• Published 24th May 2014
  • 16,098 Views, 2,010 Comments

A New Dragon in Ponyville - Vedues

Cliff Runner has just one goal in life: find his egg-napped brother, and bring him home where he belongs.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Using so much magic left Cliff exhausted. He excused himself to the guest bedroom as soon as he finished helping Spike and Twilight clean up dinner. The bed felt cold and empty without his friends and family to share it, but years of traveling alone had taught him to endure. At least it was better than sleeping outside again.

It was light outside when the young dragon awoke. He stretched out his arms and legs, and breathed some fire on his clawed hands to warm them. After a long yawn, Cliff slid out of bed and went to find his little brother.

Spike was in the kitchen, dressed in an apron and a white hat, mixing something in a bowl. “Hey Cliff, did you get a good night's sleep?”

“It was fine.” He suppressed another yawn. “What are you doing down here?”

“I decided to let you and Twilight sleep in while I made breakfast.” He poured some of the mixture onto an iron skillet. “Do you like pancakes?”

“I don't know,” Cliff admitted. His knowledge of pancakes was limited to having heard the word before.

Spike held out a small, round object that vaguely resembled bread. “No need to worry if you don't. Ponies have all sorts of good foods. We'll try them all until we find something you like.”

“Good plan.” He took the offered pancake and bit into it. It was warm and starchy, but there was little else that could be said. “It's... better than grass.”

The younger dragon chuckled. “Try it with butter and syrup, Cliff.” He gestured to the table, where both condiments had been laid out.

Cliff added a small amount of butter and a dollop of syrup, and took another bite. “Much better.”

“That's good.” Spike flipped another pancake off the skillet and onto a stack of finished ones. “Could you go wake up Twilight? She'll freak out if I let her sleep any longer.”

“Of course.” Cliff made his way to the alicorn's bedroom, but then he paused. How exactly do ponies wake each other? Breathing fire on the late riser was how dragons usually got the job done, but he couldn't see that ending well here. Maybe talking to her would work. “Uh, Twilight?”

No response.

“Twilight?” he said it a bit louder.

“Hnnn...” Her eyes fluttered open. “OhmyCelestia, what time is it?!” She literally flew to the clock. “Seven thirty-three? I was supposed to be up an hour ago!” It was only then that the alicorn noticed Cliff. “Sorry about yelling. I just need to hurry and get ready. If I don't make up for all that studying I missed, it'll throw my whole month off schedule!”

Since he couldn't think of a good response to that, Cliff just said, “Spike is making breakfast.”

“Okay.” Twilight pulled a book over with her magic. “Maybe I can get some studying done while I eat.”

Cliff followed her back to the kitchen, where they worked their way through a meal of pancakes. It was still no toasted rabbit, but the young dragon could at least see himself surviving on food like this. He ate a light meal, so it wouldn't interfere with his morning run, and then helped Spike with the dishes. Meanwhile, Twilight retreated to her study.

“Do you do all the chores around here?” Cliff asked.

Spike thought about it. “Twilight helps when she can, but she has a lot of duties to take care of now that she's a princess .”

“Like what?”

“Well... today she has to meet with the hospital board to go over their budget and finalize how much they'll pay Zecora for each of her potions. Then she needs to meet with Mayor Mare about plans for the Spring Wrap-up Festival. Then she's getting fitted for a new gown. Then the Ponyville school board needs help planning their next trip to Canterlot. Then-”

“I think I understand,” Cliff interrupted. Taking the day off to show him around suddenly carried a lot more weight. “No wonder she needs an assistant.”

“Two assistants actually.” Spike smiled. “Owlowiscious is my junior.”


The younger dragon laughed. “Exactly.”


“He's an owl.”

It took Cliff a second to get the joke. “Ah. Never mind.” He put the last of the dishes away. “What will you be doing for the next few hours?”

“I have some chores to finish around here.” Spike glanced at the clock. “You should get ready, Rainbow Dash will be arriving soon.”

Cliff had been going to invite the little dragon to exercise with them, but he didn't want to interfere with the workings of the house more than he already had. “Okay, but don't forget to practice your magic whenever you have free time.”

“No worries, I will.”

He made his way to the palace entry hall and settled down to do his warmups. Even with his new theory about ponies, Cliff wasn't crazy enough to leave himself alone and vulnerable in public.

When Rainbow Dash got there, she didn't so much open the door as crash into it so hard that it opened on its own. “Hey, Cliff.” She paused. “Uh, you okay?”

