• Published 20th May 2014
  • 6,566 Views, 137 Comments

Wedding Of The Millennium - Eddy13

It's the wedding no one saw coming and you're all invited. Find out if the Mane Six is up to THIS challenge

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Wedding of the Millennium CH.5
Written By: Eddy13
Proof Read By: Frostfairy and Just A Fabulous Cat

“Discord wants to call off the wedding!?” Twilight asked, the rest of the group as shocked as her.

“Yes!” Fluttershy whimpered back, nodding through tears.

“Okay okay, calm down Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash yelled as her friend let out a sob, immediately running up to her foalhood friend, “Just tell us what happened.”

“W-Well, I was getting ready to leave my cottage and come here for the meeting, when all of a sudden Discord appeared and told me he wants to call it all off.”

“Ooh, that ruffian!” Rarity snarled, “After all the work I’ve put into Celestia’s dress, he’s backing out? What nerve!”

“Ya’ll think that’s bad, Ah’ve got five dozen apple turnovers that’ll go to waste now,” Applejack commented with just as much anger lurking in her voice.

“What am I going to do with the music and decorations I’ve picked out?” Pinkie Pie groused, “I’m all set for a party and there isn’t going to be one!”

“Girls, I think you’re forgetting what’s really bad about this!” Twilight pointed out, the others shutting up and turning over to their friend. “What am I going to tell Princess Celestia? She’s been waiting centuries for this moment, going through so much disappointment, and now she’s going to suffer even more heartache!”

“Gosh, you’re right, sugarcube.” Applejack said, “I completely forgot ‘bout that. Poor gal...”

“Shame on us for thinking of our hard work going to waste when it’s really Princess Celestia and her special day being ruined that we should be thinking about!” Rarity agreed as she bowed her head in guilt.

“Poor Celly,” Pinkie Pie added as she too showed her guilt and sympathy with flattened ears.

“Now now, girls, let’s not give up,” Twilight then added optimistically. “Perhaps if we find out why Discord wants to call the wedding off, we can convince him to change his mind.” She proceeded to turn to Fluttershy, saying,“Where he is now?”

“I l-left him at my cottage,” Fluttershy replied, still wiping away a few stray tears. “As soon as he told me he wanted to cancel the wedding, I told him to wait there while I ran to see you.”

“Well, I’m heading over there to see if I can talk some sense into Discord,” Twilight growled sternly, determination burning in her eyes as she got up from her chair. “This wedding will go on!”

“I’d better go with you,” Fluttershy said meekly as she too stood up. “As Best Mare, it’s my responsibility.”

“I’m coming too!” Rainbow Dash said immediately, surprising everypony. While they all knew Rainbow Dash liked to protect Fluttershy from trouble, immediately speaking up like that was not like her. She would usually wait for everypony else to speak up. Still, they decided to say nothing.

“Alright,” Twilight said as she and the two pegasi headed for the door before turning back to the others, “The rest of you wait here. Hopefully, when we get back, we’ll have changed Discord’s mind.”

With that, the three ponies were gone.

It didn’t take the trio long before reaching Fluttershy’s cottage. Upon entering, they found Discord in a floating chair, reading. Surprisingly, the house was still in the same condition it always was.

“Well, I was wondering when you’d get back, Fluttershy,” The draconequus said uncharacteristically downtrodden as he looked up from his book. “And I see you’ve brought a couple of friends.”

“Alright Discord,” Twilight immediately said as she stomped a hoof and narrowed her eyes, “What’s this about you wanting to call off the wedding?”

“I’m sorry Twilight, but I just can’t do it,” Discord admitted straightforwardly without getting out of his chair, or even moving his eyes away from the book. “And if you think you can talk me back into it, it won’t work.”

“You can’t back out of the wedding!” Twilight shouted in response, her wings flaring a bit as she scoffed. “Think of Princess Celestia! When she finds out about this, she’ll be heartbroken!”

“I am thinking of Celestia!” Discord retorted, finally jumping out of his chair. “That’s why I… why I can’t go through with the wedding!”

“Huh?” was all the three ponies could say.

Discord, seeing their confused looks, sighed, his anger boiling down a bit as he decided to explain. “The truth is, I’ve been having second thoughts about this for some time. Don’t get me wrong, I do love Celestia, more than I thought I could.”

“Then why don’t you want to marry her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because I’m not good for her, that’s why!” Discord replied, looking down sorrowfully. “After everything I’ve done, I’m just not right for her.”

“Ah, come on,” Rainbow Dash said in turn, punching him lightly on the shoulder as she flew up. “You’re just getting cold feet. Every stallion does.”

“Even if I am getting cold feet,” Discord replied, and sure enough, his feet were encased in blocks of ice, “That doesn’t change all the terrible things I’ve done. Ever since Celestia met me, I’ve caused her nothing but trouble.”

The three ponies nervously muttered at Discord’s words before Fluttershy spoke up. “But you have done some good things too! You’re the one who lead us in the direction of opening the Chest of Harmony.”

“Yeah,” Discord added flatly as he held his chin with his claw and paw. “Right before I sold you all out to Tirek, while, at the same time, letting Celestia down, not to mention breaking your heart.”

“That may be, but most of us have forgiven you for that,” Fluttershy replied stubbornly.

