• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 4,729 Views, 178 Comments

Our Lady's Courtship - Rough_Draft

Can a princess afford to be generous with her love life? Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy are about to find out.

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3. Declaration

As she dragged her half-empty bag of birdseed back to the kitchen, Fluttershy wiped the sweat from her brow. She supposed she was grateful that Rainbow Dash was spending more time with Applejack, but having the other pegasus away from the weather team was starting to take its toll. All her critters had begun to seek shelter in the woods from the unseasonable autumn heat. Even Angel wasn’t complaining like he usually did; he lay on the living room sofa, with one ear drooping like a wilted flower.

Fluttershy put the bag away and sighed with relief. At least it was cooler in her cottage today. That meant poor little Spike could get some rest.

After Twilight had left to find Rarity, the little dragon had gone upstairs and passed out. He’d looked so adorable that Fluttershy didn’t have the heart to move him from the top of the bedspread. She was glad to have this time with her friends lately—

A jolt passed through her from mane to tail. Fluttershy gasped. “Oh, no, I’m late!”

On the sofa, Angel stirred and stamped his foot against the cushions.

“You’re right!” Fluttershy made haste toward the front door. “Rarity will be so upset if I don’t make it to the spa! She’ll need a good friend to talk to! I can’t be late!”

On her way out, she paused to lock the door behind her. Then a second thought hit her and Fluttershy ran back inside to write a note. Once she flew back upstairs, she left it pinned to her bedroom door, behind which she could hear Spike snoring. Loudly.

The note read:


So sorry, but I have an appointment to keep. Be back soon!

Please try to get along with Angel Bunny.

Best wishes,

Huffing from exhaustion—and the miserable heat—Fluttershy landed on the threshold to the Ponyville Day Spa and pushed the door open. She let out a final squeak and almost fainted onto the cool green carpeting.

“Goodness!” said a vague blue shape. Fluttershy blinked and looked up at Lotus Blossom, who was approaching from behind the counter. “Are you alright, Miss Fluttershy?”

“Y-yes, thank you.” Grunting, Fluttershy got back onto her hooves. Her wings had locked against her body; they’d need a good long massage before she could fly again. “I’m sorry to bother you, but about my appointment—”

“Oh, but of course!” Lotus Blossom took her by the hoof and led her inside. “Miss Rarity and Princess Twilight are already here! Please, this way!”

Hearing those names filled Fluttershy with a heady rush of joy and relief. It was going better than she’d ever expected!

As they entered the spa rooms, a whiff of mint shampoo and honey oil tickled her nose. She closed her eyes for a second and savored the moment. Rarity enjoyed this place for its style and a chance to work off her stress, but for Fluttershy, the spa was a place where she felt whole. She enjoyed the simple décor of pastel blues and pinks, which matched the gracious appearance of the sisters Lotus Blossom and Aloe. She felt a kinship with the spa ponies, who took such good care of everypony, much like how Fluttershy took care of every animal that came through her door.

Her ears perked up when she heard giggling from the next room. Fluttershy followed Lotus Blossom inside, where Twilight and Rarity were already having a nice long soak in the tub. Aloe stood beside the tub, gripping a ladle in her teeth as she poured bath salts and other fragrances into the water. It warmed Fluttershy’s heart to see Twilight laughing without a care in the world. And she was glad Rarity didn’t seem the least bit upset.

With a grin still spread across her face, Twilight turned to look at Fluttershy. Maybe it was only the steam rising from the tub, but Fluttershy’s coat suddenly grew warmer. She felt an odd tingle running through her when she saw the sparkle in Twilight’s eyes—and something else, too. But what?

I’m probably just imagining it, Fluttershy thought and flew up toward her friends.

“Welcome, darling!” Rarity exclaimed. She held her hooves out, catching Fluttershy and pulling her into the tub beside her. “I’m so glad you could make it! Isn’t this a simply marvelous day?”

