• Member Since 27th Dec, 2013
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I have a dream... where fanfiction does not have to consist of Mary Sues and terrible Grammar.

Comments ( 343 )

Actually not bad dont know what the dis likes were about... I need to get to the RP. So see you once i post.

Stop. This a tired concept and it's fucking stupid. Stop.

Oh? May I ask as to how so? I know a dark equestria is ever done, I know it is cliched. If you can, I would like to know how to make it better.


No, Tirek winning. It's been highly overused ever since the S4 finale. Plus, there's the HiE part. If I could suggest something, have Celestia and Luna attempt to have the Mane Six reform Tirek the same they did with Discord.


While I haven't been reading much fanfics, I had no idea that the 'Tirek winning' thing was over done. I try to do my own thing with concepts. But what you are suggesting at the end is a different story all together. And it doesn't sound like it would work or make sense. Tirek is a power hungry monster while Discord was just a dude who wanted to have fun. He may have caused chaos, but he never hurt anybody like Chrysalis or Sombra. Now that I know that it has been done over and over, can we talk more on how to make this cliched concept at least a bit original?

4648672 Tirek can be reformed without being the Joker. They need to show him what he did was wrong and try to make him see positively. As for this story... there's really no way you can make it original. You just... can't, I'm sorry.


I thank you for being honest with me. And now that I know trying to be original in the story is futile, I might as well just have fun with it. I spent months working on ideas for this tale so I might as well use them. And plus, I don't want to do a reformation story to be honest. Sorry, just my opinion. Though, your feedback is helpful and I appreciate it.

Welp. This is no longer a story for you guys. I can't make this original and, well, good. So, this is just going to be an ego stroking trip and just have fun. Plus, I'm going to see how dark and messed up I can make this version of Equestria.

>Original story
Everything new is just combination of some things old.

4649547 Well, you know what could be interesting? Having Vinyl as one of the few ponies to still have magic, and have her be a "magic trafficker" of sorts.


Actually, you might be on to something there. My story has an element in it called synthetic magic, in which Tirek created for ponies to let them know that they need him. But he made the stuff at half strength as to make sure nopony would oppose him. He ponies are reliant on their magic to cast spells, cultivate, and control the weather. And Tirek wants them to know, if they don't obey, they won't be able to live. So, I guess I could have Vinyl smuggle the stuff to the resistance movement and those who cant afford it during her shows.

4651029 The thing is, she still has full-strength natural magic, along with a select few other ponies. She knows how to produce it for other ponies, which is what a magic trafficker entails. As a matter of fact, Neon Lights, in my headcanon, is a mob boss. Maybe he could be allied with Vinyl.

(On an unrelated note, maybe, since synthetic magic is half-strength, non-traffickers have transparent cutie marks.)

4652031 Thats your thing. But yeah, I can see that happening. The only way I can have her still have her magic is if she is also a spy but being a smuggler could complicate that. But, I'll see what I can do.

I really could use a proof reader for this story.

if you want focus on the physiological parts of the story the parts that sends the human into a mental hell, research some psychology if you intend to do this (i should lol). find every story with the same concept and read a chapter or two figure out what they do and if you can don't do it Cliches are only game killers if you make the characters impossible to relate with. but still never depend on them to support your story i have read many stories, wrote a few and received plenty of advice from my betters last thing heed advice, and more importantly make sure you enjoy writing the story.

Actually, I'm just doing this for fun now. I really don't care if I get any negative comments about this. This story is for me now.

Woo. Second chapter almost done. Hopefully the... I don't know, seven people who like this story get to read it soon.

Comment posted by Toa from Siberia deleted Jul 12th, 2014


Do you have anything that could help me make it better? because that would be much more helpful than telling me to throw in the towel.

4682388 Well, the first thing is - it's better show the story to someone before publishing, so that you could deal with the mistakes beforehand, rather than trying to change something when the story has already been published.

Secondly, the story doesn't need a huge description. 3 - 5 sentences will do just fine.

Thirdly, don't rush. A good description of the emotion/situation/action/etc wouldn't hurt.

And, that's about it really.

4682428 Thank you. That is very helpful and I shall take your words into consideration.

I'm downvoting at the description words: Fetus-Eating. That's as bad as 'Newborn Porn" in A Serbian Film.

I know that it isn't right to downvote without reading the fic, but those words make me deeply disturbed.

4683503 Yeah. I went to a very dark place when I thought up this story. I may have gone a little over board on the dark stuff. Then again, no one likes my lighter creations so I guess we all had it coming.

However, if you guys turn away from this due to the description, I should point out that the stuff doesn't show up until later on in the story. As of now, all I have to show for my little atrocity(See what I did there) is a crappily written mess that just so happens to have zombie changelings in it.

4683789 I'm not talking about just my story. My artwork in general. I've come up with a lot of story ideas for RP's and such. And no one ever wants to do my lighter ideas. On top of that, the same goes for my artwort. They always pic the dark and strange stuff over my elegant and expressive. So, I give up on lighter art entirely.

4683818 Don't give up on lighter stuff just because some people don't like it, I can guarantee that there are plenty of people who do and if you DO make dark stuff.... please don't include infant eating... because it's fucking AWFUL

4683833 I know. Maybe after I am done with this one, I'll try to give it a go. And yeah, I know. Its awful stuff. Then again, this is an awful story written by an awful person.

4683879 Says you. You don't have a story where (SPOILER ALERT) Fluttershy is kept in a minotaur breeding dungeon force to birth new soldiers or food for the griffins for the last three years.

4683883 Are you trying to get me to dislike you? Is this some kind of self-destructive confession? Is this fic a sort of way to convince yourself of that? Cause it isn't working.

4683897 No, nothing of the sort. I'm not really all that confident in myself or my work. This fic was supposed to be just a story I made after a very vivid nightmare. I am not a self destructive person, I'm just not an optimistic person.

4683897 I have ideas to share, but I'm afraid of rejection. This story was supposed to be something for me to not be afraid of such things. Something for me to just not care for once of what others thought. In retrospect, I do wish it was a bit lighter. But this is just how it turned out.

4683910 Be confident in your work, but know the limits to how dark you can go and try to practice controlling your dreams, because those must be some seriously fucked-up nightmares.

4683921 You have no idea. Compared to the other stuff, fetus consumption is at the bottom of the fucked up list of things that go through my head.

4683926 Then watch the show more and find ways to banish your demons.

4683931 I do watch it. In fact, I've memorized the good ones. But this story wasn't my first idea. In fact, my real first idea was where Twilight accidently summoned a human at her exam for Celestia's school when she hatched Spike. In which, the human became her younger brother.

4683944 Why not do that? You can make it different from the others, you can make it good, I'm sure of it.

4683975 I tried to be honest. Yet, I failed to find the right words for it. I'm not good with light hearted stuff. I know that. I'm like Stanley Kubrick without the talent. I'm good at the dark stuff, but I want to do something whimsical and fun.

4684004 You mean make a story that has dark elements but a fun atmosphere in which I reuse the same actor over and over? I dunno, maybe in another story.

4684055 Okay, I've been thinking about it and... maybe you're right. I over stepped on the dark stuff and I should take it back a bit. However, I could use some assistance with this story, maybe see how far I should go with the dark stuff and how far I should take it back. So, can you help me please?

4684078 I have many things, but I'll try to help when I can :pinkiesmile:

4684089 I just need your help filtering my ideas. I'm not asking you to help me build it from the ground up. I have my own ideas that I'd like to share through this story.

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