• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,495 Views, 985 Comments

Twilight: The Gamer - ilbgar

Twilight dies, then finds out her life's a game. Chaos ensues.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long, but here's the next chapter for you. You guys said she was overpowered, and here's more evidence! Yeah, I made an arena for her, but I justify it like this: The game is ultimately trying to help her, but likes to mess with her. Kind of like Alucard in the Hellsing Organization, but less psychotic. This means that she literally has the universe on her side. So she tends to get convenient little things like this when she wants/needs them.
Alucard was at his Level 5 seal, and only had that first gun, besides which, vampires, like all undead and demonic creatures, are vulnerable to holy weapons, and she has two. Luffy gave her more of a challenge because he had that (at this point) overpowered attack, and she was only using blunt-sided attacks unless stated otherwise. Frankly I think a number of things in the world of One Piece are BROKEN. Then something game-changing happens, and you're back at square one. Also, the opponents themselves were Bosses, she was awarded the Exp/Bits and Skill points for defeating them, not because of the Crossover Battles themselves. Were she to fight the same stage of the opponent again, she'd earn nothing. Next chapter will start Kingdom Hearts. That's right, I'm doing Kingdom Hearts as a whole thing instead of just a short summary.

For her plan, Twilight needed practice dealing with things many times her size, and a number of new magic tricks. She could assume that Trixie would act about the same, and that Snips and Snails would bring the Ursa Minor to town unless she acted directly to stop them.

As such, she was going to visit the main menu to get some research time and practice in. She saved her game, and entered the main menu. She discovered an update was available. After getting it, she got a message.

'Arena function now available. The Arena allows you to fight against various opponents for the usual rewards, and certain special rewards varying from perks to special items. Perks are small bonuses that always apply to you, whether or not you have your Skills and Stats locked as part of the storyline. The special items are generally various enchanted items and powerful weapons.'

'Now this is interesting, I wonder what kind of opponents I'll be facing.' she thought. She'd discovered during the Arthurian Avatar that she actually kind of liked to fight opponents that challenged her.

She selected Arena, and found herself in an old Roman Colosseum in perfect condition. A new menu hovered in front of her. It had three options: Duel, Crossover Battles, Tournament. She didn't count the Quit option. The game was helpful enough to explain.

'Duel is a fight between yourself and one of the characters in baseline. Be warned that all opponents will be be trying to kill you in Arena fights, so you should respond in kind since killing them here will have no effect on any of the versions of them in-game. These battles will award you with Exp, Bits, and Skill points. Only a few of the stronger foes will grant you perks.

Crossover Battles are fights between yourself and an opponent in one of the alternate Avatars, or even from outside the game. These award you with perks and special items, but not Exp or Bits.

Tournament is a series of battles against various groups of grunt enemies with Boss rank enemies mixed in, usually near the end. Will award Exp, Skill points, special items, and perks.'

She started off with Duel, she was given a list of people she had close ties with or encounters that left a deep impression. This included her friends, Spike, Celestia and Luna, her family, Cadance, Gilda, Trixie, Zecora, Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Chrysalis. She really hadn't interacted that much with anyone else.

Oddly, there were a couple she didn't recognize, someone named Sunset Shimmer, and apparently Sombra was going to be a problem in the future since he had a dark miasma even on the list. It might have been nice to know she'd be in human form during the fights, but she could actually fight better this way. Perhaps she ought to work on a spell to put her in this form at will.

She defeated all but Celestia, Luna and her darker half, Sombra, and Discord with ease, though a couple of them managed to avoid getting hit the first time. When she fought them, they proved much more of a challenge. She was not going to fight Chrysalis just yet. She wasn't sure how she'd react to the one who'd killed her.

Celestia had 10,000 HP like Nightmare Moon, and used teleportation along with spells centered around light and holy energies. She had to resort to a construct since her holy swords were barely even affecting Celestia. She used One Mare Army to deal over 8,000 points of damage the moment she had an opening, combined with the damage she'd already dealt, that left Celestia with just over 1,000 HP, but Twilight's MP was mostly used up, and her HP was at two-thirds of full.

The next few minutes were a blur of swordplay and beam attacks. If not for her enhanced regeneration and experience with opponents that had more HP than her, she'd have lost, as it was, she was hard-pressed. Normally she'd have enjoyed a fight like this, but fighting her mentor simply felt wrong.

Luna had only 9,000 HP, but was less of a direct fighter. She'd prefer to hit you from behind like an assassin, but could also tank attacks that would instantly kill a normal person. Still, her offensive power was much less than Celestia's, to the point that Twilight was sure that if it came to a fight between them, Celestia would win nine times out of ten.

