• Published 24th May 2014
  • 16,091 Views, 2,010 Comments

A New Dragon in Ponyville - Vedues

Cliff Runner has just one goal in life: find his egg-napped brother, and bring him home where he belongs.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Princess Celestia said her goodbyes and returned to Canterlot almost immediately, leaving Twilight with a group of six dragons.

“So...” she chuckled nervously, “lets go inside. There are some ponies that I'd like you all to meet.”

Cliff had to admit that he was a bit concerned as well. In retrospect, however, worrying about social awkwardness in a group that involved his grandmother, Fire Eyes, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, was not only silly, but bordering on crazy.

A stream of confetti and balloons hit them as soon as the door opened, followed by Pinkie giving each of the newcomers a big hug, shouting all the while about how great it was to meet new friends.

“Well, at least they're friendly,” Fire Eyes commented as they followed Pinkie inside.

The living room of the palace had been decorated in traditional Pinkie Party style, including a large table of snacks, in case anydragon was hungry.

Fire Eyes spotted Rainbow Dash, and immediately went over to say hi. Somehow, Rainbow's week-long stint as a dragon came up, and the two started going off on how awesome it was to breathe fire.

Rarity introduced herself to Spike's grandfather.

Burning Torch had spent most of his life trying to understand ancient cultures through the things they created and wore. This translated easily into a discussion about fashion, and how different outfits and materials sent different messages to society.

Fire Claws reluctantly let her grandson go to join them, and then lapsed into silence as her magic scanned the emotional landscape of the room. It didn't take her long to catch Cliff's eye, glance at Fluttershy, and then return to him expectantly.

He could take a hint. Cliff pulled her away to meet the yellow pegasus, along with River, who was still riding on his back. “Fluttershy, this is Fire Claws, my grandmother, and this is River Wind.”

Fluttershy's face lit up. “The River Wind you care so much about? Oh, she's adorable!”

River shrank down a bit, blushing as she stammered out a thank you.

The pegasus seemed to notice Fire Claws for the first time. “Oh, I'm sorry. I should have introduced myself sooner. I'm...” she hid behind her mane, “Fluttershy.

The older dragoness laughed and patted the hatchling on Cliff's back soothingly. “No need to apologize. I see you and River are cut from the same gem.” She leaned over and whispered, “It's okay, say hello.”

Encouraged by that, River took a deep breath and said, “I-it's nice to meet you.”

Cliff could actually see Fluttershy struggling not to embrace the tiny dragoness. “It's so nice to meet you too.”

Not that he didn't find them both adorable right then, but Cliff was mostly concerned about his grandmother. He gave her a look that said, I know you're here to do something embarrassing, so just get it over with.

Fire Claws was happy to take him up on that. “So it seems Cliff Runner here has romantic feelings for you.”

“Really?” River whispered in his ear. “Are you in love with her?”

Cliff covered his surprise with a fake cough.

Luckily, Fluttershy didn't hear the hatchling. She was too busy turning dark red and saying, “We, uh, well... I hope so.

“He does.” Fire Claws sat beside the pegasus. “And do you feel the same about him?”


She caught Fluttershy in a hug. “That's wonderful to hear. Have you told him yet?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Cliff,” River whispered again, “are you in love with her?”

“I'll explain later,” he whispered back, before saying in a normal voice, “Grandma, would you please stop tormenting Fluttershy?” He maneuvered River onto his lap so he could sit on the mare's other side.

“Am I tormenting you?” Fire Claws asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, even though she was still flushed. “No.”

The purple dragoness smiled warmly. “I'm glad to hear it.” She turned to Cliff. “Now why don't you go get us some drinks and then wander for a bit? I want to get to know the pony who caught your heart.”

The yellow pegasus caught his eye and nodded slightly. Apparently she was okay with that.

Cliff returned River to his back and made his way to the drink table, wondering what had just happened. He could only assume it was more of the legendary 'girl talk.'

