• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 2,684 Views, 48 Comments

Malleable, Unbreakable: Diamond Tiara - Hollyfern

  • ...

A filly of my word!

“Have a wonderful day, sweetheart!” Filthy Rich called after his daughter. “Try to make a few friends, honey,” he added with a chuckle.

“Bye Daddy!” Diamond Tiara sang, waving a hoof. “I’ll try,” she giggled.

Diamond Tiara had already begun on her new daily routine to her new life at Reins Private School. The past week was eventful, meeting her other teachers and such. The trot to school gave her time to ponder things. I wonder what that windbag will be going on about today...hopefully, the clubs open today. ANYTHING to make the time after school entertaining

“Hey!” a vaguely familiar voice excitedly called from behind Diamond Tiara.

“It’s that one bold filly from the other day, brother!” another added.

Oh, sweet mother of Celestia, Diamond Tiara groaned. Not those two this early in the morning..! She turned and forced a smile at the twins as they approached on each side of her.

“Oh, don’t you look precious?” The colt on the right, clad in cerulean cooed.

The fiery dressed stallion shook his head. “I don't know, brother, she still has yet to dress for school...”

“The country must have REALLY got to her.” The brothers giggled in unison.

“Okay,” Diamond Tiara sighed. “Look, Tweedle A and Tweedle B, I don’t know if ANYPONY else has said this, but when you two do that; the taking thing, it’s borderline creepy!”

Gauche and Droite glanced at each other then turned their attention to Diamond Tiara, tilting their heads to the side. “What’s a ‘Tweedle’?” They blinked.

“You two, duh.” Diamond Tiara giggled. “Anyway, which of you is which?”

“I’m Droite,” the colt on the left began, puffing out his chest.

“No, I’M Droite,” the crimson clothed pony corrected. “See, I’m on the right.”

The other colt sighed and shook his head. “Well, from another perspective, I’M on the right, so that means I’M Droite, Gauche.”

“No, I’m not the clumsy one!” Retorted the red colt.

“Both of you are equally as LAME!” Diamond Tiara barked silencing the feuding twins. “Now, if you two are going to walk me to school, knock off the arguing!”

Both stallion's glared at one another then snorted. “Fine,” they answered in unison. “Gah-ha! There he goes again!” They whined, stomping a hoof.

“I always imagined students of a private school to show a little...I don't know, I guess more dignity!” Diamond Tiara hastened her stride, unfortunately, the twins were still hot on her hooves and still intent on arguing.

“Well he started it!” The two continued on going back and forth with Diamond Tiara suffering in between, their voices ringing in both her ears. The filly gritted her teeth together and huffed, she clamped her ears onto her head and still couldn’t drown out Gauche and Droites harrowing voices.

“ENOUGH!!!” Diamond Tiara finally roared as she pressed her forehooves against her ears, standing on her rear ones. “For Nightmare Moons sake, SHUT.UP!” A few onlookers attention was drawn to the noisy filly making her feel suddenly uncomfortable.

Gah! Look at what they made me do! Diamond Tiaras face was hot from embarrassment under the eyes of the ponies that passed. The filly picked up her pace looking to the ground so as to avoid eye contact with anypony else.

The twins shrunk back, cautiously keeping a few steps behind her now. “I think we made her mad...” one shakily whispered to the other.

“You THINK?” The other whispered back making sure to not draw the filly’s wrath again. “I thought we made an ursa MAJOR mad at first,” he snickered.

They can’t be this dumb...I traded in the Blank Flanks for THIS?! “I can hear you two, you know!” Diamond Tiara hissed. I don’t see how Silver Spoon put up with even talking to other ponies.


“Nah, as I stated the other day,” Mr Oak announced from the front of the class. “Yer ol teacher here is Appleloosan pride...”

