• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 3,459 Views, 53 Comments

Child Of Misery - Nebula Star

Four thousand years ago alicorns ruled over all other mortal races. Then the mortal races rebelled against their tyranical masters. The alicorns were hunted down and either killed or imprisoned. They should have killed them all.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Mask

Child of Misery
By Nebula Star

Chapter 2: The Mask

It started as a soft chuckle of somepony unable to hide their amusement, but soon became the open laughter of somepony that seen or heard some grand joke, and finally graduated to the loud and haughty laughter of somepony who had just seen their most devious plans come to fruition.

Achlys laughed as Celestia hung in the air in front of her, unable to move, trapped by a powerful spell. Celestia just glared back at her realizing all too late how foolish she had been. She was trapped and Achlys had already shut the door so it was unlikely anypony would hear if she were to call for help. Doing so would only get whoever responded killed anyway.

For a time it seemed Achlys would never stop laughing. But then, finally, she raised a hoof and pointed at Celestia. “I knew... I knew, that you would come running the moment you sensed my power here.” She laughed a moment more shaking her head. “I bet you didn't even tell anypony where you were going did you? After all, you had to try to save your precious little princess.”

Celestia's glare hardened. “What have you done with Princess Twilight!?”

Achlys put a hoof to her chest feigning shock and pain. “Celestia, I'm hurt! You don't recognize me? And after all those years as your most faithful student...”

“What have you done with Twilight Sparkle!?” Celestia demanded again angrily.

“But I'm sitting right here!” She said, still mocking her with false pain. Then slowly she grinned with an wicked glint in her eyes. “I am Twilight Sparkle, Celestia. And Twilight Sparkle is me; she always has been.”

Celestia's anger faltered slightly, replaced momentarily by shock, but then her expression hardened again. “That's impossible. I've known Twilight since she was a filly; I practically raised her. Her family lives in Canterlot and I know them all as well. They've often told me stories of when Twilight was a foal.”

Achlys rolled her eyes. “Do you really think it's that hard for me to transform myself into a unicorn foal?”

“It doesn't matter!” Celestia shouted. “Twilight Sparkle is nothing like you! Even if you could have transformed yourself into a foal, nopony could keep up such an act for so long!”

“Who said it was an act?” Achlys said calmly then slowly smiled. “Twilight Sparkle was, shall we say, a substitute personality. A mask for the real me to hide behind while I recovered.”

Celestia's eyes narrowed again. “I would have seen through a mask.”

Achlys laughed and shook her head. “Dear, dear, Celestia. You still underestimate my skill. Twilight Sparkle was a work of art. An artificial soul I created from a fragment of my own, and then placed in control of my transformed body while I hid myself deep in her subconscious. She grew up completely unaware of my existence and her soul developed just as any normal foal's would. She is very much a product of her 'family.' As for them, they truly believed that Twilight was their daughter. I was very thorough. And no, I didn't take another foal's place.” She got to her hooves and began to pace in front of her.

“You see they never had a second foal of their own, despite what they believe. I not only altered records and forged documents pertaining to her 'birth' but I also altered their memories as well. I implanted memories in them and all those around them of a pregnancy and birth that never happened.

“They raised Twilight to be nothing like me, just as I had hoped they would, and so I had my perfect cover. But that wasn't the end of my plans, not by a long shot...”

“That's impossible!” Celestia interrupted angrily. “Tell me what you've done with Twilight Sparkle!”

She smiled. “Would you like to see your precious little princess again?”

Celestia just glared at her but Achlys took it as an affirmative. Her horn glowed and a ghostly apparition of Twilight appeared standing next to her. Ethereal tears streamed from her eyes as she looked up at her mentor, her expression full of guilt and fear.

“Princess... Achlys, she was inside me the whole time! I... I didn't know!” She cried then looked up at her with pleading eyes. “Please don't hate me!”

Celestia was left trembling, staring at the apparition as it faded away. It had been too close... too much like the real Twilight...

“Oh don't worry, dear Twilight, I'll make sure the only one the princess hates is herself for not seeing the truth earlier.” Achlys said looking up at Celestia's pained expression with a satisfied smirk.

“What's going on!?” A frightened voice shouted from the top of the stairs.

Celestia's eyes widened looking up at Spike as he stood looking back down at them worried. “Spike! RUN!” She shouted at the baby dragon, not wanting him to get involved.

