• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 1,265 Views, 22 Comments

Under Your Halo - Wand3r3r3

It doesn't matter how or when you feel it, nor does it matter if you don't understand the latter. Love is love, and when it comes around, into your heart, you've got to take it in. All of it.

  • ...


Under Your Halo


Once again, I worked my handy magic and unlocked the door, letting ourselves in. The first place Rarity went through was the early door to the right of the hall. She then poked her head out and told me she would be out in a few minutes, then she went back in and shut the door behind her.

As for me, I didn't know what else to do except take a seat and wait for her to finish doing whatever it was she was doing. She seemed like something was ailing her, and to a pretty steep degree too. I stopped doubting myself a while ago, ceasing to tell myself that I was the reason why she got to acting this way. I had a real feeling that I knew what she wanted.

It was like I told her before. I didn't remember what it was that made me the lonely, desperate person I was before, but I knew how she felt. I could see life through her perspective, I feel, If given the chance. In fact, I knew what she wanted, actually. She needed someone in her life who would treat her right and never do her wrong...

So suddenly, but rather quietly, Rarity's voice began to leak through her bedroom door. Instinctively, I stayed seated, but when I heard another voice a few seconds after hers, I had to move my seat to the middle cushion of the couch. Some part of me told me that I had to listen, and I really hated doing it because it was behind her back, and she was unaware of it, but these insane feelings I had for her would make me do anything and everything that would ever involve her, or even something as simple yet beautiful as her name.

My internal signs and thoughts led me to the inevitable conclusion. It would have came around eventually, whether through my actions or my words.

I was, in fact, in love with Rarity. I knew this like it was something I could have never forgotten, even when all my memories were wiped away. I felt so...powerful just repeating her name to myself. I mean, she chose me to work with her, to be her...partner.

Nothing could ever replace the feeling I was enjoying so much. My head was way up in the clouds. I truly felt unstoppable. Powerful; even...Good fucking god I couldn't ever start to describe how wonderful this felt.


"Hello?" Rarity's voice asked of nothing every few seconds. "You're here, aren't you?" I remember what she told me before... "Are you hiding from me in those walls?"

Her sister...

"Boo!!" Rarity literally jumped about foot from her seat on the little bed she sat on.

"Oh my..!" SweetieBelle!"
There was suddenly a dome-like lump under the bed sheets, which Rarity quickly unraveled the object underneath when she looked back around. There was nothing to be seen, though.

"I wasn't scared, I swear it!" She giggled and looked around in the room some more for wherever her sister could be hiding.
The pink-walled room was no bigger than the size of half her living room; it was only nearly a fourteen foot box, pretty much. The room was empty of any decorations or furniture, save for the highly-raised bed that stood tall of the carpeted floor, and there was a closet to the right of the bed's frame. It was the first place she looked.

"Are you in here?" Rarity pulled the slightly creaky door outwards, only to see absolutely nothing inside. "Oh. Of course not. Come on dear, it's not like I'm going to do anything to you."

"Who's that guy?" spoke the gentle voice once more. The room was so small and empty, it made SweetieBelle's voice literally untraceable; Rarity still couldn't tell where her sister was, that is until she floated up through the bed and sat on top of it. She gave her the most sinister of playful grins, and Rarity took it kindheartedly, regardless of her urge to jump on that bed with her and wrestle with her playfully.

"Oh, SweetieBelle. I've missed you so much." But she did, however, hop up on the foot of the bed with her and pull her close to her. Crystal ponies were able to travel through solid objects, and would normally be unable to be touched at all. But of course, since they were both of the same blood, they could share each other's touch.

"I missed you too..." The little white Unicorn pulled herself closer to Rarity, sinking her face into her shoulders briefly before she spoke again. "Even though it's only been six months or so."

"I know what you mean." Rarity laughed with her a bit. "Did you have to go about frightening me, though?"

"I thought you said you weren't scared." Sweetie grinned suggestively.

"I wasn't! Eheh, I said I was frightened."

"There's no difference, I don't think. I can go "OOOOOOO" all day and everyone will run, even other crystal ponies! Hehe!"

"Well I guess you're just one of a kind, then!" The two sisters had been reunited once again. Not even death could stand between them...

"You're my sister, and I love you to death. I always will..."

