• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,483 Views, 985 Comments

Twilight: The Gamer - ilbgar

Twilight dies, then finds out her life's a game. Chaos ensues.

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Twilight Gets Ambushed... Repeatedly

Twilight was heading out for her weekly visit to her parents' house. Little did she know, an ambush was waiting for her. In fact, several ambushes from various nobles who wanted to see if she was as tough as she was supposed to be were waiting for her.

That is, until a quest popped up from the environment. The game had been convenient like that.

'Prove Your Ability. Fend off all the Fighters waiting to ambush you at various points.

Fighters. Those with more skill at fighting than your average Thug, but less than a Thug Lieutenant. Generally they act as mercenaries.'

She accepted, and was suddenly glad that Spike had stayed to organize the section of the library she frequented. Namely, the tower she lived in. The mini-map was swarming with enemies, and the counter was over 100.

*** Head goon's perspective ***

The job was simple enough, wait for a lavender filly with a purple and green dragon who'd be walking along this route today, draw her into this alley, and prod her into a fight. Probably some more inter-house politics, but he didn't care as long as he got paid. The others were the same. They'd been warned (and paid extra for) the fact that she was apparently pretty good at fighting.

They were primarily a motley lot in terms of equipment and training, but he and a couple others of this particular group of 8 were good enough to give some of the intermediate level Royal Guards a beating. Plus he'd gotten some armor recently that was strong enough to take the weight of a cart falling on it and not be scratched.

He'd noticed a lot of other groups moving about, but he didn't see why he needed to worry about it. She couldn't possibly be good enough that it would warrant the entire underworld in Canterlot being put on alert. Speak of the devil, there she was now, though the baby dragon wasn't with her.

She was humming a tune and smiling slightly. He didn't see anything to be concerned about, she was 12, how bad could she be?

He approached her. "Excuse me, could you come with me a second miss?" he asked pleasantly.

"Certainly." she answered. He suppressed a shiver, he had suddenly gotten the feeling that she knew about the ambush. That was crazy, how could she possibly know?

***Twilight's Perspective***

An earth pony had asked her to come with him, and though she was well aware that he was a Fighter leading her into an ambush, she didn't want to fight in the middle of the street either, so she played along. Honestly, did she really come across as that gullible?

She followed him into an alley, and found herself surrounded by a group of 8 that was a mixed bag of races.

"Sorry, but we were hired to knock you down a few pegs." the pony who led her here said, before pulling out a small knife.

The other Fighters followed suite with their own weapons or charging up their horns.

Twilight simply smiled... and beat them all more or less effortlessly. Each awarded 12 Exp/Bits. It appeared this was another quest where reducing their HP to 0 was only a knock-out. The counter was now 142, she'd level up at least once before this was over.

She walked down the streets toward the various ambushes, and wiped them out. She reached level 8 by the time the counter dropped to 100, but since she'd level up again before the quest was over by her calculations and she wanted to see a noticeable improvement in her ability in comparison to these clowns she waited on spending her points. When she reached level 9, she spent the points in Stats and Skills.

'Str 50, Int 51, Agi 50, Con 51, Will 39, Regen 50, Wis 38, Chr 40, Lck 38. HP 840, Shd 50, MP 994.'

She was mainly focusing on raising her first four Stats and Regen, sine they were the most influential on her abilities so far. She also raised Combat, Resilience, and Blade-wielding to 50/1000, while she raised Positive Magic to 58/1000. For Combat,

'At 50 or more, you're more skilled than most fighters who are in the Royal Guard or are mercenaries.'

For Resilience,

'At 50 or more, you won't be hurt by jumping from the second floor of a building.'

For Blade-wielding,

'At 50 or more, you can out-duel a regular swords fighter even with a much smaller blade.'

She was noticeably improved after that. Unfortunately she was very late by time she beat the last of them. That left her sprinting to her parents house, all but ignoring the game when the quest completion pop-up appeared.

She was awarded with 100 Exp/Bits and 4 Skill points that she used to raise Positive Magic to 59/1000, and Combat, Resilience, and Blade wielding to 51/1000.

She was gasping for breath when she reached the front door, she opened the door and went inside, closing it behind her. Her father turned to her, presumably to reprimand her for being late, when he stopped and stared.

It was at that moment that Twilight realized that she'd forgotten to wait for the minor wounds she'd sustained to heal, or clean the dried blood off her face.

She was loading her last save as soon as she got past them. They weren't supposed to find out about this facet of her life.

"Twilight... what happened?" Night Light asked.

