• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 1,265 Views, 22 Comments

Under Your Halo - Wand3r3r3

It doesn't matter how or when you feel it, nor does it matter if you don't understand the latter. Love is love, and when it comes around, into your heart, you've got to take it in. All of it.

  • ...

Chase This Light

Author's Note:


Chase This Light by Jimmy Eat World: [youtube=1FoO1fx95SY]

The dress Rarity wears when she decides she wants to go out dancing: http://selinmarsou.deviantart.com/art/Gala-Fashion-2012-Rarity-324126251

Fun fact: the interior of Rarity's apartment was based off the blueprints to my own house, only slightly exaggerated, of course. *Prepares body for the stalkers*

Under Your Halo

(~~~~~Chase This Light~~~~~)

Rarity's humble abode had a heavenly greeting, with what smelled like fresh chamomile mixed in with a strong hint of cherries and roses that were just beginning to bloom. It was intensely intoxicating. I took a seat on the sofa that sat in what I assumed was her living room. From there, her home continued to amaze me.

In front of me, my knees were bent down to make room for the marble coffee table that stood on the burgundy carpeting. It had an intricate pattern etched into it--it was a faint checkered pattern, but with what reminded me of what you see when you look up at an aurora-filled sky with tens of thousands of visible stars.
Other than that, though, a stack of granite coasters laid on the mirror-like table. Then, four feet in front of it was an in-wall fireplace. Not the old fashioned stacked bricks kind, but it was actually inside the wall. I saw the remote to it lay on the attached shelf above the box where the fire would shine out from. And a short distance from the box was a very fat bean bag chair.

The walls extended to both the left and the right five-and-a-half feet on each side with a desk to the left floor, but then they came toward my direction. The wall on the left sported an extremely thin television mounted to it, an estimated ninety-six inches, and beneath that was a super-polished cedarwood cabinet with glass doors that opened up to three shelves inside. On the top shelf sat a ScooRay player that was as thin as the shelf itself was. Nothing was on the bottom two. There were doors on each outer side of the cabinet too, and they each matched its two-foot length.
But then the wall made a sharp turn further to the left, going into a deep hall with three bedrooms and a bathroom, with three in-wall shelves beneath a tall cabinet. All the doors in the hall were closed, though, causing a bleak view from afar. Next, the wall came back toward me, sneaking around the couch and turning to the kitchen behind me, and that's where I got up to look around.

The carpeting on the floor transitioned into laminate with a two heightened steps that led into the kitchen. A tall refrigerator started to line the wall first from my view, but then I saw a modern-style range with an oven inside of it. A wall mounted rack held sharp knives magnetically. The wall came out a bit, then to back a bit more, than back again heading left. There was another closed door, and in the middle of the forward wall was an out-of-place container with five plastic shelves that held various cooking utensils. Then moving along still, a washing machine sat on the floor. It's door laid dead in the middle of it's standing height.
From where all the buttons and compartments slid out, the kitchen sink and counter followed its level until a door could be seen on the wall to the right. And above the washing machine was a protrusion of the wall that stuck out halfway from the washer, sink and counter. Many cupboards laid inside of it, and the whole wall rose up above the sink, then came back down to the counter. A bread toaster, a coffee pot and a water purifier container were a few of the items that were huddled underneath the cupboards. The sink was empty, too.

Out of the actual kitchen, and right below the shortest window I saw earlier, stood a similarly polished cedarwood table pressed below it, not even half-a-foot below the curtain's reach. Those curtains were folded as they were spread tightly to the sides of the window, but I thought about what the image could have been, a cluster of dew-covered fruit. Four chairs accompanied the table; one on each end and two on the accessible side of its length.
Finally, the wall reached the door from whence we entered and met back to the fireplace, the only things preceding it being the other window with closed red velvet curtains on a brass rod, two rocking reclining chairs of leather, and one more cedarwood table between them.

"Rarity," I started out loud. "This place is incredible! Like, just... Wow!" I didn't know where she was in the apartment, but I hope she heard it. Then the door between the kitchen counter and table slowly opened. But nothing was to be seen because of how dark it was in that room.
Instinctively, I walked over to it and pushed it open a little more, still seeing nothing but black. But then I felt something press up against my neck, like a scarf, and then it pushed against me with an awkward force behind it. It started forcing me to walk forward into the dark room.
"Rarity?" I wasn't really worried. "What's happening??" Just a little surprised by her playfulness, if this was her doing. The door shut behind me, letting absolutely no light in the room I was now in.
"You'll see."

Some seconds later, a triad of stagelights along the ceiling flipped on with a blinding artificial light. But once my eyes got used to the lights, I could look around the room with much more ease. I was just standing idly in the middle of the room now, with the scarf now loosely circulated around my shoulders and neck.
"So, how do you like my workshop, Zor?"