Luna's magic was darker and subtler than Celestia's, but Twilight ultimately won. Luna had been able to dodge the brunt of One Mare Army, so Twilight had been forced to fight close quarters for a great deal longer. Luckily, Luna was slightly more vulnerable to holy blades than a normal person, likely due to her time as Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon was essentially a more powerful version of Luna, one Twilight was only able to beat this time thanks to her holy blades, which were at least three times as effective on her as Luna. She kept One Mare Army in reserve, as it was becoming something of a trump card. She finally used it when Nightmare Moon made the mistake of getting in close.

Sombra was an unusual one. He couldn't manifest his corporeal body for more than 15 seconds, but it gave his negative magic a huge boost, and his shadow form could easily dodge most attacks. The dark crystals that manifested where he cast spells and when his shadow form traveled across the ground were more annoying than anything else. Still, she was surprised when they turned out to be viable amplifiers of his spells. She didn't bother with One Mare Army since he'd just revert to shadow form, which even her holy blades had reduced effect on. She assumed it was because the shadow form wasn't solid enough for the holy blades to do much cutting.

Still, Sombra was pretty much done for since even staying in existence was a small drain on his MP from what she could tell, not enough to cause him to disappear, but enough to drastically slow the rate at which he recovered it. Once he got low enough that he wouldn't risk spells, she had the upper hand.

She selected Discord. One second in...

"Oh, hello there Twilight. Your life's been pretty messed up lately, hm?" Discord asked even as he started throwing giant swordfish and deadly jellyfish at her.

"How-? You remember the baseline?!" Twilight asked as she easily dodged or deflected the attacks.

"I'm the spirit of chaos and disharmony, why do you keep expecting the rules to apply to me?" he asked, amused. He switched tactics to sand constructs and pies that imploded the space around them when they landed.

"In retrospect, I suppose that is kind of stupid, huh? Want to prank Celestia when you break out in a year or so?" she asked. Most pranks would necessitate failing the presumable main quest of resealing Discord. She was sure that offer would distract him long enough to provide an opening though. She only needed a moment.

"I would, but I only remember what happens in all the different Avatars you unlock out here." Discord said, keeping her busy with evil plants. She found it was best to just deal with what he did and not question it. Despite the fact that every fiber of her being was screaming at the illogical happenings around her. She'd barely had time to send a few volleys at him, and he was keeping a field of chaos magic around himself that would likely turn her into a pile of mush if she tried to teleport over there. Whether she liked it or not, she'd have to either outlast someone who'd required the elements of harmony when Celestia and Luna were wielding them, or move into a close enough position to use One Mare Army or Zantesuken on him.

"Hax! I call Hax!" she said as he simply moved his body around the shots, even if that required pulling it apart.

"What did I just say about me and the rules?" Discord asked as he shot ice cubes at her that burst into huge flaming conflagrations when they landed.

"There's a difference between being a rule-breaker and just being Broken." she responded. She was almost able to grasp his chaos magic... there! Her orderly mind rebelled against the illogical formulas and principles that governed chaos magic, but she was also the element of magic, and that included what Discord used.

She began to respond to his various insane attacks with her own brand of insanity. Self-duplicating swords that ignored the laws of reality, clam cannons, giant spiders made of trees. In tandem with her own brand of magic, as well as what she'd copied from the other high-level opponents, Discord soon found himself on the losing side of their fight.

Finally she got close enough to use One Mare Army, and hit him with it. He could only separate his body so much, and he wasn't able to handle her tripled speed well enough to dodge. His own scrambling of the space around him made it so he couldn't teleport himself out of the way. As such, she managed 11,000 points of damage. Just to be safe, she followed with Zantesuken, and sliced him in half at a speed she couldn't even comprehend, so Discord likely didn't even know what happened until he ended up split in two with infinity damage done to him.

"Well now, I wanted to know how much you improved, but this is a little frightening." Discord said quietly, before disappearing as every fallen opponent did here, and the game saved itself over the file she'd saved last on.

Like every opponent she fought in the Duel section, he awarded 100 Exp and Bits, along with 10 Skill points. After Discord, she'd defeated 19 Duel opponents, earning 1900 Exp and Bits, and 190 Skill points. She reached level 16 with 700 Exp to the next level, granting her an additional 6 Skill points. She put Regen at 105.

