• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 4,729 Views, 178 Comments

Our Lady's Courtship - Rough_Draft

Can a princess afford to be generous with her love life? Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy are about to find out.

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14. Redemption

Twilight’s heart pounded in time with her hoofbeats against the tiled palace floor. She knew she could fly, but in her current state of mind, she was more likely to crash into a column if she wasn’t careful. Fortunately, Fluttershy was following in the air just behind her, with Rarity keeping pace beside her.

“And to think!” Rarity exclaimed, neatly sidestepping a startled mare dressed in servant’s livery as she hurried toward the throne room. “We’ve just put one disaster down and now another’s knocking at our door!”

“What can I tell you?” Twilight let out a bitter laugh. “I should’ve gotten my cutie mark in attracting danger, not magic!”

Though she had to admit, even in the worst occasions, she could still find a use for her magic. Especially the magic of friendship. Which would probably save the day, just it always did.

Somehow, she prayed.

Up ahead, the guards posted outside the throne room offered a quick bow. Twilight barely had time to slow down as they reached for the handles and yanked the doors open at once.

When Twilight came skidding through the doors to the royal audience chamber, she was expecting to find Celestia and Luna bent over a map of the city, with guards and weather team captains racing in and out with fresh reports from the city. She expected nothing less than a full-scale emergency planning session, complete with charts, anemometers, and voices raised in panic. Like something out of one of those old historical novels about the first days of the E.U.P Guard.

Instead, she found Celestia and Luna sitting comfortably on their thrones. And instead of a full staff of advisors and Cabinet members on hoof, the only other ponies in the throne room were—

“Hey, girls!” Pinkie Pie squealed. She bounced forward and tackled Twilight in a death grip. “Can you believe the weather we’re having? It’s crazy!

“Hnnrgh… yes, Pinkie, yes, it is…”

Note to self, Twilight reflected, still trying to extract herself from Pinkie’s hug. Really need to cut down on those adventure novels. Bad for the imagination…

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Rarity raced over and embraced Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Twilight couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other, but it didn’t matter. She was looking around for a certain baby dragon.

Of course, not seeing him was a good thing. She could rest a little easier knowing that Spike was still in Ponyville, where it was safer now. No doubt Rarity would feel the same way about Sweetie Belle or Fluttershy with her animals.

All friendly chatter stopped the moment Celestia cleared her throat—a sound that drowned out even the rumble of the thunderstorm brewing outside the palace.

Once all eyes had turned to her, Celestia smiled sadly. “I’m glad you could all make it, my little ponies. I’m afraid that I have need of all your talents right now.”

“I don’t reckon we can do much against a storm like that,” Applejack replied. She pointed a hoof out the nearest window, where the sky had gone dark gray, bordering on black. “It’s wilder than any raincloud I’ve ever seen!”

“She’s not kidding,” Rainbow Dash added, taking her spot beside the farmpony. “It’s brutal!”

“But we’ve got to do something!” Fluttershy squeaked. When everypony glanced in her direction, the pegasus squeaked again and dropped back to the floor. “Um, what I mean is, m-maybe somepony braver and stronger should… do something…”

Twilight went over to Fluttershy and lowered a protective wing over her back. “I think that’s going to have to be us, Shy.”

“Oh, dear…”

“As it is, both the City Weather Team and the Wonderbolts have been deployed in full,” Luna added. “However, even if we were to summon every last pegasus in Equestria, I fear they could do little more than contain the storm. By its nature, its magical essence is what holds it together.”

She cast a significant glance at Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity. “Only magic can break it apart.”

Even while she looked at Twilight, Luna’s lips didn’t move. Yet Twilight still heard the Princess speaking in her mind. The others may not realize it, Twilight Sparkle, but this magic storm is born from your pain. Remember the storm that ended your previous relationship.


Twilight blinked.

Flash Sentry’s arrival was no coincidence, Luna continued. This moment was a long time in the making.

Twilight recalled that moment back at the press conference. Time itself froze when she laid eyes on Flash, but she thought it was only her memories speaking. She just thought it was the world stopping for them. It was her nerves, wasn’t it?

Remember the storm, Twilight…

No, that couldn’t be right. Surely it wasn’t possible that her heartbreak could do something like that. She’d always been careful about her magic. Always.

Hadn’t she?

And then she remembered.

Twilight glanced at the nearest oak, where Flash Sentry was curled up. The pegasus didn’t even look at her as he bandaged up his leg. His wings tucked into his sides when she approached.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry, too,” he replied. “But this doesn’t change what I said earlier.”