Another. Pointless. Lecture. Diamond Tiara sighed and rested her chin on the desk, trying to tune the windbag at the front of the class out. Looks like he’s going on a rant again, I hope I NEVER act that way when I grow up... She could hear Mr. Oak still rambling on about his past no matter how hard she mentally tried to tune him out. Her eyes wandered to Razzly who was sitting up straight with bright eyes at attention. I don’t see how she does it, he is SO boring! the filly huffed.

“Diamond Tiara!” Mr. Oak sneered, tapping a hoof and leering. “Since ya seem oh SO well versed in th’ hist’ry of Appleloosa, why don’t ya go on ‘n tell me the name of the buffalo chief?”

All eyes turned to Diamond Tiara, she rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and forced an awkward smile. Guess the old stallion was paying more attention than I thought!

“Hey, Razzly!” Diamond Tiara whispered to her friend, out the side of her mouth.

“Chief Thunderhooves,” the filly quickly and quietly replied.

“C-Chief...Thunderhooves..?” Diamond shakily answered.

Mr. Oak snorted. “Well, ah guess that is correct.” he shrugged then turned to the board. “Nah, after a certain group of mares helped patch things up, things between the good ponyfolk of Appleloosa an th’ buffalo tribe ‘ave never been better!” the stallion began to trail on again and Diamond Tiara loosed a sigh of relief.

“Razzly is the one that knew the answer.” Diamond Tiara heard one of her classmates whisper. “And she didn’t even thank her for it!”

“How rude can you be?” another added. “She had some nerve calling Mr. Oak a bumpkin when she acts the same! And she doesn’t even dress up either!”

I’m not rude! Diamond Tiara onwardly protested, scanning the faces off her class unable to pinpoint the source of the mocking voice. Though...I guess I do need to thank Razzly or whatever. If for nothing else than to prove that point!


“Awright, lunch is startin’ soon, so before I ferget, th’ student council has opened fer admission,” he noted. “Be sure ‘n visit the faculty office first so—”

The bell rang, interrupting Mr. Oak, though his students rejoiced and immediately began thinning out of the classroom accompanied by several conversations going on at once. Diamond Tiara looked over to Razzly who was fiddling around in her saddle bag.

“Thanks for the save earlier, Raz.” Diamond Tiara smiled. “I wouldn’t have heard the end of it if Mr. Oak knew I wasn’t paying attention.”

Razzly giggled and shook her head. “Yeah, but try and pay attention more, Diamond Tiara.” she playfully scolded, shoving the magenta filly. “I’m happy that I was able to help you though.”

“I guess,” Diamond Tiara shrugged. “I owe you one though.”

Razzly’s head whipped around with her eyes lit up and a wide grin spread across her face. “Really?!” she gasped. “Then we should hang out after school! The mall isn’t fairy far from here and it’s a nice place too!”

“Alright,” she giggled, Razzly’s unusually cheerful behaviour affecting her. Talk about getting worked up for nothing. And, I guess it gives me something to do. Student council sounds like it’s lame, Diamond Tiara frowned. Oh wait! I think daddy was in the Student council maybe I should try it after all...

“Something the matter, Diamond Tiara?” Razzly’s voice rang, snapping Diamond Tiara away from her thoughts. “You look lost.” The filly added looking worried.

Diamond Tiara shook her head. “Nothing, I was just gonna go see about joining the Student council is all.”

“Really..?” Razzly gasped. “Wow, I didn’t think you would be interested in something like that,” she added with a giggle. “I hope we can still go to the mall later though.” The filly sighed.

I guess the council can wait, one day wouldn’t hurt, I did kinda make plans beforehoof anyway...nopony can ever say Diamond Tiara broke a promise! The filly silently vowed. “On second thought, I’ll look into student council some other time, Raz.”

“‘Raz,’” the pink filly cheered up. “I like that name!” She chirped. “Raaaaazzz!” Razzly squealed.

“So, we are hanging at the mall after school?” The twins chuckled. “Sounds like a plan.”

