• Published 24th May 2014
  • 16,098 Views, 2,010 Comments

A New Dragon in Ponyville - Vedues

Cliff Runner has just one goal in life: find his egg-napped brother, and bring him home where he belongs.

  • ...

Chapter 31

Spike took another long drink of coffee. Twilight was on one of her researching kicks again, which probably meant another all-nighter for both of them. “Here's that research paper on social science.” He dumped a scroll in front of his sister. “The info you need is in the sixth paragraph.”

“Thanks, Spike.” The alicorn sighed and rubbed her temples. “I swear I'm getting close to a breakthrough that can help us fix all of this.”

The young dragon tried not to roll his eyes. She had been saying that for the last three days. “Maybe you should take a break. You've been at this for hours.”

“I can't stop now, Spike. I still need to finish recording-” A loud crash cut her off.

Turning around, Spike was greeted with a sight that made his blood run cold. The door to the living quarters had been smashed open so hard that it was knocked off of its hinges, and standing in front of it was Cliff. The older dragon tossed an unconscious blue-gray stallion onto the floor in front of him, as blood poured from a wound in his side. His bared teeth were stained red as well, and dozens of scales had been ripped from his forearms, revealing angry, red skin. The pony, now at his feet, was bleeding from a wound on his leg, and another on his forehead, staining his yellow mane red.

Twilight went pale. “Oh my Celestia, what the hoof happened?!”

“This pony tried to murder me,” Cliff growled. His clawed hand began to glow as he healed his wounds. “I formally request your permission to kill him now for that crime.”

Spike's entire world seemed to freeze at those words. Murder? Kill? He didn't so much sit as fall down. I could have lost my brother tonight? Now he wants to become a killer?

“Y-you... wha...?” Twilight breathed.

“Do I have your permission to kill him?” Cliff asked in an emotionless voice.

Spike finally found his voice, “You don't mean that.” He shook his head as though it would somehow negate what his brother was saying. “You can't actually want to kill him. Please tell me you're joking, Cliff!”

Annoyance flashed across his face. “Maybe you two didn't understand me. I was on my way back from Fluttershy's cottage, on the outskirts of town, when this unicorn tried to kill me with a surprise attack. If I didn't have Energy Resistance active, then I would be dead right now. We fought, I bit off his horn to disable his magic, and then I brought him back here so that you could pass judgment, Princess.” He spat the last word like it was a curse.

Twilight gasped. “You what?!” She rushed to the fallen pony and wiped away some of his blood-soaked mane to reveal a broken stump. “We need to reattach his horn immediately or he'll never use magic again!”

“You would actually heal a murderer?” Cliff growled. “He deserves to die!”

The words made Twilight flinch like she had been hit. “Cliff...” she looked up at him, blinking away tears, “please understand this. Equestria hasn't executed anypony in decades. He'll go to jail, for a very long time, but I can't... I won't, give you permission to kill this pony.”

The older dragon remained silent as he looked deep into each of their eyes. Then he looked down and put a clawed hand over the unconscious stallion's forehead. Spike was terrified that he might kill the unicorn anyway, but then he saw the light of a healing spell.

Spike and Twilight watched in breathless silence as Cliff healed his attacker's wounds, leaving a stump where the unicorn's horn used to be. Everything felt so unreal that Spike had trouble believing that this was actually happening. He distantly noted that his brother could have restored the horn completely, if he had wanted.

“I'm going to bed,” Cliff muttered as soon as he was finished. He started walking towards his room without another word.

“Cliff, wait,” Twilight said gently.

He stopped halfway across the room and looked back at her.

“Thank you for not killing him.” She gestured towards the unconscious stallion. “You did the right thing.”

Her words seemed to shatter whatever illusion of control the young dragon still had. His back legs gave out, dropping him into a sitting position, and his head drooped with a defeated expression, tears building in his eyes. “Twilight, what are we going to do?” he breathed. “I was lucky to survive this. What if the next one goes after Whisper?” His eyes clenched shut. “I... I don't know if any of this is worth it anymore.”

Spike looked down at the stallion, with his blood-soaked mane and stump of a horn, then at the crimson trail leading across the room to his older brother's stained claws. Cliff looked... broken. There was no other word to describe him.

“I don't know either,” Twilight said through her tears. “I'm so sorry for everything that has happened, especially this.” She looked back at the door Cliff had broken when he entered. “I have to take this stallion to the hospital and then tell the guards what happened. They'll need you to show them where the attack took place, if you're feeling up to it.”

Cliff nodded.

“Okay, I'll be right back.” Twilight leaned over to her brother and whispered, “stay with him, Spike. He needs somepony to lean on right now.”

Spike fought down the numbness that had invaded his mind enough to nod. He waited until the alicorn lifted Cliff's attacker and teleported away, then slowly approached his brother. “Come on, Cliff. We should get you cleaned up.”

The older dragon remained silent, but followed. He mechanically washed off in the shower while Spike cleaned up the bloodstains as much as he could.

Twilight returned just as Cliff emerged once more. He still looked tired in a way that had nothing to do with his body, but at least there was some life in his eyes again.

The two guards she brought back with her asked Cliff about everything that happened. He explained things as best he could, and led them to the sight of the attack.

Ponies were clustered there, arguing loudly as they approached. Spike could make out several guards in the crowd, probably sent ahead by Twilight.

She gestured for Cliff to stay back and moved closer with the rest of the group.

