• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 5,698 Views, 142 Comments

The Color of Royalty - Darkryt Orbinautz

Spike has a crush on Rarity. But when Rarity claims she's found her true love, Spike is left devastated. In a surprising twist, the one to mend his broken heart may be ... Princess Celestia. Of course, Twilight's not okay with this.

  • ...


Rarity opened the door to her boutique, closing it and locking it behind her. What a night! Searching for Spike in the Everfree Forest and rescuing--well, more like separating--him from the clutches--well, more like loving, well-intentioned but misguided claws--of Antioch. She could use a nice rest, and maybe a few snacks in lieu of dinner.

She walked into the kitchen and flipped the light switch.

Rarity gasped.

“Hayseed, what is all this?” Rarity asked, gesturing to the table. The table was finely made up, with a red tablecloth set over it, two candles burning, and a fine spread on the table.

Hayseed brought his hat over his chest. “Rarity, I am so sorry about not coming clean to you about Spike right away. So… I made this to help make up for it. I realize now I should have told you sooner. After I found about it myself, I didn't want to be the one to tell you. I felt like I would have been asking you to choose between him and me. Would you keep going out with me and ignore what he did? Or would you forgive him, but at my expense? I didn't want to make you choose. I didn't want to be the one to come between you and Spike. I didn't want to... complicate your friendship.” Hayseed looked at her with soulful eyes. “Can you ever forgive me?”

Rarity narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “I'm glad you've learned your lesson from this, Hayseed.” She swept her eyes across the table.

Hayseed, being a gentleman, pulled out a chair for her. Rarity took her seat.

“It's a start, I suppose,” Rarity said.

Hayseed smirked. He moved to the other side of the table and took the lid off a platter, showing a desert inside – a cake decorated with intricate frosting – and he held up a bottle of champagne.

Rarity smiled.

“A very good start.”

“So then, only after he had burned down all of the Earth ponies' crops, did he finally, finally admit I was right,” Celestia concluded her tale. “He couldn't handle it.”

“Ah ha ha!” Spike rocked in his seat, slapping his knee. “I can't believe you let Star Swirl take control of the sun for a whole day just to prove a point!”

“Oh, I was quite mischievous back in my younger days. You wouldn't believe some of the things I got up to,” Celestia said. “Nowadays, I try to keep more of a lid on it, and do things far more… subtly.”

“Don't I know it,” Spike raised his glass. “Some of the things you put Twilight through… I can't remember, do you ever give her straight answers?”

“I do my best not to,” Celestia answered. “After all, what kind of teacher would I be if I give my student all the answers?” Celestia and Spike shared a laugh until Celestia let out a sigh.

“Sometimes you have to be blunt, though,” Celestia added. “There have been a few mishaps when I had to talk to Twilight Sparkle directly.”

“Yeah,” Spike nodded. “Remember when she cast the Want It, Need It spell on that doll, and you had to come fix everything?”

“How could I forget?” Celestia rolled her eyes. “But at least everypony learned something from it, wouldn't you say?”

“Yup.” Spike took a sip of his glass.

“Well.” Celestia put her hooves on the table and pushed her seat out. “This has been a lovely dinner, Spike, but it's getting late.” She looked out the window. “I think it's about time young dragons should be getting into bed, don't you?”

“No way,” Spike said. “I'm as awake as an...” Spike let out a yawn mid-sentence. “An-an eagle.”

Celestia gave him a playful glare.

“Yeah… you're right.” Spike turned and hopped out of his chair. “Well, good night.”

“Good night.”

“We should do this again sometime.” Spike yawned again as he walked up the stairs. “It was nice you could come over… especially after the day I had.”

“I'm glad Twilight Sparkle saw fit to let me come over,” Celestia said.

“Hey.” Spike stopped, throwing his arms over the rail. “After everything we went through today, she owed it to me. Well, good night. I mean it this time.” Spike pointed at her with raised thumbs, and clicked his tongue while winking at her.

Celestia chuckled. She waved Spike goodbye as he went up to the second floor of the library. She turned her attention to the table and used her magic to gather the dishes, levitating them into the air and ferrying them over to the sink to be washed later.

Celestia turned to leave the room.

