• Published 21st May 2014
  • 7,108 Views, 48 Comments

Best Day of Our Life - nutcase4real

Rainbow Dash takes care of a sick Twilight Sparkle for one day.

  • ...

The Next Day: Part Two

Rainbow Dash walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. She watched Twilight walk by the doorway and heard her steady hoofsteps as she made her way upstairs to the bathroom. Rainbow Dash sat in the kitchen waiting patiently, for what seemed like hours. She looked up at the clock and gasped when she saw that only a few minutes had passed. She got up and started making her way through the library. First she browsed through the Daring Do section, 'Nothing new.' she thought to herself.

She continued through the library looking from one book to another, and eventually found her way upstairs. She wondered aimlessly from room to room stopping occassionally to look at an object of interest. As she wandered back towards the stairs to head back down, she heard the constant sound of Twilight's shower, and curiousity took over.

She walked to the door and placed her ear against it. Inside she could hear Twilight humming sweetly to herself. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and reveled in the musical notes her marefriend was producing. She slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

Twilight was standing in the shower with the warm water falling down onto her shoulders. She magically lifted a soapy luffa and began to scrub her back while she continued to hum a song. She couldn't remember where she had heard it, but it sure was catchy. As she opened her eyes she could swear she saw the bathroom door close, but she thought nothing of it, and so she closed her eyes and continued humming the song.

'I know I heard this song somewhere before but where?' Twilight thought to herself.

She closed her eyes and began to think about it harder. Soon an image of her mother came to her. She realized that she was in her room at her parent's house, and that she was younger. Suddenly instead of her own voice humming she heard her mother's. Her mother was humming the sweet tune to her and rubbing her back as she gently drifted off to sleep.

'So that's where I heard it.' she thought as a smile slowly spread across her face.

As her eyes reopened all she could see was blue.

"Gah!" Twilight gasped, "Rainbow, what are you doing in here?"

"Well, your humming was just so beautiful. I just had to come in so I could hear you better." she explained.

"And what if Spike comes in?" Twilight asked sternly.

"Spike isn't here Twilight." Dash stated bluntly.

"Look Rainbow Dash, I love you. I do, but I'm just not comfortable with sharing a shower with you." Twilight said quietly.

"Why not?" Dash asked.

"I feel like that would be moving things along to quickly, you know? I'd like to take things slow. I'm fine with us sleeping in the same bed, so long as we're not sleeping together."

Rainbow Dash smiled, "Okay. I'll be down stairs if you need me."

"Thanks Rainbow." Twilight said quietly as Dash walked towards the door.

"No need. I'd do anything for you. If you think we're going to fast we'll slow down. I don't want you feeling uncomfortable." Dash said as she exited the room.

Twilight finished her shower about half an hour later, making sure to clean every inch of her body. She hopped out and walked over to the mirror. She levitated a towel to herself and began to dry her body, followed by her tail and mane. She casted a spell to expel any remaining water from her body, and went to work brushing her mane. As she stepped out of the bathroom and the cool air of the hallway hit her, she heard voices loft up the stairs from some where below. Twilight made her way downstairs to find Spike sitting at the table with Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Spike, did you have fun at Rarity's?" Twilight asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Yeah." Spike said in a downtrodden tone.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked with concern evident in her voice.

"Spike here asked Rarity if she would ever go on a date with him," Rainbow said as she patted his back, "and Rarity said no."

"Oh Spike," Twilight started sympathetically, "I'm sorry to hear that, but Rarity is an adult mare and you're... you're a baby dragon." Twilight said as she moved closer to him.

"I know." Spike said as he drew circles on the table with his claw.

"Why don't you tell her the rest of it?" Rainbow asked with a small smile.

"Because, I'm not doing it." Spike muttered.

"Please tell me Spike." Twilight said as she batted her eyes.

Spike sighed, "Fine. She said to be at Sugarcube Corner tonight at eight. She said she knows the perfect filly for me."

"When did she tell you this?" Twilight asked.

"A few minutes ago. I had just finished sorting out her fabrics, when she came in and grabbed a table cloth from her closet. That's when I asked her, and that's when she shot me down." Spike answered forlornly.

"You should definitely go. You never know, what ever she has planned could be something that is totally awesome." Rainbow said.

"Maybe you're right." Spike said.

Rainbow nodded and got up from the table. She walked out of the room and started heading upstairs.

"Where is she going?" Spike asked Twilight.

"She's going to take a shower." Twilight answered.

"Why?" Spike asked.