It was already too late. Achlys's acid green magic wrapped around him, lifting him into the air.

“Hey! Let me go!” Spike shouted struggling uselessly in the magical aura.

“Don't hurt him!” Celestia pleaded, she'd helped Twilight raise Spike from the day he'd hatched. There was no denying she cared for the little guy.

“Hurt him?” Achlys said with a smirk. “Now why would I harm my most loyal servant?” Her horn glowed brighter for a moment and Spike stopped struggling in her aura as his eyes seemed to unfocus for a few seconds. Finally he seemed to come back to himself and glanced back and forth between Celestia and Achlys a few times.

“I take it your plan worked then, Lady Achlys?” It was Spikes voice, but speaking in a tone that he had never used before.

“Of course my plans worked, Deimos. It's me.” Achlys said putting him down. He didn't try to run.

“Deimos?” Celestia breathed looking down at Spike. She'd only heard that name once but she remembered it well.

“Come now, Celestia. Did you really think I'd go into hiding and not keep Deimos nearby just in case?" She said smiling in amusement at Celestia's confusion. “As I was saying, my plans didn't stop at creating dear Twilight and placing her in the care of a loving family. I planned for the long term. I planted a kind of subtle compulsion on Twilight's 'parents,' that would lead them to enroll her in your school for gifted unicorns and allowed her access to enough of my unicorn magic that she would do well. After all where better to hide then right under your nose.

“As for Deimos here, I shrunk him down with an age spell, locked his memories away, and encased him in an egg. I knew how your school liked to test young unicorns after all. I made sure the egg was found seemingly abandoned and then made sure to provide Twilight with enough power to hatch him when she was tested. That part of the plan did almost backfire however; Twilight somehow managed to draw out more of my power than I had intended and being hidden in the subconscious, I wasn't even aware of what was happening when she had her little 'surge.'”

She grinned. “I have to admit, I didn't intend for Twilight to become your personal student! And then the bearer of the element of magic! And finally becoming an alicorn herself and a princess as well! She exceeded even my plans and expectations! Oh, but it all worked out perfectly! You never once suspected anything was wrong with your precious student. And now, here we are.” She laughed softly.

Celestia glared down at Achlys feeling her heart breaking. It couldn't be true, and yet... She could feel her body trembling as tears rolled down her cheeks. And yet that apparition of Twilight had seemed so real... so much like the real Twilight.


“Come on!” Sweetie Belle mumbled as she clenched her teeth focusing with all her strength on casting the most difficult spell she'd ever tried. Her target, a simple recorder, was encased in the emerald glow of her magic. Beads of sweat began rolling down her forehead as she focused more and more of her willpower on casting the complex spell. Finally though, the strain became too much and she had to let go. The magic evaporated as she gasped feeling suddenly exhausted.

“Why is this so hard!” She grumbled glaring at the book with the spell's instructions that Twilight had lent to her. After more than two hours practicing the night before, and another half hour since she'd waken that morning, she still couldn't even tell if she was making any progress at all. She sighed and looked at her clock. It was still pretty early on a Saturday, but the library should be open by now; perhaps Twilight would be willing to help her with the spell a little more. She always seemed happy to teach after all.

Putting the book in her saddlebags and levitating them onto her back – so much easier than using her teeth – she set out to the library. She didn't bother telling her parents she was going out, they weren't even up yet anyway. Belatedly she wondered if trying to cast the come-to-life spell on musical instruments early in the morning had been a good idea. She shrugged it off though, after all, it hadn't worked anyway.

There weren't many ponies out and about yet as it was the start of the weekend and many were taking the opportunity to sleep in. But Sweetie Belle knew Princess Twilight well enough to know that her strict schedule rarely changed no matter what day of the week it was.

There was nopony around when she reached the Library, but just when she was about to knock she heard voices from inside and hesitated. She recognized the first voice and it wasn't one she expected to hear. “I will stop you, Achlys!” Princess Celestia's voice came through the door, filled with anger. There was laughter then a second voice answered.

“Now now, don't make threats you can't back up. You can't even move after all.”

Sweetie Belle knew she should probably be afraid, but curiosity was overriding caution. Carefully, she crept over to the window and very slowly peered inside. Her eyes widened when she saw princess Celestia floating in the air, caught in some kind of spell. “Do you really think this will hold me for long!?”

