• Published 20th May 2014
  • 6,566 Views, 137 Comments

Wedding Of The Millennium - Eddy13

It's the wedding no one saw coming and you're all invited. Find out if the Mane Six is up to THIS challenge

  • ...

A Train Ride And A Fitting

Wedding of the Millennium Ch.2
Written By: Eddy13
Proof Read By: FlutterDash7

Since they weren’t in such a hurry to get back to Ponyville, the group of six opted to take the train home. After boarding the train and taking their seats just before the locomotive left the station, the ponies decided to discuss the recent revelation they learned on the way home.

“I still can’t believe that Discord and Celestia are getting married.” Rainbow Dash was saying with a shake of her head, “Even after hearing about their past together.”

“You think that’s hard to believe?” Applejack asked from the seat across the lane, “I’m still having a hard time swallowing the fact that they actually grew up together. Who could’ve seen that coming?”

“Nopony.” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “Except maybe the author of this story.”

The group was clearly baffled by Pinkie’s comment, but just let it slide as her being herself.

“Anywho.” Applejack continued. “I think it’s a shame Discord still can’t remember his past before becoming a bad dude.”

“I don’t know. Princess Celestia seems to be happy with the way things are.” Twilight commented in the seat next to Applejack, though at the same time, she appeared to be in deep thought about the subject.

“The important thing is that they’re together now.” Fluttershy said in the seat next to Rainbow Dash as she wiped tears from her eyes. “I actually think it’s kind of touching. There’s just something about foalhood friends ending up together that gets to me. It’s like something out of one of my romance novels.”

Fluttershy’s words seemed to make Rainbow Dash feel uncomfortable. However, before she could say anything about it, she saw Fluttershy suddenly become uneasy. Having spent most of her foalhood years with her fellow Pegasus, Rainbow Dash could tell when something was bothering her, like right now.

“You okay, Fluttershy?” she asked.

“I’m fine.” the canary yellow Pegasus replied nervously. “I’m just a little worried that I won’t do a good job as Best Mare. This is such a huge responsibility and I want to make sure I don’t mess up.”

“Hey, pony up, Flutters.” Rainbow said to perk her friend up. “You’ll do fine.”

Fluttershy turned to the mare sitting next to her. “You really think I can do it?”

“Of course.” Rainbow stated with an encouraging smile. “Look, since I’ve got my contribution to the wedding down pat, I’ll help you out with your Best Mare duties.”

Fluttershy’s eyes instantly lit up, “You will?”

Dash nodded. “You bet.”

“Oh, thank you, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy said as she gave the mare a hug, “You’re a true friend.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash said uneasily as she blushed from the hug as she reciprocated it, “Friend.” She then decided to change the subject. “Hey, I just realized something.” the rainbow maned pony said as she reluctantly pulled away from her fellow pegasus to look her in the eye, “Since you’re the Best Mare, who will be directing your song bird choir?”

“Oh, I guess I can have Angel Bunny be in charge of the choir.” Fluttershy replied after thinking. “After all, they listen to him as well as they listen to me.”

“Glad you mentioned that.” Twilight piped up after coming out of her deep concentration. “I can include that in my checklist.”

“Well, as for me,” Applejack spoke up as well, “I’ll be working on the reception feast.”

“And I’ll be choosing the music and decorations for said reception!” Pinkie Pie added before turning to Applejack, “Ooh, can I help you make the wedding cake?! Can I, can I, can I, can I…”

“Calm down, Pinkie.” Applejack said as she coaxed the hyperactive party pony back into her seat. “Of course you can help with the cake.”

“I just hope that it’s better than the time you two made those muffins.” Rainbow Dash joked.

While Applejack growled in annoyance at Dash’s remark, Twilight said “Well, it seems we’re all going to be busy over the next few days. How about you, Rarity?” There came no reply. “Rarity?”

“No, that won’t do. Perhaps I should make it longer. No, that’s too much. Maybe if I…”

The group turned to the sound of somepony muttering. Sure enough, in a few seats ahead of them was Rarity talking to herself. Trotting over, they saw she was telekinetically holding a pad and pencil, feverishly crossing out and redoing designs of dresses.

“No, no, no!” the unicorn cried with each cross, “This won’t do at all! Oh, at this rate, I’ll never get the dress ready on time.”

“Sheesh, what are you getting so worked up about, Rarity?” Applejack asked, “You’ve designed wedding gowns before.”

Rarity instantly stopped working and, like something out of a horror movie, she slowly turned her head around in a creepy fashion, a scary looking glare on her face, causing Applejack to nervously back away.

“This is not just for anypony.” the unicorn growled, “This is for Princess Celestia! It has to be perfect! If I don’t make it the one hundred percent best creation I’ve ever made, not only will Princess Celestia’s special day be ruined, but I’ll be ruined!”

“Whoa, calm down, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said as she held out her hooves.

