• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,483 Views, 985 Comments

Twilight: The Gamer - ilbgar

Twilight dies, then finds out her life's a game. Chaos ensues.

  • ...

Griffon The Brush Off

She'd decided to follow through Applebuck Season as per baseline, since it was an important lesson for AJ on accepting help from others when she needed it. She'd completed that Main Quest for 100 Exp/bits for 5 Skill points, which had caused a fair number of new Side Quests to spring up. She'd done 22 extermination Side Quest for 50 Exp/bits and 3 Skill points each, one of which introduced her to a new monster species called Slime. They were little more than semi-transparent colorless blobs and ate like they were giant amoebas.

'A fairly weak monster to start off, but they are highly adaptable, and quickly grow stronger as they do so. The oldest and strongest can achieve Boss rank easily.'

She'd also done 26 yardwork, housework, etc., Side Quests for 25 Exp/bits and 2 Skill points each, also raising her rep to the lower end of 'Local Legend' . That totaled at 1850 Exp/bits and 123 Skill points, which caused her to reach the level 13 with 1300 Exp required to reach the next level, which gave her an additional twelve Skill points, a total of 135.

She saved her Stat points because she hadn't really had any trouble with anything lately. Her HP and MP still rose the default ten points to 1835 HP, and 2097 MP.

She dumped the necessary 61 Skill points into Combat, Blade-wielding, Resilience, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to raise them to 100/1000.

For Combat,

'At 100/1000, you've reached the level where you could be considered a master, the proverbial 'black belt' but that doesn't mean you've achieved your full potential, just that you can see the top now... barely.'

For Blade-wielding,

'At 100/1000, you've achieved the level that you could claim to be a master at, though you are not unbeatable. Someone could still beat you with a superior weapon if they were also at the level of what is considered mastery.'

For Resilience,

'At 100/1000, anyone who hits you is likely to hurt themselves more than you, though you are not invincible. A well-kept bronze sword will bend upon striking you before you would get hurt, but any greater force or better material than that will hurt you, if only a little.

For Positive Magic,

'At 100/1000, you've achieved the level expected of an Archmage! ...And about a third of the level achieved by Starswirl the Bearded.'

For Negative Magic,

'At 100/1000, you've achieved the same level of understanding Sombra did before being consumed by the negative energies he sought to control.'

This unlocked a slew of new skills.

'Close Combat. 0/1. For 10 MP, you can triple the damage you deal from direct physical attacks at the cost of doubling the physical attack damage you receive in return.

Mega Strength. 0/1. For 100 MP per attack, you can deal 100 damage in a direct physical attack, regardless of enemy defences. However, this Skill disregards any bonuses from your Stats and other Skills.'

That last one had the potential to be very useful against an enemy with strong defenses. Still, 100 MP per use was exorbitant, even with her reserves. Still, with her regeneration, she'd be able to get 21 uses out of it if she needed to.

'One Mare Army 0/1. For 1000 MP, rain a series of lightning fast attacks on the enemy that are almost guaranteed to do over 1000 damage to each within ten feet of the main target.'

Now that was going to be useful. An attack like that was good for use in a pinch.

'Sword-play. 0/10. A skill that increases your skill with a sword a great deal more per point than Blade-wielding does, but doesn't transfer to all bladed weapons, just swords and knives. This includes kitchen knives and weapons that were carved into a sword-like shape.

Zantesuken. 0/1. A one-hit kill technique. It costs 1000 MP, has a one day cooldown period. It's inaccurate, unwieldy, and leaves you immobile for ten seconds afterward, so make sure it hits it's target.'

That was potentially incredibly useful, but she had to be careful about using it.

'Damage Reflection. 0/10. Reflects a small amount of the force used against you on the user, 1% per point, this skill does not come into effect unless there is physical contact, as such, most spells will not be reflected.

