to put a wrench into his work schedule. He was reluctant to leave, but she was sure it wasn’t just work related.

There was clearly something very special between them. She had never shared more love and affection with another pony before, but it was clear their lack of communication skills would be a constant challenge.

Mac had a hard time putting anything into words. There was probably something on his mind from yesterday he avoided talking about. In fact she was sure of it. However she refused to feel frustrated about his lack of communication because she was guilty of the same problem. Whenever she did build up the courage to talk about something, it came out broken and usually lacked the point of why she spoke up in the first place.

She decided to just get on with her day. Sitting on the couch was only making her worry about things. Despite protest from Angel, she got up, stretched out, and fluttered to the kitchen to prepare the morning meals for her animals.

But even that didn’t save her from thinking. In fact all the thinking made her mess up a few times. She tried feeding a chipmunk bird seed at one point by accident. Half of it was grogginess from getting up so early, but the other half was Mac, Mac, and more Mac.

She should go see him, but she wanted to avoid the Wonderbolts. She really wanted to see him and figure out what was bothering him… But Rapidfire…

“Nnngh…” She groaned as she fluttered down from tending the birdhouses and softly landed back-first on her couch. It was going to be a long day. She had finished feeding time early and had nothing else to do. She wanted to go to him, but she was scared. She cursed the prison she felt self-locked herself in.

But her burden of thought was released when a knock came from her door. Strange, she wasn’t expecting anypony today. She sat up and gently glided to the door, landing a few feet away. She began her nervous door answering routine, putting her body completely behind the door and opening it slowly while peeking around.

“Fluttershy, darling, really. You shouldn’t be so scared about answering the door.” The sound of Rarities voice quickly dispelled Fluttershy’s nerves and she smiled. She opened the door completely, but gasped when she saw Fleetfoot standing beside Rarity. Fluttershy was back behind the door and peeking out quickly. Fleetfoot blinked and glanced at Rarity. “Don’t worry, she’s always like this.” Rarity assured Fleetfoot.

“Not about her stallion…” Fleetfoot mumbled to herself and chuckled.

“Um… hello Rarity…” Fluttershy answered while she kept stealing quick glances at Fleetfoot. It wasn’t Rapidfire, but after how much both he and Soarin scared her by fighting, she just didn’t know how to handle them all.

“Fluttershy,” Rarity lightly pressed against the door. Fluttershy squeaked and was forced to come around it, “I heard about what happened at the orchard.” Rarity’s warm concern seemed to comfort Fluttershy, but she was still a little nervous.

“I know Spitfire already apologized,” Fleetfoot spoke up while pressing a hoof to her chest, “but let me as well. I’m really, REALLY sorry about Rapidfire. Spitfire kept it more professional, but I’ll straight up say that he’s the biggest asshole in Equestria. Please don’t think we’re all like him. I’d sooner gouge my own eyes out than ever act like he does.” Fleetfoot explained with a smirk.

Fluttershy just stared while fidgeting. Fleetfoot seemed nice, if a little crass with her language. Fluttershy saw no reason to be afraid of her, especially after that apology. That didn’t mean she’d stop associating the word Wonderbolt with the word Rapidfire though. It was going to take a while for that to wear off.

“Yes, he is a DREADFUL individual.” Rarity grimaced and shook her head, “and I can only imagine how afraid you must’ve been.” Rarity trotted up and placed a hoof down on Fluttershy’s shoulder with a smile. “So you’re to the spa with us! I insist!” Rarity beamed happily.

Fluttershy was caught off guard. The spa with Rarity and Fleetfoot? She had just gone with her friends a few days ago.

“The spa? Oh, um, I don’t… um… I still have to…” She tried to dodge the offer, but she had no excuse. Taking care of all her morning chores got rid of any excuse.

“I’ll hear none of it, darling.” Rarity draped her hoof over Fluttershy’s shoulder. “You’ve been stressed and as your good friend, I want you to relax. What better place to do so?” She motioned out towards Fleetfoot. “I was already taking Fleetfoot. As soon as she mentioned your unfortunate experience I just had to come get you too!” Fleetfoot gave a wave and a smile.

Well, Fluttershy still felt nervous around Fleetfoot. Perhaps if she spent some extra time with her like she did with Rarity, she’d feel better and chase Rapidfire out of her brain at the same time. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. If Fleetfoot told Rarity about Rapidfire, it could only be out of concern. She had to stop thinking that way anyway. Like Fleetfoot said, Rapidfire was a… meanie, and she had seen how the other three differed from him. She had no reason to be afraid of Soarin either. The fighting scared her, but he was defending her! She did have to loosen up. She could always count on Rarity to know what was best for her.

“Okay, I’ll come.” Fluttershy smiled.

“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear!” Rarity bounced excitedly.

Rarity seemed awfully excited for a routine trip to the spa. Fluttershy thought for a moment, and hoped there wasn’t another motive behind it. Most likely related to a certain stallion. With Rarity it was highly possible.

In terms of Big Mac, Fluttershy’s concern was spot on.

He did have something on his mind. He wanted to let Fluttershy know and apologize for two things she wasn’t even angry at him for. He couldn’t figure out how to say it, or if he even should.

He walked through his house, irritated after having received a scolding from Granny for not getting to work on time.

Scolding, scolding, scolding.

