• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 4,729 Views, 178 Comments

Our Lady's Courtship - Rough_Draft

Can a princess afford to be generous with her love life? Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy are about to find out.

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6. Invitation

Trotting upstairs, Twilight’s ears twitched when she heard the cacophony of squeaks, hisses, and growls coming from the direction of Fluttershy’s bedroom. She paused, more than a little concerned about the mess into which she’d be walking. It never ceased to amaze her how such a quiet pony could wrangle so many different species—including one fearsome bear—under a single roof.

Lifting her hoof, Twilight knocked on the bedroom door. “Everything all right in there?”

The chorus of animal cries softened as the door opened. Fluttershy poked her head out. Twilight fought the urge to giggle when she saw the loose hairs sticking up from her mane and the slick ends where some critter had given her a tongue bath.

“We’re doing fine. Just fine,” she answered. As she glanced back into the room, Fluttershy added, “Now, you’ve got plenty of food and water for the night. I’m sure the storm will pass soon, okay?”

Twilight cringed when she heard—and felt—the bear’s deep-throated growl in response. But Fluttershy wasn’t even fazed. She put on a proud mother’s smile before stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind her.

“I hope I’m not taking you away from anything,” said Twilight, moving to follow her downstairs.

Fluttershy shook her head. “Really, it’s fine. As a matter of fact, I’ve been working on how to teach them a little more self-reliance.” At Twilight’s surprised frown, she added, “Oh, but it’s not permanently! Just little things like what to do when I’m away. Like how to forage at a safe distance from the Everfree Forest.”

How practical, thought Twilight. She looked at Fluttershy’s face, which lit up while she talked about her animals. When Twilight took in her serene, borderline expression, she fell in love with Fluttershy all over again.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Twilight reached out and patted Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I hope this doesn’t come out the wrong way, but I’m glad you can separate yourself from your critters for a night.”

“Why’s that?”

Twilight grinned. “Come with me and you’ll see.”

When they entered the kitchen, Fluttershy had to stop at the threshold and marvel at the sight before her. She almost didn’t recognize the place.

Rarity stood by the dining table, casting spells everywhere with a pleasant grin on her face. Her blue aura rippled across the entire kitchen like waves across the surface of a pond. Her magic lit candles in every niche and windowsill and dropped fresh food onto plates like flocks of birds roosting in the treetops. Fluttershy watched as three salads materialized on the table, followed closely by a bottle of strawberry wine and three silver glasses—the very same drink set that her Aunt Nimble Thimble had given her for Hearth’s Warming. Everything settled into place with the same grace and loving concern that Rarity showed in all her work.

And then, as Rarity’s magic dissipated, she turned to Fluttershy with gleaming eyes. “Bonsoir, mademoiselle. Dinner is served!”

Twilight giggled and took her seat next to Rarity. “It looks great! Thanks for doing this.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, really.” Rarity hopped onto the chair beside her marefriend and dropped a napkin onto her lap. “Whenever Sweetie Belle stays over with me, I insist that she gets treated to a finer meal than the simple fare she gets from our parents.”

Twilight nodded. As her horn glowed and a fork levitated itself over her salad, she stopped and glanced over at Fluttershy. “Um, aren’t you going to join us?”

“Oh!” Fluttershy shook her head, forcing herself out of her reverie. None of this seemed real. It was as if she had wandered into a dream where Twilight and Rarity were on a date. They had such a connection that she felt awful for disturbing it, but the two mares were giving her the same sympathetic look that Fluttershy felt even worse for denying their invitation.

Romance was a tricky subject for her. Friendship was easier. She knew how to sustain it with any species, with ponies and non-ponies alike. But passion? Just the word made Fluttershy’s knees shake.

Still, she couldn’t refuse a good meal and crept over to the empty chair beside Twilight. Her tail refused to stop shivering, so Fluttershy tucked it between her legs. She forced a smile and spread the napkin over her lap just as Rarity had done.

