• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,240 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

Sages and Princesses

"And that's how Link defeated the feral fire dragon all by himself."

The three fillies' eyes went wide as I finished my story. "Wooooooow…"

"I have the coolest mom ever!" Apple Bloom shouted as she gave my neck another hug, probably the sixth or seventh one of the morning. I couldn't help but smile proudly. She was right, wasn't she? Not every little filly's mother could claim being an experienced adventurer.

"Maybe that's what I'm going to be when I'm growing up," Scootaloo grinned. "A dragon slayer… I'd have a cool sword and everything. Hey, you think Spike would let me practice on him?"

"But that's dangerous, isn't it?" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "I mean, you heard Mrs. Apple. Dragons are big and scary and breathe fire…

"Aw, come on, I could totally take 'em," Scootaloo smirked. I shook my head with a sigh. Children…

"The three of you have still a lot of growing up to do," I told them. "Don't rush things. Enjoy your childhood as long as you can."

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "But Mom, didn't you just tell us you already helped Link when you both were young."

I grimaced and chose my next words carefully. "That… was different, you know? Besides, we really had no choice. And Hyrule is a much more dangerous country than Equestria. Much safer, too."

"If it's so safe, why do we have to stay here?" Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, why can't we come along and help save Rarity?"

Great, I was outmaneuvered by little fillies. "Listen, kids… it's really not a good idea for you to come along. I don't think there will be any dragons, but there are more things out there that could harm you. And unlike you, I've been in battles before."

"But you can protect us," Apple Bloom protested.

"I'm sorry, Apple Bloom, but no means no," I said firmly. "I can't take you with me."

"But you just came back," she shouted. "I don't want you to leave again… can't I come? Pretty please?" She looked up at me with the biggest eyes.

"Honey, the puppy dog eyes are not going to work. Applejack gave me those all the time when she was your age."

"Dang," she muttered. "Oh well, it was worth a shot. But you'll watch yerself, won't you?"

I smiled at her. "I promise."

Applejack came into the room. "Mom, I've packed everything. Ya ready to leave?"

I nodded and gave Apple Bloom another hug. "Don't worry, seedling. I'll be back. Be good now, you hear me?"

She nodded and I ruffled that adorable bow of hers. "That's a good girl. See you girls later." And then we left.

Scootaloo walked up to Apple Bloom. "We're going after them, right?"

Apple Bloom smirked. "Of course."

Celestia had just raised the sun when we met Twilight and Rainbow in front of the library, which was apparently also where Twilight lived. I thought it was a very strange place for a princess to live, but I decided not to show my surprise.

"Where are Pinkie and Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

"Still at Fluttershy's cottage. She's so shaken by what happened, I doubt she'd come along. Pinkie and Navi are trying to cheer her up," Twilight said.

"And what about you girls? Did y'all take care of everything? Can we go after Rarity?"

Rainbow nodded. "I just received an answer from Daring Do. Seems like what I told her about the Saddle Arabian symbol worried her a lot, she told me to meet up with her in Manehattan."

"The Gerudo symbol," I corrected her.

"Saddle Arabian, Gerudo, whatever…" the pegasus muttered.

"Why exactly Manehattan?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I dunno, but does it really matter? Knowing that Daring Do needs the help of her number one assistant is enough for me to dash at her side."

"Now you're starting to sound like Spike," Twilight said. "But Manehattan is actually perfect. Remember Coco, Rarity's new friend? I just received a letter from her. You wanna know what she saw at the Manehattan harbor?" She looked at me. "Rarity and your friend, imprisoned in a cage by a bunch of tough-looking stallions. She watched how they took them on a boat. And get this: The owner of that boat was none other than Caballeron!"

"That shady guy who took the golden ring from Daring Do?" Applejack frowned. "Now I know something bad is going on."

"There's no time to waste," I said. "We have to take the next train to Manehattan."

"You got it!" Rainbow nodded. "Let's go, girls!"

But just before we could leave, the library door opened and someone shouted: "Twilight, wait!"

I blinked in surprise. That was a dragon. A very small and young dragon, but still. "Who's that?" I wondered.

"That's my assistant, Spike," Twilight explained. "Spike, what is it? You know we don't have much time."

"I know that, but… this letter from Princess Celestia just arrived," the little dragon said. Curiously, Twilight levitated the scroll out of his hand and unrolled it.