“Thank you,” Twilight her entrance into the room. “For putting those up, I mean.”

“You're welcome,” Celestia said, trying to remain civil even if the drop in her eyebrows showed she wasn't pleased to see Twilight again so soon.

The two of them stood there in silence, neither of them saying a word. Neither of them would make the first move needed to mend the fences they had knocked over.

Celestia scraped her hoof and coughed, wanting to say something, but at a loss for what to say. Perhaps if she made enough movement, it would provoke Twilight into saying something.

Twilight squinted at her. She didn't seem to get the hint Celestia wanted to have this conversation, and wanted to have it now. Remaining silent, she walked through the room, passing Celestia on her way to go clean up the dishes.
As Twilight passed, Celestia coughed again.

“What?” Twilight snapped, whipping around and yelling at her. “What is it that you want?”

Celestia said nothing, merely staring at Twilight with an inquisitive expression, as if asking Twilight, 'Are you sure that's the tone you want to take with me for this talk?'

Twilight sighed, closing her eyes and putting a hoof on her forehead.

“I'm sorry,” Twilight said, sitting down on her haunches. “I didn't mean to snap at you. I just… ugh.” Twilight covered her eyes. “It's a lot to take in… So much has been going on today, between me and you, between Spike and me and that dragon… and Applejack has something that's bothering her. I'm just tired, and-and confused and uncertain about a lot of things right now.”

“I see,” Celestia turned her head and moved to go towards the door. She lifted one hoof up and took a step before halting. She grimaced and bit her lip, hanging her head so her colorful mane hid her eyes and whatever emotion may have been in them.

“If there is… anything else you want to criticize about mine and Spike's relationship… now is the time to speak up about it.” Celestia turned her head back to Twilight, letting her eyes be seen again.

“But that's just it!” Twilight snapped. “You don't have a relationship! You have a one-sided crush that you've been feeding and indulging worse than Rarity ever did when Spike was still obsessed with her! He's rebounding! You're his rebound! And I don't know what's worse – that he can't see it, or that you can't! Do you even realize how much in love with you he thinks he is? He's serious about this! Do you two even know where you'll be in a week? A month? A year? He's convinced himself he's infatuated with you, and maybe those feelings are real, but he shouldn't be acting on them so soon after what happened with Rarity! And the worst part of it is, you don't even seem to realize he's serious! You're treating this like it's a game!

Celestia lifted her hoof and drew back in shock. She looked around the room, blinking as she tried to take in what Twilight was telling her.

“I-I'm sorry.”

“Spike's feelings are not a game, and furthermore – wait, what did you just say?” Twilight paused, raising an eyebrow.

“You're right. You're absolutely right. I have been treating this like a game.” Celestia looked away from Twilight. “I-I had no idea Spike's feelings for me were so… deep and complex. I thought this was a passing affection--a brief crush which he would entertain for awhile and then move on from. I mean, I'm not right for him. Anypony could see that. But I see now… this is a far more grave and serious matter than I realized.” Celestia looked back at Twilight. “Again, I am sorry. I promise, I will talk to Spike about this tomorrow.”

Twilight was stunned silent. She put a hoof over her mouth, unsure what to say. She looked down to the floor. She looked up at Celestia, tears forming in her eyes.

“Thank you.” Twilight wiped away the tears. “That's… that's all I wanted to hear you say.”

Celestia nodded.

They turned away from each other, separating and going on their respective paths, Twilight going to her own bed, Celestia going to return to

The dishes could wait until morning.

The next day, Spike went to help Twilight with the dishes. Twilight was surprised, raising an eyebrow as Spike came up to the sink, having intended to wash them all herself with magic. Seeing Spike's eager-to-please smile, though, Twilight relaxed and let him help. He climbed up and began scrubbing.

Not too long into it, there was a knock on the door. Twilight and Spike looked at each other, wondering who it could be at this hour. “Come in,” Twilight told them.

The door opened slowly, and Celestia's head poked through. “Hello, Twilight Sparkle. Might I come in?”

Twilight glanced at Spike. “Yes, of course.” Celestia entered, walking up to the two of them. “I'll leave you two alone. I'll be upstairs,” Twilight informed them before leaving.