“Still you underestimate me? I've had centuries to perfect this spell, made specifically for capturing ponies of any strength. It draws power from the one it holds, so the more you struggle, the stronger the spell will become.” Sweetie Belle moved a little to the side and finally saw the other alicorn as she spoke.

Celestia gave a smirk of her own. “If that's the case, then all I have to do is surrender to the spell and it will fail, won't it.”

Achlys laughed. “You surrender to this spell and it will kill you!” Celestia's expression changed to worry then.

“There's no escape for you, Celestia. My spell will hold you no matter how much or how little you struggle until your strength fails you. Then, when you can no longer resist, it will kill you.”

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened. Who was this other alicorn? And what was she doing in Twilight's library!?

“You mean to kill me then?” Celestia growled.

“Of course. I did promise you I would, after all.”

“You'll fail!” Celestia said with certainty. “Even if your spell does manage to hold me, my sister will...”

“Your precious sister serves me,” Achlys cut her off with a smirk. “She always has. Ever since she first became Nightmare Moon.” She smiled wickedly up at the princess. “Where do you think she got that power?”

For a moment Celestia's confidence faltered but only a moment. “You're a fool if you think Luna would ever serve the likes of you!”

“You think so? Well we'll see who the fool is, won't we?” She smiled up at Celestia a few moments more then finally turned away and began pacing. “Your sister found me in the dream realm all those years ago. She was tormented and angry, desperate for power; power to rival yours so that she could finally escape your shadow. When she found me she was ready to do anything in order to beat you, even swear allegiance to an ancient imprisoned alicorn in exchange for power. My prison still held me in the real world, but even so, in the realm of dreams it was a trivial matter for me to grant her the power she desired.

“I was rather surprised when she was defeated and banished; I knew the power I had granted her should have made her far more powerful than you. It wasn't until much later that I learned about the elements of harmony.

“Had she won then, she had agreed to then find my prison and help to free me, but thanks to you I was left to slowly break down the imprisonment spell on my own. It took a great deal of time and power and when I finally did escape I was greatly weakened. Even so, you barely managed to defeat me. Now, however, my power is fully restored.”

She turned back to Celestia with a smirk. “You really were a fool to oppose me, a high council member of the Alicorn Imperium.”

Celestia glared down at her. “I will find a way, you won't win, Achlys.”

She just laughed shaking her head. “As much as I enjoy gloating, I do have a kingdom to cast into torment and suffering. But I can't very well leave you here for anypony to find now can I. After all, as unlikely as it is, somepony may manage to free you, and we can't have that. But where to keep you...” She trailed off pacing. Finally she turned back with a grin. “Ah, of course! I know just the place. Enjoy your final days Celestia, while they last.”

With that her horn lit up and a flash of light filled the library. When it cleared again, Celestia and the spell that held her were gone.

“Time to go, Deimos,” She said then started toward the door. She'd only taken a couple steps however when it seemed she suddenly decided to throw herself into the nearby shelves, managing to break a couple of the shelves so that books and a large jeweled box fell on top of her.

“Really, Twilight Sparkle!?” She growled angrily as she climbed back to her hooves. “You think it's a good idea to defy me!? I created you!”

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened. Twilight!? But where is she? She tried to look around the rest of the library, while at the same time remaining unseen through the window. The only other person she saw in the library though was Spike who was just standing there watching. Wait, what did she mean she created Twilight!?

“You know I was only keeping you around on the very slim chance I might find a use for you later; but if you're just going to cause problems then I might as well be rid of you now!” Achlys growled as if to herself, then her horn glowed. In that moment, Sweetie Belle witnessed something she would never be able to forget.

A ghostly image of Twilight appeared in front of the other alicorn looking up at her with fear but also a spark of defiance. Then a spell lashed out at her from Achlys. Twilight let out a scream that seemed to echo from a great distance, a scream of unbelievable agony. Her ghostly form exploded into shimmering stars and still the scream echoed through the library. By the time it was over, Sweetie Belle was trembling with shock and fear.

Achlys stared at the spot where the ghost of Twilight had vanished for a moment more with an angry sneer, then looked over her shoulder at Spike. “Let's go, Deimos.”