Twilight nodded and let the sound of the storm fill her mind, drowning out every happy memory she’d ever had with Flash. Rain and thunder swept away the memories of her and human Flash dancing at Canterlot High. The wind whipped through her mind, scouring it clean of the timid smiles they’d shared during their first date in the Crystal Bistro. Even the howl of a timber wolf was better than reliving their first kiss under the moonlight in Canterlot…

Twilight ducked her head. No, it wasn’t right! It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t—!

“Darling, are you alright?” Rarity’s hoof landed on Twilight’s shoulder and she jumped as though she’d been hit with a bolt of lightning.

I’m sorry!” she cried out.

The throne room went quiet, leaving only her panicked words to echo pitifully from wall to wall. Twilight wished she could disappear in that moment, somehow undoing the whole outburst. And her pain-ridden love life while she was at it.

It hurts because you love them, Luna’s voice answered. Remember that, too.

“Uh, sugarcube?” Applejack exchanged a confused look with Rarity. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for, ya hear? This whole mess is mighty freaky, but it’s nothing we can’t handle together.”

Twilight nodded and took a long, calming breath. She lifted her foreleg and held it out, practicing the techniques she’d learned from Cadance. Just a simple exercise to ease out of her panic and tune back into her body’s parasympathetic mode.

“You’re right.” Twilight let out her breath and smiled. “I didn’t mean to startle you, girls. It’s… it’s been a long day for me.”

The other ponies all nodded and smiled back. Everypony except for Fluttershy, who got back onto her hooves and gave Twilight a worried look. When Twilight smiled at her, Fluttershy smiled back and nuzzled her, letting her wing fall over Twilight’s back and wrapping their tails together.

Twilight never wanted that moment to end. She’d give anything, even her wings and her magic, if she could just keep this warm moment alive forever.

But duty called. She couldn’t rest knowing that this storm—this emotionally charged, happiness-seeking storm—was putting the lives of other ponies at risk.

It’s just like how this trio of ours got started, thought Twilight, pulling the sweet little pegasus closer to her. Nopony is going to be left miserable for the sake of my happiness.

“Luna’s right,” she continued, addressing the whole room. “There’s only one kind of magic that can stop this nightmare. And I know just who can help us.”

It wasn’t the weight of her crown or her royal breastplate that was bothering Twilight. After all, the palace artisans had done a fine job of enchanting and crafting her regalia so that the metal would conform to her body instead of the armor they usually designed for full-grown alicorns.

Rather, it was the way that the massive storm cloud came bearing down on her. At last, there were no more excuses. No more windows to hide behind or bedsheets to duck beneath. Just a very ominous cumulonimbus formation that was all but snarling at Twilight, who stood exposed to the bitter chill and the fierce winds at Princess Luna’s private balcony.

Even while she wore royal attire, Twilight didn’t have any guards or entourage with her. Only two mares, huddled close behind her for warmth and security.

“S-suddenly, I’m having second thoughts about this,” Fluttershy remarked. Her wings had snapped shut against her body, which hadn’t stopped its constant shiver since Twilight had explained her plan.

“It’ll be all right, darling,” Rarity answered. She tilted her head and gave Fluttershy a friendly wink. “You’ll see!”

Then she leaned forward and stage-whispered into Twilight’s ear, “Just so we’re on the same page, love… you’re quite sure this plan will work?”

Twilight smiled not at Rarity, but at the approaching storm. She looked out at the darkening sky, which until a few minutes ago had been full of Wonderbolt Reservists and the City Weather Team—hundreds of pegasi battling against the unnatural weather pattern with all their might and their skill. Even Rainbow Dash had come back from that initial encounter with a few bruises and a bad case of the shakes.

Whatever regret Twilight felt for her friend passed quickly. She continued to stare out at the storm, committing every curve and wisp to memory. Not a single detail would escape her notice. Not tonight.

They would only have one shot at this.

“Rarity,” she said quietly, still smiling, feeling every bit of a stalwart ruler of her kingdom. “Do you remember that magic spell I taught you a while back?”

“Er, I think so…” The unicorn’s face scrunched up for a moment. Then her eyes lit up. “Yes! Yes, I do! The second-degree reorganization spell!”

Twilight’s heart soared with the majesty of a phoenix. At last, somepony remembered her lessons! But she let the pride sink and kept her composure as she answered, “That’s right. And Fluttershy, do you know what causes a thunderstorm to break apart?”

“Oh, well…” Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin. “I think it’s a… a downburst?”

Twilight clapped her front hooves. She was two for two with her would-be pupils. “Right! A downburst of cool air will cut off the inflow, which causes the storm cloud to dissipate into ordinary wind and rain.”