Spike scratched his head, watching as Twilight's tail bobbed behind her. “Well, that was weird. Wonder what that was all about?” He turned back to Celestia. “Hello, Princess.”

“Hello, Spike,” Celestia greeted him, a touch of unease in her voice. “Might I trouble you for an early lunch?”

Spike scratched his chin. “Seems a bit early for that, but sure!”

“Thank you...”

Spike went to the stove and got ready to prepare a meal, leaving the dishes behind. Celestia sat on her haunches and waited patiently for him to finish. She glanced towards the window, admiring the light of the sun she controlled coming through while she waited for time to pass.

“Done!” Spike called out, carrying out a steaming bowl to the table. “It's ready, Princess! Come and get it.”

Celestia smiled and went over the table, taking a seat opposite of Spike. He spooned some salad onto Celestia's plate before serving himself.

“Well, dig in!” Spike gestured to the food, proud of his cooking.

Celestia ate mechanically, lifting one forkful of food to her mouth, chewing it, and moving onto the next, going through the motions without any heart or hunger behind it.

“Hey, are you okay?” Spike asked, noticing her odd behavior. “You don't seem to be enjoying yourself...”

“I'm fine.”
“Okay. If you say so,” Spike said. “You know, I gotta say, it's really amazing that you could arrange your schedule so that you can visit not only last night, but today, too.”

“Mm-hmm.” Celestia stirred her fork through the food, ceasing to eat.

“You know…” Spike waved his fork through the air. “I don’t mean to ask you anything, but it would be nice if we could figure out a way to get Twilight off my back... I love her, but she-”

“Spike.” Celestia tossed her fork down with a clatter. What Spike was saying was making this too much for her to take in any longer. “I think it's time we had a talk.”

Spike stopped the bite he was about to take.

“Don't get me wrong, Spike. The last few dates we had were pleasant. I've quite enjoyed myself. But if we're going to keep going, we need to have a serious discussion about this relationship is heading. Where are we going to be in a week? A month? A year?”

“Ooh...” Spike groaned, dropping his silverware and slapping his palm to his forehead. “Twilight put you up to this, didn't she?” Spike stomped out of his chair.

“I fail to see how that has any relevance,” Celestia said. “Whether Twilight Sparkle prompted this line of questioning doesn't matter. Tell me, Spike, if she had, would it make them less valid? This is a conversation we need to have, Spike. Questions that we need to answer.”

Spike turned away, crossing his arms and giving a huff.

“How deep do your feelings for me really run, Spike?” Celestia asked. “Do you love me for me? Or did I just seem like an option because I was a light for you in your dark time? And what about Rarity? Don't you still have feelings for her? If the chance arose for you to be with her, would you leave me for her?”

“No!” Spike insisted. “Maybe! I don't know.” Spike sighed and rubbed his temples. “Look, I don't know… how I'm supposed to feel about Rarity anymore. It's… confusing.” Spike rested his arm on the chair. “I've… never felt anything like it before.”

“Spike, if I'm to continue this relationship, I need to know you're going to give it your best.”

Spike walked up to Celestia, taking her hoof and getting down on his knees.

“Princess Celestia...” Spike spoke up.. “Maybe I'm still young, maybe I still don't know a lot of stuff. I've got a lot to learn about relationships and dating. But I give my word, for as long as I'm in this relationship with you, I will remain committed to you. I'm committed. I'm committed!”

Celestia blinked, overwhelmed. A smile lightly crept up on her face. “I'm impressed, Spike. That was very mature of you.”

Spike scratched the back of his neck. “Was it?”

“Yes” Celestia got up, stepping out of her chair. “It takes a great deal of maturity to admit you still have a lot to learn. Come.” Celestia jerked her head out the door. “Why don't we go out for ice cream?”

“I'd like that.”

Celestia gestured to the door. “After you.”

“No, no!” Spike waved his hands. He bowed and gestured towards the door. “Ladies first.”

Celestia chuckled. “Such a gentleman.” She walked out the door, holding it open for Spike.

As the two of them left together, Twilight Sparkle watched from the top of the stairs. She rested her head on the rail, smiling softly, pleased with the results of Celestia's talk and feeling far more at ease with Spike dating her. Twilight gave a content sigh before turning and going up to her room. Maybe she would relax and unwind with a book.

