• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 5,698 Views, 142 Comments

The Color of Royalty - Darkryt Orbinautz

Spike has a crush on Rarity. But when Rarity claims she's found her true love, Spike is left devastated. In a surprising twist, the one to mend his broken heart may be ... Princess Celestia. Of course, Twilight's not okay with this.

  • ...

All Take And No Give

Celestia, having enjoyed her night out with Spike, offered to walk him home at night. On the doorstep of the library, they waved goodbye to each other, and Celestia spread her wings and flew back to Canterlot.

Going inside, Spike closed the door and rested on it, sighing to himself. He heard footsteps outside and realized somepony else was coming and he needed to get out of the way, so he moved.

The door swung open, and Twilight Sparkle and Applejack walked in.

“Oh, hi, girls.” Spike said, trying to act cool as he put his claw against the wall. “What are you doing back here so soon?”

“Twilight's had a long night, so I figured I'd offer to walk her home.” Applejack said. She looked away from Spike after speaking, crossing her front leg across her other front leg in a nervous gesture.

“Yes ...” Twilight glared daggers at Spike. “A long night.”

Spike tried to deflect with a nervous smile. “Uh, hey! Just because you didn't have good night, don't go taking it out on those who of us who did.”

“Well, that would be fine, except “those of us” who DID have a nice night are directly responsible for the reason why some of us didn't.” Twilight snarled at her, baring her teeth. She put a hoof to her forehead and sighed. “Ugh. Forget it. I don't want to have this conversation with you right now. I'm going to bed.” Twilight marched up the steps.

“Good night!” Spike shouted to her as she left. Twilight ignored him and carried on her way.

“Well … I'll leave y'all be. Good night, Spike.” Applejack said.

“Good night, Applejack.” Applejack departed and Spike closed the door behind her. Spike bounced on his feet, ready to get sleep and wake up the next day to spend with Celestia.

Oh, but did he want to go to bed so soon after Twilight did? There was no way she would be asleep yet, and she would take the slightest excuse to yell at him.

Spike considered not going to bed, but he realized it was getting late, and if he were honest with himself, he knew he would admit he was just looking to stay up past his bedtime. So he brushed his teeth and risked going upstairs.

Twilight didn't recognize him with anything more than frustrated grunt and rolling to face away from him. Spike crawled into his basket, happy despite how clear it was Twilight was more than upset with him.

The following day, Twilight and Spike woke up and performed their morning routine. Brushing their teeth, brushing their mane and head scales, going through the morning checklist (for Twilight) and eating breakfast. They settled for cereal this morning.

After finishing his bowl, Spike laid his spoon down the table and crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied sigh.

“So … I was thinking of writing a letter to Princess Celestia, asking her to come over. You know, learn more about her.”

This got the response anyone other than Spike would have expected out of Twilight. Twilight laid her silverware down, slammed her hoof on the table, and glared at Spike with a U-shaped frown.

“Right.” Spike clicked his tongue and pointed. “Should have seen that coming.” Spike hopped out of his chair and went to write the letter. Twilight took it upon herself to put the dishes away.

Spike got out his quill and parchment. “Dear Princess Celestia, this is Spike writing. I was wondering if you could come over today ...”

Twilight hung her head and grunted. “Do you have to write it out loud, Spike?”

Spike chuckled. “Sorry. Where was I?” He aimed the quill at the parchment as though it were a throwing dart and jabbed the parchment where his letters cut off.

I was wondering if you could come over today. I would love to spend some more time with you and get to learn more about you. We could tell each other about ourselves! Yours truly, Spike.

Spike rolled up the parchment and blew flames onto it, his magical dragon fire teleporting it to the Princess.

Before the time Twilight could shoot off another glare, there was a reply back from the Princess.

Dear Spike,

I'm flattered you think of me so much, and as much as I enjoy seeing both you and Twilight Sparkle, I'm afraid I can't come over today. I am a Princess, Spike. I have responsibilities. I cannot drop everything and shove everything onto Luna every time you're stricken with the desire to see me. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

“Oh … okay.” Spike was deflated by her reply. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

“What? What is it? What did she say?” Twilight asked, showing concern for Spike for what felt the like first time in too long.

