• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 2,685 Views, 48 Comments

Malleable, Unbreakable: Diamond Tiara - Hollyfern

  • ...

So barking up the wrong tree!

“Good evening, Lord and Lady Rook,” Diamond Tiara dipped her head to a gray and white mare and stallion couple clad in black and white, as they trotted through the door. The two smiled at the filly, then joined the festivities with the other party guests on the foyer that had already arrived at the soiree.

I love parties! Diamond Tiara faintly squealed as she danced in place and twirled around. Her frilly violet and pink dress to followed in suit of her practiced pirouette; stopping on one hoof.

Screwball stood uncomfortably next to her, frowning as she attempted to adjust her floral orange dress and keep her earrings from tickling the back of her neck. The mare huffed, stomping a hoof and blowing a stray strand of her mane from her face.

“Oh, you’ll have to get used to it if you’re going to be here again, sis.” Diamond Tiara smiled, adjusting the flowers on her sister's head. “Daddy loves randomly throwing these parties,” she giggled. “I know all of his friends!” Diamond proudly added.

“Just relax and your dress will feel much more comfortable.” their father’s voice rang above the crowd as he approached them, smiling proudly at his two daughters. “Not that I would know,” he added with a laugh. “Why don’t you go and have fun, mingle, eat, just have a good time.” the stallion motioned to the crowd before closing the doors.

“Networking, right Daddy?” Diamond Tiara widely grinned, proudly puffing out her chest.

“My my,” Filthy Rich chuckled, cocking a brow. “My little filly, talking like a big pony! Do you know what networking is, Diamond Tiara?”

The filly eagerly nodded. “A supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest!” she recited as if from a dictionary.

“Something like that, yes,” the stallion nodded. “That’s the gist of it, where did you hear this term?”

Screwball cooed, nodding approvingly at her younger sister’s knowledge. In addition to her father’s smile, Diamond Tiara absorbed the attention from a few other guests that happened to overhear her. The filly tossed her mane aside and confidently smirked. “I learned from your meetings, Daddy,” she innocently giggled.

“Oh...” Filthy Rich’s smile faded from his face, it turning to a frown. “Diamond Tiara, you really should stop eavesdropping on those conversations...there are plenty of other things a filly like yourself should be doing,” he sighed.

“I’m sorry, Daddy...” Diamond Tiara hung her head. “I didn’t mean to do anything bad.”

“On the other hoof, however,” Filthy Rich raised Diamond Tiara’s chin beaming a soft smile. “It is endearing to see my little filly wanting to take after her father.” he leaned in, nuzzling his daughter. “I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks Daddy!” The filly chirped. “I’m gonna go find something to eat, why don’t you go and talk to someponies, sis? Mr. and Mrs. Orange would be happy to see you.”

“Just steer clear of that one stallion, Cotton Cloud,” Filthy Rich motioned to an onyx coated unicorn stallion dressed in a white and blue tuxedo, chatting up a group of giggling mares.

The mare shrugged and nodded, heading towards Cotton Cloud. The stallion quickly noticed Screwball approaching and instantly shifted his full attention to her. Filthy Rich groaned and shook his head.

“That’s your fault.” Diamond Tiara teased. “Why do you think I mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Orange?” she giggled, shaking her head.

“Do keep an eye on her, sweetheart.” Filthy Rich narrowed his eyes at the stallion, who obliviously waved a hoof in his direction, smiling widely at his host, despite the daggers Filthy Rich stared at him.

Diamond Tiara giggled. “Mr. Cloud is nice, daddy.” Diamond Tiara smiled at the stallion, returning his wave. “He’s a doll maker he makes really neat stuffed figures.”

“I am well aware, I just don’t like...” Filthy Rich paused, glancing down at Diamond Tiara who curiously looked on awaiting an answer. “I just don’t like him.” he decisively huffed. “But, nevermind me, go enjoy yourself.” the stallion smiled before joining the crowd.

Well, I still think he’s nice. Diamond Tiara shrugged.

The party was now in full swing as the sun faded from the sky, replaced by the moon. The foyer was abuzz, the various elites of Manehattan conversed on a wide variety of subjects. Butlers and maids frequented with trays that held wine and and assorted hoof foods, catering to the needs of every guest.