'Stats: Str 73, Int 86, Agi 85, Con 85, Will 71, Regen 105, Wis 69, Chr 71, Lck 69. HP 1905, Shd 50, MP 2167. New sub-Stat unlocked! Sub-Stats are special Stats that are unlocked when you increase a Stat to more than 100.

Sub-Stat is Battle Continuation. This Stat determines what is considered an instant kill attack for you. Regeneration will normally heal all injuries given enough time, but being cut in half will generally kill everything, regardless of their HP and/or healing. Bat Con can increase the lower limit of what will kill you instantly. At a high enough level, you'll grow back your head and put yourself back together after being cut in half or even torn to shreds. Current value of Bat Con is 12. Note that sub-Stats are not affected by the +1 to Stats that golden stars grant you.'

Well, that was more than a little disturbing. Still, she had something to dump points into now that would make her nigh unkillable, though she was glad her tolerance for pain was so high now. They wouldn't kill her, but the examples that had been listed would still hurt like mad.

She raised Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 158/1000, saving the last Skill point for later. Their descriptions didn't change, so she had to assume they changed every 100 points after that first hundred.

She'd also obtained several of the perks the description had mentioned. Defeating Celestia gave her Holy Might, which increased the effectiveness of holy weapons and items she used by 10%, and reduced their effectiveness against her by the same margin. Defeating Nightmare Moon had granted her Unholy Might, which did the same thing as Holy Might, but with unholy weapons and items. Defeating Luna granted her Presence Concealment, which allowed her to reduce her presence at will, down to the level that most people would take no more notice of her than a single blade of grass in a vast lawn. Defeating Sombra gave her Difficult To Kill, attacks would do reduced damage, even if they specifically targeted her weak points. Though the reduction was only 5%, that was enough to tip the scales if she was fighting someone she was closely matched with, like Discord. Discord's perk was Jack Of All Trades. She got a 1% boost to everything imaginable, from intelligence and attack power, to a reduction to damage done to her.

Next on the list was Crossover Battles. First was some guy named Alucard (Single gun. Cromwell Seal locked at Level 5.) She assumed that meant there was more than one version of him, that, or she was facing a weaker version. He wore a red fedora, had black hair, wore orange sunglasses, had a fanged grin, had a red coat over a black suit with white gloves and a red tie, with black boots.

"Well, you have an interesting presence, let's see if you can entertain me." Alucard said as he brought the gun to bear on her.

"Considering you are apparently a vampire of some kind, or at least something similar, I feel it's only fair to warn you that these are holy blades." Twilight responded.

"Hm? It's rare to see broadsword holy blades. Holy blades are rare in and of themselves, but most of them are blades that agents of the Church bless personally. Yours seem to be a level above those though." Alucard noted as he fired on her, she could tell the bullets were very slightly holy, but much less so than her own blades. She was able to deflect all of them, despite the expert markmanship and sheer force behind them. Several of these would be enough to blow through six feet of concrete. He was giving her a challenge, so she decided to up the ante.

She teleported behind him, and sliced a debilitating cut across his back. She was understandably surprised when he regenerated from it in seconds. "What exactly are you? I severed your spinal column! A demon of anything below nobility would have been unable to move from that for nearly five minutes at least!" she asked, narrowly dodging three shots from the now grinning vampire.

"A real vampire." Alucard said, his grin widening slightly. He seemed like the type to enjoy a fight that was an actual fight instead of a slaughter. Though if this was the weak version, what was the strong one like? She was only able to block so many shots before one would get through, and though she healed fast enough to put her on a level where she could give this guy a run for his money, she wasn't going to tank hits if she could avoid it.

Since he seemed to have an advanced healing factor, she didn't hold back on serious attacks. She wanted to beat him, not tear him apart, but if she held back he'd tear her apart.

Perhaps this Alucard had a high Bat Con. That was all she could think as his head grew back. She hadn't meant to cut off his head, she'd been sure he would dodge, and leave himself open to a cross-slash across the chest. Terrifyingly, his head simply grew back, and his grin widened further still. "Not bad at all, though you seem to rely on those holy blades pretty heavily." Alucard said, grinning like a madman.

Oddly, his HP bar was not going back up despite the fact that his wounds were healing like they were never there. Then she realized something. The bar was not counting HP, it was counting down time! It jumped down whenever she dealt damage to Alucard, but the fact of the matter was that she was only expected to keep him from killing her, not defeat him.

Considering that she had access to a quest that had pitted her up against a giant spider at the age of four, exactly how unfair a fight was this supposed to be?