She went to her bed and hopped onto it, the mattress bouncing as she landed on her back. She adjusted herself and got snug and comfy.

Her eyes widened with realization.

She still hadn't finished the dishes.

Applejack rested her knee on the windowsill, looking out the window and admiring the beauty of the outside world. Birds singing and fluttering, the sun casting its glorious, illuminating light over the horizon, leaves billowing and rustling in the breeze…

“You should tell her.”

Applejack lifted up from the windowsill, looking over her shoulder at Big Macintosh.

“I'm serious, Applejack,” Big Macintosh said. “Y'all should tell Twilight Sparkle how you feel.”

“Yeah...” Applejack let out a sigh and casting her gaze back to the window. “I probably should...”

“The longer you keep this in, the more it's gonna eat away at you.” Big Macintosh said.

“Yeah, you're right.”

“You know I can't stand looking at you like this… all… contemplative and staring out the window into space. You need to tell her.”

“You're right.” Applejack admitted to him. “I should tell her. I should tell her.” Applejack, feeling a sudden surge of determination swell up
inside her, smacked the windowsill with her hoof. “I should!”

Big Macintosh's eyes widened, not expecting this sudden change of attitude. Where had this come from?

“Yeah!” Applejack said to herself. “I told her I had something on my mind. She already knows I got something I want to share. All I have to do is march over there, and let her know her I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to...” Applejack gulped, struggling with her words. “To confess.”

Applejack swiveled her hat. “Thanks, big brother. Y'all have been a big help.” Applejack rushed over and gave Big Macintosh a hug before galloping out the door.

Big Macintosh blinked. “Uh… what just happened?”

Applejack galloped across Ponyville, dashing straight towards Twilight's library, letting nothing stop or deter her. She ignored all distractions, including the doubts whispering and swimming around her mind.

Arriving at the great tree, which, in Applejack's feverish mood, seemed far larger than it truly was, Applejack gulped, getting nervous.

“Buh.” Applejack shook her head, pushing the dark cloud threatening to form in her head aside. She took in a deep breath. “Okay, Applejack. You're a big girl. You can do this.”

Applejack went up to the door and rapped her hoof on it. “Twilight? Twilight Sparkle, are y'all there?”

The door creaked open, showing Twilight's face. “Oh! Hey, Applejack. I was just finishing up the dishes. What are you doing here?” Twilight scraped her hoof. “Are you… ready to tell me that something you wanted to tell me, but couldn't?”

“I was hoping to talk to you about that, yeah.” Applejack admitted. “But not right now. I was wondering...” She put a hoof behind her neck. “...if y'all would be interested in going out to eat with me tonight. Maybe even swing by and grab a drink?”

“A drink?” Twilight asked, leaning on the door frame and giving Applejack a mischievous smile. “Applejack, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to flirt with me!”

Applejack gave a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of her head. “Heh heh heh… yeah, well. You know me. Always saying silly stuff… but what do ya say? Will you do it?”

Applejack moved aside, letting Twilight walk past her before taking up Twilight's side. Twilight didn't notice the submissiveness, the... courting nature inherent in Applejack's gesture. The two of them walked together, side by side, away from the library.

“I'd be happy to go out with you tonight.” Twilight said. She lifted her gaze to the sky, noticing the sun beginning to go down. “Still seems a little early, though… oh, what the hay.” Twilight stepped out, giving the door a light buck behind her to close it. “After the last few days I've been having, I deserve to give myself a little treat. Let's eat! So, did you have anywhere in mind?”

“I've got an idea… this nice pub on the other side of town.“

“A pub?” Twilight asked. “Goodness, Applejack, how adult of you!” Twilight held a hoof in front of her mouth in feigned shock before breaking into a quiet laugh.

“I-I'm sorry, is that wrong?” Applejack stuttered. “We don't have to go there if you don't want. We could always--”

“Applejack, relax. I'm just kidding,” Twilight said. Her ears flopped down. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. The pub is fine.”

“You sure? We don't have to if you don't want to.”

“Yes. We're two mature adults, aren't we?” Twilight asked. “I'm pretty sure we can handle ourselves at a pub, especially with a strong pony like you around.”