Lame, Diamond Tiara huffed as she scanned the foyer. There are no ponies my age this time...at this point even those Blank Flanks would be entertaining. she sighed, hanging her head and focusing on her necklace. I wish Silver Spoon were here...

“U-Umm...e-excuse me..” a meek voice whispered.

Making friends is going to be, like impossible. The voice that called to her fell on deaf ears. Hopefully school will have some ponies that are cool enough to be my friend...ugh listen to me, wishing for school? I really must be...-

“Hello..?” Diamond Tiara felt a hoof prodding her, abruptly breaking her train of thought.

“Wh-what?!” Diamond Tiara snapped.

“Eep!” the filly squeaked, crouching down with her eyes screwed shut as if she were trying to blend in with the floor, though her light pink coat and violet mane contrasted the alabaster tile and blended with her grassy themed saddle and socks. “I-I’m sorry!”

“O-Oh, it’s alright.” Diamond Tiara brushed a hoof through her mane cooly playing of her surprise. “No big deal, just didn’t see you there is all.”

The blush filly peeked up, revealing bright orange eyes full of curiosity though she still slightly cowered.

“Geeze, get up!” Diamond Tiara commanded, rolling her eyes. “I mean, really...”

Shakily, the filly stood, and Diamond Tiara sood found the young unicorn to be taller than her with full grown horn and a cotton shaped heart atop a rod for a cutie mark. “I’m sorry.” she whispered, averting eye connection.

“You must be Cotton Clouds little sister, huh?” Diamond Tiara cocked a brow.

“Yes!” the filly gasped, her eyes widened. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess,” Diamond Tiara coyly answered. “Your cutie mark is kinda like his.”

“You’re Diamond Tiara, right..?” she spoke with a little more confidence.

Diamond Tiara nodded, trying to stifle a smirk. As usual, everypony knows me! “That’s me, the one and only.” she answered.

“I’m Razzly!” the pink filly proudly stated, puffing out her chest. “I can make my stuffed friends move!”

“So you’re already able to use magic, huh?”

Razzly eagerly nodded. “Yes I am! And, I’m fairy good at it, too.”

Diamond Tiara chuckled. “‘Fairy?’”

Razzly’s confidence quickly waned, the filly looked to her hooves sighing and pawing at the floor. “I’m sorry, that was kind of stupid...I say that without even noticing sometimes.”

“And what’s with those socks?” Diamond Tiara giggled. “Those are so last year.”

Razzly blushed looking to her striped green and lime green socks. “I know, and this may sound stupid too, but I like to keep them on. They keep my hooves nice and warm, so I never like being without them. Haven’t you worn socks before?”

“Err, kinda, one time.” Diamond Tiara shrugged. “I mean, they look alright anyways...”

Razzly perked up a bit, smiling warmly at Diamond Tiara. “You always have the prettiest dresses at these parties.” she noted, motioning to Diamond Tiaras lavish attire.

“As always.” Diamond Tiara playfully rolled her eyes. “Hey wait, I haven’t seen you at these parties before!”

Razzly blushed and giggled. “Oh, I’m always around. I’ve seen you plenty times before, I just kinda blend in with the wall sometimes.” she shrugged. “Speaking of which...I haven’t seen you at school before.”

“Oh, ever since I moved to this house, I’ve been homeschooled,” she plainly said. “Daddy has enrolled me in Reins private sc--”

“Hey!” Razzly squeaked. “That’s the school I go to!”

Whoopty doo. Diamond Tiara shook her head. Just a second ago she was all scared and now, rainbows and sunshine!

“My homeroom teacher, Mr. Oak, is kinda mean,” Razzly frowned. “But, I hope you get a nicer one!” she added with an innocent smile.

“School is a waste of time.” Diamond Tiara snorted. “Mean teacher or not, even I know bits mean everything.”

“But, at school you make so many friends and you learn alot too!” Razzly protested. “I mean, I never thought I’d be your friend! Granted, we aren’t in school, but my brother is always telling me to make friends my age.”

“And what makes you say we are friends?” Diamond Tiara scoffed as she cocked a brow, sizing up the chipper unicorn.