Well, she added to herself, as ordinary as a joy-seeking magic storm can get…

“So,” she continued, turning to both mares with the biggest smile, “imagine what we could do with the right amount of air pressure and a strong magical field to channel it. Any ideas?”

Rarity, ever the clever one, grinned. “Why, I dare say it would break the storm apart!”

That was the theory, at least. Twilight had gone over the details with Celestia and Luna just before word was sent out for the Weather Teams and Wonderbolts to pull back. It was a risky move for three ponies to attempt by themselves, but as Luna had insisted, no other pony could even risk facing down this particular storm.

Nopony but Twilight and the two mares that she loved most.

“It’s not just unicorn or pegasus magic that will stop this,” Twilight added.

“Oh, my.” Fluttershy’s cheeks flushed, but there was no mistaking the sudden confidence in her voice. “I think I understand, Twilight. Your heartbreak was what caused the storm to form, so—”

Twilight cut her off with a sudden kiss to the forehead. “So we’ll end it with love. Real love.”

Turning back toward the rumbling cloud formation, Twilight felt her inner reservoir of magic stir. She took several long deep breaths, calming her mind even as her pulse quickened and droplets of rainwater whipped across her nose and her cheeks.

She saw the storm, but in her mind’s eye, all she saw was a grid.

With a single spark from her horn, Twilight unleashed all her pent-up magic. A brilliant shaft of magenta energy bridged the gap between her and the storm cloud, which snarled and hissed back. She grit her teeth and continued with her barrage, charged with every positive emotion she could summon at a moment’s notice—

Flash Sentry’s smile when they bumped into each other at the Crystal Palace…

Her first kiss with Rarity…

The night she’d read poetry to Fluttershy…

The laughter of their friends, gathered around a picnic basket…

The cheers of the crowd at the press conference…

Celestia’s warm and forgiving smile…

The more she could focus on those moments, the more clearly Twilight could see herself back at the crash site in the woods. She saw a miserable and humiliated princess sitting in the mud, blaming herself for the unexpected breakup with Flash Sentry.

Blaming herself for putting him—no, forcing him—into the same role that the human Flash Sentry had played in his own world.

She understood now what she didn’t then. Nopony could force love to happen or replace one pony in their heart with another.

She’d earned her love with Rarity and found the same joy with Fluttershy. And Twilight knew they loved her back.

“Now!” she cried out.

And just as they’d planned, Rarity set free a little magic of her own. Her blue aura extended across the skies over Canterlot, forming a perfect ten-by-ten grid that contained the entire storm. Twilight was close enough that she could feel the cloud wrestling against its sudden containment like an upset beast.

Fortunately, she also knew somepony who was good at talking with wild beasts.

“Okay, Shy!” Twilight hollered over the deafening thunder. “Let’s go!”

From behind, Fluttershy’s quick ascent was a gentle whisper, as delicate as the flapping wings of a robin. For almost a minute, Twilight barely heard anything over the constant din that poured out from the storm’s rage—from the rage that she remembered in the wake of the airship crash and her tearful goodbye to her first coltfriend.

Then she heard a pair of wings beating hard against the wind.

Countering the wind itself.

Twilight continued to hold her magic channel in place, funneling Fluttershy’s warm air buildup toward the heart of the storm cloud. With Rarity’s telekinetic grid in place, the storm’s dissipation stage was accelerated.

In laypony’s terms, what had once been the most deadly storm in centuries was soon becoming little more than a gray fog.

Very few ponies had ever been summoned to the royal palace in Canterlot for a private audience with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Fewer still had ever made it as far as the observatory tower, where Luna normally kept her vigil during the twilight hours, tracking her beloved constellations by telescope. And in his wildest dreams, Photo Frenzy would never have guessed that he’d be among those fortunate ponies. He’d always figured that the best he’d ever get would be Senior Sports Photographer for the Tattler.

And yet, Frenzy thought, here I am.

He stood a few paces behind Celestia and Luna, shivering a little against the bitter chill of the sudden breeze that passed over the balcony. Watching the magic storm’s destruction had been impressive, to say the least. Frenzy looked down at tapped the camera hanging from the strap around his neck with a tender smile.

With any luck, the papers in Canterlot would be fighting tooth and nail for the action shots he’d taken from this height.

After a few moments in silence, while the remnants of gray clouds drifted apart into white wisps, Celestia cleared her throat. Photo Frenzy ducked his head out of servile instinct.

“I must commend you, my dear Frenzy, on taking the initiative,” said the Princess. While she spoke, she turned over her shoulder and smiled down at the diminutive stallion. “If you hadn’t pushed on this scandal as you did, Twilight’s inner trauma would’ve gone unchecked for much longer and this magic storm would still be a threat to our kingdom. You might not feel like it, but you really have been a hero to thousands of my subjects.”

