• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 5,698 Views, 142 Comments

The Color of Royalty - Darkryt Orbinautz

Spike has a crush on Rarity. But when Rarity claims she's found her true love, Spike is left devastated. In a surprising twist, the one to mend his broken heart may be ... Princess Celestia. Of course, Twilight's not okay with this.

  • ...

Liquor Is Quicker

Spike stayed behind on the pillow Celestia sat him on. He adjusted and squirmed on it before turning his gaze to the stars. Spike took his finger and played connect the dots with the gaseous balls, millions of miles away from him, creating constellations which would only be known to him and whoever he chose to share them with.

“You know ...” Spike said to himself, resting back on the chair. “I guess maybe I didn't handled that so great, huh?” He winced as the memory of Hayseed screaming “TWERP!” came surging forward from the back of his mind.

It wasn't a real apology, was it? Twilight made him say he was sorry, and in all likeliness, he wouldn't have said it at all were it not for Twilight's insistence on him doing so. What would Rarity think? What would Rarity say?

She'd probably say I should be the bigger colt and accept that I lost, fair and square.

“That settles it.” Spike pushed himself out of his seat. “I'm going to apologize to Hayseed. A real apology this time.”

Spike landed on the floor out from the chair with a noticeable lack of grace. Picking himself up and dusting himself off, Spike whistled and pretended to himself he had done the coolest, most unimaginable spy flip in the world. After all, there were no witnesses present to correct him.

On his way back to the room where he'd left Hayseed, Spike whistled to himself to keep his spirits up. The tuneless noise echoed throughout the empty royal hall, causing Spike to reflect over how large and empty the palace was.

I wonder if Celestia ever gets lonely in here …

Spike, still working on his self-confidence, swung his fists as he walked. He was about to turn in to the room when he heard Twilight's voice, which unnerved him. So instead of going in, he hid behind the doorframe.

“Again, I'm really sorry about this, Hayseed.” He heard Twilight say. “He's not usually like this. I can't wrap my head around what's gotten into him. What was he thinking?”

“Oh, it's no big deal, Twilight.” Hayseed said. Some of his innate Ponyville southerner voice slipped through. “Why, if the horseshoe was on the other hoof, I can't say for sure whether or not I'd do the same as him.”

“Hmm.” Twilight's eyes dropped to the floor. “Maybe you're right. Maybe I was too harsh on him.”

“I'd say you were just harsh enough.” Celestia said, appearing behind Twilight as if by magic. Which wasn't out of the question, given Twilight's ability to teleport and Celestia's seniority over Twilight.

Whoa. How did she do that? Spike thought.

“Harsh enough to make him realize he was wrong while not so harsh as to make him feel worthless.”

“Princess?” Twilight turned to her. “Are you sure? I don't know.”

“Don't know what, my faithful student?”

“I just … I thought I raised him better than that.” Twilight said. “I can't believe he would do something like that.”

“Love ofttimes makes us do strange things.” Celestia said. She glanced towards the door.

Getting the feeling Celestia somehow knew he was there, Spike quit eavesdropping and walked away from the door. He had really let Twilight down this time. Maybe he should go find somewhere to sulk and forget about apologizing. He wondered if maybe he would have been better off joining those dragons bullies he met during the big migration a few years ago.


Spike turned back at the sound of Celestia's voice.

“Isn't there something you'd like to say to these two?”

Spike sighed and shook his head. “I don't know. You heard what Twilight said in there. I really messed up this time.”

“All the more reason for you to apologize and admit to your mistake.” Celestia said. “I'm sure that would make Twilight very happy.”

“Yeah, maybe you're right ...”

Celestia walked up to Spike and nudged him towards the door with her snout. “Go on.” Spike blushed at Celestia touching him. Celestia's body was quite warm. Spike wondered if it was a simple product of her large body size leading to high body heat or a side-effect of her connection to the sun.

Spike gulped and walked into the room. The gaze of both parties fell on him. Hayseed's was a soft smile, a sort of lukewarm greeting, while Twilight's gaze was displeased and judgmental. Spike could almost hear her asking “Are you proud of yourself?”

“Uh … hey, uh, Hayseed.” Spike walked up to him.

“Hey, Spike.” Hayseed responded in kind.

“I, uh ...” Spike rubbed the back of his neck while he searched for the words he needed. What was he trying to say? “Lovely … weather we're having, isn't it?”

Hayseed looked to Twilight, hoping she would have an explanation for Spike's off-topic sentence. “I guess.”

