• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,240 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

One Hero, two Advisors

"We are approaching Gerudo Valley," Link said as he rode through the cleft that lead towards the entrance of the West Hyrulean desert. Amadeus seemed a bit flustered at the high cliffs that rose up on both of their sides.

"Poor guy, looks like he isn't used to rocky terrain like this," Navi said as she soothingly stroked the stallion's mane. "Too bad Epona couldn't come with us…"

"She has her own problems in her own world right now," Link said. "I was mad at first, but I guess it's understandable. I would want to protect my family as well."

"Your family?" Navi asked as she looked up at him in surprise. During all their time together, Link had never talked about his own family, not even after the sprout of the Great Deku Tree had told him about his true heritage.

"Sure," Link smiled. "I never knew my real parents, but I grew up in the forest. In a way, the Kokiri are my family. Saria is like a sister to me, and you could say even Mido is something like an annoying older brother." He chuckled. "And then there's you and Epona. You are like family to me as well." He sighed. "I might never know what it's like to have a big family like Epona, but I still know that there are people out there that are important to me. So yes, I am fine with her doing her own thing at the moment."

"I'm just glad she doesn't hold a grudge against me anymore," Navi said. "I guess it just annoyed her a little that she had to share the spotlight of being the hero's companion." She giggled a bit.

They reached Gerudo Valley and the deep gorge that separated the desert from the rest of Hyrule. Navi looked ahead with a bit of worry. "Do you think we'll be able to cross the valley?" she asked. "I don't know if Amadeus is able to make such a long jump, like Epona did."

"Don't worry, I know for a fact that the bridge is fixed right now," Link said. "And even if it wasn't, I could have pulled myself across using the hookshot. Crossing the gorge will be no problem, you'll see."

But he noticed that he had spoken too soon as they approached the bridge leading over the gorge. The bridge was blocked by a heavy gate and three guards that stood in front of it. A pair of Gerudos with spears that glared at Link darkly as well as an imposing, heavily-armored figure that stood in-between them, holding a giant axe. Link felt a shiver going down his spine as he recognized the figure to be an Iron Knuckle, one of the monstrous warriors that had guarded the Spirit Temple and Ganon's Keep in the dark timeline he had fought so hard to prevent. He and Navi exchanged worried glances… had they come too late?

"Halt!" one of the Gerudos shouted as she lowered her spear. "No outsider is allowed to enter Gerudo lands… especially not you, Hero of Time!"

"Please, at least give me a chance to talk," Link said. "I am here to warn you. Ganondorf is…"

"We are very aware of the mighty Ganondorf's return," the second guard said. "A truly glorious day for all the Gerudo… except maybe for those traitors that chose to defy him."

"Are you saying you're willingly siding with Ganondorf?" Navi gasped. "Do you know what he's going to do to Hyrule?"

"Why are you doing this?" Link asked. "Your tribe had the start of a good relationship with the kingdom of Hyrule… your leader even became the Sage of Spirits."

"Wrong," the guard said coldly. "Nabooru is nothing but an outcast right now. We followed her because we had no choice… but now that the great Ganondorf has come back to guide us, we shall no longer be the royal family's lapdogs."

Link recognized the guard that spoke to him right now. It was Shia, a Gerudo who had always been jealous of Nabooru's position and who often had argued that she would lead the tribe into the wrong direction. It was no surprise to him that she would take this chance to side with Ganondorf. "I know there were members of your tribe that felt nothing but contempt towards Ganondorf," Link said. "What did you do with them? Chase them away?"

"They were… dealt with," Shia said, glancing to the Iron Knuckle that stood next to her silently. "Now I'm giving you a last warning… leave this place or face the wrath of our master!"

"You think we're afraid of you, you mean old…?" Navi began to shout.

But Link shook his head. "Let's just leave, Navi," he said. "It's not worth it." He turned Amadeus around and rode away.

"Good choice, Hero of Time!" Shia shouted after him. "Your time will come soon enough… the great Ganondorf will have his revenge!"

"Why did you leave, you easily could have taken them, right?" Navi asked as they were out of their hearing range.