Frenzy scraped one hoof along the smooth marble floor, trying to avoid the mare’s piercing gaze. “Er, you’re right, Your Majesty. I really don’t feel like that at all. More like I blundered through this mess.”

To Celestia’s right, Luna offered a gracious laugh. “And yet, here you are. If you were to ask young Twilight Sparkle about how she and her friends retrieved the Elements of Harmony, they’d tell you they ‘blundered’ as well.”

Frenzy nodded, then stopped and glanced up at Luna. “But, if I might ask, why not—?”

“Why not take care of the storm ourselves?” Luna finished with a smile.

“Well, I mean…” Again, his hoof scraped against the floor. “It seems like you could handle it.”

“It’s true that we possess more magical power than any pony living,” Celestia replied. “However, it’s also true that this storm was born of an emotional crisis that Twilight experienced not more than a year ago. Only by resolving her emotional state with a positive reaction—and facing the storm head-on without fear—could she restore balance, both to herself and the world.”

Luna nodded. “Not to mention, Twilight Sparkle is still a young princess. She will have many crises of her own to face, just as our dear niece Cadance will as ruler of the Crystal Empire. Today’s battle will be a good lesson for her.”

“And what lesson would that be?”

“Only that love hurts, and the end of a relationship needs the right closure before a new one can truly flourish.”

Frenzy found himself nodding along, but stopped himself quickly. He shook his head and gaped at Luna as the words registered in his brain. “Well, that’s… I mean, blimey! Everypony knows that.

Now Celestia chuckled. “Everypony, it seems, except Twilight Sparkle.”

His mouth opened for a retort, but Frenzy decided that the knowing smile on Celestia’s face wasn’t worth the trouble. Whatever inside joke she’d just made had to have been a good one for that kind of a smile. He didn’t even bother snapping a photo of the rare sight, for once ignoring his professional instincts.

He knew he’d treasure that lovely image until the end of his days.

“And going back to the subject of our dearest niece Cadance,” Luna interrupted, “here comes one of her subjects now.”

The two Princesses turned their attention toward the entrance to the balcony. Frenzy did the same, just in time to see Flash Sentry appear, back in his full uniform. He halted in front of Frenzy and offered him a quiet but friendly nod. Then he spun toward the royal sisters and raised his foreleg in a sharp salute.

“At ease,” Celestia replied, chuckling. “I’m pleased to see you’re not hurt, Flash.”

“Only a few bruises from the storm,” the guard replied. He gestured to his wing, where a few top feathers had been severely bent to the side. Frenzy winced in sympathy. “The doctor downstairs says it’s nothing that a little salve and some bed rest won’t fix. In any case, I’m glad to have been of service to the weather team.”

Celestia nodded. “Indeed, your assistance was quite useful today. I’ve already put an official commendation on your service record.”

Flash Sentry smiled, but something about the twinge in his cheek gave Frenzy pause. He could usually tell when a pony was trying to put on a good show for somepony else’s benefit.

Sure enough, the guard’s confident tone wavered when he asked, “And… Princess Twilight? Is she fine as well?”

“In perfect health,” said Luna, taking a few steps over to Flash and dropping a hoof onto his shoulder. “She’s currently downstairs, recuperating with her friends. It will be a while before her magical reservoir is full again.”

Flash laughed. “She always did overexert herself.”

For just a moment, Photo Frenzy watched the joy spreading across Flash’s face. He’d seen it earlier at the press conference, when the guard had stood beside Twilight Sparkle on the stage, proclaiming his support for her and her new relationship. It was a tiny smile that only a coltfriend could wear, especially when in the presence of their beloved.

Compared to the anxious Flash Sentry who had accompanied him on the train to Canterlot, Frenzy found this pleasant side to his personality far more appealing.

That same smile was now turned in Frenzy’s direction, causing him to step back. Flash extended his hoof, which Frenzy shook.

“So,” asked the guard pony, “what are you up to now?”

“Heh, more like what won’t I be up to.” Photo Frenzy nudged the camera around the neck. “Between this story, that press conference, and my pictures of the storm, I’ll be fighting off job offers left and right.”

He glanced over the side of the balcony, imagining the line of editors at his hotel door. Even poor old Daily Edition would be bowing and scraping just to make him a better offer—and that was a thought worth relishing.

“You know,” said Flash, letting his smile fade, “if you’re ever traveling up north, you could always consider a job in the Crystal Empire.”

“And why would I trade life in a foggy small town for life in the Frozen North?”

