• Published 21st May 2014
  • 7,113 Views, 48 Comments

Best Day of Our Life - nutcase4real

Rainbow Dash takes care of a sick Twilight Sparkle for one day.

  • ...

Best Day of Our Life

It was a glorious day in Equestria, all the birds were out and about, the shadows of the trees danced playfully along the ground as the breeze blew them to and fro, the sun beamed brightly, and even the grass seemed to be an extra vibrant green today. It was, for all intensive purposes, a perfect day.

A certain rainbow maned pegasus observed all of this from the cloud she was resting on. She watched all the ponies below make themselves busy either by running a stall in the market, purchasing goods from the stalls, or going about their day to day lifes. Everypony seemed to be outside today she noted to herself.

Pinkie Pie was bouncing about, singing some song or another, making everypony around her smile, Fluttershy was busy buying food for her animals, Rarity was magically pushing a clothing rack full of her latest designs into the post office, and Applejack was selling apples at her family's stand. Rainbow smiled as she watched all of them, but it fell to a thoughtful frown as soon as she realized that one pony in particular was missing.

'Where's Twilight?' she thought to herself, 'There's no way she should be inside on a day like this.'

Rainbow Dash stood up and stretched. She gave her wings a few test flaps before jumping off the cloud and spreading her wings so she could soar through the sky. She flew towards the library at a moderate pace, enjoying the day as much as she possibly could before having to go indoors and miss even a little bit of this day. She expertly landed in front of the library's hard oak door and knocked, to which there was no answer.

'That's strange.' she thought to herself so she decided to just go inside.

She opened the door and entered the library. The library was dark inside for some reason, which Rainbow Dash found eerie.

"Twilight? Hey Twilight, where are you?" Rainbow Dash called into the darkened library as she looked around for her lavender friend.

"Sorry, the library is closed today." came a scratchy voice from the stairs, "Oh, hey Dash." a dark figure said with a weak raspy voice.

"Twilight? Is that you?" Dash asked with her eyebrow arched, while backing away slightly from the abrupt appearance of the mysterious figure.

"Yeah," Twilight started coughing raggedly, "it's me."

"What's wrong with your voice, why is the library closed, and most importantly, why are you inside on a day like this?" Dash asked as she opened a curtain.

"I'm sick." Twilight said as she coughed some more before using her magic to close the curtain again.

"You're sick? How?" Dash asked incredulously.

"It's just a summer cold Rainbow Dash. I'm fine," Twilight started coughing again before weakly adding, "really."

Dash walked up to Twilight and wrapped her wing around the lavender alicorn, "Oh no. You're not fine. You're sick, and I'm going to stay until you feel better."

'Besides this would be the perfect time to tell you my little secret.', Dash thought to herself.

"Rainbow, I know you'd rather be doing anything else right now like flying or..."

"What?! I'm right where I want to be right now. I'm helping a friend in need.", Rainbow Dash stated as she stomped her hoof to show her determination.

Dash helped Twilight up the stairs to her room, and into her bed. She walked back downstairs and grabbed a glass of water for Twilight. She placed it on her nightstand after making her way back upstairs, and inserted a straw into the liquid so her friend would be able to drink it with ease.

Twilight smiled weakly and said, "Thanks Dash."

"You're welcome. So, where's Spike?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He stayed over at Rarity's last night."

"Wait, what? Really?", Rainbow Dash asked as she tried to hold back her laughter as the image of Spike floating through the air with little hearts popping out of him entered her mind.

"She asked if he could, since she needed a little extra help with an order she needed to fill, and he practically begged me so I said okay." Twilight explained.

'Good. Spike would only make things harder, but when is going to be back?' Dash asked to herself.

"Oh, okay. So when's he gonna be back?" she asked.

"He should be back sometime later today." Twilight explained.

'Well I have to work fast then.'

"Until then, I'm going to help you feel better." Dash proclaimed, "So Twi, are you hungry?", she asked with a smile.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Twilight asked.

"What do you want to eat?", Dash asked with a smile once more.

"A sandwich would be nice.", Twilight responded.

"Okay, one sandwich coming up!", Dash said as she turned and walked out the door.

