• Published 19th May 2014
  • 2,900 Views, 33 Comments

From Alpha to Omega - Living Madness

Marcus Verinous Formally Primus Prior of the 12th Legion of Rome. Now Night Captain to the Princess of the Moon. He has seen and handled many things. But will he be able to handle a simple request asked of him, to escort Luna on Hearts and Hooves day

  • ...

Stranger Things Have happened.

Marcus threw himself upright from his bed once again cold sweats and pugio thrust into the air, this time it was slightly easier to remove himself from his nightmare as he practiced his breathing and lowering his arm back to his sides once more.

His head still ached, but less so than the night before as he began to caress the side of his temple with his other hand before letting out a small howl as he was reminded that that too was still injured. He instead opted to wipe the sleep from his eyes and take stock of his surroundings. He was in his Chambers once more, the familiarity of it all calmed his nerves somewhat until however he felt that something was off though he couldn't place it.

His attention was caught by the glare from the late afternoon sun that shone into his sunken eyes, its warm orange glow less abrasive than he remembered, in a funny way, it was an odd feeling to Marcus now. The gentle glow of the moon had greeted his ‘Mornings’ over the years seeing the sun had become something of a rarity. He did have to regularly take a day or two, every two to three weeks to sit in the sun in order to prevent his bones from weakening as the doctors had stated in Laymen’s terms to Marcus. He shielded the glare from the sun with his hand, judging by its Location in the sky it appeared to be early evening perhaps four maybe five pm.

He scanned his room once more as his dazed vision began to adjust this time noticing a small purple box with a white bow rapped neatly around it. Marcus threw off his covers and made his way slowly towards the box near the end of his room, not wasting time he lifted the top of the box and peered into its contents. Inside was a note and a neatly folded layer of fabric. Marcus raised an eyebrow at the gift before the pieces of the puzzle connected by the gods it can’t be can it? Wasting no time Marcus placed the note to one side and lifted the fabric letting it unfold to its fullest as he admired it. It is, but how, I didn’t order this?

Marcus wasted no time in disrobing and wrapping the toga around his body amazingly it was a perfect fit the fabric was a smooth wool softer than Marcus was used to he took stock of the patterns simple but effective going parallel from both feet all the way up to his shoulders and around was a dyed midnight blue line of linen stitched perfectly into the toga. The addition of Luna’s cutie mark a symbol of the royal guard of the night was also tactfully sown onto the left side of the Toga near Marcus’s shin, a small addition he warmed to immensely.

It’s almost as if it was taken straight from some nobleman from the senate if that was even possible, Gods Blue dye? How do they even get blue dye! It must have cost a fortune, wait no dyes isn’t that expensive in Equestria as it is back home. Still it’s fantastic, fits perfectly too I wonder who it’s from?

Marcus’s gaze turned from his unexpected gift to the note he left on the side reaching over he picked up the folded paper and began to read.

To Marcus

Had a friend from Ponyville visit me early this morning, and I kind of sort of told her everything about last night sorry about that she’s a bit of gossip pony and she wore me down with constant questions. Anyway after I told her about you’re date with the princesses she insisted that in her words ‘she simply could not allow you to go out in that scruffy old armour, and that a princess deserves a touch of class and sophistication’. Don’t worry I managed to talk her down from a full on suit and neck tie (I know how much you hate those).

Why would anyone chose to willingly wear a noose around their neck, it’s just foolish. Marcus argued to himself before continuing.

After I told her where you came from and the similarities between your culture and our ancient one. Rarity decided to make you this toga instead, I figured you would like it more, and I suppose you can count it as my way of apologising for knocking you out last night again really sorry about that. Anyway I hope everything goes well between you and Princess Luna, I’d give you some advice but I’m going through some similar trouble myself at the moment.

Anyway I hope everything turns out great I’m sure you’ll do fine.

You’re Friend.
Twilight Sparkle.

Marcus couldn't help but smile as he looked down once again at his new Toga, he had never owned one before at least nothing of this quality. It was mostly for the Aristocracy and wealthy nobles and he had never had need for them anyway, hopefully Luna would find them as amazing as he did.