“We just call it ‘The North.’ And it’s not as bad as you think. Ever since Sombra’s curse was lifted, the whole empire has become a nice place to live. We’re rebuilding the economy with tourism and the arts, so there’s plenty of money to be made nowadays. Which means plenty of room for an enterprising young photographer.”

Frenzy thought back to the light of the setting sun that reflected off an endless forest of crystal spires. Even the memory by itself nearly gave him a headache. “Err, I appreciate the offer. Really, I do. But I don’t think I’m cut out for the North.”

“Not even as the new royal photographer for the Crystal Empire?” Flash added with a grin.

“I—” Photo Frenzy’s response died on his lips, with a quiet and tasteful funeral scheduled for the back of his throat.

Meanwhile, in the back of his head, a small but persistent voice added, You’re a fool if you don’t hear him out, mate.

“Cadance is also a young princess,” Luna explained. “Even as the co-ruler of her own kingdom, she still has essential staff positions to fill, including the official photographer for all royal events.” With a dramatic flourish of her hoof, she added, “Why, just think of the possibilities! You’d be putting your talents to use at the most crucial occasions, from the christening of a new airship to the royal couple’s attendance to the Wonderbolts’ Derby.”

Whether or not she knew it, Luna’s mere mention of the Wonderbolts’ Derby was the key to the lock on Frenzy’s heart. He gasped and shot forward, wrapping both forelegs around Flash’s hoof and shaking it vigorously.

“Then consider it done!” Frenzy exclaimed. “I’m at the Princess’s beck and call, yessir!”

Just think, he told himself. You’ll be sitting one row behind the royal couple of the Crystal Empire. In the royal box. Looking down at the Wonderbolts!

Photo Frenzy had always heard that a visit to Canterlot was a truly magical experience, but he’d never believed it until today.

Then again, after watching a magic storm get the stuffing blasted out of it and a miracle fall into his lap, who wouldn’t?

“In that case,” Celestia said, leaning down toward Frenzy’s ear, “you might want to hurry. The last train to the Crystal Empire leaves in half an hour.”

“What?!” Frenzy bolted forward, only to trip over his own hooves like a lovestruck colt. Only by Celestia’s grace did he manage to grab his camera at the last second and keep it from getting smashed against the floor.

Flash Sentry laughed and helped him back onto his hooves. “Easy there. We’ve got a chariot escort waiting downstairs.” He turned back to Celestia and nodded. “I can’t thank you enough for all your help, Your Majesty.”

“And I thank you for being such a loyal and reliable subject.” Celestia tilted her head to the side, once more with that knowing smile. “Now, before you leave, do you have any message you’d like to leave for Twilight?”

“No, ma’am.” Flash Sentry bowed his head. “We said plenty before the storm hit. And I’m sure she’d rather be with her marefriends right now than her ex.”

In the years since she’d moved out—first to her quarters in the royal palace and then to the library in Ponyville—Twilight had found that very little changed at her parents’ house. Her dad still kept a telescope pointed out his second-story bedroom window and the writing desk that her mother used was always kept at a forty-five degree angle from the wall beside the laundry. Even with clear skies and rays of sunlight pouring through the windows, the interior was always a dark shade of blue that evoked a sense of peace. The perfect atmosphere for anypony to sit down and do some work.

Fortunately, nopony was working in Twilight’s family home today. Not unless Twilight counted herself.

She kept busy in the kitchen, preparing snacks and glasses of water that she then floated out to the living room. On the main couch, Night Light was chatting with Rarity, who was hanging on his every word with a rapt expression. Naturally, Rarity wanted to make her best impression on a born-and-bred Canterlot stallion. To their left, Twilight Velvet was cozied up between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, doing her best to embarrass her daughter by showing her friends all her foal pictures in the family album.

Even with Pinkie in the room, the scene was relatively quiet and calm. Twilight made a mental note to eventually head upstairs and check in on Applejack and Rainbow Dash. After all the work they put in with the City Weather Teams and the short-lived pre-storm evacuation, nopony was more deserving of a rest. Twilight felt a little proud that her old bedroom was being put to good use for a quick nap.

Somewhere, she figured, Spike was taking his own nap back at the library. She missed him terribly. Both him and the library. Only half a day more until she could return!

Bon appétit, everypony!” said Twilight, setting down her tray of fruit tarts on the coffee table in front of her father and Rarity.

“Twilight, since when do you cook?” Rarity asked. She gave the tray a cursory glance, then focused on Twilight’s face with a very forced smile.

Night Light laughed and floated a tart to his hoof. “I’m afraid our Twily doesn’t, to be honest. But she is good at reheating frozen desserts that I’ve already prepared.”