She made her way downstairs once more and into the kitchen. Once there she perused through the cupboards until she found some bread, and she then went to the refrigerator and grabbed some lilies and lettuce.

'Man, I couldn't imagine being suck inside on a day like today." she thought to herself as she pulled out a couple of slices of bread, 'I just couldn't do it. I have to help her feel better, and I have to tell her my feelings, but how?'

Rainbow placed some of the lilies on the bread along with some lettuce. She put everything back where she found it, and placed the now complete sandwich on a plate. She picked up the plate and started heading back to Twilight's room. She walked through the door and placed the sandwich on Twilight's nightstand beside her glass of water.

"Do you want to do something together?" Dash asked Twilight.

"Like what?" Twilight asked as she picked up the sandwich.

"I don't know maybe... a board game," Twilight shook her head, "play some cards," another head shake, "or maybe we could just... talk?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight took a bite out of her sandwich, chewed it, and swallowed before answering, "About what?"

"Anything really." Dash stated, "Like maybe..."

'What if she doesn't feel the same way? I just can't bare to lose Twilight as a friend.'

"what was it like before you came to Ponyville?", Dash finished.

"Well it certainly was different," Twilight began so Rainbow Dash took that as her cue to get comfortable and sit down, "everyday I had to attend classes, study, read, ya know that sort of thing.", Twilight said with a smile.

"Well did you ever do anything fun?"

"What are you talking about? All of that was fun."

"I mean the same kind of fun we have together here. Going on adventures, playing games, hanging out. I mean... I guess what I'm trying to get at is, did you do things like what we do? Did you have friends... like us? More specifically like me?"

"No." Twilight said quietly, "I didn't really have any friends back then. I was so absorbed in my studies that, I didn't leave myself any time for anything else." Twilight said quietly before taking another bite of her sandwich.

"Oh." Rainbow Dash said as she uncomfortably rubbed the back of her head, "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything."

'Well that went well. Maybe...' Dash thought.

"No, no. It's fine." Twilight quickly said, "So what about you?"

"Huh?" she asked as her train of thought was broken.

"Before I came to Ponyville, what did you do for fun?", Twilight asked with a smile.

"Well I would train for the Wonderbolts, do my weather duties, and sometimes I would hang out with Fluttershy, but other than that, not much really."

Twilight gave Dash a questioning gaze, "What about Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie? Didn't you guys 'hang out' before I got here?"

"I knew of our other friends at the time, but... well... they seemed really... lame." Dash said as her ears pulled back against her head and an awkward smile plastered on her face.

"And what about me? Am I 'lame'?", Twilight asked with a chuckle.

"No way! I wouldn't trade your friendship for anything, not even the Wonderbolts!"

'Unless you want something more.'

"I'm sorry if the question is hard for you." Dash said apologetically.

"Don't be." Twilight said as she dismissively waved her hoof.

"If I had been there, I'd have been your friend Twilight." Dash said quietly.

"Dash, I was spending all of my time trying to unlock the mysteries of magic," Twilight said as she waved her hooves around making Rainbow laugh, "I never once thought about trying to make friends. In fact I thought that friends would be a distraction, but then I found the greatest magic of all right here in Ponyville."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at hearing this, "And what's that?" she asked excitedly.

Twilight chuckled, "The magic of friendship." she said as she grabbed Rainbow Dash's hoof in hers, "It's the greatest lesson that I've ever learned, and still continue to learn."

Rainbow Dash smiled and pulled Twilight up into a hug, "Me too." she whispered into Twilight's ear.

'Now's the time to tell her! Now's the time.' Dash excitedly thought to herself.

Dash drew in a breath, "Twilight I..."

"Me three!", Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she pulled a very confused Rainbow Dash and Twilight into a hug.

"How did you..."

Pinkie Pie stared at Rainbow Dash with a large beaming smile, "My Pinkie Sense told me that a tender moment was about to happen with my friends, and I wanted to be a part of it!"

"How did you get in here?" Dash asked.

"The door was open, duh! I mean come on, it's a public library! It couldn't be a public library if the door is always closed and locked silly!" Pinkie explained quickly.

"One of these days I'm going to figure out how your Pinkie Sense, and just you in general, work." Twilight said as she pulled her friends in closer.