Then all of a sudden a realization of what had been plaguing his mind since the mourning finally sprang into the fore frond of his mind at the thought of the mare. The shock hit him and rattled his very core. Jupiter’s Stone today's the day isn't it! He ran to the sun dial that had been positioned by his balcony next to the windows 4:50pm. OH CACK, OH CACK, no time must get ready! Marcus threw the toga off whist storming towards his shower just in time for his chamber door to open. For the second time in his life Night Fall had witnessed his captain in all his splendor.

“Sir I… oh Luna I’m sorry I was only seeing if you were awake, I didn’t, please tell me you’re not going to have a repeat of last time sir.”

Marcus didn’t even take note of the Private or his own for that matter as he ran into the shower to rush though his evening routine.

Have to get ready I’m entertaining royalty tonight, well ok its just Luna I don’t need to be afraid, but what if I do something wrong, how will I even know when I mess up should I offer her a gift, yes of course a gift would be perfect, what do women find acceptable, Make up, no Luna doesn’t normally wear makeup besides where am I going to find beetles at this hour? Think Marcus Think. Flowers! Yes perfect something that’s her colour she’d like that right?

“Night Fall” the yell came from the bathroom stopping Nightfall dead in his tracks as he entertained the notion of simply leaving the captain to his business.

“Yes sir” the Guard responded in a swift and drilled tone.

“I need you to fetch me some blue flowers as many as you can carry I need them here as soon as possible understand.”

“Yes sir, any particular flavor?”

Flavor, what is he on about?

“I care not, just gets good ones as beautiful as you can there’s Bits on my desk take what you need.”

Night Fall trotted slowly towards the captain’s desk reaching over and cupping the bag of bits under his wing. He turned in time to the sounds of the shower knobs turning and the hissing of running water followed by a sudden howling from behind the door “OUCH, Mars fury that’s hot!”

After what seemed like an eternity the door to the captains chambers slowly creaked open Marcus stopped his pacing in time to see Nightfall with a bouquet of flowers clutched under his wing his other wing was wiping some droll off the side of his muzzle which earned a confused look from Marcus.

Noticing the captains look Nightfall began to explain. “Sorry captain I skipped Breakfast this evening, it’s not easy carrying flowers on an empty stomach.” he laughed.

“What, Why does one affect the other? You know what never mind it’s not important.” Marcus stated walking over to pluck the light blue flowers from the private’s wing. “My thanks Brother hopefully she will appreciate the…” Marcus paused would the princess even consider these worthy of her station.

Maybe I should have gone with some gold or jewels, this is two simple. What was I thinking giving these weeds to a princess as if she was some common back ally whore, I should just—

“Don’t worry sir I think the princess will love them.” Night Fall added reading the inner argument present on the captain’s face.
“Do you think so, I mean ‘Ahem’ yes well they do have a certain beauty to them don’t they? Flora herself couldn't do better aha.” Marcus corrected himself straightening his posture, he liked to keep a more lenient stance with his Brothers and Sisters it was good with Morale and it formed a comradely that strengthened the men. However ever prideful Marcus still didn’t want his men him in this few moments of insecurity.

The ruse didn’t seem to be fooling anyone however as Nightfall gave him a more inquisitive look. A touch of concern gracing his face, Marcus was looking far more groomed than usual his usually unkempt helmet hair had been brushed to one side looking slightly comical considering his usual appearance the captain was sweating rather heavily as well. It was even noticeable through the toga if one was to look hard enough and his toes where flexing though his Legionary sandals like they were an animal trapped in a leather cage. It all the while the captains stood with a face that was trying and failing miserably to hide all his nerves.

“Sir do you need any help at all, I may not have gone around the orchard as many times as some of the other guards, but I know a thing or two about dating and I’m guessing you’re not going out dressed like that for a stroll in the park.”

Marcus’s resolve broke at the request he would usually deny the soldier outright, but this might be his only chance not to destroy what was already shaping up to be a unstable night. “Close the door please Night Fall.”