Applejack smiled nervously, shrugging. The two of them continued walking.

“Again, I'm sorry about teasing you. I didn't meant to hurt your feelings. Say, are you feeling okay?” Twilight asked. “You're acting just a little bit strange today.”

“I'm fine.”

“Okay. If you say so. But you know me, always worrying about my friends!”

“It's fine, Twilight.”

Applejack tilted her hat, adjusting it so the brim covered her eyes.

“It's one of the things I love about ya...”

Inside Carousel Boutique, Rarity used her magic to hold a feather duster and do some light cleaning. Make no mistake, she was no stay-at-home housewife. But still, that was no excuse for a proper lady to tolerate the excess accumulation of filth in her home.
Hayseed came into the building and slammed the door behind him, panting and tired, his eyes wide with fear.

“Hayseed?” Rarity asked, walking into the room. “What's wrong?”

“My business just went under,” Hayseed said. He brought his foreleg over his eyes. “All my stocks collapsed. All my investments... backfired. I'm broke. Ruined. In the red! Oh, it's gonna take me weeks to recover... if I recover at all!” Hayseed took in a deep breath, bringing his hat over his chest. “I'm sorry.”

“Sorry?” Rarity asked. “Whatever could you be sorry for, darling?”

“One of the reasons I became a businesspony... was to impress you, Rarity.” Hayseed placed his hat back on. “I wanted you to like me, so I... I made myself a businesspony and got in with the elite crowd. I made myself a pony you could be proud of. And, I just figured... without my business, without my money, if I wasn't... special... you... you wouldn't want to be with me anymore.” Hayseed turned his head aside.

“Oh, Hayseed.”

Hayseed was surprised when he felt Rarity's hoof cup his chin and turn his head towards her. Rarity leaned forward and gave him a kiss.
“Do you really think the only reason I love you is for money?” Rarity asked. “Materialistic though I can be, I'm not so shallow as to leave you for that. No, I love you because you're a true gentleman. Because you're… everything I ever wanted in a stallion. You're nice and earnest and polite. I mean, just look at the whole fiasco regarding Spike. You should have told me right away, but I know you did what you did with the best of intentions.”

Rarity snuggled up to him, resting her head on his chest, her head beneath his chin.

“You're free to stay here with me for as long as it takes for your business to recover.” Rarity said. She separated from him, looking him in the eyes and placing a hoof on his shoulder. “And even if it doesn't, I make more than enough to support both of us. Okay?”


“Good.” Rarity gave him a peck on the cheek. “I'll be upstairs if you need me. Feel free to come along for some... cheering up.” Rarity leered at him before walking up the stairs.

Hayseed blushed. He adjusted his hat. “I... may just take you up on that.”

Celestia and Spike entered into the library, the two of them laughing their merry hearts out, holding up ice cream cones to their mouths.

“Oh ho ho ho!” Celestia laughed, resting a hoof on her forehead while her cone floated around her head. “I can't believe that actually happened! Did Twilight really do that? I mean, really?”

“Yup!” Spike licked his cone. “And you know what the real kicker is? Two weeks later, she did it again.”

“I would have thought Pinkie Pie would have learned not to trust Twilight around the meringue after the first time.”

Spike tried to stifle his laughter. The two of them burst into fits.

“Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Hahaha... oh.” Spike exhaled, taking in a breath after so much laughing. “You know, it's been really great having you around, Princess.”

“Has it now?” Celestia asked. “I can't imagine why...” She rolled her eyes upwards. “I mean, it's not like I'm a beautiful, funny, intelligent princess whose high standing can be used to get you the things you want, is it?”

Spike chuckled a little.

Celestia glanced out the window, noticing Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying by. “Hmm. I wonder what they're doing out at this hour?”

There was a knock on the door.

“Who could that be?” Spike wondered.

Celestia approached and opened the door with her magic, stepping outside.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash; hello, Fluttershy.” Celestia greeted them. “I just saw you fly by.”

“Hello, Princess Celestia,” Fluttershy lowered her body, giving a due bow.

“Yeah. We were just passing by.” Rainbow Dash said. “We were talking about Hayseed.”