She struggled to come up with a convincing story, since telling him what had actually happened couldn't possibly end well. To make matters worse, her mother walked in, after gasping, she rushed over to Twilight, and began to use several healing spells on the cuts and bruises, while demanding to be told what had happened.

Twilight was out of other options, so she rushed past them, and went up to her room, before using the bed to go to the main menu.

She decided she really needed a rest from all this. Perhaps it was time to use some of the other Avatars.

'Mercenary Twilight unlocked. This version lost her parents at an early age, and became a mercenary for hire, generally being employed in the Gryphon and Minotaur KIngdoms. Unlocked by defeating over 200 enemies and reaching a Combat skill of 40 or more.'

Yeah, not using that one. Which one was she using first though? Genius, Swordsmare, Pegasi, or Earth Pony? She eventually decided to do Pegasi, Earth Pony, and Swordsmare, then Genius. Swordsmare would let her polish her combat skills, after she studied Earth Pony and Pegasi magic in close detail. Genius would then give her more insight into their workings.

She selected Earth Pony in the Avatars this time. She wondered what exactly it would be like, not being able to use spells.

*** A Month In ***

Well, not being able to use unicorn magic was not fun at all. The superior attitudes of the other nobles towards her family for producing an earth pony was ignored for the most part. Some ponies just weren't worth the space they occupied. She was not really bothered by insults directed at her anymore.

She was quite interested in her magic as an earth pony, and was soon able to control it and use it for the feats mentioned in the description, and greater ones. She could make a full grove of full-grown trees, though it exhausted her. She experimented on herself a great deal, and found out a lot.

She was essentially taking a vacation for this Avatar and Pegaus Twilight, so she didn't do any quests. She ended up becoming Celestia's student after a particularly impressive feat of Earth Pony magic. In which she made a grove of trees grow for the first time. She informed this version of her mentor of her situation as well, including the fact that she was originally a unicorn.

She had found a number of different books available in this version of her life, and once she'd gotten what she could out of them, she switched to her Pegasus Avatar.

Weather manipulation was interesting, and cloud-walking was convenient. She was quite glad the sneering attitudes of the nobles, while not completely gone, were less pronounced towards this Avatar. Though that implied that they thought of ponies in a unicorn, pegasi, earth pony hierarchy.

She essentially proved to be the pegasus equivalent to her unicorn self, able to control an entire storm system, and, though trumped by Rainbow Dash, a fast flyer. She found more books that hadn't been in her baseline, and sucked them dry as well. She had to admit, she really like flying.

Her experiments were getting her a great deal of new information she was sure wasn't in the books. She could perform experiments with an understanding of the other types of pony magic, and she could do experiments she wouldn't be able to on others because she didn't have to worry about killing herself and she had her own full compliance.

She once again became Celestia's student, and informed her mentor of her situation after she controlled that weather system. She was sure she was sure she was close to a breakthrough with magic in general. She thought about skipping straight to Genius, but decided to wait. Swordsmare would likely have some books that could use studying as well.

When she thought that she'd gotten all she could out of her Pegasus Avatar, she switched to Swordsmare. There, the timeline began to deviate significantly from Basic. Each of her Avatars had come with a slight personality shift. Earth Pony had been less nervous, Pegasus had been a bit more short-tempered, but Swordsmare was a lot different. She was a lot more interested in weapons, and was actually somewhat keen to fight. Enjoyed fighting even.

She did her best to tamp down on these urges she felt were uncharacteristic of her. Though she did display her 'talent' with blades in order to join the Royal Guard with her brother. She was quite glad to learn some new tricks for fighting, both with and without magic. She climbed quite high into the ranks between her high combat ability, and tendency to follow orders to the letter. She even garnered the attention of the Princess, who had been watching her spar with a more senior member in front of the new recruits.

She had showed off a bit, she was embarrassed to say. She'd moved out of the way of an a thrust, (they were of course using practice swords) and then back in the way, only to redirect the force past her, and counter with a blow that snapped her opponent's wooden blade.

Since her Combat and Blade-wielding were 10 points above even what was expected of a captain, he could handle most of the members of the guard fairly well before she'd been taught their techniques and combat style, and now that she knew it, she could exploit the holes in it. There weren't many unless you were much more skilled, like she was, but they were there. The lesson here, was that no style was invincible, except perhaps a style that was of switching between dozens of other styles on the fly.

She had found that the Royal Guard had a personal library of techniques, in addition to the books in the library that hadn't been there in her other Avatars' worlds. She had to reach a certain rank in order to access most of them, and so, settled for mastering those that were available to her, resulting in a much improved combat ability, and a style that as a hybrid of her own improvised style and the Royal Guard's. It was an all-rounder style, it was good at everything, but not a mastery of anything.

