• Published 29th May 2014
  • 16,996 Views, 289 Comments

Bad Therapy - Rathbane

Dr. Spiral Swirl has arrived in Ponyville to not only help ponies with their problems but take control of their minds with hypnosis.

  • ...

Scooters Spirals and Spies

Bon Bon sat at an outdoor café and took a sip of her drink as she took in the quiet atmosphere of the post lunch rush. She looked across the street and noticed Dr. Spiral Swirl eating a sandwich at another outdoor establishment.

That unicorn…I’ve seen her somewhere before, Bon Bon thought, But where?

The quiet was shattered when a voice asked, “Special Agent Sweetie Drops, have you forgotten about standing in the presence of a superior?”

The voice snapped Bon Bon out of her intense concentration and she turned to see a black unicorn with a ninja headband cutie mark and grey mane tied in a top knot staring at her with blood red eyes.

“C…Commander Shadow Dancer. It’s nice to see you again,” Bon Bon said, as she nearly chocked on her drink before standing at attention.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you,” Shadow Dancer said as she smiled playfully, “I was just trying to have a little fun. We both know that agents who have left the service no longer have any authority over each other.”

“Heh heh, I guess you’re right,” Bon Bon said, settling down, “How long have you been in Ponyville? I’ve never seen you here before.”

“A few years now. I guess going unnoticed is a trait that always sticks with you when you’ve been in the stealth forces.”

“Yeah, the training does seem to stick with us,” Bon Bon said, “So what are you up to these days?”

“Mostly raising my daughter, Ebony Darkness. She’s developed some sort of magic she calls ‘shadow jumping,’ I would’ve loved to been able to do that back in the day,” Shadow Dancer said smiling, “And right now she’s all excited about the upcoming magic exam. Heh, remember the exams we used to take?”

“Don’t remind me,” Bon Bon said.

“So what were you looking at when I snuck up on you? You had a pretty intense look on your face.”

“That unicorn over there,” Bon Bon said, pointing at Dr. Spiral Swirl, who had finished her lunch and was now heading off elsewhere, “I could’ve sworn I’d seen her somewhere before. I think it was in one of our text books on the greatest criminals in Equestrian history.”

“You mean Dr. Spiral Swirl? I highly doubt that,” Shadow Dancer said, “She’s probably only a couple years older then you, and the criminals featured in our text book committed crimes over forty years ago.”

“That’s Dr. Spiral Swirl?” Bon Bon asked, a sense of uneasiness filling her, “Lyra’s appointment with her is today, now I’m really worried.”

“There’s no need to be,” Shadow Dancer said, “Dr. Spiral Swirl is a fine psychologist. She’s helped me out a lot. A lot of things that I did still haunt me and I’m finally starting to get over them thanks to her help. If you ever need somepony to turn to I highly recommend her.”

“Pass,” Bon Bon said.

“Well, it was nice seeing you,” Shadow Dancer said.

“Nice to see you…too…” Bon Bon said, as she turned to say goodbye only to find Shadow Dancer was no longer there, “Pfft…always hated it when the stealth forces did that to me.”

She got up and started to step out into the street only to have to jump back as Scootaloo came flying by on her scooter.

And I always hate it when Scootaloo does that to me, she thought.

Scootaloo flew through the streets of Ponyville on her scooter going faster and faster as she weaved around any pony or other obstacle that happened to be in her way.

Yeah I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna break my record time of going from school to the clubhouse. I’m not going to just break it; I’m going to shatter it. I’m going blast it apart. I’m going to…hit that pothole! She thought.

“Oh no!” she screamed as her front wheel hit the pothole and sent her flying while the scooter itself careened out of control before it smashed through the window of a house.

“Awwww man,” Scootaloo said, upon getting up and seeing the damage.

She slowly made her way to the front door, preparing for the worst. Pausing in front of it, she slowly raised her hoof and knocked. She stepped back when the door opened.

