• Published 21st May 2014
  • 7,114 Views, 48 Comments

Best Day of Our Life - nutcase4real

Rainbow Dash takes care of a sick Twilight Sparkle for one day.

  • ...

The Next Day: Part One

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes when the suns rays struck them from her window. She looked over at her clock and saw that it was 7:30 in the morning. She stretched and yawned while in her bed, and began to roll out of it when a thought entered her mind.

'Didn't Rainbow Dash stay the night?'

She glanced around the room, but to her dismay she didn't see hide nor mane of her long time crush.

'Maybe it was all just a dream.' she bitterly thought to herself as she began making her way towards the door.

As she opened it the smell of hay bacon and blueberry pancakes invaded her nostrils. Her stomach rumbled slightly at this smell and she hasted her pace towards the kitchen.

'It all felt so real. Maybe I should just tell her about my feelings, or just forget about them somehow. We're friends and maybe that's all we're meant to be.' Twilight thought to herself as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

She walked to the door of the kitchen and said before entering, "Spike, breakfast smells great." in as cheery of a voice as she could muster.

"Spike stayed at Rarity's again remember?", a familiar voice said from the kitchen.

As Twilight entered her worries about the previous night were laid to rest when her eyes spotted a blue pegasus standing in front of her stove with a spatula in her mouth. She was skillfully sliding the flat portion of the utensil under a pancake and flipped it into the air, only for it to land back in the pan. The accompanying sizzle made Twilight's stomach beg her to fill it in a louder tone than she liked, but Rainbow Dash just spun around with a smirk on her face while still holding the spatula with her mouth.

She placed it on the table and said, "Well somepony's hungry."

Twilight smiled sheepishly and nodded her head bashfully. She slowly made her way over to the table and silently cursed her stomach for embarrassing her. Rainbow Dash chuckled and went back to cooking at the stove, while Twilight took a seat at the table. After a few moments Rainbow removed the golden brown flapjack from the skillet and placed it on a plate. She then grabbed the pan and placed it into the sink. She turned around to get the pancakes and bacon so she could serve breakfast to her new marefriend, but when she turned all she could see was Twilight's purple eyes getting closer and closing.

Rainbow Dash felt Twilight's lips meet hers and her heart began to race. She closed her eyes and eagerly leaned into the kiss, effectively deepening it. She felt something wet poke her lips and she parted them. Almost immediately Twilight's tongue shot into the opening and began to gently explore the other's mouth. Rainbow used her tongue to softly caress her lover's and eventually the two of them were gently fighting for dominance. Twilight finally caved in and Rainbow Dash won the miniature war. Soon after however the two parted ways for a much needed breath.

"What... was... that... for?" Rainbow Dash asked in between breaths, "Not that... I don't... mind."

"I said there would be more kissing didn't I?" Twilight said after she caught her breath.

She planted another kiss on Rainbow's cheek, and walked back towards the table with the food that Rainbow had prepared floating to the center of the table. With a small clink, the plates of food touched down on Twilight's small place mats, in front of two of the dining set's chairs. Dash walked over and sat across the able from Twilight.

She watched as Twilight hungrily dug into the plate in front of her. The stack of blueberry pancakes didn't stand a chance, and the hay beacon disappeared shortly afterwards. Twilight looked up as she was wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"What?" she asked.

"Was the sandwich I made you yesterday all you had to eat?" Rainbow Dash asked before laughing.

Twilight blushed a little, "Yes." she said quietly before belching.

Rainbow Dash grabbed her sides and fell out of the chair she was sitting in, as Twilight's face got redder from blushing. After a while Rainbow Dash finally stopped laughing long enough to breath properly and to ask some questions.

"Why was that all you had to eat?"

"I couldn't really concentrate enough to use my magic. I was just so sick and tired and the coughing was making my throat hurt. All I wanted to do was go to bed, but then you came over."

"You know all you had to do was ask for more, and I would've gotten you some more food." Rainbow Dash said with some concern.

"I didn't want to burden you." Twilight explained.

"Twilight," Rainbow said causing the lavender unicorn to look into her eyes, "I will do anything for you. Even if I didn't love you, as your friend I would've done it."

Twilight smiled and her blush died down a little, "I know that now Dash, thanks."

Dash stood up from the floor and walked over to Twilight. She pulled her into a hug and wrapped her wings around Twilight. As she pulled away she gave Twilight a light peck on the cheek and walked back over to her side of the table.

"So," she began as she sat down, "do you want some more?"

"No thanks. I have to open the library, and plus I want to finish my study on this one spell I found, so you just stay here and finish eating while I get started on that." Twilight said with a smile.

"Okay. I'll do the dishes when I finish and come and find you after that." Dash stated.