He relaxed his battle stance, dropped several defensive spells, and put a hand over his frantically beating heart. “Y-yeah, I'm fine.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Okay, so, ready to start training?”

Cliff took a few deep breaths. “Just one moment. I'd like to do a quick scan, if you don't mind.”

“A what?” She cocked her head to the side. “Like an x-ray or something?”

What's an x-ray? “It just gives me an idea of your physical strengths and weaknesses, so we'll know what to focus on.”

“Oh, sure, but you aren't going to find any weaknesses on this mare!”

Glad that she bought it, Cliff placed two claws over her heart. “This will only take a moment.” There probably was a spell out there to do what he had described, but the young dragon certainly didn't know it. He cast Insight.

Rainbow Dash's emotions were very different than he had expected. She wasn't nearly as confidant as she pretended to be, for starters. She was fiercely loyal, which was normal for a warrior, but she wasn't at all suspicious of him, just a little curious. “Uh, Cliff, what are you doing?” There was no desire to attack, either.

He decided to push her from an unexpected direction. “It's a spell. I can't risk you slowing me down if we run into a pack of timberwolves or something.”

“Slow you down?” The pegasus laughed. “I hate to break it to ya, Cliff, but you're talking to the fastest flier in Equestria.” She actually believed what she was saying. More importantly, her loyalty reached out towards the young dragon, coupled with determination and a desire to protect. If they did stumble across a monster of some kind, Rainbow Dash would throw herself in front of it to protect him without a second thought.

Another part of Cliff's belief that ponies were enemies shattered. “I believe you.” He ended the spell and tried not to feel too guilty about distrusting her. “Anyway, you're perfectly healthy. Let's go.”

It was another clear day outside. Those probably happened a lot, with all the pegasi around. Cliff had mixed feelings about the crowds he could see wandering through the town streets. Everything he had seen and heard before running into Princess Luna in Canterlot told him that ponies were his most dangerous enemies. Everything that had happened since then, however...

Unaware of his inner conflict, Rainbow Dash trotted up beside the young dragon and grinned. “Alright, the way I figure it, we both need to work on our endurance. So we're going to start running, and see who can go the longest without stopping.”

Cliff nodded. “Lead on.”

Her confidant grin remained firmly in place. “Just try to keep up.” Then she took off, moving at a medium gallop.

He settled into a comfortable rhythm behind her, happy to focus on the simple joy of running.

Rainbow Dash lead them around the edge of Ponyville, past Sweet Apple Acres, and then down a side road that lead them by Fluttershy's cottage before circling around towards Canterlot. They followed this for a mile or so before turning onto a dirt road that led them back to the edge of Ponyville. “Ready... to... give up?” Rainbow asked between breaths.

“Still got... more... to give,” Cliff replied. It had been months since he had run himself to the point of total exhaustion, and some masochistic part of him was enjoying this.

“Good.” Rainbow Dash was apparently as crazy as he was, because she led them back to the road to Sweet Apple Acres. They began the entire loop over again, though much more slowly this time.

Getting past the farm and cottage was a case study in agony. Cliff's chest felt like it would burst and his throat had been rubbed raw from a thousand gasping breaths. He really had to wonder what was keeping that pegasus moving.

The road to Canterlot was at least five times as long as he remembered it, but it was nothing compared to the dirt road. Dust caked onto him, aided by a liberal amount of sweat, and each bump threatened to interrupt the precarious balancing act that their run had become.

Finally, his claws came down on a loose rock, and it was all over. Cliff smashed into the ground and couldn't muster the energy to get back up. Another thump reached him as the blue pegasus also dropped.

“It looks... like... you won,” the young dragon croaked.

“You... know it.” Rainbow Dash didn't sound any better. She flapped her wings enough to get off the ground and come back to him. “I only tripped... because I was stopping... to see... if you were okay.” She tried to land on her hooves but wound up collapsing again.

“I'm fine,” Cliff said, though he knew he didn't look like it.

“Good,” Rainbow Dash flopped onto her side. “I'd hate to... break ya... on our first workout.” They spent a minute resting before the mare spoke again. “So, what happened with Fluttershy anyway?”

Cliff had wondered when that was going to come up. “How much do you know already?”

“Twilight told us that she used The Stare on you when you first met, and that she was feeling pretty guilty about it. Then at Applejack's, she kept asking if you wanted anything.”