After delivering their drinks, Cliff dutifully set about his aimless wandering. Fire Eyes was talking with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Burning Torch and Spike were still speaking with Rarity, but they had been joined by Twilight. A few covert looks from both groups were being directed at his grandmother and Fluttershy.

“So,” River asked, “do you love her or not?”

Cliff slipped into the hallway before answering. “Yes, I love her,” saying it out loud made him a bit giddy, “but remember how there are different types of love?”

She nodded.

“What I feel right now is kind of like a seed. It will take time before it can grow into true love, like what your parents share.”

River was a little disappointed.

Cliff could sympathize with her. True love at first sight made for a much better story. “Hey,” he lifted her chin, “do you want to hear how we started courting?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “Please.”

He told the story as simply as he could, including his decision not to pursue a relationship with Fluttershy, and how Discord's influence had changed all that. Cliff stole a glance at her as he talked. She actually seemed to be enjoying herself with his grandmother.

“Hey, Cliff!” Fire Eyes waved him over.

I can guess what this is about. Cliff walked over to her, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie. “Yes?”

“Why didn't you tell me that you started courting a pony?” Fire Eyes demanded. “I could have scrounged up a gem or something to congratulate you.”

“Because I didn't want to break your heart when you realized that the most wonderful dragon under the stars had slipped away from you,” Cliff deadpanned.

“Nice one,” Rainbow laughed.

Fire Eyes did as well. “Seriously though, what's the real reason?”

“I was waiting to tell you in private,” he admitted.

“Okay, fair enough.” She picked River off of his back, giving her a little hug. “What do you think of her, sis?”

“I like her,” River said.

“Well duh!” Pinkie dropped a party hat on the hatchling's head and gave her a cupcake. “Nopony could dislike Fluttershy!”

River cringed a little at the new pony's antics.

Rainbow must have noticed, because she leaned over to her. “Don't worry, squirt. Pinkie here is one of my best friends, even if she is a little random.”

“O-okay.” River took a bite of the cupcake and smiled.

“Oooh, do you like it?” Pinkie grinned. “It's a special ruby-flavored cupcake I invented to welcome you all to Ponyville.”

Bolstered by encouraging looks from her sister, Cliff, and Rainbow Dash, the hatchling nodded. “It's r-really good.”

Applejack gently nudged Cliff. “Ah think yer grandma an' Flutters are about done talkin'.”

Cliff glanced their way. Both were looking at him. Fire Claws nodded towards Fluttershy, inviting him to sit with them.

He thanked the farm pony and made his way over. “She didn't ask you anything weird, did she?” He sat beside Fluttershy.

Twilight began calling for everypony/dragon to calm down and give her their attention.

“No,” Fluttershy whispered. “She just wanted to hear how we started... dating.” The mare smiled a little nervously. “She's really nice.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said once the room had fallen silent. “As you all know, this is the first known time that dragons and ponies have seriously attempted to live together in peace. I've already spoken with the town so they should know what to expect from having dragons as neighbors. However, there are a number of things that will help you get along more easily in pony society.

“Firstly, and I know this may seem obvious, but ponies are not immune to heat or fire, nor are most of our structures or possessions...”


Cliff had to admit, Twilight's introduction to Ponyville had been thorough. After nearly two hours, the alicorn had covered every topic imaginable, including economics, education systems, and (probably for Cliff's benefit) the rituals associated with courtship. Apparently the correct title for Fluttershy was 'marefriend,' though calling himself her 'stallionfriend' seemed a little inaccurate. He supposed they would have to come up with a new word for it.

They closed the lecture with a tour of the Dragon House.

Burning Torch was thrilled to find the library room. Fire Claws and Fire Eyes were thrilled to have such a large field nearby for training. River was above and beyond thrilled to learn that she could attend school with ponies her own age.

“I'll leave you all to get settled,” Twilight told them. “You can find me back at the palace if you need anything at all, or if you have any questions.”

One-by-one, the other ponies returned to their lives, until only dragons remained. Spike was still tied up with his grandparents, leaving the dragon sisters to talk with Cliff.

“Why don't you show us around town?” Fire Eyes suggested.

“Please?” River added.