"Shia and that other girl would have probably forced me to kill or at least seriously injure them," Link sighed. "My enemy is Ganondorf, not the Gerudo. Also, you saw how she looked at that Iron Knuckle when she mentioned the traitors, right? I don't have to remind you what they did to Nabooru in the other timeline…"

Navi's eyes widened. "You don't mean… that's a Gerudo inside that armor?"

"Transformed and brainwashed by Ganondorf's dark magic, no doubt," Link nodded. "We came too late… he already took over the Gerudo tribe. And he knows I won't be willing to kill them, just to reach him. The desert is blocked off, and that gives him enough time to gather his strength and prepare for a strike against Hyrule."

"Well then… we have to prepare as well," Navi said. "The princess is informing the Gorons and Zoras, and the sages will come back from Equestria soon. Conquering Hyrule will be much harder for Ganondorf this time around."

"I suppose that's right," Link said. He looked up into the sky, where the sun was slowly disappearing behind the horizon. "Let's put up camp here… we'll head back to Hyrule Castle tomorrow and plan our next steps with the princess."

During the night, something kept Link from falling asleep. He turned around on his sleeping mat and stared up at the starlit night sky. At first he thought it was just the uneasiness he felt because of Ganondorf and what he might plan. But the longer he thought about it, the more he realized that this was not it. After having fought for the safety and freedom of two different worlds and helping the inhabitants of a third world, finding some sleep because of some worries had never been his problem. However, he had the nagging feeling that he had to stay up this night… something or someone was waiting for him.

He looked down at Navi, who was snoozing peacefully in his cap. He contemplated waking her up, but then decided against it. There was no need to disturb her because of some uneasiness he felt. So he just lay back and waited for whatever was supposed to happen to happen.

Just when he thought there might be no reason to stay awake after all, he heard something… a strange voice that sounded unlike anything he had heard before. Sitting up and taking a look around, he saw a floating figure on top of a hill, just a short distance away from the camp. Link squinted his eyes. Was this a fairy? No, this was something else. Quietly, he got up from the ground to approach the figure… but then stopped to pick up the Master Sword. He didn't feel like he was in any sort of danger, but taking the blade along still felt appropriate.

Cautiously, he climbed up to the top of the hill, where the figure was waiting for him. The creature looked female, but had smooth, blue skin, a pointed head and smooth surfaces where her eyes were supposed to be. She was also enveloped in a flowing cloak. She then started speaking in that strange voice he had heard before. And even though he was certain she was not speaking Hylian, he was able to understand every word she said.

"I've been anticipating this moment, Master," she said. "I've been wanting to speak with you ever since you first touched the hilt of the Master Sword, but circumstances hindered me from doing so."

"Why?" Link said in a confused voice. "Who are you? And why are you calling me Master?"

"My name is Fi," the female figure introduced herself. "I am the spirit of the sword you have been holding ever since you opened the Door of Time. My duty is to assist and serve the rightful holder of the weapon, which was originally forged by my creator, the Goddess Hylia."

"Wait a minute… you are a spirit who lives in the Master Sword?" Link asked. "Are you a ghost or something? Did somebody seal you away?"

"You misunderstand, Master. I am the embodiment of the sword itself. As it is a tool of good, a weapon to purge evil, I am the servant of the one holding the hilt. I've had lots of Masters in the past, all of them from a long line of heroes that were destined to hold the Master Sword and aim it at those who threaten to cast darkness over the land."

"Wait, what? Are you trying to tell me that the Master Sword… is a living creature?" Link gaped at her.

"Not in the same sense you mortals call yourselves alive," Fi commented. "But I am aware of everything that is happening, and even though I must play my role and follow my Master's command, I am capable of thought and making decisions."

"That's amazing!" Link pulled the Master Sword out of its sheath and stared at it in awe. "I never knew… wait, so why didn't you tell me all of this sooner? Why only talk to me now?"

"I was frozen in a state of suspended animation, deep within the blade," Fi explained. "It is a position I put myself in willingly, knowing full well what this meant to me. It was to seal away a dark power that otherwise would threaten to destroy the world. I was forced to stay within the blade, always watching, never talking or coming forth. But through the powers of the sword, I've always been able to serve my masters, as I served you against the one they call Ganon, the man turned demon. But when he approached the Master Sword in the Temple of Time, it was in danger of being compromised by darkness, so my awareness was forcefully pulled out of sword to defend it."

