• Published 8th May 2014
  • 8,424 Views, 439 Comments

Falling in Love Quietly - Calm Wind

Big Macintosh and Fluttershy are both very interested in each other after the incident in the mountains. But is it possible for a relationship, or even just friendship to begin if neither have the guts to say a single word to the other?

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Chapter 8

Falling in Love Quietly
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 8:

Fluttershy was glad she agreed on going to the spa. She had so many worries bottled up in her head and admittedly a little bit of tension in her body still from the day before. She sighed contently as she received a very light massage from Lotus Blossom.

“Oh GAAAAWWWD you’re good!” Fleetfoot’s voice melted beside her. Fluttershy looked over to see Aloe giggling as Fleetfoot was literally sprawled out on the massage table. Her legs were hanging over the edges, her chin was flat on the surface with her tongue hanging out, her eyes were almost rolled into the back of her head and her wings were unfolded and drooping over the sides of the table. “Can I take you baaaAAAaack to Canterlot? Our trainers suuUUUck compared to you.” She kept slurring as Aloe worked all the knots out of Fleetfoot’s muscles. Fluttershy figured being a Wonderbolt was probably very taxing on the body, and from their explanation a few days prior, it didn’t sound like they got much rest.

“I’m afraid I must protest.” Rarity smirked while climbing onto the table on the other side of Fluttershy. “I wasn’t kidding when I said this was the best spa service in Equestria.”

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee……” Was the only response Fleetfoot could muster.

“I’m glad you agree.” Rarity nodded in satisfaction as she lay down and looked at Quake. “Fire away!” She cued. Quake stepped up and began the rapid percussions.

Fluttershy nestled herself back down as Lotus continued her massage. Fleetfoot wasn’t so bad. In fact she was pretty fun. She was very laid back and friendly. A tad mischievous, but it was never in a bad way. Fluttershy felt like she could trust her. At least as long as she stayed away from Mac.

The thought had an unexpected effect on her.

Fleetfoot was an attractive, famous, upbeat, and funny mare. She could see how a stallion could easily like her. Fluttershy found herself feeling a little self-conscious. What if that was the kind of mare Mac liked? Fluttershy felt she was quiet, bland, and just a normal looking mare (at least she thought so). Fleetfoot was a superior mare in almost every way. She wasn’t scary, threatening, or the kind of pony that would put Fluttershy down, but she had showed interest in Mac a few days ago. Fluttershy couldn’t help but wonder: was she doing enough for him?

She suddenly blinked and lightly bopped her head against the table. Lotus stopped and leaned over.

“What was that?” She asked.

“Oh… um… nothing, please continue.” Fluttershy blushed and grinned sheepishly.

Her brain. What was with her crazy brain? Mac had done nothing but show her great amounts of affection. He wouldn’t suddenly up and leave her for some other mare that randomly showed up in Ponyville. That wasn’t the kind of stallion he was!

Fluttershy loved Mac and was convinced Mac loved her right back. You don’t just pour affection onto another mare and kiss them without other motives behind it… unless you’re a jerk like Rapidfire. Mac was the polar opposite of Rapidfire. He had to love her back. But he had yet to actually say it. Their relationship was full of mysteries. If only they could speak to each other about it. It almost felt like they were doing things in reverse.

“Mmmm…” Fluttershy suddenly remembered how relaxing the massage was. Why spoil this? She could worry later, it was time to relax.

Once their massages were done, the spa twins prepared the hot tub for them. The three climbed in and relaxed as the soft jets turned on and swirled the water around them. Fluttershy was feeling much better. There were still some things to address with Mac, but all the stress from the day before was just about gone. She reclined and sank down into the hot water, leaving only her head above it. When she felt this good it made her only think about good things, which also involved Big Mac. He had really become the center of her life recently.

“So…” Rarity’s voice suddenly chimed in. Fluttershy let her eyes lazily open. They opened much wider when she saw Rarity and Fleetfoot had floated around in front of her and were staring with eager eyes.

