• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 1,265 Views, 22 Comments

Under Your Halo - Wand3r3r3

It doesn't matter how or when you feel it, nor does it matter if you don't understand the latter. Love is love, and when it comes around, into your heart, you've got to take it in. All of it.

  • ...

The White Pony

Author's Note:

The dress Rarity wears when her and Zor first meet: http://www.deviantart.com/art/My-Fair-Rarity-293151609

I think I understand why the first chapter sucked; because it starred a character that no one has ever heard of (kinda sorta OC but not really) along with the fact that he's a human. And I know no one likes humans, but I don't give a shit. I'm going to write this thing anyway, and I'm going to write it the way I want to.

Named this after Deftones' 2000 album, The White Pony. Why? Because Rarity is a white pony. XD (or grey, but I dun care). White Pony is also a street slang for cocaine or something, and to think metaphorically, Rarity is a drug to me, and will be to this guy, too. It's not a self insert or anything, I swear. I also don't know anything about drugs--I just got that from wikipedia.


Under Your Halo

(~~~~~The White Pony~~~~~)

"It's been quite a long trip, but here we are at the Crystal Empire."
I awoke to those very words, the ones the conductor had spoken. Out the nearest window gleamed the golden glow of civil twilight; six degrees below the mountainous horizon that hid the sun. It was breathtakingly beautiful, as the sunlight silhouetted the exclusive, awesome landmarks that the Crystal Empire had to show off.
The music was still playing in my ears, as my phone had been plugged in the three-pronged outlet underneath the table. I hadn't realized that I still had the music application on repeat, and so the same song was playing the whole time I was asleep.
I didn't mind at all though. I kept one ear plugged in and listened to the conductor speak while I looked out at the glorious sights

Lonely bird, sing me your song.
I'll stay awake until I see the sunlight.

"To our right, you can see the shadow of the almighty arch that towers over this whole region. As the sun moves, the reaches that the arch's shadow casts encircles the population of the Empire that is crystallized, ponies and all."
It was then that I saw it in it's astounding glory. The arch stood as tall as the heavens, it seemed, and as the sun climbed higher, the Crystal structure gleamed with incredible detail and beauty. With all colors of a rainbow and more, I laid my eyes upon the Crystal Heart, floating still between two protruding spires that looked as if they were holding it in place; I didn't know which; the train was too far to see. And all around the landscape were mountains, high enough to seclude the region from the North.
"The Crystal Heart inside the arch is endlessly strengthened by Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, the king wins queen of this region. Their intense love for each other, in addition to the Sun, kept the Heart strong, beating waves of happiness, goodness, and even affection toward the residents who live here." This place sounded absolutely wonderful. I was immediately reminded of the theory about how Heaven laid above the clouds-
That is so untrue. That's Hell, in every sense of the word. Heaven was on the ground, and it was so beautiful...
I just had to exert myself aloud:
"Oh my god..."
As the train came closer--seven more minutes according to a passerby receptionist--I decided to leave my MP3 player at the table and get up to look out of the bigger window in the car I was in. I stared in pure awe at the whole landscape now. And as the Sun also grew slightly higher, the millions of colors seemed to look as if they had clustered into one huge ocean of shimmering light.
Only a portion of the land was radiant, but the Sun was only partly up in the sky, too.
Ponies from the other nearby train cars suddenly started to come into mine and head down the steps to the doors at the bottom.
Then, before I knew it, we arrived with the loud screech of the brakes.With the Player in my back pocket and my earphones in the front, I departed the train and touched ground one foot below.

I've certainly heard stories of Crystal Ponies, and how they were really their own kind, not biologically related to Earth Ponies, Pegasi, or Unicorns at all. Crystal Ponies were merely sprites comprised of all different colors and contrasts from the multi-million color spectrum created by the Sun reflecting off of the Crystal Heart. And when the Sun sets behind the western mountains, they cease to exist until the Sun shines once more. They can appear anywhere they want to, as they are not physical beings. They can't be touched or felt, and just looking at the glistening bodies can put a strain on living eyes. However, they can interact with other Crystal Ponies with no downsides.
And there's a theory to them too. Crystal Ponies are thought by many to be the spirits of loved ones that have passed on to another life. I thought it made enough sense, with the immaterial beings they are, and how many of them were speaking to the emerging passengers as if they were family members.
The Crystal Ponies were beginning to arrive and increase in numbers as the Sun ascended ever higher. I tried to choose which route I wanted to take, as I felt like a total stranger in an even stranger--but wonderful--land. Bodies were everywhere, both physical and ethereal; and though I could see through the Sprites, their combined gleams left me in a bit of a pinch.