Twilight grinned. “Yep. Dad taught me himself!” She let off a tiny spark of light from her horn just for effect.

Rarity made a little noise of appreciation and took a bite herself. Then she smacked her lips and grinned at Twilight. “You learned well, I see.”

“Honey, look at this!” Twilight Velvet waved over her husband to the couch, her gaze riveted to the photo album. “Remember this? Our Twily’s first ‘kitchen experiment.’ Can you believe she was ever that tiny?”

“Ooh, I sure can!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing up and down in her seat. “She was an itty-bitty Twily-wily for sure!”

Twilight’s ears flopped, but given the smiles and giggles passing around the living room, she couldn’t exactly bring down the mood with embarrassment. Instead, she offered a tiny laugh and trotted over to make sure that—

Yep, it was the photo she’d been dreading. A giant, glossy photograph of a young filly sitting on the kitchen floor, covered from mane to tail in cake batter, bawling her eyes out in frustration as egg yolk and flour poured down the side of the countertop. Of course, the photo didn’t show Twilight’s parents and older brother behind the camera, equally covered in cake batter and trying very hard not to laugh.

As far as her early experiments with magic had gone, the infamous cake test wasn’t the worst, but it had been the most dramatic. At least nopony had gotten turned into a cactus again.

Back in the present, Twilight shook her head and readied an excuse about needing to use the little filly’s room, but then a pair of yellow forelegs slipped around her neck.

“Twilight, I know it’s early in the relationship,” Fluttershy said, nuzzling her marefriend, “but can we please consider adopting a filly of our own?”

“That’s hardly necessary,” Rarity chimed in. She gave her mane a flick to the side, stealing Twilight’s breath away—or what remained of it after Fluttershy’s deadly cuddle. “We have Sweetie Belle, you know. Nopony could ask for a better-groomed and more lovable filly!”

“Well, I—”

“That sounds fine by me,” said Velvet, cutting off Twilight’s protest with a sly look to the side. “Your father and I certainly have no problem letting you bring more wonderful ponies into this family, dear.”

Twilight did a double-take. “You’re sure?”

For a long, agonizing second, her mother didn’t respond. But the smile on her face said everything.

“Of course,” she replied. “Anypony who wins your heart is going to win ours, too.”

Keeping her composure to a pleased smile was simple in theory. Inside her head, however, Twilight was jumping for joy, kicking her back hooves in a little dance while a nervous voice kept whispering from the corner, Don’t make a scene. Please, please don’t make a scene…

But how could she not? With Fluttershy glued to her side and Rarity letting down her genteel persona for an unladylike grin, Twilight couldn’t be happier. Of all the ponies whom she’d dreaded to introduce to her new marefriends—in the plural sense—her parents were a close second behind Flash Sentry and the press.

Meanwhile, Velvet went back to the photo album. By this time, Rarity and Night Light had crowded around her and Pinkie Pie, marveling at family photos that Twilight remembered quite well. Hearth’s Warming Eve in Baltimare. The sleigh ride up north. Shining Armor’s graduation from the Royal Guard Academy. Twilight’s first seminar at the School for Gifted Unicorns.

“Huh!” Pinkie stuck her hoof down at one page. “You know, this pony looks awfully familiar! Almost like Fluttershy!”

“Right,” Fluttershy whispered, giving Twilight a nervous frown. “Almost…”

“Oh, that’s Sky Sonnet.” Velvet’s hoof rested over the photo of three ponies: her younger self, a butter-yellow earth pony who looked almost exactly like Fluttershy, and a striking pegasus with a flowing red mane. “He was quite the adventurer back in the day. I wrote at least four books detailing all his exploits. Of course, that had to wait until after he married Posey and retired.” She turned and smiled at Fluttershy. “Isn’t that right, dear?”

“Um…” Fluttershy ducked her head against Twilight’s shoulder. “Um, yes. Yes, it is.”

“Fluttershy, I for one would be delighted to meet your father,” Rarity exclaimed. She appeared on Twilight’s other shoulder, nuzzling her marefriend in a “please-say-yes” kind of way. “And to go to Fillydelphia! It would be a dream come true!”

Twilight patted Rarity’s head. “I’m sure we’ll make it there soon. Provided Fluttershy is willing to go.”

“It’s not…” Fluttershy shook her head. “I’m not sure that’s… such a good idea.”

“Why not? Your parents probably already know about us.”

“B-but my father, he…”

Rarity dismissed her with a wave. “He’s what? Strong? Brave? Handsome? I quite agree, my dear Shy, which is why I’d love to make his acquaintance!”