“It certainly looks that way,” Fluttershy answered. A tiny sigh escaped her lips as the fragrant waters enveloped her and she sank deeper, leaving only her head exposed.

From the other side of the tub, Twilight grinned and splashed at the water with a hoof. “Your timing couldn’t be better. You’re one of the first of our friends to know about the date that Rarity and I are planning for later this week.”

“Oh, my…” Fluttershy glanced between the two mares, feeling a grin of her own begin to form. “That’s wonderful! Congratulations!”

“Thank you, sweetie.” Rarity leaned over to nuzzle her. “Now all we need to do is find somepony special for you and we can make it a double date!”

“F-for me?” The grin fell away as a blush settled over Fluttershy’s face. She sank deeper into the water, letting it wash over her muzzle and leave only the top of her mane exposed. It was so safe and inviting down here, where nopony else could see her…

Then she felt an invisible hoof drag her back to the surface. Fluttershy squeaked as Twilight held her in place with magic, giving her that same odd smile. Normally, Fluttershy was good at reading other ponies’ expressions, but this one left her confused.

What in the wide world of Equestria did it mean?

“Honestly, darling,” said Rarity, “just because I’m happy doesn’t mean I can’t look after my friends’ happiness, too. We should find you a nice stallion or mare.” She gasped and turned a pair of starry blue eyes toward the cringing Fluttershy. “Oh, what about Applejack’s brother? Or that Bulk Biceps fellow? Maybe that’s what you need! A nice big stallion to protect you!”

Squeaking, Fluttershy looked away. “I-I don’t know that that’s—”

“Rarity, don’t scare her like that.” Twilight’s soothing voice rippled through the air like the tiny waves in the hot tub. “If Fluttershy’s not interested in somepony, you shouldn’t force it.”

Rarity stared back, her jaw lowering. “But, darling, I had to force things with you, didn’t I?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Yeah, but that was different. I was depressed, remember? You could’ve walked the best-looking and most intelligent stallion past me and I wouldn’t have looked up once.”

Though Rarity snorted in protest, Fluttershy could see a flash of concern in her friend’s eyes. She knew that look well. It was that same mixture of guilt and compassion that drove Rarity to be a good friend to Fluttershy, a better sister to Sweetie Belle, and a gracious dressmaker for so many of her clients. That desperate need to share her talents with others, which Fluttershy loved so much.

In truth, she’d always found Rarity to be beautiful, but she’d never felt attracted to her. Not like that, anyway.

And then, it hit her.

Fluttershy leaned back and snuck a quick peek at Twilight, who was now engaged in small talk with Aloe—something about the chemicals in the bath salts. She watched the glow in Twilight’s face and compared it to the blush and the smile she’d seen when she entered the spa.

Could it be that Twilight was attracted to her?

Oh, please, no, Fluttershy thought, turning away to hide her embarrassment. I couldn’t bear to see Rarity hurt like that.

But as she let the water and the suds soak into her coat and mane, Fluttershy began to wonder if she had feelings for Twilight like that. They’d been such good friends, always quick to share meals and adventures together. Twilight was confident like Rainbow Dash, but she could be far more considerate of Fluttershy’s feelings and that was a quality to be treasured.

It would have to wait. Fluttershy needed time to think this over. She’d never felt this way about another pony before—neither mare nor stallion. But another friend? Was that even possible?

At least, with the steam rising from the bath, she wouldn’t have to fight to hide her blush.

Stack by stack, shelf by shelf, Twilight flew across the library, grabbing every book she could find on the subject of first dates. While she was surprised at how many romance novels she had, she was far more interested in the library’s selection of dating guides. Unfortunately, nopony seemed to have written one, apart from a parenting book called How to Talk to Your Little Pony About Romance.

“No, no, no!” Twilight landed on the floor with a vicious thunk. “This isn’t what I need!”