“That's most of it right there.” The young dragon sighed. “She kept asking, and I lost my patience and told her to go away.”

Rainbow Dash smack a hoof over her eyes. “Come on Cliff, how could you not know that she'd run off in tears after something like that?”

How am I supposed to predict anything that mare does? “Do you want to know the truth?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“She scares me a little.”

The pegasus burst into laughter. “You, scared of Fluttershy?”

“Well, yes.”

It took a while for Rainbow Dash to stop laughing. “Okay, I'm sorry. It's just that we've been friends since we were fillies, and I've never met a less intimidating pegasus.”

“Threaten her pet rabbit sometime.”

“Yeah, not gonna happen.” She looked towards Ponyville. “You're going to apologize to her, right?”

The dragon nodded. “She's coming over this afternoon. I'll do it then.”

“Good.” Rainbow Dash climbed unsteadily to her hooves. “I hope you don't mind the third degree, Cliff. I'm just trying to look out for my gal pal.”

“I know.” He rose to his feet as well. The blue pegasus was a protector by nature. She would do anything to keep her friends safe. “Hey, Rainbow?”


“Thanks for trusting me.”

She shrugged. “No worries, Cliff. What are friends for?”

The young dragon found himself smiling. “Thanks for that as well.”


After a quiet walk back to the palace, Cliff made plans with Rainbow Dash to go running the next morning and then stumbled inside to clean off. He took a bath, which was far more relaxing than it had any right to be, and then went looking for Spike.

Unfortunately, the baby dragon was nowhere to be found and Twilight had already left for her meeting. With nothing else to do, Cliff settled down to think while he practiced his magic.

He was trying to remain objective, but evidence and logic were both firmly supporting the idea that the problems between dragons and ponies were all due to some horrible misunderstanding. I'll read a few more hearts, just to be sure, but as it stands now, maybe I can afford to relax a little.

Nearly an hour later, while reviewing a spell to locate gemstones, the young dragon came to a realization. If he was going to contribute to this town, he would need a job of some kind. How do jobs work anyway? He filed that alongside 'Pony Society' for things that he needed to learn more about.

Spike got back from shopping soon afterward. Cliff explained his concerns as they put everything away.

“I don't know what jobs are available right now.” The baby dragon tapped a claw against his chin. “We could look around town later, if you want.”

“Uh, maybe we should just ask Twilight.” Even crowds of dragons made Cliff uncomfortable sometimes. “Anyway, how much were you able to practice your magic?”

“I tried it on the way to the market, and again on the way back.” Spike shifted uncomfortably. “It didn't go very well.”

He gave his brother a quick hug. “It doesn't matter how well you did. What matters is that you put forth the effort to try.”

The baby dragon blushed. “Thanks, Cliff.”

“What chores do you have to do now?”

Spike checked the clock. “Well it's almost noon, so I should get working on lunch.”

Cliff nodded. “Would you mind teaching me?”

“Wait, you want to learn how to cook?”

“Cook pony foods, yes. Besides, you can tell me more about pony society while we work.”

“Uh, okay.” Spike opened a cupboard and began pulling out ingredients. “I'm happy as long as we get to spend time together.”

Cliff Runner smiled. “Same here, brother.”


Cooking pony food turned out to be relatively simple. Spike had a number of books explaining how to make various dishes. All they had to do was follow the instructions. It did take longer than Cliff had expected, but that just gave them more time to talk. He learned about the Ponyville market, the businesses nearby, the schooling system, and the basics of how taxes worked. In return, he explained the draconic equivalents.

“Why did you spend so much time teaching kids?” Spike asked as he chopped up strawberries.

“Well most of the other adults have to spend their time on the farm or in the ruins. They needed somedragon to keep an eye on the hatchlings.” Cliff shrugged. “Besides, I enjoyed it.” The book said that he was making muffins, but so far it just looked like goop.

“Maybe you could be a teacher?”

“A nice thought, but I doubt most of these ponies would want to leave their sons and daughters with a dragon.”

“Why not?”

“I'm different than they are, Spike, and it takes time to feel comfortable around anything that's different.” His life at the moment was a perfect example.

“Our friends seem comfortable around you,” Spike pointed out. “And they've only known you for a day.”

“...I guess you have me there.” He added a scoop of oats to the batter. “Maybe I'm the only one that feels uncomfortable around here.”

The younger dragon seemed genuinely concerned. “You don't like it here?”

