• Published 19th May 2014
  • 2,902 Views, 33 Comments

From Alpha to Omega - Living Madness

Marcus Verinous Formally Primus Prior of the 12th Legion of Rome. Now Night Captain to the Princess of the Moon. He has seen and handled many things. But will he be able to handle a simple request asked of him, to escort Luna on Hearts and Hooves day

  • ...

From Alpha (Re-edited)

Clashing of Swords, and the screams of wounded or dying men filled the cold winter night. Marcus breathes in, then out, in, and then out. A simple method to keep him calm. Focusing his mind to clear out any distracting thoughts. That was what his commanding Primus Prior had taught him in the early years of the invasion of Gaul, long before he himself became a Primus Prior of the 12th Legion.

Marcus scans the field around him.

The steam dancing off of the glistening snow from both the blood and the last gasps of dying men and beasts, this is what Marcus has known for what feels like all his life. It has only been six years since the invasion of the Gaulic nation.

But war has a way of bringing a man up, and very, very slowly wearing him down even the strongest willed fall eventually be it to madness or otherwise . He had seen it before Hero’s, Legends, even men of his own Legion snapped under the weight of constant battle. However Marcus knew the key to this was simply the stability of mind and body. Not pondering about anything but the man to his right and to his left, and the enemy to his front breathe in, breathe out.

He allowed himself to close his eyes very briefly, it would have looked foolish from anyone else’s perspective, and especially as he hears the barbarians scream in their horrific war cry signalling their intent to attack. However Marcus has done this dance a thousand times before, and he knows exactly to the second how long they have before contact.

One, breathe in, two, breathe out.

Marcus hear the stomping of the Gaul horde racing ever forward.

Three breathe in, four breathe out.

He breaks for an instant shoving a whistle almost robotically into his mouth as if a natural reflex, blowing rapidly three times in quick succession. His eyes are still closed but he hears the clattering of shields in almost perfect unison to his left and right signalling that their defense is ready.

Five breathe in, six breathe out.

He can almost feel the rumble of the horde moving ever closer, like a tidal wave of men clashing against what he still hoped was his secure wall of refined Legionaries.

Marcus opens his eyes just in time to see the horde mere feet from him, a barbarian lifts his huge fur covered arm a crude make-shift axe still sharp enough to cause tremendous damage flys towards him.

Lifting his arm instinctively he forces his shield into the blow. Thankfully the speed of the blow, coupled with the surprise the Gaul experiences as Marcus block his move in one swift motion causes the Gaul to crash forward. In the momentum the man loses his balance as his body weight relies on Marcus’s shield. Marcus follow the motion allowing his Scutum to navigate the falling body weight to the floor by his side. The Gaul hits the ground, and before he has any time to react Marcus forces his Gladius into the Gaul’s back. The barbarian grits his teeth in pain allowing a small but harsh scream to escape his mouth before he falls back down, lifeless.

Marcus Looks back just in time to block another blow aimed at his head. He falls back slightly, but his back leg stays firmly in place with the shield allowing him to maintain leverage in the fight. The barbarian swings his sword at Marcus once more blocks again, this goes on for a few moments, each man exchanging their blows and parry’s until the barbarians being to grow impatient with the lack of any progress.

This Marcus knows will be his downfall as the attack attempts to ram into his shield with his shoulder. Marcus once again simply lets the shield fall back letting his momentum do the work, as the enemy falls forward this time further than he intends, Marcus plunges his Gladius into the side of the Gaul’s abdomen he whispers a silent pray to Mars and frowns at the fallen Gaul.

As good as he was at being a soldier, he never had a taste for taking life. It has always been a waste to him, for the most part he could not help but think about the men he had killed, who had once upon a time been smiling children with hopes and dreams now they fall to his Gladius. He hopes his child never surrender to the same fate, but he knows better than that. The blood lust of Rome will never be sated, at least he can still call on his own fondest memories to fend off these dark thoughts.

As the battle rages on the Gaul’s begin to fall back slightly giving the Legion the footing they need, Marcus calls out.