She manged to take the vampire's 'HP' bar down to zero after cutting off both his arms, and decapitating him again. Once he regerated, he said, "A good fight, it's been a while since I've fought an opponent like you. Feel free to come spar with me again." then he turned and started to walk away. He paused, "I almost forgot, what's your name?" he asked.

"Twilight." she answered.

"I'll remember it." he said nodding, then disappeared.

She was awarded 1000 Exp/Bits and 10 Skill points for defeating Alucard and a perk that was called Vampire Hunter for winning the crossover battle, it increased her effectiveness against the undead by 10%.

The Exp she earned let her reach level 17 with 1400 points to reach the next level. She dumped her Stat points into Bat Con.

'Stats: Str 73, Int 86, Agi 85, Con 85, Will 71, Regen 105: Bat Con 17, Wis 69, Chr 71, Lck 69. HP 1915, Shd 50, MP 2177.

She also raised Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 161/1000, leaving her with two extra Skill points.

The game gave her the option of Alucard with two guns but the seal still in place, but considering the trouble she'd had with him, she'd wait before fighting a stronger version of him, she'd also unlocked someone named Father Alexander, but didn't want to chance it on somebody presumably from Alucard's universe. Instead, she chose a guy named Naruto (Pre-Retrieval, Kyuubi power locked.)

He was a teenager with blond hair, a forehead protector inscribed with a stylized leaf, blue eyes, whisker-like scars, an orange jumpsuit, and sandals.

"Hey, so sensei got you for me to spar against?" he asked, smiling cheerfully, though there was a bottomless pit of negative emotion hidden under it and in his eyes, mostly loneliness. She resolved to use the blunt side of her swords.

"Looks like it." she answered.

"Right," his expression became serious, and he held his hands in an odd position. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he called, and there was a large cloud of smoke that dispersed to reveal a dozen more of him. His technique appeared similar, but superior to hers. His reserves were comparable to hers, but his drain was far less than her technique would have caused.

She realized his clones would probably have the same weakness as hers, and dealt them glancing blows. This caused the clones that were hit to dispel, but he had used his clones to buy the time he needed to make another 1000. This was probably because she was practically wading through his clones. They had little technique or ability in hand-to-hand combat, and only occasionally used a few... spells?

His energy was like magic, but there were differences, and she was being thrown off from copying the spells or whatever he used for the moment. She was starting to grasp them by the third time she saw them though. Noticing that his clones weren't accomplishing anything, Naruto switched tactics and gathered a ball of blue energy in his hands as one of his clones swatted it until it spun at high speeds.

Her eyes widened as she realized he was intending to use it as an attack, likely some sort of drilling attack, backed up by all that energy. "Rasengan!" Naruto called, before rushing at her. She teleported out of the way at the last second, and saw the Rasengan attack make a crater in the ground.

She teleported back in range, and engaged him in close quarters with her holy blades. She noticed that they did more damage than they should, even though she was only using the flat of the blades. Perhaps he had demonic heritage, or a close connection to one.

He was struggling to dodge, but he had improved his hand-to-hand a bit compared to the start of the fight from a combination of watching her and all the fighting he and his clones had done. This allowed him to manage a few sacrificial blows, but no dodges or blocks. He couldn't get past her guard unless she was left open by an attack on her part.

This fight would have been over a long time ago if he was better at hand-to-hand, or his regeneration wasn't so advanced. If he was better, then she would have been swarmed under when he used a thousand clones on her. If his regeneration was weaker, then he wouldn't have been able to tank all the damage he had.

She decided to end this with One Mare Army. It felt wrong to use one of the techniques she'd just learned from him, the substitution, transformation, shadow clones, and/or rasengan. She'd had a decent amount of time to figure them out, and was confident that she could perform them now. They could prove quite useful.

To her surprise, he was still standing even after that attack, though his HP was below 50. He smiled, "I'm not going down that easy." he drew back a fist, and Twilight decided to use her own. They punched each other in the face at the same time, and Naruto's HP hit 0. He got back to his feet after a moment.

"That was a good fight. I'm Twilight." she said.

Naruto grinned despite the obvious pain his bruised body was in. "Yeah it was. Naruto if you didn't know." he said, before he disappeared.

She got 1000 Exp/Bits and 10 Skill points for defeating Naruto as an opponent, leaving her with 400 points to reach the next level, unlocking someone named Sasuke Uchiha (Two-tomoe Sharingan. Curse Seal locked.), and three things from the winning of the crossover battle. A perk that was called Not Gonna Die Tonight, which immediately restored 25% of her HP if it fell to 0, but only once a day, and a pair of weapons that Naruto had been using. A kunai, which was a steel knife-like weapon that could be used as a throwing dagger or sword, and a shuriken, which was a steel five-point throwing star.