“She said she couldn't come over because she has to deal with Princess business.” Spike said. He held up the letter and rotated it, as if looking for some secret message or some other expression of affection, say, a flower wrapped inside the parchment, or something of the nature. “There's got to be a way she can make more time for me …”

“As much as you seem to think otherwise, she's not Rarity, Spike.” Twilight said. “Running a country is a lot more work than operating a clothing business.”

“Yeah … hey, maybe I can volunteer to do some of her Princess work for her! That way, she'd have more time for me, right?”

“Ha! Good luck with that.” Twilight said. “Princess Celestia wouldn't give you any job you don't qualify for, and I bet there a lot of them. Besides, don't you realize you taking over some of her responsibilities means you wouldn't have the time for her? You're just making a trade-off.”

“Oh, yeah, right.” Spike looked at the letter. “Well, maybe we could spend time together on the job? Or … maybe you could volunteer and take over some of her duties.”

Twilight responded with a silent, angry glare.

“Come on, Twilight!” Spike rolled up the letter up and held it behind his back. “You know you can't stop what's going between me and Celestia, so you might as well help! If you can't beat them, join them, right?”

Twilight remained silent, still as a statue, as if her expression was stuck on her face.

“Uh, I mean .. you can't stop true love!” Spike swiped an eager fist through the air. “Right? Please, Twilight? I want to spend more time with her and get to know her more. I've been learning so much about her I didn't know before! A side to her I've never seen, and I want to get to know her the way a a good boyfriend should know his Very Special Somepony.”

Twilight kept up her unrelenting silence. She turned away from Spike and went up the stairs.

“Fine.” Spike held the letter up. “I'll just go talk to somepony else.” Spike hobbled to the front entrance and opened the door. He was surprised to see Applejack there, for the second time in a row.

“Hey, Applejack.”

“Howdy, Spike.” Applejack took her hat off and held it over her chest. “Is-Is Twilight home?”

“Yeah.” Spike pointed a thumb over his shoulder. “She's upstairs.” Spike began to walk past her, but he stopped, getting an idea. “Hey … you wouldn't happen to know anything about Princess Celestia's schedule, would you?”

“I'm pretty sure I don't know anything more about the Princess than Twilight. Why don't y'all ask her?”

Spike glared to the side. “Uh, yeah, well … thanks anyway.” He supposed he couldn't blame Applejack for not knowing he already tried asking Twilight, and what a bad idea it was.

“You're welcome, Spike.”

Spike went off on his own. Applejack entered the library and closed the door, seeking to maintain some privacy between her and Twilight.

“Twilight?” Applejack called, walking into the house.

Twilight was halfway up the stairs when she heard Applejack calling her name. “Hello, Applejack! What are you doing here?”

“Thought I'd come by and check up on ya.” Applejack put her hat back on as Twilight walked down the stairs. “Make sure you were doing okay after, you know, everything that happened last night.”

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed. “I'm … fine, Applejack.”

“Y'all sure about that?”

Twilight placed a hoof to her forehead. “I've been better. I'm still … functional, though.”

Functional. That's a good word. Applejack thought. It means everything's functioning. Everything is in working order. It's more than I can say for myself, some nights.

“Why don't you tell me about it, Twilight?” Applejack offered.

Twilight took in a deep breath. “It's awful! Not only is Princess Celestia dating Spike, which is highly suspect in of itself, but when I try to voice my concerns to her, she dismisses me out of hand! What am I, a child?”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack knew to expect the floodgate of words which about to come out of Twilight's mouth, so she was going to smile and nod.

“And Spike! What is he thinking, dating the Princess? She's a nine-hundred years older than him at the least, and that's being generous! And you just know that's he's only using her as a substitute for Rarity. I mean, think about it! Both Rarity and Celestia – and don't you dare tell Rarity I said this about her – but they're both white, voluptuous unicorns with long, flowing manes. Seriously, don't let Rarity know I called her voluptuous. She'd never let me hear the end of it.” Twilight paused. “Actually, on second thought, don't let Celestia know either.”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack nodded and raised an eyebrow. “Twilight? How would you … describe … me?”