"Oh DARLING!" A squealing voice seemingly boomed out of nowhere, leveling over many other conversations. "Stay right there!"
I didn't really know if I was the one being spoken to or not, but I continued to follow any route I could find that would lead to the Arch that towered above, using it as a guide at the same time. I stopped immediately to reassure my direction by preceding to ask a redheaded Crystal Pony for exact directions, but, right before I was about to-
Someone ran straight into me, knocking me off balance significantly, but not enough to make me fall. When I stumbled back to both straight legs, and after looking pretty awkward, the Crystal mare smiled at me and spoke something to me that I couldn't hear and trotted away.
"What was that for?" I laughed a bit as I asked the Unicorn who bumped into me.
"Oh, forgive me, dear," the feminine voice asked of me. The oversized hat that the mare wore was rather simple, but flashy, too: as she raised her head to look up at me. It was a giant fashion statement with contrasts of nothing but black above it and white below it that shaded her entire mane underneath. Where the black brim came up in the middle of it, there were three neatly trimmed clusters of some kind of thick material, and they seemed to have all been gently pressed into each other, enough to look as if they were actually bound together. One of them was a black cylindrical-shaped object. With added glitter to it that made it look like a portion of space, it highlighted the other, brighter objects that accompanied it.
At it's right was a more malleable-looking cube with black and white stripes that horizontally laid over it. And the last one, in front of them all, was another cylindrical shape that was all too much like the first, but instead of black with white glitter, it was white with black glitter--the complete opposite.
Then dress she wore was unlike any I had ever seen a pony wear. She wore a full-body, cloudy-looking dress that encompassed her body starting early down her neck. All four of her legs were independently inside it's woven sleeves, and tied at her back was a very nice black and white ribbon that was neatly tied into a beautiful bow at her chest. The dress headed all the way down her back and her rear legs, and it was cut just before it would touch the ground, less than an inch. The bow at her chest also held a small bundle of roses, all in different colors. Some red, two blue, one a rare green-
And then, I looked at her face. I looked at it for what seemed like forever.
Good god... She was the most beautiful of all of those roses... She was the most perfect one. The irises in her deep blue eyes were literally the shape of six-sided gems.
She was the true rarity.

Hear your voice and I know you're alright.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Kitty cat got your tongue?" Her words brought me back to full attention.
Oh my god. This feeling I was having just then...
She giggled, then she continued to talk, as I was merely lost for words. "I suppose I'll be the one to acquaint the two of us. I am Rarity-" she then stuck a pose, with her left rear leg and her right foreleg stretched outward and a confident smile on her pretty face. "Fashion designer EXTRAORDINAIRE!"
I just then noticed how her body had a slight radiance to it. It wasn't like the Crystal Ponies, and it could have just her pure white coat throwing me off. The green saddlebag that she wore was also flashy as heck, with the same three-colored threads outlining the bags on both of her sides, and also with the addition of a smaller version of her trademark--three sky blue gems--in the lower-right corner of them.
I still had to think of the best possible thing to say, as her confidence and her pride, and, now that I knew this was Rarity, her title was intimidating to the core. But then again, this was our very first meeting. She saw how blank my expression was.
"Eheh, but you can simple call me Rarity, dear."
"Oh wow," was all that slipped off my tongue. I had to back myself up. "It's so nice to finally meet you!" My next action was denied approval by my mindset, but I put both of my hands around her shoulders and lightly hugged her. But... She hugged me back. I enjoyed the feel of her light embrace before I pulled back.
"It's so very nice to meet you too, Zor!" she beamed at me, and I couldn't help but beam back. "How long did it take you to get here?"
"Well, I fell asleep on the train, but it was daytime when we took off from Ponyville... So maybe half a day?"
"Have you eaten anything before you fell asleep?"
I had to admit it. "No." And I made up an excuse too. "They would only take cash."
"They really should change that. I've only used Equetrek a on a few occasions in my young life, and it really could have been so much better, I think. Then again, those trips were many many many moons ago." She ended her train of thought with another glance at me, but it quickly turned into a stare. Then she ended whatever her newest train of thought was. Then she turned around and spoke with her admittedly seductive voice once more. "Come dear, let's get you something to eat, my treat. We have plenty of time before I need to show you what we'll be doing."
I felt a little bad about how Rarity had to feed me, but she was the Element of Generosity, after all, and I couldn't really fight that even if I wanted to.
As I quickly followed her lead at her side, I caught a few quick glances at her impeccably groomed mane and tail. Her beautiful violet mane rolled up a little past her ears, heading over the stands of her hair that hung from the diamond studs in her ears. Then it slid down and curved away from her face, the upper portion of the slide brushing against her cheek occasionally. Then, when it the bottom of her muzzle, it curled up and spiraled into itself until it formed a core somewhere that bordered the enclosure her mane had formed around itself.
And then there was her Cutie Mark. The reassuring sky blue diamonds in a group of three, glistening along with the small iridescent glow she was giving off.
This was actually happening...