“Hi there,” Spiral Swirl said, stepping outside, “You wouldn’t happen to be missing a scooter by chance?”

“Yes…sorry about that. It was an accident,” Scootaloo said, hanging her head low.

“I see. Well come on in.”

Scootaloo nervously stepped inside. To the left of the foyer she could see a living room where her scooter lay on the floor along with the glass shards from the window.

“I’m sorry. It…it was an accident,” Scootaloo repeated herself, hoping that it would help keep her out of trouble.

“I understand. No need to worry,” Spiral Swirl said, as her horn glowed.

Scootaloo watched in amazement as Spiral Swirl lifted all of the glass shards and pieced them together in their proper places before she caused their edges to glow red hot. When the glowing subsided the window was more or less back to normal.

“Wow! That was cool,” Scootaloo said.

“Oh, that was nothing. Just a simple spell they taught us my first year in school since patients tend to sometimes…break things. Like I said, the window is no big deal and it was an accident after all, right?”


“Then I think everything’s alright. I mean it’s not like you broke anything important. Like this for example,” Spiral Swirl said, as she lifted her pocket watch out of her saddle bag and let it dangle in front of Scootaloo’s eyes.

“What’s so important about that?” Scootaloo asked.

“A couple of things. For starters, isn’t it beautiful?” Spiral Swirl asked, as she began to let it slowly swing in front of Scootaloo’s eyes.

“I guess so,” Scootaloo said, as her eyes locked on the watch.

“Heh, I guess that wouldn’t impress you that much. You’re a pony that probably cares about exciting things rather then pretty things.”

“You got that right.”

“Then the other thing that makes this important will definitely intrigue you. I use it to help my patients. It’s a very simple process. First I tell them to watch it swing back and forth. Back and forth. Kind of like you’re doing right now.”

“I…I guess so,” Scootaloo said, finally realizing her gaze was focused solely on the watch.

“The next thing I tell my patients as they continue to watch the watch is that they’re beginning to relax. They’ve told me it’s a wonderful feeling.”

“Yessss. It is,” Scootaloo said, as she felt her body begin to relax.

“And after that I tell them to begin relaxing more and more. Continuing to build on that wonderful feeling.”

“Relax…more…and more,” Scootaloo said as she sighed contently.

“And as they relax more and more I often tell my patients to let their minds begin to grow calm. All their stresses and worries just fade away. In fact all their thoughts fade away as they listen to my voice and watch my watch.”

Let my thoughts…fade… Scootaloo thought as her mind started to succumb to Spiral Swirl’s hypnotic induction.

“At this point I can go two different routes. I can either guide my patients into a deep hypnotized sleep or I can draw them down into a light trance that I can deepen later. While letting them drift off to sleep is fine, sometimes it’s just more interesting to place them into a state of light hypnosis so that they’re open to my suggestions and completely open to me, while at the same time able to continue to focus on my pocket watch. All they have to do is let their minds become completely clear and fall into a trance as they enter a state of light hypnosis. Kind of like you’re letting happen right now.”

“Yes….I am in a trance…I have entered a state of light hypnosis,” Scootaloo mumbled as black and white spirals started to form in her eyes. They were slightly transparent, so her normal purple eyes still shone through as they continued to follow the swinging pocket watch.

“Very good. And I just realized I’m being very rude. I’ve hypnotized you and I don’t even know your name,” Spiral Swirl said.

“My name is Scootaloo.”

“Well now that that’s all cleared up, let’s continue. Like I said, this state of light trance is perfectly fine for my patients to be in, they’re open to my suggestions and perfectly willing to let me help them by telling me anything that they might be holding back, but I prefer to work with them when they are in a state of extremely deep hypnosis. So why don’t you let yourself fall deeper. Deeper into hypnosis for me. Falling five times deeper. Ten times. A hundred times. A thousand times. Deeply hypnotized now.”

“Yesssss…deeply hypnotized,” Scootaloo said in a monotone, her eyes turning completely into black and white spirals.