Spike hesitated a moment looking shocked as well but then nodded. “As you wish, my lady,” he said following her toward the door.

Eyes widening, Sweetie Belle realized they were coming outside and she was in plain sight of the door. In a panic, she dove for the nearest cover available: the library sign.

The door clicked open right as she stopped moving behind cover. She heard hoofsteps come out of the library onto the doorstep.

“Oh no, no, no. This will never do,” Achlys said making Sweetie Belle try to hide herself even further behind the sign. “This day is far too bright and cheerful. It's time to let ponies know there's been a change in management.”

Cautiously, Sweetie Belle peeked around the sign to see Achlys standing a few steps away from the library, looking up at the sky with her horn and eyes glowing. Spike a few steps behind her. What is she doing now? She wondered, almost afraid to find out. Then everything began to grow dark. It only took a glance at the sky to see why. The moon was moving in front of the sun, eclipsing it.

She can move the moon!? Sweetie Belle almost whimpered in fear but for once managed to remain silent. Then Spike looked right at her.

Sweetie Belle prepared to bolt as Spike's eyes widened in recognition. It was clear he was working for the alicorn, if he told her...

Spike just looked away again seeming to pretend he hadn't seen anything while Achlys finished setting the eclipse. But at the same time he made a small gesture with his claw for her to stay put.

“There, that's much better,” Achlys said admiring her work and how the entire world had been cast in permanent shadow for a moment before turning toward Spike. “Now, let's get you back to normal.”

“I'll probably need a little more space for that,” Spike said and walked out into the road in front of the library. Then Achlys cast another spell, her eyes once again glowing white with power. Sweetie watched around the far side of the sign as Spike's body began to change. His limbs stretched and his torso grew, great webbed wings sprouted from his back. Soon he was twice as big as Big Macintosh and rapidly growing bigger. His spines sharpened and became a darker green; his scales thickened and became almost black in color. His claws became long and sharp; the blade on the tip of his tail broadened and took on a deadly looking edge. And his snout lengthened, his jaws becoming lined with jagged teeth.

By the time the spell was over he stood easily ten times the size of even an alicorn and his body had the sleek agile looking build of a master predator. All in all he became the most terrifying dragon Sweetie Belle had ever seen. Hiding behind the sign again, Sweetie Belle tried desperately not to hyperventilate knowing that she'd be heard for sure.

“So where did you send Celestia, anyway?” The dragon that had been Spike asked in a far deeper voice.

“The prison chamber where we were held. I thought it was fitting,” Achlys answered as if it didn't matter.

“So, deep in the Everfree then. The magic interference from the forest should hide her pretty well,” he said as if approving of the choice.

“Yes, that's why I chose it,” Achlys agreed. “Now, it's time we made our way to Canterlot; I do have a throne to claim after all.”

“You lead, I will follow, as always,” The dragon said and a moment later Sweetie Belle heard the wing beats of the Alicorn as she took off followed a moment later by the tremendous concussive beats of the dragon following.

Sweetie Belle waited a moment more before slowly peaking around the corner of the sign. She spotted them already some ways out and barely visible in the dim light of the eclipsed sun. Slowly she crawled out from behind the sign. She wanted to collapse and cry. She wanted to run around panicking and screaming. She wanted to do something. But most of all she wanted it all to be a horrible dream.

Was Twilight really... Tears filled her eyes unable to finish the thought.

How could this be happening!? Celestia captured, Twilight... she didn't even want to think it, and Luna; would she really side with Achlys like the alicorn had believed? Sweetie Belle didn't want to believe it, not Luna! But if it was true then that would mean there was nopony left to even challenge Achlys. She would take over and then there was no telling what kind of horrors she would inflict on the ponies of Equestria.

No, somepony has to do something! But without Twilight, sis and the others couldn't use the Elements of Harmony even if they hadn't returned them to the tree. And the only ponies that could stand up to an alicorn are either already captured, turned or... gone.

Then her eyes widened as she remembered the last thing Achlys and the dragon had spoken of. But I know where Celestia is being held! Somewhere in the Everfree! I have to tell somepony! Sis!

With that she ran off toward Carousel Boutique as fast as her filly legs could carry her.

Author's Note:

I know what everyone is probably thinking: 'Did you just kill Twilight!?'
Please don't hate me...