• Published 29th May 2014
  • 17,013 Views, 289 Comments

Bad Therapy - Rathbane

Dr. Spiral Swirl has arrived in Ponyville to not only help ponies with their problems but take control of their minds with hypnosis.

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Bird Watching and Brainwashing

Dr. Spiral Swirl stood in a small clearing by the creek looking through some binoculars.

Ooooo an indigo bunting and a scarlet tanager, you don’t see those in the city, she thought, regarding two of the two birds perched in the tree she was looking at.

A loud rustling from something crashing through the underbrush caused the birds to scatter.

“You IDIOT! You scared them away!” she shouted in anger at the pony she saw when she turned around.

“Oh…I’m…I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said meekly, backing away slightly.

“It’s okay,” Spiral Swirl said calming down a bit, “It’s just I go bird watching with my mom all the time so it’s something I kinda hold close to my heart. Sorry if I overreacted.”

“Oh, um don’t worry about it,” Fluttershy said perking up a bit.

“In a way it’s nice to have company. This is my first time doing it in Ponyville and I can’t do it with my mom since she’s off on a research trip searching for the crystal billed woodpecker.”

“Your mother is Dr. Birdsong!?” Fluttershy said, excitement filling her voice.

“Uh…yes,” Spiral Swirl said, not expecting such a reaction from Fluttershy.

“She’s done so much for the ornithological field and she’s overcome so much adversity as well.”

“Yes…yes she has,” Spiral Swirl said, a slight anger welling in her voice in regards to the last bit of Fluttershy’s comment.

“Are you an ornithologist too?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nope, I’m a psychologist. Dr. Spiral Swirl. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Fluttershy. It’s nice to meet you too. Do…do you mind if I join you in some bird watching? I know it’s just a hobby to you, but growing up with Dr. Birdsong you must have picked up on some pointers.”

“Sure I don’t mind at all. Like I said it’s nice to have some company. This is a nice spot too. Sure Manehattan had parks but this is unspoiled nature. Just listen to that creek. Gently babbling over the rocks. It’s kinda relaxing to listen to wouldn’t you agree?”

“I guess it is. I’ve never really thought of it that way,” Fluttershy said, taking a moment to take in the sounds of the creek.

“And it’s such a lovely day too. The sun’s just perfect, shining down on us. Don’t you just feel so warm and comfortable?”

“I…I sure do,” Fluttershy said, closing her eyes and holding her face up towards the sun.

“And that wonderful breeze that’s blowing through trees it’s so refreshing. It’s like it’s blowing all your cares and worries away right?”

“Yes, I feel them blowing away,” Fluttershy said, breathing a sigh of relief.

“And then of course there’s the creek again. It’s constant babbling. So repetitive. So relaxing. Listening to its constant flow almost makes you feel a little sleepy. A little drowsy.”

Fluttershy felt herself being compelled to yawn, “Yes…I do feel a little sleepy.”

“All and all a beautiful scene. The sun, the wind, the sound of the creek. They’re all so perfect and the three of them together could enhance the beauty of anything. Like my pocket watch,” Spiral Swirl said, as she magically lifted her pocket watch out of her bag and let it swing in front of Fluttershy’s eyes.

“Um, I guess…I guess so,” Fluttershy said, not sure of what was going on, her mind already getting cloudy.

“Just relax and watch the watch. The sunlight reflecting off it enhances its beauty. You can’t keep your eyes off it. Just relax and listen to my voice while the running waters of the creek continue to relax you. Just relax Fluttershy.”

“Yes…I should relax,” Fluttershy said, “I should listen to the creek and watch your watch.”

“That’s right. Just watch the watch and begin to grow even sleepier. You were getting sleepy and drowsy before, but now that feeling is beginning to become overwhelming. You start to feel yourself drifting off to sleep.”

“So…so sleepy.”

“Yes so sleepy as you watch the watch. Feeling your eyelids growing heavy. Heavy like they’re being weighted down. You don’t need to fight the urge to go to sleep anymore. Just let yourself drift off into a nice relaxing sleep for me.”

Fluttershy watched the pocket watch swing a few more times before her eyes slowly closed and her head dropped down.

“You are in a deep sleep Fluttershy,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, putting away her watch, “You are also in a deep hypnotic trance. Your mind is blank and you free will is gone. You are my hypnotized slave and you must obey me. Do you understand?”

