• Published 29th May 2014
  • 17,013 Views, 289 Comments

Bad Therapy - Rathbane

Dr. Spiral Swirl has arrived in Ponyville to not only help ponies with their problems but take control of their minds with hypnosis.

  • ...

Enslaved Sisters

Chapter II Enslaved Sisters

Applebloom lay on the couch in Dr. Spiral Swirl’s office. She was remaining silent, absentmindedly picking at a piece of fuzz on the couch.

“Applebloom?” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, and upon getting no response repeated herself a bit louder, “Applebloom?!”

“Huh, oh sorry what were we talking about Doc?” Applebloom asked finally looking up.

Dr. Spiral Swirl let out a sigh of annoyance before saying, “We were talking about why you got into the fight at school. I can’t help you if you don’t talk about it.”

“There’s nothing really to talk about I suppose,” Applebloom said, “I just got into it for the heck of it.”

“The report says you kicked Diamond Tiara in the flank. So you did that for ‘the heck of it?’”


“Applebloom I’ve known you for all of fifteen minutes and I can tell you’re a good kid and I doubt you started it for ‘the heck of it.’ It might be due to the fact that you’re too stubborn to admit what the reason is or maybe you’re even embarrassed by it. The fact that you’ve made no effort to lie or at least make up a plausible sounding excuse for your actions leads me to believe you’ve already suppressed things deep down into your subconscious.”

“Huh?” Applebloom said, confused by Dr. Spiral Swirls psychoanalysis.

“Let’s just say you’ve locked up the reason for the fight. But fortunately I have a way to gain access to it,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said.

“What’s that mean? Will this hurt?” Applebloom said, slightly scared.

“Of course not. It’ll be just like taking a nap…only better,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, directing her magic at her saddlebag.

“Really?” Applebloom said, her curiosity piqued by the fact that a doctor wanted to do something that would not involve her getting poked or prodded.

“Yup, all I need you to do is focus on my pocket watch,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she produced her gold pocket watch and began letting it swing in front of the young filly’s eyes.

“Um, okay,” Applebloom said, as her eyes began following it.

“Very good. Just watch it swing back and forth. Back and forth. Now just take a nice deep relaxing breath.”

Applebloom did as she was asked and continued to watch the watch.

“Again you’re doing very well. Still watching the watch and listening to my voice as you feel yourself beginning to relax. Relax for me. Just grow more and more relaxed. Feel all that stress and tension you have built up slowly fading away. The anxieties you mentioned are also fading away, now is not the time to think about them. Now is the time to relax.”

I don’t know what watching her watch has to do with talking about my fight with Diamond Tiara, Applebloom thought, But she’s right, I do feel relaxed…she’s so easy to listen to.

“Just relax even more for me. Let the relaxation spread throughout your body. Feel your legs relaxing, your thighs, your stomach. Feeling the relaxation spreading upward to your chest and tail. Going higher up your body to your neck, face, and eyes. Your eyes are beginning to feel slightly heavy as you become completely relaxed all over. Feel a pleasant warmth spread over your body in the wake of all this relaxation, like a nice comforting blanket. You feel warm, relaxed, calm, safe, and very sleepy. You're so drowsy Applebloom.”

She’s right, I do feel relaxed and sleepy all over…this is a good thing right? Applebloom thought, I’m…I’m getting too tired to think about it.

“You feel so sleepy, so ready to drift off to sleep. Your eyes want to close; you want to drift off to sleep. Let your eyes close as you fall into a deep hypnotized sleep for me,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, finishing up her induction.

Applebloom’s eyes stopped following the watch and they eventually locked shut. As her head fell to the couch, the small filly seemed to grow even smaller as she fell into her hypnotized slumber.

“How do you feel Applebloom?” she asked.

“I feel great,” Applebloom said her voice quiet.

“Always good to hear. Now then, you are deeply hypnotized and while in this state any mental barriers you may have put in place are gone. If I ask you something you can talk to me about it no matter what. Do you understand?”

“Yes Dr. Spiral Swirl.”

“Good, now tell me why did you start the fight at school today?”

“Because Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were making fun of me again for not having my cutie mark,” Applebloom said.

“That’s it?” Dr. Spiral Swirl asked, less then impressed with the answer.