“Yeah, you’re getting almost as cray-cray as Twilight was during the ‘Smartypants’ and ‘Future Twilight’ incidents.” Pinkie commented nonchalantly.

As Twilight grinned in embarrassment, Rarity sighed. “I know, girls. It’s just this has to be the biggest responsibility I’ve taken on. Not even designing Cadence’s wedding dress was this big.”

“We know how you feel, Rarity.” Twilight said consolingly. “This is a big thing for all of Equestria and we all want to make sure it goes off without a hitch. However, you won’t have to take this on alone. We’re all here for you.”

Rarity sighed again, “Thank you, Twilight. I needed that. I just hope I can come up with the right design for the dress.”

“Well, I hope you don’t cast that ‘Inspiration Manifestation’ spell again.” Twilight said.

“Not to worry. I’ve learned my lesson about that.” Rarity replied. “From now on, I’ll let my inspiration manifest naturally.”

“Ooh, girls,” Fluttershy spoke up. “It looks like we’re back home.”

Sure enough, the train had stopped at the Ponyville station.

“Okay,” Twilight declared as the ponies disembarked the train, “We all know our tasks. We’ll work on them individually and then meet up at the castle to make sure we’re on schedule. Got it?”

“Right!” the other five said.

“Come on, Fluttershy” Rainbow said. “Let’s get to work on your Best Mare job.”

“Oh, I can’t thank you enough for this, Rainbow.” the grateful Fluttershy said as she thankfully rubbed up against her friend.

“Hey, what are friends for?” Dash replied, even as she felt herself blush from once again being in contact with Fluttershy.

“Pinkie, we’ll meet up at Sugarcube Corner to bake that cake sometime this week.” Applejack informed her fellow earth pony.

“Oakley dokley.” Pinkie Pie replied with a salute.

“And I’ll be at my boutique trying to find the right materials to make Celestia’s gown.” Rarity stated.

“And I’ll be researching how to perform a wedding ceremony while I wait to hear about all of your progress.” Twilight said before getting a determined look on her face, “Alright then, let’s go.”

And with that, the six ponies split up to carry out their tasks.

Back at the Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were talking.

“Now that Princess Twilight and her friends know,” Luna was saying as they walked through the halls, “We should probably focus on informing the rest of Equestria.”

“Not to worry.” Celestia responded, “One of the first tasks I gave Discord was to travel to all the major cities and tell everypony who would listen. Hopefully, it won’t take him very long to get back.”

“You called?” a certain draconequus said as he appeared in the mural of himself, “I figured somepony was talking about me because I sneezed.”

“Ah, Discord.” Celestia said happily as she turned to address her fiancée in the mural, “Have you spread the word?”

Discord then appeared in front of her. “Yes, my sweet”, he said as he bowed before the princess, “And I must say, many ponies were excited to hear that their precious princess was getting married, though a little shocked to learn about to whom.”

“And how many agreed to come to the wedding?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, they’ll all come.” Discord replied, “They wouldn’t miss the wedding of the princess of the sun for anything, even if they’re a little skeptical of the groom. Though I guess that’s a bit understanding given my actions both in the past and recently.”

Celestia smirked. “We’ll work on your public image after the wedding. In the meantime, we have other things that require our attention.”

“Oh, you’re so right, my dear.” Discord agreed, “In fact, I just realized I still need to get fitted for my tuxedo.” In a literal flash, he was standing in front of a triple mirror while a clone of himself, dressed in a tailor's outfit, was taking his measurements. “So, anything new happen while I was gone?"

"Well." Celestia began. "It seems that after you told Fluttershy the news about our engagement, she told her friends. They were so surprised that they actual came here to ask me if it was true."

"Oh, really?" the spirit of chaos asked as he turned his back on the princess, but not his head. "And just how did Twilight and the others react when you confirmed our nuptials?”

“They were quite shocked at first, but they eventually accepted our relationship.” Celestia replied, not filling Discord in on the details of her discussion with the ponies. “They’ve even agreed to helping out.”

“Ah, good.” Discord said as he held out his lion arm to be measured, “I always heard that Applejack was a marvelous chef and of course that Pinkie Pie is an exquisite party planner, so the reception should be perfect and together, they should make an excellent wedding cake." He then turned to his bride-to-be with a smirk, "And I can only wonder how beautiful Rarity’s dress will make you look.”

It took everything Celestia had to hold in a giggle. “Just how did you get so romantic so fast?”

“Well, I did happen to read Fluttershy’s entire collection of romance novels.” Discord admitted as the measuring tape went up his goat leg. “But back to the subject. I take it in addition to organizing; Twilight will be performing the ceremony?”

“Very astute.” Celestia said with a nod, “She was nervous at first, but she agreed to do it.”

“And what of Rainbow Dash?” Discord asked before the clone wrapped the tape around his stomach, nearly cutting off his air, “I take it her contribution will be a sonic rainboom after we say our ‘I Do’s’”.

“Even the smallest contribution can mean a lot.” Celestia replied with a smile, “Besides, knowing her, she’ll probably be aiding the rest of her friends in their jobs.”