“Now then,” said Twilight, “from what I’ve read, a normal first date is supposed to start with ponies discussing common interests and personal anecdotes. However…” She glanced between Rarity and Fluttershy. “Seeing as we’ve been friends for so long, I think we’re past that stage.”

Rarity smirked. “I wouldn’t say that, Twilight. After all, we really should get to know our dear Fluttershy better. It’d be healthy for our relationship, don’t you think?”

Relationship. That word sent a tingle down Fluttershy’s wings. She retreated behind her mane with a sad squeak.

Twilight turned to her with a gentle frown. She slid her hoof toward Fluttershy over the table. “What’s wrong, Shy?”

“I…” Blinking, Fluttershy tried to steer her thoughts. How could she say what she feeling? She had the world’s most wonderful and patient friends—marefriends, she corrected herself—and she still couldn’t get the words off her chest. Her wings locked up against her sides as ice water filled her veins.

Her father was right. It seemed she was destined to fail.

“It’s nothing,” she whispered and looked away.

“It is not nothing,” Rarity insisted. With a twist of magic, she uncorked the bottle of strawberry wine and began to pour it out into everypony’s glasses. “Darling, you’ve a right to be happy, just as you have a right to speak your mind. If something’s upset you, please tell us.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth as the words I’m having a lovely time floated on the tip of her tongue. But that was an obvious lie, so she snapped her mouth shut and looked down at her salad. Those leafy greens under a vinagrette—now that was something to focus on. She bent down and took a trembling bite, chewing on it slowly.

It felt so awkward when silence fell over the kitchen, but that was okay. Fluttershy was used to dining alone. She would rather be alone than in the way, like she was doing now.

But then she heard Twilight lean over and whisper something into Rarity’s ear. Fluttershy swallowed her mouthful of salad and glanced up to see the two mares giving her a knowing smile.

“If it’s all right with you, I’d like to try something,” said Twilight.

That soft and confident voice of hers made Fluttershy smile. She nodded and carefully took another bite of her salad.

To her surprise, the other ponies got up from the table and Fluttershy wondered if they were really going to leave her alone instead of going through with this date. But as her anxiety began to climb again, Rarity levitated their chairs right next to Fluttershy so that they were flanking her completely. Twilight cast her own magic, shifting their plates and silverware over to rest beside Fluttershy’s place mat.

That foolish tail of hers wouldn’t stop shaking. Fluttershy squeaked in horror as Twilight and Rarity took their seats again, all but snuggling up against her.

“Does that feel better?” asked Twilight. She bit her bottom lip and ran her hoof over Fluttershy’s mane. “I’m sorry if we’re invading your personal space, but I figured you might enjoy it.”

“I-it’s…” Fluttershy swallowed again, marveling at the sensation of Twilight stroking her mane. Slowly, her tail began to relax. “It’s very nice, Twilight.”

Meanwhile, Rarity levitated the wineglass in front of Fluttershy. “Do try the wine, sweetness. I think you’ll find that this is an excellent vintage.”

Fluttershy slid a glance at Rarity, who was glowing with encouragement. To her relief, Rarity wasn't showing off the seductive smile she’d worn for so many stallions, but the smile of genuine love she’d always shown her friends.

Leaning forward, Fluttershy put her lips to the glass and took a sip. Her ears perked as the tart flavor raced over her tongue and down her throat. She’d never cared that much for drinks that were stronger than Applejack’s cider, but this truly was amazing. So sweet and heady that she began to drink more, letting Rarity tilt the glass with her magic.

I’ll have to thank Aunt Nimble in my next letter, she thought, letting the wine rush into her belly. And maybe I’ll ask Discord to try it at our next get-together. Unless draconequui don’t respond well to wine. Oh, my. W-what if his magic really gets out of hoof? That’d be the worst—!

If not for the glass over her mouth, Fluttershy would’ve giggled. The thought of Discord becoming tipsy was rather silly. And besides, they were such good friends now that she didn’t think he’d go that far. Not around her, anyway.