A few minutes passed, with the sisters still holding each other close in their embrace. "Hey Rarity?" SweetieBelle piped up with her squealing petite voice. "You never answered my question."

"Which one?"

"Who that guy is. He's still out there. Is he waiting for something? Or something?"

"I thought you knew who he was," Rarity answered. "He's my new partner for my fashion designer line!"

"I'm really happy for you! I'm not going to doubt him one bit, but...why a human? The only human?"
Rarity then bit her lips and looked to the side, thinking of an explanation the Sweetie would understand. "Well, what harm is there in taking a chance on a total stranger? He's from a whole other land, so who knows what kind of skills and talents he has."

"I guess that's true. One of the last things I learned before I passed on was not to be the one to start or believe any birdie gossip," It was easier than she thought, but Rarity also knew that her sister was incredibly smart for her age. "So I'm not going to say he's not good for you, if you thought that's where I was getting at.

"Oh, on the contrary SweetieBelle." Rarity raised her voice to emphasize her statement. "But he is good for me in so many ways. I feel as if we've hit it off straight from the start!"

"What do you mean?" the younger sister asked. "Does he know a lot about what you want to do?"

"Well...I gave him a quick rundown of what I do, but I'm sure he had very good knowledge of me beforehand."

"...Rarity?" SweetieBelle caught something in her sister; Rarity was the element of Generosity, yes, but she always had an uncontrollable habit of talking about herself before anyone else in many situations similar to this.

"What's the matter, Sweetie?"

"Are you okay?" She asked, bluntly. Not rudely, but it was like she was in her face.

"Of course I am! I'm positively wonderful!" Now Rarity was giggling continuously. "My heart is fluttering!"
According to SweetieBelle, that was conformation enough. "Oh jeez, you're in love with him."

"Oh...hehe. Yes, dear, I really think I am!"

"With a human?"

Rarity's face abruptly turned more than halfway blank, with a sliver of her exponential happiness letting be shown."Okay, Sweetie, what are you getting at? You've never really liked it when something good happens with me, so tell me. What is it about him that you don't like?"

"I'll say it again; I don't have anything against him. Sorry for acting like I did, Rarity..." SweetieBelle was starting to frown. Rarity was always a bit of an aggressive older sister when it came to choosing her words.

"Sweetie...I'm sorry, I-"

"All I was trying to say, er, ask was, and I'm just curious here, why you chose him over plenty other qualified designers?"

"Sweetie..." Rarity saw the jewels in her sister's eyes shimmer as she started to sniffle and cry. There were no physical tears, but Rarity knew she was crying. And she started to well up as well. "Sweetie don't do this to me..."


"Cry. Please don't. I can't stand to-"

"I'm-I'M JUST TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR MY SISTER!" Sweetie was screaming at the top of her lungs, but her ethereal existence took most of the anger out of her voice, and the end result sounded like she was whispering loudly. "I'm sorry!"

The Unicorn hopped off the bed in a fit of scarcely explained rage, but Rarity leapt off as well and stopped her in her tracks, making the little filly look her straight in the eyes with a squished face. She could still see the premature frustration in her face, though.

"Look. Sweetie," she started. "I never meant to hurt you, and I'm so...so so SO sorry if I did. I love you, darling... You're my one and only sister...and you're the best one anypony could EVER ask for. Even after death..." Now she was full fledged sobbing. "Even after death, you're still here with me! Even though I haven't ever returned the favor to you, you're still here!"

SweetieBelle couldn't move at all. She was trapped in Rarity's loving arms. "Rarity..." The older sister immediately turned her head from the youngers' little shoulders and looked at her teary face, her own just the same way.

"Anything, Sweetie. Just don't leave me. Never leave me..."

"Rarity...I think it would be for the best..."

"You think...what would be for the best?" Rarity was quivering now, her legs shaking and her hooves getting moist with perspiration.

"If I left you," Sweetie said, intentionally blunt this time.

Rarity had no real words ready for what SweetieBelle had told her.

"You can't... You can't..!" She was utterly devastated. Nothing could save her now. "You... YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME!" She literally screamed at Sweetie, throwing her forelegs behind her with the velocity of her voice.