“Very good,” Spiral Swirl said, as she put away her pocket watch, “And now that you’re in this deeply hypnotized state, that means you’re no longer just ‘open’ to my suggestions, but you must now obey them without any resistance or hesitation.”

“I must obey your suggestions,” Scootaloo replied.

“Good girl. But it’s more then just my suggestions; you must obey anything I tell you to do, period. As long as you are in this deeply hypnotized state, you are my slave and I am your Mistress. Do you understand, Scootaloo?”

“Yes Mistress, I understand. I am your slave,” Scootaloo said.

“And just like that, another young mind becomes mine,” Spiral Swirl said, smiling as she walked around the entranced Scootaloo, “Didn’t I tell you that the purpose of my pocket watch beyond being just a pretty trinket would intrigue you?”

“Yes Mistress, you were right. Being hypnotized was the coolest thing ever.”

“Heh, I’ve never heard my hypnosis referred to as ‘cool’ before. In fact I was never really considered a cool kid growing up but I guess I’m the coolest pony around in your book now right?”

“Sorry Mistress, you’re not,” Scootaloo said, “Being hypnotized by you is great and all, but Rainbow Dash is still the coolest. She said she’ll always be twenty percent cooler then anypony out there.”

Spiral Swirl stared dumbfounded at what Scootaloo had just said before she chuckled slightly, “I guess I can’t argue with that logic. I don’t suppose the fact that I also have your idol under my spell affects my standing?”


“Fair enough. Now it’s time to give you your trigger phrase,” Spiral Swirl said, before implanting her usual trigger phrase into Scootaloo’s mind.

“Yes Mistress, I understand,” Scootaloo replied.

“Now then, why don’t you wake up and forget all about being hypnotized?” Spiral Swirl said, as she stamped the ground a couple of times.

The spirals in Scootaloo’s eyes faded as she shook off the effects of the hypnosis, “Huh, wha? Did I miss something?”

“Nope. Everything’s fine,” Spiral Swirl said, smiling at her.

“So…I’m not in trouble?”

“Of course not. Like you said it was an accident.”

“Thanks so much. I guess…I’ll see you later,” Scootaloo said, trying to make a graceful exit as she grabbed her scooter.

“Goodbye,” Spiral Swirl said, waving after her.

Oh don’t worry, you will, Spiral Swirl thought.

Lyra sat in a chair in Dr. Spiral Swirl’s waiting room watching Bon Bon pace back and forth.

“What’s gotten into you, Bon Bon?” Lyra asked, “You said you didn’t mind that I was coming here, but now you’ve come along and you’re more nervous about this than I am.”

“Sorry, it’s just…something’s come up,” Bon Bon said, her earlier suspicions of Dr. Spiral Swirl still haunting her, “Just…just be careful when you’re in there with her. Don’t let her get too into your head.”

“You’re talking like she’s some sort of mad scientist or something,” Lyra said, “Oh no, the ‘evil Dr. Spiral Swirl’s’ going to do something weird to my brain!”

“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”

“Why don’t you just relax? Everything will be fine.”

“Ms. Lyra, the doctor is ready for you,” the secretary pony said from the reception desk.

“I’ll see you later,” Lyra said as she got up and walked into the therapy room.

As she stepped inside, Dr. Spiral Swirl walked over to greet her.

“You must be Lyra. Good afternoon,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said smiling.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Lyra said.

“Why don’t you have a seat on the couch and we’ll get started,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she sat down. She raised an eyebrow when Lyra sat in couch across from her in her usual unconventional way.
“So I see from your information sheet you’re here because you feel you’ve started to develop an obsession with something?”

“Well, I guess I just started to feel it the other night when I was out dancing. Everypony else was always saying it was starting to become an obsession but I just ignored them, but at the dance club it just kinda clicked that maybe they were right for some reason and maybe I should get some help.”

“I see. So what do you fear you’re obsessed with?”

