• Published 19th May 2014
  • 2,900 Views, 33 Comments

From Alpha to Omega - Living Madness

Marcus Verinous Formally Primus Prior of the 12th Legion of Rome. Now Night Captain to the Princess of the Moon. He has seen and handled many things. But will he be able to handle a simple request asked of him, to escort Luna on Hearts and Hooves day

  • ...

Doctors Orders

Marcus exited Luna’s chamber, still lost in thought over the conversation that had just taken place. His chain of thoughts broken only by a cough from a familiar voice.

“Sooo… how did it go sir” Moon Bud said curiously as her eyes fluttering in a mockingly seductive manor.

“It was…”

How exactly was it? Marcus thought.

His mind still clouded in contemplation, he was not able to comprehend the conversation that had taken place. On the one hand, he was sure something was amiss his honed legionnaire senses were warning him of that much, the logical reason to him was of course that Luna was in trouble, there was no other reason in his mind that could say otherwise. On the other hand.

She hugged me, she kissed me no less! That is something that does not happen lightly. Something must be a foot, but why would she be so overjoyed at my help, even if something was wrong, Damn I have no mind for these pony politics, I’m a soldier, not a councillor I have no skill for these things.

Marcus’s broke from his thoughts as he took notice of the long over drawn silence that had taken over the tower.
“Sir are you alright? You sort of spaced out on us there.” said Knight Shield.

“I guess it went better than expected” Moon Bud replied to Knight Shield suppressing a giggle as she turned to him.

“The meeting though odd went fine, the Princess simply stated that she wants me to guard her tomorrow.”

“Guard her? Wait didn’t she, I was so sure that…” Moon Bud half yelled, before slowly looking down in thought. Her wings draping slowly with her head in the direction of the ground.

“Did she say anything else sir, just out of curiosity?” Knight Shield spoke up, finally aware of what Moon Bud was on about.

“Nothing that concerns you!” Marcus stated commandingly, almost immediately regretting his venomous tone as he saw his friend wince and frown at the response. A ping of guilt took over Marcus’s chest as he saw Shield sink back defensively.

“Sorry brother, there was no need for me to yell, it has been a trying evening, and the lack of sleep isn't helping much either.” Marcus admitted.

“No worries sir, I shouldn't pry, it was a meeting between you and the princess after all.”

“Its fine Shield we are brothers in arms after all, the Princesses wellbeing should concern us all.” Marcus stated with a weary sigh. “In all honesty I cannot truly say how the meeting went, because I’m not sure I fully understand it myself.”

Moon Buds ears perked up as she raised her head once again towards her Night Captain “Wait, what do you mean sir?”

Marcus folded his arms as he huffed, annoyed at his inability to convey his thoughts correctly.
“All I can say was that the princess was not her usual self, she was nervous and stuttered when she spoke, which is not like her, she asked that I personally escort her to a festivities tomorrow evening, I can’t say any more than that.”

“Did she say what the festival was sir?” Knight Shield asked.

“No she only stated to meet her tomorrow at 7pm in her tower, now I’m sorry but I must retire to my office, I have work that needs to be done.”

Both guards nodded and saluted the captain, after this Moon Bud looked down once more a thoughtful expression gracing her face, she could not place it, but she knew that the captain wasn't telling her everything. But she was not going to pry too deeply, even though she desperately wanted to. She glanced up as Marcus turn and marched down the steps of the tower, the mare sighed, angry that she was denied her romantic gossip.

Marcus reached the exit of the tower, both guards again straitened their posture as the captain walked past, however he was still too deep in thought to notice.

Who would dare antagonise the Princess? Marcus thought turning around the seemingly endless corners and hallways of Canterlot castle. And to what end would she need myself personally to guard her, I know she is more than capable of protecting herself without any of the guards, I've seen first-hand what she is capable of if my probable bruised spine is any evidence, a guard is more of a formality for her.

Marcus continued walking down the hallway, it was quite, even for the early evening, the mood was still and the only sounds came from the cool spring breeze, echoing through the castle hallways like breath from some great beast. after a while Marcus reached his office, his weary hand clutched around the handle.just before he pulled the handle down, he heard something odd, a rustling from the other side. He stopped himself, quickly focusing on the noise from the other side of the door. The rustling continued unabated as Marcus reached down to his Gladius, which he began to slowly and quietly withdrawing from its sheath. Gladius now in hand, Marcus braced himself for whatever he was about to face. Slowly he brought the handle down.

He began to count to himself.

One… two…

Upon reaching three Marcus threw open the doors gladius by his side, bellowing in his native Latin.

“For Jupiter!”