“Yes Dr. Spiral Swirl. I am your hypnotized slave and I must obey you,” Fluttershy said in a quiet monotone.

“Mistress will suffice,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, “Now then onto your trigger. Whenever you hear me say or write the phrase ‘trance time’ you will fall back under my spell ready to obey any command I give you. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress, I understand,” Fluttershy replied.

“Good now open your eyes but remain hypnotized,” Spiral Swirl said, smiling upon seeing Fluttershy’s eyes blink open revealing black and white spirals, “Now then I want you to…GAH!”

Finding her time giving her new slave commands interrupted by a sharp pain in her leg Dr. Spiral Swirl looked down to investigate. She was surprised to find a small white bunny biting her. Noticing it had been caught it stopped and glared up at her.

Dr. Spiral Swirl used her magic to lift the bunny up to her eye level, “You stupid little white rodent. Where did you come from?”

“Now Angel, be nice to Mistress Spiral Swirl,” Fluttershy said.

“You know this thing?” Spiral Swirl said, levitating Angel over to Fluttershy.

“Yes I do Mistress.”

“Then why don’t you teach it some manners?”

“Yes Mistress,” Fluttershy said, before utilizing ‘The Stare’ on Angel, “You need to be a good bunny and don’t bother Mistress Spiral Swirl anymore. Being her hypnotized slave is a good thing Angel.”

The combination of ‘The Stare’ mixed with Fluttershy’s spiraling eyes resulted in Angel nearly going catatonic.

“You won’t have to worry about Angel being mad at you anymore Mistress,” Fluttershy said smiling slightly.

“You don’t have any other animals, friends, or animal friends lurking around here to interrupt us do you?” Spiral Swirl asked, as she magically flung Angel away.

“No Mistress. They’re all back in Ponyville. Well except Discord, he’s away in another dimension watching another reality warper’s trillion year plan come together.”

“Oh I see…wait…did…did you say Discord? As in the Spirit of Chaos Discord? He’s your friend?” Spiral Swirl said, an overwhelming sense of fear taking hold of her.

“Yes he is Mistress.”

“Of all the ponies I could have hypnotized today I enslave the one who is friends with something that could turn me inside out if he so desired.”

“Now there’s no need to worry Mistress. Once he gets back I’ll explain to him that being hypnotized by you is a good thing, and if he’s still upset about it I guess I’ll just have to use my new Rainbow Powers to keep him in line. I really hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“Heh, I guess if you have that kind of power then I have nothing to worry about. Now please walk over to the bank of the creek,” Spiral Swirl said, the sense of dread leaving her.

“Yes Mistress,” Fluttershy said, as she calmly walked over to the spot Spiral Swirl had indicated.

“Now let your muscles grow stiff and rigid. You are pretty much frozen in place Fluttershy.”

I am frozen and stiff like a statue, Fluttershy thought once she followed through with Spiral Swirl’s command.

After a few seconds a bird landed on Fluttershy.

A scrub jay, very nice. She makes for a nice platform for the birds to land on and I need to take in a little more birdwatching to calm my nerves. Hard to believe she has that much power at her disposal. She must be one those ponies that helped stop Tirek awhile back. A hero that keeps a low profile that could keep the likes of Discord at bay oh opportunity has smiled upon me today. Now back to bird watching I’m still a little stressed out. A feared Discord attack is definitely stressful. Speaking of which I wonder what in the world she meant by him watching another reality warper’s plans come about, Spiral Swirl thought, before returning her focus to the birds.

In a far off world Discord floated in the air in a sitting position over a pine tree covered mountain. A floating box of popcorn sat beside him and he was looking down at the small mountain community below with a pair of comically over sized opera glasses.

“Oh really Bill rearranging the functions of the holes on someone’s face? Where is your sense of class?” he said in annoyance.

A loud stomping sound approached him as a now sentient water tower lumbered by before lifting its top and letting loose a loud roar.

“Oh quiet you,” Discord said.

Back in Ponyville Spiral Swirl walked into her office.

“Good morning doctor,” her secretary said.

“Good morning. Sorry I’m a little late but an opportunity presented itself this morning that I couldn’t pass up,” Spiral Swirl said.

“There’s no need to worry, your first patient is already signed in and waiting for you. Though there’s….well…um perhaps it’s best if you just look at her patient info sheet,” the secretary said, holding up a clipboard that Spiral Swirl magically drew towards her.

What in the world? Spiral Swirl thought looking at the sheet.