Night Fall flicked the door closed with his tail and trotted forward to a table next to the captain who beckoned for him to take a seat. The captain grabbed a clay bottle from the table one of his few keep sakes from a time long past. Uncorking the bottle he poured two goblets by his side filling them with the crimson sweet smelling wine, offering one of the goblets to the private who gladly accepted. Marcus drank deep from the cup before addressing the private.

“Fall I’m going to be frank with you and if you tell any of the guard this I’ll personally put you on maid duty for a month, complete with the frilly outfit and feather duster.” he stated adding a hint of a smile to show the private that he was only partially serious.

Nightfall laughed “Tartarus Captain you pretty much have me doing this anyway, except for the dress that is. Speaking of which if where talking off the record what’s with the get up you have on, if I’m being frank did all humans where dresses back in your land?”

Marcus furrowed his brow his eye twitched in annoyance. “It’s not a dress! It’s a toga a prestigious garment worn by true citizens of Rome it’s an honor to wear this outfit not that you pony’s would get that running around naked all the damned time.” He finished with a smile.

Nightfall laughed again the act infectiously drawing a chuckle for Marcus as well who took another long swig of his goblet. “Ok you got me there, but it’s not that weird at least to us anyway.” He paused from a moment before continuing “Anyway about the help?”
Marcus smile dropped noticeably “Fall I’m going to tell you something but you must believe me when I tell you its completely true. The princess has asked me on a, I think you would call it a date?”

Fall simply nodded and waited for the captain to continue which left the captain slightly stunned “Wait this doesn’t take you aback at all?”

“No I've known since yesterday the whole castle probably knows by now.”

“What? How!”

“Well, and I mean this will all due respect sir but you weren't exactly subtle last night captain plus they had to give us some reason why we were told to clear a huge bonfire by the gardens.”

Marcus opened his mouth then closed it a few times before giving up any chance to excuse his actions, he brought a hand to his forehead and wiped a small bead of sweat from his brow before continuing.

“Fall, I have no idea what I’m going to do, Hades I don’t know what I’m even going to say to her, she’s a princess, a goddess in her own right and I’m just —“

“The only non-pony ever to be appointed to night commander of the royal Luna guard in all of equestrian history.” Nightfall finished.

“Well when you put that way.” Marcus attempted to argue.

“Sir can I be brutally honest with you?” Night Falls tone shifting to a serious one that the captain was taken aback by slightly.
“You may Fall I wouldn't be much use if you didn’t.”

“I think your problem is that you always expect the worst, you act before you think and you don’t sit back and smell the roses ah no pun intended” his attention turned to the flowers next to the captain. “I know it can be hard to think but the Princess is still a mare, I’m all fairness one of the most powerful influential mares in the country” he stated lifting a hoof up for effect. “But, still just a mare at the end of the day, you need to treat her like one if you keep thinking of her as the princess you’ll never get over your fears.”

“Fall she is the princess.” He Marcus replied with a deadpan expression on his face causing Fall to roll his eyes as the wine giving him a hint of confidence he normally never had in front of the captain.

“Not tonight she isn’t.” he pointing a hoof at the captain. “Tonight she’s your date, an attractive, interesting mare who for Celestia knows why chose you for her hearts and hooves day special somepony.” The little roast caused a light chuckle from Marcus though he genuinely could not understand she chose him herself, still the whole idea of it now did seem a little less daunting.

”She probably just as nervous as you are if I was a betting stallion, which I am” Night Fall added.

“So you’re saying that I should treat her like I treat Moonbud?”

“Um, Sort of but more passionate I guess and obviously less like a fellow guard, I don’t know just be yourself, be honest she likes you for who you are I’m guessing, and not what position you’re in, obviously, act like yourself it’ll all come naturally… hopefully.”

“You’re right brother.” Marcus announced loudly shooting up from his chair. “I’m an ex legionary for Mar’s sake and I’m going to start acting like it. I've faced off armies of countless screaming savage barbarians and survived, taking Lady Luna out for one night should be a walk in the royal gardens.”