Oh no. Fluttershy saw this coming.

“Tell us about Big Mac!” Fleetfoot bounced up and down in the water as giddily as she could without splashing.

“Ooooh I knew it…” Fluttershy groaned. She sank into the water further until her mouth was below it. She sighed underwater, making tiny bubbles rise to the surface.

“YES! Tell me how you attracted such an incredible stallion! I’m begging you!” Rarity clapped her hooves together. Fluttershy rolled her head back so her mouth emerged.

“I didn’t do anything!” she quietly exclaimed, while blushing and thrusting her wings out, splashing hot water on both of them. “Oh… sorry.” She quickly apologized. “It just… happened.” She averted her eyes and blushed all the way up to her ears.

“I wish I could wake up one morning and have a stallion like that in bed with me.” Fleetfoot said dreamily. “You are such a lucky mare! I envy you!”

It was funny to hear that. Especially after Fluttershy had thought about how much more of a mare Fleetfoot is than her. She was definitely over thinking it.

“Oh but please! PLEASE! Give me some details!” Rarity inched closer. “The juicy ones!” She giggled. “Are you really as innocent as you let on? What’s it like to ride the finest steed in Ponyville?” Rarity’s question was making Fluttershy do a full pigment change.

“Yeah can you even turn your head?” Fleetfoot chuckled, “I mean come on, you’re such a little thing and he’s massive! He’s gotta be well endow—” She got no further as Fluttershy screamed out loud and covered her ears with her hooves.

“NO! STOP! ENOUGH! WE’VE DONE NOTHING LIKE THAT!” She yelled, so red they were surprised smoke wasn’t blowing out of her ears. “We’re really, really, really close friends! We haven’t… *squeak*” Fluttershy dunked herself into the water.

“Oops.” Fleetfoot winced while smiling sheepishly.

“I think that was a little too much for her.” Rarity bit her lip as she looked towards Fleetfoot, “But I’ll admit I was curious about it too!” She said with a seductive giggle.

“AH!” Fluttershy gasped as she came back up for air.

“Sorry honey, I can be too curious for my own good sometimes.” Fleetfoot apologized as Fluttershy hid most of her face by her slick wet mane. She didn’t answer.

“Forget about it,” Rarity lightly stroked the top of Fluttershy’s head. “Just relax, it’s why we came here.”

Easy for her to say that now. Fluttershy felt like she was going to explode.

Mac grunted as he heaved the plough along behind him. It was his own fault for it being so hard. The ground was supposed to be nice and soft due to rainfall a few days prior, but because he waited one extra day, it was all dried up. Normally he’d be able to pull it along smoothly, but here he had to constantly stop and give extra yanks with his neck just to get the plough moving. He was sure his yoke was going to start chaffing something fierce.

It was frustrating because it was getting late. He had to make up this work from the day before, but he hadn’t taken into account the dry ground scenario. He still wanted to visit Fluttershy.

He reached the end of a row and still had four more rows to do. He wiped the sweat from his brow and growled. This was taking too long. What was wrong with him? It wasn’t the first time he was forced to make up work. Big “stone-faced” Macintosh was getting irritated at his own work? It was probably a mix of things. His family getting on his nerves and treating him like a little colt and desperately wanting to mend things with Fluttershy that weren’t even really broken. His mind was just in a tizzy.

“Hm?” Mac looked up before he began the next row. The sight of yellow leaning against a nearby fence had caught his attention. Of course his brain’s initial reaction was: FLUTTERSHY! But when he looked closer he saw an orange and yellow mane, it was that Wonderbolt mare. Spitfire, he remembered her name being. At first Mac was prepared to roll his eyes. Was he being ogled again? The other mare, Fleetfoot had been sneaking around the fields when he had been working. Wasn’t it clear to them that he had a special mare already?