"Wait a second," Link gasped. "That voice... and the Master Sword flying into my hand… that was you?"

"Correct, Master. Evil cannot touch this sword, but when a being with great power strikes it, it can break just like any other weapon."

"And Ganon has the Triforce of Power," Link muttered. "I understand. So… what does that change now? Is the Master Sword stronger or weaker, now that you are no longer trapped within?"

"No, the strength of the sword remains unchanged," Fi said. "However, there is a 20% chance that my reemergence might affect the sword in some way, giving it back some abilities it lost over time."

"That sounds interesting… what kinds of abilities?" Link asked.

"I shall instruct, teach and advise you to the best of my ability," Fi said. "As it is my duty. As long as you carry the title and responsibility of the Hero of Time, you shall be my master."

"Now wait just a darn minute!" somebody shouted, making Link flinch. It was Navi who was flying towards them.

"H-hey, Navi," Link said. "I didn't know you were up. For how long have you been listening?"

"Long enough," Navi frowned. "At least long enough to hear that this… thing… is trying to take my job!" Accusingly, she pointed a tiny finger at Fi. "I am your guardian fairy, Link. It is MY job to guide you and advise you. What do we need her for?"

"Your objection is noted, but ultimately irrelevant," Fi said in her monotone voice. "I am the spirit of the sword. The Hero of Time is fated to wield my blade in battle."

"Oh, he can wield you," Navi snorted. "But leave the guiding and giving helpful hints and tips to me. Link knew me since he was a child… we are friends. You are nothing but an accessory."

"Your statements are illogical," Fi said. "You claim to be his guardian fairy, yet he is not even a member of the Kokiri tribe. I am older than any living being of Hyrule, and my advice is going to improve his chance of success a considerate amount. At least by 34%, according to my last calculations."

"Link needs more than just calculations and hard facts to be a hero," Navi shouted. "He needs someone he can trust in. And I've got that covered. So why don't you crawl back into your sword and help by being swung around against monsters?"

Link was starting to get a headache. "Just what I needed…" he groaned. "Yet another jealous and possessive companion…"

"Come on, guys! Let's show those creeps that the Wonderbolts never give up!" Spitfire shouted, as she spearheaded the Wonderbolts' charge towards the enemy that was attacking Cloudsdale.

It was a giant, floating eyeball, surrounded by a swarm of smaller eyeballs, which in turn were surrounded by a layer of green, translucent slime. This was Vitreous, Ghirahim's 'eye in the sky'.

"Stupid eye, attacking while I was taking a nap," Soarin grumbled. "I had the nicest dream about this big apple pie…"

"That's just like you, slacking off while we were training," Fleetfoot smirked.

"Hey, I wasn't slacking off," Soarin protested. "I'm simply so good that I don't need that much training."

"Well, I guess it's time to put those great skills of yours to the test," Fleetfoot said.

"No more squabbling in the lines," Spitfire shouted. "Ready? Here they come!"

A group of smaller eyeballs had detached from Vitreous' main body and started floating towards the attacking Wonderbolts.

"Look out, everypony!" Spitfire shouted. "Evasive maneuvers!"

"Are you kidding? Those slimy soccer balls are barely a threat," Fleetfoot grinned. "I mean, what are they gonna do? Slime on us? Watch me as I take them out easily." She flew straight up and then nosedived directly at on of the small eyes.

"Fleetfoot, come back here!" Spitfire gasped. "That's an order!"

But the cocky daredevil didn't listen. She rammed her whole body into the eye, which caused it to explode in a gooey mess… covering her whole body with the slime that surrounded it.

Fleetfoot let out a scream of pain. "AAAAAAAH! It burns! It BURNS! Get it off! GET IT OFF!" She tried wiping the slime off her body, but the sticky substance clung to her like glue.

"Fleetfoot!" Spitfire shouted. "Soarin, catch her… but don't touch her body!"

"I've got it, boss," Soarin shouted as he dove down to intercept the falling Fleetfoot. On his way down, he quickly grabbed a small cloud, which he quickly used to cushion her fall. "I've got you, buddy," he said.