“Princess Twilight!” A blue-gray unicorn mare with a purple mane ran to meet them, tears flowing down her cheeks. “What happened to my son? Is he safe? Please tell me that dragon didn't,” her voice broke, “kill him!”

“He's alive,” Twilight promised. “He's at the hospital right now. We just need to retrieve his horn so they can reattach it.”

The mare nodded shakily. “I-it's over there.” She pointed to where somepony had thought to place the severed horn in a bowl of milk. Just looking at it made Spike feel queasy.

As one guard went to get the horn, another approached from the crowd. Spike recognized him as the captain of the local guard. “Princess Twilight, perhaps we should escort you back to the palace. Two ponies here witnessed the entire thing, and confirmed that Cliff Runner was attacked without provocation, but I'm not sure if the others fully believe them, and seeing you or Spike might set them off.”

Twilight nodded glumly. “I understand, is there anything else we can do to help your investigation?”

He shook his head. “We've got things under control. Just don't let Cliff Runner be alone. This probably shook him up real bad.”

On their way back to the palace, the captain promised that they would keep an eye on every member of the coven, at least until they knew if Cliff's attacker had acted alone.

After they left, Cliff climbed into bed without another word. Spike and Twilight could only sit at his bedside and worry.

“We should get Rarity and Autumn,” Twilight whispered at last. “We need to figure out what we're going to do about this.”

“I'll start another cup of coffee,” Spike whispered back. P.R. business or not, there was no way he would be getting any sleep tonight.


It was still dark the next morning when Cliff came into the living room. Spike would have been happy to see him up, if it weren't for the distant look in his eyes. “I'm heading out,” he said without preamble.

“Oh no you aren't.” Spike grabbed his brother's arm as he walked past. “Somepony tried to kill you last night. You're staying right here. The rest of the coven is staying home today too.”

Cliff grabbed the younger dragon's hand with his other arm and twisted.

It was a maneuver that Spike knew well; one of the first joint locks that he had learned. As such, he knew exactly how to get his arm free and grab at his brother again.

A palm-strike deflected his claws as the older dragon's tail lashed out at him. Training kicked in, and Spike jammed his elbow into the oncoming tail as he used his other arm to swipe at the back of his brother's knees, but something paralyzed his arm mid-swing.

“What is wrong with you two?!” Twilight shouted, lifting both dragons into the air with her telekinesis. “I understand that you're upset, Cliff, but you'd actually attack Spike?! I thought you were a better brother than that.”

The older dragon's anger melted away, leaving a confused mess of emotions behind. He closed his eyes. “I'm sorry. I just... I'd rather not be touched right now.”

Twilight accepted that with a nod. “I understand.” Then she rounded on Spike. “And what the hay was that? Using your elbow? Slashing at Cliff's knees? Why in Celestia's name did you think that attacking your own brother, the night after he was nearly murdered no less, was a good idea?!”

The weight of what had just happened began to sink in for the young dragon. “... I don't know. I was just angry, and I felt like I had to do anything I could to stop you from going out there, Cliff.”

The alicorn slowly nodded once more. “You two aren't going to start fighting again if I let you down, right?”

“No,” Spike replied.

Cliff just shook his head.

“Good.” Twilight gently placed them on the floor and released her hold. “Now, Cliff, Spike and I were up all night talking with Rarity and Autumn, and we think we know what to do about it.”

Cliff nodded that he understood.

“First off, everypony needs to know what happened. We've already talked to the local newspaper, and they'll be running the story today. That way, nopony can say that we tried to hide anything. Second, you and the other dragons need to stay inside today, just to be safe. We've already spoken with them.” Twilight shuddered just slightly.

Spike didn't blame her. His grandmother was scary when she got mad.

“Third,” Twilight rushed ahead, “Fluttershy deserves to hear about this from you. Since you can't leave, I'll go get her and bring her back. We can be here when you tell her, if you think it would help.”

“... I'd appreciate that,” the dragon whispered. “If you don't mind.”

“You're Spike's brother,” Twilight smiled gently, “that kind of makes you my brother as well. I'll do anything I can to help. Anyway, lastly, an investigation is already underway. Two witnesses saw the attack, so there's no question that you were only acting in self defense. Also, it seems that Elite, that's the stallion's name, by the way, Elite Pony, was acting alone. The rest of his family had no idea what he was planning. From what we can tell, he attacked out of anger because you refused to extend his grandmother's life when he asked you a few days ago, and again yesterday, when his sister asked. However, you absolutely cannot tell anypony that you were planning to kill him. That would be... bad, especially considering the political situation right now. The rest of Ponyville needs to think you were just bringing him to me so I could order the guards to arrest him. Do you understand?”

Cliff nodded. “How are the other wyrms? You said that you spoke with them.”

“Well,” Spike chuckled uneasily, “we had to talk Grandma and Fire Eyes out of doing something pretty drastic. They were expanding the basement to blow off steam when we left.” It was actually kind of surprising that Cliff hadn't heard the tremors last night.

“What about Grandpa and Whisper?”

“Burning Torch said he wants to develop a lower tier version of Anti-magic, so that you can use it if you're ever attacked again,” Twilight answered.

“And Whisper?”

Spike exchanged a worried look with his sister before answering. “She cried, a lot.”

“You're her hero,” Twilight said gently. “I'm sure she'll feel much better when she hears that you're up.”

“Tell her not to worry,” Cliff whispered, “and that I'm fine.”