“No, he’s—”


Everypony stopped and turned to Velvet, who was sitting upright with the photo album closed on her lap.

“Well, he always was, to be honest,” she added.

Twilight cocked her head to the side. “And you think he’d have a problem with Rarity and me?”

“With you personally?” Velvet shrugged. “I doubt it. But Sonnet’s always been overprotective of the ponies he cares about. It’s what made him a great hero long ago, but now…” Leaning to the side, she lifted her hoof and patted Fluttershy’s head. “Well, look at the poor thing. She’s scared of her own father. Always has been.”

Fluttershy didn’t respond except to let out a tiny squeak. Velvet cooed and pulled her into a hug, which Pinkie joined from the other side. And then so did Twilight, as did Night Light and Rarity.

“Shy,” Twilight said, letting her mother’s words sink into her brain as the beautiful pegasus sank deeper into her hooves, “I still want to go.” She took Fluttershy by the chin and turned her face upward. “You know I’ll always be happy with you, but I don’t think we’ll be happy as a trio unless we get your parents’ blessing.”

“And mine as well,” Rarity added. Then she coughed into her hoof and said, “Though, honestly, they might be easier to convince. They’re very… forgiving ponies. Simple-minded, really. How Sweetie and I ever developed a sense of style from them is beyond me—”

“Rarity?” Twilight gave her a sudden sidelong stare. “Can we please stay on task?”

“Err, of yes. Of course. Sorry.”

Slowly, the group hug pulled apart, leaving Fluttershy to rest in Velvet’s hooves. She wiped at her eyes and sniffled. Twilight’s heart ached to see her so forlorn, but she knew that this was the same pony who stood beside her on the royal balcony, facing down the storm of the century with nothing more than a touch of magic and a prayer. Who stared down rampaging manticores and whose mere voice could make mythical beasts flee in terror by when she was positively furious.

If that brave, no-nonsense Fluttershy were turned against her own father, Twilight doubted he’d stand a chance.

“You can do this, Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “We believe in you. And we’ll be there every step of the way, no matter what Sky Sonnet says.”

“We’ll never abandon you, darling,” Rarity added, having recovered her poise. “Not while you’re so easy to love.”

Looking up, Fluttershy blinked away the last of her tears. Seeing her muster the strength for a tiny, anxious-ridden smile made Twilight’s heart burst for joy.

“Okay,” Fluttershy whispered back, the light in her eyes growing stronger. “For you girls, I’ll do it.”


Author's Note:

Thanks again to silver hands, 0utcast9851, and all my editors for your help. You, as well as my regular audience, helped get this story off the ground and onto the page.

I'm also taking this opportunity to say that I won't be writing more MLP fics for the foreseeable future, since I've got my career to focus on (which involves plenty of writing for well-paying clients), not to mention a few non-MLP fics that I've wanted to try my hand at. If you'd like to see more of my fiction, you can visit my FanFiction.net page.

Comments ( 19 )

“Huh!” Pinkie stuck her hoof down at one page. “You know, this pony looks awfully familiar! Almost like Fluttershy!”

Everything after this is set up for a sequel. It has no other purpose in this completed story. Nothing wrong with sequel setup! Until you get to the AN.

I won't be writing more MLP fics for the foreseeable future

So then, you decide the note to go out on was maliciously destroying the reader's closure on this story?

"Ahh, sweet closure and a heartwarming baby pictures scene to finish it with a warm fuzzy! Wait... what's this? A new conflict appeared?! Oh boy! Sequel anticipation building... must check the AN for clue about release date for sequel!! Let's see; 'Ha ha fuck you! No more horse words!! Enjoy waiting for the sequel that never comes! Eat my super cliffhanger!' Well, that monstrously blows! Must write angry comment about the pointless middle finger to the readers! Because a sequel establishing scene has zero purpose of there is no sequel."

5641349 What can I say? I'm a stickler for writing sequel hooks, even in stories that don't deserve them. :trollestia:

So many -ions :D nice story btw.