“That’s the spirit Captain now if you’ll excuse me I have to go finish my work I've got a hot date tonight and he hates it when I’m late.” Nightfall stated standing up on all fours and depositing he rest of the wine down his throat.

Marcus raised his eyebrow at the edition of a ‘he’ in the sentence but though against pressing for questions. He was not one to judge, some of the stuff he was privy to in the camps back in Gaul. Let’s just say he needed no demonstration on how two men could couple.

“Just remember to have fun and don’t think this over too much” making his way towards the door.

“I will, and Fall.”

The private stopped and turned his head over to the captain.

“Thanks” Marcus added with a solemn but sincere voice.

Fall simply nodded before leaving his commander to his thoughts.
“Oh and one more thing please for the love of the moon will you please mess that hair up for everypony’s sake it looks like someone dumped grease all over your head.”

After an hour or so of pacing Marcus finally decided that if he was going to meet his fate he was not going to test it any further by being late. So with partial resignation and hopeful glee mixed in somewhere, he exited his quarters with a small saddle bag draped over his shoulders the carefully placed flowers protruding their buds just out of the top and a concealed pugio attached just above his ankle mostly out of superstition one can never be to careful in his profession.

The walk towards the tower entrance was over quicker than Marcus would have liked. To any pony’s eyes the commander walked with the same stern and purposeful march he was known for, but to Marcus it felt more like he was walking to his own demise.
This is foolish thinking, I need to get a hold of my senses. This is supposed to be a joyous occasion just like Fall said, I’m taking one my closest companions out on a Marcus gulped Date.

Marcus hadn't even considered the notion of taking something that wasn't even the same species as him out on a romantic evening. It should have seemed wrong but Marcus couldn't really find a reason against it besides the species aspect and even then he assured himself otherwise.

Stranger things have happened. Marcus had only to look back on tales of heroes of Greece and Rome or even the tales of the gods themselves to know that on more than one occasion that step between man and other had been crossed many times.
However almost all of the tales end with the result of their loins being a horrid abomination of man and beast or other. Still I don’t even know if it is possible for Luna to bear a child let alone—

Marcus cut the trail of thought from his mind immediately.

One step at a time. I haven’t even seen her since yesterday evening let’s at least get though tonight before pondering anything like that.

Marcus nodded to the two guards once again cutting any form of communication besides a simple greeting for obvious reasons.
Trudging up the stairs Marcus briefly pondered the idea of getting an elevated pulley system for the tower, it was all well and good for pony’s to have this many stairs when all of the ones he knew where capable of flight, but to him it was just unfair.

After the ascension of the stairs Marcus was greeted by two familiar faces this time they had opted to stay in their pony forms which Marcus was always grateful for.

Upon spotting their captain both guards saluted their commander who weekly saluted back.

“Moonbud, Knight Shield I think an apology is in order things may have gone out of hand” he stated rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yeah you went full blown crazy on us back there captain.” Moon answered.

“But hey Tartarus you don’t need to apologies were friends here and you’re also the captain it’s not like we could have said no anyway, although next time less talk about sacrificing my stomach still isn’t feeling right.”

Marcus gave them both a cringing look the events of last night coming back into view.

“Regardless, my apologies to you both, I’d say it will never happen again but I’m not a man to test fate.”

“Its fine captain.” Shield added turning the Moonbud.

Moonbud threw the captain an inquisitive glance surveying the man and his strange get up before her eyes widened slightly as she noticed a few flower buds sticking out the side of the captains bag she squealed inwardly as her romantic side pictured the night that was about to take place.

She was drawn back to reality when the sound of her fellow guard giving her a quick cough to gain her attention she tuned from Shield to a perplexed Marcus.

“What, right sorry no biggy captain some of the stuff my mother does is almost as weird she’s big on traditions back home.”

Moonbud finished biting the bottom of her lips with her fangs in embarrassment as she drifted her thoughts of her nosy parent.

“Speaking of weird why are you wearing a dress is it some kind of fashion statement?” Shield mentioned with naive curiosity.

“By the gods it’s a toga, T.O.G.A, it doesn’t even look like a dress you stulte!” Marcus exclaimed grumpily already realising this was most likely going to be recurring theme.