“12th, two passes forward.” He, screams, the legion obeys without question it’s not enough to encourage a full on retreat from the Gaul’s, they are braver than that even as outnumbered as they are, and even without a successful break in Marcus’s Line, they will persist. He almost allows himself to think that they don’t know any better. But that would imply that they are a simple minded creature, which they most certainly are not, and any underestimation of his enemy would be foolish beyond reason. They are smart but he is ready for their cunning, and as he calls for a false charge to proves it.

Marcus screams in his commands to his men to press forward, attempting to intimidate his foes further his loyal legionaries follow his pursuit, howling like madmen into the night. The tactic seems to work as the now battle weary barbarians slowly lose their foot hold on their morale, and one by one begin to fall back.

Marcus feels an unrelenting sense of relief, another battle he is left mostly unscathed. He slowly lowers his Gladius to rest by his side, he begins to gaze across the battlements to his sides.

When suddenly he hears something that takes him completely surprise. “What in the name of Pluto!?” Marcus curses to himself. The ground shakes a huge forces impacts to his side, he only gets a glimpse of his left, his eyelids shot back in shock, his men for the most part are gone, replaced by a fiery inferno of body parts and blackened smoke the heat hits him immediately, followed by the snow and blood of his fallen comrades coupled with an unimaginable force that flings Marcus like a leaf into the air. He lands hard into the muck and all goes black.

He attempts to open his eyes just enough to make sense of his surroundings. His ears are ringing and he is coughing profusely. He stares up into the night sky, he can’t feel much of anything at the moment, his mind tries and fails to make any sense of what has just happened, but it is all simply too much.

In a case like this only two thing come to his head, panic and disorientation, after a moment he forces these feelings down. Years of training and similar scenarios have helped him overcome such trials. He focuses on moving instead, trying to preoccupy his mind, he can’t feel anything on his left side, his body is all but numb and he tries desperately to keep the panic down as best he can.

Breathing in and Breathing out is all he can and will focus now.

Suddenly however the night sky is interrupted by a shadowy figure, it glares at him with Malicious content. Its mouth is forced into a crooked smile yellow and missing teeth make up its grin which only adds to the animalistic natures of the figure. Its beard tangled into wild braided knots which dangles over the Romans Chest plate. As the figure moves closer to Marcus’s Person It whispers something in a partially recognisable accent which Marcus was only vaguely able to make out as he fights to keep himself conscious.

“You fought well…” it whispers….”rest under the Luna…”

Marcus try’s to make out more of what the Gaul is saying, but before he can focus he feels a piercing sensation by his stomach. An excruciating jolt of pain hits him like nothing he has ever felt before in his life. The pain is so intense that his now locked jaw can barely contain the scream that flows though his very soul.

He feels the weapon withdraw from his stomach, as the shadow vanishes from view and Marcus once again spots the night sky. All other sights and noises slowly fade away, he feels alone but it is not as bad as he thought it would be.Gazing up into the sky he feels Diana’s light bless his body. It shines bright upon his blood soaked figure Marcus can only gasp at air as he thinks to himself that this is perhaps his last moment of life. The image he looked upon was at least the most beautiful thing he had seen in his entire life, the full moon dominating the sky like a diamond caressed in black silk, a welcome change of purity in this Hades called Terra.

Marcus eyes tear up, he can’t tell if it’s from the pain or the beauty, he doesn't care, it’s enough to see one last light before his time comes.

Slowly he starts to close his eyes, he can see, and feel the light come, ever closer and ever brighter an ethereal voice the sound of the gods themselves calls to him “be at peace, rest now” the voices whispers in its divine serenity.

Despite everything Marcus smiles, slowly, ever so slightly he smiles.

Breathe in…. Breathe out….Breat--

Marcus’s Eyelids snap open as he cried aloud in joint terror and anger. He draws a dagger from under his pillow in reflex, lifting his back up from his bed as he extends it in both hands in a defective fashion, thrusting it into the darkness. His breath is ragged and his body is drenched in cold sweat. After what seemed like an eternity his eyes slowly begins to adjust to the dark, and his mind began to make sense of his surroundings.

He allowed himself a moment to try to gather control of his breath once more exercising some control he beings to maintain his calm.
“Blasted Hades!” Marcus cries out loud “why do you torment me so!?”