“You?” Twilight asked. “Uh, well, you're honest … kind, hardworking.”

Applejack shook her head. “That's not what I meant, Twilight. You said Rarity and Celestia were voluptuous. I mean, how would you describe me … physically? How would you describe … my body?”

“You? Uh, you're, uh ...” Twilight stammered, at a loss for words. What an odd question. “You're buff! And toned and muscular.”

Applejack stared at Twilight for a minute before looking to the floor. “I see.”

“Hey, don't worry, Applejack.” Twilight said. “You're also blonde! I know lots of colts are into blondes!”

Applejack lifted her head up. “Yeah.” Applejack laughed and smiled. “Colts.”

Twilight wasn't sure what was so funny, but she laughed with A.J. She laughed with her friend. “Applejack? Thanks for coming by and checking on me, and listening to me go on. It … it means a lot to me that you would do that.”

Applejack's ears perked up, her hopes being teased.

“As a friend.” Twilight continued.

Applejack's ears flopped down.

“You know, I've been so caught up with my feelings and my problems, I haven't asked you're feeling. How are you feeling, Applejack?”

How do I feel? Applejack thought. I feel ...


Twilight adopted a confused look. “Hollow? What -what do you mean by, 'hollow,' Applejack?”

“Oh, shoot. Did I say that out loud? That was supposed to stay inside my head.” Applejack turned towards the door. “Well, I'll get out of your hair.”

“Oh, it's no trouble, A.J! You're not in my hair at all. I don't have anything planned for the day. You can stay, if you want.”

Applejack was already at the door. Holding the door, she gave Twilight a saddened look. “Trust me, Twilight. It's really better if I go.” Applejack prepared to close the door.

“Applejack, wait!”

Applejack halted.

“Between you this morning and Rarity last night, you've all been acting weird lately. Is something going on? Is there something I don't know about?”

Applejack sighed. “Rarity's fine, Twilight. But … yes, there's something you don't know.”

“Okay.” Twilight said. “Would you like to tell me what that something is?”

“More than anything.”

Twilight wasn't sure how to respond to that. “Would you ... care to tell me the something you would like to me?”

“No, not really. I … I'm sorry, Twilight. I can't.” Tears began to form in the corners of Applejack's eyes. “It's just too painful. I-I can't tell you.”

“Hey.” Twilight said. She walked over to Applejack and put her hooves on Applejack's shoulders. “It's okay. If you can't tell me right now, that's fine. I understand if it's too painful right now or if something's stopping you. But when you're ready, you just let me know, and I'll be there for you, waiting to listen. I'm your friend, okay? That's what friends do for each other.”

Applejack sniffed. “Okay … thank you, Twilight.”

“Okay.” Twilight smiled. “There. No more tears.” Twilight took her hooves and wiped the tears from Applejack's eyes. “Okay?”

Applejack nodded.

With Twilight holding Applejack's cheeks the in the tender, caring way she was, it would have been easy to turn this into a romantic moment. All Applejack had to do was reach her legs out, wrap them around Twilight's neck, and pull her in close for a kiss. It would be … so easy. But Applejack wouldn't. She couldn't do that to Twilight, to her friend. If she was going to confess, she was going to do it the way she knew how; with honesty. No unwilling or unwanted surprise kisses.

Applejack grabbed Twilight's hooves and lifted them off her cheeks. She pushed herself away from Twilight.

“Goodbye, Twilight.”

“Goodbye, Applejack.” Twilight said with sincerity. She watched Applejack walk for a short distance before closing the door.

As Applejack headed back to Sweet Apple Acres, or anywhere which wasn't the library, really, she was observed by Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, for once unaccompanied, without Hayseed by her side. The four of them were enjoying an early lunch together.

“Poor thing.” Rarity said. “So much heartache inside her ...”