As Rarity pulled the glass away, Fluttershy smacked her lips. “Mm, that was lovely. Thank you.”

“More salad?” asked Twilight. She floated a forkful of greens over to Fluttershy, who nodded and took a bite. Twilight giggled and ate some herself—from the same fork, no less.

“You’re right, darling,” Rarity remarked, wiping her mouth with her napkin. “This is so much more pleasant. And I think our little Fluttershy’s responding to it rather well.”

Being called little would’ve been hurtful from anypony’s mouth—anypony except for friends like Rarity. It was the sort of sweet talk that made sense coming from a big sister or an aunt, and she considered her six friends to be practically family. Fluttershy blushed and leaned into Rarity’s shoulder as the unicorn draped her foreleg around her waist, holding her close.

“I don’t think I’ve ever felt so safe before,” Fluttershy whispered, trailing off into another squeal.

“That’s why we want you in our relationship,” said Twilight. She leaned over and planted a kiss on Fluttershy’s cheek. “You’re not in the way. You’re bringing in something new, that’s all. All you have to do is be yourself.”

Being herself was something Fluttershy never felt comfortable doing—at least, not around other ponies. Alone in a herd of critters was a different story altogether. But the smell of Rarity’s perfume and the warmth of Twilight’s kiss was so intoxicating, even more than the wine had been, that Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel loved.

She’d hadn’t felt this way since leaving Fillydelphia for her new life in Ponyville. Fluttershy was grateful for the affection and snuggled deeper against Rarity.

She supposed, if she tried hard enough, she could take that extra step toward romance after all.

After dinner, Twilight went about cleaning up the dishes, humming something to herself while she wiped off each plate and glass with effortless magic. Fluttershy was glad to see her so happy again. Maybe things would finally get better now. She found herself humming along to Twilight’s tune. It sounded familiar enough. Something the Ponytones came up with? She wasn’t too sure.

Meanwhile, Rarity was standing at the window and looking out. The rain was falling harder, forming a constant rumble that sounded like a stampede of jackalopes to Fluttershy’s sensitive ears. It was so unfortunate that she was having a lovely time on such a dreary night.

“Darling?” Rarity turned away from the window, flashing a surprised smile at Fluttershy. “I’m sorry if I’ve been ignoring you. Did you need something?”

“N-no, thank you!” Fluttershy blushed and glanced away. Against the soft gray sky outside the window, Rarity’s face was luminous. Fluttershy had begun to picture her and Rarity dancing among the soft white landscape of Cloudsdale, prancing and laughing together like they did in Ponyville. “I’m… I’m quite all right.”

“That’s good.” Rarity lifted her hoof to the window. “Because I don’t think this storm is going to let up anytime soon. Might as well get comfortable here.”

Fluttershy nodded back. She’d never appreciated how thoughtful Rarity was; so much like Twilight in that regard.

“I’ll get us some blankets from the linen closet,” she replied and took wing a moment later. “I won’t be long, I promise!”

Rarity smiled and waved her hoof. “Never fear, love. We’re not going anywhere, I assure you.”

Hearing that sultry tone sent shockwaves through Fluttershy. She’d heard that tone before, but never directed right at herself. It was so…

So pleasing, she decided with a smile.

When she came back from the closet with three blankets in her hooves, Twilight had rejoined Rarity in the living room. The two marefriends were snuggled up on the couch together, speaking in hushed tones. It didn’t escape Fluttershy’s notice that Twilight was holding a small blue hardcover book in her hoof.

The book sent a jolt through Fluttershy, nearly causing her to drop the blankets. She recognized it by the cover alone.

Only Twilight Sparkle would be enough of a bookworm to show interest in a title like Seasonal Poems from the Cloudsdale Criterion, Volume Two.