He hears a slight wimpier of fright coming from his side and slowly turned to see a creature not uncommon to him. A Pegasus like being almost from a lore of the greeks, with dark blue fur and onyx eyes. However this Pegasus also had the traits of a bat from its ears and its wings, its pupils were also shaped like that of a cat, everything else was of pony origin. The stallion stood ever so slightly shaking in its armour for a brief second.

“M-my Apologies sir I did not mean to be a torment, or a Hades, whatever that is?”

Marcus shifted his body to face the bat pony, allowing himself to at least frown, as his mind slowly began to take hold of the situation at hand. His breath still ragged from the experience he simply waits for the poor guard to calm down.

“You asked me to wake you when your duties began” It spoke.

Marcus attempted to speak, he opened his mouth but the whole situation from awakening to now had left his thoughts still tripping over mental barriers on anything and everything around him. He stared almost dead eyed into the pony, in what, he now imagined, must not have helped the already startled stallions any further.

"I-I apologise for the rude awakening sir b-but could you please lower the knife it’s intimidating as Tartarus”

Marcus stared blankly, then blinked a few times swearing in his native Latin before lowering his arms.

“My sincere apologies private Night Fall…I-I seem to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed as you say, I meant no harm to you.”

Night Fall at least on his part has the good graces to smile and take the startling situation in stride “No need to apologies sir, it happens more than you think.” he laughs nervously trying to distill the situation “I-I, may I ask Sir are you feeling okay? You look pale, and tired even for, well you.” He asks more earnestly this time, a faint nervousness in his voice “ and your covered in sweat, are you feeling well sir, because I’m sure that Princess Luna would understand if you are not feeling well. I can go tell her if you like.”

Marcus smiled at the private, he was a loyal soldier and a decent brother in arms, even if he did tend to run his mouth a bit more than necessary. “I am quite alright brother Nightfall, it is just hot in here that’s all and the knife is simply for security, I assure you if you have lived like me, you will know keeping a Pugio is like keeping a wife, it’s comforting but also sharp comforting and dangerous, a perfect bed fellow.” Marcus stated allowing himself to laugh softly even if it is a little forced.

Nightfall lets out a little chuckle still eyeing the dagger “Sorry sir, I forgot how weird you can be sometimes…no offence.”

Marcus smile extends more naturally this time “none taken brother Fall, now if you do not mind, I think I would like to take to the bathing area. Oh, and if you wouldn't mind asking the maids to bring some of that essence of caffeine bean up for me that would be most generous.”
“Sure captain one coffee coming right up.” Night Fall raises a forehoof to salute his captain attempting to turn, he stops midway quickly remembering his second purpose for waking the captain. “Sorry forgot to mention captain the Princess asks to see you in her tower before you start your duties, she says it’s important.”

Marcus raises his brow at the private and sits more upright in his bed, “Is she okay, the princess I mean, did she seem ill, or in trouble I will head immed--”

Marcus stops when Night Falls raises his hoof in protest “The princess also said it wasn't urgent and that you should take your time captain.” He sinkers a little, “she said that as touched as she was, she did not want a repeat of last time.”

Marcus furrows his brow for a moment in anger at the private, before an overwhelming feeling of embarrassment hits him. He should be angry at his inferior basically mocking him, bit in all fairness it was his fault. He had heard that the princess was in urgent need of him a few months ago.

However he received this news shortly after exiting the shower, and without thinking Marcus had grabbed his Gladius assuming the worse and rushed through the castle halls, losing the towel at his waist mere moments after exiting his room. When he finally stormed into the princess’s living space, Gladius in hand and nothing else, only to find out that his urgent attendance was in order to deliver outgoing mail Luna had forgotten to tell him to send, well the whole situation could speak for itself.

“I-I well you see” Marcus began to stutter before Nightfall interrupted “Never mind sir, we all know how much the safety of the princes means to you and us all. Heck its half the reason why your captain of the Night Guard right? Nopony’s judging you for that sir, but maybe next time if it’s something urgent or important it can at least wait long enough for some underwear…At least in my opinion.” Nightfall spoke with a mocking smirk trying to contain his laughter as he began to conjure up the image of his captain stark naked and bellowing down the halls.
Marcus’s words failed him. He simply waved his hand in a dismissing manor, he really had no excuse for his actions that time.