"You think so, huh?" responded the filly, fearlessly. Rarity took her hooves off of her; she could do whatever she wanted. "Watch me." And so she did, a burst of light coming from her body. It blinded Rarity for a moment, but when her sight came to once more, she saw SweetieBelle beginning to vanish. Her body was less transparent than it was before, and the diamonds in her eyes was the only part of her that was shining brighter than any other part of her dissipating body.

"STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" screamed Rarity. And one of the saddest things was that she couldn't even touch SweetieBelle anymore. He body was entirely gone now.

"Too late. My second life is gone.


"Rarity. I just want you to be happy. But I can't deal with how happy you WERE, so I just ended my second chance at life so I wouldn't make myself any more jealous than I was the moment you said you were in love."

"Is THAT what this is about??"" Shouted Rarity, still trying to see if she could feel her little sister one final time. "My feelings for him?"

"It may seem like a stupid reason, but...well-"

"You don't need to explain, Sweetie!" Rarity tried to make haste with her words. She didn't know how much time she had. "I understand the hard things in life AND I CAN HELP YOU!"

"You might have been able to, but I lost a lot of respect for you after I died the first time."
This was an absolute nightmare for Rarity. "What the?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?? I didn't know you died when you did!"

"I think you did, Rarity. Why else would you have avoided my friends when you got on the train back to Ponyville? When you came with your own friends for the Crystal Fair all those years ago?"

"God..! I was told that you were evacuated and taken to Canterlot to resume your schooling! And I found out right when I got back to Ponyville after we killed Sombra, and your friends were the ones that told us!"

"But...who told them?"

"Your parents! Who the heck do you think!?" Do you seriously think no one ever loved you??!"

SweetieBelle was now almost completely transparent, her slightly grey-turned outline being the second-to-last thing left of her existence.

"They told them?"


"Like who else?"

Like the whole freaking town! They told me! They told the Celestia and Luna, who agreed to find your body and give you A PROPER BURIAL!" Rarity was out of breath and still very angry. But she soon started to calm down when Sweetie started to cry again.

"Oh my god..." She didn't think the world wanted her at all. "What have I done..?" But now it was too late for a third shot at life. "Rarity!" She screamed as loud as her evanescent voice would let her. "Rarity, save me! I don't wanna leave!!"

"I can't- I can't do anything!!" Hug me!"

"I CAAAN'T!" Sweetie tried and tried, but there was nothing to be felt for either of them. "RARITYYY!!"



Rarity screamed my name through the closed door, and it didn't take me much thought, if any at all, to spring off of the couch and head to the room. I continued to hear her scream out loud, but I couldn't get the door open to find out why. I thought she was in some sort of danger, as dreadful as the thought was, but it could have been true. I twisted the knob as fast as far as I could both ways and pushed, but nothing happened.

"Zor, HELP!"
I also pulled on the knob repeatedly, but still, nothing came of it.

"Rarity open the door!" I tried to shout over her. "I can't get it!"

Then...Rarity's voice just, died. It wasn't replaced by anything, but at the same moment it did, the door pulled itself open, away from my handle on the knob. "Rarity..." I whispered now. "What happened? Why were you screaming?"

Rarity sat there on the carpet floor with her head down and her right foreleg up. She was holding something in the cleft of her hoof, and I had almost made it out from my standing view.

"Oh Zor..."

I should have never let my eyes blink that night...

In her hoof, Rarity held the last remaining piece of her sister, and she quickly couldn't bear to look at it anymore. It was a glistening diamond that shined bright with a slight emerald shade to it. It almost looked as if it was exactly going off of the color wheel, combining a certain yellow with a certain blue hue. I looked at it and safely figured the worst.

"Zooooorrr!" Rarity clambered her body at mine and locked me in her deathgrip. She was crying her eyes out, literally; the tears she wept on my clothes didn't stop. "Zor, whyy? Why...WHY-DID-SHE HAVE-T DO THIS?"
At that point, I put the pieces together, and I still didn't know for sure, but I had to ask:

"SweetieBelle? Where is she?"

"SHE'S...Oh god, SHE'S GOOOONE!"
But SweetieBelle was gone. Forever, this time.

"Oh no... God..." My words were useless though. I meant to comfort her with all the simple words I chose, but Rarity shushed me with her hoof.