Twilight stood up, "Sounds good to me."

Twilight disappeared through the kitchen door and Rainbow Dash dug into her pancakes and beacon. True to her word, she washed the dishes when she finished eating and went in search of Twilight.

"Twilight? Where are you?" Rainbow called into the apparently empty library.

She waited for a moment but there was no answer. She called again, but still Twilight didn't answer.

"Hmmm, what can I do to get her attention?" Rainbow asked herself as she stroked her chin.

She glanced over at the front door and an idea sparked. She walked over to it and opened it. The door chimed the bell that sat atop the door frame.

"One minute please!" came Twilight's voice from below.

Twilight appeared in the main room of the library and she began looking around curiously.

"Did they leave?" she asked.

Rainbow Dash snickered a little, but was able to cover her mouth before Twilight could notice.

"Yeah, they left." she said.

"Oh. Okay then." Twilight said as she turned around to head back down the stairs to the basement.

Rainbow quickly trotted up to her, "I still have about an hour until I have to go to work. Do you mind if I stay here and hang with you for a while longer?"

Twilight glanced over into Rainbow Dash's resplendent eyes and somehow got lost in them.

She shook her head vigorously, "Not at all Dashie."

'Dashie?' Rainbow thought to herself, 'I kinda like the way it sounds coming form her.'

"Awesome! So what were you doing anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"I was researching a new spell." Twilight said as she motioned to the stairs that led down into the cellar.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash walked down the stairs one after the other, until they reached the concrete floor. The air smelled slightly dusty and milldewy, but Rainbow Dash didn't mind.

The room was filled with boxes packed with old worn books and other odds and ends, shelves filled with books were in placed creating aisles, each filled with books that had strange writing on them, and there was a single table with a lantern that was lit. Beside the lantern was a single book that was open. The writing looked ancient and Dash walked closer to investigate it.

"Hey Twilight, why do all this books have strange writing in them?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"These books were write during the reign of Discord over fifteen hundred years ago." Twilight said as she approached the book Dash was looking at.

"Is this the book that has the spell you're trying to learn?" Dash asked while trying to make sense of the writing before her.

"Yes it is. The spell I'm trying to learn will allow a pony to hold their breath indefinitely." Twilight said as she pulled the book towards herself.

Dash watched as Twilight read the text in front of her and soon her horn lit up. There was a flash of light and Twilight looked up at Rainbow Dash, "Now I need to test it." Twilight said as she began thinking of a way to test this spell.

"Whoa! Wait a minute! What if it didn't work?" Rainbow asked quickly.

"You'll be right here to help me if it didn't, and besides I'm just going to hold my breathe as the test. That's not to dangerous." Twilight responded with a smile.

"Okay, I guess that's true. What do you need me to do?"

"All you have to do is stand there and keep track of time for me with this." Twilight said as she teleported a stop watch in front of Dash. Dash picked it up by the cord necklace and placed it on her neck. She looked at Twilight and smiled, "Ready?"

Twilight nodded her head.

"Begin!" Rainbow said as she clicked the watch into operation. She called out every minute to Twilight and after 4 Twilight finally spoke up.

"I'd say that the spell was a success!" she said happily as she clapped her hooves together.

Rainbow Dash shared in her excitement by giving a few hoof pumps into the air and woohooing. Twilight rushed forward and grabbed Dash's face and kissed her. The two mares played with each other's tongue for a while before Dash broke the kiss.

"I have to go to work now." she muttered begrudgedly.

Twilight lightly chuckled and said, "I'll be here when you get back, besides we still need to discuss how we're going to tell the others."

"Okay." Dash muttered in an annoyed tone, "Work always gets in the way of the fun things in life." she said under her breath.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Dash's neck and pulled her into another kiss, "Feel better?" she asked with a smile as she broke the kiss.

"Yeah." Dash said with a smile, "I'll see you in a few hours."

Rainbow Dash flew to work. She entered Ponyville's branch of the Equestrian Weather Services, and marched straight to her office. She went through the forms that laid out the weather plan for the day, sent out requests for next weeks weather, and read some memos sent in by the rest of the team that consisted of their complaints and appraisals.

She then went out and organized the team, and got everypony ready to complete the plan for the day. The work wasn't to hard but everything just seemed to creep by for her. She just couldn't wait to get off and see Twilight again. After Rainbow Dash double checked all of the teams work for the day, and concluded that it was satisfactory, she released them and closed up shop for the day.

The citizens of Ponyville knew exactly what hit them when Dash came soaring through the streets of the little village. The only thing that was sent was a blue blur being followed by a rainbow trail. She skidded to a stop in front of the library and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. A look into the window revealed that Twilight had closed the library early.