Once she'd reached Lieutenant rank, she could access the advanced techniques, and was asked by the princess to become part of her guard. She accepted, and notified this version of her predicament as well. This one was slightly less accepting, but soon believed her. She achieved the rank of captain at the age of 14, the youngest ever. She had a month to study the highest level techniques, before the princess sent her a letter saying.

'Captain Twilight Sparkle, I would like you to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. Please try to make some friends, there aren't any rules against it.'

Well, as much as she wanted to see her friends, she still wanted to give Genius a spin. Perhaps Politically Savvy could help with her problems with the nobles in Enhanced as well. She nodded to herself, deciding that she should wait, despite the fact that a little voice in the back of her head was saying she was getting as bad as she was before she met her friends. She was not, she'd make it up to them, though they were unlikely to ever find out.

She'd only told the princess because she was over 1000 years old and could be expected to handle something like this without going crazy or anything. Staring the realization that your life was a game and therefore pointless beyond being amusing for some being who was watching you struggle through your life was not something she wanted to happen to them. She was not telling her friends.

*** Several Months as Genius Twilight later ***

She'd done it. She'd figured out how to use the other two races magic as any one of the three pony races. She'd become the princess' student again in this way, informed her mentor, and found a star.

'Str 51, Int 52, Agi 51, Con 52, Will 40, Regen 51, Wis 39, Chr 41, Lck 39. HP 860, Shd 50, MP 1017.'

She raised Positive Magic to 62/1000.

'At 60 or more, you understand magic better than most ponies ever will, including most scholars.'

She raised Combat, Resilience, and Blade-wielding to 52/1000.

She'd even managed to teach a select few of each race to use the other races magics, though these generally had to have large mana pools and intellects to be able to use even minor amounts of magic that was not their race's.

She consistently found herself struggling to dumb the method down so anypony could use it. It was difficult enough to make it possible, making it simple was proving insurmountable. She was practically buried in her research, though she had hatched Spike since she'd been able to locate his egg, had access to unicorn magic, and convinced them to let her hatch his egg this time.

She had not, unfortunately, been able to do so, since she had not had those prerequisites in Earth Pony, Pegasi, or Swordsmare.

This time, her personality was much the same, but everypony else was about 10 IQ points more intelligent than Basic. The libraries were much larger and had a ton of new books that she read in her spare time. Once she'd sucked this one dry too, she moved on to Politically Savvy.

The nobles were downright obnoxious in this Avatar's world compared to baseline or even Enhanced. She did however, benefit from her mentor's tutelage in the political arts. Once she had given her mentor the explanation of her predicament, she suggested that Twilight use this to repeat the Politically Savvy Avatar until she had decades of experience. She responded by saying, "That's what you said the first few times too." with a slight smile.

She was getting that Cheshire smile mentioned in the description, a quirk for this Avatar, but she did her best not look to unhinged. She also noticed that quests she'd already accomplished didn't show up again, so the Main Quest for becoming the princess' student never appeared. Probably to keep her from taking too much advantage of this function of the game. Once she had technically had 30 years of education and experience with politics, she finally returned to the Main Menu to try that day she'd left Enhanced at again.

She'd unlocked a few new Avatars, it seemed.

'Royal Guard Captain Twilight. This version rose to the rank of Captain and was stationed in Canterlot. She's sent by the princess to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, much to her confusion. The reason became readily apparent when Nightmare Moon sealed her elder sister in the sun, and announced that dawn would never come. The captain tried to fight her, but found herself outmatched. Unlocked by reaching the rank of Captain in the Royal Guard.

Politician Twilight. This version is a master politician, and one of the few Avatars that might break away from Princess Celestia. She's signed a treaty with the nobles that amounts to this: They leaver her alone, she doesn't ruin them all and take all their possessions and land holdings through a series of legal maneuvers no one but a master lawyer could even hope to block. That's how dangerous she is. Unlocked by obtaining at least a decade's experience with political machinations.

Magic Thief Twilight. This version can copy a spell and even a different species' brand of magic simply by seeing it. Unlocked by learning magic of at least two types. (Unicorn, Pegasi, Earth pony, Draconiquis, etc.)'

Right, let's try this again. She thought as she selected Continue, and chose her Enhanced Save File. She'd named each Save File after the Avatar who she'd been using when she saved.

She was quite sure she could manage to take care of the Fighters without the whole debacle that followed this time... hopefully anyway.

'Chapter Progress: 1 quest completed. 1 star found. 500 exp to next level.'

Author's Note:

Well, next chapter she goes through the ambushes again, but with foreknowledge and improved combat ability, and then she finally goes to Ponyville.