“Yes, I was kinda embarrassed and angry with myself about it and didn’t want to admit that’s why I fought with them. I’m trying to not let them making fun of me for not having a cutie mark get to me anymore.”

“I see,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, “Getting mocked for that is definitely something I can see setting you off. In fact you and I aren’t so different in that regard. I was late getting my cutie mark as well and was constantly made fun of for it…among other things. But that’s me, and we’re here to focus on you. So in a way I’m glad you stood up for yourself. I know you said you’re trying not to let it bother you as much which is also a good thing, but just letting it build up inside of you until it bursts is something that should be avoided. So the next time it starts to happen, maybe the best thing to resort to isn’t violence. Just walk away and maybe do something you enjoy to calm yourself down, like spending some time with your friends maybe, and if you do need to resort to violence, direct it at something inanimate, like a tree. Do you understand what I’m saying Applebloom?”

“Yes, doctor,” the sleeping Applebloom said in a quiet voice.

“Very good. Now let’s focus on taking you deeper into hypnosis. Why don’t you take another deep relaxing breath and sink down deeper into trance for me,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, and after watching Applebloom do so continued, “Very good, dropping down deeper into hypnosis. All thoughts disappearing from your mind. Becoming more and more suggestible. Losing all your free will as you become my hypnotized slave in 3…2..1. You are now my obedient little hypnotized slave Applebloom. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I am your hypnotized slave,” Applebloom said, her voice now a monotone.

“Very good, now open your eyes but remain hypnotized.”

Applebloom’s eyes blinked open revealing they had turned to black and white spirals like Dr. Spiral Swirl’s previous victims, “I’m ready to obey your commands Doc.”

“For now just stay in this room. I imagine your sister has arrived by now and I’ll need to go talk to her. Oh, and call me Mistress while you’re my slave.”

“Yes Mistress,” Applebloom said.

“Good girl,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she stepped out into the waiting room.

Out in the waiting area, Applejack was sitting in one of the chairs trying to make sense of one of the magazines.
Dagnabit there’s lightning bolts drawn all over it and ‘wubs’ have been written over words. Vinyl Scratch has been here, Applejack thought, before looking up and seeing Spiral Swirl coming her way.

“Ms. Applejack?” she asked.

“That’s me.”

“Hi there, I’m Dr. Spiral Swirl. I see you were able to find your way here okay.”

“Yeah, sorry the school had to inconvenience you like this Doc, the regular counselor’s down in Mareami on vacation.”

“Oh it’s no trouble at all. Applebloom is a joy to talk to.”

“So you’ve already talked to her about why in tarnation she started a fight at school?”


“So should I go talk to her now too?”

“In a little bit, for now I’d really like to talk with you in private if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

Dr. Spiral Swirl led her over to a room further down the hall. After the two stepped inside, Applejack took a look around.
This was quite obviously Dr. Spiral Swirl’s private office. A filing cabinet was set against the wall. A desk sat in the middle of the room, another pocket watch and some paper work sat on top of it. The walls were devoid of any covering except the portrait of a unicorn. She had a teal coat and navy blue mane like Spiral Swirl, though her mane was short and unkempt. Her cutie mark was a pair of binoculars paired up with a blue bird. Her most striking feature though was the fact that her back right leg was completely gone.

“So, after talking with Applebloom I’ve learned the reason for her starting the fight was her getting angry over some students making fun of her for her lack of cutie mark,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said.

“Again?” Applejack said in annoyance, “I thought they had cut that out…or Applebloom had at least started to ignore them.”

“Now now, no need to get angry. You should relax,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, placing emphasis on the word ‘relax’, “She knows what she did was wrong. In fact she was embarrassed with herself for letting it get to her.”

“A fat load of good her being embarrassed will do. Ms. Cheerilee’s already got her set up for a week’s worth of detention.”

“Now now, just relax. I can talk to Ms. Cheerilee. Maybe convince her to show some leniency. Now I see in Applebloom’s file, you’re actually listed as one of her legal guardians?”

“Yeah, along with Big Mac and Granny Smith.”

“I bet that’s tough raising your sister without your parents around.”

“It is sometimes.”

“I bet it can get a little stressful at times. Sometimes I bet you just want to relax.”