She unlocked Naruto (Post-Retrieval. Zero Tail form unlocked.), but decided to at least wait until she had taken care of all the available Crossover Battle enemies.

She raised Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 163/1000, leaving her with two extra Skill points.

The next opponent was Monkey D. Luffy (First Gear. Pre-Haki.), he wore a straw hat, had messy black hair, dark irises, a red vest, and wore pants with the legs cut off. "Hey, you're strong right?" Luffy asked cheerfully.

"You could say that." she said, smirking slightly. She had to wonder what this guy would do. Everyone else so far had some kind of weird ability.

"Alright then! Let's go!" he pulled his arm back, and it actually began to stretch to more than ten times it's normal length. "Gum Gum..." he began, before his fist rocketed forward at a terrifying speed. She barely raised her holy swords to block in time. "Rocket!" Luffy called.

"Well, time to test my new technique. Congratulations, you'll be the first person I ever try this on." Twilight said, before using the Kage Bunshin she'd learned by watching Naruto to make ten of herself. With her Resilience skill level, they wouldn't be able to take a direct hit, but they would be able to block those attacks without dispelling from the leftover force.

What followed would have been a pummeling on her part if Luffy hadn't jumped out of the way and smashed a leg into one of the Shadow Clones yelling, "Gum Gum Battle-axe!" he repeated this process until all the clones were gone, but hit the ground a few moments afterward. She hadn't been expecting him to be able to do something like that, still, he took a few points of damage when he came back down to the ground and got the blunt side of both her swords to the face. What's more, he had surprisingly little HP compared to some of the enemies in the Arena only 1,000.

"So how do you do that stretching thing? Shadow Clones are a technique I learned, but that stretchy thing shouldn't be possible for a human." she asked. "Not that all of the opponents I've fought have been human." she admitted.

Luffy grinned a little more widely. "I ate the Gum Gum Fruit, and now I'm a rubberman." he stretched his cheek in a way that would be impossible for a normal human. "See?" he asked, his voice slightly distorted by the odd position his mouth was in.

"I'm not even going to try to understand how your body's physiology can be changed to that degree by eating a fruit that does not seem to have been magic." Twilight deadpanned. He had a surprisingly high amount of MP, but his body lacked the signs of using magical power.

Luffy scratched his head even as he threw a kick at her in the same manner as that first punch. "Devil Fruits do all sorts of weird stuff. This one guy can take his body apart and pull it back together again." he said. Twilight dodged the first, and grabbed the second kick with one hand, before pulling Luffy in, and smashing the holy sword in her other hand into him. With her strength and Luffy's own momentum working against him, that was enough to drain more than half of his remaining 800 HP, leaving him at 376.

She followed up with another hit, but he managed to slip out of her grasp just in time to get mostly out of the way, barely even being touched, but taking another 15 points off his health.

"You know, you need to work on moving faster, you're strong, but your wind-up time is a huge opening." Twilight said.

Luffy smirked, "Then I guess I should get serious!" he pulled both arms back, and suddenly both rocketed forward at a speed she could barely react to. Nearly half the punches made it through her guard, but she took advantage of the closeness of his limbs to hit him a few times when the opportunity presented itself.

'I've got to stop talking in the middle of a fight, and I've really got to stop telling people what they should do to beat me!' she thought upon realizing she was taking more damage than him by a great deal right now. She finished him with one more attack, and was shocked to discover that he'd managed to get her below 250 HP. It had been a while since someone had come this close to beating her.

"Good fight." she said. "I'm Twilight, let's do this again sometime. It's not often I get to fight someone who's this closely matched to me." she said. Luffy simply nodded, smiling as he got up and dusted himself off in a manner that reminded her a lot of Naruto before he disappeared.

As a reward, she got the usual 1000 Exp/Bits and 10 Skill points, and unlocked Luffy (Second Gear unlocked.), for defeating the opponent, and a perk called. My Crew. The perk increased her abilities by 5% for every other person fighting on her side, and by 10% if she was fighting to rescue someone she had close ties with.

She reached level 18 with 1200 points required to reach the next level. She dumped her Stat points into Bat Con again.

'Stats: Str 73, Int 86, Agi 85, Con 85, Will 71, Regen 105: Bat Con 22, Wis 69, Chr 71, Lck 69. HP 1925, Shd 50, MP 2187. At 20+ Bat Con, your vital points being hit will not necessarily kill you instantly, a significant amount of damage would have to be done compared to a normal person.'