Diamond Tiara shook her head. “No way,” she rolled her eyes. “I don’t mind hanging out with Razzly, but you two are waaaay too annoying...”

“Awwww,” the colts playfully pouted. “That’s so mean! Razzly,” they turned to the filly smiling innocently. “Can we come too?”

Razzly giggled and nodded. “Sure, could be fun with all of us, Diamond Tiara.”

“Good grief...” Diamond Tiara groaned, letting her forehead fall onto the desk. “What did I just agree to...”

The Manehattan mall. The group of ponies trotted inside the dome like structure and Diamond Tiara began taking in the sight.

The shopping area was relatively small with only a few stores here and there and towards the back dividing the establishment in two, stood possibly the largest attraction. The words ‘Karaoke’ were lit in pink neon above double doors.

In the middle of the quaint mall stood a tall, flowing fountain and nearby benches, identical fountains stood with the same setup near the entrance. Diamond Tiara spotted a small blue and white sign, pharmacy written on it. A security station with a gruff stallion monitoring from within. A cafe that had its doors open housing a few ponies. An arcade seemingly filled with ponies of various colors and ages. A club of some sort which seemed closed at the moment, and another store with a sign in a different language.

“When you said mall, Razzly,” Diamond Tiara sighed. “I thought you meant someplace BIG with ALOT more stores,” she frowned. “This is like a mini mall.”

“Exactly!” Razzly proudly chirped. “It might be small, but there's something about it that the bigger malls don’t have. I mean, I know every store owner here! Although the club sometimes plays loud music. But the ponies are nice! I even got to meet the ‘Dee Jay Pon-3’.”

The upper quarter would never allow loud music to play... Diamond Tiara gasped. “I never knew...wait! That must mean...”

“That’s right,” the twins chimed in. “This mall is part of the lower quarter.” They knowingly nodded. “Our house isn’t too far from here.”

“In fact, there is a little chain of stores on the way to school,” one of the twins started.

“Maybe tomorrow we will show you,” the other continued. “We aren’t exactly all that far from the lower quarter. The detour won’t take too long.”

Diamond Tiara shrugged. “Maybe. You two better not go back and forth again,” she narrowed her eyes.

“If it means hanging out with a bold filly like you,” the blue clothed twin smiled.

“Then we promise to be on our BEST behaviour!” The other twin proudly finished. “Though, you are kind of scary when mad, so there’s another reason to avoid getting on your bad side,” the red colt added with a chuckle.”

“Yeah,” his brother nodded. “Nightmare Moon hath no fury! Or, something like that I read.”

“Hey, where are we going to go first!” Razzly enthusiastically squeaked. “The arcade? The antiques store lady has some pretty neat things! Ohohohoh!! I know! I know!! The karaoke room!!!” she pointed with a hoof to the back.

“How about the arcade, instead, Razzly?” The crimson twin suggested, motioning over to the noisiest looking area of the mini mall.

Razzly frowned. “But..! Oh!” All at once her eyes lit up. “Hey! I think they have that new Dancing Central two game!” The filly gasped then squealed, trotting in place. “Yeah! Let’s go to the arcade instead everypony!”

“Alright,” Diamond Tiara nodded. “I was real good at the first one, why don’t we play fillies against colts?”

“Sure!” the brothers coyly smiled, looking like a trotting mirror. “Try not to cry, girls,” they chuckled. “If you haven’t noticed, we tend to work real well together!”

Diamond Tiara and Razzly looked to one another and nodded confidently. “Sorry boys, but we are like, TOTALLY out of your league.” The two eerily echoed, then giggled.

“You know, Razzly,” Diamond Tiara started. “Talking together like they do is kind of funny.”

The pink filly nodded and grinned. “Maybe we should try doing it more often then! I see why they do it.”

“TO THE ARCADE!!!” The brothers dramatically announced, pointing to the bright room.

