• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 2,683 Views, 48 Comments

Malleable, Unbreakable: Diamond Tiara - Hollyfern

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Perfect isn't easy. It runs in the family!

The soft cry of somepony’s sorrow faintly echoed down a corridor of a stately mansion. Inside a lavish room set with trappings that would make any filly feel as regal as the royal sisters sat two figures, one of pink and one of silver. The pink filly clutched the gray figure tightly, tears running from her large blue eyes and soaking the other filly’s coat.

“Silver Spoon...” the pink filly sniffed, looking into the stoic violet eyes of the lifelike doll as if pleading to it to blink or show any sign of life. Memories of the time Diamond Tiara spent with the pony the gray doll was modeled after flooded her mind all at once. Everything was significant now: The laughter, the arguments over fashion, and even the tutorial lessons Silver Spoon gave her. Diamond Tiara savored each memory which now meant a world more than before.

Silver Spoon managed to make friends and had left her behind, cold and alone with only a single piece of jewelry to mock her.

The one pony I liked more than me. More than anypony else...

“Those others took you from me!” Diamond Tiara hissed in a sudden surge of pent up rage and sadness. “You...You are supposed to be MY friend...” Her grip on the doll tightened as she gritted her teeth. “Why..? I thought we were BFFs...” The filly buried her face in the chest of the doll and continued to let the tears fall.

In the midst of her quiet weeping, one memory echoed above the rest in her ears.

“Here, take this.”

Those words offered Diamond Tiara little comfort. She placed a hoof on the turquoise keepsake that rested around her neck. Her rage slowly ebbed away as the treasure worked its magic. A tear fell onto one of the orbs; Diamond Tiara quickly wiped her eyes and sat up straight.

If you ever feel lonely or ever feeling down. Look to this and think of me.”

“It’s my own fault... I didn’t deserve you...” Diamond Tiara’s voice cracked, her own malicious, jealous words stabbing at her heart, adding an unbearable feeling of guilt on top of her sadness. Fear crawled up her spine and she shuddered, trembling uncontrollably like a leaf as her worst fear became reality.

“Please...” Diamond Tiara silently pleaded, placing a hoof on the necklace. “Please don’t forget me, Silver Spoon...” With red, weary eyes, the filly climbed underneath her velvety sheets accompanied by her doll. Diamond Tiara’s tears surfaced once more. Even with a representation of the pony of her affection in her grasp, the pain only seemed to intensify and fester through the night.


“Diamond Tiara,” a familiar, somewhat distant voice cheerily sang, rousing the sleeping filly. “Sweetheart, get up, your sister is here. I also have something to tell you.”

"Her..." Diamond Tiara softly groaned as she sat up. She ran a hoof through her mess of a mane. Her entangled mane hid one of her weary eyes, leaving the other to blankly stare off into space.

Ugh.. what a hassle. She huffed, wiping the crust from her eyes.

"May I come in?" the voice cautiously called again.

“Yes, daddy.” Diamond Tiara yawned, covering her mouth with a hoof. “Come in...”

Filthy Rich opened the door, beaming a wide, bright smile to his daughter who shrugged and rubbed her eyes. “There’s my little sunshine,” the aged stallion cooed.

“Daaaad!” Diamond Tiara whined, glaring through her mane. “Stop calling me that...”

Filthy Rich chuckled. “Alright, pumpkin.”

Diamond Tiara groaned, rolling her eyes. “When did big sis get here anyway?”

“Oh, you know her,” Filthy Rich said, smiling as he drew back the curtains. “Just kind of blows in every now and again.”

Yeah, she’s totally weird like that. The filly giggled to herself, straining her eyes against the sunlight until they adjusted. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“When you’re ready come down stairs, I’ll explain then,” Filthy Rich instructed. “And I’m sure Dazzler will be delighted to see her little sister.”

Diamond Tiara smirked. “Don’t you mean Screwball will be excited to see me?”

Filthy Rich flinched. “I swear I do not know why she insists on calling herself that...” he sighed.

“...on the rare occasion she says anything, but that’s my sister!” Diamond Tiara giggled. “She’s so...weird.”

“Like you have room to speak,” Filthy Rich teased.

Diamond Tiara huffed and turned up her nose. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, daddy.”

“Oh?” the stallion chuckled, feigning ignorance. “I seem to recall a certain filly unable to sleep without the nightlight unt—”

“I have to go get ready!” Diamond Tiara shouted, springing from the bed and making haste for the bathroom.

“I’m sure!” Filthy Rich laughed heartily as he left the room.

A wall of steam filtered into the bedroom as Diamond Tiara stepped out of the restroom. Her pink body gleamed as a few stray drops of water fell to the floor. She trotted over to the dresser and sat in front of her vanity mirror. The filly brushed her mane aside with a hoof, then paused, staring into her reflection.

I could go with the usual, but I don’t feel like going out right now, so I guess I can leave it down for a bit.

An odd rhythmic knock came to Diamond Tiara’s door, almost like a heartbeat.

