• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,240 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

A Party at Sugarcube Corner

"So… basically, what you're saying is, you were a giant idiot."

Celestia sighed. "Yes, Luna. And I'm sorry. I told myself I only had the best intentions for Equestria, but the truth is, I was just scared. I should have never expelled the Gerudos from Equestria. And I intend on making it up to you, and them. Do you accept my apologies?"

The princess of the night smiled. "I wouldn't be much of a sister if I wasn't willing to let bygones be bygones. I forgive you, Tia." And the two sisters met in a short hug. "As for the Gerudos, it's up to them if they want to forgive you. But allowing them to live in Equestria once more would be a step in the right direction."

"You're right, Luna," Celestia nodded. "And I will keep the borders open. I am still afraid of what might come, but Nayru was right. We can face this together."

"And what about Farore?" Luna asked. "What if she stays stubborn and refuses to listen to reason?"

"I'll talk to her," Celestia said. "And even if we can't convince her, she will be outvoted. Don't worry, little sister. This time, the right decisions will be made."

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation, just before Cadance came walking in. "Are you two ready yet? Pinkie Pie left a note, telling us that the party was moved to Ponyville after all. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss it."

"How about it, Tia?" Luna smiled. "Want to mingle with the commoners together and have fun at a party?"

Celestia was hesitant. "It would be nice… the only celebrations we've been to together were Cadance's wedding and Twilight's coronation. But is this all right? The castle will be left unattended."

"I've taken every necessary precaution. Night Glide was informed, she will take care of everything while we're gone," Luna said.

"Well, I'm sure she's a trusty servant, but do you think she will be fine on her own?"

"Don't you worry, auntie," Cadance said. "I've assigned Flash Sentry to assist her. Among the two of them, the castle should be in capable hooves."

"Then let's not hesitate, or the party will be over before we get there," Luna smirked.

Together, the three alicorns got ready to fly down to Ponyville. No chariot, no guards accompanying them. Usually, that would be a breach of protocol. But this party was a casual get-together, as Cadance said. There really was no need to make it a formality.

But as they flew over Canterlot, they noticed a lone pony sitting on a high bridge, looking down at the city and the country beneath it. Her appearance was distinctive, since she was the only member of her race in Equestria for a long time.

"It's Nabooru," Cadance said in surprise. "One of the sages, right? I thought they were all already in Ponyville, at the party. What is she doing here?"

"She must still be feeling uncertain because of everything that happened," Celestia said. "Let's give her some time alone. There's a lot she has to think about."

"You two go on ahead," Luna said. "There's something I need to ask her."

Nabooru was watching the three alicorns flying overhead, to the party. She had considered going there as well… after all, she did get an invitation from Pinkie Pie. But she wasn't really in the mood for a party. When she saw that Princess Luna was approaching her, she hastily bowed down in front of her.

"No need to do that every time we meet," Luna smiled. "But I am honored you still act towards me as a subject."

"What else could I do?" Nabooru asked. "Pony or no pony, we've always revered the goddess of the moon. And no matter if my people decide to come back to Equestria or to stay in Hyrule, I will make sure that having met you in person will always be remembered as an important event in the history of the Gerudo."

"Regarding that… have you made a decision yet, Nabooru?"

"I leave the decision in the hands of my people…"

Luna waved her hoof. "Not about them. What about you? Where will you stay after all of this is over?"

"I… I'm not sure," Nabooru said. "I guess I kept telling me that I'll do whatever the majority of my people do. If this was just about me, I really don't know what to do."

"Do your duties as a sage keep you bound to Hyrule?" Luna asked.

"I don't think so. At least I never heard that a sage's powers only work in the country she is representing. Otherwise, I wouldn't still be wearing this form, right?"

"And even if you have to go back to Hyrule for important events, Celestia has already decided that the borders will be kept open. So you will be able to go back and forth every time."

"I guess that would be a good idea," Nabooru said. "Travelling back and forth between world, acting as an emissary between this world and those of my people who decide to stay behind. It would only be fitting, I am the first of my tribe who saw Equestria with her own eyes in a long time."

"About that… there's something I wanted to tell you. Something that Twilight Sparkle informed us about. Apparently, when they went to rescue the Hero of Time and the Element of Generosity, they ran into two ponies that have memories from residents of your world. Gerudos, to be precise."