Pinkie Pie broke the hug and began bounding towards the door, "Okie dokie lokie!", she said as she hopped through the door and out of the room.

Dash turned back towards Twilight and took another breath, but once again Pinkie Pie intervened. Only this time she simply poked her head in through the door,

"Oh, and Dashie?"

"Yes Pinkie?" she asked in a slightly aggravated tone.

"Good luck!" Pinkie said with a giggle before disappearing again.

Dash cringed a little and said, "Pinkie Pie, you're so random."

'And a huge mood killer.' Dash thought to herself.

"Dash..." Twilight said in a mock scolding tone.

"What? I meant it in a good way."

"Okay, okay," Twilight relented, "would you mind doing something form me?"

Dash stuck her chest out and said, "Anything! Just name it and I'd be happy to help!"

"Would you read to me? Please?" Twilight asked as she pointed to a book across the room, "My eyes are starting to hurt."

"Sure thing. What's the book about?", Dash asked as she walked over to it.

"Well, it's a romance, but trust me it's really good." Twilight said with a smile.

"Okay, sure." Dash said slowly, 'Rainbow Dash, you are such a softy.' she thought to herself. "Best Day's of Our Lifes?" Dash read aloud, "You know I don't normally read this kind of stuff, right?" she said with an arched eyebrow, 'But for you, I'd do anything. Even if it means that we can't be together.'

"Oh, and I suppose that 'Daring Do and the Mysteries of Love', which was last checked out by you over three months ago, just happened to be misplaced by Spike or myself?", Twilight said as she placed her hooves on her hips.

Dash chuckled and awkwardly smiled, "Uh... well, you see... oh come on! It has Daring Do in it!" she exclaimed defensively.

"I know, I know. That's why I've already paid for the book. Consider it an early birthday gift from me." Twilight said with a growing smile. "So, are you up for some reading?"

Rainbow Dash walked over to the bed with the book and opened it.

A few hours later

Rainbow Dash closed the book, and looked over to Twilight who was now peacefully slumbering.

'Maybe I should just tell her some other time.' Dash stood up, 'Or maybe not at all. If she doesn't feel the same way then it would make everything awkward, and I don't want to do that to her.' she stole another glance at Twilight, 'I'd rather have her as a friend than not at all.'

Twilight had fallen asleep over an hour ago, but Dash just had to see if White Heart and Brave Hoof would live happy lifes together. Something about the story just made her keep thinking that maybe if Twilight and her were to become more than just friends, that this would be what their life together would be like, so of course she had to see if it would be happy.

She placed the book down on Twilight's nightstand and grabbed the now empty glass and plate, and began to take them back down to the kitchen.

'I'll just clean these off and be on my way.'

As she was leaving the room a very sleepy voice whispered, "Are you coming back?"

Rainbow Dash thought about it for a few moments, "Of course I will Twilight." she said quietly with a smile.

"Mmm, good." she sighed as she rolled over in bed.

Rainbow Dash made her way downstairs, into the kitchen, and placed the dishes into the sink. As she washed them, she heard the front door open, and turned to see Spike entering the library. He walked into the kitchen, and waved at Rainbow Dash.

"What's up Rainbow Dash?", Spike asked in a loud voice.

"Shhh. Twilight's asleep.", Dash said quietly.

Spike scratched the top of his head, "Why is she asleep?"

Rainbow Dash pulled the dishes out of the sink and began rinsing them off, "Somehow or another she managed to get sick."

"Oh, is she okay?", Spike asked with concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah she's fine, but she needs to rest.", Rainbow explained as she dried the dishes and began to put them away.

Spike started pacing around while rubbing his chin. He sighed a couple of times and started staring out the window towards Carousel Boutique.

"What's wrong Spike?", Rainbow Dash asked after a bit.

"Rarity wanted me to come back over tonight, and help her out some more, but I said I had to ask Twilight.", Spike said without moving his gaze, "But now, I don't know what to do."

"Well I could stay with Twilight.", Rainbow said with a smile, after she placed her hoof on Spike's shoulder.

"I don't know...", Spike started.

"Spike, Twilight will be just fine. I promise." she said with a smile, "Besides, even if something did come up, you're only right down the road."

"Yeah. Yeah you're right." Spike said with a small smile.