“It's not that.” It kind of was that. “Things are just...” terrifyingly confusing, “different, than at the Redstone Coven, and I'm taking time to adjust.”

They both heard the door to the living quarters open. “Spike? Cliff?” Twilight's voice reached them. “Are you two home?”

“We're in the kitchen, Twilight,” Spike called back.

A moment later, the Princess came around the corner. “Hey, you two. Did you enjoy your morning?”

Cliff shrugged, and Spike said, “Eh, it was alright. How about you?”

“We finished the hospital budget, and I made sure that Zecora will get a fair price for all of her potions. There was even some extra time, so I went by Rarity's early.” She looked behind her, and a certain yellow pegasus came into view. “Since Fluttershy here was coming over anyway, I thought maybe she could join us for lunch.”

Crap. Cliff embraced the Stillness. He couldn't let things turn out like they had the first two times they'd interacted.

Uh, if you don't have enough, then that's okay.” The mare's voice was barely more than a whisper.

“No worries, Fluttershy,” Spike assured her. “We aren't finished yet, but Cliff and I are putting together a nice big lunch. We'd love to have you share it.”

Oh, okay. So long as it's no trouble.

Cliff took a deep breath. If he had to apologize, he may as well get it over with. “Uh, Twilight, could you help Spike for a minute? I'd like to talk to Fluttershy alone.” He turned to the pegasus. “If you don't mind, that is.”

N-no, that's fine.” She looked down.

Twilight gave the dragon an encouraging grin. “I'd love to help Spike. You two can talk in the living room.”

Slipping past her, Cliff led Fluttershy down the short hallway. Apologize. Accept her apology. Ask to be friends. I can do this. He took a seat on one of the couches.

Fluttershy settled onto the couch opposite him, her eyes still downcast.

Silence filled the room as Cliff struggled for the right words. “I...” he sighed. “I'm really sorry about yesterday.”

“No, it was my fault,” she insisted, finally looking up. “I was so mean to you when we first met, and then I wouldn't leave you alone at Sweet Apple Acres. It's no wonder you got mad at me...

Did just accept or reject my apology? Crap, she looks upset! “I-I did get mad, but you didn't deserve what I said.” Cliff faked a mournful sigh. “Please forgive me for being so rude.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I did deserve it. You must have been so scared to be in a new place, surrounded by strangers, and then I... I...” She looked like she was about to cry.

Cliff resisted the urge to facepalm. Why can't things ever be easy with this mare? “Fluttershy?”

Yes?” she whispered.

“There's a spell I'd like use, if you don't mind.” Since talking is just making things worse.

“You can use magic?” She looked at him in surprise. “I- uh, yes, you can use it.

“Okay.” Cliff got up slowly, and knelt in front of her. “I just need to put two claws over your heart. I promise it won't hurt.”

Fluttershy cringed and looked away. “Do you need to?

He nodded. “Yes.” Please, just let me calm you down.

O-okay.” she closed her eyes and winced like she was about to be hit.

Cliff placed his claws as gently as he could, but that didn't stop her from jumping when they first brushed against her yellow coat, or trembling each second they remained. “It's okay,” Cliff whispered, partly to himself. He cast Insight.

Fluttershy wasn't just scared, she was terrified! Her fear was easily as strong as what Cliff felt for the entire Ponyville marketplace, and it was directed right at him.

Wait, what? He looked into it more deeply. She's a dragon-phobic introvert, he realized. No wonder she got upset at the party. Just working up the courage to talk to me must have taken everything she had. Cliff soothed away her fears so that he could 'see' the rest of her heart.

Almost immediately, the pegasus stopped shaking.

“This magic calms your heart,” Cliff explained as he studied her emotional landscape. Extremely nurturing. I guess her pets should have made that obvious. Rather unsure of herself. Prefers peace and calm. She was also the least violent creature he had ever encountered. If he hadn't been there, Cliff would have trouble believing that the incident with The Stare had actually happened. “Are you feeling better?”

A tiny smile graced her features. “Yes, thank you so much.

“I'm glad. This next spell will let you feel my own emotions.” Heart's Mirror appeared in the space between them. He manufactured a cluster of positive emotions to feed into it.

Admiration filled the area, mixed with sorrow for past mistakes, and a desire to learn more. Most powerful of all though, was hope. “This is how I feel about you, Fluttershy.” He lied. To be fair, his emotions had improved greatly in the last few seconds, but there was still a lot of uneasiness, which would only make her feel worse. “I know we had a rough start, but I want to move past that. In fact, if you're willing to have me, I'd be honored to call you my friend.”