Nabooru's eyes went wide. "Gerudos? But how is this possible?"

"We believe they might be Gerudos that died, but were reborn as ponies," Luna explained. "Their Equestrian names are Aloe and Lotus Blossom. They run the spa in Ponyville. But they also mentioned their old names: Koume and Kotake. Do these names mean anything to you?"

She was surprised when the expression on Nabooru's face turned from confusion to anger and hatred. "Those two…" she grumbled. "Oh yes, I know them too well. I thought something was familiar about them when I ran into them in Ponyville. Two twins, glowing headbands… I should have recognized them as soon as I saw them. How foolish of me…"

"Nabooru? Is there anything we should know about them?" Luna asked. "Anything that needs to be done?"

"No, princess," Nabooru shook her head. "That is something I need to deal with on my own."

"But there is no need to do this on your own," Luna protested. "You are in Equestria, kingdom of friendship…"

"I seriously doubt my friends would want to join me on a mission of… revenge," Nabooru growled as she leapt down from the bridge onto a cliff, from there into the top of a tree and then down into town. Soon enough, she was out of sight.

Luna could have easily gone after her, but she decided against it. "She requested to do take this matter in her own hooves," she muttered to herself. "And while I don't condone acts of revenge, I will respect that. However, I will keep a close eye on her to make sure she does nothing she'll regret…"

"Hey there, we haven't met before. Dunno if you missed it before, but I'm Cheese Sandwich, certified party planner," the yellow stallion grinned.

"Yes, I heard," Link muttered. This pony was nearly as energetic and crazy as Pinkie Pie, or maybe even as much as she is. He didn't know if he was supposed to feel scared about this. "So… you planned this party?"

"Well, together with Pinkie Pie, of course," Cheese said. "I didn't even plan on coming back to Ponyville so soon, but my cheesy sense told me coming here would be worth the trip. And boy, was it! I mean, you don't get the chance every day to throw a party for visitors from another world. So, Pinkie told me about you. You're not really a pony?"

"No, she's right, that's not my true form," Link nodded. "In reality, I am…"

"Wait wait wait! Don't tell me yet, lemme guess… you have two heads and breathe fire?"

"Oh, oh! Let me guess!" Pinkie shouted excitedly as she jumped next to him. "Are you covered in scales and have one hundred eyes?"

Twilight facehooved. "Pinkie, he is not a chimera or a dragon. He actually looks pretty normal."

"Normal? You call a pink, furless biped normal?" Rainbow frowned.

"You're right, that isn't normal," Lyra agreed. Then she squealed. "It's AWESOME!"

"Lyra, ponies are starting to stare again…" Bon Bon muttered.

Link chuckled. In his opinion, half of the inhabitants of this town really were crazy. But that didn't matter to him. If this was crazy, then it was a sort of crazy that should be seen in Hyrule more often. Most people there were pretty dull and forgettable. In all those years he did favors to the inhabitants of Hyrule, he barely ever got to know their names. At least in Termina he had a chance to get to know the people.

He was interrupted mid-thought when a tipsy fish-pony tumbled against him. "Wheee, this party is great, eh, Link?" She giggled. "C'moooon, fairy-boy, dance with me!"

Link took a good sniff. "Ruto… are you drunk?"

"Nooooo, I'm not! Just had a lil… a little drink from that nice mare over there." She pointed a hoof.

"Helloooooo!" shouted Berry Punch, before guzzling down the contents of a bottle she was holding.

And then, Pinkie Pie made the most terrifying face Link had ever seen in his life. Well… at least from a pony. "BERRY!" she shouted. "You promised me you wouldn't bring any alcohol to this party!"

"Aaaaah, it's just one tiny bottle," the drunk pony giggled. "One little sip can't hurt…"

"But you promised me…" Pinkie fumed. "YOU PINKIE-PROMISED!"

"Eep!" Berry squeaked. She wasn't drunk enough not to realize she was in trouble when the angry pink berserker came charging at her. "I'm sorryyyyyyy!" she wailed as she was chased through the room.