“Humans!” Lyra said excitedly.

“I’m sorry; I’m not familiar with that term. What are they exactly?”

“They’re the most amazing creatures out there. Pale hairless bipedal ape creatures that used to visit Equestria back during the first generation of ponies,” Lyra said, talking faster as her enthusiasm grew, “They’re not around anymore, but I’ve studied all I can about them. Their languages, their culture, how they sit, and even how they carried stuff around in their hands. I’ve even started to adapt the way of the human into my own life. Of course, maybe that’s where I started getting a little obsessive.”

“Thank you for giving me that information. It does sound like it’s starting to grow into an obsession. It’s nothing major, I’ve seen worse. Now the most common types of obsessions operate on a subconscious level, so in order to work with you I’ll need to access your subconscious mind. So in order to do that I’ll be performing a hypnotherapy session with you.”

“This isn’t going to hurt, is it?” Lyra asked.

“Of course not. In fact, I think you’ll find being hypnotized to be a most enjoyable experience,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said as she smiled at Lyra and began to direct her magic at her pocket watch.

“Okay then, what do you need me to do?”

“You just need to watch my watch,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, as she magically lifted her pocket watch so it swung in front of Lyra’s eyes.

“Okay,” Lyra said, as her eyes locked on the pocket watch.

“Yes that’s it. Just watch the watch. Watch it swing back and forth. Back and forth. Good, you’re doing very well. Focusing all your attention on my pocket watch. Just watch it and relax for me Lyra.”

Hey this is kinda nice, Lyra thought, as the first wave of relaxation washed over her.

“Relax more and more. Listening to my voice calms you. You know I’m here to help you. I’m here to help you with your problems and guide you into hypnosis. Feel all the tension in your body fade away. Any stress or fear you might have is fading away as well.”

All my stress is gone. I want Dr. Spiral Swirl to guide me into hypnosis, Lyra thought, her mind already going numb.

“Feeling so good. So relaxed. Starting to feel drowsy and sleepy as your relaxation increases Lyra. You feel so sleepy. Your eyelids feel heavy. I’m going to count down from five to zero. At zero your eyelids will become so heavy you will no longer be able to keep them open and you will drift off into a deep hypnotized sleep for me.”

At the count of zero I will drift off into a deep hypnotized sleep.

“Five…still focusing on the watch. Four…you’re doing so well. Three…your mind is slowing. Two…So sleepy. Your eyelids feel like they’re made of stone. One…ready to be hypnotized. Zero…Close your eyes and drift off into a deep hypnotized sleep for me, Lyra,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, finishing her induction.

At her count of zero Lyra’s eyes blinked shut and her head dropped forward. Her limp and relaxed body then promptly flopped over sideways onto the couch.

Looks like there’s a flaw in your ‘human’ way of sitting, Spiral Swirl thought, as she used her magic to adjust Lyra so she was now lying on the couch.

“Lyra, can you hear me?”

“Yes Dr. Spiral Swirl, I can,” Lyra replied in a quiet voice.

“Very good. You are now in a hypnotic trance. As long as you are in this state you will be very open to me. You will reveal things you would normally hold back and you will follow the suggestions I give you, understand?”

“Yes doctor. I understand.”

“Very good. Now let’s get started. I want you to think back to when you first became interested in the humans. Tell me about it.”

“It was back in college. I was taking an archaeology class as an elective and we were at a dig site with a well known humanologist. She explained everything that they had found at the site so far and it actually held my interest, unlike everything else in the class. After that I would go to the library to look up papers on humans every so often. It was just a hobby back then.”

“When did it start to evolve into more then a hobby?”

“I think a few years after that. I read about a book they found containing human recipes and I gave it a try. I loved the food the humans had come up with so I started making more and more of it. After that I felt if they could make better food then us, what else could they do better? That’s when I started to try and adapt the human life style.”