Spike buried his face in his claw. “Ugh, no, that's not what … look, what I'm trying to say is that I realize what I did to you was wrong, and apologizing while we were all tense and screaming and I had Twilight getting onto me, I … may have not been the most sincere. So to that end, I would like to offer you a real apology. No screaming, no Twilight making me. A one-hundred-percent, real, “I mean it from the bottom of my heart” … I'm sorry.” He offered Hayseed his claw.

“Spike ...” Hayseed took the offer, shaking Spike's claw with his hoof. “I don't think I can ask you for much more than that.”

“Can you?” Spike chuckled. Fearful of being judged, he glanced at Twilight. He could tell something was still bothering her, but for the moment, she gave him a light, small smile.

“Truth be told, I kinda needed that scream.” Hayseed said. “Nice to just let it all out once in awhile, you know?”

“Yeah.” Spike took his claw away from Hayseed and looked at the floor. He put his claws together. “Be good to her for me, Hayseed. Okay?”

Hayseed chuckled and rubbed a hoof on Spike's head, roughing up his scales in a good-natured way, meaning to show all was forgiven. “Don't you worry none, Spike. I will. And hey ...” Hayseed lifted Spike up by the chin. “Don't be so down. There's a Special Somepony waiting out there for you, too.”

“Yeah.” Spike didn't sound as though he believed him. “I guess.” He moved to leave the room, his eyes catching on Celestia again so he could see her one more time before leaving. “Come on, Twilight. I want to go home.”

“Okay.” Twilight joined him and wrapped a hoof around as they walked out. Before they finished leaving the room, Spike looked over his shoulder to see Celestia and Hayseed waving them goodbye. Something overcame him and he couldn't help but wave back. More-so to Celestia than Hayseed.

As Hayseed faded from sight, some of Spike's natural arrogance returned. “So, what do you think, Twilight? Did I do good or what?”

Twilight was amused by him. “Hmm. Yes, you did good to apologize. Don't think I'm going to give you a cookie or anything.”

“Perish the thought.” Spike said with a smile.

“Although … you would have done better if you hadn't lied to Hayseed in the first place.” Twilight said with a sharp, bitter tone, surprising Spike. He stopped, letting Twilight pass him in the hallway as she kept walking. He thought he'd been doing good and making amends. So why was she still upset?

“Spike?” Twilight realized she'd lost track of her dragon and turned around. “Are you coming?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Spike shook his head and hustled after her. He was sure it was nothing and Twilight would let the whole thing slide soon enough. It was, after all, in a mother's nature to forgive their children for numerous offenses. Twilight would do as much for him sooner or later … right?

The discontented noise he could hear Twilight making wasn't evidence in favor of such an outcome.

"Hmm ..."

Spike lay awake in his bed, tossing and turning. Twilight's “hmm” had been running through his head the entire carriage ride home. What was it about? Why was she still upset?

“Twilight?” Spike asked from his bed.

Twilight let out a groan to make sure Spike knew she didn't appreciate him waking her up at this late time at night. But when she rolled over to talk to him, Spike could see her eyes were open and she was tired from a long night awake. She wasn't having any better luck getting to sleep than he was. Something must have running through her head as well.

“What is it, Spike?”

“Are you … still mad at me?”

Twilight gave him a look of “Really? You want to ask this now?” with an invisible hoof pointing to the clock to show how late at night it was. She sighed and answered his question. “Yes. No. A little bit. Honestly, Spike … I'm more mad at myself.”

“Oh.” Hearing this made Spike happy. “Okay. Good night.” Knowing Twilight wasn't quite as mad with him as he thought did wonders for Spike's peace of mind. He was certain he could go to sleep now. He didn't even think to ask why Twilight was mad at herself until after she rolled away from him.

“”Just harsh enough.”” Twilight said, confirming Spike's suspicion about something bothering her as well. He would not be the only one having an internal monologue tonight. “What did she mean by that? I mean, she explained it to me and I still don't know what it means ...”

Spike did his best to push Twilight's worrying out of his ears. He knew how Twilight could get wrapped up when she was trying to solve a puzzle and refused to let it rob him of sleep tonight. Scrunching his eyes extra-tight to force sleep to come to him, his thoughts strayed back to Rarity and Hayseed.

It's just a phase. He told himself. Like Blue Blood or Trenderhoof. She'll come back to me.

He thought back to earlier, when Celestia came out and comforted her. She'd been so warm, so thoughtful with him. Even though he hadn't done much to deserve it. He rolled around in his bed, trying to get his thoughts back to Rarity and how he would win her heart over Hayseed.

There's got to be something ... his mind created an image of Rarity and Hayseed kissing.