“I think it looks fine sir.” Moonbud stated in a sarcastic manor that sounded that Marcus didn’t pick up all the while holding a hoof over her with a barely contained grin. As she noticed the captains approving smile at what he thought was a genuine complement she stick out her tongue in a fake mocking fashion at Shield who simply rolled his eyes.

“Thank you Moon, it’s nice to see someone here with some sense of the proper way.”

Sir your too kind” she joked swiping waving her hoof nonchalantly in a way that conveyed for the captain to continue his flattery.
“Really moon, really?” Knight stated through half laden eyes.

Moonbud chuckled lightly before turning back to the captain “So captain what have you got planned, something romantic right? I know the perfect date I’d always planned, first a fancy restaurant something Like Buckston Bar oh, oh or maybe even Le po–de-ny. They have this place where you can sit out and have dinner under the moonlight with the candle lit table and everything it’s so amazing, oh then I’d go to the celebrations in town theirs a big fair every year that has so much on its dizzying and lastly I’d wrap it up watch the fireworks they set up to finish the night theirs a spot in the royal gardens by the pond that catches the light of the sky and the fireworks perfectly.” Moonbud finished off with a content sigh completely losing herself in her romantic crusade.

“I- ow by Jupiter! I didn’t even think about what to do, I was too busy thinking about what was going to happen, I didn’t even plan how it was going to play out.” Marcus almost yelled in dismay smacking his head lightly with the closed fist. He looked at Moonbud.

Sorry Moon forgive me, but I’m a desperate man.

“Shield open the door please.”

Shield opened his half of the door behind him with a confused look matched by Moonbud.

Marcus braced himself for the quick sprint if he was quick he could make it.


Yes sir?”

I’m stealing you plan.”


Marcus flew towards the door crossing the threshold just before the mare could land on her target, he quickly closed the door and barricaded it with his own body as she tried to recover from a failed leap.

He could hear all manner of banging noises and some words that Marcus assumed were Pony equivalent of words that should not be repeated in pleasant company.

He looked to his side as the sounds slowly calmed to a reasonable rumble, He was not pleased with what he just did, but he would find some way to make it up to her somehow, for now he had bigger fish to fry.

This time however as he surveyed the room he couldn’t help be notice something was missing.

Did Lady Luna always have this many candles?

He walked forward slightly stiffening the growing fear in his chest, Marcus decided to address his presence lest he seem like he was skulking around like some common thief.

“Lady Luna I-I have arrived.” he nervously yelled out a bit louder than he intended.

The voice that was the princess gave a somewhat surprised response “Ah Marcus one moment, if thou pleases.”

“Of course my lady.” he replied sitting down on the couch nearest to him, he sat for a while looking at the floor and twiddling his thumbs trying anyway to distract himself form the growing anxiety of the task before him. His mind once again searching through any of his past experiences, anything on this many campaigns or his previously very short engaged life that could be used to give him an edge. He sighed except for the very rare moment where his highness would need battle plans for how to fortify this date from invades he was out of luck. Then finally heard the twin doors open parallel to him, the sight taking the wind out of his lungs.

Standing before him was the princess of the night in a way that he had never seen her before. He couldn’t describe it. It if she was the same but also entirely different her mane still flowed majestically but it was brighter than before and Marcus could swear he could see more stars dot the ethereal hair. Everything about her seemed to stick out and shine more than ever before.
Had she always been this breath taking?

Her features where touched with just the slightest bit of blush and eyeliner something that Marcus had seen on a few noble women in his time, but unlike them this was subtle and let her natural beauty mix work with the cosmetics. It was also not made out of beetles something of an icing on the cake as Knight Shield would say.

Everything coupled with the mildly shy look that graced her face stopped any coherent thought in his mind as Marcus elicited a loud audible gulp from the sight standing as he continued to stare all but slack jawed at the mare in question for longer than was perhaps socially acceptable.

Luna composed herself first eliciting a sincere chuckle, “My Marcus, we did not think you would be this smitten with us this much.”