“What about Hayseed?” Celestia asked. “Rainbow Dash?”

“What?” Rainbow Dash shook her head, snapping out of some kind of daze. “Sorry. I guess I'm just still not used to having you around so much. But as long as we're here, we might as well give you the heads-up.”

“Hayseed's business has gone under.” Fluttershy informed them..

“Yeah. His stocks crashed, and I think he said he was, like, going to have to file bankruptcy or something?” Dash turned to Fluttershy for
Fluttershy to make any corrections.

“He's terribly upset about it,” Fluttershy said. “So if you see him, try not to bring it up.”

“He's going to stay with Rarity until he gets back on his hooves. Just thought you'd should know. See ya later!” Rainbow Dash waved.

“Good night, Princess Celestia. Good night, Spike.” Fluttershy said. She and Rainbow Dash flew away.

“Hmm.” Celestia closed the door as the two pegasi fluttered away. “So his business has gone under...”

“Say...” Spike began scratching at his chin and staring into his ice cream as if he saw his reflection within it. “Do you think... now that Hayseed's business has gone under, there's a chance that I could... maybe win Rarity back?”

Spike turned around, and when he saw the disappointed and stern look on Celestia's face, he realized his mistake. It was almost motherly, the way she cast her gaze down on him, as though she was unhurt by his mistake personally, but wanted to see better from him. She wasn't mad, just disappointed.

“No, no, wait!” Spike rushed to correct his errors, waving his claws in panic. “I didn't mean it! It just slipped out! It was a moment of weakness!”

“I'm sorry, Spike.” Celestia said, closing her eyes and turning her nose up. “But I cannot, in good conscience, continue to support a relationship where the other party doesn't seem to know who he's really love in with. If we're going to continue this, I need you to be in control of your emotions. I need you to be sure of yourself.”

Celestia opened the door. She glared at her ice cream cone, before gently setting it down on its base on the floor.

“I need you to be sure it's me you want.”

“No, wait!”

Celestia left, slamming the door shut behind her. The entire building shook, and the ice cream cone which Celestia had so gently set down rattled and tumbled before falling over, spilling its ice cream all over the floor and cracking the cone it was held in. Twilight was going to want him to clean that up, since she would hold him responsible for Celestia's mess by proxy, but it would have to wait for now.

Spike ran out the door, dropping his ice cream as well. He dashed blindly out into the middle of the town square, bumping into a pony's chest.
“I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going – Rarity?” Spike asked.

“Ah, yes,” Rarity said, turning to him, irritation apparent in her eyes. “Hello, Spike. You know, I was on my way to pick up something to make for dinner for Hayseed and I, and you know who I ran into? Princess Celestia, of all ponies. And you know what she told me? She told me that you were under this foolish notion that, now that Hayseed is having a difficult time with his business, you would be free to compete for my affections! To steal me away and sweep me off my hooves now that Hayseed doesn't have anything monetary to offer me!”

“Well, I...”

“Don't.” Rarity held her hoof out. “I'm not interested in hearing you try to deny it or rationalize it. I can't believe you, Spike! Do you really think I would break up with Hayseed over money? Specifically, his lack thereof? How shallow do you think I am?”


“Don't even bother.” Rarity turned away from him. “I'm not interested in hearing your petty excuses. Or do you really think that I would believe your word over Princess Celestia's? I'm not sure what's been going on in your life right now, but I think you need to have a serious reevaluation of your priorities. Don't come over to the Carousel Boutique for some time. I reserve the right to refuse service to my customers if I deem them... unruly.”


“Good night, Spike,” Rarity said and walked away.

Spike stood there, stunned and silent. He wandered aimlessly around town, until he arrived at the edge of a pond with rocks and lily pads around him.

His claws sinking to his sides and going over his non-existent pockets, Spike stared at his reflection. His fists shook with rage.

He reached down and picked up a rock, and threw it across the water, ripples appearing in the water as the stone bounced across. Twilight's words played out in his mind.


At the pub, Twilight and Applejack sat the counter. Applejack lifted up her mug of root beer to her mouth and took a drink while Twilight picked a piece of edible straw from their appetizer and ate it. After munching it down, Twilight turned to see Applejack wearing a beard and mustache made of foam.