He’s right, why did I rush myself like a man chased by Cerberus. Marcus puzzled to himself as he caught the private salute and exit his chamber from the corner of his eye. I didn’t even think, I just acted, that’s not like me at all. Something about the Princess being in any form of danger made me act in such a way. Perhaps it’s just loyalty, yes that was the reason… then why did I feel my chest hurts when I thought she was in danger even when my brothers were in danger I never felt like I did then, I always thought Logically! Hades at least I thought coherently. Perhaps it’s nothing, a good soldier does his duty no matter what the circumstance… or clothing in that case.

Marcus shook his head at such thoughts, promptly exiting his bed and entering his bathroom.

After a little bit longer than he would have liked, still having trouble with the shower knobs even after so long in Equestria. Pony advances seem to be as much the same as Rome’s. Amazing and infuriating. If I can go one day without getting scalding hot or freezing cold at least once in my life then I’ll know that the gods truly had blessed me with misfortune!

Marcus grumbled angrily as he placed his Centurion armour on, custom build to his specifications even down to the straps on his belt and around his chest. He fastening his sandals and placed his sheathed Gladius around his abdomen, leaving the room promptly he sighed happily one last time at the mirror content with his appearance.

Walking at a slightly quickened but soldierly march, despite himself and Nightfall’s assurances that he needn't rush himself. He quickly found himself at the staircase of Luna’s tower. By the doors stood two of Luna’s night guard’s a pair of Batponys who looked almost identical to private Nightfall in every way bar their cutie marks.

Upon noticing the captain’s arrival they quickly straightened their stance and saluted in unison, lifting their spears to allow the captain entrance into the base of the tower.

He would usually pause to make small talk to his charged guards, but felt his apparent important requirement to meet Luna override pleasantries. Marcus simply nodded in acknowledgment and pressed forward up the stairs of the tower.

His previous smile flips quickly to a frown, climbing the untold preposterous number of steps as his legs slowly began to numb. These ponies and their blasted stairs, I swear all the stairs in Rome would not amount to that of Canterlot castle. After reaching the top and allowing his now aching knees a moment of rest, he walked forward nodding to two shadows on either corner of the doors. The shadows moved and shifted revealing two more Batpony guards. They promptly materialise out of the dark, one of them frowning as she realised that the captain had not fallen for their ruse.

Marcus allowed himself to smile once more at the reaction of the female guard, he had come to know as Moon Bud.
“Damn, I was so sure I was going to get you this time captain.” She pronounced in mock misery.

Marcus chuckled. “Maybe a while ago but your ruse can't work forever, even if I don't understand the insane magical abilities you ponies possess there is only so many times someone can get the jump on a man before he begins to wise up to their tricks.” Marcus mussed remembering the first time Moon Bud had appeared out of seemingly nothing.

As if reading Marcus thoughts the other guard known as Knight Shield spoke up. “Yeah it would have been funny the first time, if you hadn’t jumped back so far.”

“Yes but retreating back and falling down stairs are two completely different things Shield” Marcus replied.

Moon Bud rubbed the back of her mane sheepishly “Ahh yeah, apologise for that captain, I didn’t take into account just how far back you’d jump.”

Marcus cracked a smile at Moon Bud as he raised his hand to defuse the situation. “No wrong was done Moon Bud. I mean what is twelve stitches, two fractured ribs and an untold number of bruises between comrades” Marcus listed out, looking down at Moon Bud who had now begun blushing prominently in embarrassment, whilst Knight Shield broke down into laughter over the state his fellow guard was in.

“Um yeah, again really, really sorry about that captain, I swear I didn’t mean anything bad to happen, I promise.” Moon Bud all but stammered out in an uncharacteristically apologetic fashion, cause Shield to double his laughter.

“As you ponies say, let bygones be bygones and leave it at that, now if you will excuse me the Princess has urgent business with me and I don’t want to keep her waiting, lest she begins yelling in her royal Canterlot voice again” Marcus jokingly stated fake shivering in jest.

Moon Bud rolled her eyes. “Yeah I know what you mean, that voice still terrifies me even to this day.”

“Did she happen to say what was so important by chance?” Marcus asked, allowing more worry into his voice than he wanted to convey.

“No idea captain, however she was looking rather flustered when I last saw her, she pretty much asked simply that she wished to speak to you alone and that it was an important matter that was to be dealt with in private.” Knight Shield answered.