Cliff nuzzled the hatchling affectionately. “I'd love to.”

They attracted a few stares as they walked, but nowhere near what he had experienced after killing the hydra. A couple of ponies even waved or called out greetings. It was probably due to Celestia's outspoken support of dragons at Pinkie's, now legendary, party, but to Cliff, it still felt like a personal victory.

After brief tours of Lugnut's hardware store, Sugarcube Corner, the central market, and the school (at River's request), the three found themselves walking back to the Dragon House.

“I can't believe how many ponies live here.” Fire Eyes shook her head in wonder. “I don't even want to imagine what Canterlot must be like.”

“I think they looked nice,” River said, even though she had spent most of the tour trying to hide in her sister's shadow.

“They're friendly enough,” Fire Eyes agreed, “but how did you ever get used to those crowds, Cliff?”

He shrugged. “I don't know. I guess it just takes time.” It had actually been a fairly calm day as far as crowds were concerned.

A shout of joy reached them just as they arrived at their new home, and three fillies met Cliff with their customary hug/tackle.

“Congratulations, Cliff!” Apple Bloom grinned.

“We heard that the new dragons are your friends and family,” Scootaloo joined in. “That's awesome!”

“Friends and family are the best!” Sweetie Belle agreed.

Carefully setting the fillies back down, Cliff made a quick round of introductions, “Crusaders, meet Fire Eyes, an old friend of mine, and River Wind, her little sister. Fire Eyes and River, meet Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, the Cutie-Mark Crusaders.”

“What is it with you and kids?” Fire Eyes whispered before kneeling down to eye level with the Crusaders. “It's nice to meet you three. Have you been keeping Cliff here out of trouble?”

“Nope,” Sweetie replied. “Rarity says he's the one who keeps us out of trouble.”

“I taught them Bash,” Cliff explained, “plus a few other dragon games.” He nudged River, who was still staring at the Crudsaders nervously. “Why don't you say hello?”

Before River could work up the courage to say anything, the Crusaders swarmed around her with the same level of enthusiasm that they used for most situations.

“Your scales are so pretty!”

“Can you breathe fire yet?”

“It's so nice ta meet ya!”

The hatchling shrank visibly under their barrage. “I... uh.” She looked up at Cliff pleadingly.

Fire Eyes moved to intervene, but Cliff caught her eyes and shook his head slightly. “It's okay, River. You can do it.”

“I...” she turned back to the Crusaders. “I-it's nice to meet you too.”

“You're really pretty,” Sweetie grinned. “I love how your scales sparkle.”

River blushed. “T-thanks. Your mane is beautiful. Uh... does it curl like that naturally?”

“A little, but my sister, Rarity always says it's worth the extra effort to look fabulous.”

“Do you curl it with your, uh, unicorn magic?”

“Nope. I use a curling iron, and sometimes hair gel, because it gives my mane that special look...”

Minutes passed, and the hatchling's natural curiosity slowly drew her out of her shell. A little of the Crusaders' energy even seemed to be rubbing off on her.

Smiling down at the four of them, Cliff had a thought. “Hey, Crusaders?”

The young ones all stopped to look up at him.

“Did you know that dragons have to earn their real names, just like ponies earn their cutie-marks?” As realization dawned on the fillies, Cliff leaned down next to the hatchling. “River Wind here hasn't earned her true name yet. Do you think maybe you could help her?”

“Really?” Apple Bloom couldn't have looked happier.

Scootaloo grabbed River's hand in her hooves. “We'll get you your name no matter what!”

“Ooh, ooh!” Sweetie was hoping up and down. “We could get our cutie-marks in getting dragons their names!”

River actually smiled a little. “O-okay. We can try it.”

After another minute of excited, and mostly indecipherable, shouting, the Crusaders led River off to Sweet Apple Acres. Cliff thought he heard something about an indoctrination ceremony.

“Just to be clear, I trust you and all,” Fire Eyes said, “but are you sure that was a good idea?”