We stopped for breakfast at a small coffee shop within the primary city of the Crystal Empire. We sat at a table the rested right beside the window, and immediately to the left of the door.
The sun was now pretty high up in the sky, and the Crystal Ponies were everywhere now, happily trotting alongside their physical families. Rarity and I both gave them all big smiles, feeling happy for them. Crystal Ponies were insanely adorable, I thought. It seemed like they felt nothing but fun and joy. We watched them for a bit as we sipped on our coffee and bit on our pastries.
"Hey Rarity," I asked of her attention. And she gave it to me with a look from those incredible eyes of hers.
"Hm?" She had her mouth full of bread, so she didn't actually speak.
"That redheaded mare I saw right before we met... Her eyes were like diamonds. And you have the same look in your eyes. Are you a Crystal Pony too?" She swallowed her food down with some coffee, then she answered.
"Well, I guess I could say I was at one point, but it was kind of like how I look now. I think just being in the Crystal Empire gives ponies a bit of a gleam to them. But my eyes have been this way ever since I started working here. I wouldn't trade them for the world!"
"Don't take this the wrong way, but... They're very pretty."
"My darling Zor, thank you. Why in the world would I take that the wrong way?"
"You're...very pretty. Even prettier than I thought any fashion designer would be. You know, given what they do."
"Oho, you're too much!" She started to cover her blushing cheeks.
"I do apologize, that really just slipped out."
"Well, dear, whether it was a slip of the tongue or not, I should inform you that... It would be best if we keep this to a minimum.
We will be working together, after all." She was still blushing even after she let down her hooves. I saw it.
"Right. My mistake."
"Also... And I don't even know why I'm telling you this, but, well, I just got out of a bad relationship about two weeks ago."
"Really?" I set my coffee down, just as I was going to take one of the last few sips of it. "Well, I guess that's good if it was a bad one."
"Yes. It is." A somber mood writhed through her face. "Let's just say that he got a little... Er, very jealous of my success here in the Empire." She then set down her own empty coffee container on the table and continued to nibble on her pastry.
I saw something just then.
"That bruise on your head." It was deep underneath her mane, and it couldn't be seen unless she had her head looking down. "He did that?"
Her eyes rolled up to meet mine, where I saw her frown and nod her head.
"Dammit Rarity, you're too beautiful to have been treated like that."
"...He was quite the quick-tempered one, regardless of how strong the Crystal Heart's influence has been recently. And our relationship seemed shorter than his fuse did. But I poured everything I had into him because I loved him. And I still do...kind of...love him."
That's it. I didn't know what to say at all anymore, in terms of being too much or too little sensitive. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Rarity..."
"It's not your fault, Zor. It's alright."
No it wasn't alright. She was starting to cry as she excused herself to use the 'little filly's room'. This wasn't alright. All I wanted to do right now was hug her tight and tell her everything would be alright; her body was so warm, told by the one we shared earlier. I wanted to tell her, every minute, that she was the most beautiful mare in the world. Every second, even.
What was this I was feeling? I think it was love. Legitimate love, regardless of only spending an hour together.
I think I was so in love with Rarity...