From behind the pile of books she’d tossed out, Spike was sorting through each one like a good assistant. He poked his head up and gave Twilight a tiny scowl. “I dunno, Twilight. It’s not like we have much to choose from. Besides, aren’t you overthinking this?” He paused for a moment, then rolled his eyes. “Oh, wait, I forgot. You’re you.”

“This isn’t funny, Spike. I want my first date with Rarity to be special and I need the best plan for a magical evening!” Twilight paced around the library, considering the pile of books she’d selected. “It’s not like I can wing it and take her out to the Hay Burger!”

“Heh, ‘wing it.’” Spike gave her a thumbs-up and ducked behind the book pile. “Good one!”

Twilight’s ears dropped. “You’re just determined to not be helpful, aren’t you?”

For a few seconds, all she heard from behind the book pile was the little dragon’s shuffling. Then Spike called out, “It’s not that I don’t care, Twilight. I just think you’ll have an easier time with Rarity than you’d expect.”

That quiet confidence in his voice caught Twilight off-guard. She forgot how mature he could be—when he wanted to be, anyway. “And how do you figure that?”

“Well, the heavy lifting’s already done, isn’t it? Rarity already likes you. A lot.” He paused and stacked another book onto the neat pile he was making. “All you have to do is be yourself and see where the night takes you.”

“I suppose you’re right,” said Twilight. She rubbed at her chin, scrutinzing both the books on the floor and the dragon sorting them.

All things considered, Spike was taking the news of her date with Rarity better than she’d expected. She was glad that they’d patched things up at Fluttershy’s cottage, but she was still worried he’d be in the dumps about seeing Rarity with somepony else. But Twilight knew that Spike was full of surprises and seeing him this calm was reassuring.

Speaking of Fluttershy… Twilight was glad that Spike couldn’t see her blushing when she pictured the sweet young pegasus. Sharing that afternoon at the spa had been wonderful, but the intimate setting had started to re-trigger those feelings about Fluttershy—even with Rarity sitting right beside her in the bath and on the massage table. She didn’t want how she felt about Fluttershy to get in the way of her happiness with Rarity.

But this was only a date, Twilight reminded herself. A date didn’t automatically lead to a lifelong committed relationship. If things didn’t work out, then maybe she and Fluttershy could still—

Stop it, a small voice demanded in the back of her mind. You are not going to set yourself up for a bad evening. Rarity is your friend and you’ll treat her like a lady. She deserves nothing less.

Ah, that sour voice of conscience. In her head, it sounded like a pale imitation of Princess Celestia—and sometimes like her own mother. Twilight sighed and turned to sort through the books that Spike had stacked.

Her eyes lit up when she saw one book in particular. “Ooh, this might work…”

“Which one’s that?” asked Spike, leaning over the top of the pile.

The Illustrious Stallion Caller!” Twilight began to flip through the pages. “It’s this steamy book I got from…”

“From?” Spike prompted.

“F-from Fluttershy…” Twilight shook her head, banishing those thoughts to the far corners of her skull. She’d deal with them later. “Anyway, I’ve heard it was very popular in Manehattan a few years ago. Maybe it has some ideas I could use for Rarity…”

It was like being back at Celestia’s school. Twilight flipped through the pages, using the table of contents as a reference guide for the plot. Yes, there were all the usual clichés: the chance meeting at the royal garden party, the love letters, the confession in the rain, all neatly wrapped in flowery prose. Nothing that really got Twilight excited; she’d rather experience love than sit around reading about it, though there was that trouble with Flash Sentry…

Suddenly, her eyes focused on the sixth chapter opening, almost halfway through the book. “Aha! That’s it!”

“What’s it?”

“A picnic!” Twilight turned the book around and handed it to Spike, who now sat on top of the book pile. “See? Sir Sterling asks Rosy Dawn out on a picnic under the moonlight and their love blooms! That’s what we need!”

Spike frowned at the page. Then his face broke out into a cruel smirk. “Uh, Twilight, when you read this, did you happen to see how their picnic ends?”