"No!" He bolted upright. Twilight grumbled behind him.

"Heh." Spike pulled his covers up and tried to think about Rarity again. But it hurt. It hurt to think about Rarity. She seemed so happy with Hayseed, and Hayseed was happy with her.

What do I do? Spike thought. How I am going to win her over? Once again, his thoughts flashed back to Celestia.

Will you go away? Spike swatted at the air, thinking it would somehow disperse his thoughts of the Princess. The kind, caring, beautiful Princess ...

Rarity is the only Princess for me ... isn't she? Celestia was quite beautiful and she had been so kind to him ...

No. No. I still love Rarity ... right? So why am I thinking about Celestia so much?

Spike drifted off to sleep at last, though whether it was a good sleep was open to debate. He had a dream.

In the dream, he was with Rarity at someplace romantic, with both of them dressed in something romantic. Spike, a tuxedo and hat, Rarity a curly magenta evening dress. The one she wore to galas and other formal events.

“R-Rarity?” Spike asked, unable to believe she was here. With him, at last, the way it was meant to be. “A-are you here f-for me? Did you breakup with Hayseed?”

Wearing an amused smile as if laughing at his puppy love, Rarity shook her head.

“N-no?” Spike stammered. “But – but if you're not broken up with Hayseed, why are you here?”

Rarity shrugged. It was almost as if she developed an aversion to using words. Her body gave a shiver and a rattle. Her teeth wriggled and her body shook before it began to stretch and grow. Her legs extended from beyond her dress, her hooves getting taller and thicker. Her tail became longer and her stylized mane lost its curls and dropped to the side of her head as her body grew in size. The dress grew with her, changing from reddish-purple to blue. Her horn stretched out and her snout contorted. Giving a shudder, she closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were no longer Rarity's dazzling blue eyes, but Celestia's wise purple ones.

“Princess Celestia?” Spike asked, so, so confused about what was going on. “What are you doing here?”

Celestia gave him a smile, not answering his question. She bent her knees to bring herself closer to ground-level with him, inching closer and closer until her snout was centimeters away from his face. Spike blushed, which was all the invitation Celestia needed to close in and give him a kiss on the nose.

Spike woke up and bolted upright, trying to uncover the hidden meaning to his dream. If there were such a thing as hidden meanings to dreams.

“I ...” Spike had never imagined, never dreamed, never so much as contemplated a future where he and Rarity weren't together. So the realization he made horrified him at first, but over a period of several minutes he learned to make peace with it. “I guess I'm in love with Princess Celestia.”

The next morning, Twilight was awoken by the sounds of clanging pots and sticky substances sticking to those pots. At most times of day, the splotch noise made as pancake batter was poured and flipped would be nothing, or even cause for celebration, but there was always something about waking up in the morning which made every sound seem as if were ten times louder than it was in reality and going out of its way to give her a migraine. Despite those noises being harmless sounds with no intentions of their own.

“Uuugh ...” Twilight tossed her blankets and rolled a hoof to get her mane's frazzled bedhead under control.

“Hi, Twilight!” Spike entered the room, carrying a platter of pancakes and wearing chef's apparel. “I made pancakes.”

“I can see that.” Twilight said with a chuckle and smile. She blew at her hair bangs covering her eyes, but they fell back down. “Ugh. Fine. I'll get it when I brush.”

“Here.” Spike handed Twilight the platter. “These ones are for you.”

“Breakfast in bed. Awesome.” Twilight levitated a fork with her magic and cut off a bite from the pancake stack. “I know when you make pancakes, Spike, they turn out delicious ...” Twilight levitated the fork towards her mouth to partake in the gooey, fluffy goodness, but stopped. “I also know you well enough to know you don't serve me breakfast in bed unless it's a holiday … or you want something.”

“Want something?” Spike balanced on his feet. “Psshaw. What would make you think that?”

Being so soon into the morning did nothing to inhibit Twilight's ability to give Spike an irritated look which made it clear she wasn't in the mood for games.

“Okay.” Spike conceded defeat to Twilight's look. “I want you to invite Princess Celestia over today.”

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight took a bite of pancake and laughed. “We just saw her last night. What's so important it can't wait until the next time we see her?”

“I want to ask her on a date.”

Twilight's eyes widened to the size of fried eggs and her lips gave Spike nothing but silence. Spike tapped his foot, exercising patience with Twilight's need to process his request.

Twilight burst into laughter and fell back onto her bed, her hooves spread over the side. “AAH HA HA HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA! AAAH – HA HA HA … Ah-ha ... ha ha ha … ha?” Twilight became confused when she saw Spike's impatient glare.