I can't wait to feel each inch of you tonight.

When Rarity came back, I had my eyes staring out the window once more, observing the ponies playing and sharing stories with each other. They were so happy.
"Are you ready to go, dear?" asked Rarity, now seeming absentminded of the topic we brought up earlier.
I set my hands down on the table and pushed myself up. "Whenever you are." I smiled at her. "That was absolutely delicious, thank you so much for that!"
"Hehe, it's really no problem,." Rarity left a good amount of bits on the table we chose to sit at as a tip, then we exited the shop through the door directly to our right. "We're going to be working together for quite some time. You might as well get used to my generosity. It is my middle name, after all."

Rarity decided to guide me through the city via a scenic route. It was very scenic for me anyway, and I wouldn't doubt she knew it was.
We walked through the streets of the city, with overhead lights strung from both residential and commercial buildings. Colored lights also adorned the insides of every window, lining the frames with a rainbow of hues and glittering cycles of flashes. The buildings, as well as the paved cobblestone roads, were decorated with various images, more than likely drawn by children. Those same cobblestone roads were ridden with many chalk drawings, such as the well-known legend of when the prince and princess of the Empire rescued the land from a certain destruction.
One of the greasy images was of the two kissing each other, accompanied with a giant version of the Crystal Heart, as well a black cloud at the side that had lines coming out of it from all directions. I assumed it was an attempt to scribble it out, representing the vanquishing of the evil that tried to overcome the kingdom. Another drawing, this one on a piece of cardboard leaned against an emporium for all kinds of glasses, depicted a marker image of Princess Cadence flying down at a slope at full speed with low brows and gritted teeth. There was a baby dragon her back--Spike--that had Crystal Heart in his right hand, and there was a text bubble coming from his open mouth. It said: 'LOVE CONKERS ALL!!'"
All the Crystal Ponies around us were still amazingly joyous around their families, with their eyes closed and mouths wide open, laughing lively with their faint voices.
It made me smile so much, all of it. It even made me really want to cry a little.
"Is there some kind of celebration going on today?" I asked, wanting badly to know the reason for all the decorations.
"Oh Zor, dear, you don't know?" She wasn't surprised in the bad sort of way, but surprised nonetheless. The she explained as I caught back up to her side. "Well, I still have a bit to learn about it too, but tomorrow is the official start of the bi-annual celebration known as The Festival of Lights. It's where the Crystal Ponies reunite with their living families for three days and enjoy their company in any way they want to. It's not every day that they can see each other."
"Wait," My thought process seemed to have hit a block. "What do you mean 'their living families'?"
"Well," she stumbled to try and find the most comfortable way to explain. "As cheerful and upbeat as the story of the Crystal Empire may seem, there were actually...very many fatalities with the rise of King Sombra."
"Oh... Well, I know that much about this place."
"So... The former ponies, also called Crystal Ponies, who resided here at the time of his uprising...died."
"But their spirits or souls, whatever term you prefer, lived on in the iridescent form of balls of light." Now I was following her clearly. "Then, after the Crystal Heart regained greater strength many months later, the Heart's mere radiance gave the Crystal Ponies visible forms and new influence toward the living ponies who started to move here. So, in essence, their families could see, hear, feel, and touch them. But their bodies aren't really there. Ugh, that part is so hard to explain."
"I understand, though.."
"I'm glad. Anyway, you know how the Sun reflects the cuts in the Crystal Heart and lets the Crystal Ponies take form, right?"
"Yeah. It's really interesting!"
"Well, two times in the year, the Sun comes closest to the Earth, also being the hottest days of the year. The Sun overloads the Heart with the severity of its rays, allowing enough energy for the Crystal Ponies to keep their partly physical forms for three whole days, about seventy-six hours, exactly speaking. And today happens to be one of those times of the year."
For whatever reason, just thinking about how hot it might have been actually made me realize how hot to really was.
"Well it's only the afternoon, I'd guess. It'll get even hotter, I bet."
"Oh, you're right about that. Oh, and this also means I get to see my younger sister again! I'm so excited!"
"Oh... I'm sorry to hear about your loss... Really."
"Well, it was a while ago, and I'll never really get over it."