“Three new friends that she can talk to at school, ponies near her own age to spend time with when neither of us is available, and a helping hoof finding her name.” Cliff counted each item off on his claws. “Don't worry, those three are a little rambunctious, but they'll never treat River differently because she isn't a pony.”

“Okay, you win.” Fire Eyes glanced at the nearby field. It was easily half a mile across, and bordered by the Everfree Forest. “Hey, you up for a duel?”

“Only if you're up for a race afterward,” Cliff replied.


“What rules should we use?” Cliff asked.

“Tier five defenses, tier four attacks,” Fire Eyes said immediately. “Five points to win, like usual.”

He nodded. “Sounds good.”

“Great.” She grabbed a stick and tossed it in the air. “We start when it lands.”

Cliff readied his stance. He knew he couldn't beat Fire Eyes, but he wanted to at least give her a decent fight.


He charged forward, casting spells as quickly as he could.

A small explosion just barely missed him.

Unlike unicorns, dragons had very limited options for ranged attack magic. However, Fire Eyes was a master at all of them.

Cliff rolled with the force of the blast. With all of his spells completed, he shot forward at nearly supersonic speeds.

The dragoness was waiting for that, of course. Her other specialty was precognitive magic. Put simply, she saw her opponent's moves before they actually happened.

He slammed into a glowing barrier with enough force that it stunned him for a fraction of a second.

Against Fire Eyes, that was just asking for pain. An explosion hurled the young dragon backwards.

One to zero.

Cliff launched himself into the sky with a burst of magic, and from there, right back towards Fire Eyes. He couldn't hope to compete with her in a ranged fight.

This time, she sidestepped him and a thrust of telekinetic force sent him hurtling right into a tree at the edge of the forest.

Two to zero.

Telekinesis was one of the reasons any sane dragon worried about fighting unicorns. Fire Eyes knew the only dragon equivalent, but it was an extremely difficult spell to get right, and could only affect a single object for a second or two. She used it well though, as Cliff's throbbing head could attest.

He hated to imagine being on the receiving end of Twilight's telekinesis. The alicorn could probably snap every bone in his body without once giving him a chance to fight back.

Whipping away from the tree, Cliff shot back at his opponent, hurling a loose rock as he went. The impact wasn't enough to hurt Fire Eyes, but it did make her pause just long enough for Cliff to close the distance.

A magically empowered palm strike sent Fire Eyes flying, just as a burst of her telekinesis did the same to Cliff.

Three to one.

Cliff was hiding in the trees before Fire Eyes rolled gracefully to her feet. He mentally cursed himself for not studying more about hit-and-run combat. Maybe his grandmother's notes would have had something useful.

Fire Eyes watched the trees carefully. Cliff couldn't tell if she knew where he was or not.

As far as the young dragon could tell, he had three options: try to catch her by surprise, try to distract her before catching her by surprise, or wait for her to come looking for him.

The decision was taken out of his claws when he felt her begin to cast something. Cliff didn't know which spell she would use this time, but he didn't want to find out. He shot into the sky, just as a bolt of electricity hit the tree he'd been hiding in.

Rocketing himself down at his opponent as quickly as he could, Cliff surged his momentum redirecting spell. A supersonic dragon's worth of inertia was transferred into the air around him on impact, sending out a shock-wave... which Fire Eyes blocked with her shield. He really hated that spell sometimes.


Four to one.

Cliff was halfway to Canterlot before the smoke had cleared. He changed direction and slowly arched back towards his opponent. This time, he pulled away from his suicide rush at the last moment, and used Ghost Claws to make up for the distance.

Ethereal claws hit Fire Eyes, but a bolt of electricity tagged him before he could get away.

Five to two.

Cliff let his spells drop with a wince. He was going to be sore in the morning. At least the collateral damage wasn't that bad. There was a small crater that needed to be filled in, several burnt patches of grass, and that tree at the edge of the forest was on fire, but it could have been much worse. “Good match.”

“You too,” Fire Eyes laughed. “This is a day for the records. You were actually a bit creative back there.”

“A bit,” a third voice agreed, “but not enough for my tastes.”