“Aren’t we?” Razzly tilted her head to the side, wearing a blank expression. “Well you haven’t done anything to not be my friend. You do seem nice.” the filly innocently smiled.

What..? Diamond Tiaras expression went blank, for just a moment Razzly’s simple non judgemental smile felt familiar. The unicorn’s face looked nostalgic, and just for a second, reminded her of Silver Spoon, then her heart lurched.

That smile...

“D...mod T..ra?” Razzly’s voice sounded distant and far away as Diamond Tiara began thinking to herself.

That was so weird...I know that smile, Razzly does kinda remind me of her... she shook her head suddenly, causing Razzly to reel. NO! Nopony can replace Silver Spoon, not even this cheap wannabe!

“I-Is something wrong, Diamond Tiara?” Razzly asked, confused.

Diamond tiara narrowed her eyes at the filly then huffed. “None of your business!”

“I-I’m sorry,” the filly meekly said. “I didn’t mean to offend you...”

“Yeah, whatever.” Diamond Tiara shrugged.

An uncomfortable silence hung between the two fillies, Razzly sat at Diamond Tiara’s side, hanging her head and fiddling with her forehooves..

Why is she sitting next to me? Diamond Tiara sized up Razzly slightly confused. The more she stared, the more she could see that Razzly wasn’t bothered anymore, she was just fiddling with her socks.

Razzly noticed out of the corner of her eye that she was being watched by Diamond Tiara, the unicorn merely offered a smile.

“What’s wrong with you?” Diamond Tiara asked, a hint of frustration in her voice. “Aren’t you mad?”

“A little, I guess.” Razzly admitted. “But I guess I was being too nosey anyway.” she shrugged. “Plus, excluding from you and my brother, I don’t know many other ponies. Aside from my stuffed friends, too that is.”

“Ugh.” Diamond Tiara groaned. “Help!” she called out, summoning a maid balancing a tray on her back to the two fillies.

From across the room, through a room full of ponies, Screwballs narrowed eyes met with Diamond Tiaras bringing about a chilling sliver of fear to travel up the fillies back causing her to shudder.

Creepy... Diamond Tiara retreated from the piercing gaze of her older sister unknowingly backing up towards Razzly.

“D-Diamond Tiara..?” Razzly blushed.

Quickly, the filly distanced herself from the unicorn and cleared her throat. “It’s my sister.” Diamond Tiara answered, frowning as she noticed the maid had moved on now serving other ponies. “Drat.” she groaned.

“My brother seems to have taken a shine to your sister,” Razzly giggled. “It’s probably her eyes, I think they’re kind of nice.”

“My daddy can’t stand your brother.” Diamond Tiara frankly said.

Razzly sighed, smirking slightly. “Well, big bro has a...reputation around Manehattan.”

“Reputation?” Diamond Tiara echoed. “I don’t know about him.”

Razzly shook her head. “Errr, n-nevermind.” the filly forced an awkward smile.

“I think I see what daddy doesn’t like in him.” Diamond Tiara narrowed her eyes at the stallion who had moved on from her sister and was now chatting up other mares at the party wearing a coy smile.


Diamond Tiara yawned wearily, covering her mouth with a hoof then wiped her watery eyes. Save for a few guests, most of the attendees had filtered out. Slowly, Diamond Tiara began to doze off, leaning against a wall for support.

“As always, Filthy Rich, you throw an absolutely fantastic party.” Mr. Oranges voice rang. “But, I think your little one is all tuckered out.” he added with a posh chuckle.

“I saw her talking with Cotton Clouds little sister the entire time,” Mrs. Orange chimed in. “It was rather adorable seeing the two get along so swimmingly. Poor dear is sleepy now that her friend went home.”

“We aren’t...friends...” Diamond Tiara inwardly groaned, too tired to raise her voice loud enough for anypony to actually hear. “Aaa...forget it.” the filly forced herself to her hooves and drug herself over to her father then leaned on his chest. “Sleepy...no story tonight...bed...”

Filthy Rich smiled and rubbed a hoof gently on through her mane. “Alright, sweetheart,” he gingerly said. “I’ll tuck you in. May I ask a favor of you two, Mr. and Mrs. Orange?” the stallion looked up to the couple in question to find them quietly smiling at his daughter. “Would you mind looking after things while I take Diamond Tiara upstairs?”