“I will,” Twilight promised. “I'll stop by on my way to Sweet Apple Acres. They'll need to know that you won't be there today.” She paused at the door. “Do you want me to tell them why?”

He considered it for a moment. “Don't tell Apple Bloom. AJ and Big Mac should decide how to break the news to their sister.”

“Good idea. I'll be back in a little bit with Fluttershy. Spike will be staying inside today as well. Try not to get in any fights while I'm gone.” She forced a few chuckles in an attempt to break the tension.

Neither brother laughed. Spike just arched an eyebrow. Cliff winced as though he had been slapped.

“No, I didn't mean that I think you'd actually try to hurt each other,” Twilight stammered. “I was trying to joke because I know that you won't fight and-”

“Twilight,” Spike interrupted. “We get it.”

The alicorn turned a little red. “Sorry... I'll be back as soon as I can.”

Once they were alone, Spike turned to his brother. “Hey, Cliff?”

“Yeah?” The listlessness in his voice just wasn't normal. It was really starting to unnerve Spike.

“...This might be rude, but would you mind linking with me for a second? I don't think I can say what I want to say with words.”

Cliff stared at his brother for several long seconds. There was an almost desperate need there. “Okay.”

As soon as the link snapped into place, Spike gasped. Fear coursed through him like ice water flowing through his veins. Love was there too, providing some warmth, but it was mostly stifled by a seemingly endless fog of despair. He had sensed uneasy emotional states before, but most of them were the short kind of thing that would calm down in a few minutes or hours. The way Cliff's emotions were right then, it would probably take them days to normalize.

He could feel his own positive emotions, of which there were admittedly few, being pulled on, like a freezing wyrm might clutch a warm coal.

“Whoa,” Spike breathed, taking a moment to adjust. “Cliff, what's wrong? I mean, you fight hydras and berserkers like it's nothing.” Sympathy and disbelief welled up within him. “Why is one unicorn freaking you out so much?”

Cliff looked away, though he absorbed the sympathy gratefully. “The Second Insanity,” he whispered, “the urge to murder. A creature possessed by it is worse than a berserker, and potentially even more deadly.” He sighed, and frustration, coupled with despair, began to grow within him. “I finally realized that the controversy over wyrms makes my closest friends and family prime targets for those monsters. I'd have to be crazy not to be freaked out by that.”

So wyrms see murderers the same way they see berserkers, Spike reflected. In a twisted kind of way, wanting to kill Elite made sense in that light. Showing mercy to a berserker was a good way to get your whole coven killed. “You don't understand ponies quite as well as you think, Cliff.” He moved to sit beside his brother. “This is the first attempted murder Equestria has had in over a decade. The odds of there being even one more 'monster' in this town are literally millions to one.”

The older dragon looked up at him, and a spark of hope appeared in his heart. “...Really?”

Spike sent absolute confidence through the link. “Really. I mean, sure, they'll have guards follow everydragon around for a while, to be safe, and this Elite guy is in for a mind scan once they find somepony other than Twilight that can do it, she's too involved in this case, just to be sure he doesn't have any partners, but realistically, we're in the clear,” he laughed, “and that's not at all what I wanted to tell you, but whatever.”

Cliff didn't laugh, but a tiny smile appeared on his lips. “What did you want to tell me?”

Now that it came time to actually say it, Spike felt a little embarrassed. “I just... wanted to say that I'm really happy that you're okay, and that it really scares me to think that you might have been killed yesterday.” He punctuated each admission with an outpouring of the appropriate emotion. “So yeah... Thanks for not dying?” He face-palmed. “Ugh, that sounded better in my head.”

A bit of reassurance flickered through the link. “I understand. Thank you.” The older dragon got up and walked slowly to the window. He looked out at the town, still cloaked in Luna's night. “What should we tell Fluttershy?”

Spike pretended to think about it for a moment. Fluttershy was going to have a panic attack when she found out, that was inevitable, but there wasn't really anything Cliff could say or do to help her through it other than just holding her, which he was going to do anyway. What the younger dragon was actually reflecting on was his brother's emotional state. He was fighting to stay calm on the surface, but there were a lot of mixed up, and generally negative emotions churning just beneath that facade.

Being linked seemed to help though. It was even helping Spike's own feelings of fear, confusion, and betrayal from tormenting him as much as before. I guess we can leave it in place for a while. The amount of willpower it drained was relatively minor anyway. “...Just keep telling her that you're alright, and that everything will be fine... eventually.”

The older dragon nodded, but remained silent. Spike could tell that he didn't feel like talking, and with the link in place between them, words weren't really necessary anyway.


Spike felt a surge of alarm from Cliff the second before it happened. Rainbow Dash came crashing through an open window at nearly supersonic speeds. Unfortunately for her, while Cliff had curled up on the couch, he was still very much on edge. She almost immediately found herself pinned to the ground with his claws pressed against her throat. “Oh,” she chuckled nervously, “heya, Cliff.”

The dragon released her and fell backwards. “Rainbow?” he gasped. “Oh stars, are you okay?” Guilt and shame were coursing through him.

“You'll have to excuse my brother,” Spike said as he helped the pegasus up, “he's always a bit on edge the day after somepony tries to kill him.”

“I still can't believe somepony would actually do that.” Rainbow's wings flared angrily. “I swear, if I ever get my hooves on that pony, I'm gonna beat him within an inch of his life.”