"Can't this wait?" I sighed. "We really need to get going."

"Just a moment… Celestia normally only writes when it's really important. Oh… you guys… I need to go to Canterlot. She needs me there. You have to go without me."

"What? Now?" Rainbow shouted. "For real? I mean, I respect the princess and all, but we're kinda in the middle of a rescue mission here."

"Do ya really have to go, Twi?" Applejack asked. "We could really use those alicorn powers of your to kick some bad guys' tails."

"I'm sorry, but this sounds very urgent. Also… she asked me to bring along one of our guests from Hyrule."

"Well, you'll have to ask Navi," I frowned. "I'm not available at the moment." I had the utmost respect for the sovereign ruler of Equestria, but there's no way I would abandon Link just because of a letter.

"That's probably the best idea," Twilight nodded. "She didn't exactly say that she needs all of you. I'll bring Navi to her, and as soon as I'm done, I'll go after you guys."

"Yeah, but how will you find us if we aren't in Manehattan anymore after that?" Rainbow asked.

I saw the princess smirk. "Find and search spell. Won't be a problem."

"Maybe I should go, too," Spike spoke up. "You guys need all the help you can get, right?"

"Ya sure about this, lil fella?" Applejack asked him. "It's going to be mighty dangerous."

"That's just it, Rarity might be in danger!" Spike said. "I can't just sit there and do nothing. I must save her!"

"Why is that dragon so worried about Rarity?" I quietly asked my daughter.

"See, Mom… Spike here is good friends with all of us. But Rarity always had a special place in his heart. He has this huge crush on her, ya know? He can't stand to see her in danger. Never could."

I had to admit, that seemed pretty weird to me. A pony and a dragon? How was that supposed to work? But when I looked into the little guy's eyes, I saw something I had seen before. Twice, actually.

There were two girls in Link's past that beared special feelings for the young Hylian: Saria of the Kokiri and Princess Ruto of the Zora. But both of them eventually realized that they could never have such a relationship with the Hero of Time after finding out that they were sages of Hyrule. This little dragon seemed to feel towards Rarity just like they felt towards Link. Now I had to wonder: Would he eventually come to the same conclusion as the two girls, or would he continue to follow this route?

I shook my head. There was no time to think about such things. "Listen up, everypony. I'm leaving now. We already wasted more than enough time. So whoever wants to come with me to Manehattan has to come now."

"Perfect!" Spike said as he put on a tiny backpack. "I packed everything I need, let's go."

Twilight sighed. "Sorry, Spike, but I might need you here. Just stay in the library for now. I'm sure the others will bring Rarity back."

"You can bet on it!" Rainbow Dash grinned.

Spike sighed. "Well, okay... but please be careful."

"Hey, with me around, what could possibly go wrong?" Rainbow asked with a cocky grin. "See ya."

And finally, we were off.

A young-looking girl with green hair stood on a drawbridge leading over a moat, looking up from her map at the big gate in front of her.

"So, according to Princess Zelda's instructions, this must be Hyrule Castle Town," she murmured to herself. "Everything's so big… kind of frightening. How can Hylians live in a place like this?"

She knew about her destiny as the Sage of the Forest for many years by now, but she never actually had to leave the forest. Whenever there was something important the sages had to discuss, they always chose the chamber of the sages as their meeting place. And this place could be reached from the five temples in Hyrule, including the Temple of Time. But now, the princess had summoned all of the sages to Hyrule Castle, for a very important meeting.

Saria now knew she didn't have to fear being turned into a Stalchild after leaving the forest. She also wasn't as afraid of monsters as she used to be, Mido had started teaching her how to use the Kokiri Sword. And then there were her powers as a sage. Still, she felt intimidated as she stood in front of the big city. It was so different from everything she knew.

A loud splash coming from her right startled her. A sleek, blue figure came leaping out of the water, did an elegant roll in mid-air and landed safely on her feet. Saria smiled when she recognized Ruto, princess of the Zoras.

"So, you are here already," the sage of water said as she approached the smaller girl. "Do you have any idea why Zelda called us here?"

"No, but I'm sure she will tell us as soon as we get to her," Saria said.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"W-well…" Saria looked through the gate, to where the noise from the marketplace was coming from. "Can we just go through here? You've never been here either, right?"