"I'm sure Twilight wouldn't mind, and don't worry, I'll tell her where you are when she wakes up."

"Thanks Rainbow Dash,", Spike said with a full blown smile that would've melted Pinkie Pie's heart, "you're a good friend."

"Of course I am, I'm Rainbow Dash!" she said with pride.

Spike chuckled and turned towards the door. As he began walking back outside he turned, waved good-bye to Dash, and left. Dash waved back before starting back up the stairs to Twilight's room.

She entered the room and a sleepy voice called out to her, "Dash... who was that?"

"Spike came back, but Rarity needed him for one more night, so I told him to go, and I promised to stay the night to keep an eye on you." she explained.

"Okay." Twilight turned over onto her side and looked Dash in the eyes, "Thanks Dash."

"You're welcome Twilight. I'd do anything for a friend.", Dash said as an incredible warmth passed through her, and she smiled brightly.

'Especially you.'

Twilight stared into Dash's lipid magenta eyes and smiled weakly. She tried to sit up, but she was to tired so she opted to just remain laying down, and motion for Dash to come closer.

"You know, I don't have a guest bed, unless you plan to sleep in Spike's." Twilight quipped quietly.

"I could go back to my house and grab a sleeping bag."

"Why don't you just sleep in my bed with me?" Twilight offered.

'Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! The same bed, with her! Alright play it cool Dash.'

"Um... sure. If that's what you want."

Dash walked over to the other side of the bed and climbed in. Twilight resettled herself on her side and closed her eyes. Dash, with her head on the pillow, watched Twilight for what seemed like hours.

'You have to tell her. It's now or never!'

But she couldn't think of what to say. Her mind was a total blank.

'Come on, you're Rainbow Dash! The strongest, fastest, and bravest pony of all time! You have to tell her!'

Finally Dash whispered, "Um... Twilight?"

"Hmmm?" she sleepily replied.

"You know I care for you a lot right?" Dash said as her cheeks turned red.

"Um-hum." Twilight sighed.

"Like... as in... more than a friend." Dash hesitantly said.

Twilight didn't reply, and Dash watched the gentle rise and fall of the blanket that covered her for a while.

"Twilight... I... I love you." Dash finally said.

The warmth she was feeling at the sound of her own words quickly doubled. She started to feel as if she couldn't bare being under the blanket for another second.

'I waited to long.' Dash glumily thought to herself, 'She's asleep.'

As she began to fall asleep a sleepy voice said, "I love you too, Rainbow Dash."

"What was that?" Dash asked, almost refusing to believe what she had heard.

Twilight grabbed Dash with her hooves and held her gently. Dash could see that Twilight's muzzle was facing her and that her eyes were slightly open.

"I love you too, Rainbow Dash." Twilight repeated.

Suddenly Dash felt lips touch hers, and she closed her eyes and accepted the kiss that she had for so long awaited. When she reopened her eyes she was staring into Twilight's beautiful purple pools. Rainbow went back in for another kiss only to be stopped by Twilight gently pushing her face away.

"What's wrong?" Dash asked in earnest.

"I don't want you getting sick too.", Twilight explained as she stared into Rainbow Dash's pleading eyes.

"Alright. I guess you're right." Dash said as she turned over and started staring at the ceiling with a euphoric feeling rushing through her body, "But what about tomorrow? How do we tell our friends," she asked into the darkness before turning back towards Twilight and quickly adding, "and will there be more kissing?"

"To the kissing, definitely a yes. I don't think I'll be contagious anymore. I might not be now, but I don't want to take the risk. But as to telling our friends, I don't know." Twilight said thoughtfully, "But there is something I do know.", Twilight said.

"And what's that?", Dash asked as she turned her attention back towards Twilight.

"We'll find out together." Twilight said as she kissed Rainbow Dash on the cheek.

That feeling of euphoria returned to Dash with that kiss, and she dreamily settled into her side of the bed. She wrapped Twilight in a gentle hug and thought back upon the day. As she drifted off into blissful sleep, the last thought that crossed her mind was, 'Tomorrow will be one of the best days of our lifes!'

Author's Note:

Hopefully I've addressed all the errors, but if you see anything let me know. Thanks for reading!