Marcus blushed before finally braking from his stopper and slapping his face quickly to keep his wits about him. “Ah yes your Majesty forgive me it’s not every day I see something that leaves me breathless.”

This time it was Luna’s turn to blush she stammered out a thank you before walking up and nuzzling the Captain quickly, it was a small reward but something that gave Marcus some hope, by Venus maybe I’m not that bad at this thing?

“We also find your toga rather commendable as well, it makes you look very stoic.”

Gratias Tibi!” Marcus all but yelled in thanks, throwing his hand to the air only to return his gaze to the Princess who was unaware as to why he took the complement so well.

“Sorry princess it’s just some pony’s in the guard are perhaps in need of a history lesson.”

Luna shock her surprise form her face before throw up a partially dismissive hoof she most likely wasn’t going to get any straight answers anyway. “So where does thou plan on taking us tonight.”

The colour left his face for a moment as he thought back to what Moonbud had rattled out a ping of guilt hit him, but it he managed to suppress it, this was a life or death situation as far as Marcus was concerned at least in this regard he could put his Legionary training to some use.

Well you Majesty I perhaps thinking well maybe I suppose a walk around the restaurant then watch the, carnival and eat at the Fireworks.”

So perhaps his Legionary training was a bit rusty.

Luna for her part just chuckled once more at her flustered captain the act being somewhat endearing to her, seeing the usually stoic commander brought down with a simple nuzzling.

Marcus face palmed at his own stupidity. “I mean Dinner, food, I have located an area that would be sufficient for your highness to dine or so I’m told.” he added trying to regain some sense of dignity.

Luna this time looked mildly suppressed, her surprise then took on a more thoughtful expression it was a look that worried Marcus, once again his mind came to the same conclusion it had been doing for this entire evening had he just offended her? Obviously being Marcus his mind went to the worst case scenario immediately. He quickly breathed in and out subtly calming his nerve.

No stop putting yourself down, how could she be offended you haven’t even told her the location of the establishment, wait, you don’t even know where the establishment is! Alright don’t panic you know the name I’m sure one of the men will know.

Throwing caution to the wind Marcus decided that he might as well address the look he was getting.

“Is, is something the matter princess?”

“Oh no we are fine just surprised I guess one could say, we assumed that thou would plan something more, well a bit more outrageous all things considered.”

“What do you mean princess? Oh hades have I offended, I know not what royal do on the dates.”

“No Marcus thou misunderstands tis just that, well we were imagining something more soldierly like that of a Hoofball game, honestly tis shall we say more of a relief that you chose this path, we guess we do not know you as well as we thought we did believe us tis a pleasant surprise” she proceeded to walk slightly closer with a smile

“Not that we are opposed to Hoofball match should the time come.” She added with a subtle wink that let Marcus know he was off the proverbial hook he had set himself on.

“Well the night is young shall we proceed?” She said in a more flirtatious manor.

“Yes, yes that sounds like a good idea,” he reached for his bag before remembering the gift he had bought for her. “Oh wait I almost forgot I know it isn't much but I purchased these for you.” He lifted his hand down to the saddle and produced the brilliantly Blue bouquet of flowers.

“Here these are for you my Lady it is a symbol of of appreciation for you, it’s supposed to apply to new life and growth considering its spring I find them oddly fitting. That and they also reminded me of you.” Marcus stated, tactically leaving out its other symbolic meaning of fertility something that probably would be taken out of hand in the present situation.

Luna’s blush intensified as she looked at the captain this romantically sweet side of the man she had defiantly not expected to meet at all, she really believed she had sussed him out perfectly when did he become so suave and tactful? Maybe he always knew how to and just led her on. Either way she like what she saw.

Marcus watched as Luna levitated the flowers from his hand and took a long whiff of the flowery aroma, she let out a content sigh at the pleasant smell, and proceeded to give him a much more affectionate nuzzle as she words seemed to be little use in conveying her feelings at the moment. The Nuzzling he was affectionate also had the effect of giving Marcus a very positive sign that he had done a good job at least in not ruining this part of the night.