"No, but I don't see what the big deal is," Ruto shrugged. "I mean, after everything that happened, they have to know we are allies. So no problem, right?"

Saria still felt insecure, but at least now she had a companion. So she nodded and followed her fellow sage inside the town walls.

As soon as they set foot on the marketplace, people started to look at them with wide eyes. Gasps and murmurs were starting to get loud all around them.

"What's their problem?" Ruto muttered with a frown as she looked around. "It's like they've never seen a Zora before."

"M-ma'am!" one of the guards shouted as he came running at them with rattling armor. His face was as red as a tomato. "P-please excuse me, ma'am, but you simply can't run around here like this."

Ruto looked down at herself. "What, am I dirty or anything? I see nothing on me."

"Th-that's exactly the problem, ma'am!" The soldier blushed. "You, um… you aren't wearing any clothes. You need to cover yourself up, or do you want to be arrested for indecent exposure?"

"WHAT?" Ruto shrieked. "How dare you? I'm the princess of the Zoras, and the Sage of Water!"

"Ruto, please calm down," Saria tried to appease her friend.

"But did you hear what he's saying? Back at home, we NEVER have to put on these… obstructive piles of fabric they call clothing."

More murmurs and whispers were getting loud among them. Saria couldn't make out all the details, but she heard phrases like "I knew it, those Zoras have no shame!" or "What scandalous behavior!" or even "That fish woman is such a hussy!" She was very glad Ruto didn't seem to hear at least that last one.

"A thousand pardons, your highness," the hapless soldier sweated. "But please put on this robe. You would do me and yourself a great favor."

"Just do it, Ruto," Saria whispered. "It's not worth making a great fuss about it."

"Oh, all right," Ruto huffed. "But I'll have you know that I will tell Princess Zelda about this." And she grabbed the simple, blue robe the guard was offering her and reluctantly put it on.

Princess Zelda let her gaze sweep across the castle's big entrance hall. Darunia of the Gorons, Sage of Fire, as well as Nabooru of the Gerudo, Sage of Spirit, were already present. Right next to the princess stood Rauru, Sage of Light, and her bodyguard and handmaiden Impa, Sage of Shadows. Then, the main gate opened and the majordomo announced the arrival of Saria and Princess Ruto.

Zelda smiled and slowly walked down the big staircase to welcome her guests, but before she could say anything, Ruto opened her mouth and shouted: "What the hell is wrong with your people, Zelda? Are they so prudish that they are unable to appreciate a bit of my natural Zora beauty? I hope for everyone's sake that I don't have to wear this rag everytime I come for a visit." Visibly annoyed, she pulled at the robe she was wearing. "It's so itchy and confining…"

Darunia let out a hearty laugh. "Yes, I ran into similar problems, princess. And then the guards had trouble finding some pants that actually fit a Goron. We just have to accept that the Hylian culture is different from ours. And maybe they get used to our customs in time."

Nabooru smirked. "Wouldn't actually bother me if they lifted their strict dressing code a bit. Even I got some stares on the street for my outfit. Some of those men on the street acted like they never saw a woman before. I wouldn't mind seeing them shirtless."

Zelda blushed a crimson red and Impa cleared her throat. "Can we please get on topic? The princess has called all of you here for a very important matter."

"Yes," Zelda nodded. "Hyrule is facing a pivotal point in history and we, the seven sages, must be prepared for what is coming."

"What's going on?" Saria asked. "What are you talking about?"

Zelda made a short pause. "I had a vision tonight."

The sages looked at each other. They all knew that Princess Zelda's visions should be taken seriously. And they usually tend to come true.

"It was a message, actually. From another country… another world, even. A kingdom situated in another dimension… and tonight, I was contacted by one of the two rulers over this kingdom, Princess Luna."

"Another world?" Nabooru frowned. "Why have we never heard of this before?"

"Because we never knew this world really existed," Rauru explained. "Up to now, all we ever heard of this world was from legends and myths. It was only yesterday that we actually had proof of its existence."

"I thought this… Princess Luna contacted you tonight," Ruto said with a frown. "How could you know before?"

"It's a bit of a long story," Zelda said. "But to cut a long story short, Link met a resident of this other world, Equestria… How she got here, that part is still uncertain. But he agreed to help this person and we helped him finding a portal leading to Equestria."