“Hmm… Actually I think I know” Moon Bud spoke in a sultry voice blinking her eyelids in a mockingly flirtatious manner.

“What?” Marcus and Shield spoke in perfect unison, the former sounding more confused and still a little unnerved by her demeanour.

“Shield, what day is tomorrow?” she said in an almost rhetorical and still flirtatious fashion.

Um...Friday?” Shield replied cautiously.

Moon Bud face hoofed and slowly lowered her hooves below her eyes “No you moron, I mean yes you're right but what’s so special about this Friday?”

Marcus furrowed his brow in annoyance at where this was going.

Shield for his part raised a hoof to his chin and took on a thoughtful look. After a time he lowered his hoof in a moment of enlightenment. “Oh of course, tomorrows the day the new Daring Doo vs. the pirate apes of the thirteen sea’s special edition comes out right!” Shadow said in almost childlike glee.

Moon bud looked at him in astonishment, unable to grasp the stupidity of what she had just heard. “No you Idiot its Hearts and Hooves day, for the love of Celestia how could you forget one of the biggest holidays around!”

“Wait does that mean the new Daring Doo's not coming out tomorrow?” Shield sunk down in sorrow.

Marcus placed both of his hands to his temples trying to contemplate if this farce was ever going to end. “By the sons of Saturn, will somebody please just tell me what this is all about before I put you two on onion peeling duty for rest of your natural born lives!” Marcus bellowed as the last of his patience all but trickled away.

Both Ponies stood to attention instinctively at their commander’s yell. Moon Bud finally spoke up “Its hearts and hooves day tomorrow captain, it a very important tradition among the ponies of Equestria.”

“Yes I got that part, but why are you telling me this, what is it a celebration of, and why in Jupiter’s name would it be the reason Princess Luna would have me so urgently invited to meet with her for it.”

Moon Bud couldn't help but smile despite herself, she was a hopeless romantic at heart and if she was right this was just too juicy for her to spoil “I think it’s best if the princess told you herself, Captain.”

"Gah! To Hades with this, I swear if this turns out to be a waste of time, I will have your ass Moon Bud, and yours to Knight Shield.”
“Me, what did I do?” Sheild yelled in surprise.

“Just open the door, please!” Marcus growled his patience long ago.

On cue both sides of the door slowly creaked open, revealing the main chamber of Luna’s living area. Marcus pressed on until he was just past the doors of the chamber. As his feet hit the midnight blue marble, Marcus surveyed into the room looking for Luna and subconsciously seeking out any potential threat.

The main sources of light was coming from the moonlight, piercing through the two enormous windows to the far corner of the chamber gently basking the room in a sombre and delicate light. Strategically placed candles flickered their light across the Equally Dark blue walls. Oddly to Marcus it was not intimidating in the slightest, even when he had first seen Luna’s tower, for what should have looked like some sort of pagan god’s temple of doom, actually came across as a quite relaxing solace not unlike some of the great temples of the Roman Gods themselves.

Marcus attention was quickly drawn to the sounds of scribbling to the far corner of the room. There he spotted the Princes of the Night facing away from him, hunched over a desk, littered with scrolls and what appeared to be old maps as far as he could tell. Marcus’s eyes eventually wandered to Luna’s ever shifting ethereal mane flowing freely across her neck and shoulder, the patterns of the night sky, and the light of hundreds of tiny stars glistering beautifully around her. It was all Marcus could do not to stare dumbstruck at it every chance they meet.

Upon hearing the doors close behind him the sounds of quill on paper suddenly ceased.

“Greetings Marcus, tis a pleasure to see you again.” Luna spoke her voice soft and comforting with just a hint of authority.

Marcus snapped out of his stupor and immediately extended his arm to his chest and then stretched it out in full giving the princess a traditional Centurion salute “Salve and Hail princess Luna.” Marcus declared loudly.

Luna for her part allowed a small chuckle to escape her lips as she turned her head to face her Night Captain.

“Marcus as we have stated before, you do not have to salute us in such a way every time we meet, though we appreciate the gesture, a simple hello will suffice.”

Marcus dropped his salute, feeling a wash of embarrassment hit him for a just a moment. “My apologise princess, some habits even to this day are still hard to break.”