“Hmm, let’s see…” Twilight spun the book around and flipped through the next two pages. Then her jaw dropped and she slammed the book shut. “Aggh! I am not doing that to Rarity on our first date! What kind of sick mind thinks of stuff like that?”

Still giggling, Spike picked up the book and put back on top of the pile. “Still, it’s not half-bad. A picnic would be a change of pace for you two.”

Twilight kept shaking her head until the scarring mental image was gone. Then she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, releasing all her fears in a single exhale.

No more disturbing sex scenes, she told herself. And no more thinking about Fluttershy either. This night is about you and Rarity, nothing more.

“That reminds me, Spike.” Twilight trotted over to her writing desk, taking note of the quills that needed to be restocked. “When Rarity and I go out, can you look after Sweetie Belle for the evening?”

“Aww, do I have to?” She could hear the pout on Spike’s face from the other side of the library. “I was gonna make myself the best jade and topaz pie!”

“Well, maybe Sweetie Belle can help you.”

Spike grumbled something beyond Twilight’s hearing, but then he called back, “Fine! But I’m not staying up for some girly sleepover. I want you home early, you hear?”

“You have my word,” said Twilight, giggling as she began to organize her papers again.

Humming to herself, Rarity focused on applying a final layer of eyeshadow and straightening her eyelashes. The effect was on par for her usual makeup routine, but she had to take extra care tonight. This was the date she’d been dreaming about for so long.

I’m on a date with Twilight Sparkle, she thought and grinned at her reflection in the vanity mirror. Such beautiful words! No poet could do better!

But like dealing with a new client, Rarity knew that it was better to manage her expectations. Of course she wanted everything to be perfect—and, dare she hope, for the evening to end with a passionate kiss under the stars—but that only happened in romance novels and Manehattan plays. Even with Twilight being so willing to have this date, Rarity had to steel herself for the possibility that this date might be all they’d have.

Sighing, Rarity set down her makeup kit and looked into the mirror. She didn’t seem all that diffierent than usual. Even her clothes were plain—a simple blue frock that she’d once designed for Pinkie’s sister Maud, only to be turned down when she’d offered it as a gift. But maybe that was what Twilight would prefer. After all, hadn’t she loved the unfinished dress Rarity had given her for a birthday present? For a princess, her tastes were elegantly simple.

Rarity smiled and shook her head. How ironic that, for all her ambitions and her fanciful designs, she’d fallen in love with somepony so humble.

Be brave, darling, she thought, staring at her reflection and putting on a confident smile. Show her a wonderful time, regardless of what happens later.

Somepony knocked on the door to her bedroom. With a twist of her magic, Rarity opened the door and turned around, letting her hair flip to the side as she moved.

Sweetie Belle stood in the doorway, grinning. “Hi, Rarity are you…?” She stopped midsentence and gaped at her sister. “Wow! Your ensemble looks great!”

Rarity chuckled and pressed a modest hoof to her chest. “Oh, it’s nothing really.” She trotted over and nuzzled Sweetie, careful not to ruin the blush on her own cheek. “And who, pray tell, are you wearing that little blue ribbon for?”

Sweetie Belle glanced away. “N-nopony. I just thought it’d look nice, that’s all.”

It was obvious to Rarity just whom her little sister was trying to court. And considering the young fellow’s age, she didn’t see the harm in it. After all, Sweetie Belle would be in good hooves for the evening.

Or perhaps it’d be more accurate to say, in good claws.

With a tiny nudge, Rarity guided Sweetie Belle out the door and down the staircase. “Come, dearest. Let’s show this town how magnificent we sisters can be!”

“Let’s do it!” Sweetie Belle squealed and trotted ahead at an eager pace.

Twilight paused and took one last look over her shoulder at the comforting golden glow coming through the windows of her library. Then, when she caught a whiff of Rarity’s perfume, she came back to her senses and grinned.

“Allow me,” she said, using her magic to levitate the picnic basket from the ground. Twilight stepped to one side and waved her hoof toward the open road. “After you.”