I looked around me and the only thing I saw was the genius of the beautiful mind I knew a Rarity had. There wasn't much in terms of furniture or decoration, but I instantly considered some of the clothing blueprints laid up on the wall to be over-the-top decor. The designs she devised were incredibly intricate and breathtaking.
A few of the designs were in their physical forms, placed on mannequins in the form of quadrupeds. One of the dresses was placed on the collarbone of a mannequin in a way so that the shimmering lining at it's back would line the top and bottom of the wearers tail, and the end of that glittering violet fabric tied onto the end of the mannequin's tail, and the entire dress sparkled as the light shined on the fabric. Another dress featured a golden glow to its entirety, and with extensions that cover the wearer's front legs, the bottom portion of the dress had fabrics that spiraled in all directions of its body. Lined with lightweight studs that were probably real gems, the spiraled supporting fabrics easily became the main feature, despite the iridescent, rainbow-like illusion that the gold-colored threads gave off.

The whole room was like a big, wide-open box, and to my direct right was another, smaller room with outward folding doors. Inside, from what I could see, were rolls of thread and spindles of fabric and tools that lined the walls, and... Everything she would ever need was probably in there.
"Rarity, everything is just...so amazing!" I admitted proudly.
She gave me a quirky grin as she walked toward me. "You think so?"
"I mean, I thought everything would throw the vibe that you're rich, but everything you've done here is truly amazing!"
"You think I'm rich?" She looked puzzled.
"Well, with talent known across the world-"
"It sounds like a nice life to have, and indeed, I have dreamed of that life at one point in time." She walked closer to me, now a two feet away from me. "But I've learned to appreciate other things in life, like making others happy through my own sacrifice."
"What do you mean?" What was I asking? "I mean, you're the Element of Generosity, so how did you need to learn how to be generous?"
"Well, I wasn't always how I am today. When I was younger--much younger-- I would think mostly of myself and very little of others. No one knows this little part of me, but... I would often steal things I wanted that didn't belong to me, mostly things that I thought were worth holding onto, or things that sparkled in my eyes, like small gems and things like that." This was honestly very surprising. "I was also a little brat at that age, having to always look over my back and change my attitude around others. I didn't really have too many friends back then, but the ones that were my friends taught me how to change myself for the best, and they were documented criminals on the run from the law. Can you believe that?"

My thoughts about Rarity remained unchanged. In fact, it was a good thing we were getting to know each other better. I merely responded:
"I believe every bit of it. Even the worst of people can have the most sensitive hearts." I had to catch myself, though. "Not you, of course, I'm talking about those friends you mentioned."
"Mmhmm, that's exactly right. And I suppose I can put myself under that phrase."
"But Rarity."
"Which is why-"
"You're not a bad person-"
"I'm going to attack you!"

I was suddenly snapped out of my sensitive mindset when Rarity jumped at me just then. She knocked me down and stood on top of me, trapping my arms between my body and her hooves. Then I saw her horn glow with a sea-blue aura, and far behind her, I saw a top hat, a monocle, and a black stallion's tuxedo lift from atop a mannequin.
"Oh no," I started laughing.
"Oh yes, dear! It's time to play dress up!"

As the accessories first grew closer, I bit her dangling mane with my lips, at which point she tugged her head back gently, trying to break my grip. When she did break it, though, her head jerked back enough for her to lose her magical focus, dropping the accessories on a cushioned rocking chair. Then I bent my knees up and lifted my upper body to hers. She gently pushed me back down with her left hoof, but then I took the opportunity to start wriggling my way out from underneath her, the two of us still laughing.
When she let me escape, she leaped at me once more, and the two of us were rolling around on the ground until she reached for a prop pipe and immediately tried to get me to open my mouth again, as I was not laughing out loud anymore. This was a life or death situation.

After a few minutes of playful wrestling, Rarity was beneath me when she managed to slip the tip of the pipe in my mouth. We froze in a position that had me holding Rarity's hoof with one hand, trying to stop her from her goal. And she laid there, trying to hold her laughter through a toothy smile she wore on her face. But when the pipe eventually slipped out from my lips and onto the floor. I used the opportunity to do something I've wanted to do when I discovered my feelings for her.
I kissed the top of her hoof. It was quick, and I could see the surprise on Rarity's face, now wearing a faint smile and widened eyes But...I didn't see any indications of an objection.
"That was quite the unexpected outcome," she said. I was confident, though.
"It just sort of...dawned on me."
"Well I'm glad it did, because that was a good excuse to stop playing around in here."
"Right. Don't want to cause any damage in here."
"Definitely. Plus, I've got to show you what you'll be helping me out with."
That might have sounded really exciting before, but at this point, the feeling was boosted tenfold.
I sat up on my legs and let her get back on her own. Whereas then, she unlocked the door to the kitchen and opened it, entering.
I really didn't know if I offended her or disgusted her by kissing her, but I resolved to repress the event as best I could. And with that, I followed her into the living room, where I saw her sitting like a duck in one of the leather chairs.