She also raised Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 166/1000, leaving her with three extra Skill points. The next opponent, after turning down Zoro who was also unlocked after she beat Luffy, was a girl called Maka Albarn (Post Professor Stein. Pre-Crona.) who had dirty blonde hair, green eyes, white gloves that were eerily similar to Alucard's, excepting that they lacked the strange seal that resembled the cirlce 'Alchemist Twilight' had been drawing a bit, a black trenchcoat over a yellow sweater vest and a white blouse, she also wore a red-and-black plaid skirt, and black combat boots with white buckles. She held a scythe in her hands, presumably her main weapon. The scythe had a plain silver-grey handle, a red eye where the handle met the blade, and a black and red zigzag pattern on the blade itself.

"So, you're the one Stein got to spar with us?" the scythe asked.

"It seems so." she said cheerfully. She'd seen weirder things than a talking weapon.

"If you don't mind me saying so, your soul is a bit... odd. It's grey, and I've only seen blue or red ones. It does seem quite strong though." Maka said, adjusting her stance slightly.

"How strong are we talking?" the scythe asked, it's eye moving towards it's wielder.

"On par with Professor Stein's." Maka answered.

"Well, you tend to get stronger more quickly if you're fighting someone as strong or stronger than you." Twilight said, drawing her holy blades. It was likely that being able to see her soul was a special ability specific to Maka or only in a select group. It seemed like a useful ability. It would be nigh impossible to hide from someone who could see your soul.

They rushed at each other at the same instant by some unspoken agreement. Twilight was surprised to find that Maka was actually quite adept with her weapon. She hadn't been doubting her opponent's abilities, it was just that the scythe was not an easily mastered weapon. What's more, there was a surprising amount of strength and speed behind each blow, more than her frame would suggest. It was almost as if she were getting support from somewhere.

Perhaps there was a way to utilize the soul itself to increase one's strength? The though occurred to her after the two combatants moved back a few paces to catch their breath. Well, more for Maka's benefit than hers, but she had been winded. She tried a technique she had come across in 'Paladin Twilight' to look inside oneself. It was half meditation and half a way to check for corruption to the soul. Some of the higher level demons had nasty tricks and auras.

She immediately sensed her opponents soul. It was smaller than her own, and blue, rather than her grey, but it seemed to be drawing strength from somewhere. She examined it more closely, and discovered another soul, which she could only assume was present in the scythe, was bonded with Maka's. She also noticed a few things about how it interacted with Maka's physical body with the increased scrutiny.

She attempted to adjust her own soul in a similar manner utilizing her understanding of the spirit and magic, and was mostly successful.

She re-opened her eyes, and noticed Maka looked grim. "Hey, what's wrong Maka?" the scythe asked.

"I don't know how she did it Soul, but her soul's power just jumped 50%." Maka answered him.

"In my defense, I don't think I could win on just skill against you. I was fighting without any boost to my physical abilities from my soul." Twilight explained, before lunging at Maka with terrifying speed.

Maka was on the defensive for the rest of the fight. Just as she was on her last legs, she said something. "We have one last chance, watch out for this. It could kill you if you're not taking it seriously." Maka said, and her soul suddenly began to super-charge. Soul started to glow blue, and evolved into a glowing blue crescent blade with a toothy mouth. Maka drew the attack back, and cried "Witch Hunter!"

Twilight slipped behind Maka with her new speed, but was forced back by the sheer power of the weapon the other girl was using when Maka turned and swung it at her. "You know, I get the impression that's meant to be a one-hit kill, but if you keep it charged like that, you have the entire strength of the ability backing your attacks." she noted, slowly getting a handle on the ability.

It was powerful, but not without imperfections. Perhaps if it was hit with spiritual energy at the right point and moment, she could break it. She was having less trouble than she would have had before in drawing her pure spiritual energy rather than magic to the surface.

Maka dodged the crackling hand that had rushed at her. "Geez, now Soul Force too? How many tricks do you have?" Soul asked.

'Oh, so they have this too? That makes sense I suppose.' she thought. "I can make fully-functional copies of myself, they don't even last a full day though, and they can't take much damage before going poof." she replied. She was starting to see why Discord liked to mess with people's heads, she decided, seeing the incredulous look on Maka's face.

The Shadow Clone technique she got from Naruto made copies that possessed the memories, personality, and abilities of their creator, but were slightly tougher than hers had been, required only 30 MP per clone, and only drained 1 MP per minute. This meant that a clone would last approximately 17 hours if they didn't use any MP and she only made one. even better, they returned the MP they had left when they dispelled.