“I'm really sorry, Rainbow.” Cliff sighed and looked down at his claws. “For some reason, I can't stop overreacting today.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Like I said, attempted murder makes you nervous. Seriously, Cliff, relax about not being able to... relax,” he finished lamely. “Look, the point is, we understand.”

His timing could have better though, because Applejack chose that moment to burst into the room, prompting the older dragon to jump in front of his friend and brother, throwing up a shield to protect them all.

“Good ta see ya too, Cliff.” The orange mare took off her hat and fanned herself with it. “Whew, ah haven't sprinted that hard in a coon's age.”

“Sorry.” He let the shield drop and stood there uncomfortably.

A thought occurred to Spike, making him wince. Oh dear Celestia, please don't let Pinkie Pie show up next! Luckily, the pink mare didn't mysteriously appear, even though she had a habit of doing just that.

“No need ta be sorry.” Applejack walked up to the older dragon. “Ya'll aren't gonna flip out if I give ya a hug, are ya?”

Anxiety warred with a desire for comfort within Cliff. After pausing for a moment, he shook his head.

The farm pony needed no further prompting. She caught him in a bone crushing embrace. “How're ya fairin'?” she asked as she let him go.

The dragon rubbed his tender ribs before answering. “I'm okay. A little shaken up, but okay.”

Liar, Spike thought. Cliff was obviously more than a little shaken up, but he kept trying to pretend that he wasn't, even to himself. The younger dragon was beginning to suspect that his brother had yet to realize a very simple fact; he was scared. Not for the sake of the others, or inter-species relationships, or any of the other reasons he had told himself, but rather for his own life. The thought of dying scared him, but his wyrm selflessness was preventing him from admitting it.

Spike couldn't blame him for that. Cliff would have to be crazy not to be scared after what happened, but selflessness was literally the fundamental principle of wyrm society. There was no way the older dragon would acknowledge that he was concerned for his own well being.

“It's good to see you two, but don't you have apples to buck?” Cliff asked. He was, arguably, lying. Seeing their concern for him was lifting his spirits, but for some reason, being near them was making him uncomfortable as well.

“Seriously, Cliff?” Rainbow gave him a flat look. “You think we'd be worried about that right now?”

Applejack nodded. “Dash's right. We can afford ta skip one day ta be there fer a friend. Big Mac, AB, an' Granny'll be here with breakfast fer everypony in a bit. 'Till then, just relax.”

A surge of nervousness coursed through Cliff. “Uh, why are you bringing breakfast?”

The farm mare slapped a hoof across her eyes. “Oh fer pony's sake, Cliff. Just accept tha hospitality already!”

Her reaction made Cliff flinch slightly, but neither of the mares seemed to notice. “Okay, I'm sorry. Thank you for breakfast.”

Spike watched silently, trying to make sense of his brother's conflicting emotions.

“Maybe you should go take a nap,” Rainbow suggested. “You look totally wiped out. We'll take care of everything for you today, so you can worry about resting and recovering.”

Cliff took a deep breath to steel himself. “No. Fluttershy will be getting here soon. She deserves to hear about this from me.”

“Wait, she doesn't know yet?” Rainbow asked in shock.

“Twilight said she'd get her after she stopped by the farm,” Spike explained as he glanced out the window. The predawn light cast everything in shades of gray, but he could already see a few ponies going about their business, not counting the guards posted near the palace. Two blobs of muted color in the distance caught his eye. He cast Senses to confirm it. “Speaking of which, I can see them coming.”

Fluttershy, ever the sensitive one, must have known that something bad had happened, because she was flying quickly towards them, followed by Twilight. She all but sprinted up the stairs, and then dive-tackled her fiance. “Oh my goodness, Cliff! What's going on? Are you okay?! Why are there so many guards around town?”

Cliff stiffened at first, then he pulled her as close as he could, burying his face in the fur of her chest.

Spike looked away, cheeks flushing slightly as he felt just how much his brother loved Fluttershy, and how that love let him tear down the walls he had built around his heart and simply cry, not caring who was watching. It seemed wrong to spy on such an intimate moment, and Spike would have cut the link if he hadn't felt Cliff silently reassuring him that it was okay.

The older dragon's emotions were too muddled to communicate very much, just the firm impression that Cliff was neither ashamed of his feelings for Fluttershy, nor of crying in front of the brother he loved.

Thanks, Spike sent back. For some reason, he felt a tear slide down his own cheek.


Fluttershy panicked when they told her what happened, of course. She stayed so close to Cliff for the rest of the day that Spike was honestly surprised when she didn't try to follow him into the bathroom.

Autumn and Rarity returned shortly after breakfast, which was prepared and served by the Apple family, looking a little better for the naps they had no doubt taken.

Spike gave Autumn a hug and a quick kiss before pulling Rarity to the side.

“What is it, Spike?” Rarity asked. “Did something else happen that I should be aware of?”

“No, nothing like that.” Spike paused and looked around the living room.

Twilight and Autumn were starting to go over the emotional landscape of Ponyville. Big Mac was still beating Rainbow Dash at hoof wrestling. The blue pegasus seemed determined to win at least once, but Spike really doubted that it was going to happen. Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and AJ were busy mixing up something in the kitchen. Fluttershy was pressed up against Cliff on the couch, practically hiding the young dragon completely beneath a combination of wing, mane, and tail.

“It's just, so much has happened lately that I thought it would be nice to clear the air a bit. An angry mob could be banging down the door in another hour, so who knows when we'll have another chance?”

The white unicorn nodded glumly. “I'm afraid you may be right. Did Celestia ever respond to those letters you sent?”