Marcus entered the blackened room searching for his intruder, he spotted the shadowy figure on the other side of his office, it jumped up in terror, its wings extended as Marcus charged. However after only a few paces, Marcus view was blurred by an astonishingly purple blast, the magical aura all but lifted him into the air before throwing him and his sword down into the cold hard ground beneath him, knocking the wind from his lungs.

Almost immediately Marcus heard a gasp, and the sound of galloping hooves against marble as his vision was engulfing in a purple haze.

“Ow Celestia, I'm so sorry Marcus, I was just seeing if you were in your office and then I heard someone yelling, and when I turned around I sort of accidentally panicked and lost control and mumum--- "

The Purple pony was silenced as Marcus reached up and shut her Muzzle with his hand “Obsecro, purple haze.” Marcus slurred as his vision began to blur, and spin still as he attempted to focus on the Lavender Alicorn his hand slipped from her muzzle as he spoke.

“Are you alright?” Twilight spoke her voice thick with concern.

“I wish the walls would spin more often, this is more fun than Liars dice at the Aventine.” Was Marcus’s reply.

“Marcus what are you talking about the walls aren't spinning?” Twilight replied.

No…no their melting isn't it wonderful.” He smiled goofily at Twilight.

“Ow no, I think you have a concussion Marcus.”

That’s sounds like a wonderful idea Primus, but I fear that Neptune has cursed me, I can’t eat concussions, or oysters.” Marcus dimly stated swirling and fighting to stay conscious.

“Wait here I’ll go get the princess.” Twilight explained hastily leaving the room in a flash of light, as Marcus slowly closed his eyes.

“Marcus… Marcus please you need to stay awake” Marcus could hear an ethereal and serine voice call to him.

Marcus murmured softly as a hoof gently shook his shoulder, he cracked his eyes which were still dazed from his fall, but much less severe than before, as the light from an unfamiliar source gleamed into his eyes. Marcus lifted his hand in order to shield them, but found that he could not move either of them, in fact he could not move at all. He began to struggle as panic and fear took over his mind fearing the worst.

Before Marcus could struggle any further, he felt his body land gently on a soft velvety surface he recognize as his couch, his struggling ceased somewhat as the light vanished around him and he felt his muscles return to his control.

“Gentle Marcus, please do not strain yourself.” the gentle voice called to him.

Marcus gazed up at the large white Alicorn as it peered down at him, the ethereal mane same as her sisters shone and flowed brightly across the side of her body.

Marcus beside himself, began to sit up in order to salute his commanding officer, but was immediately brought back down by a firm but gentle hoof.

“Now Marcus please I think we can dispense with the formalities for now, you sustained a nasty head injury and moving around will only make things worse.” Princess Celestia gently spoke.

Marcus merely nodded at the princess, his head still spinning, but he found being on the couch, as opposed to the cold heard floor was helping somewhat.

“What, where” was all Marcus could muster.

“You are in your office Marcus, Twilight came to me after she had accidentally hit you with a magical blast, the doctor is on his way as we speak. However it is unclear if you do, or, do not have a concussion so we need to keep you awake, at least until she arrives ok?” Celestia explained.

Marcus began to calm himself, practicing his Legionary training of breathing in then out. His thoughts where stifled somewhat as he heard a gentle whimper to the side of the princess.

Marcus peered down to the smaller Alicorn by Celestia’s side her eyes cloudy with tears “I am so sorry Marcus I never meant to hit you, I'm just still getting used to my new found powers, and the whole situation startled me and—“

“Princess Twilight, all is forgiven I should not have rushed in as I did, in hindsight that was not very smart of me... or tactical for that matter, ha I could just hear my old Centurion now”

“Legionary Marcus the gods blessed us with common sense, so that we don't have to bless the ground.” Marcus announced in his native Latin tongue, doing his best, mock Centurion voice the situation would allow.

Despite herself, Twilight chuckled, some of the guilt washing away. Marcus’s apparent indifference to the whole situation was lightening the mood somewhat.

Celestia smiled warmly at the two “Does it hurt Marcus?”

Marcus shook his head, which was in hindsight a bad move, he grimaced from the action causing himself to laugh at the irony of it all, and in turn generated a chuckle from both princesses.

“Pardon my Lady, but the amount of harm this old run down temple has endured over the years, this is a walk in the royal gardens.”
Celestia sighed and shock her head lightly, a smile still gracing her muzzle “As stubborn as a Minotaur.”

“Funny Lady Luna said the same thing just this evening.” Marcus stated still reminiscing at the events of this evening.

“Ah you have spoken to my Luna how is she? I haven't had the time to catch up with her.”