“Welcome back,” said Twilight, beaming at Fluttershy. She tapped her hoof onto the book. “I was going through your shelves and I found this! I had no idea you were into poetry, Fluttershy.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, really.” Fluttershy blushed behind the blankets as she dropped them onto the couch beside Rarity. Her wings began to beat a little harder with each word. “I-I’m not much of a reader—”

“Nonsense, darling!” Rarity reached out and tapped her hoof against Fluttershy’s nose. “You’re as smart as any pony I know, including our beloved Twilight!” To emphasize her point, she wrapped her other foreleg over Twilight’s shoulders, pulling her close. “You’ve nothing to be ashamed of, especially in what you like reading.”

Twilight nodded. “I wish you’d told me sooner. I’ve got tons of books on poetry I’d be happy to lend you.” Her eyes and her smile widened as she spoke. “Literally, tons!”

Fluttershy couldn’t resist a smile in the face of her friend’s joy. “I’ll try to remember next time.”

“And I didn’t know you were a Sky Sonnet fan either!” Twilight grinned down at the title page as she opened the book. “Wow! A signed copy, too! That’s really impressive!”

“Oh, darling, haven’t you heard?” Rarity chimed in. “Sky Sonnet is Fluttershy’s—”

“R-role model!” Fluttershy interrupted her.

The two mares glanced up at her, making Fluttershy blush and settle onto the floor in front of the couch. She wished she could disappear behind her mane entirely, but that wouldn’t do. Someday soon, she’d explain herself, but not yet. Twilight might have grown up in Canterlot, surrounded by famous and important ponies all her life, but it wasn’t something to which Fluttershy was accustomed. She cast a pleading look at Rarity.

“Oh, right.” Rarity cleared her throat, turning her head slightly to wink at Fluttershy. “Sky Sonnet is most certainly her favorite author. I mean, why wouldn’t Fluttershy want to emulate such a heroic and noble pegasus?”

Twilight glanced at Fluttershy, who nodded in agreement. Then she smiled and reached out to ruffle her mane. “That’s good. I hope I’ll get to meet him myself someday.”

“I-I’m sure you will,” Fluttershy squeaked out. Her father’s grim stare flashed through her mind for an instant, right as thunder split the din outside the cottage.

She waited as Rarity scooted over onto the other side of the couch, putting some space between herself and Twilight. When Rarity patted the open cushion beside her, Fluttershy obediently hopped up and nestled in between the two marefriends. She smiled as Twilight levitated the blankets over all three ponies, wrapping them up tight against the nighttime chill that was seeping into the cottage.

“If you don’t mind,” said Twilight, “I’d like to read you some poetry. I thought you might enjoy it since it’s from your own collection.”

“You’d do that for me?” Fluttershy responded. Her breath caught in her throat.

Twilight nodded and opened the book. “Of course, Shy. Now, where should we start—?”

“Page thirty-one!” Fluttershy answered. At Twilight’s sudden glance, she squeaked and ducked her head against Rarity’s neck. “O-or wherever you’d like to start. That’s fine, too.”

Chuckling, Twilight turned back to the book and flipped ahead to the section Fluttershy had mentioned. She cleared her throat and began to read out loud.

We raced, we flew, we danced, we saw
The coming of the night.
No shear of wind nor gale nor claws
Could dare impede our flight.
And when at last we came upon
The holy mountain’s peak,
Celestia blessed us one and all
And her Long Peace we keep…

Fluttershy’s eyes drifted shut as she listened to the common meter tripping off Twilight’s tongue. She blushed when the very image of Twilight’s tongue rose up in her mind and she forced it back down with a gentle sigh. No, this wasn’t a night for that. It was the most pleasant evening she’d ever had, listening to one of her favorite poems of all time, The Ballad of the Wonderbolts.

However, she did become aware of an odd sensation. A shifting, equally pleasant warmth at her side. Fluttershy peeked through her left eye and noticed Rarity was cuddling against her while Twilight continued reading. The unicorn gave Fluttershy a tiny smile and batted her eyelashes.

She’s coming onto me! Fluttershy realized. With a blush, she ducked her head and let herself be pulled against the other mare.