“I wonder what's upsetting her?” Fluttershy asked.

Rarity grimaced, realizing she hadn't told Fluttershy or the others about Applejack's crush, and her words might have been a slip-up. Rarity hoped they wouldn't catch on. It wasn't Rarity's secret to tell.

“She looks sad.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah … come on, guys, we gotta do something!” Rainbow Dash rested her head on her hoof and turned away. “I can't stand to see A.J like this. How am I supposed to hoofwrestle my chief athletic rival when she's like … that?”

Pinkie Pie threw her hooves on the table and let out a loud gasp. “You know what we should do for her? WE SHOULD THROW A PARTY!”

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash turned to each other, each of them nodding and murmuring agreement.

“Ordinarily, I might object to your proposed parties being the solution for everything, but I think a good get-together could be just what Applejack needs.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash said. “A chance to forget about her problems, drink a lot of punch, get drunk, and do something stupid ...”

“A chance to sit down and be quiet with friends.” Fluttershy said. “And talk about what's bothering her with no one to judge her for it.”

Rarity let out a nervous chuckle. “Well, I'm not so sure about that idea ...”

“We'll host it at Sugarcube Corner.” Pinkie Pie said. “Rainbow Dash, you're charge of drinks – non-alcoholic.” Pinkie Pie stressed with a growl, and Rainbow Dash was frightened enough to nod her head and obey Pinkie's demand. “I'm trusting you on this. Don't let me down, Dashie. Fluttershy, you get to be in charge of entertainment, and Rarity, you get to help me with decorations. Let's try to go something soothing and relaxing, with lots of blues and lavender.”

“I'll get my bird choir to sing a relaxing ballad.” Fluttershy said.

“You can count on us!” Rainbow Dash saluted.

Pinkie Pie glared at Dash.

“Yes, I'll make sure it's non-alcoholic. Though … I might bring a bottle for myself.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy exclaimed in appall.

“What? I'm just joking, heh.”

“Um … maybe not lavender, darling.” Rarity said. “Just … trust me on this one, okay?”

“Okay!” Pinkie Pie said. “I expect to see all of you at Sugarcube Corner in three hours. Except you, Rarity.” Pinkie Pie reached over and picked Rarity up, lifting her over head. “You're coming with me now.” Pinkie Pie sped off in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, leaving behind a trail of dust.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked to each other in shock.

“How does she think we can be ready for a party in three hours?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“How can she be ready for a party in three hours?” Fluttershy said. “I mean, I might understand if she had been planning this, but this was a spur-of-the-moment idea ...”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, and the two of them went their separate ways to fetch the required items.

The party was all set up and decorated, with invitations handed out. Sugarcube Corner was dressed up with soft blue and soft pink streamers on the wall, along with apple-shaped balloons with smiley-faces drawn on them. Pinkie would have preferred to the pink streamers to be a louder shade of pink, but Rarity shut her down.

The party was supposed to be low-key, so only Twilight's group of friends, some family members, plus a few friends and plus-ones were invited.

“I'm just saying, a brighter pink would have brightened the place up a lot more!” Pinkie said.

“Hush, Pinkie Pie. What's done is done.” Rarity said. “Of course, you'd like to replace and change all the streamers in the middle of the party, I won't stop you.”

Pinkie Pie raised her hoof, but she deflated as she realized how rude it would be to change decorations right as the party was getting going.

“How are the drinks, Rainbow Dash?' Pinkie Pie asked.

“Perfect.” Dash said, stirring the punch with a ladle.

“And … non-alcoholic, like I said?” Pinkie asked.

“Sure. Maybe. Aw, come on, Pinkie Pie, I'm just messing with you. Don't look at me like that.”

Pinkie waved a hoof at Dash to show she was forgiven. She looked around the room and saw Applejack, standing alone by the counter with a glass of punch in hoof, and unnoticed by Pinkie, a safe distance away from Twilight while still being able to look at her.

Pinkie Pie walked up to Applejack. “Hey, Applejack!”