He respected Granny’s word was law in the house, but he wasn’t a little colt. He could make decisions on his own and face consequences without being yelled at.

He turned the corner towards the living room and another pony bumped right into his chest. He looked down to see Rapidfire bounce off of him. Mac instantly glared down at him. Rapidfire was covered in bandages and very visible bruises.

“Ah!” Rapidfire lowered himself to the floor under the weight of Mac’s heavy stare. He turned and shuffled away VERY quickly. Mac grunted and continued towards the front door.

What a nice reminder.

Rapidfire was the reason all of this stuff was bothering him. Fluttershy sought protection from Rapidfire and Mac failed to give it. Fluttershy was front and center to see Mac snap and beat Rapidfire senseless. Mac felt like she had no reason to believe he was gentle anymore.

What a stupid thought, he comforted her right after the event and even spent the night with her. Plus this very morning he was gentle with her.

But he still felt terrible. He never wanted her to see him like that, but Rapidfire had pushed him miles beyond his control.

He kept grumbling to himself as he made his way outside and to the barn. He hooked up to his carts and led them out quickly to join Applejack and Rainbow Dash for some morning cart pulling before he had to plough the fields he “neglected” yesterday to make sure Fluttershy was okay. He had a hard time keeping his cool when Granny Smith put it that way. It was as if she thought work was more important than a very close friend of his that just almost got sexually abused while having a nervous breakdown.

He kept his anger down though because Granny didn’t understand Fluttershy like he did. Not like he’d have unloaded his anger on Granny Smith, he probably would’ve broken the bathroom door or something.

He perked up as Rainbow Dash came his way with a small cart full of apples.

“Howdy.” He said nonchalantly as she passed.

“Nngh.” Was all he got in response along with a scowl, flat ears, and a halfhearted glare.

Mac blinked and looked over his shoulder as they passed. What the hell was that all about? Dash looked like she wanted to murder somepony, but was so disgruntled that she’d give up while trying. Whatever, she wasn’t his problem.

“Well howdy damn do Mac, it’s about time you got to work.” Applejack commented as he pulled up to her. Mac rolled his eyes and stood still, waiting for her to load up. “I can’t remember the last time ya started yer chores late or heaven forbid, SKIPPED one. She prodded with a stern tone. Mac flattened his ears and growled.

“Sheesh, paint yerself green and age a million years while yer at it.” He grumbled under his breath. Applejack hopped down from the cart right behind him. She stepped around in front and pressed her hoof into his chest.

“Scuse me? Care to repeat that a little louder Mumbles?” She fought off his glare with one of her own.

“Both you an’ Granny! Since when does carin’ about another get me scolded?!” He snapped back while butting heads with her. Mac had trouble expressing himself to others outside his family. But inside his family? He wasn’t afraid to give Applejack a full piece of his mind.

“Look Mac.” She let up and shook her head. “I’m grateful you care about Fluttershy an’ all, but we’ve got responsibilities. THREE of us run this whole damn place. You can’t neglect the work.” Mac felt the need to yell at her again, but decided against it. She was explaining it to him calmly and she was mostly right. But he didn’t fully agree.

“I get the work part.” He snorted. “I’ve gotten it for longer than you have, but you expect me just to watch a helpless pony I care about get harassed like that an’ just send her along like all’s fine and well?” He posed. Applejack sighed.

“I’m not sayin’ that Mac… I mean… just don’t…” Applejack had already put it every way she could and Mac knew it.

“I ain’t gonna forget my jobs on this farm.” He stomped one hoof firmly into the dirt. “But I love Fluttershy, and if she ever breaks down like that again ya better believe I’m goin’ to her first.” He paused as Applejack’s eyes widened. Good, he was hoping that slapped her in the face. “Work ain’t a living thing. It can handle breaks and you c’n fix it by making it up the next day. A broken friend ain’t so easy to fix, and the worst thing you c’n do is let them sit there without your support. That goes double for a pony you love.” He started pulling his cart away. “Put that in yer damn apples and smoke it.” He snorted as he trotted.

“MAC!” Applejack yelled after him angrily, but he kept going. He had had enough of this crap. They were all telling him stuff he already knew. Hell no he wasn’t gonna forget his responsibilities! But Fluttershy was important to him to. Applejack was just being a hypocrite. If Mac hadn’t been there to do it himself, he was sure Applejack would’ve taken the time off work to make sure Fluttershy was okay. She would do the same with any of her friends.

He was getting sick of Applejack telling him Fluttershy wasn’t ready or he didn’t have time. It was hard to irritate him, but Applejack was really starting to push it.

As soon as he was done with his chores, he would go back to Fluttershy and he would talk to her. He would force the words out and let her know how he felt about yesterday and how he was sorry for looking so violent.

He was determined, but could he really do it? Most of their relationship had been defined by action, not words. He wouldn’t know until he tried and the way his family was butting in on their relationship was only making him more eager to try.

He loved Fluttershy, but would he be able to tell her that? Could he truly voice his thoughts? He was willing to try for her.

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:

I hope it doesn't appear this way, but when i read through this chapter i couldn't help but feel like i rushed it. :-/

(i was puking rainbows writing the first scene though haha)

Well either way...

Two more chapters to go (If you missed my recent blog post, i broke my initial chapter 7 outline into two parts.)

I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for reading!