“Hey, Grandma.” Cliff waved to her and Spike, who were approaching together.

“Wow,” Spike exclaimed. “You two are amazing!”

“They both have raw talent,” Fire Claws agreed, “but Cliff Runner hasn't refined that talent into a fighting style that works for him yet.”

“I can maintain three spells all day,” Cliff said lamely.

“Good,” his grandmother said approvingly. “I did notice an increase in your willpower.” She tapped her claws together thoughtfully. “Tell you what, if you can run to Redstone and back in one hour, I'll declare you ready to start on the next step.”

Cliff winced again. “Do you really think I can manage that?”

“Probably. Will you try it?”

Ignoring Spike's confusion, he nodded. Fire Claws wouldn't have suggested it if she didn't think it would help.

“Excellent.” She put her claws to his forehead. “Eyes will clean this up while you're gone.”

Willpower began to flow into Cliff, nearly enough to restore what he had used against Fire Eyes.

“You have one hour,” his grandmother reminded him. “Go.”


Magic could be a wonderful thing, but it also tended to cause problems that could only be fixed with more magic. High speed running, for example, required a spell to increase reaction speed, and another to increase strength. However, it put an unbelievable amount of strain on the body, requiring both Scale Armor and another spell that targeted the joints specifically. Once strength was increased past a certain point, another spell was needed to weigh the runner down, otherwise they would bounce along at a decent, but comparatively slow pace. Another spell was needed to add traction, another for balance, another for the senses, and the list went on.

It was no surprise then, that Cliff tended to wear himself out when he used his running spells. Keeping them up for a few minutes was difficult. Keeping them up for an hour... it made him wonder if it wouldn't have been easier to fight another hydra.

When he finally got back to the Dragon House, Cliff made a mistake that no high speed runner should ever make. He tripped.

Three seconds, and nearly a mile of skidding later, the young dragon was just conscious enough to register that one, he was still alive, and two, he had never been happier to stop running.


“Time to wake up, Cliff.”

Cliff regretfully opened his eyes to find his grandmother, brother, and Fire Eyes standing over him.

“I just finished the recovery spell and gave you some more willpower, so there's no excuse to keep lying there.” His grandmother held out a claw to him.

Healing magic undid injuries, but it also undid the benefits that would have come from exercising. Recovery magic was much more difficult, but it didn't have that problem.

Cliff took the claw, and pulled himself upright. “Okay, Fire Eyes, try to beat my time.”

“Ha ha,” the white dragoness deadpanned. They both knew it would have taken her several days just to reach the coven.

“Are you okay?” Spike asked.

“There's a bunch of fuzz where my brain should be, and I feel like I haven't eaten in days, but other than that, I'm fine.”

“Come on then, there's food in the kitchen,” Spike said, leading the way. “What are you in the mood for?”

“I don't care.” Cliff blinked groggily.

“You did really well out there,” Fire Claws said. “You're ready for the next step in your training.”

“Sweet,” Fire Eyes grinned. “I bet you're excited.”

“Food now,” he replied. “Excitement later.”

After eating enough fruits, nuts, and bread to make up three normal meals, Cliff found himself relaxing on the side of the field while Fire Eyes instructed Spike on magical combat.

Being Fire Eyes, her instruction usually amounted to, “Let's see if you can dodge this.”

“You've done a good job with him,” his grandmother commented. “It's hard to believe he only started learning to fight last week.”

“He only started formal training last week,” Cliff said. “He's been in plenty of fights before.”

Fire Claws nodded. “Yes, he told me about some of them. Like when a swarm of giant cockatrice attacked Canterlot.”

Cliff laughed. “I actually thought he was making that one up until he showed me the medal they gave him for it.”

Meanwhile, the dragon in question got knocked back several dozen feet. He shook it off, and came back for more.

“So what about you and Fluttershy?” Fire Claws asked suddenly.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I already heard her side of things. Now I'm curious about yours. What's it like courting a pony? How close are you? Most importantly,” she became serious, “have you considered what will happen if things work out between you two?”