Luna smiled more genuinely and turned to face him, gesturing for her captain to move forward with her hoof which he did almost immediately. “Yes believe us Marcus, we know you predicament quite well. Tis often that we slip back into using the Royal Canterlot voice and even more so to use the royal ‘We’ as opposed to the more modern terms my sister uses though we... I do try.” she said allowing a smile to grace her face.

Marcus smiled in return “At least you don’t slip into speaking Latin in normal conversations, I've been told it sounds impressive considering how old a language it is to your kind. But it does make buying Grocery’s that little bit more challenging.” Marcus joked.

Luna chuckled at Marcus. “Yes I suppose you have us there, Tis just lucky that we speak it ourselves else it would have been a very different situation when we first meet.”

Marcus smile dimmed slightly into a frown, as his thoughts drifted back to his times at the infirmary where he had first meet Luna. It had been a hellish experience healing from his wounds, and without Luna, her sister and another Princess by the name of Twilight Sparkle, who against all odds had all known how to speak his native tongue to keep him company, Marcus most likely would have gone mad from the pain and isolation.

Luna felt concern grip her as she noticed Marcus’s face “Marcus is thou feeling alright?”

Marcus shook his head snapping his thoughts away from the past, and back into the conversation. “Apologise Princess Luna, my mind wandered back to… a darker time.”

Luna’s frown grew as she studied Marcus, he was paler than usual, his eyes were also sunken, and the bags under his eyes were a good indication of little to no sleep. Not that Luna needed to figure that out, she had seen glimpsed at the nightmares that plagued Marcus first hoof as she walked the dreamscape.

“Marcus… thou would tell us if thou were having troubles wouldn’t thou?” Luna pleaded softly, shifting ever so slightly forward.

“I… yes of course my Lady, but really it’s simply adjusting to this new sleeping pattern nothing more.” Marcus stated in a tone that reeked of lie. He was never very good at stretching the truth, even white lies at times where a struggle to maintain.

Luna raised an eyebrow at his statement, her face still masked with concern she leaned back and sighed. “Marcus Vorenus thou are as stubborn as a Minotaur sometimes.”

“Pardon my Lady?” Marcus stated in surprise.

Luna shook her head “Never mind tis a problem for another time, promise us that you will take this evening off to rest at least.”
“My Lady I don’t—“

“Please Marcus it is important to us, that is to say important to me that you do this.” Luna beseeched, quickly corrected herself.

Marcus looked down for a moment contemplating, he sighed and nodded his head signalling his agreement. In fairness he was indeed incredibly weary, not that he would let her know that.

“Very well My Lady if that is your request I will… Was this the urgent reason to summon me princess because it truly isn't something I would not consider important, not that it’s my place to say, I mean it’s your choice of course to decide what is urgent and what is not, as your captain I will of course do everything you command without question, not that you would do anything I would question, I mean, well what I mean is… uh Me paenitet princess” Marcus hastily stated looking down apologetically trying not to insult the princesses judgment in any way. Back in the legion that was at least a flogging, not that he thought Luna was capable of such cruelty, but his old training was still something of a second nature to him, and would still take a much longer period of time to override.

Luna giggled despite herself as she watched her captain trip over his words to apologise to her. The beautiful noise of her laughter sending butterfly’s in Marcus’s stomach. Gods I could listen that all day Marcus thought smiling to himself.

“No need to apologise Marcus, we know you didn’t mean anything by it, and by the way you are slipping back into Latin again.” she added musingly.

“Sorry, again old habits die hard it seems” he said as Luna lifted his head with her hoof a gesture that Marcus found more than a little comforting.

Luna suddenly faced away from Marcus. But not before he caught a faint shade of red gracing her cheeks as she turned. A moment of silence hung in the chamber before she faced back towards the captain.

“Marcus if you will pardon are frankness, the reason we have summoned you here tonight is because we…I have something important and personal I need to ask you.” Luna stated her voice conveying a nervousness Marcus had never heard his princess convey before.

Why is she nervous, she is usually so strong willed even about personal matters, something is wrong? Maybe it’s something embarrassing or important to her a secret perhaps… wait! Is someone blackmailing her, one of the nobles most likely, by Mars I will have their heads if it’s true! Marcus angrily pondered to himself.