"It's been fun Maka, but I've figured out how to stop that technique." Twilight said, appearing behind Maka in a burst of speed. Maka brought Witch Hunter to bear on her opponent, and Twilight caught the attack with one hand before breaking through it with her newly learned Soul Force. She hit Maka in the stomach with a Soul Force attack from her other hand, dropping Maka's HP to 0.

Maka panted on the ground for a minute, before getting up. "You're very good, I need to get stronger if a super-skill like Witch Hunter only delays you." she said.

"Well, the only reason I was able to do that was because there was still a flaw in the technique, super or not. You and Soul aren't completely in synch. I'd estimate 83% synchronization, enough to perform the skill obviously, but not enough to use it perfectly. My name's Twilight by the way." she said smiling as she offered the other girl a hand up. Maka took it, and Twilight was somewhat surprised when Soul turned from scythe to human and helped his wielder stagger away after they thanked her for the spar.

She got 1000 Exp/Bits with 200 left to reach level 19, and 10 Skill points, as well as a perk called Sound Soul. It increased her resistance to spiritual attacks and corruption by 10%.

She also raised Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 168/1000, leaving her with three extra Skill points.

Defeating Maka unlocked someone named Crona (Pre-purification.) and a guy named Son Goku (Pre- Kamehameha.)

She went after Goku, and found herself facing a kid of ten or so with an orange vest and pants, a blue belt, black spiky hair, sneakers, and a monkey's tail. He held a strange red staff in one hand.

"Hi, I'm Goku, are you strong? Master Roshi said he'd get me a sparring partner." Goku asked.

"Yeah, my name's Twilight. I'm going to assume there's more to that staff than meets the eye?" she asked, getting into a defensive stance.

"You bet!" he swung the staff at her, and it suddenly extended like Luffy's stretching. She blocked, but was pushed back anyway.

'Geez, how strong is this guy? I effectively have a Str of 109.5 thanks to Maka.' With the enhancement her soul was providing, all her physical traits were 50% better than before.

She conjured a log and threw it over Goku's head. He scratched his head, confused. "What was that supposed to do?" he asked.

Twilight replaced herself with the log, and attacked Goku from behind with the blunt side of her holy blades. He took far less damage than he should have, and actually started to smile wider than before. "Oh! Now I get it!" he drew a fist back, and when he pushed it forwards like a punch, a small energy blast radiated from it. She blocked with a Soul Force, dispelling it.

"Wow! How'd you do that?" Goku asked.

"That attack was formed of your spiritual energy, I used my own to disrupt it. It's fairly simple once you get a knack for it." Twilight responded. Goku's grin widened. What followed quickly became a brawl as Goku was barely even affected by enough force to seriously wound a normal person, and her clones simply couldn't stand up to the punishment they were taking. Goku's 2,000 HP was annoyingly slow to drop. When she tried to use the illusion technique Naruto had to fool her on his clones' positions, he quickly found her.

"That's not going to work, I can sense your energy!" he said, still grinning despite all the minor wounds he'd been dealt.

She was wearing him down. She could finish this quickly, but she wasn't trying to kill Goku, so she had to hold back a great deal. She had tried Soul Force on him several times, but it never worked for more than five seconds.

She settled in for the long-haul, and finally beat him after 20 minutes. They both panted heavily. "You were holding back too, huh?" Goku asked.

"I wasn't trying to kill you, so yeah." she answered.

Goku got up, and dusted himself off. "See you around! And thanks for the spar!" he said, before disappearing.

With the usual reward, she reached level 19 with 1100 points to reach the next level. she received a Perk called Brawler. It increased her damage-dealing when fighting bare-handed by 10% while lowering the damage done to herself by the same amount.

She also raised Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 169/1000, leaving 4 Skill points.

Defeating Goku also unlocked someone named Piccolo (Evil King) and Goku (Post-Kamehameha.)

She dumped her 6 Stat points into Bat Con.

'Stats: Str 73, Int 86, Agi 85, Con 85, Will 71, Regen 105: Bat Con 28, Wis 69, Chr 71, Lck 69. HP 1975, Shd 50, MP 2237.

She went to Tournament, and ended up fighting groups of the Enemies she had fought before, and a few Bosses that were nothing more than bigger versions of them with more HP. A couple tournaments even made her level up, so she ran them again.

She finished all 20 of the currently available tournaments, and got 18,000 Exp/Bits, 300 Skill points total, and a new sword known as Balad. It apparently had a special effect of calming enraged opponents. She got a perk called Crowd Control. If she was outnumbered by more than three-to-one, then she gained a 5% boost to everything.