“Yes I do,” Applejack said, not noticing her muscles were starting to grow limp and loose.

“And doing most of the operations on the farm at the same time, I bet that’s quite stressful as well. I imagine there are times you wish you could break away from that and relax,” Spiral Swirl said, as she eyed the pocket watch on the desk.

“Actually I take breaks from the farm a lot surprisingly…but what usually ends up happening is I help Twilight and the others save Equestria rather then relaxing,” Applejack said, the desire to relax and de-stress entering her mind.

“I bet you wish there was someway you could just get rid of all that stress and relax, just for a moment.”

“I sure do.”

“Then why don’t you relax for me right now Applejack,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she levitated the pocket watch from her desk so that it dangled in front of Applejack’s eyes, “Relax and watch the watch for me.”

“I don’t understand?”

“This is what you wanted right? To relax?”

“I…I guess so,” Applejack said, she felt something was wrong but due to Dr. Spiral Swirl preconditioning her mind to want to relax she found herself following the watch back and forth with her eyes.

“Yes, you want to relax. You want to follow the watch and begin to let all your stresses. All your cares. All your worries. All your thoughts start to drain away. You enjoy not having to think don’t you Applejack?”

“Yes…yes I do.”

“You enjoy just relaxing and watching my pocket watch. No need to worry about harvesting crops or anything like that. You just need to listen to my voice. Nothing more. Just listen and watch the watch. Listen and watch. Listen and obey. No thoughts of your own now. Let me do the thinking for you.”

“Yes….I want you to think for me doctor,” Applejack said.

“That’s right I do the thinking. And I think you’d be much happier if you let me take control. Take control of your mind and body.”

“Yes….I’ll…I’ll let you take control,” Applejack said, hesitating slightly as if one last ounce of resistance remained in her.

“Good, very good. Letting me take control of you as you fall into a hypnotized trance for me. Becoming hypnotized, now Applejack.”

“Yes I will become hypnotized,” Applejack said, as her eyes turned into black and white spirals.

“Very good,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she set the pocket watch back on the desk, “Now that you are hypnotized and have let me take control of you, that makes you my hypnotized slave. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I am your hypnotized slave,” Applejack said.

“Very good, now let’s go back to the other room and talk with your sister,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she led Applejack back over to where Applebloom was waiting.

“Hi Mistress! Hi Applejack!” Applebloom said, her excitement at seeing the two of them giving some emotion back to her voice.

“Hi Sugercube, how are you?” Applejack asked.

“I’m doing great! I’m Dr. Spiral Swirl’s hypnotized slave,” Applebloom said proudly.

“Well golly, that’s nice to hear. I’m her hypnotized slave too,” Applejack said.

“Glad to see you two have something you can bond over,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, “Now just a quick little command for both of you. Whenever you aren’t in a trance and hear me say or write ‘trance time’ you will instantly fall back into hypnosis, ready to obey me, understood?”

“Yes Mistress,” the two said in unison.

“Excellent. Now then I’ve talked to both of you about Applebloom’s behavior so I think it’s time we wrapped things up. Applebloom I’m sure you’ll take up my advice I offered you earlier.”

“Yes Mistress,” Applebloom said.

“Very good. Like I said there’s no reason to let those bullies get to you and as a special treat when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon inevitably fall under my control I think I’ll command them to obey you as well.”

“Really?! You’d do that for me Mistress?” Applebloom said excitedly.

“Yes, yes I believe so. Even though my goal in the end is to have every pony in Ponyville as my mindless hypnotized slave, letting another pony share the control of a few others might help break up the monotony of things. Plus like I said I see little bit of myself in you, and after all I never had the chance to brainwash my tormenters since my powers didn’t develop to this extent until later in life.”

“As for you Applejack you know I’m planning on talking to Ms. Cheerilee about being more lenient when it comes to Applebloom’s punishment so let’s build on that since I’m now going to rewrite both your memories of what happened while you were in my office. Now instead of being hypnotized by me, you will remember things in a very different way. What you will remember happening will be the two of us talking in this room about Applebloom’s behavior, and while her lashing out like she did was bad, it was somewhat acceptable given the circumstances. Applebloom you will remember me discussing the alternatives to dealing with the problem when I first hypnotized you. Overall though it was a nice normal discussion and this is not something that needs to be blown out of proportion. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” the two sisters replied in unison.