“You're serious.” Twilight realized. “You want to ask Princess Celestia, a pony who is also my mentor, as a good as a grandmother to you, who has lived hundreds of years and is no doubt busy with ruling Equestria … on a date.”

“Yup.” Spike patted the spatula against his claw. “It's nothing. It's just … she was really nice to me last night and -”

"Oh no." Twilight closed her eyes and rubbed her temples as if she were fighting off a headache. "No no no no no. I see what's going on here. You're still smarting from the fact Rarity is with Hayseed. Celestia comforted you when you were feeling vulnerable and you can't tell what you're feeling is appreciation, not love, so now you're trying to use Celestia as a rebound relationship. Well, I'm sorry, Spike, but I'm not going to support this."

Spike got angry and stomped his foot. “Well, why not?”

Because.” Twilight snapped back. “Trying to date Princess Celestia is a bad idea. There are a number of things that could go wrong and ... I don't want to see you get hurt.”

“Fine.” Spike reached to take away Twilight's platter of pancakes from her. He had given them to her to soften her up for his request, but if she was going to say no, he saw no point in letting her keep them.

“Oh no.” Twilight's grabbed the platter with her magic. “You gave these to me of your own free will. It's not my fault your plan to bribe me didn't go like you wanted.” Twilight and Spike wrestled for control of the platter before Twilight's magic emerged victorious, jerking the platter out of Spike's hand and levitating into the air.

Spike huffed and glared, his face turning red. Any minute now, steam was going to blow out of his ears in the tradition of old cartoons. He stomped over to the door and shot a dirty look at Twilight.

“No, I'm not.” Spike said in relation to the idea he was trying to rebound with the Princess. Hunched over in rage, he stomped out of the room. “I'm not!”

Twilight crossed her legs, mad at him but content she won the tug-o-war. She noticed the pancake stack sliding off the platter and grimaced as she tried and succeeded in catching the pancakes with her magic before they hit the floor. She levitated them back onto the platter before placing the platter down in her lap and taking out a big bite.

Applejack cracked open the door and took a ginger step inside, letting herself in to the Carosel Boutique. She was greeted by Rarity's giggling.

“Oh ho ho! I must say, Hayseed, you are a delight.” Rarity said, laughing at something he said and placing a hoof on him.

“What can I say? I try.” Hayseed said before they both noticed Applejack standing in the door.

“Ah'm sorry.” Applejack inched away, bringing the door closer to being shut. “Ah didn't realize y'all would be hanging out with Hayseed so early in the mornin'. Ah'll just come back later ...”

“No, no.” Rarity said. “It's quite alright, darling. Why don't you come in?”

Applejack stopped moving the door. “Are ya sure?”

“I insist.”

Applejack stepped inside and closed the door, though on the opposite of the door she expected to be on.

“So, Applejack, may I ask what prompted this unexpected visit?” Rarity asked.

Applejack crossed her legs and scuffed her hoof against the floor. She gave a guilty look to the floor before looking up to Rarity.

Rarity got the message. Applejack's words were as an invisible typewriter, perceived only by the select few who shared its secrets with each other. Rarity was one of those select few. “Hayseed, would you mind too terribly much if I asked you to give us a moment?”

“Not at all.” Hayseed was gracious in how he handled this request. “I understand some things remain between ladies. I'll just go to the kitchen, if you don't mind.”

“That would be excellent, darling. Thank you.” Rarity nodded her head to Hayseed as the stallion went into the kitchen. “Isn't he a gentleman?”

“Yeah.” Applejack said. “Must be nice, having a coltfriend like that.”

“Oh, hush, Applejack. There's no need to be jealous just because you're having trouble confessing to Twilight.” Rarity walked up to Applejack. “That is what you're here for, is it not?”

Applejack sighed and pulled her hat down over her face in embarrassment. “Yeah. Ah can't take it anymore, Rarity. Big Macintosh is gettin' onto my case. Ah ... Ah plumb don't know what to do. Ah can't tell her.”

“Why not?”

“Ah just can't.” Applejack said. “Ah should have known you of all ponies wouldn't understand. Y'all have never had any trouble letting all the colts know when you were attracted to them.”

Rarity giggled, thinking of flirtatious times gone by, which would not be repeated now she was with Hayseed. “Yes, I suppose that's true. Now come.” Rarity put a hoof on Applejack's back. “I think I know just the thing ...” Rarity got behind Applejack and pushed her, steering her into the wine cellar.