Cliff took a moment to reflect before answering. “We've only been courting for a week, so it's hard to say what it's usually like. We haven't gone on any of the 'dates' that Twilight talked about. We mostly talk at her house as we do chores and eat lunch together.”

“You eat together?” Fire Claws repeated. “As in, alone at her house?”

“It's not like that!” Cliff felt his face going red.

She raised an eyebrow.

“It's true! We always go outside for meals, and besides...” he coughed nervously. “Sharing a meal doesn't mean anything like that among ponies.” Stars above, it's like I'm cursed to have this misunderstanding haunt me forever!

“Uh-huh,” his grandmother said. “I'll have to take your word for it, but keep your hormones in check during these meals, Cliff. The last thing we need is a scandal between us and these ponies.”

“I will,” Cliff promised quickly. “Anyway, I suppose we're still in the infatuation phase of our relationship. As for what I'll do if things work out...” he shrugged helplessly. “I don't know yet.”

Fire Claws tousled his head spikes. “I understand. Just remember that I'm always here, and I'll support you no matter what.”

“Thanks, Grandma.” He gave her a quick hug. “So anyway, what is the next part of my training?”

She pointed to the forest. “Tomorrow we'll run through there with minimum speed enhancements. You need to learn how to go fast in something other than a straight line.”


Spike was exhausted by the time Fire Eyes finished with him. Cliff took the younger dragon inside to rest while the two females remained outside to keep training.

“You did well,” Cliff said as his brother flopped onto a couch.

“Really?” Spike groaned.

“Yes, really.” Cliff wished he knew recovery magic, or had enough willpower to cast it, for that matter.

“Good.” Spike rolled over to face him. “Hey, Cliff?”


“Do you...” He swallowed and pushed himself into a sitting position. “Do you think Twilight still thinks of me as her brother? I mean, I have a family now, but she was my family before, and...”

Cliff punched the other dragon in the shoulder, just hard enough to cut through his ramblings. “Spike, I can't say I understand what you're going through, but I do know that Twilight still loves you.” He smiled and shrugged. “What else really matters?”

Spike smiled back. “Yeah, you're right.” He tried to stretch, but he stopped with a wince. “Ow.”

“Yeah,” Cliff took a seat next to his brother, “Fire Eyes isn't good at holding back. I'm the only one crazy enough to keep sparring with her.”

Spike rubbed his neck. “What about Grandmother?”

“She's our teacher. Besides,” Cliff grinned, “not even Fire Eyes is crazy enough to fight Grandma at full power.”

“Is she really that good?”

“Let me put it this way; she probably has more willpower than every other wyrm in Ponyville combined.”

Spike whistled appreciatively. “I kind of want to see her fight now.”

Cliff tousled his brother's head spikes. “You'll get your chance when she starts teaching you linked combat.”

“Grandmother said I probably won't get to that for at least another few months.” Spike sighed.

“Your potential lifespan is over a thousand years,” Cliff pointed out. “A few months isn't long at all.”

“If you say so, Cliff.” He paused. “Hey, I've been meaning to ask, why didn't any of the others bring any luggage with them?”

“They didn't have anything to bring. That notebook Grandma gave me was probably the only thing she's owned in over a decade.”

Spike paused and looked down at his claws. “Cliff, should I get rid of my things? You know, like you guys?”

He shook his head. “There's no need for you to do that.”

“Why not? I'm a wyrm like the rest of you, right?”

“Well, yes, but...” Cliff sighed gently and gave his brother a hug. “Spike, you've spent your whole life with possessions, and without the Stillness. The odds of coming through that in one piece are unbelievably small, but you did, and because of it, you've built up a resistance to greed that the rest of us could only dream of. Twilight said that it took you hours to transform into a berserker. For a normal wyrm, it only takes a minute or two. Giving up your things now would be pointless, because you can have them and still be more safe than the rest of us with nothing.”

Spike blushed a little. “C'mon, Cliff, I'm not really all that,” he smiled, “but thanks for saying so.”