“Yeah, the new guards arrived a while ago. She'll be popping up in front of the Dragon House of town around noon, with any luck. If there's no angry mob there, she'll come here to talk while the guards start spreading the word that she wants to hold a town meeting that will, hopefully, keep ponies from doing anything rash.” Spike couldn't help but glance at the clock. It was just past eight. “Anyway, in case something happens before then, I need to thank you for everything. Your connections in Canterlot and those awesome outfits you keep coming up with have pulled us through a lot of rough times.”

“As have your own connections, and your talent for persuasive writing.” Rarity looked over at Twilight and Autumn. “The same can be said of Twilight's diligence in researching political theory, and Autumn's ability to predict and influence the emotions of entire cities.” She turned her gaze back to Spike. “Let us be honest. None of this would have been possible without all of us working together.”

Spike had to nod.

“But,” Rarity continued, “I assume you were hoping to clear the air on a slightly more personal matter.”

“...Yeah.” He sighed. It's now or never. “I'm really happy with Autumn, and I'm glad that you helped get us together, but... why? Both Autumn and Grandma say that you developed feelings for me a few weeks after I became an adult.”

“Yes, I imagine that would seem rather confusing.” Rarity looked away as she continued. “I suppose I should begin with why I developed feelings for you in the first place. It is no secret that I have, somewhat naively, been hoping to meet my Prince Charming. Though you may not hold a royal title, you are very much a part of the royal family. You are also genuinely friendly, intelligent, and when the occasion demands it, quite charming. In short, I was beginning to see you as the prince I had been waiting for.”

She let out a long sigh and turned back to him. “However, your interest in me was, quite frankly, unhealthy. You put me on such a pedestal that I knew you would be disappointed, perhaps crushingly so, when the rose-colored glasses fell off and you saw me as an actual pony. Because of that, I promised myself that I would never agree to date you unless I felt that you were seeing the real me.”

Spike opened his mouth to protest, then stopped. “...I guess you have a point. Still, why Autumn? I thought you two didn't like each other at first.”

“We didn't,” Rarity confirmed, “at first. I feared she simply wanted to use you, in spite of your reassurance about reading her heart. Once I was able to get over that, I realized that you actually felt comfortable being yourself around her, far more so than you ever did with me. That's when I decided to gently push you away from your, shall we say, fixation, and towards a mare that I honestly believed would help bring out the best in you.”

It took Spike a moment to digest everything he had heard. “You really are the best, and most generous friend I could ever have hoped for.” A bit of a sad smile crossed his face as he said, “I hope you find your Prince Charming one day.”

“I'm a national heroine, famous fashionista, major political activist, and I have seven hundred years to hunt, Spike.” Her eyes twinkled as she smiled. “I would be quite disappointed in myself if I didn't manage to find several.”

A small laugh escaped the young dragon. “True that; and by the way, call me 'Spikey.' It's nice when one of your best friends calls you by a nickname.” He smiled a little nervously.

“Very well, my dear friend, Spikey.” Rarity smiled back. “Now let us go assist Twilight and Autumn before that mob arrives.”

“Don't jinx it,” Spike warned.


The hours came and went, and by some miracle, no mob of angry ponies swarmed the palace. That 'miracle' was explained just before lunchtime, when Pinkie Pie arrived, covered in sweat, completely hoarse, and with balloons and confetti sticking randomly out of her mane and tail.

“Happy Thursday, everypony,” she croaked before collapsing into a chair. “I haven't had to throw so many emergency parties and sing so many Cheer You Up and Calm You Down songs since... ever!”

“How many parties did you throw?” Twilight asked. “You look exhausted.”

Pinkie reached behind her back and pulled out a large pink cake, which she half placed, half dropped, onto the table in front of Cliff and Fluttershy. “This one,” she coughed, and threw a hoofful of confetti, “makes eight hundred forty-six. A new record.”

“That's nearly one for every family in town,” Autumn said in awe.

Pinkie nodded. “Almost everypony is staying inside today, but some groups were getting together. They seemed especially angry about Cliff and Elite, so I had to make my parties and my songs extra good to make sure they didn't do anything bad.”

“We owe you big time, Pinkie.” Spike patted her on the shoulder as he leaned over enough to read what was written on the cake.

He facepalmed.

'Glad you aren't dead!' was spelled out in cheery white letters.

Fluttershy paled slightly as she read it. “Oh, uh, yes. Thank you for calming everypony down, Pinkie.”

“No problem. I just want to see everypony and everydragon smile again.” The party mare flopped back in her seat and promptly began snoring.

Celestia arrived a few minutes later. She gave them all a warm, if tired, greeting before approaching the couch where Fluttershy and her fiance still sat. “Cliff Runner?”

“Yes, Celestia?” As he looked up at her, Spike could feel his brother fighting to control his fears.

The white alicorn bowed deeply, amid shocked gasps from around the room. “I can never apologize enough for what nearly happened to you last night. In spite of that, I am truly sorry.”

“It wasn't your fault,” Cliff mumbled, slowly lowering his eyes to the floor. “Besides, I probably destroyed the entire Cultural Exchange Program by fighting back. I should have just run away.”

“Nopony can change what is done, Cliff. However, you have my word that I will do everything I can to help set things right as we move forward.”

“Thank you,” he whispered. “Can I do anything to help?”