“Isn't kinda early in the mornin' for this? And Ah thought y'all said y'all were gonna stop enablin' me?” Applejack asked.

“I did, didn't I?” Rarity said with a playful voice, the kind parents use when surprised by their toddlers. “But are you really going to complain, darling?”

Applejack's shifted her hat and sat down on her haunches, preventing Rarity from pushing her any further. “All right, Rarity, what's yer game here?”

“Game?” Rarity levitated out two wineglasses from a secret compartment. “Why, whatever do you mean, darling?”

“Y'all know exactly what I mean.” Applejack said.

Rarity returned Applejack's accusation with an airy laugh. “I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest of what you're talking about, darling. Here.” Blue glows lighting up the room, Rarity pulled out a bottle of champagne, opened it, poured it into the glass and levitated the glass to Applejack. “Drink up.”

“Hmm.” Applejack took the cup in her hooves, regarding it with an amount of suspicion. She wondered if Rarity perhaps drugged it.

“Come now, darling.” Rarity poured herself a cup and sipped from it. “You're not really going to let this opportunity to drink without being judged pass you by, are you?”

Applejack looked into the cup. She noticed her murky reflection in the dark-green liquid. “Ah guess not.” Applejack took a swig.

“There you go.” Rarity said, encouraging Applejack in the most gentle of voices. “Oh, but there's one thing, Applejack. You sip champagne, you don't do … this.” Rarity mimed lifting the cup into the air and dumping all of its contents into her mouth at once. “I mean, it's not cider.”

Rarity realized she pushed a button when Applejack raised her eyebrow. “Y'all tryin' to tell me there's somethin' wrong with my family's cider?”

“Er, no!” Rarity grimaced. Drat, I'm losing her. “I merely meant the rules are different for each kind of alcohol. You wouldn't serve your cider at the Grand Galloping Gala, would you? Here, why don't you have another drink?” Rarity accompanied word to deed and topped off Applejack's glass.

“You know, Rarity, if Ah didn't know better, Ah'd say ya were tryin' to pull somethin'.” Applejack said, taking another sip. “But Ah know you wouldn't do that, because our friends might get upset … right?”

“Er, right.” Rarity said, averting her eyes from Applejack. “How about a toast, darling?”

“A toast? To what?”

“Er … to us!” Rarity waved her glass around, swishing the liquid around and spilling on the floor. “To this little hideout of ours. To the two of us, two ponies who learned to overcome our differences to become good friends, meeting in secret where we can discuss what we wish.”

Applejack shrugged. “Suppose Ah can't argue with that. To us!”

“To us!” Rarity levitated her glass against Applejack's, clinking them together. Rarity sipped her glass in a conspicuous, conservative manner, as if she was trying to mask the fact she wasn't drinking much while encouraging Applejack to drink more.

It took some time and a lot of coaxing, but Rarity managed to Applejack to where she wanted – drunk and with loose inhibitions. When Applejack began to laugh at things which weren't funny, Rarity knew she was in the clear.

“What-what'sh the deal with Parasprites, anyway?” Applejack asked. “Don't contribute to the environment or nuthin' … they're jusht pests. PESTS!” Applejack flailed her hooves. “Pest. Pest. Pest. Shounds less like a word the more ya say it. Say, y'all ever notice how that happens to every word? No matter what it is, shay enough times and it'll stop sounding like a word. Like … like lice or trees or “Cutie Mark.” Watch. Cutie Mark Cutie Mark Cutie Mark Cutie Mark … see? It shtops sounding like a real word!”

“What about “love”?” Rarity asked, taking a coy sip of her drink. “Does that stop sounding like a real word?”

At the mention of love, Applejack's eyes unfocused. “Love … love love love love-y lovely loving lovers lovely loving in the lovely trees … trees full o' books like Twilight's library … shorry, Ah got off-topic. What were we talking about?”

“Oh, nothing.” Rarity lied. “Just about you and your crush on Twilight, if it can be called that. I think it's something much more. An infatuation, perhaps?”

Applejack blinked, struggling to focus. “Now you listen here, you varmint ...” Applejack wobbled and toppled over. Rarity caught Applejack's glass with her magic before it hit the floor, preventing a mess. “Ah may be drunk as a pig in a pickle barrel, but Ah know we were not talkin' 'bout Twilight a minute ago.”

“Oh, are you sure?” Rarity admired her reflection in the glass. “Seems to me like you have a problem that needs discussing.”