Lesser Force. 0/1. Quote, "If two forces come into conflict, the weaker one always comes away damaged." unquote. If the attack is completely neutralized by your Skills/Stats, the damage is sent back at the attacker. This only applies if the attack does zero damage to you.

Lead Body. 0/10. Your body is lead-hard, add points to increase your body's toughness further.'

Well, Lesser Force only applied if she didn't take any damage from an attack, so really, it just made an unfair fight more unfair.

'Avid Student. 0/1. Decreases the necessary time required to learn a spell, theory, or grasp another type of magic. This applies to all magic, positive, negative, light, dark, elemental, etc.

Positively Absorbent. 0/1. You absorb 5% of the MP used in a Positive Magic spell that hits you.'

That could also potentially be useful, but she hadn't encountered many magic users outside of Bosses, so not so much with the grunts.

'Negatively Absorbent. 0/1. You absorb 5% of the MP used in a Negative Magic spell that hits you.'

One of her eyes twitched, then she facehooved. That was a bad pun.

'Unpossessable. 0/1000. Heightens your resistance to outside influences. At a high enough level, 200 or so, you can shrug off possession by a high level demon like it was nothing. As it stands, only your Will Stat is in the way of that.'

Potentially vital, but she'd had no experience with actual possession beyond Nightmare Moon and Luna. Though calling that possession might not be entirely correct.

'Enhancement. 0/1000. Allows you to enhance both your body and objects you are either in contact with, or are grasping with your magic by your skill level as a percent for 1 MP per second. 10/1000 would allow you to enhance something by 10% for example. WARNING!!! Attempting to enhance something beyond your current skill level will succeed, but will cause damage every second you keep something enhanced. It is also unimaginably painful to experience.'

That sounded like a wonderful Skill at first, but it really wasn't, it was only viable for use so long as the Enhancement did not exceed the rate at which her MP regenerated. On that note, she dumped her Stat points into Regen to help with that. Of course, having one's healing exceed the rate at which they were damaged pretty much guaranteed victory.

'Str 67, Int 80, Agi 79, Con 79, Will 65, Regen 90, Wis 64, Chr 66, Lck 64. HP 1825, Shd 50, MP 2087.'

She got all the Skills with less than a maximum of 1000 maxed out. She raised Unpossessable to 25/1000 just in case, and Enhancement to 10/1000 because any further would outstrip her regeneration.

For Unpossessable,

'At 10/1000, you can put up slightly more of a fight against possession than a normal pony. Curses and the like will have slightly less effect.

At 20/1000, you are noticeably more difficult to affect with curses and low level evil spirits will need your permission to inhabit your body. Of course, by low level I mean unable to form their own body.'

It seemed that this was one that didn't have give you Skills every ten points. Since she'd had no real problems with possession, she'd be inclined to ignore this Skill in favor of ones that were more useful, but from the sound of it, the Unpossessable skill might also give her an immunity to the Poison Joke and Discord's influence. Now that made it worth dumping points into

For Enhancement,

'At 10/1000, you can safely enhance yourself to 10% better than your original ability level.'

She'd raised her Enhancement to 10/1000, putting her maximum she could use without exceeding both her HP and MP regeneration at 19%, though only 9% before she exceeded her MP regeneration.

Hopefully she would be able to resist the effects of Poison Joke at this skill level, but she was skeptical of her chances to be able to resist Discord's abilities, even with her much higher Will Stat. She went to the Main Menu, intending to visit the other timelines to do some more quests and get some skill points to fill it out, when she discovered that she'd unlocked a few new Avatars.

The first had a set of robes similar to Starswirl the Bearded's, and a classic witch's hat. She was another biped, and was carrying a spellbook in her hands.

'Mage Twilight: 5th Holy Grail War version. This version of Twilight is a friend and ally of one of the masters during the Holy Grail War. The Holy Grail War is a clash between seven mages and seven Heroic Spirits over a wish-granting device known as the Holy Grail (not the Athurian one, this one is artificial).