“Actually, yes.” Celestia knelt down to be at the same level as him. “There is a spell that will allow me to see into your memories. My guards have already concluded that you weren't at fault, but that announcement will carry much more weight if I have scanned your mind myself, and can personally assure the townsponies that you acted only in self defense. I must warn you though, this spell will cause you to relive the memories I need to see. None of us would blame you if you would rather not experience those events again.”

Cliff's emotions suddenly disappeared from the link as he embraced the Stillness. “Please, do it quickly.”

Celestia nodded solemnly, and her horn began to glow.

Spike had never actually seen a mind scan, even though he'd been used as a test subject when Twilight was learning how to do it. The biggest surprise was how little time was required. It seemed that Celestia had only just touched her horn to Cliff's forehead when she pulled back and the light of her magic winked out.

“I see.” She smiled sympathetically. “Thank you. I will be sure to tell everypony that you fought only to incapacitate Elite, in spite of the increased risk to yourself.”

Cliff only huddled further under Fluttershy's mane. His emotions let out the equivalent of a long, deep shudder.

“He did?” Spike asked.

“There were three times when Cliff could have used Ghost Claws to kill Elite,” Celestia confirmed. “He chose not to for fear of the political consequences.” She turned to the other ponies in the room. “The town meeting will begin soon. Twilight, you will need to come so that you can tell Ponyville what happened after Cliff left the scene of the attack. The rest of you may choose if you would like attend as well, or remain here. Though I am sorry to say, Spike, that you should stay. I fear the streets would explode into chaos if the wrong ponies saw you, or any other dragon, today.”

Most of the others decided to go to the meeting, including Autumn, after Spike pointed out how useful her empathy would be for gauging everypony's reactions. Fluttershy remained, of course, gently cradling her fiance, while Spike watched his departing friends through the window, a small frown across his lips.

It wasn't that he could fault Twilight or Celestia for wanting to keep him safe, but being forced to stay inside for his own protection still left a bitter taste in the young dragon's mouth.


“While a guilty verdict has, inevitably, been reached, I would still like to plead with the court for sympathy and a light sentence,” the black-suited lawyer said. “Elite was about to lose his beloved grandmother, and his younger sister had recently returned home in tears after the dragon Cliff Runner refused yet again to provide aid. His actions were fueled by grief and despair, not anger.”

The courtroom, the largest in Ponyville, was filled to overflowing with ponies. Twilight and Spike were sitting next to the prosecuting lawyer that Celestia had hired for them. The booth that would normally be reserved for VIP's was filled by Fluttershy, Cliff, and his grandparents instead. Given the circumstances, keeping them away from the crowd had probably been a good idea.

“Yes, what he did was unforgivable, but he would never have been forced into that position if the Ponyville Coven had simply done what The Manehattan Expositor has been suggesting for weeks now, and established some method whereby ponies could obtain extra years, rather than effectively telling all of Equestria that they aren't important enough for that to even be considered. Elite would even have accepted giving up some of his own life-force to help his grandmother, in spite of the doubled transfer loss, had they only announced a few days earlier that doing so was an option.

“We all know what happened during the altercation itself, and how Elite, who spent most of his life studying at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, whose special talent is magic, had his horn bitten off, after he had lost consciousness. And yet, when our best medical treatments failed to reattach it, these supposedly completely selfless dragons all refused to use their own magic to restore it to him.” The lawyer, a unicorn himself, paused long enough to glare at up Cliff and the rest of the coven.

Cliff met his gaze steadily. If Elite had spent so much time studying magic, and was still willing to abuse it, then he didn't deserve to have it.

“My client has lost his horn, his special talent, his grandmother, and is about to lose his freedom. He deserves at least some degree of mercy, and I can only beg the court to provide it. Thank you.”

“In simpler terms,” Burning Torch whispered, “he was upset that you didn't want to kill yourself, and that makes it okay that he tried to do it for you.”

Cliff nodded silently. He didn't really bother to listen to the prosecutor's final statement. After twenty-two days of this, he had heard it all several times anyway.

On his other side, Fluttershy gently squeezed his hand with her hoof.

After a lengthy, and boring, speech about the unfair treatment wyrms had received, their lawyer took his own seat.

Then they had to sit and wait while the judge deliberated.

“Elite Pony,” the green earth mare said at last, “for the crimes of attempted murder and attacking a foreign ambassador, I hereby sentence you to life in jail, with the possibility of parole after ten years.” She lifted a small hammer and then whacked it onto her desk.

Elite, who had barely looked up or made eye contact with anypony during the entire trial, nodded listlessly and was led away, as his parents and sister wept and called out for him.

“Finally,” Fire Claws muttered. “I still don't see why it took them more than three weeks to do that.”

The wyrms moved to the door, where a group of guards silently began to follow. More guards met them just outside the front door. They formed a protective ring around Fluttershy, Cliff, and his grandparents as they left the courthouse, amid shouts of encouragement from one crowd, and taunts and threats from another. Even more guards were keeping the crowds separate, for fear they would attack each other.

Spike and the rest of the Public Relations team would be staying behind to hold a brief press conference. Cliff felt that everything worth saying had already been said, multiple times, but he wasn't going to question his brother's decisions.

“Perhaps Fire Eyes is correct,” Burning Torch said as the crowds began to thin out. “Living in the Everfree Forest might be easier than continuing with this.”

Fire Claws nodded her agreement.

“How is she, anyway?” Cliff asked. Between her growing uneasiness about being near ponies, and the need for an armed escort whenever a wyrm went into town, he hadn't seen his old friend in days.