Applejack pushed herself off the floor. “Ah do not have a problem! Aside from, y'know, the whole “can't tell my best friend Ah'm in love with so Ah turn to alcohol for my problems” thing … but other than that, Ah am as problem-free as a – as a – what'sh a good thing that'sh problem free?”

“Darling, if you would just tell her how you feel -”

“CHOCOLATE-COVERED PEANUT BUTTER!” Applejack shouted with surreptitious timing to interrupt Rarity. “That'sh a good thing that'sh problem-free. No, wait, chocolate's got sugar in it, doesn't it?”

“Darling, explain to me why you're so set against the idea of telling Twilight how you really feel.”

“Ah told you ...” Applejack couldn't hide her irritation. “Ah told you, Ah told you it'sh because she's a Princess now!” Applejack grabbed onto a shelf to support her wobbling legs. “A Princess!” She said in a whispered voice.

“Is that really what you're afraid of, Applejack?” Rarity said.

“Yeshh. Yesh. Yes.” Applejack tried three times before she worked the slur off.

“Funny.” Rarity said. “Twilight was still a noble when she first came to Ponyville. I don't remember you having any trouble speaking to her then.”

“Y-yeah.” Applejack tightened her grip on the wooden shelf.

“I can't see Twilight using class division as an excuse not to love somepony. Especially not somepony she's already close to.” Rarity admired her reflection in the wineglass. “I might, maybe, but I'm shallow like that. What do you think she would say, Applejack? “I'm flattered you have feelings for me, but I can't date you because I'm a Princess and you're a farmer”?”

“Yes.” Applejack whimpered, curling up into a ball on the floor. “That's exactly what she would say.”

“Nooo.” Rarity said. “I think you and I both know that's not true.”

“It's just … she's a Princess.” Applejack repeated, parroting herself from earlier. “What happens if Ah tell her and we hit it off? Will we get married? Will that mean Ah get to be a Princess, too? Ah don't want to deal with all that royal nonsense. Ah don't – Ah don't want Celestia to use me as a royal decoration like she does Twilight.”

Rarity stifled back a giggle.

“Well, it's true!” Applejack said. “Puts Twilight up somewhere she can wave at Maretonians or Saddle Ara – Arrow – Arabians so they can feel good about themselves.”

“I suppose that's a fair argument.” Rarity said. “I would certainly love to lead the life of a princess, but I understand it's not for everyone. However ...”

Rarity walked up to Applejack, planting a hoof a slight distance away from Applejack's face.

“I'm not convinced. I still don't think that's the real reason.”

“It is!” Applejack insisted, looking up at Rarity. “It's because she's a Princess. That's my story and Ah'm stickin' to it.”

“No, for some reason I still don't believe you, Applejack.” Rarity said, causing Applejack to roll over onto her belly.

“Now what do y'all mean -”

“I think you're using Twilight's status as a Princess as an excuse.” Rarity said. “A shield to hide behind so you don't have to confront your true feelings.”

Applejack's ears flopped down and a tear escaped her eye. “S-shut up.”

This did nothing but motivate Rarity to keep going. “While I may believe you have reservations about living the life of a royal, I think you could learn to adjust, as Twilight has.”

“Shut up.”

“You're not afraid of the fact Twilight's a princess, or the life you might live ...”

Shut up.

“I think the only thing you're afraid of, Applejack … is rejection. Isn't it, Applejack?”

“SHUT UP!” Rarity was saying things Applejack did not want to hear, so Applejack figured maybe if she plugged her ears and shouted loud enough, Rarity would stop and it would go away. “JUST SHUT UP!” The tear Applejack let out a minute ago was soon joined by its fellows as Applejack gave in to the urge to cry. To cry it all out. By far the most painful part was the fact Rarity was right about all of it, hitting the stupid nail right smack-dab on its stupid head.

Rarity stood over her, as imperious and unflinching as the moon. The pearl moon, which Applejack spent so many nights standing under, longing to reach it – to reach Twilight – but never getting anywhere close to either.

“Isn't it?” Rarity asked again.

Applejack sniffed and wiped away a tear. She nodded. “Uh-huh.” Applejack raised up the front half of her body. “It's just … what if she says no? Will Ah live? Will Ah be so heartbroken Ah can't work on the farm anymore? It'll make things awkward between us. Between me and her. Between me, her, and you and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie -”

Rarity put a hoof to Applejack's mouth, silencing her.

“Darling … that's all the more reason to tell her. If she does say no, and it does make things awkward … well, then the sooner we can start on working through the awkward phase and move on with the rest of our lives. But whatever happens, you can't go on living like this anymore. Agreed?”

Rarity's hoof still to her mouth, Applejack nodded.