Heroic Spirits are great heroes from legend who are summoned from the throne of heroes, though this does not specify that they be heroes according to modern morality, nor do they have to have done their heroic acts at that point in time, only that they have become well-known figures who have achieved legendary status.

Heroic Spirits require masters who provide them with magical energy, because the world behaves hostilely towards magic, and will attempt to crush it out of existence through sheer force of will. This is a problem as the Heroic Spirits are only able to exist in the present through magic. Unlocked by reaching an Int and Wis of 50+, and a Combat, Resilience, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic skill level of 100 or more.'

Twilight examined the book closer, and discovered that she could actually read the book, and it had an impressive array of combat-oriented spells that she would likely be expected to know if she chose this Avatar. She read them through, and got them down fairly quickly thanks to her Skills. She smiled at having gotten these out of the system without having to actually go through a world.

The next Avatar was another biped. She appeared to be some kind of soldier.

'Human Merc Twilight. This version grew up witnessing the world's evil as a child, and as such has a relatively... 'flexible' morality. It depends a great deal on her mood and the peoples she's around. She does have a moral code, so there are people she won't work for no matter how much she's offered. Which is usually a lot, as she is famous for always accomplishing her mission so long as she isn't mislead about the target or targets. She is also remarkably difficult to kill. Unlocked by reaching a Str, Con, Regen, and Lck of 50+ and a Combat, Resilience, and Blade-wielding skill level of 100 or more.'

Okay... maybe not that one unless she was desperate.

The next was a biped decked-out in a full suit of armor and held a sword that glowed faintly.

'Arthurian Knight Twilight. This version is a member of the Knights of the Round Table, a group dedicated to three things. Serving King Arthur, protecting the weak and innocent from the wrongdoings of the strong, and finding the Holy Grail. She is one of the foremost knights, having a masterful use of her weapon, a great deal of speed and strength behind it, and a minor holy blade. She's also one of the closest to the wizard Merlin besides Arthur himself. Merlin is the only one who knows that Twilight is a girl. She has managed to keep it a secret thus far. This was necessary due to the fact that the common people held an extremely traditional mindset in this era. Prerequisite: Swordsmare Twilight. Unlocked by reaching a Str, Agi and Will of 50+, and a Combat and Blade-wielding skill level of 100 or more.'

Well, she could work with this one. The mindset of the public was probably not going to change no matter how she demonstrated herself, from what she knew ponykind's own pre-Equestria age. She'd have to hide her gender like the Avatar's description said.

The last new Avatar was a pony, and had a glowing sword in her magical grasp, but seemed no different from the Base Avatar otherwise.

'Paladin Twilight. This version is the youngest ever paladin in an Equestria where demons and the undead wander freely after an accident in another nation spilled over and caused these creatures to wipe out roughly half of civilization before any sort of real resistance could be mustered. She possesses a holy blade, which greatly increases her effectiveness against such creatures. She's wanted revenge ever since her family was killed by these things. As such, she pursues them with a tenacity that borders on insane. Prequisite: Swordsmare Twilight. Unlocked by reaching 50+ in all Stats, and a Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic skill level of 100 or more.'

Well, that one sounded like a major personality change, so maybe or maybe not. First, something was telling her to check her Cheats. She did so, and discovered,

'Rep Carry Over: Causes rep. increases to carry over between Avatars, only applies to public opinion. Is retroactive, carrying over bonuses that you've already obtained.

Money Carry Over: Causes money to carry over between Avatars.

Subspace pocket: A special space only you have access to that you can access at all times, anything stored within carries over between Avatars. You have access to one cubic meter of space multiplied by your level.'

...YES!!! Now she could grab her notes from her other timelines, and she could take those two holy blades from their respective timelines.

She activated all three, and then took advantage of it to obtain her notes from her previous Avatars and the holy blades from both Arthurian Knight and Paladin. She got to the point where she got the holy blade in Arthurian, then switched to paladin and got the one from there before switching back so she could use them both in Arthurian and Paladin.