And all I can do now...

I took my rest back on the burgundy couch, ready and intent to listen to my duties as Rarity's partner. I was still trying to forget about that kiss, too.
"Ahem." Rarity cleared her throat as she started talking. "Honestly, Zor, you're not going to be very busy, but everything you do do for me will be very important. Although your primary task may prove to be redundant over time, my stressed-out schedule leaves me with no time to make reviews and all that."
"Doesn't sound too hard." I said.
"Well aren't you eager to get to work! Hehe, I'm going to be asking you to review my blueprints, as well as all the articles I make from them, for any flaws or sketchy corners you may find. A lot. I value your opinion, and I'm not sure if you've noticed this or not, but I value perfection to the highest standard."
"Everything I've seen so far was absolutely perfect," I commented as she smiled. "I also think I saw how a lot of those designs you drew were already done, and they looked better than perfect!"
"Thank you so much! Last night, I was so excited to meet you the morning after, I kind of got ahead of myself and my own duties as well. Which is why it's insanely important that we look those over for any imperfections. I'll also want you to document a log of my expenses. I just don't have the time for anything other than working on my designs."
"Understandable. You're a genius at what you do."
"Hehe, but, as I said before, we're ahead of schedule a bit, so we can sit back and relax for a day or two. It usually takes me a single twenty-four hour period to just craft one of my designs, and then some more time to look them over."
"So... What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" I looked through the striped mahogany curtains on the window behind Rarity and saw that the sun was casting a shimmering sunset through the air. "The day looks like it's almost over." She thought about my question, putting her hoof under her head and staring at the ceiling as she did.
Then she leapt off the chair and said; "I want you to dance with me."

...Is wait to leave the ground

"You want me to...dance?" I repeated her words like a fool, dumbfounded.
"With me, if you don't mind. I'd like to practice for the start of the festival tonight. And now that I have someone else here with me, the proposition stands unquestionably. Besides," she teased me again." You're in my house. You can't simply can't escape! Hehee!"
That was a good point, not that I would have ever passed this opportunity for the world. I would never.


"So come, Zor. I promise you I won't bite this time." She eagerly awaited my approach, with those glimmering diamond eyes. They beckoned me to her.
She gave me her left hoof, and I gave her my right hand, lifting her up to my level, and on her hind legs, she was partially leaning against me. She set her hoof on my shoulder and placed her other one on my upper torso, and I held her higher foreleg with my hand and placed my other hand on her waist. I imagined that a crowd of ponies of all kinds were watching just the two of us dance under that star-clustered sky. All of them.
This felt strangely uncomfortable for her, I was sure of it.
"Let's see what you can do..." she giggled.

~~~~~I feel invincible;
So chemical around you.
Flying high, I'm so alive beside you.
All the stars above are under your halo.
I'll take every breath and every lie about you.
Fuck the world without you.
Pull me higher up, just like an angel.~~~~~

We spent about thirty minutes just dancing. I couldn't have been any happier with my entire life than I was at that moment in time. Her face was buried in my chest for the last fourteen minutes till we stopped, and when we did stop dancing. She looked up at me, her wet face evidence enough that she was crying. I wished I knew she was, but I didn't.

"Zor," she said, halfway between a mutter and a whisper.
"Rarity?" I answered. We still stood motionless.
Oh my god.
"I... Um, I'm..."
"Spill it, Rarity." I teased her for a change. But it wasn't enough.
She retracted her hooves to the floor and let me go, whereas I knelt down to her level. "I knew there was no doubt in choosing you to work with me. Because I...already really like you."
"Oh," Why did this have to be the one time for me to get tongue-tied? "I really like you to, Rarity... "
But I guess that enough had done the trick. She came back to wrap one of her forelegs around my shoulder and our cheeks rubbed against each other, with my face buried in her silky-smooth mane.

~~~~~I'm under your halo~~~~

Eventually, the late evening had evolved into the early night. Rarity had gone into her room through the straightforward door in the hall to change into something appropriate for the festival she mentioned. The activities began that night, and she didn't want to be late. She told me I looked absolutely perfect, and I didn't have to worry about a thing. My hair was short, my clothes were still perfectly clean. I would have taken Rarity's word even if I was nothing but a mess. I was sitting on the chair this time around, the same one she was sitting in when we were talking earlier.
And then I heard the her bedroom door open, and the soft steps of her hooves on the carpet. And then I saw her come from out from the corner, in every bit of her absolute glory.