"Stop talking...Just be here for me." She told me with no other movements at all. With her head buried in my chest now as I knelt down to her level, she cried as long as her eyes would allow her to. I began to pet her back and her mane gently.


It was a good hour before Rarity said anything. She might have briefly fallen asleep on me; it was hard to tell when I lifted up the slide of her mane that covered her eyes. Her gaze was cloudy and gloomy, and she was just staring in a straightforward direction, into nothing except my chest. She still didn't say anything when I recited her beautiful name.

"Rarity?" I continued. "Rarity?" Finally, she came back to when I touched her face, cupping her head with my hand and running my fingers along her chin.

"...Huh? Oh gosh, Zor... I fell asleep for a bit and I just woke up maybe ten minutes ago."

"Well you've been through a lot."

"I was just...thinking."

"Rarity, I'm so sorry."

"Dear. It's just not your fault." She kept her blank expression as she finally let go of me, taking her forelegs to the duty of walking out the open door. "I'm going to wash my hair and let it down. I feel so clouded."

I got back up to my feet and followed her out of the room, catching the end of her tail head into the bathroom right across to the other side of the hall. She didn't know I was watching her though. She proceeded to magically slip her dress off her body and down her legs, where she laid it neatly behind where the door hung in the room. She then filled the bathtub up with water as she pushed one of the knobs over the faucet, turning it on. It filled rather quickly, and she didn't do anything but keep her head down, staring at the water that filled the porcelain.

When the bathtub was full of water, Rarity dunked her head in and kept it down there for various secondly intervals before she would lift her head up from the water. She kept on sighing silently as she continued soaking her mane.

Then eventually she climbed in entirely, and that was when she caught me watching her.

"Hehe... Have you been there the whole time?" She asked, still somewhat blankly. I looked at her with the same vague expression she gave me; one that told me tat I didn't know what to say, or even what I was saying.

"I can't help it. I really can't."

"Hehe, what ever do you mean?" She seemed to have calmed down significantly. I was really impressed, yet still intensely mournful at the same time.

"Uhm...nothing like that. It's just..." I struggled with how the situation was portrayed, and that made me struggle with the words I meant to use as well, "I just wanna be here for you, you know?"

"Are you saying you want to watch me bathe, dear?" Her transformation was incredible. "Do you want to sit right here and take the role of this little rubber ducky right here?" She immediately pulled a rubber duck toy seemingly from out of nowhere, and that just made me laugh so much. I was still feeling bad for Sweetie, though, so I felt so bad for having a laugh, but Rarity was the one who made me, so she must not have minded very much at all. Strange.

"I guess that depends," I said. "Do you want me to?"

"Well that also depends, dear," She smirked. "Do you want to?"
I gave into temptation. "I want to be beside you."

And so I took a seat on the wide body of the bathtub, watching her innocently play with her little toy duck in the clear water. Rarity didn't need to take a bath at all--hell, knowing her, she would have gone with a shower anyway. But she was under some kind of describable influence that hid her sadness extremely well, and I was even starting to think that she was already over her sister, as harsh as that may sound. I knew something was still really there, though.

"Zor?" Rarity said as she came up from under the surface of the water. "Won't you play with me?"

"Rarity?" What...exactly was she asking of me? "What do you mean..?"

"Well I mean, little ducky can't move on his own."

"Oh! Hehe, okay!" What a relief, man.

I put two fingers on the floating toy as Rarity sunk beneath the miniature waves. I didn't know what she was planning to do, but I proceeded tom move the duck along the water's feeble flesh. I saw Rarity slide her body down to the front of the tub, her rear legs raised in the air and her head laying on the floor of it. As I moved Mister Duck moved along the ripples, Rarity's head slowly came up and I saw her open her mouth too.

If I was that duck...I would have suffered a pleasant death. Rarity blew a tiny amount of bubbles at the water's surface, making the duck wobble and shake with my loose grip on it. Then soon enough, she unveiled her head from the depths and ate the little duck whole with her mouth wide open. Of course, she removed it from her mouth, but only after she gently spit my two fingers out, I blushed, and so did she.

"Pfft. that was cute," I told her.