With the actual notes from her other Avatars, she could work better, since she was generally operating entirely on memory. Her memory was improved by an amount that bordered on not even being funny, but it had it's limits.

She started off in Athurian and joined Arthur's Round Table soon after he was made king. She'd discovered her holy blade in a cave not far from the lake where Arthur had received Excalibur and it's scabbard. She mainly kept the peace, hunting down bandits and rogue mages and knights, and learned a trick or two from Merlin. Then Morgan Le Fay got involved, she was able to turn Mordred against his father, and titanic battles ensued. Arthur's forces were further weakened when Lancelot betrayed him for Guinivere, who had secretly been... meeting Lancelot for some time.

The blow was heavy because Lancelot was the closest to Arthur, both in terms of sheer martial might, and they were close friends. She finally left when Mordred struck down his father. She'd tried again, and again to save him, but no matter how many times she loaded her last save file in that Avatar, she couldn't. All the other knights, with the sole exception of herself had fallen on both sides. She'd arrived at the magical duel just as Merlin was struck down by Le Fay.

In Paladin, she'd arrived a day before the demon attack, she wasn't sure if it was a glitch in the game or what, but her skills were locked until after the attack left her parents and brother dead. She'd started to hate the game with a passion after that, but since she couldn't retaliate against the game itself, she turned her rage on the ones more directly responsible, the demons and undead who'd done the deed. To be more accurate, the locks broke moments after her family was dead.

Celestia and Luna took her in, and, upon her request, trained her to be a paladin, granting her a minor holy blade that had simply been gathering dust in the vaults beforehand. She quickly rose through the ranks, and eventually helped push back the demonic and undead forces, before she joined an assault on the stronghold of the leader of the dark forces, and had a personal hoof in finishing him.

She'd also gotten 5 stars, a fair amount of exp and skill points in those two worlds from 53 quests, a horde of fights with the grunt enemies, and Boss fights. 3000 Exp/bits, and 180 skill points counting the ones from the stars. She got a large amount of new enemy data as well.

'Rogue Mage. A mage who has either left or been abandoned by their master and turned against the people they were originally supposed to protect.

Rogue Knight. A knight who has either betrayed or abandoned their lord and essentially become little more than a dangerous and well-trained thief.

Lancelot. A knight once loyal to King Arthur who became enamored of the King's wife, Guinevere, eventually leading to his lord's death.

Morgan Le Fay. A witch who's powers rival Merlin's, she proved no match for comparable magic power and a holy blade.

Skeleton. Basic undead, just the skeleton of someone who died animated by the dark spell that brought them back to a sort of half-life.

Zombie. Not a zombie as in contagious, but someone halfway between life and death. Their bite is, however, likely to make you ill due to the bacteria in it's mouth.

Imp. The lowest class of demon. They have little more power than the average person.

Lesser Demon. A demon strong enough to pose a threat to trained personnel, but not that high in the demonic hierarchy.

Demon. The classic demon, this one is significantly superior to even a paladin, though this is generally only true of greenhorns.

Greater Demon. A demon of considerable power. Few have managed to defeat one unaided.

Demon Lord. A demon that has command over demons of lower rank. Less than five have ever been defeated prior to this entry. Revision: Less than thirty have been defeated.

Overlord: The leader and most powerful of all the demons. With his defeat, the demonic invasion has been broken.'

She'd gotten through these two because she'd switched between them and grabbed both their holy blades before using them to take care of foes that would have challenged her if she'd only had one sword with holy properties.

She had reached level 15 with 1200 Exp to reach the next level. She raised her Regen to 100 and increased her first five Stats by one with her remaining 5 Stat points.

'Str 73, Int 86, Agi 85, Con 85, Will 71, Regen 100, Wis 69, Chr 71, Lck 69. HP 1895, Shd 50, MP 2157.'