“Well, I suppose so, being the Element of Loyalty and all.” Discord agreed while the clone attempted to thread a needle, “I just hope I didn’t put too much pressure on Fluttershy by asking her to be my Best Mare. She is a delicate thing after all.”

“I’m sure Fluttershy will do fine.” Celestia assured him, “She has done amazing things before, such as reforming you.”

“True.” Discord said, “But that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t assigned her to do so, and for that, I thank you for allowing me to make such an amazing friend.”

Celestia couldn’t help but ask, “If she’s such an amazing friend, why is it you’re engaged to me?”

“Oh, Fluttershy is a good friend alright,” Discord said as his clone continued to try sticking the thread through the needle, “But personally, I think her heart belongs to a certain rainbow maned speedster.”

"Just like my heart belongs to my foalhood friend.” Celestia thought to herself before saying out loud, “Still, I must ask, why did you take a sudden interest in me, especially after all we’ve been through?” lightly cringing at the mention of the past.

“I don’t know myself. All I know is that after I saw the light after being used by Tirek, I started to see you in a different light.” Discord said as the clone finally managed to thread the needle, “Speaking of which, I was pleasantly surprised when you accepted my proposal during our last date. Even more surprised when you practically shouted your answer.”

Celestia blushed as she remembered her reaction to Discord making the beautiful ring he presented to her appear out of thin air. “I was just overcome with happiness and excitement.”

“Still, I wasn’t expecting you to give me your answer so quickly.” Discord commented. “What with our colorful past and all, especially after I betrayed you to Tirek.”

Celestia once again cringed at the mention of the past but hid it well from her fiancée before saying “I could sense that you were sincerely regretful of that and that you had truly embraced the meaning of friendship. What kind of princess would I be if I didn’t give you a chance?”

“I guess that makes sense.” Discord said with a shrug, “Ooh, careful with that!” he shouted at his clone after being stabbed with a pin.

Celestia smirked to herself as she watched Discord get his fitting finished. She knew it was just for show since she knew he could just make a tuxedo appear out of thin air. Still, it was nice to see he was putting a little work into it.

Eventually, the clone cried out “And, finite!” before disappearing.

Sure enough, standing before Celestia was Discord in a high quality tux with a top hat on his head.

“How do I look?” the spirit of chaos asked his fiancée.

“Very handsome.” Celestia approved. “But the top hat is a little much.”

“Oh, I suppose you’re right.” the draconequus complied before flicking the top hat off his head, causing it to make a small explosion off to the side, “It detracts attention from my handsome antlers anyway.” After looking over his reflection, which gave him the wink and the gun, a satisfied Discord made the suit, along with the rest of the setup, disappear for safekeeping. “Well, now that that is taken care of, what do I do now? I don’t believe a groom has many things to see to during a wedding.”

“Well, you could arrange for some of the dignitaries to arrive within the week.” Celestia pointed out. “And you can check in on Twilight and the others to see how they’re doing.”

“Good point.” Discord agreed with a nod. “Oh, and I gotta remember to clean out my bachelor pad before moving into the castle. And I promise, no redecorating without your approval.”

“Very good.” Celestia smiled. “Oh, and Discord, promise me your bachelor party doesn’t get out of hoof.” she added flatly.

The draconequus sighed reluctantly. “Yes, dear. Well, I better get going. Got to make sure everypony is on task.”

Celestia smirked. “Then I suppose I’ll be seeing you the day of the wedding.”

“Until then, my beautiful betrothed.” Discord said as he took Celestia’s hoof before lightly kissing it. After letting go, he disappeared in a usual flash of light.

“It’s amazing that he can be as charming as he was before he was corrupted.” Luna pointed out as she walked up to Celestia. “You still think you shouldn’t tell him the truth, Sister?”

Celestia shook her head. “What good would it be to tell him about his past do if he can’t remember it himself? Besides, he’d probably think I was joking. No, I should just be satisfied with him the way he is now. Still, it would be lovely if he could remember his past love for me. But it would take a miracle for that to happen.”

Luna walked up to her sister’s side. “Well, they say that weddings are supposed to be a day of miracles. Anyway, come. We have much to do before your big day.”

Nodding in agreement, Celestia followed her sister to see to preparations.

Author's Note:

As you can see, this story will also contain FlutterDash as a side pairing. Don't worry, it won't detract from the DisLestia. Just to let everyone know in advance, there will be elements of Sparity and FlashLight appearing at one point or another in the story. Hopefully, the latter won't drive many people away as I hear it is not a popular pairing. For those that will stick around, I thank you for that. I do not know when the next chapter will be done as I'm writing this by the seat of my pants (don't worry, I've got a rough outline for the story), so I have to ask you all to be patient. Oh, and to any FlutterCord fans, I didn't mean it if it seemed like Fluttershy and Discord's lines about their friendship seemed like a shot to FlutterCord. Thank you.