She also reached level 26 with 1900 points left to reach level 27. That granted her an additional 48 Stat and Skill points. She dumped 22 of the Stat points into Bat Con.

'Stats: Str 73, Int 86, Agi 85, Con 85, Will 71, Regen 105: Bat Con 50, Wis 69, Chr 71, Lck 69. HP 2045, Shd 50, MP 2317. At 50 or more in Bat Con, you can survive having your head cut off, but it will deal over 1000 points in damage.'

She got Bat Con plenty high enough, now she could get Int, Agi, or Con over 100 with her remaining 26 Stat points. She decided to raise Int to 100 with 14 of her points, which unlocked Perception.

'Perception. (Per.) The ability to see the true nature of something. Don't try to understand how Pinkie does what she does with this Stat, it would require a 100 or more. Base: 11. She used her remaining 12 points on Perception. Stats: Str 73, Int 100: Per 23, Agi 85, Con 85, Will 71, Regen 105: Bat Con 28, Wis 69, Chr 71, Lck 69. HP 2045, Shd 50, MP 2447.'

She also raised Combat, Resilience, Blade-wielding, Positive Magic, and Negative Magic to 239/1000, leaving 2 Skill points.

'Combat. At over 200, there aren't many people who can even keep up with you, let alone beat you. Resilience. At over 200, it takes a blow that would kill a normal person to even hurt you. Blade-wielding. At over 200, you aren't quite at Mihawk's level, but you're getting there. Positive Magic. At over 200, you can decipher anything involving positive magic or positive spiritual energy in seconds. Negative Magic. At over 200, you can decipher anything involving negative magic or negative spiritual energy in seconds.'

She went out to the Avatars, and found several new ones unlocked. The first one had her pair of holy swords, and a slightly demented grin.

'Hellsing Twilight. This version of Twilight works for the Hellsing Organization, hunting down vampires and other such night terrors. She works on anything Alucard isn't around to deal with. Whether this is because he's on a mission or not doesn't really matter. She joined the Hellsing Organization after ALucard rescued her from a vampire and his ghouls. Ghouls are basically zombies under the control of the vampire that turned the ghouls, or at least, turned the ghouls who turned them. Vampires will turn humans into ghouls through their bite if the humans in question are not virgins. If the human is a virgin, then they will become a vampire as well. Unlocked by fighting a high-level vampire. Unlocked by possessing at least one holy blade. Swordsmare prerequisite. Must be Level 25 or higher.'

The next wore a dark purple outfit, and appeared to be in the middle of twirling a kunai by one finger.

'Ninja Twilight. This version of Twilight was born in Konohagurke. Orphaned in the Kyuubi attack, she joined the ninja academy to help her friend Naruto, who was mistreated by the villagers for some reason. It's suspicious how it gets worse around his birthday, which is coincidentally the anniversary of the Kyuubi attack. Must have fought a ninja to unlock. Need at least one shuriken or kunai to unlock.'

The next had a bandanna and a sword around her waist, and a pistol in one hand.

'Strawhat Pirate Twilight. This version of Twilight encountered Luffy while living on the prehistoric island of Little Garden. She'd been shipwrecked there, and his ship was the first one that came by. She also came along because she wanted to join in on the adventure. Must have fought a pirate to unlock. Swordsmare prerequisite.'

The next had a sword, but appeared to be an normal version of her human self otherwise.

'Shibusen Twilight. This version is a member of the DWMA, and is one of the few witches that has sided with Lord Death in the struggle between them. The DWMA hunts down threats to the souls of the world. Kishin Eggs, who kill humans and devour their souls, and witches, who are responsible for creating many Kishin Eggs through their immoral experiments and plots. Lord Death himself is unable to leave Death City because he used his own soul to anchor a seal on the original Kishin. Requires that you have fought a scythe-wielder. Swordsmare prerequisite.'

The last new one was wearing a training outfit, and had a small grin plastered on her face.

'Dragon Ball Twilight. This version is from the planet Earth, the version with the 7 orbs that when gathered together grant any three wishes, except wishing someone back who you already wished back. She meets Goku not long after Bulma, and joins him on his quest to find the Dragon Balls. Mostly to keep him from getting himself killed doing something stupid. She doesn't really have a wish. Requires that you be at least level 25, and have fought a bare-handed opponent.'

She looked over the Avatars she hadn't tried yet, and went with Kingdom Hearts Twilight on a hunch that there'd be multiple giant creatures to deal with there.