Still, the more she thought it over, the more Fluttershy realized that this was probably for the best. She knew how she felt about Twilight, but Rarity was a different matter altogether. They’d been friends for so long that Fluttershy had to rethink everything she’d knew about Rarity. To see the beautiful mare that Twilight had seen when she had her own date with the fashionista.

It was time for an experiment, then. Something that Twilight would probably appreciate. Fluttershy leaned in and slid her hoof around Rarity’s neck, snuggling in deeper under the blankets with her.

As Rarity sighed and nuzzled her, Fluttershy couldn’t wait any longer. She grabbed Rarity’s cheek with her hoof and turned her face toward her. Then she plunged in for a kiss.

Time slowed down to a crawl. Fluttershy felt her heart pounding with each second. Her lips were tight and hot against Rarity’s.

The sweet white unicorn stared back at her in surprise, but with each moment that the kiss continued, her eyes drifted shut and she returned the kiss with true fervor. Fluttershy could still taste the strawberry wine on her breath and she didn’t care. She was so happy that she never wanted this to end.

But it did end. Rarity pulled back, panting a little. She smiled as she gasped for air and looked down at Fluttershy with a twinkle in her eye.

“My goodness, Fluttershy,” she purred. “Who would’ve guessed you’d be so… enthusiastic?”

From the other end of the couch, Twilight giggled. “Atta girl, Shy! How was it?”

“It was…” Fluttershy blinked. She touched her lips with her hoof, still feeling the warmth from Rarity’s mouth. “Oh, Twilight, I think I’m… I’m…”

“Yes?” said the princess, with a teasing tone that sounded a lot like Celestia herself.

Fluttershy responded with an anxious glance toward Rarity. Before that kiss, she’d been a friend and nothing more. But now…

Fluttershy reached out and took the other mare’s hoof into her own. Rarity took a deep breath and watched her carefully.

“I’m starting to see why you fell in love with her,” she answered. “She’s quite… attractive…”

Meanwhile, Rarity grinned and looked over at Twilight. Her face was still flushed from the kiss. “Well, our little Fluttershy is quite charming herself. I must admit she brings her own spirit into the relationship.” Then she frowned. “Hmm. I suppose we ought to come up with a name for all this. Herd doesn’t do it justice for me. It’s so…” Rarity made a face like she’d tasted something sour. “Revolting.”

Twilight nodded. She waited until Fluttershy had calmed down and settled back onto the couch between them. As she draped her wing over the pegasus’s back, Twilight smiled and said, “Well, let’s see. Before, Rarity and I were a couple. It sounds silly to call the three of us a ‘triple,’ so let’s go with…” She grinned. “A trio!”

Rarity squealed in delight. “How marvelous! It’s like our own musical ensemble!” She wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy and hugged her to her chest. “I’m so happy to have you in our little trio, Fluttershy!”

“Me, too!” said Fluttershy, nuzzling Rarity with all her might.

Then she felt Twilight’s magic pass over them both, lifting up the blankets so that the third mare could nestle in beside Fluttershy. Twilight leaned in and kissed the pegasus on the cheek, sighing right into her ear.

“You girls are wonderful,” said Twilight, pausing to yawn into her hoof. “If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to take an early nap. It’s been an eventful day.”

“Yes, it certainly has.” Rarity bent down to kiss Fluttershy on the forehead and then pulled away. “You two get some rest. I’ll just lock up and turn down the lights, alright?”

Fluttershy responded with a pleased smile and a nod. Between all the stress she’d put herself through and the wine she’d drank, she feeling a little drowsy herself.

Then Fluttershy felt Twilight’s forelegs slip around her waist and pull her close. She sighed and sank into her new marefriend’s embrace as Rarity slipped off the couch and trotted out of the room. Even when she left, her hooves made an elegant clip-clop sound, as if the mare was physically incapable of being unattractive.