After Spike had rested for a while, Cliff sent him out to fetch Twilight for dinner. He and the alicorn had already planned for her to be there, so it was more of a reminder than anything. While his brother was gone, Cliff put his fledgling cooking skills to work preparing a suitable meal for six dragons and a pony. It was mostly vegetarian, considering the supplies he had received from Ponyville, but he made sure to include roast chicken, if just to see the look on Twilight's face.

She didn't disappoint. “So, uh...” Twilight forced a smile while trying unsuccessfully to not stare at the steaming bird parts on Cliff's plate. “How are you all liking Ponyville?”

In true wyrm fashion, they had loaded up their plates buffet-style in the kitchen, and were lounging around the living room as they ate.

“It's a lot bigger than I expected,” Fire Eyes said from her spot on the fireplace, “and River here,” she patted her little sister, “tells me that she became a Cutie-Mark Crusader... whatever that means.”

Fire Claws sat with her husband and Spike on the couch. “This town turned my grandson into a fine dragon. That's all I need to think highly of it.”

Burning Torch reflected a moment before speaking. “I have a rather lengthy analysis of what I've seen and read, but I fear it would bore the others. Suffice it to say that I am enjoying myself.”

That last comment brought a smile to Twilight's face. “Really? Perhaps we could discuss your thoughts after dinner?”

Burning Torch nodded. “I would be delighted, Princess.”

Fire Claws rolled her eyes. “You may want to prepare yourself, Princess Twilight. It takes my husband an hour to say 'hello.'”

Twilight chuckled. “I'll keep that in mind.”

Cliff worked his way through another chicken thigh, reflecting on the absurdity of the whole situation. Six dragons were relaxing in a pony house, on the edge of a pony town, talking with an alicorn princess over dinner. He grinned.

“Oh, before I forget,” Twilight said, “tomorrow in Canterlot, we'll be holding a formal ball to thank all the ponies who donated to this Cultural Exchange Program. Spike, Rarity, and I will be there, as well as Celestia. You're all welcome to come too, but it certainly isn't required.”

“I guess you'll be going,” Fire Eyes said to Cliff, “so you can spend time with your sweetheart.”

Cliff smirked a little. “One, I'm staying in town tomorrow. Two, Rarity is the white unicorn. The one I'm courting is Fluttershy.” Fire Eyes was a good friend, but she was horrible with names.

“Oh, whoops.” She laughed. “Anyway, I'm staying.”

“My new friends want to go crusading,” River said.

“Assuming the ponies of Canterlot don't object to a dragon unfamiliar with their customs,” Burning Torch said, “I would love to go.”

“I'm staying,” Fire Claws said. “Somedragon has to cover assassination detail in Ponyville.”

The others all nodded solemnly, even Twilight. Since there was always the chance that one of them would go berserk, it had been agreed that they should keep a team of fighters around capable of dealing with such a threat. Burning Torch would only be safe leaving because Princess Celestia would be in Canterlot, and it was doubtful that there was a single berserker under the stars that she couldn't handle.

Ironically, unicorn magic in general was far better suited to handling a berserk dragon, between their telekinesis and energy blasts, but Twilight hadn't been able to get anypony to volunteer for an anti-berserker combat team. Learning how to fight just wasn't a priority for most unicorns.

“On a happier note,” Fire Claws continued, “Spike tells me that you know some healing magic, Princess?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, only the basic version.”

“Well after breakfast tomorrow, we're all going down to that... hospital, to heal the ponies in it. We could use your help, if you're available.”

She blinked. “You're going to heal... all of them?”

“That's the plan, at least.” Fire Claws set aside her empty plate. “I'm not sure how many we'll actually manage.”

“I'd love to come!” Twilight beamed. “I'll help in any way I can.”


The Crusaders arrived shortly after dinner. As usual, they wanted to play a dragon game, and were thoughtful enough to let River decide which one.

She chose Heartsong, an old favorite. It used the Heart's Mirror spell, but set so that it would reflect the emotions of whoever was standing in a certain location. There was no winner. The point of the game was simply to weave emotions together into whatever type of 'song' one desired.