“Excellent. Now on the count of three you will come out of your trances. 1…2…3.”

At Dr. Spiral Swirl’s count of three the spirals faded from Applejack and Applebloom’s eyes, however they stood still for a few seconds, almost like their brains needed to reboot in order to implement the new memories.

“Thanks for everything doc,” Applejack said, finally regaining her senses.

“It’s no problem at all.”

“Come on Applebloom let’s go home and discuss this a little more.”

“Awww,” Applebloom said, sadly.

“After a quick stop at Sugar Cube corner though.”

“Yay!” Applebloom shouted as the two stepped out of the office.

“Ah sisters, bonded by love…and now by hypnotic enslavement,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said once they were gone.

Later that day Dr. Spiral Swirl walked through downtown Ponyville.

What a wasted day, she thought, Besides the Apple Sisters and Berry Punch needing help with her alcoholism I only had three new slaves added to my collection. Oh well, once Vinyl Scratch blasts the crowd at her next gig with my subliminal messages I’ll have lots of new patients. Plus the general practice here seems to be inviting new neighbors or ponies that help other ponies over for social gatherings so once that starts happening I’ll have lots more ponies available to hypnotize. Inviting me in…how ironic considering… Dr. Spiral Swirl stopped for a second as her train of thought was causing anger to well up inside of her. Once it had passed she began her internal monologue again, And of course the more ponies I help the higher up the social ladder I’ll probably climb…which means the possibility of being invited to more formal events. Which means needing a formal dress to wear…and I left all mine back in Manehattan. I guess I’ll have to get a new one. Let’s see here…Carousel Boutique…I’ve heard good things about this place.

She entered the boutique, the door’s bell altering the pony hard at work on some clothes to her presence.

“Good afternoon Darling and welcome to Carousel Boutique. I am your always helpful, always fashionable proprietor, Rarity,” Rarity said, as she walked over to Dr. Spiral Swirl.

“Hi there. I’m new in town and was hoping to maybe have a formal dress made.”

“Of course, Darling. Now I’m currently all booked up with orders, but I could certainly squeeze in a consultation today Ms…” Rarity said, as she lifted a tape measure with her magic.

“It’s doctor actually…Dr. Spiral Swirl.”

“My my, brains and beauty you’ll be needing to fight stallions off with a stick after we’re done here today,” Rarity said, as she began taking measurements, “Now I’m thinking a tri color chevron pattern would be best for you. You’ve got the best color scheme for it, light coat, dark mane, and neutral eyes.”

“And I imagine if I wanted to it to be complimented by an accessory, that would also be a factor right?” Dr. Spiral Swirl said.

“A pony after my own heart,” Rarity said, “Ponies always seem to wait till I’m almost done to pull that on me. So what is it going to be?”

“This,” Dr. Spiral Swirl, said as she magically lifted her pocket watch by its chain and let it dangle in front of Rarity’s eyes.

“Oh my it’s beautiful,” Rarity said, her gaze already locking on it.

“I know. It really is beautiful. And I just love the way the light reflects off it. Especially if I swing it like this,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she began swinging the pocket watch in front of Rarity’s eyes.

“Oh my you’re right, that is a neat effect,” Rarity said, her eyes following the watch.

“Yes in fact, sometimes it’s hard to take ones eyes off it. As the watch swings back and forth. Back and forth. You find it so easy to watch it swing. Focusing your attention on the beautiful pocket watch. Noticing once more the light reflecting off it. Letting its beauty attract your attention even more. Your gaze taking in every little detail every little facet. You can’t look away.”

“No, I Can’t look away,” Rarity said.

“Just continue to watch the watch Rarity. I want you to see the watch, see only the watch. Relax...I want you to focus all of your attention on the watch and the sound of my voice. Take another moment to once again appreciate the watch. The way it glows, the way it sparkles...that's it all of your attention is on the watch now... back and forth...all of your focus...everything else is fading away... drifting away...all that matters is the watch, the sway, and the sound of my voice.”

Rarity let out a slight gasp of panic as everything around her faded to black except for Dr. Spiral Swirl and her watch, but she let that pass as her attention fell on the watch again.