As Mac yanked the plough along the third to last row, he passed by the area she was standing. He stole a glance at her, expecting her to be blushing, biting her lip, her wings to be twitching and/or flared out, or all of the above. However he was surprised to see she was simply leaning against the fence and watching him. No swooning, no plot wiggling, nothing. She was just watching him work.

Mac paid no mind and continued hauling the plough along like the ten ton weight the dry ground had turned it into. Maybe she was just watching, that would be a first. Whatever it was he wasn’t exactly thrilled. He knew they weren't all like Rapidfire, but he was one hell of a way for the Wonderbolts to give their first impression. In general he didn’t trust them if they were capable of recruiting such colorful personalities into their ranks.

Mac sighed heavily as he finally finished the overly difficult plough work. He yanked his yoke free from the ropes, shook his head out, and cracked his neck. It was definitely going to be stiff tomorrow morning.

The sun was starting to set. He had to grab dinner quick and then head out to Fluttershy’s. He had plenty of time, but the sooner he did this the better.


Mac perked up as he started wrapping the plough’s rope up around its beams. He turned to see Spitfire standing right behind him. As with before, she showed no signs of interest or flirting, that or she was better at hiding it than Fleetfoot.

“Howdy.” He said with little enthusiasm as he finished wrapping up the rope. She waited for him to finish and look at her again.

“Big Macintosh is your name right?” She asked. He nodded, wishing she’d get to the point because he was in a hurry. “I just wanted to give you a more direct apology about yesterday,” she began, “As captain of the Wonderbolts I am responsible for the actions of my officers.” She began. Mac caught a professional air about her. “I deeply apologize for the delinquency of my squad mate. He rightfully earned his spot in our ranks, but he has a… history of being a menace. Normally we do a pretty good job of keeping him in check, but I guess we got too lackadaisical about it here. I’m truly sorry.” She bowed her head to him.

Mac just grunted. Yeah they did. He didn’t understand why Rapidfire was allowed in the Wonderbolts in the first place.

“But I also must thank you.” Spitfire re-caught his attention. “I’m sure you taught him a valuable lesson. There have been very few times where his actions have faced physical consequence.” She smirked. “Between you and me I’m glad you whooped his ass.”

“Eeyup.” Mac found plenty of reason to agree with that one. Maybe he was a bit too hasty. He was given a nasty first impression of the Wonderbolts through Rapidfire, but Spitfire made the effort to come forth, formally apologize, and claim responsibility. He would never think badly of a pony who was professional and responsible.

Then Spitfire suddenly frowned, her ears drooped, and she looked away.

“So Fluttershy…” She began, instantly catching Mac’s attention. “You really love her huh?”

Where the hell did that come from? Spitfire was stoic and professional one moment, asking about love the next?

“Eeyup.” Mac answered with a quick nod. He’d never deny it.

“You’d do anything for her.” Spitfire sighed. “You didn’t care that Rapidfire was a famous Wonderbolt. You beat him senseless anyway to protect her.” She looked up at him. Her posture had changed completely as well. During her apology she stood upright, chest puffed out, head held high and looked at him directly. Now she was hunched over, her shoulders were bent forward, her head was turned slightly away, and she was looking at him less directly, more up at him than straight at him.

“Eeyup.” Mac answered with a hearty snort. Of course he would. Fluttershy meant the world to him. Spitfire looked down sighed again.

“There aren’t enough stallions like you.” She said quietly. Mac tipped his head to the side in confusion. “Fluttershy is a very lucky mare, don’t ever change Mac.” She quickly turned and took off before he could say anything else, not that he would’ve said anything besides “Eeyup”.

That was an interesting encounter. Mac wasn’t sure what to make of it. But Spitfire had inadvertently done something nice for him. She acknowledged his deep care for Fluttershy. It was really refreshing to hear somepony compliment him about their relationship. He understood why his family was being strict about it, but it was like they didn’t believe in compromising.