“Good.” Rarity removed her hoof. “Now, why don't you wait long enough for the alcohol to wear off and then go over to Twilight's house and tell her how you feel?”

Applejack, although shaky, got to her hooves and wiped away another tear. “Okay.”


Applejack began limping towards the exit of the cellar. She stopped and turned around.

“Y'all got me drunk … so y'all could get me to admit what it is Ah'm really afraid of and convince me to go tell Twilight.” Applejack said.

“So I did.” Rarity put the champagne bottle away, sounding proud of herself.

“You … manipulative little ...”

“Now, now.” Rarity waved her hoof. “You need to rest up before you confess to Twilight.”

Applejack humphed and walked closer to the exit. Hesitating, she stopped again.



“Thanks. Ah needed that.”

“Anytime, darling.”

Twilight came from upstairs. The first thing she noticed was the smell of pancakes lingered in the air. Going down, she saw Spike had made more pancakes – these ones were for him, as they were encrusted with sapphires.

Twilight saw a plate on the table and realized Spike had leftovers. Another thing she saw was Spike writing on the table.

“So you're still here.” Twilight said. “Funny. I thought, after the way you stormed out, you would be over at Sugarcube Corner by now.”

“Nah.” Spike said. “I was pretty mad, but I decided to stay and finish my own pancakes. And I think I've managed to work up a pretty convincing argument for letting me ask Celestia on date, if I say so myself.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Still on that train, huh? Spike, I doubt there's anything you could say that could make me change my mind about this. Celestia is at least nine-hundred-and-seventy years older than you are … and that's being generous.”

“Aw, c'mon, Twilight! She's not that old.”

“I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. That was being generous to you.”

“Okay, okay, but hear me out.” Spike said. “Since she is the Princess, and if she is as old as you say ...” Twilight facehooved. All the history books reported Celestia as being one-thousand years old, if not more. “Then if I ask her on date, she'll probably say no, right? “Oh, Spike, you're such a handsome and generous dragon, but I'm too old for you,” “I would love to Spike, but I have a country to run,” that sort of thing, right?”

Twilight's eyes could not roll fast enough for the amount of rolling Spike's imagined responses warranted. “For the sake of argument, let's do the crazy thing and pretend you're right. Where are you going with this?”

“I want you ...” Spike held up a parchment. “To let me send a letter asking the Princess to come over so I can ask her on a date. If she says yes, I go on a date with her. If she says no, I'll never bring it up again and we can forget this whole silly business.” Spike held his claw to
Twilight. “Do we have a deal?”

“Hold on. Why send her a letter asking to come here? Why not just ask her in the letter?”

“Come on, Twilight. Everyone knows asking for a date is something you do in person.”

Twilight stared at his claw, weighing the pros and cons of agreeing to his terms. “Deal.”

Twilight grabbed Spike's claw with frightening force.

“If – when she says no, you will never bring it up again.” Twilight said, making clear her intent to see Spike live up to his word. “Understand?”

Spike nodded. “Understood. Now please let go of my claw. I think it's going numb.”

Twilight's glaring at Spike was interrupted only because of a knock on the door. Were it not for the surprise visitor, Twilight would have stood there watching until the break of dawn the next day. Spike, meanwhile, scribbled out his letter and blew fire on it, turning into trans-dimensional ashes which would travel to Celestia.

“Oh, Applejack!” Twilight was surprised to see. “What are you doing here? Need some help with the farm?”

“Heh, not today, Twilight.” Applejack's smile was nervous and forced, though Twilight appeared not to pick up on it. “Can Ah come in?”

“Of course.” Twilight moved to allow Applejack in. She closed the door. “Can I get you something? Water? Orange juice? Sorry, but we don't have any cider in storage.”

“Uh, no, Ah'm good.” Applejack said. “The reason I came here Twilight, is because … Ah've been meanin' to tell ya somethin'.”

Twilight grew concerned. “What is it?”

“Ah -” Applejack was cut off by a whoosh of fire crackling forth from the next room. “What was that?”

“Oh, nothing. It's just Spike.” Twilight said.

“Whoo-hoo!” Spike hopped into the room, holding a scroll up over his head. “That was Princess Celestia's response! She agreed to fly over and visit as soon she could!”

Hearing Celestia was going to be here caused Applejack to lose her nerve. Celestia was akin to a mother to Twilight, and if Applejack tried to make a move on Twilight while her mother-figure was here .. well, Applejack knew what she would do if somepony tried to confess their love to Apple Bloom while she was present. Hint: It would involve either Big Macintosh, a baseball bat, or a combination of the two.