Diamond Tiara growled lowly as she and one of the brothers; the one dressed in blue, trotted underneath the burnt orange sky. The twin was chuckling with his chest puffed out proudly.

“You aren’t as good as you made it seem, Diamond Tiara.” the colt playfully teased. “Did you even play the first one at all?”

Diamond Tiara huffed, her head held high, eyes closed, and a frown on her face. “For your information, I DID play the first one once before! I aced the tutorial...”

“The...tutorial..?” The colts smile widened. “You know there is more to it than that...right?”

Even by themselves they are so irritating! “Why are you walking me home, anyway?” Diamond Tiara suspiciously asked, shifting the subject.

“Well, Gauche is taking Razzly, so I figured...I guess I figured I would take you home,” he meekly smiled. “Being a gentlecolt and all.”

He wants something from me! Diamond Tiara huffed and turned her head. “We are here.” she coldly said.

“So, THIS is your place..!” Droite gasped, nodding approvingly. “Make sure you are not late tomorrow!”

Well that’s odd... The more Droite talked, the more intelligent he seemed to sound as opposed to his brother, and upon further inspection, his frame did look a little lithe for an earth pony.

“Wh-What are you staring at me for?!” The colt reeled slightly.

Diamond Tiara shook her head. “Nothing,” she said, starting down the walkway to the front door. The filly paused halfway and looked over her shoulder. “Uhh...thanks, Droite, I guess.” Gah, what is wrong with you, Diamond Tiara?! She scolded herself. Diamond Tiara noticed her father leering from the window. What’s his problem?

“Daddy?” Diamond Tiara stepped inside and was greeted with a tight hug from her father.

“Where were you?” The stallion cooed.

Diamond Tiara groaned and wriggled out of Filthy Rich's grasp. “I was just out with some classmates.”

“THIS late?!” He reeled.

Diamond Tiara looked out the window then returned her gaze to her father and cocked a brow. “It’s still light out...” She noted.

“Yes, but still.” Filthy Rich sighed. “Tell somepony if you are going to be out, alright? I was worried sick...your sister being out is bad enough.”

Diamond Tiara giggled and nodded. “I’m sorry Daddy, I didn’t mean to worry you...” She lowered her head, looking up at her father with pleading eyes and a quivering lower lip. This AAAAALWAYS works. The filly inwardly giggled.

Filthy Rich smiled and sighed. “Well, I did tell you to make friends, and I’m happy you did. I suppose I worried a little too much...”

“Hey, where’s my sister, by the way?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Filthy Rich’s expression hardened suddenly. “She’s...out.”

“Out?” Diamond Tiara echoed.

“O.U.T.” The stallion decisively replied.

Diamond Tiara flinched and nodded. “Yes sir...” Her father returned to leering out the window, mumbling something she couldn’t hear. She shrugged it off and made her way up to her room.

How rude can you be?” Those echoed in Diamond Tiaras mind, she flinched and shook her head, trying to dislodge the sarcastic remark. I proved my point, I showed them! I’m not rude. she nodded. I hung out with them, just because I’m a nice pony like that...right? Of course! And what was with Droite earlier? The filly rubbed throbbing head as she entered her room, kicking the door closed as her frustration grew. ...Gah! My head hurts! This is all too irritating! I need some rest...

Comments ( 13 )

Sorry for the delay y'all! I'm getting the hang of editing thanks to my great friends, so this update came a little later than expected! :twilightsheepish:

I'll be right up front with you Holly, I'm not as enthusiatic about this story as I have been about your other ones. Now I still like this story but in all honesty my level of investment is minimal. I enjoyed the fleshing out of Tiara's classmates and Tiara's own character development but despite that I'd rather be reading more of "beyond the classroom" or whatever other stories you have planned for Silver Spoon and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

I do like this story but I feel I need to be honest.

477806 Thanks either way! :pinkiehappy: Trust and believe I appreciate your honesty. :pinkiesmile: I'll still be updating that one, but I'm not sure how good it will be trying to manage updates on two stories.