She raised her Unpossessable to 137, Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 114/1000, and Enhancement to 20/1000. For Unpossessable

'At 100 or more, you will resist anything short of an internally applied curse, a possession by a high-ranking demon, or Discord's influence with direct contact, though he'll actually have to put some effort forth.'

For Enhancement,

'At 20 or more, you can enhance yourself to 20% better than your original ability level.'

Huh, it seemed that her skills didn't have a description change every ten points when they passed 100.

Anyway, she was unsure of how to deal with Gilda beyond baseline, so she decided to just be more supportive of Pinkie this time... and to avoid having anything to dangerous in the flask the third time she went through, she'd forgotten about that prank because it had been harmless the first time, the second time had blown up the whole library. She wondered if it meant there was something wrong with her that she was starting to care more about having to do things over than actually dieing, even in pain.

She followed baseline up to when Pinkie came to the library.

"Twilight, there's new friend of Dashie's that's really mean!" Pinkie said, bursting through the door and smashing Spike into the wall.

'Main Quest! Resolve the problem with Gilda.'

Twilight quickly fixed Spike up, and as soon as she was sure he was alright, asked. "What'd she do?"

"She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she popped my balloon's, and she told me to buzz off and then broke my favorite set of propellers!" Pinkie pulled said set of propellers out of nowhere and showed them to her purple friend. They were pretty badly damaged, as if they'd taken a massive impact. This was quality steel too, how did this happen?

"Why did you have propellers out?" Twilight asked, honestly curious.

"So I could reach Dashie when she was 100 feet in the air, of course. It's a good thing I have infinity Luck, or I might have been hurt by the fall." she said nonchalantly.

Twilight froze. That gryphon had almost killed her friend! Okay, maybe she ought to teach Gilda a lesson. After the events of baseline, of course.

"Well, tell you what, why don't you try throwing her a party to see if that improves her attitude?" Twilight asked. "I'll be happy to help." she continued. She was aware that this wasn't going to work, but she ought to let Pinkie try to resolve this herself.

"Great idea! If a party doesn't fix her up, I don't know what will!" Pinkie said. After about fifteen minutes, the party was ready. Somehow. "Don't question it Twilight. Don't. Question. It." she muttered to herself.

"So who's this Gilda Ah haven't heard anything about?" AJ asked Rarity.

"I heard that she's one of Rainbow Dash's old friends." Rarity answered. "She's a gryphon apparently."

Twilight walked over to Fluttershy. "You've met Gilda, right? What do you think of her?" she asked her pegasus friend.

"She's kind of... scary." Fluttershy said, more timid than usual about the subject.

"I see." Twilight's expression cooled a few degrees. It seemed that Gilda had frightened Fluttershy as well. She definitely needed to teach the gryphon a lesson. Twilight was only planning to scare her a bit. She probably wouldn't have any nightmares.

Gilda arrived rather quietly, and Pinkie welcomed her with the usual amount of cheer. "Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you a signature Pinkie Pie welcoming party. And I really, truly, sincerely hope you feel welcome here amongst all us ponyfolk." Pinkie outstretched a hoof, and Gilda took it, only to fall for the classic jollybuzzer prank. Gilda quickly recovered and glared at Pinkie as she giggled.

Rainbow Dash had arrived just as that happened. "Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoofshake buzzer. You are a scream!" she said.

"Yeah, good one Pinkie Pie." Gilda responded.

"Come on G, I'll introduce you to some of my other friends." Rainbow Dash said.

"Heh, right behind you Dash." Gilda said. She turned to Pinkie and said, "I know what you're up to."

"Great!" Pinkie said, unintimidated.

"I mean, I know what you're planning." Gilda responded.

"Well I hope so, this party wasn't supposed to be a secret!" Pinkie said.

"I mean, I've got my eye on you." Gilda responded, leaning in close.