Maybe everyone was right I was just over thinking things.

And then Luna bit one of the flower heads clean off.

The act confusing and simultaneously crushing Marcus’s inner resolve in one swift motion, as he stood slack jawed at the chewing princess. “Marcus these are delectable, thank thee ever so much how did you know Mourning blooms where our favorite?” she said with almost childish glee like a child given a whole back of sweets.

A, Lucky, guess” he said almost robotically as he still attempted to comprehend if this was some sort of trial or test.

This world just won’t let me win once, I hope the gods are happy laughing it up right now it seems I am their new favorite play thing.

After a few more savoury bites of the night blue flower Luna laid them down on the side of a table “Thank you very much Marcus, we will save them for later best not to fill up on snacks, now then let us get going as I mentioned before the night is still young.” She mentioned with a giddy but still seductive manner.

“Yes, yes that sounds about right, don’t want to fill up on um… flowers.” He said in an almost downtrodden voice before mentally slapping himself and whispering more encouragingly things to himself mostly to do with the words ‘Gaul’s’ and ‘done battle’.

Luna looked at him queerly trying to make out his words. Once again she would save the question for later, for now it wouldn’t do for him to be so be like this when they left. Remembering some helpful information she had received earlier this evening she trotted up and landed a short but loving kiss on the captain’s cheek before walking with a sway that let many things up to suggestion before turning her gaze back at the captain.

“Is thou coming?” she said in a similarly sultry manor.

The captain partially stupefied by the kiss as his face went through several shades of red. He nodded his head ferociously, before essentially running towards the doors and flinging them open much to the princess’s amusement and much to the surprise of the Thestral’s outside.

As he began to make his way outside he looked back at his two charged guards before turning back to Luna “Your Highness just a moment.”

Luna rolled her eyes but kept her smile to tell she wasn’t truly annoyed. “Marcus in my own name will you please stop calling me your Highness at the very least for tonight.”

“Yes your Highn-, cack, I mean Luna” he mumbled before turning back to his two comrades one of them in particular giving him a very intense glare silently debating how much trouble she would be beating the man in front of the Princesses.

“Moon, Shield based in light of my actions and considering the princess will be in my personal care I am reliving you two of your duty for the remainder of the celebrations go off and enjoy yourselves.” He finished with a nervous smile.

“Really thanks a bunch sir!” Shield excitedly jumped up at the news.

Luna’s voice broke the conversation “Come along Marcus the celebration won’t go on forever.”

Marcus glanced back in worry before looking back at his comrades with a happy but nervous smile.
“Are you going to be ok sir?” Moon added taking a bit of pleasure in the captains fidgeting and mild incoming panic attacks.

Marcus stared down at the floor for a moment in silent contemplation at all that had passed over the two days and even before that. Then he focused on Luna who gave him a warm smile as if she could read his thoughts, He let out a quite sigh stared back in determination at moon.

“Hades, stranger things have happened, what’s the worst that can go wrong?” he said before walking back to Luna as they descended the stairs.

However Marcus descended did not go unhindered, he noticed something he had not seen before. There on the wall of the tower was a crack in the rock or more specifically a pattern of cracks shaped in what looked like a very drawn out ‘M’ and possibly a ‘V’ over it that had cracked the brick.It could have easily been a ‘N’ or a ‘U’ but to the captain it was not the main focus point as he quickly glanced at the stone in question which was leaking a sickly oily substance that looked almost completely black with a hint of crimson.

He only noticed it in passing as he descended but the omen was there none the less and to the superstitious captain it was all he needed to see to know something very wrong was going to happen soon. He glanced down at the part of his leg that concealed his pugio then up at Luna who looking ahead blissfully unaware of the captain’s sudden unease. “What could go wrong.” He whispered as he silently cursed his choice of phrase.

Author's Note:

The End.... ha yeah right.
Having an issue with my account, for some reason i cannot set up Horizontal line no matter how many time I try, so if it felt like a scene may have just jumped that's the reason.

Next chapter hopefully wont be as long to make as the previous two have been.

Thanks for reading, if you like it well you know what to do.