'Why would she close early?' Dash asked herself.

She looked back over to the door and saw a little note fluttering in the breeze she had over looked earlier.

Dash took the note and read it.


meet me at Sugarcube Corner after you read this.


"Sugarcube Corner?" she asked openly as she gazed down the road at the bakery.

She lifted herself off the ground and flew over to the sweet shop. She landed in front of the door and walked inside. She saw that the place was empty except for the table in the middle where all of her friends and her new marefriend were sitting. She walked up and sat down next to Twilight, barely resisting the urge to kiss her then and there.

"What's up guys?" Rainbow asked with a smile.

"Okay Twilight, Dash is here now. Can you please tell us what all the fuss is about?" Applejack asked in a somewhat agitated tone.

"Applejack!" Rarity scolded.

"Um, I agree with Applejack, Twilight. I have a family of very sick mice back in my cottage that I must tend to. If you don't mind that is."

"Fluttershy!" Rarity gasped.

"And Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Well girls, Rainbow and I have an announcement to make." Twilight said happily.

Dash leaned towards Twilight and whispered, "I thought we were going to talk about this?"

"Well I thought that it would be best if we just told them as soon as possible, sorry." Twilight whispered back.

Rainbow smiled and nodded before speaking up, "Guys, Twilight and I have decided to be each other's special somepony."

Rainbow and Twilight smiled and looked at each of their friend's gasping faces. They said nothing or moved, until Pinkie Pie blurted out, "I knew it!"

"Well congratulations!" Applejack said with a smile.

"Well that's nice." Fluttershy added quietly.

"I think you two make a lovely couple." Rarity added.

The group went on for a few moments with everypony speaking at once, except for Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

"So where did you two go on your first date?" Rarity asked suddenly and the other girls quieted down so they all could hear the answer.

"First date?" Twilight and Rainbow Dash asked simultaneously.

"Why yes darlings. Your first date, where did you go?" Rarity asked with large beaming eyes.

"Uh... we haven't had one yet." Rainbow Dash said uneasily.

"Oh? Why not?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"Well we haven't planned anything yet. We just got together last night." Twilight explained.

Pinkie shot up and started bouncing around the room. She quickly grabbed everypony except Twilight and Rainbow into a group huddle. Rainbow Dash strained to hear what was being said, but for some odd reason Twilight stopped her.

"Woo-wee! That's a great idea Pinkie Pie!" Applejack exclaimed suddenly.

"I know." Pinkie stated.

"Yes, I must agree with Applejack, Pinkie. That is a wonderful idea." Rarity stated.

"It sounds very... um, nice." Fluttershy said with a small smile.

Rainbow Dash had had enough. She wanted to know what her friends had planned behind her back.

"What are you guys doing?" Rainbow asked.

"Just be here at eight o'clock sharp tonight, and you'll see!" Rarity almost squealed.

Twilight placed her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder, calming her down tremendously, "Rainbow? Let's just come back at eight, okay?"

"Fine." the stubborn pegasus huffed as she stood with Twilight and began moving towards the exit.

"Remember to get snazzed up!" Pinkie added cheerfully.

"What?" Rainbow asked as she stopped and arched an eyebrow in Pinkie's direction.

"Come on Rainbow. Let's go back to the library." Twilight said with a smile.

The two winged mares made their way outside and heard the door lock behind them. Rainbow shot a questioning glance over to Twilight.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"Aren't you even just a little bit curious about what they are planning?" Rainbow questioned.

"Nope." the librarian/princess answered.

"Why not?" Rainbow Dash practically whined.

"I cast a spell that allows me to hear distant conversations." Twilight replied as a sly smile spread across her face.

The two started off towards the Golden Oaks Library at a mild pace.

"What are they planning?" Rainbow asked.

"They want to set up a date for us tonight at Sugarcube Corner." Twilight replied with a chuckle.

"Oh, okay." Rainbow said as she started to feel a little silly for over-reacting, "So what do we do?" she asked.

"Well," Twilight said as they quickly approached the library, "first we go inside," the door unlocked and opened, "then we each take a nice shower..."

"Can we take one together?" Rainbow quickly asked.

"No. Spike is probably home now, and I don't want him walking in on us together in the tub." Twilight answered quickly.


"After the showers, we find some nice clothes to wear, and then we go back to Sugarcube Corner."

Rainbow Dash nodded her head, "Sounds like a plan to me!"

The two mares walked inside, "Good." Twilight said as she closed the door.

Author's Note:

So here's chapter two. If anything is wrong please feel free to tell me, all criticism is welcome so long as it's meant to help me correct the story or myself. Please leave a comment detailing why you like the story so far or why you don't. Have a nice day, and thanks for reading.