“Hey, Pinkie Pie.” Applejack said. She gave a bored look around the room and sipped her punch. “Nice party ya got here. Even I still don't know quite understand what it's for ...”

“It's for you, silly!”

“For me? What's the occasion?”

“Well, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and I all saw you walking away from Twilight's house earlier.” Pinkie Pie said. “You looked so upset and we just couldn't stand it, so we threw this party to cheer you up! See, that's why we have the smiling apple balloons, see?” Pinkie Pie grabbed one balloon and held it up for Applejack to see. She let the balloon go. “Now, why don't you tell Auntie Pinkie what's on your mind? What's got you so upset, huh? Huh?”

Applejack closed her eyes and looked away. She placed her cup of punch on the counter. “It's nothing, Pinkie Pie. I don't want to talk about it.”

“Oh, come on, Applejack! You're surrounded by friends. Whatever it is, we won't judge you. Just let go!"

“I said I don't want to talk about it!” Applejack snapped.

Pinkie Pie was stunned by Applejack's outburst. It was unusual for Applejack to raise her voice. She was naturally loud, sure, but this was something else.

“I'm sorry.” Applejack said after a moment.

Rarity came to Pinkie Pie's aid, grabbing Pinkie by the leg. “Pinkie Pie, darling, I rather get the feeling she doesn't want talk about it right now. Why don't we go somewhere else?”


Rarity dragged Pinkie Pie away, giving Applejack a wink.

Rarity took Pinkie Pie to the table where Rarity had left her own cup. They sat down, and Rarity took a sip, holding her cup to the light and gazing at her reflection in the pink liquid.

“So, Rarity, what's going on with you?” Pinkie Pie asked cheerily.

Rarity stared at her reflection. In the relative quiet of Pinkie's little intimate get-together, Rarity had time alone with her thoughts. She thought about her actions over the last few days and had reached a sobering conclusion about herself.

“I'm an enabler.” Rarity said. “Excuse me, darling.” Rarity put the cup down and walked away from the table, needing a minute to process this.

This was enough to make Pinkie's smile falter and shrink, but not enough to make it go away entirely. Pinkie decided she wanted to go talk to somepony else, maybe Fluttershy. Surely Fluttershy wouldn't have any angry outburst or dark realizations to share.

Applejack, meanwhile, looked around the room. For the most part, she was bored, not caring to talk to anypony, until she noticed something she dreaded.

Big Macintosh was walking up to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle stopped and looked up at him, recognizing he wanted to talk to her.

Big Macintosh opened his mouth to speak, but somepony talked over him.

“Twilight, darling? Would you come over here, please?”

“I'll be right there, Rarity.” Twilight said. “Just let me talk to Big Macintosh.”

“I'd really prefer if you'd come over now. It's time-sensitive!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Big Macintosh. I better go so what she's up to. You know how Rarity can be. Maybe another time.”

Big Macintosh nodded and Twilight walked over to Rarity.

Rarity waved at Applejack, letting her know she was safe.

That's two times Rarity's saved my hide in one night. Next thing you know, I'm gonna be doing chores for her. Applejack thought.

“What is it, Rarity?” Twilight asked. “What's so time-sensitive that you wanted me to see?”

“It's the decorations, darling.” Rarity pointed to them. “I needed to get your opinion on them before the party was over. Do you think they look too bright? Or dull? Or drab?”

Twilight hung her head. “That's what you wanted to talk me about? This is what so important it couldn't wait until I got done talking to Big Mac? The decorations?”

“Don't look at me like that, darling.” Rarity said. “This could decide the future of how Pinkie's parties are decorated! Why, if this takes off, I could open another business venue in home décor! Rarity's Decorations. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?”

“They look fine, Rarity.”

While Rarity continued to distract and stall Twilight, their conversation fading into background chatter, Applejack made her way over to Big Macintosh, who was plenty displeased.

“Y'all don't think I don't know what's going on here?” Big Macintosh asked. “Rarity calls Twilight over when I just happen to be trying talk to Twilight and tell how you feel? That's not a coincidence, is it?”