“Oh, thank you,” Rarity replied, taking a few steps to the right. She looked very chic—was that the right word?—in her midnight blue frock. Twilight felt overdressed, even though she was wearing the plain cream-colored dress that Rarity herself had made for her birthday. But wearing it sent a thrill through her body, especially whenever she looked at Rarity and remembered all the loving care she’d put into each stitch and fabric.

Rarity already likes you, Spike’s voice echoed inside her head.

Right, Twilight said to the memory, grateful for the timing. Getting lost in her thoughts was too easy for her. She let out a deep breath and continued to follow her date through town.

It was a beautiful autumn night, all things considered. The weather teams had picked up the slack and kept the air cool with a refreshing gentle breeze that tickled at Twilight’s nose and mane. High above their heads, the moon was full and shining bright, so neither mare had to use their horn to light their way. Even the crickets in the fields around White Tail Woods were chirping as a soft background concert, covering the silence left by the birds who’d retreated to their dens.

A mile or so from the center of town, White Tail Woods was shrouded in a soft darkness. Yet enough moonlight remained to illuminate their path toward Lover’s Meadow. The clearing was several feet wide in diameter, covered in a fine grass with clusters of tulips and daisies spread around.

As Rarity stepped into the clearing, Twilight’s breath caught in her throat. She watched the moonlight wash over the unicorn, highlighting her gorgeous mane, her delicate face, and that elegant frock. The tip of her horn glowed a serene blue as she took the blanket from the picnic basket and spread it out over the grass, smiling as though it were no trouble at all for her.

Yes, Twilight’s heart seemed to say with each thump. Yes, yes, yes, yes…

That grace was what she wanted. That simple, loving grace. She’d seen it in Fluttershy before and now she saw it in Rarity. A grace fit for a princess, Twilight thought with a wry smile.

“I must admit,” said Rarity, settling onto the blanket, “I’m curious to see what you and Spike packed for our dinner.”

Twilight sat down beside her, not sure if she should snuggle up against Rarity or keep some distance. It had been so much easier when she’d been with Flash. “I hope you like it. I tried to get a good mix of things that we both enjoy.”

When she saw the sparkle in Rarity’s eyes, Twilight knew she’d made the right decision.

The meal that followed was pleasant; the aroma of the food was carried across the clearing through gentle nighttime breezes. They started on a quiche that Spike had baked, munched on daisy sandwiches prepared by Twilight herself, drank glasses of strawberry wine (provided for by the expert staff at Le Abreuvoir), and as for dessert—

“Oh, darling, you shouldn’t have!” Rarity marveled at the selection of dainty chocolates on the plate before her. She clapped her hooves together. “These are much too expensive to waste on a simple mare like me!”

Twilight chuckled. “You’re anything but simple, Rarity. And money isn’t any trouble for a princess.” She popped a chocolate into her mouth and savored the dark flavor spilling across her tongue. With a single crunch, the shell broke and the treat’s savory caramel center oozed down her throat. Holding back a tiny moan, Twilight closed her eyes and held onto the feeling of bliss for as long as she could.

The moment lasted until she heard a voracious chomp from the other side of the blanket. Twilight’s eyes popped open and she saw Rarity devouring the rest of the chocolates with a surprising speed. When she caught Twilight’s eye, Rarity froze, still holding a single chocolate to her lips in the blue haze of her magic.

“Er…” Rarity licked at her lips, removing some of the chocolate smear. “I beg your pardon, darling. It’s just…” She let the uneaten piece of chocolate float back down onto the plate. “Well, it’s been so long since I indulged myself so recklessly. And Nightmare Night is still a month away after all.”

All Twilight could do was smile at that remark. Much like the diamonds that adorned her flank, Rarity had more than one facet to her personality. And she was no less beautiful or valuable.

“Oh,” Rarity continued, “but where are my manners?” She turned and searched the picnic basket for a clean napkin.