He refocused and remembered he had to get to Fluttershy tonight. He mentally thanked Spitfire. Her words had motivated him even further. He would apologize, and he would tell Fluttershy he loved her. He had to dispel all possible worry yesterday instilled in her. This was the only way he could do it.


Mac stood outside the door of Fluttershy’s house. The sun was almost fully set. He had been standing there for a good twenty minutes.

All he had to do was knock on the door and say everything to her. Easy right? Yeah, easy if you know how to talk. Mac was full of confidence and gusto when he left the farm, but when he arrived it was all replaced with nervous anxiety. Could he really do this? Did he really have to do this? He knew what he wanted to say, it was just the matter of saying it:

“Fluttershy,” he whispered to himself, “I’m so sorry I failed to protect ya from Rapidfire. If I had known he was out there in th’field’s I woulda kept a close eye on him and saved ya before anything happened. I’m also sorry I lost m’temper. I hope ya don’t think I’m some violent monster. I only lost control cause he had done something horrible t’ya. Please don’t think bad of me for it…” He took a breath. “I love ya Fluttershy, I love ya with all mah heart. I promise I’ll always protect ya and never fail ya again.” He exhaled.

He was confident he had never spoken that much in one day alone. He had to do it, he had to say it. Don’t be a big sissy be a Big Mac! He gritted his teeth as he continued to stare at the door.

Why was this so hard?

Fluttershy glided slowly through the trees back towards her house. She had refused to speak anymore after Fleetfoot’s very personal question. Fluttershy enjoyed relaxing at the spa, but in the end it only made her think of Mac more. This time in ways she hadn’t dreamed of going towards yet. Her face was still red.

Speaking of red, she saw something outside her front door as her house came into view.

“Eep!” She yelped as she saw Big Mac standing outside. He looked like he was talking to himself. She came to a complete halt and stared.

Wait. This was perfect. Something she had learned over time was that holding onto problems was the worst way to handle them. She had something on her mind that was eating at her and it involved him. She wanted to know what was bothering him. There he was. Why wait?

Maybe because she didn’t know how to word it. She was the bringer of her own pain. Why did she have to be like this?

Just suck it up Fluttershy, she thought. You love him, it’s about time you started acting like it!

Easier said than done. Never the less, she wasn’t just gonna float there and watch him. He wasn’t knocking on the door, but Mac didn’t just come to her house not looking for her.

Just take it nice and easy, nice and slow.

“You can do this Fluttershy.” She drilled herself as she went in for a landing.

Mac reached up his hoof and let it hover by her door.

Just knock.

Just knock.



“EEYIPE!” Mac flinched super hard, he was mid knocking so his hoof accidentally thrust forward. It struck her door and forced her door open, breaking the deadbolt. “Aw dangit.” He winced.

“Oh dear…” They both reacted. Mac slowly turned and looked at her shamefully.

“Uh… sorry… again… I c’n fix it.” He looked down. Fluttershy smiled and trotted up to him. Using her nose to tip his nose back up.

“It’s okay Mac, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Mac glanced at her briefly before looking away again. Great, he had everything lined up to say to her and had somewhat built up the courage to tell her. Now he was all brain jumbled again after being startled. He tried to pick up the pieces and put it back together. He had to. He had to apologize and tell her he loved her. How could he claim to love her if he couldn’t even say it to her?

“H-hey… Fluttershy…” Mac spoke shakily. Fluttershy perked up instantly and pulled her neck back as he stood up straight. This was new. Anytime they exchanged a few words she started it almost every single time.

“Yes?” She waited patiently as his eyes slowly moved about.

“I—uh…” He mumbled. This WAS harder than he thought it’d be, “I’m sorry… about…” He stopped and took a deep breath, “about Rapidfire… I…” He was internally screaming, this wasn’t coming out the way he wanted at all. “And about… lookin’ violent… cause I ain’t and… rgh!” He suddenly grunted and shook his head. Fluttershy looked at him with concern.