"C'mon, Linky…" Ruto tugged at his ear with her mouth. "How bout that dance? On second thought, forget about the dance. Why don't you and I find a little hidden spot and…"

That's when I decided enough was enough.

"Okay, that's enough from you…" I grumbled, grabbed the Zora's tail and pulled her away from Link. "Go take a dip in the lake and sober up!" I commanded.

"Awww, you're no fun…" Ruto muttered as she slunk off through the door.

"Great party, huh?" Applejack chuckled. "How are y'all two enjoying yerselves so far?"

"Can't complain," I said. "Apart from Miss booze-fins over there, I'm having a blast."

"Me too," Link nodded. "Though have you seen Nabooru or Rauru anywhere? I thought all the sages were here."

"Rauru had to excuse himself," Zelda said. "He was so excited about his research that he wanted to bring some of Canterlot's books over to his own library and continue his research from there. And Nabooru… well, she looked like she had something to figure out on her own."

"Too bad for them," Rainbow smirked. "They are missing out on some great fun. Hey, stoic face! Why so serious all the time? Have some cake, bob for some apples, try to dance!"

"I cannot," Impa said. "I am here to guard the princess only. Focusing on my duties is difficult as it is amidst all this chaos."

"Hey, even assistants get to have some fun," Spike said and gave her a nudge. "You really need to lighten up, Impa. It's a party!"

Suddenly, Twilight laughed out so loud that I looked at her in confusion. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing," Twilight giggled. "It's just… Spike said that exact same thing to me the first time I was in Ponyville. I wasn't exactly the most social pony back then. And look at me now… I'm not missing one of Pinkie Pie's parties."

"See, even bookworms can have fun with this," Rainbow said. "Just get over here and try to dance, you might enjoy yourself." And she pushed the reluctant Sheikah over to the dance floor.

"But I… don't wanna…" Impa protested weakly. I couldn't help but chuckle. Impa obviously needed some help to unwind, and Rainbow looked like the perfect pony for the job.

Just then, the doors were thrown open and the pinkest alicorn I've ever seen entered Sugarcube Corner.

"Make room on the dance floor!" she shouted. "The princess of love has arrived!"

"Another princess?" I frowned. "Who's that?"

"That's Cadance, my sister-in-law and former foalsitter," Twilight explained. "Cadance, over here!"

"Twilight!" Cadance shouted with excitement. Together, they did a little weird dance. "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

"Gimme a break…" I muttered.

Meanwhile, at the spa…

Longingly, Aloe looked through the window, to the bright and colorful Sugarcube Corner. Even from here, she could hear the party going on inside. "I wish we could be there," she muttered. "I wish we could have welcomed them as residents of Ponyville alongside the others. Still, we are on house arrest. This stinks! Siding with Demise was the worst decision we've ever made."

"Are you starting with that again?" Lotus groaned. "We can't change what happened, we made our decision and have to live with the consequences. Besides, their lousy party doesn't sound that fun anyways… way too loud… would take hours to clean the confetti out of our manes…"

"You're just saying that to make up excuses," Aloe said. "I know you, you would have loved being there as well. You told me a couple of months ago just how much you loved Pinkie's parties."

Lotus grumbled. She didn't like it when her sister could read her like an open book. "Doesn't change anything about our situation right now. We aren't like them, we don't deserve to be there. We don't even deserve talking to them anymore."

"Does that include family, too?" someone who just entered the room asked.

The twins looked at the pony who came in in surprise. The mare looked like she could be a third sister of the pair, even a triplet. "Vera!" Aloe shouted happily. "Since when are you here?" She ran to welcome her cousin with a nuzzle.

"I arrived just a couple of minutes ago," Vera said. "Thought it was about time to pay my two favorite cousins a visit. Imagine my surprise when I heard that they were taken into house arrest by a couple of royal guards."

"How did they let you in, anyway?" Lotus asked.

"That was easy as soon as I mentioned I was family." She shook her head with a disapproving smirk. "Whatever were you two up to now?"

"It's… a long story," Lotus muttered. "One we definitely shouldn't involve you with. That means no telling her about anything that happened, Aloe!" she shouted.

"B-but sis…" Aloe stammered. "She is the only relative we have… she's almost like a sister to us. If there's anypony we can entrust this with, it's her."