Where it said ‘patient’s name’ somepony had written ‘Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie Pie. Oh wow this pen is blue! Really really blue! Twilight never uses blue ink this is so much fun!’

Spiral Swirl stared in confusion at the stream of consciousness writing that filled the entire page front and back.

Uh oh, she thought.

Taking a deep breath, almost as if to steady herself she walked over to the therapy room and opened the door. Closing it behind her she realized something, the room was empty.

Where is she?

“Hi there!” Pinkie said, popping down into her field of view.

“Gah!” Spiral Swirl said, recoiling and shock. Looking up she saw that Pinkie Pie was standing on the ceiling, “What in the world are you doing up there?”

“Well while I was waiting I looked around the room at everything I could see and then I looked at it again and then I realized that I hadn’t looked at what was up on the ceiling yet,” Pinkie said in a rapid fire delivery.

“But…but how did you get up there?”

“You know what? I don’t know,” Pinkie said. The realization of this hitting her though resulted in her losing her ability to walk on the ceiling and she fell to ground. Unfazed she immediately jumped back up, “Hi there I’m Pinkie Pie by the way.”

“It’s um, nice to meet you Pinkie Pie. I’m Dr. Spiral Swirl. If you would please sit down on the couch we’ll get started.”

“Okie dokie loki,” Pinkie said, before walking over to the couch. Spiral Swirl followed behind her and sat down on the adjacent couch.

“So what brings you here today?” Spiral Swirl asked.

“Well, you’re a new pony in town right?” Pinkie said.

“That’s right.”

“And I usually do my best to learn about the new ponies and throw them a surprise party to welcome them to Ponyville, but I was having trouble coming up with a party theme for you. I found out you were a psychologist and I asked Twilight what that was. She went on and on about it and I may have tuned her out, but I think I got the gist of it and that psychologists help ponies with problems they’re having with their brains.”

“That’s…that’s kind of an ineloquent way to put it but it’s not incorrect,” Spiral Swirl said.

“So that got me thinking what if I made brain shaped cakes for the party? Then I thought ‘what if brain shaped cakes attract zombie ponies?’ Nothing ruins a party like zombies.”

Did she just say zombies? Spiral Swirl thought.

“So I decided to go for a different theme but couldn’t think of one. I was really worried and stressed out about it but then the other night I was at the dance club getting my groove on and listening to the great beats DJ-P0N3 was playing when it hit me, I could go see you for help about the party and all the stress it was causing me.”

“I guess I can help you with that. But doesn’t telling me there’s a surprise party ruin the surprise?”

“Maybe a little,” Pinkie said, “But right now you just know there’s a party, but you don’t know when and where it’ll be so I can still surprise you, like a tiger pouncing in the wild. Roar!”

“Well I think one of the best ways to help you with the stress and to learn a little more about me is for you to experience one of the techniques I use to help my patients.”

“What’s that?” Pinkie asked her curiosity piqued.

“It’s a little something called hypnotherapy. By hypnotizing you I could relieve you of your stress and with it we can gain access to your subconscious mind and maybe come up with more ideas for the party since nothing will be holding you back.”

“If it’ll help me plan my party I’m all for it!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Very good. I just need you to relax and watch the watch,” Spiral Swirl said, as she magically lifted her pocket watch out of her bag and began to swing it in front of Pinkie’s eyes.

Pinkie’s eyes followed the watch for a few seconds before she said, “Oh hey your watch says it’s 11:00 that means it’s almost time for lunch! Who named it lunch in the first place anyways? And what’s the opposite of lunch? The midnight snack? Or would it be hcnul? No hcnul would be lunch’s evil twin.”

“Ms. Pie please I need you to focus on the watch,” Spiral Swirl said, annoyance filling her voice.

“Oh right sorry,” Pinkie Pie said, as she went back to watching the pocket watch.

“There you go. Just watch the watch swing. Back and forth. Back and forth. Left to right. Left to right. Re…”

“Why do you swing it left to right?” Pinkie asked her eyes still locked on the watch, “Does that work better then if you moved it up and down?”

“You know what, I never thought about it. For now I’d just like to stick with the classic method. Now I need you to please just focus on the watch and listen to my voice.”

“Okie dokie loki,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Alright then, from the top. Pinkie I just need you to focus on the pocket watch. Focus on it as it swings back and forth. Your eyes are completely locked on the pocket watch as you take a nice deep breath in and out.”