“Oh anything for that little angel, Richie.” Mrs. Orange cooed

Mr. Orange nodded. “Leave everything to us, old friend.”

“Thank you.” Filthy Rich smiled. “Climb up, Diamond Tiara.” he whispered to the sleeping filly as he crouched down low enough for her to climb onto his back.

Through half opened weary eyes, Diamond Tiara climbed on her father's back, leaving her hooves dangling off of his sides as she quickly drifted back into her dreams.

Despite his age, Filthy Rich moved up the stairs gracefully. Each step was smooth and even as to not disturb his sleeping daughter that rested on his back. The little walk warmed his heart, in his eyes his daughter could do no wrong. In moments like this, she became his entire world.

After quietly nudging her room door open, he stepped and and slid his precious cargo onto her bed then gently prodded her. “Sweetheart, get out of your dress.” he said in a hushed tone.

“Mnngh...go way...” Diamond Tiara protested, shoving her father's face away as she curled up where she lay intent on sleeping as is.

Filthy Rich smiled and shook his head, prodding her once more. “Diamond Tiara, get undressed, dear.”

The filly sat up and flailed her hooves about, somehow working her attire of at the same time. Once the dress was of she flung it at her father then retreated underneath the sheets.

“Sweet dreams, my little princess.” he whispered, kissing her forehead and making sure she was tucked in tight. Before he left the room he looked back to his daughter once more then smiled, turning the light of and quietly closing the door.

Filthy Rich returned to the foyer and met Mr. and Mrs. Orange waiting for him.

“You really are lucky.” the mare chimed in, cuddling against her husband. “That daughter of yours really is precious, Rich.” Mrs. Orange looked up, blushing brightly wearing a wide smile. “And, if all goes well for you and me, honey...”

“That’s great to hear!” Filthy Rich nodded.

“Yeah,” Mr. Orange nodded. “And hopefully another friend for your daughter.”

“Speaking of Diamond Tiara,” Filthy Rich said, combing over the few remaining houseguests, obviously growing increasingly worried by the moment. “Where...where is Scr---errr...Dazzler..?”

Mr. Oranged looked around then shook his head. Mrs. Orange, however giggled smirking as she motioned to the front door. “I saw those two go out the front door earlier, I think they are in the garden.”

“I swear...not even one day and...” Filthy Rich sighed in defeat. “I miss Ponyville.” he added with a chuckle.

“Say, Richie, I have a question.” Mr. Orange said, tapping a hoof to his chin. “About that daughter of yours, Dazzler, she seems a little...different than what I remember, what happened?”

Filthy Rich shrugged. “I am not quite sure myself. After that whole Discord fiasco in Ponyville, she has never quite been the same. She was always different, but now it seems she takes more pride in that.” he proudly smiled. “That’s my girl.”

The front door creaked open, laughter echoing inside as Screwball and Cotton Cloud trotted in, drenched in water. Filthy Rich's jaw dropped on sight. Mr. and Mrs. Orange laughed shaking their head at their old friends horrified reaction.

“Rich, you really shouldn’t leave your mouth open like that.” Mrs. Orange teased, closing the stallion's mouth with a hoof. “I swear you do love getting flustered.”

“Who knows, they are around each other’s age maybe those two will--” Mr. Orange was cut off by the deathly glare of Filthy Rich. The orange stallion cleared his throat keeping his cool and nodded. “R-right, nevermind then.”

Screwball trotted over with Cotton Cloud beaming a smile at her father who, himself began smiling endearingly.

“Little fountain mishap.” Cotton Cloud smiled, brushing his drenched mane behind his ear. “She’s surprisingly strong!”

“You better go get dry, Dazzler before you get sick.” Filthy Rich said, turning his attention to the aloof Cotton Cloud. “I...will speak with Cotton Cloud.”

Screwball nodded then skipped upstairs, casting one last glance down to Cotton Cloud before disappearing down a corridor.

Mr. and Mrs. Orange nodded to one another then joined the few remaining ponies leaving Filthy Rich and Cotton Cloud alone together. “Son,” Filthy Rich began as he placed a hoof on the stallion's soaking shoulder. “You seem taken with my daughter...We have some talking to do...”