“She's wiping out every timberwolf and manticore she can find in the Everfree,” Fire Claws said. “It's the only way she can think of to help anymore. Anyway, I need to get to work. I promised Derpy that I'd cover her shift today so she can spend some time with Dinky.”

After a brief round of farewells, two guards broke off to follow the dragoness.

Their path took them by the schoolhouse. Cliff couldn't see it, but he could certainly imagine Whisper trying not to look nervously at the guard that would be standing at the back of the classroom.

“I'll be at the Dragon House if you should need me,” Burning Torch said as they neared the palace. “Celestia wanted to hear my thoughts on a new law that would punish newspapers for knowingly printing false information, and it's past time that I responded to her.”

Cliff and Fluttershy waved as two more guards followed after the older dragon.

“It's about time to get started on lunch. What would you all like?” Cliff asked the six that remained.

“I'm in the mood for some scones, sir,” one replied.

“Just a salad is fine with me, sir.”

The others rattled off their preferences as well.

Cliff committed their orders to memory. “We're going to need some more carrots and another loaf of bread. Would anypony mind picking those up after I grab the bits for it?”

“I will, sir.”

It had taken a direct order from Twilight to get them to open up, but completely stoic, silent guards only made Cliff more uncomfortable. Besides, most of the guards were rather nice once they knew they could relax and be themselves. Perhaps more importantly, none of them blamed Cliff for defending himself. It was just a shame that still couldn't tell any of them apart.


Cliff had barely finished preparing the last guard's lunch when he heard the palace's front door open, and a sobbing voice that made his heart skip a beat. He dropped the fruit he had been carrying and ran to the entryway to meet Whisper, scooping her up and holding her against his chest. “Shh,” he said over her wails. “What happened?”

“I-I hurt somepony!” The dark green hatchling pressed herself against his scales. “I'm so sorry, Cliff,” she bawled. “I didn't mean to!”

“I know.” The older dragon stroked her back as he created a link between them. “You're far too sweet to hurt anypony on purpose.” He sent a wave of reassurance and nuzzled the top of her head. “Now tell me everything that happened, and we'll make it right.”

Fluttershy, Spike, and Twilight joined them as the tale unfolded. A tale that nearly made Cliff's legs go out beneath him.

Diamond Tiara had been trying to get a rise out of the hatchling since her first day of school. It seemed she had finally given up on taunts and insults, and attempted to physically beat Whisper into submission.

With Whisper's guard distracted breaking up a fight at the other end of the playground, the other Crusaders blocked off by some of the bully's allies, and Whisper herself held down by Silver Spoon, the young dragoness had done the only thing she could think of, and breathed fire.

Against another dragon, it would have had the same effect as a burst of warm air. Diamond Tiara, however, was a pony. Whisper's fire had charred and blistered her entire face, scorching off most of her mane in the process.

In the chaos that followed, the hatchling had escaped her tormentors and run to the palace.

“This is bad,” Twilight said quietly.

“Well duh.” Spike buried his face in his hands. “Okay. Here's what we need to do. Twilight, they will have taken Diamond Tiara to the hospital by now. Get there, heal her, and do anything you can to keep Filthy Rich from going ballistic. Cliff, round up the rest of the coven. The last thing we need is one of them causing problems. I'll go get Autumn and Rarity so we can figure out how to handle this. Fluttershy, take care of Whisper until we get back.”

Cliff gently broke the link and passed the crying hatchling to his fiance. They exchanged a nervous smile before he took off.

A few guard pegasi flew after the young dragon, trying in vain to keep up with him.

Luck, of a sort, was on Cliff's side. Burning Torch was at the Dragon House, and so was Fire Eyes, for a change. He sent them to the palace immediately before taking off again.

Rather than risk pushing his way through the crowds in town, Cliff opted to jump from rooftop to rooftop, looking for his grandmother in the streets below. Even though he didn't want to waste any time, the young dragon stopped and landed when he saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. All three of them were in tears.

“Cliff!” Apple Bloom shouted, tackling the dragon along with her friends. “Somethin' horrible happened-”

“I know,” he gently cut her off. “Don't worry, Twilight is healing Diamond Tiara right now, and Spike and I are going to make sure nothing happens to Whisper.” He wrapped them all in a warm hug.

“It wasn't her fault,” Scootaloo sniffled, fighting to keep her voice steady. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ganged up on her.”

“I know,” Cliff repeated. “Just go back to school for now. You can come see Whisper at the palace once it gets out.”

“Cheerilee ended school early,” Sweetie Belle said. “We tried to talk to Rarity, and then Applejack, but they both told us to go to the clubhouse for now. Can't we go to the palace instead?” She looked up at him with pleading eyes.

For a moment, Cliff was torn. On one claw, Whisper could certainly use her friends right now, but on the other, it wasn't his place to undermine AJ and Rarity's authority as older sisters. The last thing we need today is more fighting... “I'm sorry, but you'd better go to the clubhouse for now.” At their disappointed whimpers, he quickly added, “but I'll come get you myself if anything changes.”

Only seconds after sending the three on their way, Rainbow Dash landed next to the young dragon. “Hey, Cliff, did something happen? Why were the Crusaders here instead of at school?”

He caught her up on the situation as quickly as possible. “...So have you seen Grandma around?”

“Yeah, she's just a few streets over. Follow me!”