"And I've got my eye on you!" Pinkie's eyes were almost touching Gilda's when they bugged out as if to emphasize her sentence. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Gilda!" Pinkie announced to the partygoers. "She's a longtime friend of Rainbow Dash's." She glomped Gilda. "Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville." Gilda smiled with an obvious amount of discomfort as the ponies cheered. "Help yourself!" Pinkie said, making a sweeping gesture at the nearby table, which was covered with party food.

"Vanilla Lemon drops? Don't mind if I do." Gilda grabbed one with her talons and popped it in her mouth. She teared up, then let out a burst of flame, which Pinkie nonchalantly roasted a marshmallow on a stick on. "Hot!" she cried.

"G! The punch!" Rainbow called, pointing at said drink. Gilda tried to drink it, only for the drink to spill out the bottom of the cup.

"Well waddya know? Pepper in the vanilla lemon drops, and a dribble glass!" Pinkie said as the ponies laughed without any malice.

"Hah hah! Priceless!" Rainbow said.

Gilda sped over to a normal wooden glass, and drank it's contents to get the spicy taste off her tongue. "Yeah, hilarious." she said, rolling her eyes. "Hey G, look, presents!" Rainbow called, pointing at the pile of presents in one corner, how Gilda had missed it was a mystery, but she sped over to it immediately as soon as it was pointed out to her. Twilight sighed, Gilda was either stupid or greedy. She was going to bet on the latter for now. The first present Gilda opened was the fake snakes in a jar gag.

"Fake snakes! Somepony boobytrapped the presents!" Applejack said between laughing.

"I bet I know who that was." Gilda muttered, glancing at Pinkie.

"You do?" Pinkie asked innocently. After Fluttershy's birds sang, Pinkie rolled out a giant cake, yelling, "Cake time everypony!"

"Hey, can I blow out the candles?" Spike asked.

"Why don't we let Gilda do that Spike? She's the guest of honor after all." Twilight responded.

"Exactly." Gilda said, as she knocked Spike over as she was moving over to the cake and not being the least bit sorry about it. She took a deep breath and blew out the candles, only for them to burst back to life. She blew them out again, and this time the partygoers started laughing as the candles flared up again. She blew them out over and over, only for them to light back up again.

Spike chuckled, and said. "Relighting birthday candles, I love that prank! What a classic!"

"Now I wonder who could have done that?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, I wonder." Gilda said through gritted teeth.

"Who cares?" Spike said as he burrowed into the cake, then ate his way to the top. "This cake is amazing!" he said as he burst out.

"Spike, that was for everyone." Twilight reprimanded.

"It's great! Try some!" he responded. Gilda was growing increasingly annoyed.

"Hey G, you're not mad about a few pranks, are you?" Rainbow asked.

"Hey, no way Dash, I'm down with a good prank." Gilda responded.

"Good, then let's have some cake!" Rainbow said, getting a plate and fork.

Gilda grabbed Pinkie and brought her up to her face. "I'm watching you, like a hawk." Gilda said, once again, failing to be intimidating. Twilight's eyes narrowed

"Why? Can't you watch me like a gryphon?" Pinkie asked, unfazed.

"Hey y'all, time for pin the tail on the pony!" AJ called. Gilda let go of Pinkie, then smiled innocently.

"Oh, that's my favorite party game! Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?" Rarity asked.

"Well I'm the guest of honor, and I'll take the purple tail." Gilda said.

"Yeah Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blindfolded!" Pinkie said. Spike hopped up and covered Gilda's eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Gilda asked in annoyed.

Pinkie started spinning Gilda rapidly. "We're spinning you around and around so you can pin the tail on the pony." Pinkie stopped spinning Gilda. "Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail!" Pinkie said.

"Yeah right, this is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way." Gilda said, turning the completely wrong direction and heading in it.

"Gilda, wait! The poster's this-" Pinkie cut off as Gilda slipped on some cake and out the door with a crash. Gilda was covered in cake and had the tail draped on her face like a mustache. "Uh, Gilda? You put the tail on the wrong end." Pinkie said. The partygoers laughed at the sight in front of them in response to that remark.