Even her knocks are weird. The filly giggled, shaking her head. “Come in!”

The door slowly creaked open and a pink earth pony floated in. The mare’s purple and white mane looked like billowing clouds of cotton candy. She only offered a wide smile as she hovered right above Diamond Tiara.

“Really enjoying that hat, huh?” Diamond Tiara smiled, returning her attention to her reflection, which was now accompanied by her sister’s.

Screwball didn’t reply, only observed, smiling.

“Of course,” the filly groaned. “Though, if I knew you would reply, I’d ask how you’ve been.”

Screwball shrugged.

“Fair enough,” Diamond sighed in defeat.

Diamond Tiara caught Screwball’s eyes in the mirror. As always, they were wide, empty, and their spiral pattern almost seemed to spin the more Diamond Tiara focused on them. “Y’know, sometimes I wonder if what you hear even gets to you. When I look into your eyes it looks like you’re not even paying attention.”

Screwball cocked her head to the side quizzically, her words were lost on her older sister.

“Never mind.” Diamond Tiara giggled. “It’s nice to see you again, sister.”

The mare hooked her hooves around Diamond Tiara, making something of a purring noise as she rested her head on her sister’s.

“Aww, c-c-knock it off!” Diamond Tiara blushed as she squirmed in her sister’s grip. “Seriously!” Despite her objections, Diamond Tiara found herself smiling slightly at the warm feeling her sister offered.

Screwball giggled, then released her sister back into her seat.

“You know I hate it when you do that!” Diamond Tiara barked. “Though, I guess it’s better than ‘The Face’.”

The filly reached into the dresser and pulled out her new keepsake, then affixed it around her neck, taking a moment to admire herself in the mirror with a vain smile.

Screwball’s already large eyes grew even wider at the sight of the turquoise necklace.

“You remember Silver Spoon, right?” Diamond Tiara said, a sad expression replacing her confident one as she looked to the jewelry.

Screwball tilted her head to the side.

I wonder what she is doing right now... Diamond Tiara sniffed, stifling tears

“She gave this to me before I left Ponyville.” The filly half-smiled, the sorrow clear in her eyes. “I...I miss her, sis..” she added with a weary sigh.

In a rare occasion, Screwball’s blank expression changed to a look of worry and sadness, as if she herself felt her sibling’s pain. She placed a hoof on Diamond Tiara’s shoulder; the filly looked up with watery eyes; Screwball wiped the few that strayed down her cheek.

The filly shook her head and tore away from her sister, regaining her composure and dislodging the memories that attempted to surface once more.

Get it together! No more crying, Diamond Tiara chided herself. Tears won’t help anypony.

“Come on,” the filly said as she got to her hooves. “Daddy is waiting downstairs- we better not keep him waiting. Knowing him, he’s probably in his study.”

Screwball flew just above her. The mare’s typical confusing expression had returned.

That didn’t last long. Diamond Tiara opened the door to the hallway. A butler clad in black and white was just passing by.

“Oh good,” the filly smirked. “The Help—OW!”

Before she could finish, Screwball batted the back of her head with a hoof, wearing a disappointed look as she cocked a brow.

Diamond Tiara scowled at her elder sister as she soothed the back of her head with a hoof. I forgot...she takes the side of The Help.

“Please,” the butler started. “do not quarrel on my account; I know how the little princess is. It is something I have grown rather accustomed to.”

“See! The Help doe-OWW!!!” Diamond Tiara whined as once again she was reprimanded by Screwball’s hoof.

“Where’s my daddy!?” Diamond Tiara barked.

The butler chuckled and shook his head. “The master is in his study.” He smiled. “It is good to see your high-spirited attitude has not changed, young mare.” The stallion dipped his head in respect to Screwball.

“Let’s go,” Diamond Tiara said, rolling her eyes. “I’m sure The Hel—” the filly flinched, expecting to feel Screwball’s hoof on the back of her head, which thankfully never came. “Err, I think he has other stuff to do...”

The two continued down the corridor. Diamond Tiara couldn’t help but feel a little unnerved by the way Screwball seemed to not make a sound, and her expression just added to the feeling.

Floating around like she’s never even heard of gravity! the filly giggled.

The sun beamed through a window at the far end of the hallway, illuminating the lavish trappings that were nothing new to Diamond Tiara. Self-lighting magical candles hung on the walls; the candles themselves were unlit. A red carpet accented the marble flooring out to the other end of the hallway and down the stairs to the foyer.

Diamond Tiara knew every inch of her house by heart already. As they came to the foyer, she narrowed her eyes at a particular white-coated mare upon a portrait that depicted her family: Filthy Rich, a younger Screwball, blank flank Diamond Tiara, and the white mare in question. Screwball nudged her little sister along, not even giving the picture a glance.

“I know,” Diamond Tiara sighed, with a nod. “I still get a little mad every time I see her face...”