She murmured something unintelligible.

“What was that?” Cliff leaned closer.

She said it again, so quietly that he almost didn't hear it this time either. “...Okay...

Relief washed through the young dragon, reflecting in his spell. He added some joy as well. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” He let his spell fade and backed away. “Are you okay?”

Fluttershy looked up nervously, but her smile was genuine. “Yes, um, thank you. I want to be your friend too, Cliff Runner.

“I'm glad.” Cliff returned the smile. “By the way, it's, uh, it's okay that dragons scare you. Ponies scare me a little, so... yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, let's get back to the kitchen before Twilight comes looking for us.”

She climbed off the couch and followed after him. “Um, can all dragons use magic?

“No, just wyrms.” He saw her confused expression. “Dragons without wings.”

She nodded. “I never knew that there were different types of dragons, and your magic was wonderful.

In spite of himself, Cliff grinned from the compliment.


Lunch was a combination of fruit smoothies and oat muffins. Cliff Runner enjoyed the smoothies, but the muffins were barely tolerable. He muscled his way through one before deciding that he could put up with being a little hungry until dinner.

“No go, huh?” Spike asked, noticing his older brother's expression.

“Sorry.” Cliff washed his mouth out with more of the smoothie. “At least this drink is good.”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight questioningly.

“Cliff isn't used to pony food yet,” the purple mare explained. “We're trying different things to see what he likes.”

“Oh, um... you like eggs, right?

Cliff nodded. “Fish too. Thank you for both of those from yesterday.”

It was no problem.” Fluttershy nearly whispered. That seemed to be her normal speaking voice.

“So, Twilight.” Cliff turned to the alicorn. “Were you able to practice your magic at all?”

“Yes, three different times.” She grinned. “Twice while walking, and once while waiting for our meeting to start.”

“Excellent.” He noticed that Fluttershy was looking confused again. “I'm teaching Spike and Twilight dragon magic. For some reason, it seems alicorns can use it.”

“It's part of our natural magic field.” Twilight explained. “I've known that I had an extra ability since I transformed. I just didn't know how to use it until now.”

“Really? Congratulations, Twilight. You too, Spike.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy, but we're still just learning the basics,” Twilight said, and Spike nodded his agreement. “Neither of us can cast anything yet.”

“Give it time,” Cliff assured her. “The first spell is always the hardest.”

“Oh, by the way, Twilight,” Spike said. “Do you know of any job openings in Ponyville?”

“Nothing comes to mind. Why do you ask?”

“Cliff wants to get a job.”

“You do?” She turned to the older dragon. “Would you mind if I asked why?”

What kind of question is that? “To contribute, of course.”

His answer seemed to surprise the alicorn. “Oh, I thought you needed money to buy something.”

“Why would I need to buy something?” Cliff asked in confusion.

Spike chose that moment to step in. “Dragons don't have money, Twilight. They're totally communal. I spent all morning explaining to Cliff how money is supposed to work.”

The older dragon could only shrug.

Twilight tapped a hoof against her chin, no doubt storing that information away. “Well, if you just want to contribute... You could help Spike. He's been having some trouble with all the chores lately, and I'm too busy with my princess duties to help as much as I'd like.”

“That sounds good.”

Spike laughed. “Sweet. Now you're my junior assistant.”

Author's Note:

I think most of us can agree that Equestria is meant to be an idealized society, and one that holds certain values (friendship, individuality, peace, etc) in high regard. Cliff is the product of an equally idealized society, but one that goes in an opposite direction with many things. Family, community, and self control are what he considers most important.
If you look at all the known information about Spike in the show, it's pretty easy to see why I made these decisions. He has an almost obsessive need to help and serve others, (his entire life with Twilight, Spike at Your Service, etc.), his worst fear is being separated from his mother/sister figure, (The Crystal Empire, parts 1 and 2), he's terrified of letting others down (The Equestrian Games), and most notably, turns into a giant, rampaging monster when he feels greedy, (Secret of My Excess).
Add it all up, and you've got a race of beings that, for their own safety, should own as little as possible and practice firm self-control. They also hold tight to their families, and feel most satisfied with their lives when they are contributing meaningfully to the group.
Granted, that's just my interpretation of things, but I hope you can at least see where I was coming from with this. Feel free to provide your own insights in the comments, because I'd love to read them!