• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 558 Views, 3 Comments

Seer - Groupiegatalo

Zak could start seeing them at the age of eight. He told his mother about his friend but she played it off as if it was an imaginary friend of the sorts.

  • ...


Zak walks through the front door of his home with Twilight right behind him. His house members are all sitting around in a circle. He figures they're all just playing a game of truth or dare till he notices who's sitting in the middle of it.

"Why the hell are the power puff girls sitting in my house. No, more importantly how the hell did you find them. Wait no actually."

"Calm down there big guy!" Rainbowdash flies flying up, "We found them while adventuring around the town. We got lost and they helped us get home."

"You got lost... So you left the house with out letting me know..." Zak says walking around and sitting on the couch, "At least tell me you didn't do anything to raise attention."

"Oh come on! When have we ever!"

Rainbowdash gets cut off by Twilight, "I would hold your tongue unless you want me to count the times."

"Don't worry about it..." Zak says sitting up more before placing his hands on his face, "I don't really care at this point."

"What's up with him?" One of the three girls that sit in the middle of the circle, red dress, shoes, hair, and eyes; says, "I thought he's suppose to be happy?"

"He normally is..."Says the yellow pegasus resting in Grunt's lap, "Did something happen Twilight?"

Twilight shakes her head, "Don't worry about it. He'll feel better later on today... I think..."

Zak turns on the T.V to see a news broadcast of more blown up buildings. Lately things have been a lot more dangerous outside of his room. People are getting hurt and things are happening without much of a reason. It has even been going on before he was born as well. He never put thought into it. Even now he doesn't put thought into it.


"Zak?" Annie asks sitting on his bed.

Zak looks over from his computer that holds a blank word document, "Yes?"

"Are you okay?" She asks simply looking a bit sad.

He never likes to see any of them sad. Especially when he's upset as well. It always seem to do him good to have them around when they're happy, but when they're sad.

"Of course Annie. No need to worry... Just... Just dealing with some stuff." Zak says getting up and sitting down beside her.

He picks her up and sets her in his lap where she begins softly kicking her feet, "Did something happen?"

Zak looks forward at the wall and slowly nods his head, "You can say that... But you don't have to worry about it. It's just between me and Twilight right now. Now cheer up!"

Zak begins tickling her sides making her turn from a sad little girl to a girl who is having a mad giggling fit. It brings a smile to his face every time she gets like this. Her cuteness has a way of getting rid of all the bad things in life. Its what distracted him back when he was younger from all the pain he went through.

His mom would just say that's his subconscious trying to help him cope with the pain when he would say a real girl was there. She acted like she knew but he knew better. No one ever knew.

But that's all in the past. Right now he's looking forward to the future and right now, as his stomach growls, he needs food. His stomach growling gains more giggles out of Annie, "Looks like someone got the grumbles!"

"Yea yea. I'm a go and get something to eat. Are the others still awake?" Annie nods her head.

"Twilight went outside, but she hasn't come back yet."

"She's a big girl so she'll be fine. For now you need to get some sleep alright?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Having bad dreams again?"

She nods her head.

"Alright. You can for now." He says moving her off his lap and laying her on the bed, "I'll protect you from the bad dreams."

She gives a big grin and nods her head before getting under the sheets. With that Zak gets up and heads out his room and home heading for the shared kitchen area below. In the kitchen area below he grabs, washes, and bites into a red apple enjoying the taste it gives that only last seconds. He eats slowly thinking over the day over and over again. How things could've played out and how it ended up like it is now.

"Hey! Something on your mind?" A voice calls out dragging him from his thoughts.

"Hm?" He looks up to see a girl dressed in blue long legged pajama pants and a tight t-shirt. Her hair is done up in a ponytail that adds to her peach complexion.

"Do I know you?" He asks feeling nervous as she walks around him.

"No, But I know you and that's all that matters really. So what's on your mind?" She says stopping in front of him.

Zak thinks back to what the woman said and holds a straight face not answering her question. The blonde giggles before going to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water, "You know something tells me you don't wanna talk to me."

"And what makes you think that? A stranger comes up claiming they know me. That seems like an average day where I live..." Zak says watching her the entire time.

"Well that's not the normal stare I get from guys." She states pressing a finger under his chin, "Plus It seems you've found out today about a lot of things."

Zak swats her hand away, "Stay away from me and my family. I don't want anything to do with this mess."

She chuckles as he walks away, "You know you can't walk away from everything like this."

"Just watch me." He whispers back.

He's walked away from a lot of things. And this.

This is another one.

Annie breathes softly her small chest rising and falling as she's snuggled into Zak's side as he lays on his back staring at the ceiling. He continues to wonder how things have gone from strange to down right bonkers. Almost anime like. The more he thinks of it the more he hates the world. The hate that boils inside of him will continue to boil up more and more.

He sighs and looks down at Annie as she sleeps. He already knows his answer when it comes down to it. No matter what, he's not letting any of them get hurt. They're all his family and he's not giving up any of them no matter how much they provoke him. They've all helped him through a lot and he's not about to let any of that go.

Zak doesn't consider himself a bear. A tiger, a shark, or any predator. He's always considered himself as a type of rodent, a pest even. Something that people rarely think about or even talk about. Something that people don't want near them. Something that can be sneaky and worm its way out of danger just by pretending its not even there.

He chuckles to himself, "What have these guys gotten me into..."

He closes his eyes and start to drift off into a troubling dream to only be awaken in the morning by the smell of smoke and screaming.