Please, Fluttershy prayed—perhaps to Celestia, or to Fate, or to whatever supernatural force would listen. Please don’t let this night end. It’s so perfect and I’ve never felt this happy before. I want to feel this good forever…

Meanwhile, Twilight nuzzled Fluttershy on the back of her neck. “Pleasant dreams, Shy. I’m so glad you showed up today when you did.”

“Me too,” Fluttershy whispered back. She pulled the blanket tightly around them, trapping all of Twilight’s body heat in with her own. That warmth made her feel drowsy and she felt herself drifting off to sleep in no time at all.

The last thing she remembered before falling asleep was the soft pitter-patter of the rainfall outside and Rarity’s happy little hum as she trotted through the kitchen. It really was the best feeling that Fluttershy had ever experienced. She never wanted this to end…


The sound reverberated through Rarity’s head, waking her with a tiny moan. She really wished whoever was making that racket would stop. Only a second ago, she’d been having the most wonderful dream and never wanted it to end. Oh, the grandeur! The beauty of those gardens! And so many well-to-do mares salivating over Rarity, with who else but the magnificent Twilight Sparkle and the demure Fluttershy draped over her like the finest silk—


Rarity’s eyes snapped open. Then she froze. It wasn’t her bed, but somepony’s couch, and this blanket was far too coarse for her own collection.

Then she smelled a touch of jasmine in the air and knew exactly where she was.

Stretching herself out underneath the blanket, Rarity glanced around Fluttershy’s cottage. For a place filled with animals of every sort, it was oddly quiet this morning. But a check of the nearest window revealed sunlight and a clear blue sky outside, so perhaps they’d all gone out to run around.

It took another moment for her to realize that the clink-clink was coming from the kitchen. Rarity’s stomach growled in protest, so she mollified it by neatly folding up her blanket and trotting right down the hall.

When she reached the kitchen, Rarity couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Twilight sitting at the table with her nose buried in a cookbook. Magenta trails of magical energy danced around the kitchen, summoning ingredients into a large mixing bowl and collecting every utensil conceivable. Rarity had to duck as an eggbeater flew over her head and jumped to the left when a carton of milk raced by along the floor.

“Er, darling, are you quite all right?” she risked asking.

Twilight glanced up from the cookbook and everything froze in midair. Even the yolk she’d just poured from a freshly cracked egg hovered in place, refusing to obey the laws of gravity.

“Oh, morning, Rarity!” Twilight grinned. “Take a seat, I’ll be with you in just a sec!”

Reaching to the table turned out to be something of a challenge. Rarity had to navigate the obstacle course of floating eggs, toast, and wooden spoons in her path. “And what, pray tell, is all this?”

As Rarity sat down, Twilight beamed with pride. “Breakfast!”

And then everything whirred into motion again, picking up right where they’d left off. Egg yolks fell into the mixing bowl, followed by an already rotating eggbeater and a dash of flour tipped in from a nearby measuring cup. Rarity watched the display with some concern. While the extent of her magical skill was impressive, Twilight’s blind enthusiasm was a cause for alarm. After all, Twilight was known as the Princess of Friendship, not the Princess of Fine Cuisine—or even Basic Cooking, for that matter. Those matters were best left in the able hooves—or claws—of somepony like Spike or Pinkie Pie.

Looking around, Rarity noticed a faint smattering of paw prints all over the floor. “I take it all the animals have gone out. But what of dear Fluttershy?”

“Oh, she’s on cleanup duty.” Twilight continued to read over her breakfast recipe while she spoke. “Unscheduled or not, a storm like this means there’s a lot of worms lying around, so she’s leading a whole flock of birds to, you know…”

Rarity closed her eyes against the sudden mental image—nay, the mental assault—of dozens of wriggling, nasty creepy-crawlies in the mud. “To eat their fill?”

“Yep! All part of the natural cycle! That’s what she told me, anyway.”

As she thought it over, Rarity had to give Fluttershy some credit. Only she could look innocent and attractive even while doing something so—Rarity shuddered—revolting.

“Well,” she said, “let’s hope she won’t be too long. I was looking forward to spending more time with our new marefriend.”