Pinkie Pie did as she was asked before thinking, Hey my eyes are locked on the watch. It’s like a magnet for my eyes. This is kinda neat.

“That’s it just focus on the watch. Start to relax a little for me. Let all distractions fade away. The watch and my voice are the most important things to you right now Pinkie Pie.”

She’s right that pocket watch is very important. If she uses it on other ponies for this hypnotherapy stuff it must important to her too. Maybe I should make a pocket watch shaped cake for the party, Pinkie thought.

“Just listen to my voice and relax for me. Relax. Start to feel relaxation flow over you. Let it start at your hooves and work its way up your legs. Just relax and watch the watch.”

Oooo I’m starting to feel it. I feel all tingly in my legs. This feels good, Pinkie thought.

“Let the relaxation spread up from your legs to your body now. Through your stomach and up to your chest. Now up to your neck and face and your head. Your whole body is relaxed Pinkie Pie.”

Yes I’m completely relaxed, Pinkie Pie thought, I feel all tingly and warm. Everything she tells me that’s happening comes true. I wonder if she told me I felt like I just ate a whole bunch of pudding would that come true too. Mmmm pudding. I could really go for some right about now.

“Now that you’re completely relaxed I want you to start feeling a little tired. You’re starting to feel very drowsy and sleepy. Your eyelids are getting heavy from focusing on my watch.”

I…I do feel sleepy. Why does she want me to get sleepy? Doesn’t she want me to plan a party with her after this hypnosis stuff kicks in? I can’t do that if I’m asleep.

“And I imagine your mind is still going a million miles a minute so why don’t you let it slow to crawl now. Let your thoughts slow. All you can think about is how close you are to falling into a state of deep hypnosis.”

Let my thoughts slow? I can’t do that, I need to think about the…party…and…other…stuff…or…or…maybe I should just think about being hypnotized, Pinkie Pie thought, as she started to succumb to Spiral Swirl’s hypnotic spell.

“All you can think about is being hypnotized now. You want to fall into trance. You feel so sleepy now. Your eyelids are so heavy. When I count down from five they will become so heavy they will close and you will drift off into a deep hypnotized sleep for me. Five…focusing on the watch and my voice. Four…so ready to be hypnotized. Three…eyes heavy. Two…letting go. One…almost there. Zero…now sleep for me Pinkie Pie. Relax and sleep.”

Pinkie’s heavy eyes finally blinked shut and her head dropped down slightly. Her normally poofy mane seemingly deflated and became long and straight.

It was quite a struggle but she’s under, Spiral Swirl thought, putting her watch away, She’s so deeply under even her mane is relaxed…and that doesn’t even make sense.

“Can you hear me Pinkie Pie?” she asked.

“Yes. Yes I can,” Pinkie Pie replied in a monotone.

“You are now deeply hypnotized. I am in complete control of you now. You are my hypnotized slave and I am your Mistress. You will obey any I command I give you without hesitation or resistance. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress. I am your hypnotized slave. I must obey you,” Pinkie replied.

“Very good. Now onto your trigger. Whenever you hear me say or write ‘trance time’ you will immediately fall back into this hypnotized state ready to obey me.”

“Yes Mistress. My trigger phrase is ‘trance time’. I will obey,” Pinkie said, her voice still in a monotone.

“Very good. Now I want you to open your eyes but remain deeply hypnotized.”

Pinkie’s eyes blinked open revealing black and white spirals. She looked towards Spiral Swirl awaiting further commands.

“Did you enjoy being hypnotized Pinkie Pie?” Spiral Swirl asked.

“I sure did Mistress!” Pinkie Pie said happily, a huge smile spread across her face as her mane poofed back to normal.

“What the…” Spiral Swirl said in surprise.

“At first I thought it was kind of boring just watching the watch and listening to you. But once you told me to start relaxing and feel sleepy it became a lot more interesting. The real fun started when I fell asleep and became completely hypnotized. Who knew letting another pony take control of your mind could be so exciting! Oooo are those my eyes?” Pinkie said, noticing her reflection in a mirror that hung on the wall.

What is going on? None of my other hypnosis subjects act like this during their initial enslavement? Spiral Swirl thought, her confusion mounting.

“Wow look at them, they’re all swirly and whirly. Round and round they go,” Pinkie said, admiring the spirals in her eyes and laughing a little, “Do all ponies that get hypnotized by you get spirals in their eyes?”

“Uh yes,” Spiral Swirl said.