Twilight gave a nervous chuckle as she tried to think of what to say, "She also has a date at Sugarcube Corner tonight at eight."

"Wait! Rarity set me up with Rainbow Dash?" Spike asked incredulously.

"Noooo." Twilight answered slowly.

"Then who's my date, and who's Rainbow's date?" Spike asked.

Twilight shifted around in her chair a little. She tried to swallow a lump that just wouldn't stay down until finally she decided that Spike and her needed to have a little talk.

"Spike, as you know everyone seeks companionship, right?" she started.


"And sometimes that companion may be of the same gender as the one seeking companionship."


"And that that is perfectly normal."


Twilight sighed, "Rainbow's going on a date with me, Spike." Twilight quickly spat out.

"Oh, so you finally told her about your feelings?" Spike asked casually.

"Well she told me hers fir... wait how did you know?" Twilight quickly asked.

"We sleep in the same room Twilight, and you talk in your sleep." Spike explained. "Oh Rainbow, I love you! Hold me with your big strong wings!" Spike said while he did a terrible impersonation of Twilight, fake swooned, and batted his eyes.

"I do not!" Twilight exasperated.

"Oh yes you do! The things you say when you're asleep are the main reasons why sometimes you find me sleeping in the library!" Spike said as he started laughing.

Twilight's face turned red, "I'm sorry." she said as she started giggling.

Rainbow Dash reentered the room about five minutes later, her mane messier than usual, "Now what?"

"Now we need to fix your mane and tail, while Spike here, goes and gets ready for his blind date." Twilight explained.

"Okay." Rainbow and Spike answered in unison.

Spike began heading upstairs, and Twilight turned to face Rainbow Dash. Although her mane was a mess, Twilight thought that this was the first time she had seen true beauty. Everything about her appearance seemed to define Rainbow Dash as who Twilight knew her to be.

Her mane was wild and unkempt, yet somehow elegant. Her wings were big and powerful, yet graceful. The smirk on her face was proof of the boldness and cockiness of her personality, yet at the same time she wasn't any where near as boastful as she was before. She was all of these things to Twilight. She was Rainbow Dash, her friend, and now she was something even better.

"Alright, lets go brush your mane." Twilight said breaking her trance.

"And where are we going to do that? Spike's in the bathroom." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"We could use my room." Twilight said with a smile.

"Sure, lead the way." Dash said with a smile to match Twilight's.

The two mares made their way up to Twilight's room, and went inside. They walked over to the dresser mirror and Twilight levitated a brush over and started running it through Rainbow Dash's mane.

"So pretty..." Twilight whispered.

"What's pretty?" Dash asked as she looked at Twilight's reflection.

"Your mane. It's so pretty." Twilight explained.

"What? Pretty? No way! It's AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed, earning a smile from Twilight.

Finally after a few minutes of brushing, "Okay, I think we're done here. Now we need to get dressed." Twilight said as she turned towards her walk in wardrobe. She looked over her shoulder and saw Rainbow Dash following her.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" she asked in a somewhat playful tone.

"You know I don't have that much in the way of clothing. Pretty much all I would have had that would've been good enough to wear on a date with you, is the dress Rarity made for me for the Grand Galloping Gala." Rainbow Dash explained.

"Why don't you wear it then?" Twilight asked.

"Trust me. It's not wearable any more." Dash stated in a very serious tone.

"What did you do to it?" Twilight asked.

"A Sonic Rainboom." Dash answered as she lightly kicked at the ground.

"You did a Sonic Rainboom while wearing it?" the lavender alicorn asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah." Dash stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Why?" Twilight bewilderedly asked.

"Cause it was cool." Rainbow Dash said in a defensive tone.

Twilight tried her best to act angry, but she just couldn't. A smile slowly crept across her face as she began to chuckle, "I bet it was."

Dash smiled proudly and stuck her chest out, "Oh course it was! I did it, didn't I, and aren't I the coolest pony you know?" she asked with a cocky grin.

"Of course you are. Come on, I think I have some things you might like." Twilight said with a smile as she beckoned Dash into her wardrobe.

Dash walked in and was greeted with a modest amount of clothing. She perused through some of the dresses before her eyes fell on one that was about the color of her fur. It was a full length gown complete with train of extra fabric that followed on the ground behind it.

"Where'd you get this one Twi?" she asked without taking her eyes off of it.

"Hmm?" Twilight uttered as she stopped viewing herself in the mirror with dresses floating around her, "Oh that one? It was a gift from Princess Celestia."