"Wait a minute, Link left on a new adventure?" Saria asked and groaned. "Typical… he visits another world and never tells me before leaving. So, you're saying he left yesterday?"

Zelda nodded. "Yes. And I haven't heard from him until last night, when I was sleeping in my bed. Princess Luna apparently has the power to speak to other people in their dreams. That's how she managed to contact me. Apparently, Link's visit in Equestria called their attention to the existence of Hyrule, and they decided to form political ties between our kingdoms. I, as the princess of Hyrule, told her that it is not up to me alone to make that decision. As the seven sages who protect Hyrule, and representatives of your respective people, I have called you here today to invite you to a summit held in Equestria, where we discuss the future of our two worlds with Princesses Celestia, Luna and Twilight Sparkle."

For a moment, the sages were too dumbstruck to say anything. Then, Darunia clapped his hands together and it sounded like a rockslide. "All right, I guess that means I should get ready to pack. You think they've got rock sirloin over there?"

"So what you're telling me is that you invited a group of seven outsiders from another realm to our castle, to discuss further negotiations between our nations, yes?"

Luna looked at the bewildered face of her older sister and nodded. "That is correct."

Celestia shook her head with indignation as she paced around the room. "Why, Luna, why? After everything I discussed with Farore, you go and do a thing like that? We wanted to keep interaction between our realms as brief as possible."

"See, sister, that is the problem. When you say 'you', you are talking about yourself and Farore. You didn't ask me for my opinion. You didn't even explain everything to me, even after I met Farore for the first time. The only thing you said was 'I need a drink' and then you vanished within your chambers."

"Wh-what did you expect me to do? I was overwhelmed by the situation, I had no idea that someone from Hyrule would appear in Equestria and that I would be forced to deal with Farore again."

"Yes, that is the second point. Farore. Remember how you told me that she's part of a triumvirate of celestial sisters? Triumvirate, meaning THREE! Meaning, she isn't the only one whose opinion should matter in this affair. And I happen to know that not all of her sisters agree with me."

"What?" Celestia looked at Luna with disbelief. "How do you know that?"

"I talked to Nayru last evening. It was very enlightening. Turns out she never was quite satisfied with the decision of closing the borders between our realms. But you, Farore and Din outvoted her. Now, I do believe I have the right to vote for myself, now that I am back. Correct?"

Celestia took a deep breath. "Yes, Luna. Yes, you have the same rights as the rest of us. And if you want, we can always reevaluate. But why do you think the results would be different?"

"Nayru is convinced that the main reason that Din voted for the closing of the borders was that she felt uneasy voting against the sole ruler of Equestria. If that is true, then the results would indeed be different."

"Okay, okay, I get it. But you went and invited the delegates of Hyrule BEFORE we even had that vote. You… you two went over our heads!"

"I did inform you, didn't I? Also, Nayru and I agree that the residents of Hyrule have a right to speak for themselves. She and her sisters made a vow not to meddle with the affairs of mortals unless they absolutely have to. She and Din agreed that the vote must be held between all the princesses of Equestria and the Seven Sages of Hyrule. So, this meeting will determine whether we will hold future relations with the people of Hyrule, or not."

Celestia frowned. "You did this on purpose. You kept this meeting a secret from Farore and me so we had no chance to object."

Luna smirked. "As the old saying goes, all is fair in love and politics. You thought I would be getting rusty while being stuck on the moon, didn't you? You should get used to the fact that there are now more of us. Oh, and one more thing: I think it would be only fair to give both Cadance and Twilight the chance to get involved in otherworldly politics, don't you agree?" With a smile, the princess of the night turned around and left the room.

Disgruntled, Celestia sat down on her rump. As much as she loved her sister, her niece and her student, she hated not being in control of a situation. "Touché, sister…" she grumbled. "Touché…"

Author's Note:

That's enough for now. I will upload the missing four chapters later today, then the story here will be completely up to date with the version on fanfiction.net and I can begin to write new chapters. I originally planned to upload at a slower rate, but on popular demand, I decided to speed things up here on fimfiction.

I tried to eliminate all the plotholes and mistakes from my original version, but please tell me if I missed something. Thanks, and enjoy reading.