• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 559 Views, 3 Comments

Seer - Groupiegatalo

Zak could start seeing them at the age of eight. He told his mother about his friend but she played it off as if it was an imaginary friend of the sorts.

  • ...

Out in the town.

"Whew! Didn't think we would get all this together!" Zak says standing in his stripped blue and black boxers and t-shirt.

He looks at the shelves of books, on the recently built bookshelves, and the desk that holds his prized laptop that he's taken care of for nearly five years. Now he can finally settle down and get back to writing and making music, that one really reads nor listens too, and get back on track with his life. He takes a sit in his black rolling chair and spins around in it to only have it stopped by a particular purple glow. The chair stops him in front of the source of the glow.

Twilight stands looking at him with a cocked head.

"What?" Zak asks holding onto the front of the chair a bit dizzy already.

"There's someone knocking on the door." She says motion her head towards the rooms door.

"And? Why should I care? Might be some person looking to sell me something or just annoy me. Can't I just ignore it?" He says leaning back into the chair.

"No! That's not the right thing to do. Now go answer the door."

Zak sighs, gets up, and does as Twilight commands. Sure he might not want to, but he'll do it just cause he doesn't want to listen to Twilight's incisive pestering. You wouldn't think that a pony would do so much of it when they can talk, but oh my god.

Zak goes to the door and opens it to find two things he never thought he would see until class. People who look to be about his age. A male and female standing out in front of his door. The male seems a bit older than the female. And all Zak could do was stand there and stare. Behind him, unknown to the visitors, Twilight face hooves before Annie kicks him the back of the leg making him jump a bit and look back.

"Hey!" He says shaking his head at Annie.

"Uhhhh hey?" The female asks a bit nervous of the neighbor.

Zak snaps back at attention and coughs, "Uh hey, what uh what do you guys want?"

"Just thought we stop by and say hello, but if this is a bad time." The female says.

"Don't worry about it. I got things to do. We can talk later." He says rapidly not wanting to talk to them for a long period.

The conversation was getting tense enough from his out burst at the girl who just kicked him. He hastily backs up and closes the door before another word is said. He turns around and heads for his room that is being blocked off by a certain teenage robot. She raises her right eye in a "what was that" type of way.

"What!? I don't want to talk to them. Plus them coming to see me is freaky. Like beyond freaky. Plus I made an outburst towards people they can't see." Zak says trying to get behind her into his room.

Twilight shakes her head from the couch, "You really need to stop being like... you."

"Hey! If I wasn't me than nobody else would..." Zak says defiantly still trying to get in.

"Jenny... Would you please?" Twilight asks.

"With pleasure." Jenny says talking a hold of Zak and taking him into his room.

"Wait? Please what? What's going on?"

"You're becoming social whether you like it or not!" Twilight says following the two in, "But first you're getting dressed for going outside!"

Zak squirms and fits trying to get out of her grasps, "Why do you have to be a damned robot!"

Jenny shrugs, "That way I can hold you against your will."

Zak growls as Twilight's horn ignites. By now the others are looking at Zak's door with curious looks wondering how it will all go. By the sound coming from within... not pleasant.

Outside of the apartment a man dressed in a gray hoodie and matching jogging pants with a hat that covers part of his messy red hair stands beside a woman that's two years younger than him who wears a pink tank top that doesn't cover her belly to show off her belly ring, a red skirt, and has a band to hold her bronze like hair back in a pony tail. Easy to say, they don't really look like they belong together. But the woman managed to convince him to come greet the new neighbor which she considered to go over great.

"So this went according to plan huh?" The man says shoving his hands into his pockets, "I say we're friends with him already."

She rolls her eyes, "He's just busy probably unpacking and everything and you know it!"

He's about to say something else when they hear the resident's muffled shout from inside. He yells something every few seconds and responds to some type of banging.

"What's going on in there?"