They continued down the cascade of steps to the ground floor, then down another hallway on the side, leading to the back.They passed pictures on the wall on their way to the back door, the photos showing their ever expanding family tree.

Diamond Tiara opened the door that led to a miniature library, which was big enough to rival the one in Ponyville. Filthy Rich sat in an expensive-looking red chair, a book open in his lap. An odd, sweet aroma wafted through the air.

Coffee. Diamond Tiara recognized the smell all too well. Daddy’s favorite caramel blend.

“Oh,” Filthy Rich said, noticing his daughters in the room. “Hello girls,” he smiled. “I’m glad the two of you are here,” the stallion added with a nod, setting his book in his lap.

“What?” Diamond Tiara eagerly asked.

Screwball floated off to the shelves and went through a few of the old books, as if she was searching for something.

I wonder if she can even still read. Diamond Tiara giggled. Probably upside down.

“What’s so funny?” Filthy Rich asked, cocking a brow at the filly.

Diamond Tiara shook her head. “Oh, nothing Daddy.” She smiled, approaching the chair. “You have something to tell us?”

Filthy Rich beamed a smile. “I will be holding a little get together later on, and you two might want to prepare yourselves. I have already sent out invitations, and, in all honesty, Dazzler’s timing could not have been better!”

“A party!” Diamond Tiara grinned wildly, excited by the idea.

Screwball lowered a book in front of her father, an expectant grin on her face. The book itself was well worn, yet there was a sort of familiarity about the blue-ish binding Diamond Tiara couldn’t place her hoof on.

“Ah!” Filthy Rich smiled. “You remembered this! I used to read this to you two when you were little foals.” The stallion’s blue eyes shone as the memories seemed to play out before him once again. “Ahh...where did time go?”

Diamond Tiara suddenly felt left out. A book he used to read to us...

“Oh!” The filly gasped. “It’s the one about that silly old bear! I can’t remember the name though...”

Screwball nodded excitedly. She looked into Filthy Rich’s eyes from an inverted perspective, her violet and pink eyes wide accompanied by a frown.

The Face. Diamond Tiara giggled, a mischievous smirk on her face. Daddy’s natural weakness.

The stallion laughed heartily, his voice bouncing off the walls.

“Later,” he nodded, nuzzling his daughter. “Why don’t you two go out and enjoy the evening. I want to get a little reading done before the party.”

“Alright Daddy!” Diamond Tiara sang. “C’mon sis. Let’s go back to my room! I think a makeover is in order for ONE of us!”

Screwball flinched at Diamond’s words, reeling in mid air.

“Please..?” The filly’s eyes grew wide as she stuck out her lower lip and quivered it ever so slightly. “We have to look pweety for Daddy’s guests, sis.”

Screwball sighed and hung her head in defeat as she floated over to Diamond Tiara, obviously resigned to her fate.

Works on her too. Diamond Tiara coyly smiled.

Filthy Rich laughed at the display, shaking his head with an impish smile. “Doesn’t feel so good coming from the other end hmm?” the stallion playfully teased. “Go easy on your sister, princess.”

Diamond Tiara shrugged. “I’m not going to make promises.” She smiled. “No point in doing something if you aren’t the best at it, after all!”

Filthy Rich cringed slightly at those last few words. He watched with a worried expression as his daughters exited the study, his eyes fixed on his youngest, her parting words marring his mind. “Unless you’re...the best at it...” he muttered to himself. “Day after day you become more of your mother, Diamond Tiara.


Screwball huffed, crossing her hooves and narrowing her eyes as Diamond Tiara ran a comb through her mane. The mare’s once untamed pink and pale mane and tail now lapped at the floor, straight and flat.

“Don’t give me that look!” Diamond Tiara playfully scolded. “You know...you’d look pretty good with a few well placed ribbons.” The filly opened a drawer and began to rummage through the dresser, placing other glitzy and celebrity-endorsed mane and coat products in front of Screwball. “Ah-ha!” Diamond Tiara squealed, causing Screwball to reel slightly.

Quickly, the excited filly affixed two frilly white and bright-orange ribbons that gave off a faint orange-y scent on opposite sides of her head.

“Now.” Diamond Tiara slowly scanned her sister, rhythmically tapping a hoof to her chin. Actually, she cleans up kinda nicely. The filly admitted to herself. Well she is my big sis, after all. Of course she looks good. “You need a dress for Daddy’s party later.”

Screwball audibly groaned, obviously lamenting the thought of dressing up. The mare let her forehead fall on the dresser, causing Diamond Tiara to giggle.

“Oh, come on, Screwball,” Diamond Tiara teased, cuddling up to her sister. “The dress can wait. I’ve only just started making your mane up. I still have a lot to do before you’ll be presentable this evening~” the filly sang. “My work has only just begun!” Diamond Tiara rushed over to her bed and dug underneath it, returning with a small stack of magazines. I knew these Vogue magazines would come in handy!

“And now, as Photo Finish would say, DA MAGIKS!” Diamond Tiara proudly declared.