“We, that is to say I would like it very much… if you would attend an event with me tomorrow that is to say if you would wish it, of course we will not protest or be angry if you decide to refuse us, we mean I, no sorry I mean I oh blast this new way of speaking.” Luna cursed, breathing in slowly trying to stop herself from rambling. “What I mean to say is, I would like you Marcus to be my special somepo.. Someone for hearts and hooves day.” Luna muttered out meeting Marcus’s stare and doing her best to not turn away in embarrassment as her face flushed bright red again.

Marcus stared blankly at her for a moment. Wait she just wants me to guard her tomorrow, is that it? I thought something was wrong. Wait maybe there is!. Maybe she can’t say. Don’t worry my Lady, I Marcus Verinous formally of the 12 Legion and Night captain of the Moon guard will see to it that no harm comes to you, this I swear to Jupiter… Damn I just wish Princess Celestia would let me sacrifice something to his name, these ponies can be way to caring sometimes...well I suppose I can burn something to appease the Gods instead.

Marcus smiled at the Princess of the Night “Of course Princess, I would be delighted to accompany you to this event, I will have one of my men take my duties for tomorrow.” Marcus stated not conveying anything that might give away the knowledge of his true reason for coming.
Luna face exploded into one of unrepressed joy as she galloped over the short distance and eloped Marcus into an almost bone crushing hug, knocking both herself and Marcus to the floor.

“Thank thee Marcus, you have no idea how much this means too us!” she stated pecking Marcus on the cheek with her lips. It was finally Marcus turn to flush bright red at the act, he smiled dispute his completely confused nature.

Did she just kiss my cheek! I've never seen her so overcome with joy… those fiends must have something truly important on her if she is so happy for my help. By Mars I’ll will see them all flogged for this… still at least the hug and kiss were more than pleasant. Even if she is slowly crushing my spine…maybe I’ll just throw them into the dungeons instead, if the Princess’s will allow it.

“Princess…I…can’t…breathe…” Marcus managed to choke out still smiling dispute himself.

Luna lifted her head from Marcus’s shoulders and upon realising quickly lifted her forehoofs from the hug backing away ever so slightly. “We sincerely apologise Marcus” her words rife with concern but still married with bliss. “We did not mean to harm thee we were just so overcome with joy—

“*Cough* No need to, *cough*, *cough* apologise princess it was only an accident nothing *cough* more, I will recover.” Marcus gasped out finally recovering enough air to reply.

By the Gods she is strong, I felt that through my chest plate!

Luna’s face flushed bright red once more, this time again out of embarrassment as she tapped her front hooves together. “Still we apologise to thee Marcus, we hope this doesn't affect your answer for tomorrow still.”

“*Cough* of course not princess it is just a little spinal injury, I will recover.” Marcus joked allowing the smile to return to his face to show Luna it was all in jest.

“Ha, yes we see, well then we suppose it is all well then, we shall see thou tomorrow in the evening around seven pm. I know it is early, but that will be the best time to catch the festivities, if that is fine with you.”

“Of course Princess, whatever you command” Marcus stated returning to his feet along with Luna trying to saluting once more.

Luna giggled again sending another round of butterflies into Marcus stomach “Now Marcus we must protest if you are to be our special someone, it would not be right for you to treat us so formal now would it?”

Marcus removed himself from his salute, confusion grasping him once more “I, um yes princess, of course” Marcus said still not grasping the situation at hand or hoof as they would say. “Well I must be off if I am to plan for tomorrow, Vale my princess”

“Goodbye Marcus we look forward to your ‘plans’ as you put them” Luna stated in a more flirtatious manner.

Why is she acting so strangely, I must get to the bottom of this, before something happens to the princess, I just hope it’s not too late. Marcus brood over as he turned and marched from the chamber.

Author's Note:

(Re-edited 11 march)
First Chapter Thank you for reading.
I wrote this a few nights ago in one of my many moments of random insomnia phases
as just a fun idea i had whilst listening to a very roman esque band called Ex Deo, I liked the idea so much I decided to give it ago and write it all in one go.
So as you can imagine and have most likely noticed its pretty ruff around the edges and I apologize for it . Im trying to test the water as its a bit out of my comfort zone
But if people like im happy to keep writing and editing.