“Ha ha ha!”

“What?” Applejack asked. She looked down and noticed the mass of bubbles arranged around her face. “Oh.” She took her leg and wiped the foam off. “Did I get it?”

“You got it.” Twilight assured her, even though there were still a few bubbles lingering on Applejack's chin. They soon popped, neatly taking care of themselves.

“Thank you, Applejack.”

“Thank me? What for?”

“For taking me out tonight. I didn't realize how much I needed this. Especially after what's been going on the last few days, with Spike and Celestia and... you, a little bit.” Twilight gave Applejack a concerned glance.

Applejack felt awkward and brushed the side of her neck. “Sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry.”

“But we'll take care of that tonight, won't we?” Twilight asked, slapping Applejack on the back.

Applejack chuckled. “Yeah... of course.”

Celestia walked up to a creek, water running down the river. She gazed up at the stars and puffed out a sigh.

Poor Spike. I had such high expectations for you... I suppose more than would be fair. Celestia thought. You're still young. Perhaps I was too hard on him...

There was a flash of light which caused Celestia to raise her wing to shield her eyes, and Discord appeared before her.

“Why, hello, Celestia.” Discord greeted her, resting his cheeks on his hands while his tail wiggled around.

“It's Princess Celestia to you,” Celestia corrected him, sighing when she realized there was little point in trying to correct Discord. “What do you want, Discord?”

“Oh, a little birdie told me you were disappointed by your boyfriend just now,” Discord said, holding up a canary on his finger which he produced from nowhere. The canary let out a horrific, ear-splittingly shrill screech before flying away.
Celestia sighed. Figures that a being of Discord's nature would learn about something like that so quickly.

“What of it?”

“Oh, you know,” Discord said, twirling around in the air. “I was just going to offer you a little company. After all, if you need a shoulder to cry on, after your boyfriend's mistreated you so...” Discord drew himself up to full height, using his magic to dress himself in a blue raincoat and hat while a face made of licorice cried chocolate milk tears onto him. “Well, your old flame is here for you. Maybe we could go to a restaurant or something, and you could eat some comfort food. You do like your sweets, don't you, Princess?”

Celestia brought a hoof over her face. She was tired, it was late, and Discord was going to keep talking and annoying her until she did something to make him stop. The fact he was, in his own way, asking her on a date was transparent, as were his motives for doing so.

“Yes.” Celestia answered.

“Yes? I-I'm sorry, yes?” Discord asked, his raincoat disappearing in a magic sparkle, causing his fur to get soaked with chocolate milk. He reached up and pushed the licorice face to the side, where the chocolate tears from the licorice splashed and dispersed into the river. “Yes to what?”

“Yes, Discord. I will go out with you.” Celestia said.

“You will?!” Discord exclaimed, his voice brimming with surprise and excitement. “Oh, goodness! I didn't mean to – I was just messing with you! I wasn't expecting you to say yes! But wait...” Discord pulled at his goatee. “Aren't you dating Spike? How will he feel about this?”

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia asked. “I am a thousand-year old princess! I am free to go out with and date whom I choose! And... I choose to go out on a date with you, Discord.”

“Well, when you put it that way...”

Celestia looked up at him. “Take me somewhere nice, Discord.”

“I know just the place.” Discord reached over and wrapped an arm around Celestia's neck. “There's this great new restaurant that just opened in Canterlot. Very fancy, very posh, good desserts. I think you'll like it.”

Discord snapped his fingers, and both he and Celestia disappeared in a twinkle.

Twilight and Applejack paid their tab and walked out of the pub, still chuckling and laughing and enjoying themselves. They wandered around until they came across a bridge built over a river.

They went up the bridge, stopping in the middle and resting their legs and heads over the edge, gazing down at the water.

“Thanks again, Applejack,” Twilight said. “This has been a great night.”

“Yup,” Applejack adjusted her hat. “I'm... real happy to hear y'all say that, Twilight.”

Twilight turned her head over to Applejack, resting her knee on the bridge. “So, are you ready to tell me that thing you wanted to tell me?”

“I...” Applejack sighed. “Yes, Twilight. I’m ready to tell you the thing I wanted to tell you.”