“You see nothing else. You’re also noticing how calming and relaxing my voice is. You don’t want to listen to anything else except my voice. Your world is just the watch and my voice as you begin to relax for me. Relax. Feel relaxation begin to encompass your body and your mind. Relax for me Rarity. Let a wave of total relaxation flow across your body.”

Rarity let out a brief sigh as the sensation of relaxation flowed over her.

“Very good. And as the relaxation continues you are beginning to grow sleepy. Very very sleepy. You can feel it in your eyes. They are getting heavy and feel like they want to close. In fact when I count from three to zero they will be so heavy they will close and you will fall into a deep deep sleep. Three…so sleepy, so relaxed. Two…letting the hypnosis take hold….One…You can barely hold your eyes open. Zero…Now sleep.”

At Dr. Spiral Swirl’s count of zero Rarity’s eyes stopped following the watch and eventually locked shut.

“You did very well Rarity. You are now in a deep hypnotized sleep. You are completely under my spell. Your free will is gone. All that is left is obedience. You must obey all my commands and suggestions. You are my hypnotized slave and I am your Mistress. Now open your eyes but remain hypnotized.”

Rarity’s eyes blinked open revealing them to be black and white spirals.

“Now then what are you Rarity?”

“Your hypnotized slave Mistress,” Rarity said, her voice a monotone.

“Hypnotized slave!” shouted a voice.

Rarity and Dr. Spiral Swirl turned towards the source of the voice. Standing at the top of the stairs was Sweetie Belle.

“Don’t worry Sweetie Belle, everything’s fine,” Rarity said.

“No it’s not, I know that an anything slave is bad. You leave my big sister alone!” Sweetie Belle shouted, as she magically lifted a ball of yarn and throw it at Dr. Spiral Swirl.

Dr. Spiral Swirl let it bounce harmlessly off her side before she turned her attention back to Sweetie Belle, “Sorry, you’ll have to do better then that.”

“Fine then I’ll…I’ll…I’ll tell Princess Twilight on you,” Sweetie Belle said, as she ran down the stairs to the door. She got it open a half an inch before Dr. Spiral Swirl forced it shut with her magic.

“Rarity would you be a dear?” Dr. Spiral Swirl said.

“Yes Mistress,” Rarity said, as she directed her magic at a spool of ribbon. She unwound a good amount of it before directing it at Sweetie Belle. Once she had bound the poor filly she dragged her back over to them.

“Rarity what are you doing? Stop this!” Sweetie Belle shouted, panic in her voice.

“Don’t worry it’ll all be over soon,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she got her pocket watch out again, and held it in front of Sweetie Bells eyes. Sweetie Belle immediately looked away. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, she moved the pocket watch over to where Sweetie Belle had averted her gaze, only for the young filly to look back to where had been originally only now with her eyes locked shut.

“Sweetie Belle you need to look at Mistress’ pocket watch,” Rarity said, “Maybe you’ll get a cutie mark in being a hypnotized slave.”

“Why would you say that?” Sweetie Belle said, tears forming in her eyes, “Come back Rarity. Please help.”

“Oh but I am helping,” Rarity said.
Sweetie Belle let out a gasp as she felt a slight tugging on her eye lids.

No! she thought, She’s my sister, she wouldn’t.

The tugging grew stronger and she finally opened her eyes, only to find Dr. Spiral Swirl’s pocket watch in front of them already swinging. Not having enough time to react and look away her gaze became locked on it.

“That’s a good girl, just watch my watch,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, “You put up a good fight, but now it’s time to relax and watch the watch. That’s it just focus all your attention on the watch. Yes that's it just watch the watch. Watch it swing from side to side. Back and forth. Back and forth. Beginning to relax. Relaxing. Relax for me.”

No I can’t let this happen. I need to save Rarity, Sweetie Belle thought, her eyes never leaving the watch.

“You’re so relaxed Sweetie Belle. All your fears are beginning to fade away. This is beginning to feel so natural to you. So right. Being hypnotized is a good thing. So just relax and continue to watch the watch.”

No it’s not, it’s a bad thing, Sweetie Belle thought, Or is it…is it good…I don’t know anymore. I’m just so…relaxed.