"And what do you suppose she'll do?" Lotus asked. "Be confused, even afraid? Maybe she'll run away in fright and never come back!"

"Or maybe she won't mind because she has a similar secret of her own," Vera said.

The twins stared at her. "S-secret?" Aloe stuttered.

"Just like ours?" Lotus gasped.

Vera smirked. "Caught you by surprise, didn't I? Lemme guess, you two are reincarnated servants of a powerful warlord and sorcerer from another world, right?"

"How could you know that?" Lotus asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a former servant of the great Ganondorf myself," Vera chuckled. "But let's keep quiet about this. We don't want anypony to find out about this, do we? So unfortunate they already learned about you."

"It's… it's true," Lotus admitted. "We are the reborn twin witches, Twinrova. Servants of Ganondorf."

"I knew it," Vera smirked. "It could have been only Twinrova. Not too surprising after I found out about my true self."

"But who are you exactly?" Aloe wondered.

"Let's discuss this later," Vera said. "For now, we should try and find a way to turn this situation around, into something way more favorable."

"What do you mean?" Lotus frowned.

"You said it yourself before I came in, didn't you? We are not the ponies we used to be. We don't belong here. Instead, we should try and find our true destiny somewhere else."

"If you're suggesting we should team up with Ghirahim again…" Lotus said.

"No way!" Aloe shouted. "I'm done with this creep! Once and for all!"

"Don't worry, I'm not talking about him," Vera said. "Instead, why don't we go back to where we are destined to be: Hyrule?"

"What are you suggesting?" Lotus asked. "Even if we weren't cooped up in here, the dimensional border is closed. We can't go back to Hyrule!"

"What if I told you we can?" Vera asked. "Trust me, I know a way. All you have to do is leave this pitiful life behind and follow me into a better future."

"Do you know what you're saying?" Aloe said quietly. "You're asking us to leave all of our old lives behind. All of our friends in Ponyville, our work, our clients."

"You were willing to leave it behind before, weren't you?" Vera asked. "Also, you're not alone in this anymore. You have each other, and you have me. And I'm not letting this chance slip by. Come on… let's go back to Hyrule. To the lives we were meant to live!"

"Well… it sounds tempting," Lotus muttered. "All we've seen so far from our former lives were glimpses and flashes in our dreams and visions. I'd like to see it all in person…"

"And leave Ponyville?" Aloe asked. "Princess Twilight and the others have given us this new chance… should we throw it away like that?"

"It's not like we're harming them in any way," Lotus said. "We'll go to Hyrule and be out of their way. Also, we can just take a look how it's like over there. If we don't like it, we can always return and no harm will be done. Right?"

"Right, it's very easy," Vera smiled. "What do you say, Aloe?"

"Well…" Aloe said hesitantly. "If we don't hurt anypony, then I don't see any reason not to at least take a look…"

"Great!" Vera said. "Then let's go already."

"But how do we leave? In case you haven't noticed, our house is guarded around the clock," Lotus said.

"Oh, they won't be a problem. Don't you girls remember how we used to sneak out through the back window when we were young?" Vera grinned.

"That's kind of deceiving," Aloe said. "And we'll be in trouble if we decide to come back."

"Ah, it's okay. You're not doing anything bad. As long as you come back, I'm sure the princess will understand."

"Well, okay," Aloe then nodded. "Let's go."

Nabooru quietly and nimbly made her way from Canterlot to Ponyville… the Gerudo way, making sure she wasn't seen. Instead of paying for a ticket at the station, she leapt up on top of a train cart and easily made it to Ponyville like this. She then snuck around the houses, staying away from bright places, especially the bright and loud Sugarcube Corner. Finally, she reached the Ponyville day spa. Like any good thief, she approached the building from behind. And that was the reason why she was able to witness with her own eyes how the three ponies climbed out of one of the back windows.

At first, she was confused. Why were there three of them? These couldn't possibly be the right ponies. She was about to leave, when she heard one of them whisper to the other: "Hurry up, Aloe. We don't want them to catch us."

"I'm coming, Lotus," the other one muttered. "It's just… it still feels wrong."

"Be quiet, or the guards will hear us after all," the third one whispered.