“Mac? You don’t have to apologize…”

“I DO!” He suddenly blurted in her face. She fell right down to her legs with her eyes wide. Mac instantly slammed his mouth shut. What did he do that for? Did he seriously yell at Fluttershy? “No! Sorry! I didn’t mean…” He looked to the side and slammed his eyes shut for a moment before forcing himself to look back at her. He ruined the moment, but he could save it! Time to save it! SAY IT! “Fluttershy I…Fluttershy I…I lo…I l-l-l-l-l-…” He coughed. “I….. I lo…” He groaned and stomped his hooves to the ground really hard making the leaves on Fluttershy’s house rustle and a few birds flew out of it. “Ferget it.” He walked past her and quickly walked down the path. He messed up.

Fluttershy blinked and quickly looked after him. She had no idea what had just happened.

“Wait!” She called as she stood up. He paused, but didn’t look at her. “Mac! What’s… what’s wrong? Is there something wrong?” She asked quickly and clumsily. She felt so stupid! Of course there was something wrong! She didn’t think before speaking.

“Just ferget it.” Mac repeated.

“Mac! No!” Fluttershy took a step.

“FERGET IT!” Mac yelled and sprinted down the path. Fluttershy froze and Mac was out of sight quickly.

“But… but…” Fluttershy’s lip quivered and her legs buckled. She fell down as tears began to squeak out. “Come back…” she pleaded with nopony around to hear.

What was that? What was Mac trying to say? Why did he… yell at her?

Something was wrong. Was it her? Was it something she said or did? Was he suddenly angry at her for something? Would she ever know? Could he even tell her if she asked?

A collection of her animals approached her as she sat there with no idea what to do. After all the thinking she had done, THIS is what happened? That couldn’t have gone worse! Both of them seemed to slip up. He couldn’t say what was on her mind and she said something dumb and obvious while frantically trying to fix it.

When she broke down before, he stayed and comforted her. When he did, why did he push her away and run?

Communication. She loved him and he loved her. But neither knew how to put it into words. Was this possible? Could they make it work? Mac was convinced he’d messed up for good. Fluttershy was convinced she’d never be able to fully express it.

But does true love… need to be put into words?

That night, sleep evaded them both.

Mac tossed and turned in his bed. He was so angry. Angry at himself. He had to go and try something he knew he couldn’t do. Why couldn’t he have just let it be? He was happy with the way things were.

Really? Did he really believe that? No, there was more to it, but was it worth the risk of trying to tell her and failing miserably? Nnnope! Then he yelled at her on top of it. What a damn idiot he was. It was too much, he was never gonna sleep at this rate.

Fluttershy lay on her back, face up in bed. She was wide awake and had been for a full hour. Angel Bunny slept peacefully on her stomach, but unlike her pet, she just couldn’t find rest.

If only the incident with Rapidfire hadn’t happened. They were so happy with each other right before that. Did it prove that a relationship between them couldn’t work? Facing and dealing with hardships together was a very important part of a relationship. Their inability to fully communicate verbally to one another proved to be an obstacle when uncertainty approached. Both she and Mac clearly had things bothering them after Rapidfire. But neither could come to the other. What kind of relationship doesn’t provide comfort in times of trouble?

Fluttershy sat up in bed. Angel shifted as he slid, but didn’t wake up.

Perhaps this was all just a phase for both of them. If they couldn’t get through one incident together, how could it continue? They were both too nervous and too shy. They couldn’t even share their feelings. It only seemed like they could show them.


What was she thinking? A phase? No! It was NOT a phase! How could she think that?! The two of them didn’t come together in a flirtatious fashion. They were brought together by circumstance, and found they cared more for one another than first thought. It was a natural love that bloomed without effort from either of them. She couldn’t just let it go like a passing fad.

She loved Mac. She loved him so much and he had made her so happy. It wasn’t something just anypony could do for her, only Mac could!

She sighed and looked down at Angel.