“You’re doing so well now, Sweetie Belle giving up any and all of your remaining resistance as you begin to give in to the hypnosis. You’re starting to feel drowsy. Your body feels heavy and warm. Your thoughts are fading.”

My….thoughts…are…fa…d…ing…., Sweetie Belle thought as her mind went blank.

"Now you will find that you are also becoming drowsy. Very Drowsy. Very sleepy. A pleasant warmth is coming all over your body, just like when you fall asleep at night. Your eyes are getting heavy. You are becoming sleepy. Your eyes are getting heavier. My voice makes you sleepy...makes you want to sleep. You cannot keep your eyes open. They are closing. Close them and drift off into a hypnotized sleep for me,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she put her watch away once the induction was finished.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes blinked a few times before they finally locked shut as she fell into her trance.

“Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” Dr. Spiral Swirl said.

“No…no it wasn’t,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Very good. Now then, you are deeply hypnotized Sweetie Belle, you are focused on only one thing: obeying me. You are my hypnotized slave and I am your Mistress. I expect you to say ‘Yes Mistress’ whenever I give you a suggestion or command. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” Sweetie Belle said her voice now a hypnotized monotone.

“Good job. Now open your eyes but remain deeply hypnotized.

Once Sweetie Belle opened her black and white spiral eyes she immediately turned and looked at her backside and after noticing she still didn’t have a cutie mark she said, “Awww I didn’t get a hypnotized slave cutie mark.”

“I didn’t want you to get one anyways. I was just trying to make you feel better about falling under Mistress’ spell,” Rarity said.

“Awww, thanks Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said, smiling at her sister.

“Ahem,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, interrupting the twisted form of sisterly bonding her influence had created, “Now then I have some commands for you two. First and foremost is your trigger phrase. When you aren’t in a trance and here me say or write ‘trance time’ you will immediately fall back into hypnosis and become my slaves once again. Understood?”

“Yes Mistress,” the two said in unison.

“Very good. Now Sweetie Belle I want you to go back upstairs and finish your homework or whatever else it was you were doing and then take a nap. Once you wake up you will no longer be hypnotized and you will have no memory of seeing me, seeing your sister in her hypnotized state or even being hypnotized yourself. You won’t care that large blocks of the day have seemingly vanished from your memory. Do you understand my little slave?”

“Yes Mistress. I hear and obey,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Go do it then.”

“Yes Mistress,” Sweetie Belle said, as she made her way back upstairs.

“Now then, where were we,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, turning her attention back to Rarity.

“I was helping you design your dress, before you took the time out of your busy schedule to enslave me to your will with your wonderful pocket watch,” Rarity said, “And speaking of which, I believe if I add powdered pearls to the cloth it’ll add a sheen that’ll compliment your watch nicely as you hypnotize other ponies.”

“Sounds good to me,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, “You don’t plan on charging me for this do you?”

“I would never dream of charging you for anything Mistress,” Rarity said, “In fact giving it to you for free is not nearly generous enough. I should be paying you for it.”

Dr. Spiral Swirl laughed at the comment before thinking, Two more slaves. I guess the day wasn’t a total waste after all.

Author's Note:

Well here we are...chapter 2. Sorry that took so long I had to deal with a little thing called.....Real Life *dun dun duhhhhhh*. Anyways with this chapter I set out to do a couple of things.
First was to show that when it came to being enslaved by Dr. Spiral Swirl nopony was safe, be they young or old; background or Mane Six, if she wants them to be her hypnotized slave they will most likely end up as such.
Secondly I wanted to do a variety of induction styles this time.
Normal Therapy style: Applebloom
Stealth Induction: Applejack
Confusion Induction/here look at this shiny object: Rarity
And victim who did not grant her permission to hypnotize them or was not tricked into being hypnotized by her: Sweetie Belle.
Also I took the time to put in the victims thoughts and reactions as they slowly succumbed to Dr. Spiral Swirl's hypnotic spell. And also to show even though they are her Hypnotized Slaves they're not complete mindless zombies hence how we see traces of their personalities still there and once both sets of sisters are both under her control we get the twisted forms of Sisterly bonding as seen in the story.

Plus I also wanted to have the normally soft spoken Sweetie Bell try and save the day. Sure she failed spectacularly but still A for effort right?

I guess that's all for now. Chapter 3 will not take as long to get out I promise.