• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 558 Views, 3 Comments

Seer - Groupiegatalo

Zak could start seeing them at the age of eight. He told his mother about his friend but she played it off as if it was an imaginary friend of the sorts.

  • ...

Friends and Enemies

A week has gone by without any sort incident involving him or the imaginary creatures. School has been a fair and nice distraction from the world he constantly lives in. Well, outside of sharing his life between the imaginary in real distracting.

He currently sits without a care in the world scanning over recently typed words in order to figure out if he's made any sort of mistake or grammar error. Thought Twilight scans much faster whilst looking over his shoulder. She occasionally takes a pencil and writes down mistakes and errors outside of the document.

"Looking good?" Zak asks looking over his shoulder at his number one critic, editor, and fan.

"Well, you've put a few mistakes here and there. Misspelled words that shouldn't have been misspelled, but they're mistakes that everybody makes." She says igniting her horn once more and covering his key board with a faint lavender glow, "Now, here are points I'd like to edit and change."

Twilight types away using her magic leaving Zak to sit there and watch only commenting about something every so often. They keep at this until the door to the room opens revealing Annie in a pink dress dragging her bear behind her sleepily, "There's someone at the door..."

She yawns and walks back out. It makes Zak's heart twinge a bit.

Zak sighs, gets up, and walks to go answer the door, "Keep writing. I'm sure its nothing important so I'll be back soon."

"Right." Twilight says the sound of typing re-entering the room.

He walks to the door and opens it seeing the girl that has been stopping by almost everyday. He mentally rolls his eyes wondering what she wants now. She's currently wearing blue leggings that hug her lower half beautifully and a white t-shirt. Her hair is held back in a ponytail and she has a giant smile plastered on her face

"Hey Zak! So I stopped by to."

"No thanks. I don't want to hang out today..." Zak says simply before he starts to shut the door.

"Wait!" She says blocking the closing of the door with her foot, "I know you seem like the loner type but I'm concerned for you. You never come outside unless I drag you and."

"And I should probably be more active and none of this is healthy for me. I know I know. I've been told that by everyone so far in life." He says looking over his shoulder shooting a glare towards a hovering Rainbow dash who's currently playing catch with the green, buttercups?, flying girl.

Rainbow pays him no mind as they continue their game. Zak looks back at her while shaking his head.

"Look. I'm sorry that I can't be your friend and such." Zak says shaking and lowering his head.

"That's a lie!" Twilight yells out from within his room her friendship senses tingling.

"But I think you would be better off not messing with me." He rolls his eyes at Twilight's comment wondering how she always knows when he's not trying to make friends.

She shakes her head, "I'm not taking no as an answer."

"You never do." He says chuckling.

"Soooooo." She says removing her foot and tapping it impatiently.

"Give me a moment..." Zak says hating at how persistent she is sometimes.

He closes the door and heads for his room his two new companions, Bubbles and Blossom, floating around him the entire time.

"Someone seems to have a hot date." Blossom, the red one now in a tank top and red jeans, says sitting on the bed.

Bubbles, sporting on a short sleeve blue shirt and short legged blue jeans, floats upside down waving her legs up in the air back and forth.

"Not a date. Nor will it ever be. She can always do better. If she's after me than she wants something other than my good looks." He says walking to the closet.

"What good looks." Twilight scoffs her sight never leaving the computer.

"You're just jelly baby doll." He says striking a pose before grabbing black jogging pants and a t-shirt with black wings on the back of it.

The pose causes the two girls to giggle madly. He quickly gets dressed with the closet door closed before walking out, "Try not to ruin my story Twi."

Twilight stops and turns around with her right eye twitch, "Ruin it!? How dare you insist that I Twilight Sparkle would dare ruin a story you."

"Whatever you say baby doll." Zak says a smile on his face, "Also watch the language the kids are around."

Twilight puffs up her cheeks before giving a horse like snort. She turns the chair back to return to her task at hand or well at hoof. He chuckles to himself loving how he messes with Twilight. He makes his way to the door and leaves out a frown plastered to his face again due to having to deal with outside world again.

"Come on and smile!" she says giving herself a big smile.

Zak just shakes his head and starts walking for the stairs to the right of the room, "I'll only smile when I'm happy. Not exercising."