That settled it. Aloe and Lotus, the two names Princess Luna mentioned. But who was the third pony? It didn't matter to Nabooru, she would still confront them. Their behavior, however, puzzled her. What were they doing? Nabooru knew she could easily call for the guards, but that was not her style. So instead, she decided to follow them. She ducked back behind a bush and followed them after they ran past her. She didn't know it yet, but the direction they were taking would lead them to the Everfree Forest.

I was about to give off a snappy remark about the two princesses behavior, when I saw the majestically spread wings of white appearing behind them. Gasps and murmurs spread among the crowd, and most of them bowed down immediately. So did I, since this was the one alicorn I recognized and remembered: Princess Celestia, sovereign ruler of Equestria.

"Please rise, my little ponies," Celestia said with that warm, gentle voice of hers. "We are here on unofficial business. Is that not right, sister?"

"My sister is speaking the truth, good citizens," spoke an alicorn as dark and mysterious as the night. "Let us join together in fun, as we did when I first visited you on Nightmare Night."

So this was her… the alicorn I only knew in stories as the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon. But according to my daughter and her friends, they neutralized the evil within her and turned her back into what she used to be: Celestia's younger sister, Princess Luna. I felt a bit unnerved to be in the presence of two such imposing figures. With Twilight and Princess Cadance, I could easily imagine that they were anything but princesses, the way they acted towards each other and their friends. But these two, they were timeless.

Princess Celestia came walking through the crowd and came to a stop in front of me and Link. "So you are the Hero of Time," she said with a smile. "I've heard many great things about you. I am pleased to finally see you with my own two eyes. Even though you've already spent a considerable amount of time in my kingdom, let me welcome you officially to Equestria, brave hero."

She bowed her head in front of Link, which was an immense honor. But what did the green-capped, pointy-eared fool do? He did nothing but stare blankly and then, like a fool, utter: "Ummm… and you are?"

"Idiot!" I hissed. "Bow! You are in the presence of Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria!"

"Relax," Celestia said. "It's not like he had any idea. Indeed, what princess would abandon her royal duties to attend a party in Ponyville?" She shared a look with her sister and they both chuckled. "Also, he is not from this world, so we really can't blame him for not recognizing me. Unlike you… you are Epona Apple, right? Proud owner of Sweet Apple Acres and mother of the brave bearer of the Element of Honesty, Applejack?"

"T-too much of an honor, Your Highness!" I stuttered. "After I've been gone for such a long time, Sweet Apple Acres rightfully belongs to Granny Smith and my children. But you are correct, Applejack is my daughter. And I couldn't be prouder." I took a side glance at my daughter, who gave me the warmest smile.

"You should be proud. Your daughter and her friend accomplished a number of great things," Celestia said. I could see how Applejack and her friends were blushing or bashfully looking at the ground after the praise. "But so did you and brave Link, didn't you? I heard about you as well. Even though a spell was put on you, you served him as a loyal companion and friend."

"Please, stop it," I muttered. It didn't feel right at all, to be praised by such a powerful and ancient being such as the princess. "I just wanted to help, that's all."

"A commendable attitude," Princess Luna said. "And humble. Some ponies would be carried away with pride and arrogance, were they in your position. Just imagine what our nephew would do…"

Celestia laughed a bit at that. "I actually believe that being raised on a farm would drastically improve Blueblood's behavior towards lower class ponies," she said. That made Applejack and her friends laugh as well, as if they were all enjoying a private joke together.

"All right, everypony!" Princess Cadance then shouted. "Back to partying!"

Relieved that their princesses found nothing wrong with a little enjoyment, the ponies of Ponyville kept on with their dancing, laughing and playing.

I then thought of something. "Princess Luna!" I said and bowed in front of the night regent. "If I may ask a question…"

"Of course, Mrs. Apple. What is it you wish to ask?" she said.

I took a deep breath. "When I was found in Hyrule, at Lon Lon Ranch… I was wrapped up in a blanket. Nobody could say where it came from, but… it has your emblem stitched on it. A symbol I always believed to be the symbol of the mare in the moon."

"Of course you would," Luna muttered. "Back before you were brought to Hyrule, I was still imprisoned within the moon. Most ponies back then only heard of me from legends and didn't even knew Celestia had a sister. Do you have this blanket with you? I would like to take a look at it."