"The Princess gave you this?" Rainbow asked as she lifted the train of the dress.

"Yeah. The Academy was hosting a dance, but she realized that I wasn't going. So she had that dress made for me and escorted me to the dance herself." Twilight replied as she switched her gaze back to the mirror.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! The Princess escorted you to a dance?" Dash asked.

"Yeah. It was really nice. It was on that night that I knew I didn't like stallions." Twilight replied while trying another dress in front of the mirror.

"So what happened after the dance?" Rainbow Dash asked as she walked up behind Twilight and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Rainbow! Nothing like that happened!" Twilight laughed.

"Can I wear that dress?" Rainbow asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure." Twilight said as she turned around with a red dress in her magical grasp, "What do you think of this one Rainbow?" she asked with a smile while motioning towards the dress.

"Definitely! You have to wear that one!" Rainbow said with a giant smile.

There was a small knock at the door which caught Twilight's and Dash's attention.

"If you girls don't hurry up we might be late!" came Spike's muffled voice.

"We're hurrying Spike! We're hurrying. Just give us a few seconds to get dressed." Twilight called out.

Rainbow Dash slipped on the dress she had selected and Twilight zipped it up for her, which Dash also did for Twilight when she put on the dress she and Rainbow picked out for her. Rainbow Dash stared into Twilight's eyes and she could swear that time stood still. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, not flying, not the Wonderbolts, nothing except the lavender mare in front of her. She was her friend, somepony she could depend on, and now she was something that was so much more special. Dash leaned in and kissed Twilight, deeply and passionately.

That is until the door opened to reveal an impatient purple dragon drake.

Spike blushed profusely, "Um... I... I'll be right outside." he said quickly before shutting the door and running from the room.

Twilight and Dash knew he had seen them, but neither one of them really cared at this moment. All that mattered was the mare each was kissing. After Rainbow Dash pulled away from the kiss, Twilight chuckled to herself.

"What?" Dash asked.

"I don't think Spike thought he would see that when he opened the door." Twilight said as she chuckled again.

"Yeah." Rainbow said before joining Twilight's chuckling.

"Ready to go?" Twilight asked Rainbow.

Dash took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Yeah, lets do this." she said calmly.

The two mares walked out of the wardrobe and down the stairs together. Twilight opened the front door and Rainbow Dash walked outside, quickly followed by Twilight. Spike was sitting on one of the steps of the tree library, and turned around when he heard the door open.

"Twilight... Rainbow Dash... I'm sorry for... well you know." he said in an uncomfortable tone as he rubbed the back of his head.

"It's okay Spike. I expected it to happen sooner or later, although I would have preferred the latter." Twilight said with a smile. "So, are you ready for your blind date, Spike?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Spike said as he visibly tried to gulp something that was in his throat.

"What's a matter little dude? Are ya nervous?" Dash asked as the trio began walking towards Sugarcube Corner together.

"Ye... yeah a little." he answered honestly.

"Well don't be. Anypony would be lucky to have you as their special somepony," Dash stopped and thought for a second, "or... special somedragon?"

On the outside, Spike only smiled weakly, but hearing this made his confidence in himself rise immensely. His stride became springier and his worries started melting away.

'Rainbow's right. I just need to have fun, and forget about Rarity. Besides, I'm sure she has found the perfect date for me.' he thought happily to himself.

As the group reached the doors of Sugarcube Corner they all stopped. There was little light illuminating from the main floor's windows, which caused the trio to wonder why that was. Twilight knocked on the door, which was promptly answered by Rarity, who was holding a piece of paper in her magical grasp.

"Hello there. Do you have a reservation?" she asked as she winked.

Twilight caught on almost immediately, but Rainbow Dash on the other hand, "What? You guys invited us!"

Twilight giggled, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, party of two."

Rarity's eyes flashed to the list, and she pretended to read through it.

"Oh yes here you are! Princess Twilight Sparkle, party of two. Please, do come in!" Rarity said before turning her attention to Spike, "And my! Such a handsome young drake, are you on the list?" she asked with a smile.

"Um... Spike. My date, um, is either running late, or she may be here already; I'm not sure." he said.

"Hmm..." Rarity said as she poured over her list once more, "Here you are. Mr. Spike plus one. Please come inside. I'll seat you in a moment."

Spike shrugged, "Okay." as he walked into the darkened main floor of the bakery.

Author's Note:

Please feel free to critique the story. Point out any mistakes you see below in the comments or pm them to me. If you like this chapter or not, please tell me why. Thank you. I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and thanks for reading!