“Yeah, that's not convoluted at all.” Twilight bumped Applejack in the side. Applejack chuckled. “So, what is it?”

Applejack stared back down at the water. She took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “I...”

“I love you, Twilight.”

Twilight scrunched up her eyebrows. “That's it? I love you too, you silly filly.” Twilight playfully smacked Applejack's hat, knocking its brim over
her eyes. “You didn't have to get us all worked up over that.”

“No, I mean...” Applejack righted the hat and turned to Twilight. “I really love you, Twilight. As in, I am in love with you.”

“Ha,” Twilight laughed, until she saw Applejack's expression. “Oh.” Realization kicked in at last. “Ooh.”

“For so long, I've admired you... You're smart, you're pretty, and you're so cute when you get passionate about something... When it comes to being there for your friends, you always give it your all… one hundred percent, one hundred percent of the time. For a long time, I thought I might have a chance. Sure, you were pretty and smart and educated and from out of town, and I was a farmer, but I figured I could make it past all that. But then...”

Applejack looked away. “Then y'all became a princess. A princess! I figured there was no way I could compete with that. I've been so afraid of telling you. I mean, you're royalty now. You could have almost anypony you want! Foreign princes, a knight, a professor and I... I'm just a simple mud pony.” Applejack closed her eyes and bowed her head low.

“But I realize now... that I can't let myself be ruled by fear,” Applejack said. “We ain't ever gonna get past this if I don't come clean. But it's out there now, and you know the truth. The truth that I... I love you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Applejack lifted her hat off her head and brought it over her chest. “So, what do you say? Do y'all think a high-falutin' princess like you could love a simple country pony like me?”

“Oh, Applejack!” Twilight placed a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. “You're being so silly! I would never not love you just because you're a 'country pony'!”

“Wha-really?” Applejack asked, putting her hat back on. “You mean it? You love me?” Applejack bore a cautious smile, stars forming in her eyes.

Twilight backed away. “I, uh, well... Applejack, I... never said that.”

“You didn't? Oh, okay, yeah. I guess you didn't. So, say it now, Twilight! Say you love me like I do.”

“I... can't, Applejack.”

Applejack's eyebrows shot up. “What – what do you mean?”

Twilight backed away another step.

“Twilight?” Applejack asked.

Twilight continued to back away.

“Twilight,” Applejack growled. “Y'all better start talking sense here soon, 'cause if you don't, I'm gonna--”

“Applejack, I... don't swing that way.”

Applejack blinked, taking this in.

“No.” Applejack said. No, no, no. That can't be true. It can't be. All this time... all this buildup, the heartache, the yearning... the longing out the window, the lectures by Big Macintosh, all the drinking with Rarity... and all for what? To lead up to... this? That, after so long, after all the time she spent building herself up and preparing for the big confession, she got to learn she and Twilight were... incompatible?

“No,” Applejack repeated. “No, no, no! That can't be true. It can't be true! Say it ain't so, Twilight!”

Twilight continued to step back.

“I'm sorry, Applejack. I wish things could be different...”

Twilight's horn glimmered and cast off a light. There was a flash and hum, and Twilight Sparkle disappeared into the night.

“Twilight!” Applejack snapped. She ran towards the space Twilight was previously occupying. “Get back here! We need to sort this out!

Applejack raised her head up, screaming to the heavens.


Applejack brought her head down, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Come back...”

Author's Note:

It does feel a bit repetitive with Spike putting his foot in his mouth again. Oh look! Spike offended Rarity again and has to earn her forgiveness!... again! But this should be the last time. I think. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully. I hope.

I really hope, because when even the author is realizing he’s re-using a plot point... it should be fairly obvious something has gone wrong.
The pub Twilight and Applejack went to based on my own experiences with a pub. If it's inconsistent with yours, well, obviously we went to a different pub. Efficient edible straws! Soon to be followed by edible cups!

So, in effect, the first “arc” of the Color of Royalty ends, because everything else? Has been leading up to this. This chapter, right here. This chapter that's intended to tug at the heartstrings and twist in the knife more than any of the ones that before it.

Now I just need to figure out where the ones after it are supposed to go...

This chapter was proofread by Indeliblink on Fimfiction! Give 'em a big round of applause, everybody!