"But exercise can be fun!" She says following behind him.

Zak sits drinking a Dr. Pepper and the girl, Shell or her full name Shelerby(Shell-a-bee) sits across from him as she sips on her steaming caramel coffee. He once tried it to see what the craze was all about but couldn't find anything good about it. Now they sit here as they usually do. Her enjoying the atmosphere of being surrounded by people Zak hating the feeling of being surrounded by so many people that can actually be seen. Even with his "imaginary friends" they don't surround him because they know how he is. Someone real, of course, doesn't.

"So what does this make it? Three days now... How long will you keep dragging me here?" Zak asks putting his Dr. Pepper down once again.

"Until you start making more friends." She says matter-of-factly.

He shakes his head wondering why she keeps acting more and more like Twilight. He sighs before standing up and drinking the last bit of his drink.

"So where does your grand scheme lead me to this time?" He says throwing away his can successfully bouncing it off the rim of the trashcan before luckily making it in.

"To the park and than back to my place for a movie." She says getting up and following behind him.

Zak's mind thinks of that again. Oh great. Again with inviting me to her place. She knows how he feels about it and yet she keeps talking about as if to get him out of his comfort zone. He likes his comfort zone because he feels, you know, comfortable. But she just keeps pushing it. He made the mistake of telling Twilight and ended up with a long talk about the birds and the bees and how he should approach her. She even brought him a book of different positions and how to...

He shakes his head ridding himself of those disturbing thoughts. Twilight's face appears in his head from that all creepy and scary. It was a face of pure lust and happiness. She was even drooling. Drooling!

He sometimes worries about his stories when he has to leave them at her hands, er hooves. She has even made her own fan base based off of one of his stories. They all love her fan fictions as much as the actual story. They especially love, what she calls them, her clop stories.

Zak read one and never did again. From that point on he promised to never let any of the younger residents ever read anything Twilight writes. He felt especially bad when he found her "secret" stash of shipping stories involving everyone they live with. No matter how many showers he takes he can't stop feeling dirty. She continually spouts that its healthy, but he isn't too sure if its health to this much of a point.

"I don't know. I keep telling you I don't."

"Want to be out of my comfort zone I know I know. But you won't let me into your room so I just want you to come to mine. So we can get to know each other better over a free movie and popcorn."

Zak chuckles at the very thought of her being in there. It would cause so much trouble for him and she doesn't even know. Lately he's been using the same excuse of his place is a pig sty. So far she is buying it, but he's not sure how much longer she will. Or even worse, if she offers to clean the place for him!

"Well we'll worry about that after we go to the park! I really want you to push me on the swings!" She says finishing off her coffee in a few big gulps before tossing it into the nearby garbage bin.

She starts jogging and grabs his hand forcing him to jog as well in order to keep up with her so she wouldn't rip his arm out of its socket. He finds a lot of the time how ridiculously strong she is. Than he considers the thought of how weak he is.

When they get to the park there is already other people running around with dart guns or just horsing around. A lot more people here than he thought would come. Surprisingly the majority of them were all people he's seen at school. He looks at her, "Are you serious?"

She scratches the back of her head her tongue out the right corner of her mouth, "What ya talkin about?"

Zak groans and starts walking away from this mess. He should have guessed she would take him somewhere where there's a bunch of people around. He keeps reminding her that he's not good with big crowds and yet.

"Come on Zak! Can't you at least try! For me!"

And there's the for me crap. He doesn't know why she keeps trying to pull him into being more social. She says its both healthy for the mind and the body. But over the years its always seemed more of like a poison.

"Shell. ... I don't what to do this... I don't want to immediately go into big groups." He says though in the back of his mind he wishes he said he doesn't want to be a part of any group.

"Okay. I understand. That's why I was going to take you to where my friends are at!" She says grabbing his right arm and pulling him back to the park.

He wonders at that point why he keep letting her do this shit to him. But than again, things have gotten kind of better because of it. He has managed to get a lot of things out of his head because of her. Only when he really starts to think about it does he start to worry.

"Fine." He says giving up resistance and slumping his body.

She jumps up and down in joy and hurries off motioning for him to follow. He shakes his head and follows behind her wondering what all he's going to get himself caught up into today.

"I really hope this is worth this torture..."