“I see,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, “That being the case I want you to regress your mind back to your college days. Back to when your love of humans was just a hobby. Lyra what are you?”

“I am a freshman at Canterlot University,” Lyra replied, “Go Manticores!”

“Go Manicores!” Dr. Spiral Swirl shouted back, “Now I want your mind to return to the present, but I want your interest in humans to remain back at its college level and stay there. I don’t want to rob you of your interest in them, but I want it to remain at a healthy level. Do you understand?”

“Yes doctor. My interest in humans will always be nothing more then a hobby,” Lyra said.

“Wonderful to hear. You’ve been a very good patient Lyra, so right now I just want you to relax more and fall deeper into hypnosis for me.”
She watched as Lyra took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief.
“I feel bad about leaving that void in your mind, so I think I’ll fill it with a new obsession. From now on you will be obsessed with obeying me.”

“Obeying you?” Lyra said, slightly confused.

“Yes, so long as you are in a hypnotized state you will obey my every command. You will obey me without hesitation or resistance. You are my hypnotized slave, Lyra and I am your Mistress. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress. I am your hypnotized slave. I must obey you no matter what,” Lyra replied, her voice drained of all emotion.

“Perfect,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said, smiling triumphantly, “Now for your trigger phrase. Whenever you hear me say or write the phrase ‘trance time,’ you will instantly fall back into hypnosis and once again become my hypnotized slave.”

“Yes Mistress. I love my new trigger phrase.”

“Very good. Now it’s time to wake you up. When I count to three you will come out of your trance with no memory of what happened while you were hypnotized. One…beginning to wake up, the heaviness of your eyelids is easing up. Two…feeling your thoughts and free will returning. Three…coming out of your trance feeling refreshed and wonderful.”

Lyra’s eyes blinked open and she looked over at Dr. Spiral Swirl.

“So how do you feel?”

“Amazing,” Lyra said happily.

“And your thoughts on humans?”

“They’re interesting creatures, but they’re really nothing more then a hobby,” Lyra said, “Wow, I can’t believe I just said that.”

“Looks like your hypnotherapy was a success.”

“I…I guess it was. I just wish I could remember what happened during it.”

“You shouldn’t worry about that. You were a great patient.”

“If…if you say so,” Lyra said as she got off the couch.

“It was nice meeting you Lyra. If you feel the need to talk to me about anything else, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment.”

“Sure. Thanks so much for your help doctor,” Lyra said smiling at her.

“You’re very welcome,” Dr. Spiral Swirl as she led Lyra to the door.

Once Lyra stepped out of the therapy room, Bon Bon came over to her as they headed towards the exit.

“So what went on in there?” Bon Bon asked, still on high alert.

“Therapy stuff, I guess. She helped me get my obsession under control. Humans are now just a hobby to me,” Lyra said, holding up her hoof.

“Uh that’s nice,” Bon Bon said, as she hit her hoof against Lyra’s, “But what did she do to you that made it so instantaneous?”

“I’ll tell you later. I gotta go meet up with Minuette. Sorry Bon Bon,” Lyra said, before running off.

I can’t wait till later. If that Dr. Spiral Swirl really isn’t a threat she’ll tell me what went on, Bon Bon thought, as she turned around and headed back into the office.

“Oh hello, did you forget something?” the secretary pony asked.

“I need to talk to Dr. Spiral Swirl,” Bon Bon said.

“Well if you…hey!” the secretary shouted as Bon Bon walked right past her.

Bon Bon reached up to knock on the therapy room’s door, but stepped back when it opened before she could.

“Are you my next appointment?” Dr. Spiral Swirl asked her, “I’m sorry, but I don’t seem to have any information about my next patient…if that happens to be you.”

“No. My name is Bon Bon and I’m a friend of Lyra’s. Can we talk?”

“I have a little time. Let’s step over to my office.”

Bon Bon followed Dr. Spiral Swirl over to her private office and stepped inside.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Dr. Spiral Swirl asked.