Determination. Great. What good would it do her now? She flopped back down and stared up at the ceiling. She shivered and hugged herself. She wanted comfort. She wanted Mac’s comfort. She felt like she’d never sleep again if she didn’t feel his comfort.

A thought dawned upon her.

Show him you love him. It’s what you’ve done from the start. It may be harder to convey without words, but in the end words are just that: words. If she could, she would repeat to him over and over again that she loved him, but in the end it meant nothing if she didn’t show it.

She sat up again and glanced at the window.

She wanted him.

Only him.

Because she loved him.

She had to go to him, she couldn’t sleep.

She sat up and shuffled off the mattress. Angel rolled off of her stomach and plopped on the mattress, waking up with a glare. Fluttershy trotted over to her bedside window and opened it up. A chilly breeze blew in. She clutched her shoulders with her hooves and shivered. It was cold, but she’d be willing to endure it. She’d endure any challenge for him. But it was awfully dark. Fluttershy didn’t like flying alone on dark nights.

She heard fussing noises behind her. She turned and saw Angel bunny pointing at the window and shivering while yapping.

“Oh! Thanks for offering, you’re very sweet.” She misinterpreted his plea for the window to be closed. “Now I won’t have to fly alone.” She scooped him up. He began flailing about as Fluttershy took off out the window and aimed towards Sweet Apple Acres. She shivered again as she flew. There was a nipping breeze out tonight. It wasn’t necessarily too cold, but the light wind chilled the air around her. Angel gave up trying to get free and crossed his paws with a scowl as he remained trapped between Fluttershy’s hooves.

“RGH!” Mac growled as he sat up in bed.

He just couldn’t forget about it. He had screwed up royal and he probably lost something he cared deeply for. So much for the adorable little mare that made his heart sing. He just yelled at her and left her behind.

Maybe he was in over his head. She was cute, she was adorable, she was… beautiful, but he could never build up the courage to say anything. A mare loves it when her stallion can sweet talk her. He could barely talk to her. Was their relationship doomed to fail from the start? Did they jump into things too fast and were now being burned for it? That had to be it, how could things go from being so good to being so bad? How did they even come together in the first place? They were just friends, and then two strange encounters turned it into very close friends. They’d even kissed a few times! Did he even know why?

He glanced across the room, his eyes landing on a five level bookshelf near his door. It had a few books on it, but was mostly packed full of other random things. On the top shelf was a space that he cleared away a while back, and on it, all by itself with plenty of room to breathe, was the little plastic goblet and wooden block. Fluttershy’s little gift she glued together for him when she thought they lost his strong pony trophy in the blizzard. He stared at it from his bed, but found himself getting up and walking over to it. He reached up and picked it up, bringing it down and staring at it.

“Our hero, Big Macintosh.” He read out loud the little scribbling on the block. He kept staring at it before glancing over to a corner of his room where the strong pony trophy sat, already covered in dust, with an old leather vest of his draped over it. He treated a prestigious award like a coat rack, but kept this little gesture of thanks on a top shelf where he could always see it and smile at it.

Who the hell was he kidding? There was a reason he loved Fluttershy. Everything she did was laced with a heavy dose of cute and kindness. She was a pretty little mare that didn’t flaunt or strut her stuff. She kept to herself and loved what she did for a living. She was the perfect mare in his opinion, at least for him.

Did he need more reason than that? Why couldn’t he just tell her that? Did he have to tell her? It’s not like she had said much to him either. They were in a small rut because of all the Rapidfire business, but did they really have to explain themselves?

Mac didn’t know what to do, and he had a feeling it was gonna stay that way now whether he liked it or not. He doubted he could even muster a “sorry” for her after how ashamed he felt.

He placed the goblet back on the shelf and flopped back into bed. Sleepless still.

Fluttershy hovered outside Mac’s window. She came all this way, was she just not gonna do it and fly all the way back? Of course not.