"S-soarin…" Fleetfoot said through gritted teeth. "Get that stuff off me… it hurts… it hurts so much…"

While Soarin went to gather a raincloud to wash the acidic slime off Fleetfoot's body, Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts rallied for a counterattack.

"All right team, a direct assault involving body contact is a no-go. Rapidfire, Surprise, gather as many thunderclouds as you can, while the rest of us distract the creature. If we can't take it down with tackles, we'll just have to light it up like a Hearth's Warming Eve tree," Spitfire said, determination in her voice.

Suddenly and without a warning, Vitreous fired a bolt of lightning from its pupil. The Wonderbolts had barely enough time to evade the attack.

"What in the name of Celestia…? That's not fair, that thing is shooting back!" Surprise shouted.

"Hang in there, team!" Spitfire shouted. "Help is on the way."

'I sure hope so,' she thought to herself. 'Rainbow Dash, don't let us down…'

"HYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Spitfire looked up as an all-too familiar cry pierced the skies above them, and a cyan pegasus flew towards Vitreous at top speed, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Rainbow Dash just barely flew past the eye monster… and scattered the eyeball swarm in all directions with a spectacular Sonic Rainboom.

As the Wonderbolts cheered Rainbow Dash on, Spitfire let out a sigh. "I should have never doubted her… but she just had to make a big entrance, didn't she?"

Shortly after Rainbow Dash's attack, a barrage of magic beams was shot at the enemy. Spitfire turned her head and saw Princess Twilight herself coming to defend Cloudsdale… and behind her, an army of bat ponies.

"Squadron A, go and protect the civilians," the commander shouted. "Squadron B, join the princess in the attack. Chaaaaarge!"

There were also two pegasus ponies Spitfire had never seen in her life. One of them was holding a strange bow weapon that shot arrows of light at Vitreous and its spawn, while the other one shot lightning bolts DIRECTLY FROM HER HOOVES!

"Am I going crazy?" Spitfire muttered to herself, then she shook her head. She had a battle to fight.

"Sorry I'm late," Rainbow Dash said as she flew up to Spitfire. "Had to gather a couple of friends."

"How is the situation?" Twilight asked as she joined them.

"The civilians were told to stay inside the buildings," Spitfire said. "Most of them are hiding in the weather factory, our most sturdy building made out of the densest clouds. Recruits from the Wonderbolt Academy were ordered to protect them while we hold the monsters off. I thought we could make it, but those things are tougher than I thought. But with all this help, we won't lose."

Twilight wished she was as confident as Spitfire. But even with the additional Nocturnal forces and her own magic, the eye monster was still a formidable foe. Physical contact had to be avoided, and as it turned out, it was very hard to pierce the protective layer of slime with regular weapons. It caused them to bounce off harmlessly, or even worse, dissolve. But the Nocturnals still fought with resolve, even as they were burnt by acid and blasted by bolts of electricity.

"We still have a chance if we give it all we got," Rainbow Dash shouted. "Come on, we've got work to do."

Twilight nodded, and they joined the battle. It was a long and arduous struggle, but as the fight went on, more and more of Vitreous' spawns fell to the attacks of the pegasi and bat ponies.

"And another one!" Rainbow Dash grinned as she blasted a couple of eyeballs to bits, using her Buccaneer Blaze. She chuckled to herself. "Easy peasy!"

"Rainbow Dash, look out!" Twilight shouted as Vitreous' main eyeball emerged from the clouds, taking aim at the rainbow-maned mare. But before it was able to launch an attack, a huge bolt of lightning zapped through the sky and electrified the monster several times. The lightning bolt emerged from the other side and turned into a smirking pegasus mare with a blond mane. "Looks like I saved your butt… oh wait, you call it flank, don't you?"

"Sparky?" Rainbow Dashed said in surprise. "How did you do that?"

"Ah, a girl has her tricks," Sparky winked.

A shrill screech then caught both of their attentions. As they looked up, they saw how all of Cloudsdale was suddenly engulfed by a dark shadow that was cast upon the sky city… by a massive swarm of horrifying, red-eyed bat creatures… who were lead by a screeching bat pony with a pink mane and yellow fur.

Rainbow Dash looked up at her in shock. "Fluttershy…"