That three legged unicorn…she looks similar to the criminal pony I thought about earlier as well, Bon Bon thought, looking at the portrait on the wall.

“I wanted to ask about what you did with Lyra. You seemingly cured her obsession with humans in a day. What happened?”

“I’m sorry, doctor-patient confidentiality,” Dr. Spiral Swirl said.

“Look, I’m just concerned for my friend. You didn’t pump her full of some mind altering potion did you?”

“No of course not.”

“Then what? Please, I’m just a little worried is all.”

“Alright, if it’ll help you feel better I guess I can give the very abridged version, since you’re so concerned about her safety. All we did was a simple hypnotherapy session.”

“Meaning you brainwashed her,” Bon Bon said, glaring at Dr. Spiral Swirl.

“Of course not. The key part of that word is therapy. That’s all it was. I helped my patient with her problem, nothing more and nothing less.”

“Alright if that’s all then I guess I’m okay with that.”

“Good to hear, and if there is ever anything you feel you need help with, just set up an appointment.”

“Pass,” Bon Bon said, as she turned and walked out of the office.

Something still doesn’t feel right, Bon Bon thought as she walked through the waiting room, ignoring the angry glare of the secretary pony.

That evening Spiral Swirl sat at her desk in her bedroom writing a letter. Once she was done she folded it up and placed it in envelope that had ‘Lyra’ written on the front and sealed it up. She then placed it and a dozen other envelopes into a box containing several more sealed letters.

Tommorow I’ll have Derpy deliver these letters to everypony so they’ll know when the slave meeting will take place, she thought.

She then stood up and walked over to her window.

“It’s a beautiful night out, but something doesn’t...feel…quite…RIGHT!” she said, as her horn began to glow as she directed a levitation spell at something. As she said ‘RIGHT’ she jerked her head backwards to give the levitation a little extra oomph, resulting in the object she was focusing on to come flying through her window and falling to bedroom floor in a heap.

“Hi there,” Spiral Swirl said.

“Uh hi,” Bon Bon said, as she struggled to untangle herself from her grappling equipment that had been thrown into the room with her.

“Whatcha doing?” Spiral Swirl asked.

“Um, I locked myself out of my house, so I was trying to get in through a window. But this isn’t my house. My mistake. I’ll just go let myself out.”

“I work with pathological liars all the time and you don’t hold a candle to them. So, what were you doing out there? Hmmmm… climbing on the side of my house all dressed in black, I’d say you were either trying to spy on me or were planning on stealing from me. Since I don’t like the idea of either of those things happening to me, I think it might be best to give you a little attitude adjustment,” Spiral Swirl said, as she focused her magic on the pocket watch sitting on her desk.

I don’t like the sound of this, Bon Bon thought, as she prepared to go on the defensive.

Spiral Swirl levitated her pocket watch over so that she was now swinging it in front of Bon Bon’s eyes.

“What in the world are you doing?” Bon Bon asked, as her eyes began to follow the watch.

“Why, I’m simply introducing you to the wonderful world of hypnosis,” Spiral Swirl said as she smiled at Bon Bon, “So I just need you to watch my watch and relax.”

“There’s no way I’ll let you hypnotize me,” Bon Bon said defiantly.

“’I won’t let you hypnotize me. You’ll never get away with this. This will never work.’ I’ve heard them all and I’ve proven them all wrong. Just like I’m going to do with you. Now just relax Bon Bon. Relax and focus all your attention on my pocket watch. You can’t look away.”

I’ll show her, Bon Bon thought, as she tried to look away from the swinging watch only to find her eyes were hopelessly locked onto it.

“What?! No! What’s going on?” she said in confusion, as she tried to turn her head away, only for that to fail as well.

“You’re succumbing to the inevitable is what’s happening. Now just relax even more. There’s no need to fight it anymore. Just listen to my voice and let me guide you into trance.”