I nodded. "Of course." I took the blanket and showed it to her.

Luna took a good look at it and then frowned. "This is most certainly the sigil of the night. But I don't know where this blanket is from, or how it could have appeared in Hyrule, alongside you. Remember, when all of this happened, I was still sealed in the moon. I'm afraid I cannot help you."

"I thought so," I sighed. "But thanks anyway."

"Do not fret. I'm sure that one day, the mystery will be solved," Luna smiled. I nodded, gratefully. Yes, this was nothing like the evil menace the old storybooks told us about. This was a mare that was interested in only the well-being of her subjects.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia was greeting Princess Zelda. "Good to see you again," Celestia said. "I hope you are enjoying yourself."

"Oh, this is wonderful. I've never had parties quite like this back at home," Zelda laughed. "They are all, to be honest, quite boring. But this is… invigorating! I can't wait to attend more celebrations like this."

"Well, then you will be happy to hear that we decided to strengthen the bonds between Hyrule and Equestria by keeping the borders open," Celestia said. "Residents of Hyrule will be welcomed with open hooves."

"Really? That's wonderful!" Zelda gushed. "I need to tell my father as soon as possible. Oh, I'm so excited… I wish I could have told Rauru before he left, but maybe I can send a letter after him… somehow."

"We've noticed a couple of your sages are missing," Luna said. "We already saw Nabooru on our way to Ponyville. I talked to her a bit, but she seemed pretty concerned after learning that the two twins from the spa are actually residents of your world reincarnated."

"You told her about that?" Link asked. "Oh boy, of course she'd be mad. But I guess it was just a matter of time before she learned about it."

"Yes, she seemed pretty upset," Luna nodded. "As soon as we ended our talk, she left in a hurry."

"I have a bad feeling about this, Epona," Link muttered. "I know Nabooru, I know she holds a deep grudge towards the two old hags. They were the ones that brainwashed her into a mindless servant of Ganondorf."

"B-but they aren't who they used to be anymore… right?" Fluttershy spoke up, deep concern in her voice. "I know they have their memories and all, but they can't be all bad. I know them. Rarity and I have been at their spa countless times."

"Fluttershy, sweetness…" Rarity said. "You didn't see how they acted when they imprisoned me. I hate to say it, but something within them… has changed."

"Still, I think we need to give them a chance," Twilight said. "After all, they stepped up against that demon stallion in the desert ruins."

"I still have the feeling this might end in trouble," Link said. "Especially if Nabooru decides to go after them. Sorry, guys. This has been a great party, but I need to check something real quick." And he ran outside.

"I bet he's going to check up on Aloe and Lotus to make sure nothing bad happens," Rainbow said. "I'm going after him." She truly was a pony of action.

"Mom, I think we should go, too," Applejack said. "Link was right, I have a bad feeling in my tummy, and I'm sure it wasn't just the cupcakes I just ate."

"You are right, honey," I nodded. "I have the same feeling as him. Maybe it's the adventurer gene within us."

"Then we should all go," Twilight said. "The more, the better."

"Um, I think I'll make sure Ruto gets home safe," Fluttershy said. From outside, we could still hear the retching noises of the sea pony. "Go on ahead without me, girls."

I nodded and we ran after Rainbow and Link. "Heeeyyyy!" Pinkie shouted as she ran after us. "Where are you going? The party's not over yet!"

"I hate this forest!" Tatl grumbled. She was sitting on a branch, high up above the forest ground. If she was safe here, she didn't know. "I hate this place and everything in it! Oh, sure, the Lost Woods are supposed to be scary? Ha! We have dangerous wolves there and dangerous plants that want to eat you? Try this forest out, they have PLANT WOLVES here that want to eat you! And you think cuccos are dangerous? Here they have SNAKE CUCCOS that can turn you into STONE! Screw this place, screw it!"

She angrily pounded her little fists against the wood she was sitting on. "Sure, I'm supposed to wait here in case the princess and the sages come back and want to go back to Hyrule. Why here, of all places? Why couldn't I have waited in a flower garden? Or at the beach? Noooo, it had to be the freakin' Everfree Forest! Screw this!"