She reached a hoof to the window, but bit her lip and tensed up.

Come on Fluttershy, just do it. She thought. She couldn’t keep building up confidence and chickening out at the last possible moment.

She decided to lightly tap the window. But she tapped it so lightly that it made almost no sound at all. She still winced as if she had made the window shatter. After a deep breath she tried again. Still barely any noise.

She proceeded to try three more times, but never made the tap any harder than the last. Angel Bunny grew impatient. He looked through the window at the latch. The window wasn’t even locked. He pushed against her hooves until he finally slipped free and landed on the window sill. He reached down and shoved the window open with a THUMP. Fluttershy froze at the noise, afraid it would wake Mac.

Angel sighed, grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and yanked her forward, tossing her into the window.

“EEP!” She squeaked as she hit the floor lightly and tumbled to a stop.

Mac was not asleep. He blinked when he heard the window open and shuffled to look around when he heard the squeak.

He knew that squeak… it couldn’t be…

He reached over to an oil lamp by his night stand and clicked it on. A soft, dim, orange glow filled the room. His eyes instantly fell on Fluttershy, who lay on her stomach beside his bed, staring wide eyed up at him. He heard the window close and looked up to see Angel standing inside the window. He brushed his paws off and crossed them while staring angrily at them both.

Fluttershy quickly sat up and averted her eyes.

Mac tipped his head in confusion.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She bit her lip, grabbed a part of her mane with her hooves, and stroked it nervously.

Mac opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself before he even tried.

Silence filled the room. Silence except for the tiny crackle of the flame in the oil lamp and the sound of Angel’s foot lightly thumping impatiently on the window sill.

Neither spoke. Neither wanted to speak. After what happened earlier, it was clearly not what they did. So they didn’t try again.

Fluttershy tipped her head down slightly and looked up at Mac with big round eyes that screamed “Hug me.”

Mac picked up on her expression. This was how it should be, this was how they communicated.

Without a second thought, Mac moved slightly aside in his bed and opened the sheet that was draped over him. He patted the mattress with his other hoof, offering her the spot.

She stared for a moment. The uncertainty was still in her mind, but as they had prospered together before like this: no words spoken, only actions. She quietly climbed up into his bed, nestling herself in.

Mac let the sheet down over her and the two looked into each other’s eyes. He hesitated, thinking he should apologize, but after what happened a few hours ago? No. Forget it. That’s not how they did things. Don’t speak, just show.

Fluttershy could see his expression fade from neutral to a slight frown. She could tell he felt really bad. She had to let him know it didn’t matter. They were both tried to do something they did not excel at, it wasn’t just him. She reached a small hoof up to his large face and touched his cheek. His eyes moved back to hers and they locked together.

He had done it to her. It was her turn.

She pulled herself towards him and planted her lips on his. She instantly blushed bright red, but she had to show him. She had to show him what he meant to her just like he had. The kiss wasn’t very long, but it had great meaning to them both.

They broke the kiss and Fluttershy stared up at him. Neither of them smiled, but they didn’t have to. It was a kiss of love and trust above all else, and they both felt it. Mac shut his eyes tight and sniffled, grabbing her tiny body and pulling her in close to him. She let him do it. His firm but gentle embrace told her more than words ever could.

Angel watched as the two hugged and sighed. He hopped over to a folded up blanket that lay beside Mac’s bed and curled up on it.

Neither Mac nor Fluttershy could explain how that sequence worked out. But that’s just it. They wouldn’t even try to explain it, because they’d need to speak to do so. It didn’t matter that they preferred not to speak.

Love is a language that can be spoken without words.

---To Be Concluded---

Author's Note:

Pardon me while i go spill rainbows out of my ears...

NOW there's one chapter left :3

for those of you familiar with the story of Head in the Clouds...

You can probably guess what's coming... you know, that thing... that happened... that was a 20 freaking K word long chapter... NOT SPOILING OR ANYTHING

Hehe i hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!