“You were saying, Applejack?”

“Huh? Oh, it's nothing.” Applejack said. “Yup. Nothing at all.”

“Applejack, if you have something to say, say it.” Twilight put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. “I'm your friend. You know you can tell me anything, right?”

Oh, Ah wish it were that simple, Twi …

“Is it about Celestia coming over?” Twilight asked. “Because I assure you, as a Princess, she's going to have a lot of royal affairs to cover before she can even think about coming-”

There was a loud knock on the door. “Twilight Sparkle! Spike! I'm here!” shouted Celestia's warm voice.

“Here.” Twilight finished before answering the door. “Princess.” Twilight and Celestia greeted each with mutual bows. “What are you doing here?”

“Why, I'm answering Spike's summons, of course.” Celestia said. “May I come in?”

“You-you're the Princess of Equestria.” Twilight gestured for Celestia to enter. “Do you really need to ask?”

“Mmm, perhaps not, but it's rude to just barge in to a pony's home, don't you think?” Celestia said as she walked in. “Now, where's Spike?”

“Right here, milady.” Spike said, running up to her.

“I believe you wanted to see me for something, Spike?” Celestia asked.

“Yes.” Spike bowed. He cleared his throat. “My Dearest Princess Celestia … although it has taken me some time to age and mature to the point where I could see it, I can no longer it the fact you are a breath-taking, beautiful pony. Your mane flows like the North Wind of myth. Your every footstep is a dance to behold. Your -”

Twilight cleared her throat, moving her hoof across her neck in a cutting gesture to have Spike cut his long speech short. Celestia appeared to be enjoying the compliments with some amusement.

“Ah have no idea what's goin' on.” Applejack said. “Twilight, can you explain?”

“In a minute. Just wait for them to finish and I'll explain everything.” Twilight whispered.

“Ahem. Dear Princess Celestia ...”

Spike pulled out a bouquet of flowers and got down on one knee, offering it to Celestia.

“Will you go out on a date with me?”

Celestia's smile faltered and faded. Her eye twitched. Her breathing got heavy and water filled her eyes. Tears falling down her cheeks, Celestia bolted through the building for the first door outside she could find, leaving everypony in stunned silence.

Twilight blinked, her mind on the verge of a complete shutdown. “What just happened?”

“Well, Ah'd say Princess Celestia ran off in tears is what.” Applejack said. “Even though Ah know that can't be right … can it?”

“Applejack, Princess Celestia does not run off in tears.” Twilight said. “I run off in tears. You run off in tears. Spike runs off in tears. Princess Celestia of Equestria does not run off in tears.”

“Are ya sure? Because that's sure seems like what happened.”

Twilight leaned into Applejack, making Applejack blush, thought not for the reasons Twilight thought. Twilight figured it was because they were too close together. “Yes, I'm sure. Spike must have done something. Spike, what did you do? Spike? … Spike! Where he did go?”

“Ah, uh ...” Applejack was still distracted by her closeness to Twilight. “Think Ah saw him go after the Princess.”

Princess Celestia stood on the balcony, looking up at the clouds in the sky and sniffling.

“Princess?” Spike came out to join her. “Is … everything okay?”

Celestia took her hoof and wiped it across her face. “Y-yes. Everything's fine.” She looked away from Spike. Spike sat down next to her and patted her on the leg.

“Funny.” Celestia said. “How fast the winds of fate blow us around again, for if I recall correctly, I was comforting you on a balcony not too long ago.”

Spike chuckled. “Yeah. Yeah ...” He looked away and scratched his head. “So, um … you want to explain what that was all about?”

The Princess smiled. “I suppose I owe you that much. You are … not the first drake to offer me flowers, Spike. In fact, the pose you took while offering those flowers was the same one he took when he asked me on our first date. A coincidence, I'm sure, but still … that doesn't make the memory any less painful.”


“Needless to say, it didn't work out between us.” Celestia said.

“Oh, okay.” Spike patted her again and hugged her leg, nuzzling up against her. “I guess I can't blame you for running away like that, then. I guess it was silly to try to ask you on a date anyway.”

“Not at all, Spike. My mistakes are mine, and you shouldn't be faulted for them. It would not be fair of me to turn you down simply because he was a mess.”

“Maybe Twilight was right.” Spike said, not hearing the Princess.


“This was all a stupid idea – wait, what did you say?” Spike shook his head, not sure he heard the Princess right.

Princess Celestia turned to him with a smile.

“Yes, Spike the Dragon. I, Princess Celestia, will go out on a date with you.”