Applejack sighed. “No. Look, Big Macintosh, I know you're upset, and I know you want me to deal with this, but please. Don't tell Twilight. Not just yet.”

“Hmph! And if I don't, who will? You?”

“Yes! In fact, I'm making good progress on that.”

“Really?” Big Macintosh asked.

“Yes, really. Look, I know you're skeptical, and y'all have every right to be. But earlier today, we were talking, and she agreed she would be there waiting for me when I was ready to tell her.”

“And when will that be?” Big Macintosh asked.

“I … I don't know. I'm working on that. Please, Big Macintosh. Don't tell her. Not yet. I just – I just need a little more time.”

Big Macintosh looked none too happy about this, but he acquiesced to her request. “I'll wait as long as I can, A.J. But I ain't shore how long I can wait, understand?”

“Understood.” Applejack smiled. “Thanks, big brother.”

“Hmph.” Big Macintosh huffed and walked away.

Applejack turned back around. Rarity was waving to Twilight, who was eager to get away from Rarity after a long conversation about house decorating. Rarity, seeing Big Macintosh had gone, approached Applejack.

“How did it go?” Rarity asked. “With your brother, I mean.”

“It went okay.” Applejack said. “He's just worried about me, that's all, and he wants to do what he thinks is best for me.”

“But what he thinks is best for you and what you think is best for you are two totally different things.” Rarity said. “Am I right?”

“Yeah. That's about the sum of it.” Applejack brought her hat over her chest, the way she always did when her emotions were heavy.

Rarity and Applejack were soon joined by Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. But before any of those three could get a conversation going, they were interrupted by Spike.

“Hey girls.” Spike asked, holding Celestia's letter between his hands. “I was wondering if I could ask you something.”

“Shoot.” Applejack said.

“What do any of you know about Celestia's schedule?”

“Uh, not much.” Applejack said.

“I imagine it's something like 'raise the sun in the morning, do royal business, lower the sun at night.'” Rainbow dash said.

“Perhaps enjoying some of the finer aspects of being a princess, like foreign, imported cuisine or a warm, bubbly bath with waters carried in from volcanic hot springs.” Rarity said.

“Maybe she makes time every day to get pet the creatures in the royal garden.” Fluttershy said dreamily. “Or at least once a week.”

“Oh! Oh! Or maybe she goes off an adventures to a magical land made of chocolate and candy to fight the evil Lord Sourpuss while leaving a robot duplicate of herself to deal with all the boring royal stuff.” Pinkie Pie earned herself some odd looks. “What? It could happen.”

“Why do you ask, Spike?” Rarity said.

“She's really busy, you know, being a Princess.” Spike said. “So she doesn't have a whole lot of time for me. I was hoping I could fix that. You know, find something she didn't have to do that maybe I could do for her, so we could spend a little time together at the end of the day and get to know each other better.”

Rarity chuckled. “Well, I admire your romantic ideals, but I'm afraid I just don't think that's possible. Not with the Princess.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash said. “She probably has lots of royal stuff that only a Princess knows how to do, or maybe she's the only even allowed to do it by some foreign dignitary or something.”

“A healthy relationship is based on a fair amount of give and take.” Fluttershy said. “I think it's adorable you want to do Celestia's work for her, but you can't just take away her work so she has more time for you. You have to give to her and meet her halfway if you want this to work, and that means being patient with her until she can find a day off to spend time with you.”

“Trust me.” Rarity said. “Fluttershy's right. Take it from somepony who found about that delicate balance the hard way.” Rarity looked to the floor, memories of Sweetie Belle on her mind.

“Yeah. She's the Princess, Spike. It's not like she can shirk off her responsibilities at the drop of a hat every time y'all want to see her.” Applejack said.

Spike yelled in frustration and threw his quill into the ground. “You know what? Forget it. You're all just like Twilight. I'll go get my relationship advice from someone else!” Spike stormed out of the building.

Rainbow Dash an eyebrow. “What's with him?”

“Oh, it's nothing. He's just upset because we told him the truth instead of what he wanted to hear.” Fluttershy said. “But he'll come around. He has to, if he wants this relationship with Celestia to last.”