Her hair was fixed in a ball shape with a few other, smaller bundles next to the biggest, with bridges of layers that overlapped each other as they continued atop her head. Then, from that point on, her mane was let down to hang over the sides of her neck, and the front of the dress she wore came to cover her back and encompass the rest of her lower body under it.
The masterpiece shined in all the colors of a rainbow. It was so thin, in fact, that it would have looked as if she wasn't wearing anything if I weren't right there in that very same room as her. The colors were faint, but, as Rarity explained to me, under a cloak of light--artificial or natural--that's when it it really shows itself off.
"This is also one of my mess-ups for a dress you may have seen in my little workroom," she added.
"What was wrong with it?"
Nothing was wrong with it. It was perfect.

There were some parts of the actual dress that laid over her tail and on each side of it, too. Or at least, they looked like separate parts to the piece, but it was really part of the dress itself, with the ocean-blue fabric woven into the beautiful clothing. At the bottom where the special pieces of material stopped along with the body of the dress, many blue and pink gems lined the edges and shined bright, despite the inadequate lighting in the living room.

A part of the dress also came up from underneath her chest and rounded itself down toward the bottom, heading down to the top of her forelegs and pointing itself diagonally down her legs, then curving back up to her underside after it reached the backsides of her legs. She was wearing beautiful shoes on all her hooves, too. They shimmered as I saw them curve down toward her backsides, whereas where they met with a slight slope at the front, a single diamond joined them in the area between the downward slides.
Finally, her mane, at both parts where they hung down beside her neck, was under the thin veil of sparkling fabric in which she slipped over it. Those parts of her mane simply looked as if there were electric lights in her hair. They didn't move at all, but only with her movements thy would stay embedded there.
She was just beautiful, to describe her in one word. But the word wasn't 'just' anything, really; she was absolutely magnificent.

"Oh, I made the whole thing a little too thin for the commissioner 's liking. So I figured, why not add this beauty to my own wardrobe?"
"Heh, yeah, right?" We were now heading out the door.
"After you, dear." I exited the apartment first, the cool night air inviting me to the events to come. Rarity came out next, locking the door with her key after she shut it behind her.
When she asked me to flip the key on her necklace again, I noticed how she wasn't wearing the same one she was before. No, this one was a big piece with just as big a frame, littered with diamonds that formed various shapes, such as a heart, a crescent moon, a shimmering sun, and a star. There was a hook at the top where Rarity asked me to slip it through. Once I did that, she thanked me sincerely, and we were on our way.

The city streets, every single one of them, were sparkling with spheres of light in all colors understandable. Hanging from lighted wires across buildings, inside windows and on lining the sides of the streets.
The sparkling arch that towered over the city was shining and glittering intensely, showering the same streets with an overlaying of bright, natural light. The Crystal Ponies and all their families looked to be out and about in every inch of the roads, talking and playing, dancing and loving.
It was crowded, Rarity and I had to admit, but neither one of us would ever mind; she knew what these next three nights would mean to all of them. True, they could see each other whenever they wanted at any other time of the year, but, as Rarity also told me, Crystal Ponies lose their memories every time they revert back to their spiritual forms.
And, during this seventy-six hour period, they would have the time of their lives.

Lonely bird, lend me your ear.

"This must be heaven," I told Rarity. I was unable to stop feeling and looking at all the happiness and love around us.
"Yes, it really seems like it, doesn't it?" She suddenly seemed...out if it. The thought could have just been my own, though. "It kills me to see how happy they all are."
"You don't mean that literally, do you?" I teased.
She lowered her voice and responded. "Honestly... Okay, it doesn't literally kill me, but, after what I've been through...and what I still feel... It's hard not to be a little envious."
"Hey," I tried comforting her. "I know how you feel, really."
"You do?"
"Yeah, really."

At that point, I offered Rarity a seat at a lone roadside table in a partially empty part of the street. She agreed to sit down for a bit, rather than continuing on and feeling even worse in a much bigger crowd.
"I mean, yeah, I've lost most of my own memory when I came here. It's a matter of fact that I don't even remember how I got here either. But yes, I know I felt the same way where I came from, because I still feel the same way as you now, just a little bit."
"So... You were like me, pretty much." said Rarity.
"It would be the only explanation, unless something hit me just now."
Rarity now had her head looking down at the plastic table, her sad eyes making her sudden emotions all too clear.
"I feel sick," was what she said next.
"Do you want to go back?"
"Yes... Please." I felt for Rarity, more than I have ever felt for anyone or anything. I would comply with her every wish. And she needed me to do that more than ever. And she needed someone in her life to treat her right.
We got up from the table set and walked together again, just in the opposite direction. Some of the ponies around us gave us some confused looks as we walked away from the city's festive attractions, and it was a shame that we had to be.
"Sorry..." Rarity arched her head up to my hand as I started to stroke her mane with my hand. "Really, I'm so sorry I had to ruin this for you..."
But I didn't care about anything except her now.
"Rarity," I comforted her as she leaned against me. "Anything for you."