The angry little fairy was so upset that she didn't notice how three ponies went by, right underneath the tree she was sitting in. She also didn't notice the fourth pony that appeared shortly after the other ones. That is, until that pony kicked against the trunk of her tree. "Hey! You up there, fairy! Have you seen three ponies running past?"

"What the…? Hey, it's you!" Tatl shouted as she looked down. "That Gerudo sage, right?"

"Never mind that, just answer the question!" Nabooru hissed. "I'm after three ponies, but I lost their trail here in the forest. So have you seen them or not?"

"I didn't see anyone. Not since that fat guy asked me to bring him back to Hyrule with all the books he was carrying," Tatl said. "Does he have any idea how tiring it is for a little fairy like me to open up a portal? I'm not going to close that portal until all of this is over and I'm back home, safe and sound."

"You left the portal open?" Nabooru gasped. "Are you nuts? Do you have any idea what you've done? Now all sorts of creatures can cross back and forth through the fairy realm!"

"Oh… oh, I guess that's right…" Tatl muttered. "I didn't think of that. But, honestly. How big are the chances of that happening?"

Just then, a strange little man dressed in green attire came skipping past them. "Oooooh, what a wonderful place Tingle has found!" he cheerfully shouted. "After so long, Tingle has finally found the passageway into the world of fairies… now Tingle can become a fairy himself! Huzzah!" And the strange man pranced away.

Nabooru and Tatl both looked after him for a moment, clearly baffled. But then Nabooru gritted her teeth. "See? See? That's what I was talking about! This was a Hylian… in Equestria! You silly sprite, you close that portal right now! No, wait a minute… I think I have a good idea on where the three of them might have gone. Listen, fairy! I'm going through the portal, and THEN you close it! Got it?"

"All right, all right! Sheesh!" Tatl said. "No need to get angry, I got it."

"Hopefully…" Nabooru grumbled. Then she ran off.

While her friends were running back to the spa, Fluttershy was helping a wasted Zora back to her cottage. Ruto was sleeping while she lay on Fluttershy's back, her fins a tangled mess.

"Oh dear…" Fluttershy muttered. "Next time, you shouldn't drink something your body disagrees with."

They reached the cottage, and Fluttershy carefully placed Ruto in the shallow water of her pond. "You told me how important water is for your people, so maybe it will help you," she quietly said. "But I think I have a waterproof blanket somewhere inside that might be comfortable. Wait just a minute…"

The only reply she got was loud snoring.

Fluttershy went inside. "I'm really no good after all," she muttered to herself. "While my friends are already back in action, probably even going back on an exciting adventure, I'm too scared to come along. Instead, I stay at home where it's safe, just so I don't have to face anything horrifying, like those… skeletons back there." She shivered. "Oh Fluttershy… you really are a scaredy pony."

She opened her cupboard, looking for the blanket. That's when she noticed something unusual. Everything was quiet. Normally, she was welcomed back home by at least some of her friends. At least Angel was usually there to demand his dinner. "That's strange," she muttered. "Where could they all be?"

She turned her head… and gasped as she saw Angel lying in his basket, his little legs tied up and his mouth filled with a gag. "Oh no!" Fluttershy said. "Angel! Who could have done something like that to you? You poor, poor thing…"

Somepony snickered behind her back. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about the vermin if I were you, little winged horse. I would worry about yourself."

Fluttershy looked back. Her eyes widened when she saw the demon unicorn standing there.

Ghirahim smirked as he slowly approached her. "That little pest was really annoying. He wouldn't stop jumping around and chattering like crazy. I did the world a big favor by shutting him up. Actually, I was contemplating ending his pathetic little life. But honestly, such a lowly life form is hardly worth my time. You, on the other hand, are much more valuable to me."

"Wh-what do you m-mean?" Fluttershy squeaked with fear.

The demon lord laughed. "You are an element bearer. And the sages of Equestria are apparently someone important to them. And to get my hands on the sages, I need something to lure them out into the open. Just like I did with that winged horse in the desert. I could have gone after each of your friends, but why should I make my life unnecessarily difficult? Going after the weakest link is always the easiest route to take. Now hold still, little horse… this won't hurt a bit…"

As he came even closer to the frightened pegasus, his eyes started gleaming a demonic red.