"She’s fairs well Princess, however…”

Should I tell the princess, it would be better if fewer people know just In case I’m right, then again she is Luna’s sister, I highly doubt it’s her behind this strangeness. Maybe back in Rome, but it’s obvious that they love one another. But Princess Twilight is also here, she can be trusted as well…cant she, come to think of it what was she doing in my office?

Marcus silenced the train of thought immediately, he knew that Twilight was completely loyal and loving to her fellow Princesses, she wouldn't do anything to hurt Luna But it still doesn't explain her presence in my office.

“Marcus?” Twilight called out in a tone both confused, and concerned.

“Sorry, lost in thought for a second, what where we talking about?”

“You were talking about my sisters well being, and then you just stopped, I thought for a moment that the injury had affected you.” Celestia added.

“No I’m fine, really I’m just tired I guess, Jupiter curse me it has been a weird night.”

“What were you going to say before? About Princess Luna, you said she was fine but then stopped.” Twilight said edging closer to Marcus.

“Sorry, I well, something about how Princess Luna was acting when we meet, something about what she said has left me somewhat puzzled.”

"Really, what did she say?” Princess Celestia replied a look of mild concern gracing her otherwise unreadable face. Before Marcus could speak a sudden knocking sound rang against his office door.

“That must be the doctor, I’ll get it” Twilight hurriedly stated springing to her hooves.

The door clicked open and a large grey unicorn stallion with a jet black mane followed through the entrance. A white coat around his top half, and a pair of snakes entangled around a rod shone just above his back leg on his flank, symbolising the stallion’s profession. To Marcus’s surprise he recognised the cutie mark as the Rod of Asclepius from one of his childhood stories his Greek blooded mother would often tell him. The stallion’s large spectacles shone against the light of the room as he trotted slowly towards Marcus.

"Princess Celestia, this must be captain Marcus then?” the Doctor greeted, whilst simultaneously bowing his head.

“Hello Doctor Heartbeat, sorry to call on you so late in the evening, yes this is the patient Captain Marcus. “ Celestia replied.

“It was no trouble Princess happy to help, now what seems to be the trouble.”

After a moment of explanation, interrupted with apologise and reassurances, and forgiveness from both Twilight, and Marcus the doctor began to open his medical bag with his magic, whilst simultaneously examining Marcus’s head. The brashness of the doctor somewhat intimidating the captain, he was used to doctors, or at least medics in his previous profession, however he was never truly comfortable around them, the doctors back in his homeland where nothing better than butchers or mystical quacks, likely to prescribe Leeches, bloodletting or amputation for just about every and any case.

“Relax Mr Marcus I’m not going to bite.” The doctor stated, seemingly aware of his patience increasingly tense posture.

“Me paenitet doctor, you're types always make me nervous.”

“Marcus! I can't believe you would say something like that! Just because he’s a unicorn doesn’t make him a bad pony.” Twilight bellowed.

“I think he was referring to Mr Heartbeat being a doctor, Twilight.” Celestia stated in her ever patient manor.

Ow, right, hehe, sorry.” Twilight replied sheepishly, whilst simultaneously backing away from the conversation, in an attempt to divorce herself from the awkwardness she just created.

Heartbeat for his part chuckled to himself, whilst he levitated some cotton bandages and began wrapping them around Marcus’s head “Not to worry my boy, I understand, nopony wants to see a doctor, especially you military types” Heartbeat commented, snipping the last trail of the bandage and sealing it magically with his horn.

“Will he be alright doctor” Celestia inquired in a concerned tone.

“Hm? Ow yes he’s fine, just a nasty bump on the noggin nothing more” the doctor mussed. Causing Marcus to smirk and express an ‘I told you so’ look back towards the Princesses.

“Although I am concerned how pale Mr Marcus looks.” Heartbeat added, boomeranging Marcus’s smirk into a frown once again.

Why does everyone keep saying that?

“I would prescribe rest for the captain, he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.”

“I am right here you know doctor.” Marcus grumbled.

“Sorry my boy, but you do need rest, especially after an injury like that, walking around now will only make it worse.”

“Thank you doctor, I’ll will make sure that Marcus gets the rest he requires.” Princess Celestia interrupted cutting out any sort of disagreement on Marcus’s end.

With that the doctor promptly nodded, said his goodbyes, and left the room lifting his bag in tow with his Magic.
“I should leave as well, I still have one or two things that need attending before I retire, Marcus please make sure that you rest. I’ll have one of my guards inform my sister that you’ll be off duty for the night.”

She turned to the now upright Captain who was glaring intently down at the floor, lost in thought. After a moment he replied.