We continued down the festive roads, and Rarity told me we were almost at her studio apartment. Our next conversation ate up the rest of the time it would take till then.
"Can I tell you a secret?" she asked of me.
"As long as you feel comfortable with it. I'd have no one to tell anyway." The street we were walking on was almost abandoned at this moment in time, and that gave her the comfort to speak aloud.
"The only reason why I chose to base my headquarters here wasn't because of how glamorous it is here, or anything, really." she said. "I did it all for my sister."
"Who was she?" I asked.
She sighed "Little Sweetie Belle... She was the best sister I think literally anyone could ever ask for. I mean, it's not like she's not here with me all the time, and I also don't know why she can't appear like any other Crystal Pony at any other time of the year, but it will be so nice to actually see her and hear her again, and to feel her again, too."
"That's so sad. I'm so sorry...."
"She was so young though... She was transferred to the school here because of her supreme intellect. She had to leave her me and our parents, her friends... Oh god, her friends. They were probably the most devastated out of everyone. They hadn't done a single thing for a year or two. The poor things."
Just then, I was reminded of what the fillies wanted me to do for them.
"AppleBloom and Scootaloo wanted me to tell Sweetie hi, by the way. Maybe we could get that message back to her."
She beamed wide at me letting her sadness of the subject also show. "I know she'd like that. They have school and they can't come here themselves."
Then I reached for my back pocket, taking out the picture they drew for me. It was folded about four or five times. I unraveled it and showed it to Rarity.
"They also drew this for us." She skimmed it over, then scanned it over, and then she just burst out laughing.
"Oh, Celestia, those fillies are just TOO funny! Is this their idea of what we'll be doing?"
"I don't know, maybe?"
"Hehe, well I suppose you could sample some things if you really wanted to." She kept on laughing, but I wasn't sure what she wanted me to say, or what I could have said.
"Heh, yeah!"
"Aww, I'm teasing you, Zorry!" She turned her head to me and threw me the sweetest smile I had seen on her beautiful face yet. Then she nudged me and turned back. I wished I could have been able to stare at her a lot longer, though.

Finally, our brief tour of Rarity's new life brought us to her apartment door. She led the way to the door and took her time to get her keys off of the necklace she wore.
The apartment's exterior was comprised of a single story that was painted with what looked like a fresh coat of blue paint. Adorning the outside walls were only two simple but spotless windows from the inside looking out. The one at the right was about three feet long, whereas the one that sat lower toward the right looked twice the size as the other. Then, looking up above, I saw how the roof protruded out about a foot-and-a-half, sheltering that distance from the door.
There was a total of three windchimes that hung from that part of the roof, and each of them were near the small walkway that we stood on.
"Oh jeez, why does this thing have to be such a pain all the time?" Rarity kept her eyes down at her jade necklace as she tried to take the key out from the littlest hoop.
"Want me to get that for you?" I offered.
"No, dear, I've got this, thank you so. It's just... Sometimes... It's absurdly-" It was now stuck, and she couldn't move it anymore. She grinned sheepishly. "Eheh, is that offer still open, by chance?"
"Of course it is." I knelt down to Rarity's level of sight and reached for her flashy necklace. I began to try my fingers at the task.
"This is necklace looks very pretty on you," I commented.
"Thank you so much!" she beamed, turning her head to let me have a little more room to work with. I saw her blushing, though. "My-uh. My ex got it for me."
"No offense or anything, but was he the kind of guy who buys you jewelry in exchange for, like, part of your company or something?"
At that moment, I wriggled the key from out of the loop and stuck it into the simple brass doorknob.
"Oh please, I don't care if you offend him. I could give less than a single care in the world." Her feelings about her ex-boyfriend changed pretty quickly, I thought...
I turned the key one direction, but it did nothing. When Rarity told me to turn it the other way, though, the complete turn unlocked the deadbolt from the door. Then the door crept it's way inside, but Rarity sped up the process with a bump from her hips.
"Besides, I've already decided to just forget about him." I smiled. "Come on in, dear. Make yourself at home! Hehe, you know I won't bite."