Please ship Dazzler aka Screwball with Cotton Cloud in a future fanfic.

And I know their pain. I was pulled out of my horribly mean LA teacher's class as I was having frequent panic attacks because of her. She often singled me out for negative attention and didn't grade me fairly.:fluttershysad::fluttershyouch::fluttercry:

Cancelled?? Can you please explain? Thanks!

691159i just didn't feel like it was going anywhere. that and a lack of response to it.

Canceled, eh? It's a shame, but then again, this makes my story one of, if not the only Diamond Tiara first-person stories! *laughs maniacally* Nah, but in all seriousness, best of luck with your future endeavors, and I'm sorry you had to let this story bite the dust. Speaking of, I need to update my story too, lol. :twilightsmile:

aaaaaww i was liking this!

Not a bad read. At first I thought that Silver Spoon was the one who moved away. It took me until the second chapter to realize it was the other way around. If nothing else, this story certainly sliced life. I imagine Screwball had a bigger role somewhere down the line considering the foreshadowing, as did Cotton Clouds. Then again, Mr. Oak's character could have gone anywhere.

I was personally intrigued by the way you went about Diamond not fitting in at this Reins private school. She faced several waves of teasing and alienation, but it didn't shoot down her self-esteem and become a serious issue like it probably would if this story were about Sweetie Belle or Twist. Instead, the mockery had almost the opposite effect, driving her forward to show them why they were wrong. It was a much more refreshing take on the New Student approach if you ask me.

I'd say this story is a cupcake with a lot of frosting and a dill pickle on top; although, I chose to take the pickle off and enjoy it on its own. Normally, I can't handle too much frosting at once, but I used the pickle to scrape some of it off. Tasty story for what it is, and I'd like to congratulate your effort on the creation.

Furthermore, now whenever someone questions me, I'll just spell at them. Apparently, it's very intimidating.

I :heart: this! PLZ continue.

I honestly had no idea you'd written a side story to Moving On that dealt with her moving away. I always wished to have seen more of her side of the story half way through Moving On. If only to see how Diamond was doing.

God, such an old story and one I'm happy to have discovered.

Tell me, if you'd like, what was your original intent with this story? Was Diamond going to go on through the rigors of this new private School, trying to replicate her successes from Ponyville? Would she go on to dredge through the teasing and mocking elites and yet, eventually, move on to a more public School when things got too much be it through just missing being around more normal ponies so she at least felt unique among them?

I see Babs was supposed to be in this, I'll likely read this over the weekend but just knowing it won't continue is a big turn off. Sadly when writing about Diamond Tiara most just assume its promoting bullism if she's ever seen in any form of a good light or Celestia forbid anyone trot a mile in her hoofsies. But was she going to meet up with her former friend in a Public School setting or did Babs go to a private school as well?

Analysing and trying to understand Diamond's character can lead to many fun ways to tell a story. Which from what comments I see seem to indicate you have a small following for, or had. Sadly without conflict and direction, knowing where your Moving On ends, it'd be nice to see how she got there. I'm sure anyone who recalls Silvy's wish would like to know as well.

I only wish I had discovered this story sooner, it certainly had the potential to be amazing for Babs and Diamond. Nice to see you're still writing new stories however.

But yes, if you would like, how would this story have gone in your mind? How would it have ended? If you ever wish to discuss characterizations I'm sure you'd get a lot of feedback on the Diamond Cutters forums.

Happy Holidays to you old buddy!
Best of luck in your endeavors :twilightsmile:

3587433 Oh, I do plan on finishing this, believe in that. I just hadn't had the time for my dear two filles as of late. Though, a chapter is in the works for Silver Spoon as well as this one. As far as direction, I wouldn't mind filling you in via messages.

3588035 I certainly wouldn't mind hearing them or bouncing ideas. I'll be looking forward to it.

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