This was good.
This was a good twist on the original story.
I don't have a lot to say so i'll just put this rank of a 9/10 on here and levee it at that

5659378 I've always enjoyed pairing up Rarity with either Twilight or Fluttershy, so I figured, "Why not both?"

5659593 Thanks!

I'm proud of you for finishing this, Draft. Its a good work, and you should be proud of it. It has been an honor working with you.:ajsmug:

5664320 Thank you! And I can't thank you enough for your help with editing and getting this story to its best form.

So I didn't intend to read this all at once but I found to very hard to put down :twilightblush: The added conflicts definitely held my interest more than BB&B. I think you captured the high points of a polyamorous relationship well, and you did well with the fear of 'coming out', though the other low points were either ignored or just touched on. Although that's not actually bad, since if you really delved into the psychological hell that figuring everything out can be it would have totally changed the tone of the whole story. One thing I do have to nitpick on though is that while it's apparent how much both Rarity and Fluttershy love Twilight, and how much she loves both of them, there really isn't much going on between Fluttershy and Rarity. It feels almost more like Fluttershy and rarity are both only interested romantically in Twilight, even if they are 100% fine with the trio situation, which is a legitimate form of poly dating, but I don't think it's what you were going for. There's plenty of scenes where Rarity gives Fluttershy support and obviously they're very close, but they just never seem intimate after that first kiss. The only time we see them alone together after they start dating is briefly before their big public date, which is just getting ready and not really romantic until Twilight shows up anyway. I get that the focus of the story is mainly Twilight, but I think since scenes of Flarity would have benefited the story.

Aside from the main trio I give kudos for the Spike and Sweetie sub plot, it was adorable and slightly awkward as young love should be :raritywink: Also I enjoyed Photo Frenzy, though I wish his character arc progressed a little quickly. He kinda went straight from being a jerk to being a decent guy instantly between the first two times we see him. Maybe he could of been more jerky until the story was printed, and his outrage at the libel would have been more surprising for the reader and his attempts to make things right would have made him even more endearing.

Long comment is long :unsuresweetie: I hope you don't take my nitpicking the wrong way, if I come off as overly critical I apologize. I really do enjoy your work (otherwise I wouldn't care enough to nitpick) and I'm looking forward to reading more of it :pinkiehappy:

5677421 Sure is a long comment, but at least you made it a worthwhile read. :twilightsmile:

Yes, I'm aware of my pacing issues when it comes to characters like Photo Frenzy and I do miss a lack of Flarity to compensate for the TwiShy/RariTwi mix (RariTwiShy? Sure, why not). If I had to rewrite this entire story (and maybe I should have), I'd probably add more Flarity and focus more on the romantic trio itself than on the stuff happening around it.

BRB, shipping PhotoSentry rebound affair.

ok i am finished with the sory and must say it's realy good well writen( with some spelling mistakes) but i missed something. That something was an Rarishy night and an Twishy night if you understand me ;). But like i sayed it is a realy good story :D Well done. Youe even get a /)

PS: If you have the time to write another "What if" fic i wounder what if nopony agreed with the trio would be interresting (if you ask me) :D

Twilight made a mental note to eventually head upstairs and check in on Applejack and Rainbow Dash a visit.

I think the end of that sentence belongs to a different one, one you wrote before, and changed to this sentence, or one you forgot to change this sentence to.

5954255 Thanks for catching that. It's fixed now! :twilightsheepish:

Damn it. I didn't want this story to end. I would have loved to see the trio meet fluttershy's parents. Is there possibly a sequel in the works for this wonderful story?

Forgive me if I sound crass with any of this. I picked this story up some months after the previous story you wrote titled Beauty Books, and Butterflies. At first I was unsure of what to expect given the stiff competition. But now I'm honestly glad I gave it a chance. For some ways it reminds me of a story by another writer named Krickis titled Finding Home. Though the majority of the story differs there are some MINOR similarities between the two but not in a bad way. There were some errors in this, mostly grammar wise, and some pieces could have been worded better but I think it got the whole point across. Although there was also some points that kinda jumped around rather than stay in order. But I think I can overlook that for the sake of such a well written piece. If I had to rate this I would probably say in my terms it definitely gets an 8.5 / 10.

I think this is one we can let go off since this story wasn't technically established as a sequel to Beauty, Books, and Butterflies but rather a complete what if regarding how things would have went had Twilights decisions been different. Though I'm sure Rough_Draft doesn't mind readers making up their own sequels as long as they get credit for inspiring it.

Twilight cut her off with a sudden kiss to the forehead. “So we’ll end it with love. Real love.”

This is so cheesy it works
I love it

that was a long time ago but
I guess I happened to love more people other than my girlfriend, even if I would definitely marry her at some point (it's a long distance relationship and we're both kinda young for that, besides I'm like 2 years older and an adult so yeah, all in it's time, tbh I'd rather wait longer for multiple other reasons but I'm still a hopeless romantic) either way, when I brought it up with her she said she was fine with an open relationship, and so was I, there was like, some jealousy in the beginning (mostly in my head) but I got over it... in the end I just realized that each love is completely different, the way you love multiple friends at the same time could be translated to how you love romantically, in a way. Basically I just fall in love a lot and I know the difference between each of those feelings. So I'd say it worked out great! ^^

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