There was a hum and a flash of bright light. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were scooped up into a hug by a lion paw and eagle talon.

“Why, hello, my little ponies!” Discord said. “I heard there was a party happening, and well, thought I'd stop by.”

“Discord.” Applejack struggled to get free of his grip. “I don't remember Pinkie Pie saying she would invite y'all.”

Discord was displeased with her comment enough to drop the five of them to the floor. “Well, yes. Obviously, I figured it must have gotten lost in the mail. It's so hard to give good directions to my house.” Discord disappeared and reappeared in another white flash, appearing by Fluttershy with his serpentine body curled up. “So, tell me. What's the news? What's been going on lately? What's hip and happening, hmm?”

“Spike is struggling with dating Princess Celestia.” Fluttershy said.

The rest of the girls grimaced.

“Ooh … not sure I'd have told him that, Fluttershy.” Applejack said.

“I trust him.” Fluttershy said. “Besides, he knows he'll get in trouble if he misbehaves."

Discord's smug, arrogant grin faded, replaced by an angry frown. He uncurled himself, straightened up, and glared out the door. “Oh, is he?”

“Mm-hmm.” Fluttershy nodded. “It's quite adorable, really.”

“I gotta say, though.” Rainbow Dash said. “Rarity seem to be pretty chill with it, more than the rest of us. What's your secret, Rarity?”

“Oh, you know. I've seen it before.” Rarity said.

Discord's ears twitched. “Really? You have?”

“You've seen a dragon and a Princess date before?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, no, darling. I meant I've seen this set-up before. Young, eager male seeks attractive, mature woman. Elderly woman seeks youthful boy to make her feel young again. It's a story I've seen more than a few times.”

“I'm not so sure Celestia would be dating Spike just to make herself feel young again.” Applejack said.

“Yeah. Wouldn't she have, like, a fountain of youth or something for that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“What do you think, Discord?” Fluttershy asked.

“What do I think?” Discord said. “Well, I think it's a very lovely party, Pinkie Pie, but I really must be going. Perhaps I'll even talk to Spike, give him a few tips on dating … Celestia.” The name left his lips like a cloud of poisonous gas.

“You do mean actual tips, don't you?” Fluttershy asked. “You're not going to hurt him, are you?”

“Oh, I would do nothing of the sort!” Discord said. “No, no, I'm just going to give him a finger in the right direction.” Discord popped an index finger off his wrist, and it turned into a traffic sign with an arrow on it. “Do enjoy your party, dears.”

Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared.

“Well, that was weird.” Rainbow Dash said. “Even for Discord, I mean.”

“Oh, I do hope he doesn't hurt Spike.” Fluttershy said. “I would feel awful if that happened. Not only would Spike be hurt, but I'd have to punish him! Maybe I shouldn't have told him about Celestia.”

Rarity put a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. “I'm sure it'll be all right. In fact, I have half a mind I know what Discord's thinking ...”

“Oh yeah? How do you know?” Dash asked.

“Lady's intuition, dear.” Rarity said. “A lady can tell when certain things are going through a boy's head, and I bet I know what's going through Discord's.”

“Really? What?”

“He's jealous.”

“Jealous.” Rainbow Dash nodded, satisfied with the answer. “Yeah, okay … wait. He's Discord. What could he possibly be jealous about?” Rainbow Dash turned to ask Rarity, but Rarity and Applejack had already walked away, leaving Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy to figure it out for themselves.

Author's Note:

As I was going over this chapter, it's occurred to me that I seem to be really having a problem with beige prose as of late.

I kinda feel like Fluttershy's speech comparing Spike's situation to the "Give and Take" dilemma might could have been better phrased, but I couldn't really figure a way to improve it.

And yes, Discord is the drake Celestia was alluding to in Chapter 2. I had originally meant for this to be more of a surprise plot twist, but given the way Discord appears here and what he says, I think it's pretty obvious. I wrote it so that Rarity gets it but the others don't so I can still kind of treat like a surprise, at least for the characters.