“That’s really neat. Hey I could use this for the party! I could make some spiral candies. Yeah, if I use vanilla and black cherry they’d match the black and white spirals perfectly. They’d go great with the pocket watch cake,” Pinkie said, her excitement mounting.

The WHAT?! Spiral Swirl thought.

“Ooo ooo and I could make hypnotized dreamcicle treats and I could make muffins and put the berries in them so they make a spiral design. I could call them ‘mesmerizing muffins’. I could warn Derpy not to fall under their spell. She’d get a kick out of that.”

“That’s not going to happen. None of this is.”

“Awww why not Mistress?” Pinkie said in disappointment.

“Because I don’t need an outlandish party. I really don’t want one at all but I’m afraid that throwing one is so ingrained into your nature that if I commanded you not to throw one your head would literally explode and I don’t need to see that…or pay for the cleaning services,” Spiral Swirl said, resigned to the fact that a party was going to happen, “So I just want something simple. White cake. Punch. And I want it held in a place with lots of quiet side corridors so that any pony that wants to sneak away and take a break they can and then I can possibly hypnotize them in private if the opportunity presents itself.”

“Cake, punch, and places where you can hypnotize ponies. Your wish is my command Mistress…are you sure you don’t want the spiral candies?”

“Positive. Now sit back down and fall back into a deep hypnotized sleep.”

“Yes Mistress,” Pinkie replied, before walking back over the couch and drifting off to sleep again.

“Now it’s time to bring you out of hypnosis. When I stamp my hoof twice you will come out of your trance. You will remember nothing that happened while you were hypnotized. On the surface you will have a trace memory about what I wanted for the party but the true purpose of why I wanted things like the venue with side corridors for hypnotizing ponies will remain buried in your subconscious. Understood?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Very good. Now it’s time to wake up.” Spiral Swirl said, as she stamped on the ground twice.

Pinkie’s eyes blinked open having returned to normal and she promptly yawned and stretched.

“Welcome back,” Spiral Swirl said.

“Huh back from where?” Pinkie said in confusion.

“From being hypnotized.”

“I….I don’t remember anything. I remember watching your watch and then…poof blank,” Pinkie said, spreading her hooves apart miming a dust cloud being scattered.

“It’s called post-hypnotic amnesia. It’s very common. You don’t need to worry though; we had a very productive session. We talked about the party and what I wanted so the weight of that should be off your mind now.”

“Oh yeah, I remember a little now. It’s hazy but I think I’ve got what I need to throw you a good party. A simple party that’ll pounce on you like a simple tiger. Roar!”

“See like I said nothing to worry about,” Spiral Swirl said smiling.

“You’re right. Thanks a bunch Dr. Spiral Swirl,” Pinkie said smiling back.

“You’re welcome. Have a great rest of the day Pinkie Pie.”

“I sure will!” Pinkie said, as she bounced out of the office.

Once she was gone Dr. Spiral Swirl let out a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness. If I had to spend much more time dealing with her I might have ended up needing some therapy myself, she thought, holding up her pocket watch, Let’s hope I can bring this out at the party to help all those poor ponies that partied a little too hard.

Author's Note:

And so another chapter comes to a close and more ponies become enslaved to Spiral Swirl's will. On the plus side we learned Spiral Swirl's a bird watcher ^_^

After more background ponies last chapter I wanted this one to have more of the Mane Six get hypnotized.
So it naturally fell on Fluttershy and Pinkie to fall under her spell.

Fluttershy I definitly wanted to mix it up by having the actual environment help in her hypnosis session and show that even though Angel can be a bit of a jerk constantly he'd still defend Fluttershy in a situation like this. Sadly he just ended up getting blasted with a spiral eyed enhanced Stare.

And I wanted Discord out of the way since he'd definitely object to this so I thought I'd have him be on Vacation to Gravity Falls to watch Bill Cipher's Weirdmageddon in action

Pinkie I wanted to show that hypnotizing her is no easy feat with her interrupting Spiral Swirl a few times and her mind still bouncing around to several different things even as she started to become hypnotized so she would definitely be less of an easy target if not impossible to hypnotize if it hadn't been for her being a victim of the subliminals in the last chapter. I also thought it'd be interesting for her to revert to her flat mane form seen in Party of One when she initially falls under but to perk right back up once she's awake but still hypnotized ensuring she'd act like herself more then just a mindless slave.

Hope you guys liked it and as always let me know your thoughts.