“No need Princess, Lady Luna already ordered that I take the evening off as well.” He answered somewhat robotically.

The reply caused a raise eyebrow from Celestia, however she would not pry too deeply into the matter, all this excitement had cut into her work, and she still had much to complete, she would ask later.
“Very well rest easy Marcus, I’ll come by later to check on you.”

“Thank you, Vale princess.”

Both Princesses began to turn towards the door once more before Marcus lifted his head to speak.

“Sorry to ask but may I have a minute with you Lady Sparkle.”

“Of course Marcus.” Twilight said almost too quickly, she turned her gaze over to Celestia “I’ll see you tomorrow princess” she stated with a smile, which Celestia returned.

“Goodnight Twilight sleep well.” And with that the Sun princess exited the office, the door slowly closing behind her, leaving the two in mutual silence.

“Lady Twilight I have to ask you something.”

“Sure Marcus what is it?” Twilight stated, unsure of the somewhat serious tone Marcus had suddenly adopted.

“What were you doing in my office, I know that as a Princess you have every right to do as you wish, but I see no reason why you would be in my room, with the Light off no less” Marcus said his voice serious and solemn.

Twilight paused unable to reply coherently, as her mind began racing for the best excuse she could muster. “Well you see-“

“Does this have something to do with that blasted Hearts and Hooves day celebration that is going on tomorrow?” Marcus cut in, sitting more upright on the couch.

“Wait what… no, why in hay would it be about Hearts and Hooves day?” Twilight asked in genuine puzzlement.

“First Princess Luna begins acting strangely, asking me to guard her on that day, then all of a sudden I find you, Lady sparkle for lack of a better word sneaking into my room at a time I would call inappropriately late for a diurnal creature such as yourself. I have a feeling something is a foot, and I think it all has something to do with what is going on tomorrow.”

“Wait Luna asked you to guard her, why would she do that?” Twilight stated her ever academic mind highlighting the useful and unusual information to her and ignoring the rest.

“I have no idea Lady Sparkle, all I know is that she asked me to guard her, or as she put it be her special somepony or something like that, but that is not the part that troubles me the most, the princess actually thanked me for my services when I accepted like it was going to reject such a command. In all of Minerva’s great wisdom I simply cannot fathom why she would be so happy to be guarded, unless there was something of great importance, or she was in trouble. But then why would she need my help specifically, wouldn't it make more sense to go to you Lady Twilight or Hades even her Sister?”

Marcus turned his gaze to see Twilights face, in the exact opposite of what someone who had just been told that their fellow ruler, and friend was possibly in trouble. Twilight was gleaming up at Marcus her face executing a smile so large Marcus would have thought it impossible for anyone to convey had he not just witnessed it right then.

“The-princess-asked-you-to-be-her-special-somepony!” Twilight all but gushed out in a fit of joy.

Marcus lifted his hand to stroke his stubble chin in contemplation, he simply could not comprehend the strange reaction Twilight was giving him.

Maybe these ponies just take probable blackmail and treason differently from us Romans?

“Yes those were her words she used in a sense, I don't know why she used that instead of guard, or why she chose me personally over her usual retinue that I picked for her. And by Jupiter I still don’t know what all this has to do with this blasted Holiday!" Marcus bellowed leaning back into his seat exhausted by situation and cupping his face with both hands.

Twilights smile lessened. “Wait Marcus, you do know what heart and Hooves day is, Right?”

“All I know is that it’s some important event to your kind, I would have guessed it was some kind of day of celebrations to your gods, like in Rome but I’m guessing not.”

Twilight pulled a hoof to her face pinching the bridge between her nose and forehead as she tried to figure out the best explanation for the situation.

“Ow dear this is going to be a tough one, I’d sit down if I were you.”

She looked up to see Marcus already seated on the couch looking down at her trying to figure out if she was joking or not.
“Right haha sorry, ok sooo where do I begin…”

The conversation took longer than expected as Twilight began adding in extra, some would say needless history into the explanation. She couldn't help it though she rarely got a chance to lecture somepony on Equestria history, and even less so about the stories, and untold joint history’s that lead to their conception, and modern celebration of the Holiday. However after a while she broke into the final and important part of the explanation after noticing his growing impatience at her meandering.

The sounds of the night sky could be heard gently breezing against the hallways of Canterlot castle as they spoke, silent and tranquil except for the occasional guard all was at peace in the night, until it was broken by a tremendous cry of Shook and confusion of a now enlightened man, by the name of Marcus Verinous.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, Remember to Like and all that if you thought it was decent enough.
Shorter chapter than intended, but i thought it was a good place to end it for the time being.