Our new marefriend. It was amazing how smoothly those words rolled off her tongue. A week ago, Rarity wouldn’t have even considered the feasibility of a romantic trio, but after the previous night, she knew her heart was big enough for two mares. After all, how could she be the Element of Generosity if not in her love life, too?

Thinking back to the previous night, Rarity had almost wept for joy when she saw Twilight and Fluttershy curled up and sleeping together on the couch. To see the mares she’d loved most holding each other was a delight, a secret joy that nopony else could share. And here they were the next morning, all still friends and happy with each other. Neither jealousy nor regret had reared its ugly head. Nothing had changed in their little world and Rarity gave thanks to Celestia and Luna for that.

Minutes later, she watched as Twilight finally turned away from her cookbook and levitated the tray full of breakfast out from Fluttershy’s oven. Immediately, Rarity crinkled her nose at the heady odor coming from what could only be described as a mess.

“Hmm.” Twilight poked at the doughy concoction. The mass of batter and vegetables jiggled for a bit, then settled back into a place with a disturbing gurgle. “That’s… not quite how it looked in the book.”

“Darling, did you actually follow the recipe?”

“Well, sure! At first…” Twilight went back to poking the hideous mass of food with her hoof. “I thought I could improve the mixture and make something for the three of us to share, but once I adjusted the figures, I had to keep adding more yeast and—”

Rarity groaned and went over to the cupboard. “Never mind. I’ll whip up some fruit cups. That should tide us over until lunch, I’m sure.”

But before she could redeem breakfast—and quell the savage growling in her belly—Rarity heard the front door being opened. She cast a smile at Twilight. “Be a dear and get that, would you?”

“Sure thing!” Twilight galloped away, leaving Rarity alone with the unspeakable mass sitting in the oven. When she was sure that Twilight was gone, Rarity levitated it straight into the garbage can and slammed the lid shut as hard as she could.

Moments later, Rarity was heading back into the living room, floating a pair of fresh fruit cups over her shoulders. She greeted everypony with a smile. “Now, breakfast is—”

She stopped in her tracks, almost dropping the fruit cups all over the floor. “Oh, dear.”

She considered the scene playing out—no, it was more appropriate to call it a farce. Twilight had her forelegs wrapped around Fluttershy and was giving her a kiss on the forehead. A kiss that lingered for a while, no less. It didn’t escape Rarity’s attention that Fluttershy, for some reason, had returned home with no less than five birds roosting in her luxurious mane, all chirping merrily.

But the cherry on top of this bizarre sundae was what happened next.

There was another knock at the door, and before Rarity could react in time, the door opened on its own. There on the other side stood Spike and Sweetie Belle, wearing big smiles and giggling together in a way that made Rarity’s heart glow with sisterly pride…

Right up until they saw Twilight kissing Fluttershy. Then Spike’s jaw dropped. As did Sweetie Belle’s.

Fluttershy yelped as soon as she saw the two youths and ducked behind Twilight for safety. The birds escaped her mane in a flurry of wings and frightened chirps, ascending to the rafters in the ceiling. Meanwhile, Twilight had the decency to blush and look to Rarity for encouragement. Rarity shook her head, unsure of what to say.

But it was Sweetie Belle who broke the silence. She reared up and threw her forelegs wide in exasperation. “Oh, come on! Why does Twilight get to have more than one special somepony?”

“Yeah, Princess.” Spike crossed his little arms and put on a not-so-adorable pout. “Why is that?”

Twilight chuckled and shot a nervous glance at Rarity. “Um, little help here?”

Sighing, Rarity picked up one of the fruit cups and began to eat the strawberries on top. It seemed this whole morning was going to be devoted to cleaning up Twilight’s messes.

“Spike, Sweetie Belle,” she said, patting the floor beside her. “Why don’t you come inside? I’ll see if I can explain all this…”

Author's Note:

And finally, our trio is formed! Thanks to all my pre-readers and friends for their help and support!