"Not really sure... I think I should go in and see." She says reaching for the door knob.

"Sure entering where you're not wanted. Just like a woman." He says a smirk coming across his face.

"Now you hold on one second! What do you mean just like a woman!" She stands bending a bit towards him and putting her hands on her hips in a fierce way giving him a glare so hard that it might even break a rock.

Luckily he isn't a rock.

"Hm?" He starts whistling and walking towards his room further down the walk way.

"Hey get back here! Answer my question!" She says walking behind him angrily.

{Few minutes later}

Zak stands dressed in a blue short sleeved shirt, long jeans that have holes in it towards the bottom, his guitar chocker, and a black arm band on his right wrist. He stares down Twilight as Twilight stares him down. Over the years of being with her, Twilight has really turned into a cold hearted mare over some time.

"Its like staring into a mirror." Jenny says looking between the two, "Now, how do we change you into a pony or you into a human."

Twilight and Zak both glare at her and than at each other again. The mental attacks on each other have gone down in history! Or at least they would have if Zak won for a change.

"Fine! Where do you want me to go than!" Zak says turning away and crossing his arms.

"One of the best places to meet nice woman." Twilight says opening the bedroom door making every other house member fall into the room, "The library!"

"No. How about a park or something. You know where less boring people are. Plus the only people I know that come from libraries are you and you are defiantly not a nice ouch!" Zak exclaims getting hit in the back of the head by Jenny.

"Be nice." She says shaking her head, "You're already making a bad impression of yourself."

"Hey I'm just saying what's on my mind!" Zak says walking out of the room by stepping over fallen bodies, "Anyway. Guy's don't burn down the house while I'm gone. Oh, and Annie... pleasssssssssse don't bring back home any more ponies like Twilight. I don't think I could take a second her around this place."

"Okay!" Annie exclaims dusting off her dress and going over to the couch.

"Now remember Jenny is in charge and what she says goes. Right Rainbowdash?"

Rainbowdash shoes at him, "Go ahead and go so we can party."

Zak sighs and follows Twilight outside while mumbling, "That's what I'm afraid of..."

The walk there was unbearable. Twilight's constant pestering with how he should approach people and how he should accept offers and stuff that are safe but fun. Its times like this when he wishes that he couldn't actually see or hear them.

"Are we almost there? I think I hear my computer calling me." Zak says glancing backwards towards the apartment.

"Well I don't. And I'm not suppose to be real. So if you're hearing your computer from all the way here you have even bigger problems."

He leans down closer to her, "Tsk. Getting talked about bad by a figment of my own imagination... I don't know why I thought you were real before... is it possible that you."

"No I will not disappear." Twilight says shaking her head.

"Hehe can't blame a guy for trying. Anyway, do we have to keep trying so hard. I still have years ahead of me..."

"Yes, Now shush we're starting to walk by people."

Zak mumbles something inaudible to himself before leaning up and walking like normal. He passes a group of people that are horsing around with each other. They push and shoves while the females giggle and chat to themselves. Just everyday actions he's never experienced before.

Sure at first before all of this mess of dealing with ponies and cartoon characters, he lived some what like that. But that was with family. And even than he felt secluded from them as well. As they walk past, Zak speaks up.

"Hey Twilight?" He stops and looks down at her.

"Yea?" she stops and looks back at him.

"Forget about what I said before okay? About disappearing... I don't want you guys to disappear at least without letting me know first." Zak says sighing afterwards, "I would miss you guys a lot."

Twilight smiles and nuzzles his leg, "Don't worry we're not going anywhere without letting you know first."


"We probably should've told him where we were going to go first..." Annie says laying on the orange ponies back.

Meanwhile the two along with Grunt and the yellow pegasus shake their heads at the predicament they're in.

{Where the story is}

"Well we're here! You ready!" Twilight says looking back at Zak.

"Yea... as ready as I'll ever be..." He says walking past her up the stairs to enter the library.