No! I won’t let her mess with my mind. I’ll fight her, Bon Bon thought, But…it feels so good to relax.

“Relax your body Bon Bon. Let it become loose and limp. It feels so good. You can feel yourself start to succumb to my hypnotic spell.”

I…I…I won’t succumb. I can’t move…so relaxed…but…but I won’t give up.

“Feel yourself being drawn closer to the edge of trance as your thoughts fade away. They fade away into nothingness as a singular new thought enters your mind, ‘I will obey.’”

No! I won’t let that happen…I’ve got to keep fighting…I’ve got to keep my own thoughts…I…must….re…sist…I….I will…I will obey, Bon Bon thought, as her mind began to fall under Spiral Swirl’s control.

“And as you continue to think only about obeying me, you find yourself falling into a deep deep hypnotic trance. You are completely hypnotized Bon Bon. You are my hypnotized slave and I am your Mistress. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress. I am your hypnotized slave. I will obey you,” Bon Bon replied, as her eyes morphed into black and white spirals.

“Very good,” Spiral Swirl said, as she placed the pocket watch back on the desk, “Now then my newest slave, which one was it? Are you a thief or a spy?”

“I was spying on you Mistress,” Bon Bon replied.

“And why were you doing that?”

“Because, I didn’t trust you Mistress. I noticed a resemblance between you and a unicorn that was featured in one of my text books on the greatest criminals in Equestria history.”

“And what class were you taking when you read about this?”

“History of Evil 101, it was an entry level class at the Celestia Special Services Academy.”

Hmmmph, so it’s not just in some obscure history books but also readily available for any bright eyed spy to read about, Spiral Swirl thought, her annoyance building.

“I see,” Spiral Swirl said, “Well it looks like your little mission to spy on me was a complete failure wouldn’t you say?”

“Complete and utter Mistress,” Bon Bon said.

“Who else knows about your suspicions of me?”

“Just Lyra and Agent Shadow Dancer,” Bon Bon replied.

“Then I have nothing to fear,” Spiral Swirl said, “Since I’ve turned both of them into my hypnotized slaves as well.”

“That’s wonderful news Mistress,” Bon Bon said.

“Now then it’s time for you to get out of my house. First though, I’m going to give you your trigger phrase. Whenever you hear me say or write the phrase ‘trance time’ you will fall back into this hypnotized state, ready to obey me.”

“Yes Mistress, I understand.”

“Good. Now I want you to leave and return to your home. Once you get inside you’ll come out of your trance and have no memory of being hypnotized by me or coming to my home tonight. You will not care about the large gap of time that has elapsed, and all the mistrust you had in me will be gone.”

“Yes Mistress, I will obey,” Bon Bon said, as she gathered up her equipment and exited out the window.

Maybe I should’ve told her she could’ve used the front door this time…oh well, Spiral Swirl thought, This night certainly didn’t go as I expected it to. After all that I should probably go to bed, but there’s one more thing I need to do.

She then walked over and sat back down at her desk and pulled out a piece of paper and an envelope. After writing ‘Bon Bon’ on the envelope, she started to write the letter with, ‘Trance Time,’ being the first words.

Author's Note:

And so with the passing of chapter six the situation has grown even more dire with all the Cutie Mark Crusaders now under Spiral Swirl's control and two more background ponies being enslaved as well.

I wanted to try my own spin on Lyra's origins for becoming human obessed since I didn't really see any pin point ones online.

I also wanted to show another type of induction with Scootaloo with her first falling into a light state of trance before Spiral Swirl went ahead and deepened it before enslaving her. Sorry her story wasn't as involved as Applebloom's and Sweetie Bell's were.

And finally Bon Bon I originally just had her sitting in on the therapy session with Lyra and getting hypnotized at the same time she did, but I felt maybe it would be best to put her spy/secret agent skills to use first by having her suspicions of Spiral Swirl and then spying on her, only for that to fail.

Plus we have another small piece of the puzzle possibly coming into play ;)