All three of them arrived at the palace moments later. Whisper was still curled up in Fluttershy's lap. Cliff and Fire Claws snapped into the link as soon as they could, fueling positive emotions into the distraught hatchling alongside the other wyrms. Applejack was also there, which came as a bit of a surprise. She was sitting with Spike, Autumn, and Rarity as they tried to figure out what to do.

“Is she going to be okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes,” Fire Claws replied with a slightly pained smile. “She's just scared.”

I'm a b-bad dragon,” Whisper sobbed.

“No you aren't, gemstone.” Fire Claws gently lifted the hatchling's face so they could look at each other.

D-Diamond Tiara was just trying to hurt me, b-but I almost killed her.” She clenched her eyes shut. “G-good dragons don't do bad things.

“Of course we do, Whisper. Everydragon makes mistakes and does bad things sometimes.” The older dragoness leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. “You're only a bad dragon if you don't feel bad, or don't try to fix your mistakes after you've made them. You feel bad about hurting that pony, don't you?”

Whisper nodded.

“Then you're a good dragon, and learning from this will make you even better.” She nuzzled the hatchling affectionately. “Now quit beating yourself up over it. I won't let anydragon make you feel bad after you've learned your lesson, even yourself.”

The tiny dragoness threw her arms around Fire Claw's muzzle, hugging it tightly as she continued to sob.

She gently returned the embrace.

“Twilight and a very upset pony are coming,” Autumn said loud enough for them all to hear. “I believe it's Mr. Rich.”

Fire Claws nodded a few seconds later. “Yes, I can sense them now too.” She passed Whisper to Fluttershy and stepped forward.

Cliff turned to his brother. “What do you need us to do?”

“Just don't kill him.” Spike walked to the door with an air or grim determination.

Fire Eyes stepped between the door and Whisper. “I make no promises. His brat tried to hurt my sister.”

Filthy Rich was already in a heated argument with Twilight when Spike opened the door for them. “...I don't care! She's old enough to be responsible for what she did.” The brown stallion stepped inside, only to be met by a veritable wall of claws and scales.

“Hello, Mr. Rich,” Spike said calmly. “I take if you're here to discuss the unfortunate events of this morning?”

“No.” The normally calm earth pony was fairly shaking with rage. “I already know what happened, and I'm here to offer them,” he jerked a hoof at the other wyrms, “this deal: leave Ponyville today, or I'll take legal action tomorrow, and then kick them out.”

“In other words, you came to threaten us.” Burning Torch stepped forward. “You obviously believe that you are in the right on this matter, but the simple fact remains that you are not. A fact that would certainly be proven in the Equestrian legal system.”

“That's where you're wrong,” Filthy Rich shot back. “No adults saw what happened, but seven of the eleven children who witnessed the attack are willing to testify that it was an overreaction to harmless foaling around.”

“Then they would all be liars,” Fire Eyes spat. “My sister is the most gentle hatchling under the stars. She would never lie about what your daughter was trying to do.”

“I should also point out,” Fire Claws added, “that dragons are less impact resistant than ponies. Even if your daughter thought it was just 'harmless foaling around,' it might have seriously injured Written Whisper.”

“Don't give me that!” the stallion shouted. “Diamond Tiara was in the hospital with third degree burns all over her face because of that little monster! Both eyes burned beyond use. Lungs scorched by super-heated air.” He was shaking even more strongly now. “She would've been permanently disabled, or even died, if not for Princess Twilight! Now all I'm asking is that you take that creature and leave Ponyville, before the same thing happens to some other poor foal!”

Spike cut in between him and the other wyrms before it could come to blows. “Mr. Rich, we understand that you're upset, and Whisper feels horrible about what happened. Maybe we should talk about this tomorrow, once we've all had a chance to calm down.”

“Oh I'll come back tomorrow, with my lawyers.” Filthy Rich stomped the floor. “Mark my words. I'll call in every favor, spend every bit, do everything it takes, until every last dragon is bucked right out of Equestria! You're all barbaric, violent, greedy, monsters,” he pressed on, over a chorus of growls from the coven, “and you have no place in pony society!” The earth pony stormed outside and slammed the door behind him.

“Nice guy, isn't he?” Spike said, earning a slap from Twilight.

“Maybe I should show him what dragon-fire from an adult can do,” Fire Eyes growled.

Cliff let out an unsteady breath. In a strange way, it was a relief to have a political opponent who spread lies about dragons because he actually hated them, rather than because he thought it would make a good story. He increased the flow of positive emotions to Whisper, who was crying loudly in Fluttershy's hooves. “Maybe we should leave town. For a few days, at least.”

“I agree,” Fire Claws said. “It took Pinkie Pie and Celestia combined to stop riots when that pony attacked Cliff, and that was with witnesses to prove that Cliff was in the right. With another incident so soon afterward, Ponyville won't be safe for us anymore.”

Fire Eyes and Burning Torch nodded their agreement.

Spike and the others tried to object, but anything they were going to say died out as the reality of the situation began to sink in. They slowly lowered their heads, as Fluttershy hugged Whisper to her chest, tears pouring down her cheeks.

“I guess that's it,” Cliff said quietly. “We'll be going now.”

Something changed.

“N-no, I won't leave my friends!”

Through the link, Cliff felt an unfamiliar emotion flicker into life. It burned along his senses, demanding his attention, almost pulling him in. What is that?

He turned, and stared in horror at Whisper, who had already grown a few inches.

Author's Note:

There isn't much that can be said. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, the unthinkable happens.