“Well, I still haven’t forgiven myself!” Discord retorted with a sad sigh. “And even before then, I played that ‘Blue Flu’ prank on Twilight.”

“In retrospect, you did get your just desserts for that one,” Twilight pointed out.

“Don’t forget, there’s also the time you convinced Twilight to come back and help us save the Tree of Harmony,” Rainbow Dash added.

“From a threat I created,” The depressed draconequus pointed out solemnly as a miniature storm cloud appeared over him, raining regular water instead of the chocolate milk he usually used. “Let’s face it. I’ve done more bad things than good. I was a fool to propose to Celestia.”

“You’re wrong,” Fluttershy muttered to herself.

“I don’t deserve her,” Discord went on.

“That’s not true,” Fluttershy said a little louder.

“Why she agreed to marry someone like me I’ll never know.”

“Discord, stop,” she practically shouted.

“I’m a fool, a stupid, stupid foo-”

At that moment, Fluttershy snapped as her Iron Will assertiveness training kicked in. “That’s ENOUGH!” the yellow Pegasus yelled, shutting Discord up while getting a surprised look from Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “You’re wrong about you not being good enough for Princess Celestia! She loves you more than any other pony and always has!”

“What are you talking about?” Discord demanded. "Why in the world would Celestia always have been in love with me after everything I've done to Equestria?"

Fluttershy sighed before looking towards Twilight and Rainbow Dash, the former nodding. It seemed there was no other choice. "Discord," the pegasus said as she looked to her friend. “There’s something you need to know. You may not remember this, but you weren’t always evil.”

“You’re just saying that,” Discord said grumpily.

“It’s the truth!” Fluttershy yelled again. “You actually grew up alongside Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! You were their best friend and used your powers to bring fun to Equestria!”

“And would you mind telling me why I don’t remember this?” Discord inquired.

“Because you were corrupted by a dark force like Princess Luna and forgot your past!”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash jumped in. “You were even Princess Celestia’s consort. She was in love with you since she was a filly.” Once again, Rainbow Dash was pestered by her strange feelings.

“A lovely story,” Discord said as he ruffled Rainbow Dash’s mane, “But I’m afraid it’s not going to work.”

“They’re telling the truth, Discord,” Twilight spoke up. “There is a way to convince you. Ever since Princess Celestia told us the whole story, I’ve been working on this as a wedding present, but I think it’s necessary to do it now.”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked alongside an equally perplexed Rainbow Dash while Discord raised an eyebrow that reached the ceiling.

“Simple,” Twilight answered before turning to Discord. “Do you remember when you discorded the others and I had to find a way to break the spell?”

“Oh, you had to bring that up,” Discord groaned.

“Just listen,” Twilight said, not wanting to remember the incident anymore than him, “In order to change everypony back, I used a spell that restored their true memories. I’ve been going over it again when I haven’t been focusing on my duties for the wedding.”

“Wait,” Fluttershy said optimistically. “You mean…?”

Twilight nodded. “I think it might work on Discord.” She turned to the draconequus. “However, I won’t use it on you unless you let me.”

Discord chuckled sadly. “Alright, I’ll humor you, Twilight. Try it.”

“Twilight, do you really think this will work?” Fluttershy asked.

“I hope so,” Twilight said as she braced herself, “Stand back.”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy backed away a bit as Twilight’s horn began to glow, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. Discord merely looked on, not really expecting something to happen.

The light from Twilight’s horn expanded outward, and soon a brilliant flash filled the whole cottage, knocking all three ponies backwards. Eventually, the light died down, the three groaning friends climbing to their hooves. When everypony could see again, they saw Discord standing with his claw to his forehead as his eyes were literally spinning.

“Discord, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked tentatively.

“I’m fine,” Discord said as he cleared his head. “But I haven’t felt anything like that since the time I caused a riot at Princess Luna’s third birthday.” he paused. “How did I know that?”

“It-It worked!” Twilight cried. “The spell worked!

“I…I don’t believe it,” Discord said as he held his head as he was bombarded by visions going through his head, many of them being of an alicorn filly. "What's happening to me? I'm seeing myself as a young spirit growing up alongside Celestia and Luna. I see myself making ponies happy with my powers. I see...Celestia in love with me. It's all true! I remember...everything."

"See? We were telling the truth!" Fluttershy said. Then, much to her surprise, Discord collapsed on the couch and started crying. "Discord?"

"What...What have I done?" the spirit said remorsefully. "I've betrayed the love of my life...twice!"

“That wasn’t your fault.” Rainbow Dash said, getting Discord's attention. “Like Fluttershy said, you became evil because of a dark force that also corrupted Princess Luna.”

“It’s true.” Twilight continued. “Princess Celestia didn’t want to turn you to stone, but she had no choice. But even after that, she never stopped loving you.”

“That’s why she asked us to reform you,” Fluttershy finished. “To try and bring back the good in you.”

“She never gave up on me," Discord muttered to himself as he looked at his hands, “Even after all that’s happened, she still loves me.”

“Still think you’re not good enough for her?” Twilight asked.

In response, Discord looked at her with a smirk.

“Well, don’t just stand there!” he cried cheerfully as he stood up, “We have a wedding to prepare!”

Author's Note:

I hope that everyone has been enjoying this story. Next time is the moment we've all been waiting for: the wedding!