Cliff found himself wishing Fluttershy was there. His own emotional songs tended to be a bit dull, but he was sure that the yellow mare's heart would resonate with something truly beautiful... or maybe that was just the infatuation talking.

“The simplest way to make a good song,” Fire Claws explained, “is to relive a particularly powerful memory. That will bring in the right emotions all by itself.”

Sweetie Belle volunteered to go first. Her song was a jumbled mess of emotions, but she seemed to enjoy herself.

“What were ya thinkin' about?” Apple Bloom asked.

“What it's like to have Rarity as a big sister.” The little unicorn smiled.

That explains it, Cliff reflected. Trying to explain a long term relationship in a single song was like trying to fit an entire day's worth of sights into one picture.

Scootaloo went next. Hers was a song of excitement and accomplishment. It was fun, if a bit one-note.

After giving her new friends a couple of turns each, River decided to go. The difference was obvious from the beginning. She knew not only how to create emotions at will, but also how to layer them around each other for maximum impact.

Happiness lined with excitement and discontent began her piece, followed by a growing sense of longing. These four emotions seemed to chase each other around the room, creating the feel of a life that was good, but not quite fulfilling.

Soon, the longing began to grow. The other emotions began to fade until it remained alone. Then, relief and excitement surged through the room. Bits of impatience began to touch all present, but they were mostly swallowed by everything else.

Somehow, those emotions lasted both forever, and only a few seconds. They were replaced with timidity, discomfort, and the sensation of realizing that you were in over your head. Bits of comfort and reassurance fought against the negative emotions, but could never quite eradicate them. Then came acceptance, enthusiasm, and familiarity. They washed away everything bad, leaving them all with the sense that they were finally living their dream, and discovering that it really was everything they had hoped for.

River ended her performance with a timid smile. “T-that's what it was like coming to Ponyville today. So... thank you for being my new friends.” She ran into her sister's arms, blushing furiously.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just stared with their mouths hanging open. Sweetie Belle, however, practically tackled the little hatchling as she rushed to hug her. “That was so pretty!” she squeaked. “You're amazing! Can you teach me how to do that?”

Fire Eyes, who never really knew how to deal with young ones other than her sister, looked pleadingly at Cliff.

He just grinned and let the two children bond for a moment before returning to their game.


“I think I'll sleep here,” Cliff said. “Just for tonight.” He had adjusted somewhat to sleeping alone in a pony bed, but the chance to rest next to his friends and family once more was simply too good to pass up.

Spike looked around. The Crusaders had long since gone home for the night, and the other dragons were piling into the nest. “Would it be alright if I joined you?”

“Spike,” his grandmother said gently, “we're your family. You don't need to ask for permission to join us.” She patted the space between herself and her husband.

“You're welcome to join us as well, Twilight Sparkle,” Burning Torch said. “Though I think we would all understand if you don't feel comfortable doing so.”

Twilight seemed legitimately torn. “It would be a bit... odd, but...” her expression hardened. “It's my job to understand dragon society. I need to at least give it a try.” In spite of that, she chose a spot slightly away from the others.

Cliff had no such hesitations. He curled up between his grandmother and Fire Eyes, pulling River into his arms as he did so.

The white dragoness propped her head up on him like he was a pillow. “'Night, everydragon.” She leaned over to kiss River. “Goodnight, sis.”

“Goodnight, sis,” the hatchling echoed. “Goodnight everydragon.”

A chorus of 'Goodnight's replied to her.

Cliff smiled and kissed the top of River's head. He had really, really missed this. It was like being surrounded by love.

Within a few moments, he drifted into sleep.

Author's Note:

Day one with the new dragons. I suppose it was inevitable that River joined the Crusaders, but they were so cute together that I couldn't help it. Spike didn't get as much screen time as I would have liked, but you'll be getting a lot of him next chapter, which should help make up for it. I'm also curious what your take on Cliff's duel was, as I'm still not very confidant in my ability to write fight scenes. I'd also like to hear your thoughts on dragon combat magic in general.