At last, she had an opening. Twilight knew she had to think and move fast if she wanted to make the most of this night.

“Here,” said Twilight, casting her magic into the basket to select a napkin. “Allow me.”

She leaned over to dab at the chocolate on Rarity’s lips. The unicorn stared back with a thoughtful expression. Twilight shuffled closer and took one last swipe. It seemed a shame for such fine chocolate to stain anypony’s face, but it was worth it to be this close to Rarity. To feel Twilight’s magic caressing her silky coat and to inhale a heady blend of perfume and caramel from the edge of her mouth—

Come on, said a small voice from the corner of Twilight’s head. One that sounded a lot like Spike. Just go for it already!

So she did.

A chill ran over Rarity’s whole body, bringing her back to the point of consciousness. She wasn’t entirely sure how long she’d been out or where she was.

Then every detail came into focus.

Here she was, sitting on the picnic blanket, with both forelegs hanging limply at her sides. A strong breeze ran through the clearing, sending a chill along her back and down her tail. Rarity’s lips were pressed against Twilight’s; the moment they’d made contact, she’d lost herself in a state of pure bliss. And how could she not when Twilight looked so radiant under the moonlight, with the sweet scent of strawberry wine and chocolate on her breath?

Celestia help me, Rarity thought, it’s really happening!

When Twilight pulled back from the kiss, she held Rarity by the shoulders and smiled. Rarity took several deep breaths, trying to regain her composure—and failing each time. Not that she minded.

Only Twilight could truly unsettle her like this.

“That,” said Twilight, leaning in to nuzzle her, “was wonderful.”

Rarity’s heart leapt for joy when she noticed the blush on Twilight’s cheeks. “No, darling, you’re wonderful. I can’t compare to the likes of you.”

How many times, she wondered, had she played this mental game before? On many tear-filled nights, Rarity had sat on her bed, pouring out her heart into her diary. She could still picture every moment where she’d written out her doubts. Of course she could never be with Twilight Sparkle; nopony so common could ever win the heart of a genuine princess. Even Twilight had found love in the hooves of a guard pony from the Crystal Empire—not royal by birth, but by status. It was simply the way of the world and Rarity could never hope to change it.

But here she was, completely in love with Twilight. And she had finally kissed Rarity.

“I don’t mean to embarrass you,” Twilight continued, “but was that your first kiss?”

“Oh.” Rarity smiled, feeling a surge of panic run through her. “Well, I…” She glanced away and rubbed at the back of her mane, trying to tease the loose hairs back into place. “W-was it that obvious?”

Twilight giggled, and to Rarity’s ears, it was like hearing bells chime. “It was fine. I just thought you’d done this before. You’re usually so confident about romance.”

Sniffling, Rarity leaned into Twilight’s chest, resting her head on the other pony’s shoulder. “It’s nothing more than an act, I’m afraid. I’ve pined after so many stallions, but I’ve never even…”

Twilight’s hoof stroked at her mane, putting Rarity into a deeper state of relaxation as she sank further into the princess’s forelegs. She could lie here forever, utterly content with everything.

“I know,” said Twilight. She leaned down and planted a soft kiss on the top of Rarity’s head. “It’s okay. You’ll get better with a little practice.” After a moment, she giggled and added, “I know I did.”

Rarity laughed and squeezed Twilight as hard as she could. Tears of joy threatened to spill, but she refused to let them loose. A single drop could ruin all the makeup she’d spent so many hours perfecting and she’d only upset Twilight by showing her a face covered by running mascara.

But even if she did let loose, she knew deep down that Twilight would still forgive those tears. Rarity sighed and buried her face into Twilight’s neck, grateful for every second she had with this fine mare on this magical evening.

Author's Note:

The big date finally arrives!

FYI, I'm looking for dedicated editors and proofreaders to help pre-read each chapter of this story before it goes up. If you're interested, please please please PM me and I'll send you a Google Docs link once I finish writing Chapter Four. As always, your dedication to this story is most appreciated!