"It's just part of my bath time. Hehe, I usually just turn the shower on and stand here, letting it soak me completely. But I guess I just felt like sitting in warm water." She wiggled her legs around and put them back of the corner of the wall and the tub, leaning against them. "Actually, dear, could you do me a favor and lift that little lever upon the faucet?" I suddenly feel like having a shower right now. And make the water warm, please."
I looked at the faucet and saw a straight lever standing up with a circular lift at the top of it. I pulled it up and turned the water on by also pulling back on a bigger wall-mounted knob. Water came shooting out of the shower head above, and when it hit Rarity, she laid back and enjoyed every drop of it. It was a beautiful thing to see.

Rarity was so perfect...In every single way I could think of. Yes, she had her natural flaws, and so did I. Everyone does. But she was my soulmate. I felt it in my heart, my mind, my everything.

"Zor," she started. Why don't you go get comfortable in the living room or something? You don't have to stay here just for me."
It was at that time that I felt like I could leave and not offend her. She did give me permission, after all. "I'll be out in a few minutes anyway."

"What do you want to do the rest of the night?" I asked,getting up and heading to the door.

"I have way too many movies that I haven't got the chance to watch yet. Maybe we could choose something and spend the rest of the night with that. Or a few of them."

"Sounds great." It really did. Anytime with her was beyond great, actually. "Do you want the door shut?" I also asked as I started to head out the doorway.

"Yes please, dear. I wouldn't want to the surprise to be spoiled."

Surprise? I had to ask myself what she might have meant. So I closed the door for her, sat back down in the living room couch and let my eyes look around in the cabinet that the ScooRay player was in. This time around, I saw a couple of thin, orange cases that held the movies she was talking about. I didn't want to invade her privacy by actually looking at them with my hands, so I didn't and continued to think about what was going to transpire that night.

I heard the water for the shower turn off less than a minute later after I sat down. But that was all I heard. Nothing else.

Author's Note:

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope, but failure's all you've known.
Remember all the sadness and frustration.
And let it go.

Comments ( 8 )

Hey, whoa, I don't think he meant it that way! :pinkiegasp:

I think he meant it as in, "This is a sad moment in the story for me," not like an attack on the story or anything. Any story that invokes emotion in the reader--which he made evident in the emoticons he used--is generally accepted as a better story. I don't think he intended that as rudeness at all, but more of an "I didn't see that coming and it invoked emotion in me I wasn't expecting, please do more of this" type of comment.

I've had that kind of comment before, in one or two of my stories. :pinkiesmile: I certainly don't believe that was a negative comment, and I don't think he wants you to be discouraged by what he said, but rather encouraged to do more things he doesn't expect out of a story. :twilightsmile:

4678983 Well if that's the case, then I'm sure to bring more unexpectedness! XD And it is my full intention to take people's emotions on a roller coaster ride with this; it's the kind of writer I've grown to be. I literally live off of my emotions, and music helps me capture those feelings I have and turn them into a stories that have the potential to kill people on the inside. (Probably an exaggeration there. lol)

4675992 I apologize for my comment, and how rude I made it sound. I just work so hard on everything I have here, and I hate to see signs of failure. Please forgive me.:ajsleepy:

Congratulations on being favorite number 100. :heart:

4679028 So you like it? :twilightsmile:
Do I get a prize for being number 100?:rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks so much for the favorite and the watch!!:heart:

A favorite is not an upvote; I favorite a story when I am interested at reading it in the future (my Read it Later list is for poorly written stories) but can't get to it just yet.

You will likely get my upvote once I get to reading this. Your chapters are a little longer than my average chapter, meaning they're still bite-sized enough for me to enjoy. Thank goodness they're not 10,000 words apiece, or I wouldn't ever have the time to read it. :derpytongue2:

Rest assured, however, that I will be reading it in the near future. :rainbowkiss:

4679051 I'm glad to hear that you're considering my work readable. :scootangel:


Love can never be cut short of credit when you know that it's real, even from the very beginning. Take the opportunity to show that you care with all your heart. Don't pass up the temporary, one-time chance to be happy forever for all time.

Please... Do it for the sake of everything you have ever lived for. Do it for everything that you WILL ever live for. Because without it...you might as well just throw your life away.

Based on this segment of the description alone, I get the feeling I will enjoy this story immensely.

4679117 That really warms my heart.:heart:

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