Gilda finally snapped and roared at the crowd, splattering the cake she was covered in everywhere and sending the tail flying. "You call this a good time?! I've never met a lamer bunch of losers in all my life!" She turned to Pinkie and got right in her face. "And you Pinkie Pie, you're queen lameo with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool? Well, Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together." Twilight noted the disapproval on Rainbow's face. "Come on, Rainbow Dash, we're bailing on this lame scene!" Gilda turned and started to walk away, before noticing Rainbow wasn't following her. "I said come on, Rainbow Dash! We're leaving!" Gilda growled.

"You know Gilda, I'm the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party. So I guess that makes me queen lameo!" Rainbow said.

"Come on Dash, you're joshing me!" Gild said, trying to save face.

"They weren't all meant for you, it was just bad luck that you set them all off." Rainbow said.

"I should have known, that dribble glass had Rainbow Dash written all,over it!" Pinkie cried.

"No way, it was Pinkie Pie, she set this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me!" Gilda said.

"Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. Twilight and I thought a party might turn that frown upside-down." Pinkie responded to the accusation.

"It's worked before." Twilight said shrugging.

"And you sure didn't need any help making a fool of yourself! You know, this is not how I though my old friend would treat my new friends!" Rainbow said, advancing a few steps towards Gilda. "If being cool is all you care about, then maybe you should go make some new cool friends... someplace else." Rainbow said.

Gilda gritted her teeth and said, "Yeah well, you're such an- a flip-flop! Cool one minute and lame the next! If you decide not to be lame anymore, give me a call." Gilda said. Twilight slipped a tracking spell on the gryphon as she left. She'd have a... talk with Gilda after the party.

"Wow, talk about a party-pooper." Spike said, pointing a claw at where Gilda had been. The crowd muttered it's agreement.

"I'm sorry, everypony, for bringing Gilda here. I didn't realize how rude she was, and Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined this awesome party you threw her." Rainbow apologized.

"Hey, if you want to hang out with party-poopers, that's your business, not mine." Pinkie said.

"I'd rather hang out with you, no hard feelings?" Rainbow asked.

"No hard feelings." Pinkie responded. They shook hooves, and were both shocked as they'd tried the buzzer trick with each other. Everyone laughed at that.

"Sorry neither of you got through to Gilda, but we can still have fun at this party, right?" Twilight asked.

"You bet we can! Come on everypony, there's lots more partying to do!" Pinkie said.

'Main Quest Complete! +100 Exp/bits. +5 Skill points.'

After the party, Twilight sent the baseline letter to the princess, and teleported to Gilda's location, only to find her being harassed by a pack of timberwolves. Well, not what she had in mind, but this could work. She had covered herself in a cloak so Gilda wouldn't recognize her. She approached, causing the timberwolves to shift their focus to her. She took them all out at once with One Mare Army.

Each slice with her swords was backed by three times her normal strength and speed, and each slice led into the next flawlessly. From an outside perspective, each of the thirty attacks was part of a dance of death that only the magically enhanced eyes of a pegasus or alicorn, or the literal eagle eyes of a gryphon could catch at the speeds she was moving at.

Gilda simply gaped, then asked. "Who are you?"

"Someone who you've managed to annoy, consider what just happened a demonstration of what will happen if you don't improve your attitude." Twilight answered. Gilda was sufficiently cowed by that that Twilight believed that she would at least make an effort to improve her attitude. With that, she teleported to the library. That took care of that. She was going to do something different with Trixie when she got here.

'Chapter Progress: 103 quests completed. 5 stars found. 1000 Exp to next level.'

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long, I was working on my other stories. I've managed to finish the first world in Twilight the Traveler in a very long chapter, started a new chapter in it, and get a new chapter out of Twilight the Campione.